Kharkov National Technical University of Rural Affairs. Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko Hntush. Honorary Doctors and Alumni

Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko
original name

Tishchenko Leonid Nikolaevich

The doctors
Legal address

61002, Kharkov, Artema st., 44, Ukraine


Coordinates: 48°18′15″ n. w. 38°01′05″ E. d. /  48.304167° s. w. 38.018056° E. d.(G) (O) (I)48.304167 , 38.018056

Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko- Ukrainian higher education institution of the 4th level of accreditation.


In 1930, during the period of complete mechanization of agriculture, the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KHIMESH) was created by Decree of the Central Executive Committee and RNK of the USSR No. 40-237. In 1947, a correspondence department was opened at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of KHIMESKh, and in 1948, the Faculty of Agricultural Electrification. The only technical service faculty in Ukraine was created in December 1991. In 1993, the Faculty of Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products was founded. In 1994, by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 244 of April 20, the Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture was created on the basis of KHIMESKh. To train highly qualified managers-economists in the engineering field, the Faculty of Management was created in April 1997. Taking into account national and international recognition of the results of its activities and significant contribution to the development of national education and science, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on May 12, 2004, by Decree No. 291-r, awarded the university the name of an outstanding scientist in the field of agricultural mechanics, Academician Pyotr Mefodievich Vasilenko, and on October 20, 2004 by Decree The President of Ukraine awarded the university the status of national.

Campus and buildings

  • The main building of the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko located on the street. Artem, in a three-story building, which was built according to the design of academician of architecture Alexei Nikolaevich Beketov in 1914-1916 for the Commercial Institute.

In 1917 - 1919 the future Nobel laureate Semyon Kuznets (Simon Smith) studied in the building. This building is a historical architectural landmark of the city (protection No. 177), the total area of ​​which is 8661.9 m2. This building currently houses the rector’s office and all administrative and economic structural divisions (personnel department, accounting, economic department, educational department, assembly and reading rooms, scientific department, graduate school), the educational and scientific institute of business and management with its subordinates departments, German Center (Deutsches Zentrum), as a cultural and educational institution of the German diaspora in the Kharkov region.

  • The Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems is located at Moskovsky Avenue, 45 (formerly Staro-Moskovskaya Street).

It was from this house, which was built according to the design of the architect K.O. Tolkunova in 1877 for the Real School in original forms that resemble Romanesque-Gothic buildings, in fact, KHIMESH began its glorious history in 1930. This three-story building is an architectural landmark of the city (protection No. 357), the total area of ​​which is 7909.7 m2. This building houses the departments of the National Research Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Distance and Correspondence Education, the university’s scientific library, etc.

  • The Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service is located at 45 Moskovsky Prospekt, in the so-called laboratory building. This is a four-story building with a former religious purpose (Voznesensk Church), built at the end of the 19th century, the total area of ​​which is 3466.6 m2. In the building are located, which are subordinate to the institute of the department.
  • The Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy and Computer Technologies is located on the street. Engelsa, 19 (former Rozhdestvenskaya Street) in a four-story house, which was built at the beginning of the twentieth century according to the design of the architect O.I. Rzhepishevsky in the Art Nouveau style, which was in tune with the business rhythms of the city of that time. The total area of ​​the building is 3529.4 m2, it is an architectural landmark of the city (protection No. 378). In the building are located, which are subordinate to the institute of the department.
  • The Educational and Scientific Institute of Processing and Food Production is located on the street. Mironositskaya, 92 (formerly Dzerzhinsky St.) in a monumental three-story house built according to the design of academician of architecture O.M. Beketov in 1913-1914. in the neoclassical style, the total area is 6755.5 m2, and is an architectural landmark of the city (protection No. 142).
  • This building houses the admissions committee, the dean’s office for work with foreign citizens and departments that are subordinate to the educational and scientific institute.
  • Since 2002, the educational process began in the building on the street. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 65 G. This modern five-story building, the total area of ​​which is 4052.2 m2, is located in a new area of ​​the city - the Saltovsky housing estate. This building houses the educational and scientific institute of postgraduate education, the scientific research technological institute and some specialized departments of the two institutes.

Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after. P. Vasilenko has 5 organized dormitories with a total area of ​​30,062.8 m2. According to the results of the republican review competition among universities of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, out of a set of indicators that characterize living conditions, educational work, the condition of dormitories, the university campus has taken 1st place in recent years. The university has the opportunity to provide accommodation in dormitories to all interested students.

