Lingonberry leaves during pregnancy: features of use and restrictions. Lingonberry leaf: is it possible to drink during pregnancy Is it possible for pregnant women to have lingonberry leaf

For pregnant women, there are quite obvious things that should ideally not be done even at the planning stage - smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc.

However, the situation is much more complicated if you delve into the basics proper nutrition for pregnant women, because it immediately turns out that not all products are equally useful for every expectant mother - that's one thing, a 100% natural and healthy product can cause serious damage both to the mother's body, and apart from inside it - that's two.

In addition, a fairly wide range of products that cannot be unambiguously recommended or, on the contrary, prohibited for use by expectant mothers. If specialists cannot unequivocally state something, then what about pregnant women? Whom to listen to?

Let's think together about whether it is possible to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy. We will weigh the pros and cons, and everyone will draw conclusions for themselves - whether it is worth brewing it or not experimenting during pregnancy.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

And the leaves and berries of lingonberries are extremely popular in medicine due to a wide range of their actions:

  1. Cowberry is an excellent diuretic, which is important for pregnant women suffering from edema.
  2. It is often prescribed to people who have problems with the outflow of bile.
  3. Due to its rich vitamin composition, lingonberries are excellent at fighting beriberi.
  4. Lingonberries are actively used in the treatment of various dental diseases.
  5. lingonberry leaf used for the prevention, as well as the treatment of colds as part of complex therapy.
  6. It perfectly helps with diseases of the lower respiratory tract, arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis.
  7. Cowberry, among other things, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, has diuretic, astringent, demineralizing properties.

Although this is far from full list all useful properties lingonberries, among experts you can meet ardent opponents of the use of this remedy during pregnancy. The fact is that the lingonberry leaf can cause an increased tone of the uterus, and this ailment is quite common among expectant mothers, especially in the later stages.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Hypertonicity is called uterine contractions, which can occur even on early dates pregnancy. If it is not diagnosed in time and the management of pregnancy is not corrected, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

You can diagnose the tone of the uterus both with medical help and at home on your own, since it has quite pronounced signs:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Discharges with blood.
  3. Stone belly.
  4. Dizziness and nausea.

Even one of these symptoms suggests that expectant mother it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, who, after examining her, must be sent for an ultrasound scan to confirm the diagnosis.

Allocate physiological and psychosomatic causes of the appearance of uterine tone. Physiological include:

  1. Previous abortions.
  2. Fruit size is much larger than average.
  3. Multiple pregnancy.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Wrong nutrition.
  7. Complications of the course of pregnancy.

This is not the whole list of factors that provoke the tone of the uterus, but it is already becoming clear that many of them are under the control of the expectant mother. And this means that in order to minimize the risks of tone, a pregnant woman should stop smoking and drinking alcohol, try to sleep more, be less nervous, visit more often. fresh air and eat right. It would seem that far from new tips, but they really help not only to prevent uterine tone, but also to avoid many other unpleasant moments!

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy from edema

Since lingonberry leaf has a diuretic effect, doctors can prescribe it to those pregnant women who have problems with edema. Regular use of the decoction will not allow excess fluid to linger in the body.

In general, moms-to-be should drink, like everyone else, 1.5-2 liters of water per day, in addition to all other liquids, and this water should be from a trusted source. However, if swelling torments her, then you should avoid drinking any liquid before bedtime. In addition, although walking is recommended for pregnant women, you should reduce the load on your legs, and during sleep or normal rest, try to put a pillow under your feet,

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: how to take

Lingonberry leaf is sold in any pharmacy, and on the package you will definitely find detailed recipe how to prepare it and in what quantities to use. However, these are fairly general recommendations, and they may differ significantly from those that the doctor will give you when prescribing this decoction.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the expectant mother feels great and she does not even have a hint of uterine tone, then the following scheme is usually prescribed: you need to drink 200 ml of the finished broth per day, breaking it down into 4 doses of 50 ml or 2 by 100 ml. For 1 glass of water, there is 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: reviews

On the Internet, there are quite conflicting reviews about lingonberry leaf as a decongestant. Some people help, some don't. Apparently, it's all about the individual characteristics of the body and the lifestyle of each expectant mother.

