“What is kindness?” - composition. Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Kindness” Kindness makes our lives

Kindness is a concept that accompanies us since kindergarten. We are taught to be kind, to do the right thing, to treat others well, and to try to correct evil people. At school, students often write essays on this topic. But since this concept is very broad, and sometimes it is not clear what should be written and what should not, it is necessary to understand the construction of the text. Let's figure out how to write an argumentative essay on the topic “Good.”

What will the student need?

First you need to know what the text consists of. This is the introduction, main part and conclusion.

The main part takes up more than ½ of the entire text, so the conclusion and introduction will require only 3-4 sentences for each part.

The student also needs to think about what exactly he will write about in his essay. And in order not to get confused, let's consider several options.

Writing an introduction

As we remember, the introduction is only a small part of the essay, but its significance is great. In the introduction we need to set the direction of the argument. For example:

  • A student can start an essay-reasoning on the topic “Good” with a personal reasoning. “Kindness is something that every person has in his soul. It is this quality that makes him do something for the benefit of others.”
  • Or you can do the opposite - ask a question in the introduction and then answer it in the main part. “What is good? Maybe it's a feeling? Innate quality? Or is it a character trait that develops over the years? This question is not as easy to answer as it seems at first glance.”

You can choose your entry option. Let's move on to the main part.

Main part

In the main part, an essay-reasoning on the topic “Good” should fully convey your thoughts, attitude towards this concept and personal ideas. It’s quite simple to do this, the main thing is to practice on a draft so that you know in what order to express your thoughts. And this can be done in several ways:

After you have finished writing the main part and expressed all your thoughts, the essay-reasoning on the topic “Good” should be completed with a conclusion.

For example: “I believe that even today there is kindness in every person. It’s just that not everyone knows how or wants to show it for various reasons. But if every person does good, selfless deeds, life will become a little better.”

This is how you can write a mini-essay on the topic “What is kindness?”

Essay “What is kindness?” is one of the options for mini-essays offered to ninth-grade graduates during the Russian language exam.

Compilation algorithm

In order to successfully cope with the task, to write a high-quality essay on the topic “What is kindness,” you need to use a certain algorithm. First you need to study the statement proposed in the task. Next, you need to read the task itself and analyze it.

At the next stage, it is important to correctly determine the main idea of ​​the proposed statement.

For example, the essay “What is kindness” implies an analysis of this term and the features of its manifestation.

Next, you need to think about an introduction option that includes no more than three sentences. The mini-essay “What is kindness” involves indicating the position of the author of the statement and demonstrating one’s own attitude to this problem.

Among the words that can be used when writing an introduction, we highlight “the author argues, analyzes, notes.”

In order for the essay “What is kindness” to be complete and highly appreciated by experts, it is important to show your attitude to this issue, using the words “I agree with the author, I share the author’s position, I have to agree.”

In the main part of the essay, it is necessary to consider the problem in more detail, give an example from literary sources, and add a description of your own experience.

In order for the essay “What is Kindness” to be assessed positively, it must provide at least two arguments.

Any exam essay, regardless of its topic, must have a conclusion. It can begin with the words “thus,” or “we are convinced that.” The following is the result of the research, which was obtained by the author as a result of analyzing the arguments.

Final essay outline

An essay in the Russian language “What is kindness” can be written using one of several types of diagrams.

In one version, a thesis is first used, the author’s attitude to good and evil is reflected, and his attitude to this phenomenon is indicated. The following are two arguments that relate to the theme of goodness. At the end of the argument a clear conclusion is given.

According to the second scheme, an essay on the topic “What is kindness” begins with the author’s statement (thesis). Next, you can imagine your own attitude towards good and evil, and give an example from classical literature. Then the second argument is selected and an example is given that confirms it. At the end of the essay there is a conclusion.

First example

Here are some examples of exam papers, the topic of which is “What is kindness.” An essay-reasoning can be based on different literary sources; the choice is made by the student himself.

Kindness is a positive quality that everyone living on our planet should have. Only a kind person is able to help people who find themselves in difficult conditions and need support. During war, people share their last piece of bread. In peacetime, they donate blood, helping those in trouble survive. True kindness does not manifest itself in beautiful words, but in support and understanding.

After an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, thousands of civilians were among the victims. People from all over the world rushed to help the Japanese, and Russia was no exception. Popular wisdom says: “Kindness will save the world.”

People have always considered goodness to be a quality that is necessary for any person. It is not for nothing that in fairy tales it always triumphs over evil.

Today there are fewer and fewer people who possess this amazing quality. Many adults are selfish and indifferent, concerned only with their own affairs and problems. Instead of normal human communication, people use computers and mobile phones. The person began to depend on the Internet, he lost his sincerity, lost his compassion.

In my opinion, you need to think about how to do good to another person. You cannot indifferently pass by people who ask for help. If a person strives only for his personal well-being, he ceases to be a person. A.P. Chekhov reminded: “Hurry to do good.” How relevant his statement is today!

Second sample

Here is another version of the final work on the topic “What is kindness.” You can start an essay-reasoning with the problem of wealth and poverty.