Institutes and faculties

The university includes 7 educational and scientific institutes (ERI). The institutes provide training in 16 specialties. UNI of technical service and UNI of processing and food production are the only ones in Ukraine. All educational and scientific institutes provide training for specialists at the educational and qualification levels “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master”. The university offers postgraduate and doctoral studies in eight specialties. During their studies, students have the opportunity to acquire several working professions, learn a foreign language in depth and obtain a military specialty under the training program for reserve officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a contract basis.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems (UNI MSM)

(based on the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology) - the same age as the university, it was the basis for the creation of other faculties. Since 2009, the institute has been headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Sergey Aleksandrovich Kharchenko. The institute includes seven departments: agricultural machinery; tractors and cars; optimization of technological systems named after. T.P. Evsyukova; life safety; industrial training; physical culture and sports; quality, standardization and certification, two research laboratories, as well as the Training Center for Agricultural Equipment and the Center for Certification Testing of Mobile and Agricultural Equipment. On the territory of the institute there is a scientific library of the university, the book collection of which amounts to over 400 thousand copies. There are 750 students studying at the institute. During their studies, students have the opportunity to obtain a tractor operator and car driver license.

The institute employs 2 academicians, 6 professors, 29 associate professors. Among them are the following famous scientists: academicians - P.M. Zaika, A.T Lebedev; professor - I.V. Morozov, Yu.I. Kovtun, M.G. Sandomirsky, Yu.A. Manchinsky, V.I. Pastukhov and others. UNI MSM has a training and experimental field, a training ground and a branch in the Kutuzovka experimental farm of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The Institute trains specialists in the following specialties and specializations: agricultural mechanization: – mechanization of crop production; – mechanization of livestock farming; – state technical inspection; – engineering management; - occupational Safety and Health; quality, standardization and certification.

Computer technologies are widely used in the educational process. Upon graduation, graduates, along with a diploma, receive an entrepreneur certificate, which gives the right to open their own business in their specialty. UNI MSM students can undergo practical training on farms in Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

=Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy and Computer Technologies (UNI EKT)

founded on the basis of the Faculty of Energy and Computer Technologies in 2009. The first dean was an outstanding scientist, physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Valerian Ivanovich Startsev, and since 2010 the institute has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Moroz.

The Institute unites five departments: automation of electromechanical systems, automation and computer-integrated technologies, technotronics and theoretical electrical engineering, integrated electrical technologies and processes, power supply and energy management.

The Institute trains specialists in the following specialties and specializations: agricultural energy:

Automated electromechanical systems of the agro-industrial complex; - power supply of agro-industrial complex; - electrification and automation of technological processes of storage and processing of products in the agro-industrial complex;

automated process control:

Automated design of electrical equipment and control systems; - computer control systems in the agro-industrial complex;

energy management computer-integrated technological processes and production.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service (UNI TS)

was created in 2009 on the basis of the only technical service faculty in Ukraine. The impetus for the founding of the faculty was the changes that occurred in the production sector of Ukraine: the creation of new production facilities for the sale, maintenance and repair of equipment, the growth of the technical level of machines, and their equipping with microprocessor technology. Since its foundation, the faculty, and since 2009 - the educational and scientific institute of technical service, has been headed by academician of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, Professor Alexander Artemovich Naumenko.

Academicians, laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine A.I. Sidashenko and T.S. work at the departments of the institute. Skoblo; Corresponding Member of NAANU, Doctor of Social Sciences Sciences A.K. Trishin; Academician of the IAU A.A. Naumenko; member-corr. Ecological Academy of Ukraine A.V. Nanka, Doctor of Science V.A. Voitov, V.G. Kukhtov, O.I. Trishevsky., A.V. Kozachenko, V.F. Uzhik, P.P. Badalov and others. Today there are over 800 students studying at the institute.

The Institute trains specialists in four specialties: machinery and equipment for agricultural production; forestry complex equipment; wheeled and tracked vehicles woodworking technology and in the direction: transport technology. Students have the opportunity to choose one of the specializations:

Machine design; - technical service, dealer activities; - technical inspection; - automobile industry; - architecture and design of wooden housing construction; - computer-integrated technologies for furniture production.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Processing and Food Production (UNI PPP)

was created in 2009 on the basis of the Faculty of Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products. The founders of the faculty were the first dean, currently the rector of the university, academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonid Nikolaevich Tishchenko and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexey Vasilievich Bogomolov.

Since 2007 (since 2009 - UNI PPP) it has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Aleksey Vasilievich Bogomolov. UNI PPP is the only one in Ukraine. It unites 6 departments and is the base for the educational, research and production complex.