You should not consider lingonberry leaf as a panacea - if you drink a decoction of it and immediately go to bed, then, most likely, it can have the opposite effect.

In addition, lingonberry leaf really should not be taken by pregnant women with increased uterine tone. Such a condition, in principle, is extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby, therefore it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time and get specific recommendations for yourself.

Summing up

Now you know everything or almost everything about lingonberry leaf and its use during pregnancy. It should still be understood that absolutely any herbs taken without a doctor's recommendation can be extremely dangerous! Perhaps in some ways they will alleviate the condition, but will cause a complication in another place. One we treat, another we cripple. Therefore, you should be especially careful about absolutely everything that gets into your mouth. All experiments should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict guidance!

Video " Cowberry. Useful and dangerous properties and use of lingonberry leaves in folk medicine

While carrying a baby, women often experience swelling. Taking medications at this time is not recommended. Therefore, lingonberry leaves during pregnancy from edema will be the best choice.


Is it possible to drink lingonberry leaf during pregnancy? Experts do not recommend taking a decoction of lingonberry leaves before the 28th week of pregnancy. When prescribing this method of prevention for edema, it is important to follow the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

Many plants have medicinal properties. Cowberry leaf tea is prescribed to improve the functioning of the kidneys.

  1. B vitamins;
  2. Vitamin E;
  3. Vitamin R.

Lingonberry leaves not only reduce swelling, but also improve the tone of the uterus, participate in the development of the fetus. The components contained in the leaflets strengthen immune system pregnant woman, increasing the protective properties of the body.

Cowberry leaves help during pregnancy from cystitis, as they have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects.

The use of lingonberries for women with reduced blood pressure, as well as in diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. If the uterus is in good shape, the use of a decoction is strictly contraindicated, as this leads to premature birth.


The use of lingonberry leaf has a number of contraindications. First of all, its intake is not allowed in the early stages of pregnancy. Increasing the tone of the uterus, the decoction causes bleeding, and as a result, the loss of the fetus.

It is forbidden to use this plant in the presence of individual intolerance and allergic reactions.


  • kidney problems, pyelonephritis, or kidney failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

It is necessary to take lingonberry leaves during pregnancy very carefully. If symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, redness of the skin appear, you should immediately stop taking the decoction or lingonberry tea.


Harvesting lingonberry leaves is done in the spring, when the first greenery blooms. At this time, they contain the maximum amount beneficial vitamins. Pregnant women are better off with kidney tea or lingonberry leaves bought in specialized pharmacies. When buying, you should pay attention to the leaves in bulk, as they are more useful.

How to brew lingonberry leaves during pregnancy? It is very simple to do this, 20 grams of dry leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiled water and boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. The broth is given time to brew, after which it is filtered and boiled water is added. Daily it is recommended to take one glass of decoction, dividing it into three doses.

The easiest way for pregnant women to drink lingonberry leaf is in the form of tea. To do this, a small number of leaves are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and insisted for 15 minutes. Then you can add a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon.

Women, while carrying a child, need to remember that taking medicinal herbs must be coordinated with a gynecologist.


Doctors prescribe during pregnancy to drink lingonberry leaves, as this is a natural and natural remedy. Compliance with the instructions will avoid the appearance of side effects, as well as an overdose.

Experts advise women to drink no more than 200 ml of decoction per day. Tea is allowed to drink up to one liter, as it is weaker in consistency. Instructions for use says that it is better to use the decoction before meals.

How to drink lingonberry leaf during pregnancy:

  • 30 minutes before a meal, lingonberry tea is brewed, or an already prepared broth is heated;
  • drink lingonberries in slow sips;
  • half an hour after taking it is recommended to eat.

It is important not to forget that the decoction of lingonberry leaves is heated. It should be slightly warm, but not scalding.

An effective and useful remedy for edema will be lingonberry juice. To prepare it, you need to knead 300 grams of fresh berries, pour 3 glasses of water and boil over low heat for about half an hour. Then cool and add honey, lemon or cinnamon to taste.