Kindness is a positive quality that every person on our planet should possess. Goodness is a pleasant and bright feeling that brings joy and smiles to other people. It can be compared to real happiness.

My friends believe that kind people are not capable of offending, deceiving, or humiliating the dignity of another person.

In my understanding, the word “good” is selfless help to those who need support and understanding. For me, a pleasant deed will be a deed that is done at the behest of my heart.

Every person is born kind, but this quality manifests itself differently in everyone. Some people try to support their colleagues and friends, others are happy when there are no unhappy people around them. I am absolutely convinced that kindness is a huge force!

One more example

Let's think about what kindness is. An essay with arguments on this topic is one of the assignment options offered to ninth grade graduates. Let us present a version of a ready-made argument concerning this problem.

What is kindness? You can take any definition for an essay. But they all boil down to the fact that good is a concept that does not have self-interest and envy. It is associated with generosity, mercy, and the desire to benefit other people.

This term is associated with love, joy, a positive attitude towards other people and living nature. V.V. Mayakovsky discussed evil and good in his poems. It confirms the fine line that exists between these two terms. They are the fundamental concepts of morality.

Despite the fact that for several centuries humanity has been fighting evil, people are in no hurry to do good. I am convinced that the situation that has developed in the modern world is bringing humanity closer to self-destruction. If good cannot defend itself, compassion and mutual understanding will disappear, people will turn into evil and insidious creatures.

The relationship between evil and good

Let's continue the conversation about what kindness is. An OGE essay related to this topic must be supported by arguments from literary sources. Many actions that people perform are associated with good intentions. But, as you know, “good intentions lead the way to hell.”

This expression indicates that initially people perform actions that are aimed at helping others, but in the end they do not always turn out to be good deeds. Increasingly, evil is disguised as good.

The situation that has been observed in the world in recent years indicates that people cease to value goodness; more and more often their actions are connected only with the achievement of personal gain.

What is good

This issue should be covered in the final essay, so we will dwell on it in more detail. Good is a gift that does not imply self-interest. People help each other without demanding material benefits in return. Many Russians have an innate need to do good deeds and help people who need it.

Unfortunately, in the world of innovative technologies, more and more attention is paid to material values ​​and benefits, and less and less time is allocated for ordinary human relationships, communication with friends and family. Warmth and responsiveness these days can be safely included in the Red Book.

Selection of arguments for an essay

Kindness can make a person happy. Happiness and kindness can be considered two sides of the same coin. By giving his love to others, a person receives happiness and harmony in return.

An example of mutual assistance can be considered the situation that occurred in the St. Petersburg metro. There were no indifferent people; everyone tried to help those who suffered from the terrorist’s actions. This argument confirms that people are capable of doing good without thinking about what material benefits they will receive in doing so.


Any examination essay written by ninth grade graduates requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions. For example, if a child writes a discussion about kindness on the OGE, first he must indicate a quote and show his attitude to the thought proposed by the author. In order for an essay to be accepted, the student must provide at least two arguments. They are selected in accordance with the main theme of the final essay.

One of them can be taken from literary works, and the second can be based on personal experience. The structure of the essay must follow certain sections. In the introduction, it is important to show your position towards kindness. The main part involves considering two arguments, confirming the importance and significance of good. In the final part of his essay, the student concludes about the extreme importance of good deeds, their dominance over aggression and anger.

What is kindness?

Three versions of essays on the topic of goodness and kindness to prepare for the OGE and more.

The first version of the essay (based on the text by Yu. E. Shim “At the first break, Zheka put it in his briefcase...”)

Definition of the concept

Good is a special concept that defines a person’s desire to make someone at least a little happier, more prosperous, more successful. It is based on the ability to sympathize, sympathize, and put oneself in the place of another. Not everyone is given this. Many people do not understand and do not want to notice the problems of others, let alone treat them kindly. And others simply laugh.

Yu.E. talks about this. Shim in his text. Children are often cruel; they love to laugh at everything that differs from their usual way of life. This is how the boy Zheka, who collected glossy photos of famous actresses, became a victim of ridicule. From a conversation between two girls, it becomes clear that he sent these portraits to Norilsk for a visually impaired classmate who moved there about a year ago. Initially opposed to her classmate, Lisapeta involuntarily felt sorry for him when she learned that Lisa had long since moved from Norilsk, and his efforts were in vain. Goodness awoke in her soul, which was still inexperienced and therefore childishly cruel.

An argument from personal experience

Children often descend to ridicule and cruel jokes, not because they are so callous or cynical, but because they are afraid of appearing to others to be somehow different from them. In fact, if you explain to each such offender the reasons for his actions or words, then many will understand and also stand up for what is right. Good lives in the heart of each of us, only at different depths.


Goodness is one of the main qualities. We all try to live by its laws, but this does not always work out due to various circumstances. It is very important not to be afraid to overcome negative traits in yourself and cultivate positive ones, so that the world around us becomes cleaner and kinder.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by V.K. Zheleznikov “Yura Khlopotov had the largest and most interesting collection of stamps...”)