The Institute trains specialists in the following specialties: equipment for processing and food production with specializations:

Information systems and quality management in the processing and food industries; - engineering management of processing and food production; - technical service of equipment for processing and food production; - commodity research, examination, quality, standardization and certification of equipment for processing and food production; - equipment for restaurants, trade and household appliances; - machines, design and packaging technologies; - industrial engineering.

technology of grain storage and processing with specializations:

Elevator industry technology; - technology of flour mills and cereal products; - technology of feed and premixes; - bread technology.

Over 700 students study at the institute. The educational process is provided by highly qualified teachers. Among them are 15 professors (14 doctors of science), 3 academicians, 56 associate professors. The educational process is organized according to a credit-module system. UNI PPP has the appropriate material and technical base, an advanced laboratory and production complex, a training center for retraining and advanced training of agricultural personnel, and a computer center. Over 17 years, UNI PPP has trained about 1,500 specialists.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management (UNI BM)

was created in 2009 on the basis of the Faculty of Management. The first dean was Professor Maznev Grigory Evteevich, who still heads the institute, he is an Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, an excellent student of education in Ukraine, the winner of the regional competition “Higher School of the Kharkov Region - the best names” in the category “Best Dean of the Faculty”. There are over 600 students studying at the institute.

UNI BM trains specialists in prestigious economic specialties and specializations: management of organizations: – small business management; – management of banking activities; – management of agricultural enterprises. economics of enterprise: – economics of agricultural enterprises; - economics of processing and service enterprises; – economics of small businesses. accounting and audit: – accounting and audit in the agro-industrial complex; – tax control and audit; – accounting and auditing in banks.

The UNI BM includes six departments: economics and marketing; accounting and auditing; organization of production, business and management; cybernetics; culture; UNESCO “Philosophy of human communication”, philosophy and history of Ukraine.

Five of the six departments are headed by doctors of science, professors and academicians. The institute employs 15 professors, including famous scientists, doctors of science, professors: corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.Ya. Ambrosov, T.G. Marenich, V.M. Onegina, I.A. Belebekha, V.S. Basin, V.P. Putyatin, Yu.E. Megel and others.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Distance and Correspondence Education (UNI SDC)

was created in 2009 on the basis of the faculty of distance learning. Today, at UNI SDC KhNTUSH, training of specialists for agricultural production is carried out in 14 specialties: agricultural mechanization; energy for agricultural production; automated control of technological processes; machinery and equipment for agricultural production; equipment for processing and food production; forestry complex equipment; Accounting and Auditing; enterprise economy; management of organizations, etc.

Currently, over 2,600 students are studying at the institute. Of these, almost 800 study at the expense of state budget funding, and the rest study on a contractual basis at the expense of legal entities and individuals. All departments of the university take part in training specialists for agricultural production. During laboratory and examination sessions, students have the opportunity to live in university dormitories. Over the years of its existence, UNI SDCs have trained over 14,000 specialists for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education (UNI PO)

was created in 2009 on the basis of the Faculty of Advanced Training. To carry out the educational process, the educational bases of 17 departments are used. On issues of innovation in the educational process, UNI PO is working on developing methods for conducting training with students on developed demonstration projects, drawing up business plans for organizing production units of the public and private sectors, developing methods for organizing and conducting classes in new production conditions on the use of high technologies growing crops, modern technologies for maintenance and repair of agricultural and energy equipment, and the like. UNI PO works closely with district and regional departments of agro-industrial development, with leading agricultural enterprises in the region.

Dean's office for work with foreign citizens

College of Processing and Food Industry KhNTUSH

located on the street. Barrikadnaya, 51.

College of Processing and Food Industry

was founded in 1930. As a structural unit it became part of the university in 1997. This made it possible for graduates of the technical college to extend their studies for a shortened period of study at our university and other universities of III-IV levels of accreditation. The college has about 1,000 students studying full-time and part-time. The educational process is provided by 170 teachers and staff, of whom: 3 candidates of sciences, 6 graduate students, 3 teaching methodologists, 9 senior teachers, 23 teachers of the highest category, 3 Excellent in Education of Ukraine.

The training of specialists is carried out in close connection with study and production. Students gain practical skills in a training and production dairy shop, laboratories and workshops, computer classes with Internet access, at food and processing enterprises in Ukraine, and can undergo an internship in the agricultural sector of Great Britain.