According to mothers, lingonberry tea does not cause side effects copes with swelling of the legs and arms in a short time. Lingonberries have a slightly sour taste, which helps with late toxicosis. Tea from the leaves of the plant saturates the body with vitamins useful during pregnancy.

Phytotherapy and herbal treatment is a real salvation during pregnancy. The point is that many medications can harm both the mother and the unborn child, and that is why almost all doctors recommend paying attention to the "gifts of nature" - various medicinal teas, fees, tinctures (not alcohol) and decoctions based on them. Herbal, natural preparations gently affect the body, do not cause side effects and do not harm the health of a pregnant woman.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy is often prescribed. It's universal medicine. But he, like all other herbs, has its own indications and contraindications for use. Therefore, you should not take it on your own. It is better to consult your doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Vitamin composition

The lingonberry leaf (like the lingonberry itself) is rich in vitamins, essential oils and useful trace elements . It consists of:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin P;
  • biologically active components;
  • glycoside arbutin.

All these substances and components allow you to cope with a cold, strengthen the immune system, get rid of heartburn and edema, and reduce blood sugar.

Important. Lingonberry leaves during pregnancy (and lingonberry berries) are contraindicated for those women who are diagnosed with high acidity. And, conversely, it is indicated for women suffering from diabetes.

Vitamin groups normalize the psycho-emotional state of a woman, contribute to the full development of the fetus, affect the tone of the uterus.

Beneficial features

Lingonberry leaf (and lingonberry berries), like many other plants, affect the body of a pregnant woman in a complex . They are appointed as

Methods for preparing decoctions from lingonberry leaf

Usually the dosage, and hence the method of preparing the decoction, is prescribed by the doctor. If for some reason this does not happen, then you can use the following universal recipes.

  1. 1 tablespoon of dry mix, 200 ml of water. Pour boiling water over the leaves, cool, strain the broth and take 100 ml twice a day (3 weeks).
  2. Pour 2 filter bags of herbal tea into 100 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, add another 100 ml of water to the infusion. Take 2 times a day.

Important. In order to soften the bitterness of the broth, you can add mint or honey to it, but only if there are no contraindications.

Recipe for a decoction of edema based on lingonberry leaves

There is also a certain a recipe for a decoction that allows you to cope with edema appearing after the 28th week of pregnancy:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dry leaf;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain, add another 200 ml of water;
  • take 3 times a day before meals.

Side effects

Once again, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that recommendations for taking lingonberry leaf during pregnancy should be given by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake and overdose can lead to

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • lowering blood pressure.

All these conditions are dangerous for the expectant mother, and that is why the herbal collection should be taken carefully.

Doctors still do not have a clear answer to the question about the rules for taking lingonberry leaf during pregnancy. Some believe that in small doses it is useful and has a positive effect on the health of the mother and unborn child. Others recommend eating lingonberry leaf only in the third trimester.

Important. In early pregnancy, bleeding is very dangerous, which usually happens if the woman's uterus is in good shape. That is why it is not recommended to use decoctions and teas based on lingonberry leaves in the first trimester. It is best to replace them with some other natural remedy, but, again, only on the recommendation of your doctor.


There is also a large list of contraindications., on the basis of which the doctor decides to exclude the lingonberry leaf from the first-aid kit of the expectant mother. The main ones can be considered:

During the first intake of lingonberry leaf during pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body. If signs of allergy appear (runny nose, sneezing, itching begins, rashes appear), then the flock should be stopped immediately.

Lingonberry leaf is not recommended to be taken in combination with other herbs.. Firstly, it already has a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and secondly, with the indiscriminate intake of herbal preparations, the cause of the allergy will not be clear if it suddenly manifests itself (and it can manifest itself, because the body of a woman during the period of bearing a child is very vulnerable) .

Lingonberry is a safe natural medicinal raw material. She has no contraindications for use. It can be used at any age for both food and medicinal purposes. But expectant mothers should keep in mind that taking lingonberries in the early stages of pregnancy and in the second or third trimester can also have negative consequences.