Definition of the concept

I think goodness is what distinguishes us from other inhabitants of the planet. This is a kind of worldview, which if you follow, then forever. If this feeling has settled in your heart, then kindness will appear towards everything: towards your neighbors, towards strangers, towards our smaller brothers. Nothing can change a person; for him, a sincere attitude towards others is a rule, an axiom that requires neither proof nor refutation.

Argument from the text read

For example, in the text by V.K. Zheleznikov we see two boys who react completely differently to the same circumstance - a dog’s howl. One is used to this and waves his hand, hiding behind his father’s words that the one who tames them is responsible for the animals. But Valerka is not like that. He immediately begins to think about how to help the animal, which every day at the same time whines inconsolably. After talking with the dog's owner, the boy offers to walk the dog every day after school. This shows his kindness.

An argument from personal experience

As life experience shows, in a person’s attitude towards animals one can understand how generous, caring and kind he is. If a person is pure in his thoughts and wishes only the best for everyone, then animals also treat him with affection and gratitude. And vice versa, if someone harbors a grudge, then living creatures will most likely try to avoid him.


Good is like a conductor between a person and the world around him. If you are kind to the universe, it will do the same to you. If you violate its laws, invade where you shouldn’t, trample barely emerging sprouts, then the world will seem merciless.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Nanny, where is the Bug?” - asks Theme ...)

Definition of the concept

Goodness makes our lives brighter and more multifaceted. I think that it should become the basic rule of a person’s relationship with others like him and the world around him. If we characterize this concept in one word, then it is warmth. This includes care, love, and compassion.

Argument from the text read

The little boy Tyoma from the story by N.G. has all these qualities. Garin-Mikhailovsky. His mental organization is so delicate that he could not sleep peacefully, knowing that his favorite Bug had fallen into the well. Half the night he dreamed of ways to solve the problem, in the end he went to save the dog. Stepping over himself, through his own fear and fatigue, he coped with the task brilliantly - he got out of the well himself and saved his pet. However, so much effort was spent that, once safe, the child simply fainted.

An argument from personal experience

Often people who are able to think more about others than about themselves do not notice their own fatigue, weakness or illness. They are ready to do the impossible to ensure that those who are dear to their hearts are happy and healthy. Mothers who are ready to give their lives for the sake of their children spend the most vital energy for the well-being of another person.


Human warmth, care, sympathy and compassion constitute a single concept - goodness. This is one of the most important human qualities, helping to build correct relationships between people and the natural world.

Theme description: There is the concept of a good deed, there is the concept of mutual assistance, and there is simply goodness and, as they say in some song, there is about happiness, but here we will say about goodness - “It cannot but exist.”

In general, here is a small note for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

"What is good?"

Goodness is a bright and pleasant feeling that gives a smile and brings joy. Sometimes it causes the heart to skip a beat. Good is comparable to a piece of happiness.

All my friends have their own definition of good. Someone believes that to be kind means not to offend the weak, not to deceive and to help people. Others believe that if you have fulfilled your duty to your family, to your relatives, and have not let anyone down, this is kindness.
Goodness in my understanding is to intentionally and selflessly help another without expecting anything in return. If I simply told a stranger how to get to a place he is interested in, that is already good. Kindness done effortlessly and spontaneously is the most pleasant deed for me.

I try to be good and do good for everyone. For friends and strangers, for animals. Good is the highest manifestation of morality in any person.

Doing good is not entirely easy. After all, now many people in most cases think about themselves and their interests, run about business and do not want to notice those in need of help. But for many, a warm word, a smile or an encouraging handshake is enough.
Learning to do good, to be kind, is hard but worthy work. And the good done free of charge, from the bottom of your heart, will return to you a hundredfold.

Humanity, no matter what times and eras it lived in, has always valued the high moral qualities that were cultivated in people, which have been the main provisions of religious commandments from time immemorial. Among them is kindness. What is kindness? What kind of person do we call good? Why is kindness one of the foundations of morality? Let's figure it out.

The meaning of the word "kindness"

  • Kindness is the desire to help people without demanding gratitude for it. This is a property of the soul that allows you not to remain indifferent to the troubles of others, but to be there when a person so needs it. For example: “Kindness and sympathy are the basis of the character of Russians, who always strive to come to the aid not only of their neighbors, but also of a complete stranger.
  • Kindness is also a gentle, caring attitude towards people, all living things on earth. For example: “The kindness of a child is manifested in his affection towards a cat or puppy, in his care for flowers, kindness must be taught from childhood.”

Kindness is a somewhat abstract concept. Much can be put into the meaning of this word. At first glance, it is easy to answer the question: what does kindness mean? But at the same time it’s difficult. After all, kindness is the basis of such concepts as mercy, empathy, sympathy, selflessness and even heroism. It is love for a person, kindness, the desire to save him that becomes the motivation for a heroic act.

What does kindness give to a person? Of course, respect and love from loved ones, good relationships with friends and colleagues. But kindness often manifests itself so unselfishly that the person who committed the good deed even remains unknown. The main thing for him is to help others. For example: “An unknown person transferred a large sum of money for the treatment of a child in trouble.”

Do good, and it will definitely come back to you, even from people who are completely strangers to you!