The educational and organizational structures of the college provide training for specialists in the following specialties: production of dairy products production of meat products production of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates installation and maintenance of refrigeration compressor machines and installations operation and repair of food production equipment accounting. Correspondence education is carried out both on the basis of complete general secondary education (11 grades) and on the basis of general secondary education (9 grades).

The college has a preparatory department, which operates throughout the year on the basis of general secondary education and complete general secondary education. The duration of study is 6 months. The final exams taken by course participants are considered entrance exams to the technical school.

During their studies, students can also obtain a working profession in the following specialties: - laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis - cheese maker - baker - mechanic for repairing technological equipment - installer of refrigeration equipment.

Volchansky technical school KhNTUSH

The technical school is a higher education institution of level I accreditation. The technical school accepts graduates who have completed 9 grades (on the basis of basic general education) and 11 grades (on the basis of complete general education). The technical school has two departments for training junior specialists: agricultural mechanization and accounting. Students of the mechanization department have the opportunity to obtain the specialty of mechanic technician and additionally the working profession of a tractor driver and driver of a category “B”, “C” car. Students of the accounting department receive the specialty of an accountant, as well as the working profession of a computer typing operator and a category “B” car driver. Since 2005, a correspondence course has been opened on the basis of a full general school. College students have the opportunity to enter the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. Petra Vasilenko for a shortened period of study for the 3rd year. The technical school is located at the address: Volchansk, st. Lenina, 93 A.

Scientific Research Institute of Technology

An applied institute with a scientific and practical direction - technical service of agricultural machinery. The scope of scientific and applied tasks assigned to the institute is to ensure the performance and working condition of the fleet of agricultural machinery on farms; extending the service life of machines and maintaining the machine fleet on farms; justification and implementation of rational methods for modernizing agricultural machinery. The Institute is a practice base for students of engineering specialties of KhNTUSH and works closely with the departments of the University.

Institute of Innovation Management (IIM)

created by order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy dated 07/09/2002 No. 184. Director of the institute - candidate of technical sciences, professor Grishin Ivan Yakovlevich. The institute includes: Methodological Center for Innovative Activities (MCND) Center for Information Technologies (CIT) The team of the Institute of Innovative Management is working on creating textbooks, writing monographs and articles on the management of innovative activities (innovative management of sustainable development). The methodological basis of the technological case method is being developed.

Training center for training and retraining of personnel for the agro-industrial complex

The center trains, retrains and improves the qualifications of agricultural personnel: senior foremen, foremen of production sites for the storage of grain and its processed products; laboratory technicians, laboratory assistants for determining the quality of grain and its processed products; security chiefs of bakery industry enterprises; weighing equipment repair specialists; chief engineers, labor protection engineers, chief power engineers, mechanics and other specialists in labor protection and fire safety; specialists who use computer equipment in their work; heads and deputies of production and technological laboratories of bakery industry enterprises; electrical technicians; grain processing operators with the right to work on grain dryers; electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in the bakery industry; fire truck drivers; managers and specialists of enterprises for the protection of bakery products.

The center has a modern educational and material base: grain and electrical laboratories, a granary equipment laboratory; cabinets of the latest grain storage technologies, information technologies, automation of grain drying production processes, labor protection.

Honorary Doctors and Alumni

  • Chernov S.I. – Chairman of the regional council of the Kharkov region;
  • Tyaglo V.M. – former ambassador of Ukraine to Armenia, Uzbekistan;
  • Fedorov V.M. – former Ambassador of Ukraine to Russia;
  • Maselsky S.I. – Deputy Chairman and Head of the Kharkov Regional State Administration 2000-2004;
  • Kosolapov A.G. – former First Deputy Minister for Relations of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • Berezhnyuk I.G. – Director of the Research Institute of Customs of Ukraine;
  • Bulgakov V.M. – Member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of NAANU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management;
  • Kolesnik O.M. – Chairman of the Kharkov Regional Council 2000-2004;
  • Krivtsov V.V. – Doctor of Science, leading specialist in the reliability and statistical analysis department of Ford Motors;
  • Ayaleu Gebeihu – Vice-Rector of the Polytechnic University (Ethiopia, Addis Ababa);
  • Assani Mukaramu Adeshala – UN Officer (Refugee Expert);
  • Bai Da Qi – Vice-Rector of the Agricultural University of the People's Republic of China;
  • Bo Qingrong – Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Mechanical Agricultural Technology of the People's Republic of China;
  • Wang Mei - Chairman of the Board of Beijing Jeep OJSC;
  • Ma Pan Xian – Deputy Chief Engineer of the Beijing Locomotive Group (PRC);
  • Kun Lingmian – Chief Engineer of the Chengdu Automobile Plant (PRC);
  • Boro Suleiman – Vice-Rector of the National University (Mali, Bamako);
  • Kim V.V. – Chairman of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine;
  • Kolomiets O.I. – Technical Director of JSC EC “Chernigov-oblenergo”;
  • Svitlichny M.I. – former director of KAMAZ diesel production;
  • Proskurov I.I. - Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Balyuk I.M. – Hero of Ukraine;
  • Ponomarev O.P. and Gadyatsky O.V. – Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Mazorenko D. I. – Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician of the MAN VS and IAU, Professor, former rector of the KhNTUSH;
  • Turyansky O.V. – Rector of the Belgorod Agrarian Academy;
  • Uzhik V.F. – doc. tech. Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Belgorod Agrarian Academy;
  • Krasovsky V.L. – former general director of Oblagropromenergo;
  • Krivosheev S.I. - former deputy General Director of Kharkovoblenergo;
  • Achkasov V.M. - Head of the Kharkov Regional Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine

Awards and reputation

According to the All-Ukrainian independent rating “TOPA 200 - Ukraine”, the university ranks second among agricultural universities and 61st among the 200 best universities in Ukraine thanks to the developed and implemented innovative “Sustainable Development Program”. For its significant contribution to the scientific support of reforms of the agro-industrial complex and the training of highly qualified specialists for agriculture, the university was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Kharkov Regional State Administration and the Kharkov Regional Council, a Certificate of Honor from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and an honor from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine “Excellence in Agricultural Education and Science” 1 degrees


Kharkov is considered the capital of students in Ukraine. Here in 1805 the first Imperial University in Little Russia, the sixth in the Russian Empire and the second in the current territory of Ukraine, now the Karazin University, opened; in 1885 second in... ... Wikipedia

Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Radyanska Socialistichna Respublika), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. General information The Ukrainian SSR was formed on December 25, 1917. With the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on December 30, 1922, it became part of it as a union republic. Located on... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after. P. Vasilenko (KhNTUSH) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

In the structure of the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. Vasilenko (KhNTUSH) includes 5 main educational and scientific institutes providing training in 16 specialties.

30 departments provide training for students in the humanities, fundamentals, general engineering and special disciplines, and are centers of educational, methodological and research work.

At the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasilenko, training is carried out in 16 specialties at 5 faculties of full-time education and in 12 specialties at the faculty of distance learning.

Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko invites applicants for full-time and part-time studies.

The university trains specialists at the educational and qualification levels of bachelor, specialist and master.

The Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko (KNTUSH) includes 8 faculties, which train specialists in 13 specialties.

Areas of bachelor's training:

  • processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production;
  • energy and electrical systems in the agricultural sector;
  • electrical engineering and electrical technology;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • transport technologies;
  • automation and computer-integrated technologies;
  • woodworking technologies;
  • food technology and engineering;
  • Accounting and Auditing;
  • enterprise economy;
  • management.

Specialties for which specialists at the specialist and master levels are trained:

Agricultural mechanization with specializations:

  • mechanization of agriculture;
  • mechanization of livestock farming;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • engineering management;
  • state technical supervision;
  • quality, standardization and certification.

Equipment for processing and food production with specializations:

  • information systems and quality management in the processing and food industries;
  • engineering management of processing and food production;
  • technical service of equipment for processing and food production;
  • commodity research, examination, quality, standardization and certification of equipment for processing and food production;
  • equipment for restaurants, trade and household appliances;
  • machines, packaging design and technology, industrial engineering.

Technology of grain storage and processing with specializations:

  • technology of bread, food concentrates and animal feed;
  • technology of food products for health and preventive purposes;
  • food technologies of multi-industry processing enterprises;
  • commodity research, examination, quality, standardization and certification of food products.

Machinery and equipment for agricultural production with specializations:

  • dealer activities;
  • machine design;
  • technical inspection;
  • technical service;
  • wheeled and tracked vehicles.

Transportation Technologies (full-time study) with specializations:

  • organization of transportation;
  • organization and traffic safety.

Forestry complex equipment with specializations:

  • mechanization of forestry work and logging;
  • woodworking industry equipment;
  • gardening equipment.

Woodworking technology (full-time training) with specializations:

  • architecture and design of wooden housing construction;
  • computer-integrated technologies for furniture production.