The value of a medicinal plant

in the official and traditional medicine lingonberry leaf is used. Its diverse composition has a complex effect on the body. The tannins contained in the leaf have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. A glycoside arbutin - a natural antiseptic, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora. At the same time, it irritates the receptors of the ureters, as a result of which the body produces more urine.

The complex effect of lingonberry leaf is used by official medicine in the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis. natural remedy reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, cleanses the bladder and urethra from inflammation-causing bacteria, and reduces pain.

The benefits of a medicinal plant during pregnancy are not limited to helping with cystitis.

Years of experience have confirmed that medicinal plant does not have any effect on the development of the baby. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, lingonberries during pregnancy can be used for nutritional and prophylactic purposes, subject to moderation.

The harm of lingonberries for expectant mothers

Cowberry leaf during pregnancy is prescribed by obstetricians as a prophylactic, if, according to the results of an examination of the expectant mother or tests, a tendency to the development of edema or an inflammatory process is observed.

“Cowberries are indeed used to treat pyelonephritis and cystitis,” comments obstetrician-gynecologist Nana Ordzhonikidze. “But lingonberry leaf is used as part of complex therapy, along with it, more serious medications are used.”

With the development inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder of a pregnant woman, one cannot rely only on lingonberries. Self-medication, even if it is an effective folk remedy that has been proven safe by many years of practice, can lead to aggravation of inflammation with a risk to the life and health of a woman, an unborn baby.

It is also important to consider that the independent use of lingonberry leaf from edema can harm the mother's body.

“We sometimes hear from expectant mothers: I’ll drink tea from lingonberry leaves to throw off a couple of kilograms of weight. Otherwise, the doctor threatened to “lock” her in a hospital,” continues Nana Ordzhonikidze. - Such position is not admissible. Observing the weight gain of a pregnant woman, the doctor evaluates, first of all, her condition, trends in the exchange of water and salts in the body. In an attempt to disguise weight gain, a woman is at great risk.”

What is the risk of independent struggle of the expectant mother with edema? First of all, the reason for them is not always an excess of fluid. Edema can occur as a result of completely different processes.

  • Pressure of the uterus on the blood and lymph vessels. In the second trimester, the uterus increases in size so much that it compresses the vessels passing to the legs. If a woman sits or stands in one place for a long time, edema occurs, as fluid accumulates in the lower extremities. The problem is aggravated by varicose veins, in which the vascular tone is disturbed, and they succumb to swelling to a greater extent.
  • osmotic pressure. Starting from the second trimester, the ratio of protein and salts in the body changes in the expectant mother. Initially, there are more of them in the vessels, but then they are redistributed to the tissues. This process is inherent in nature, it is impossible to control or suspend it. In physics, it is called osmosis, and during pregnancy it causes a risk of preeclampsia - excessive accumulation of water in tissues due to its attraction by protein and salts. With gestosis, pronounced tissue edema occurs. It is in this state that a woman suddenly gains weight - literally overnight. To reduce the severity of severe swelling and avoid the fate of "being closed in the hospital," expectant mothers begin to take diuretics.

In these cases, self-administration of a lingonberry leaf will harm the body, since puffiness is provoked not by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body, but by its improper redistribution. Preeclampsia is an extremely dangerous condition in which all systems of a woman's body suffer, but especially her heart and blood vessels.

Also, in deciding whether or not lingonberries are pregnant, it is important to take into account its following features.

  • Berries contain a lot of acids. Eating them fresh is dangerous for women suffering from hyperacidity gastric juice, gastritis.
  • Leaves and fruits lower blood sugar. The condition of a future mother with diabetes requires special monitoring by doctors. Sharp jumps in sugar in her blood are not acceptable, since a sudden drop in sugar can cause a glycemic coma. Before using lingonberry tea, a diabetic woman should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Berries reduce blood pressure. In folk medicine, lingonberries, fresh and in infusions, are used to treat hypertension. An expectant mother suffering from low blood pressure should not use them.

In the absence of contraindications, the medicinal plant will not be harmful. On the contrary, it will increase the tone of the body, support the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

Recipes for lingonberry drinks

Tea for the prevention of edema

Use dried green leaves. You can buy them in a regular or phytopharmacy. If the leaves are brown medicinal benefits you won't get from them. Such raw materials are considered spoiled.