Energy of agricultural production with specializations:

  • automated electromechanical systems of the agro-industrial complex (AIC);
  • power supply of agro-industrial complex;
  • electrification and automation of technological processes of storage and processing of products in the agro-industrial complex.

Automated process control with specializations:

  • computer control systems in the agro-industrial complex;
  • automated design of electrical equipment and control systems;
  • computer-integrated technological processes and production.

Energy management with specializations:

  • energy management in power supply systems of the agro-industrial complex;
  • energy management at agricultural enterprises.

Management of organizations with specializations:

  • small business management;
  • banking management;
  • management of agricultural enterprises.

Enterprise economics with specializations:

  • economics of agricultural enterprises;
  • economics of small businesses;
  • economics of processing and technical service enterprises;
  • Accounting and Auditing.

To obtain the bachelor's qualification level, the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture accepts persons who have a state-issued document on complete general secondary education. To participate in the competition for admission to the first year, applicants submit certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in Ukrainian language and literature and in mathematics or physics with grades of at least 124 points.

At the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, persons who have received the educational qualification level of a junior specialist in the relevant field of training are enrolled in studies with a shortened period based on the results of professional entrance exams at the university.

Students are provided with places in well-equipped dormitories. There is a sports and recreation camp on the shores of the Azov Sea. The university has football and rugby teams, and an amateur art group.

Every year, more than 500 students undergo internships, industrial and special practices in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Switzerland and other countries.

More about the university

Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KHIMESG) was one of the first agricultural universities with an engineering profile, created during collectivization by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR from July 23, 1930 No. 40/237 on the basis of the departments of mechanization and electrification of the Kharkov and Poltava Agricultural Institutes.

Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture (KHTUUSH), created on the basis of KHIMESG by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 20, 1994 No. 244, became the only and leading university in Ukraine with an engineering and technical agricultural profile of the IV level of accreditation.

In 2004, taking into account the national and international recognition of the results of the activities of KhTUUSH, its significant contribution to the development of national education and science, by order of the President of Ukraine and the government decree, the university was given national status and named after Academician Peter Mefodievich Vasilenko.

The Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko (KNTUSH) includes 8 faculties, which train specialists in 16 specialties.

There are 370 teachers working in 28 departments of the university, including 63 doctors of science and professors, 205 associate professors and candidates of science. Among the teachers there are 18 academicians and corresponding members of various academies of sciences, 9 honored workers of science and technology, honored educators, 2 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 23 Excellent Students of Education of Ukraine.

The university has trained more than 45 thousand engineers for the national economy of Ukraine, the CIS countries and far abroad, and annually graduates 2,000 bachelors, specialists and masters.
Since 1950, it has trained 1,139 highly qualified specialists for 54 foreign countries.

Since 1996, the only Center for Rural Sociological Research in Ukraine has been operating at the university, which has fruitful international relations with Harvard University (USA).

In 2002, for the first time in Ukraine, the University created the Institute of Innovation Management to predict innovative situations in the region’s agro-industrial complex.

Since 1996, the only UNESCO department in Ukraine “Philosophy of Human Communication” has been operating at the university, which has official international status.

Since 1996 at KhNTUSG named after. P. Vasilenko operates a regional cultural and educational German center (Deutsches Zentrum), which helps to expand friendly relations between the university and relevant educational institutions in Germany.

KNTUSG named after. P. Vasilenko is a representative of Ukraine and the founder in 2000, together with Russia and Belarus, of the Euro-Asian Association of Agricultural Engineers in the corresponding global association that unites and coordinates the activities of the Agricultural Engineering community.

Since 2003, KhTUUSH has been a member of the European Association of Agricultural Universities, a collective member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences, and a member of the consortium of agricultural universities of the world.

Currently, about 5 thousand students are studying at KNTUSG. Average annual full-time enrollment: 2,500 people. - Students of Ukraine; 85 people -foreign students; 55 people - students of the preparatory department.

Faculty of Mechanics and Technology

  • agricultural mechanization;
  • quality, standardization and certification.

Faculty of Energy and Computer Technologies

  • energy of agricultural production;
  • energy management;
  • automated control of technological processes;
  • computer-integrated processes and production.

Faculty of Technical Services

  • machines and equipment for agricultural production;
  • forestry complex equipment;
  • organization of transportation by motor transport;
  • woodworking technology.

Faculty of processing and storage of agricultural products

  • equipment for processing and food production;
  • technology of grain storage and processing.

Faculty of Management

  • management of organizations;
  • accounting and audit;
  • enterprise economics.

For applicants