  1. Grind a dry leaf, use one tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Pour hot water two hundred milliliters.
  3. Simmer in a water bath under the lid for thirty minutes.
  4. Strain immediately, squeeze the raw material.
  5. Top up hot water up to two hundred milliliters.

Take the decoction before meals or forty minutes after two tablespoons. Multiplicity of reception - up to four times a day. The duration of the course is three weeks. With the resumption of edema two weeks after the end of the first course, you can conduct a second one.

Infusion to increase immunity

A lingonberry leaf is used, especially rich in vitamin C. To preserve this valuable element, the raw materials are not boiled. When heated ascorbic acid is destroyed.


  1. Grind a dry leaf, pour a handful into a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave to brew for one hour.

Take the infusion warm during the day up to four times. During a cold, it is useful to add honey to it. The tool has a mild expectorant effect, so it will help in the treatment of colds with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Morse from constipation

Cowberry juice will help solve the delicate problem of the expectant mother. It has a slight laxative effect, besides it is very tasty and rich in vitamins.


In a warm fruit drink, all the vitamins of lingonberries, which are extremely necessary for a future mother, will be preserved. Drink can be used instead of tea, juice.

Answering the question of how lingonberries are useful for pregnant women, doctors point to its qualities as a natural antiseptic and diuretic. According to experts, you should not refuse tasty and useful product if there is a tendency to edema in early pregnancy. It will also help in the complex therapy of inflammation of the kidneys, Bladder, colds. But the drug should be used in moderation, guided by the advice of a doctor in the absence of contraindications.

The leaf and berries of lingonberries have long been extremely popular because of their healing properties in the treatment of many ailments. This plant is a good bile and diuretic, used in the treatment of dental diseases and vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the lower respiratory tract, arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, and also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic, astringent, demineralizing properties.

That is why every woman used to strive to prepare berries grated with sugar and dried lingonberry leaves for the winter. After all, everyone gets sick, and especially often - children.

Every doctor treats differently

During pregnancy, lingonberry leaf is most often used as a diuretic for nephropathy and the treatment of urinary tract infections. Also, lingonberry leaf is prescribed to future mothers who suffer.

But this question remains one of the many medical questions that are incomprehensible to us: is it possible to take lingonberry leaf during pregnancy or not?

Some doctors categorically forbid this, referring to the fact that this plant is able to tone the uterus. Others explain that starting from the 28th week it is quite possible to resort to this folk remedy against . But there are still others who are convinced that with the right dosage and method of application, the lingonberry leaf is absolutely safe and even useful for mom and baby at any stage of pregnancy. Moreover, this remedy is considered quite easy.

There can be only one advice here: trust your doctor. Otherwise, find another whose recommendations you will carry out with a calm heart.

How to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy?

On the package with lingonberry leaf there will certainly be a cooking recipe medicinal decoction and instructions for use. However, if the doctor prescribes a decoction of lingonberry leaves for you, do not hesitate to ask him how to prepare and take the drug so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 200 ml of decoction per day - 50 ml in 4 divided doses or 200 ml in two divided doses. A decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per glass of water.


In combination with other herbs, the diuretic effect of lingonberry leaf is enhanced, herbalists say. However, be careful when applying fees, because tracking the body's reaction to each of its constituent herbs is very difficult, if not impossible. In addition, you cannot be sure that absolutely all of the components are safe to use during the period of bearing a child.

Keep in mind that lingonberry leaf is a medicinal plant. And it can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control. You should not prescribe it yourself and even more so recommend it to others.

If you are not sure about the safety of using lingonberry leaf during pregnancy, use other tips to reduce puffiness. For example, try to be less on your feet, raise them above body level more often, control the liquid you drink. After consulting with your doctor, you can practice kefir-curd - useful in every sense. Or ask your doctor for another effective method.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

Cowberries didn’t help me with edema at all and didn’t cure cystitis either. From edema and cystitis, kanefron helped well, only she ran to the toilet, but she became like a person, and not like an elephant)))