Severe swelling in the legs, what to do. Legs become swollen: causes, connection with diseases and the norm, how to treat when it is dangerous. Heart disease is the cause of swollen feet

Swelling of the legs is a fairly common phenomenon. This is an increase in tissue volume due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. Swelling can be localized in any part of the body, but most often occurs on the legs - lower leg and ankle. This occurs due to the maximum load on the legs and the lowest position of the feet relative to the rest of the body. Swelling of the legs always indicates a malfunction of the body. Often this can be a sign of temporary discomfort - poor nutrition, pregnancy, etc. But if swelling appears regularly and does not depend on environmental influences, you should definitely consult a doctor. Perhaps swelling is a symptom of a more serious disease.

How does swelling of the legs manifest?

As a rule, swelling of the legs is noticeable purely visually. First there will be marks from the elastic bands of the socks on the shins. Then the patient may feel a feeling of tightness and discomfort in his usual shoes. If a woman wears sandals, she will definitely notice traces of the straps, which seem to have sunk into the loose and soft fabric. Swelling increases in the evening, after heavy physical work or, conversely, after being immobile for a long time. Swelling of the legs Lately It has become an office disease, as people are forced to sit at the computer in one position throughout the working day. Swelling also increases after exposure to the sun. If you notice swelling in your limbs, you need to monitor the symptom for several days. With physiological changes, swelling will disappear within a few days. If your condition does not change, you need to find out the cause of the swelling as soon as possible.

Why do my feet swell?

Swelling of the legs can vary, ranging from moderate changes tissues, ending with serious pathologies, when the skin stretched from swelling begins to literally burst. Leg swelling can be caused by minor lifestyle changes or a serious diagnosis. Let's talk about the reasons for the appearance of swelling of the legs in more detail, starting with physiological reasons that are not associated with disruption of the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.

  1. Salt. If you ate a few pickled cucumbers or snacked on some salted herring the night before, it is quite difficult to avoid swelling. As you know, salt attracts water in large quantities. Salty foods lead to swelling of the legs and arms, puffiness, and bags under the eyes. As a rule, swelling in this case appears in the morning.
  2. Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, like salt, attract and retain fluid in the body. That is why the next day after a “party” a person’s face and limbs look swollen.
  3. Heat. Remember that in the summer, swelling of the legs increases. This occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels when the body tries to normalize heat exchange and not overheat.
  4. Sedentary and standing work. Constantly keeping your legs in the same position reduces the intensity of blood circulation. As a result, blood circulates throughout the body very slowly and for a long time, and the lower limbs completely stagnate. This leads to swelling of the lower leg. As noted, the legs swell in office workers who are forced to constantly work in a sitting position. The legs swell especially often in those who like to sit cross-legged. However, “standing” professions also have swollen legs, because the load on the foot in this case is constant and continuous. The feet of hairdressers, salespeople, cooks, etc. swell.
  5. Pregnancy. Swelling very often accompanies pregnancy. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this is a hormonal change in the body. During pregnancy, a huge amount of progesterone is produced, which reduces the muscle mass of the uterus and reduces vascular tone. The second reason for swelling of the legs during pregnancy is the compression of large arteries and veins by the growing fetus. This is why edema most often occurs at more late date pregnancy. Another reason for swelling during pregnancy is late gestosis in pregnant women. The development of the diagnosis is fraught with proeclampsia - a pathological change in the functioning of blood vessels. This condition is very dangerous for both the woman and her child.
  6. PMS. Many women notice that before starting menstrual cycle their weight increases slightly. This occurs due to the production of hormones that begin to retain fluid in the body. Before menstruation, swelling of the legs appears.
  7. Shoes. Another reason for swelling of the feet is wearing incorrect and uncomfortable shoes. High heels, too narrow an arch, and tight straps can lead to compression and squeezing of important arteries and veins. This leads to stagnation and swelling of the legs.

As a rule, physiological swelling is symmetrical and soft. Both legs and feet swell equally. If you press on the soft swollen tissue and remove your finger, a mark will remain at the place of pressure. As a rule, after some time of rest, such swelling of the legs goes away. If they do not go away, then they are most likely associated with pathological changes in the body and indicate a medical diagnosis.

  1. Heart. If the heart does not work fully, it is not able to efficiently and timely pump the huge amount of blood in the body. This leads to stagnation in the veins and arteries of the legs. Cardiac edema is symmetrical, especially evident in the morning.
  2. Kidneys. The direct function of the kidneys is to remove excess fluid from the body. If the kidneys fail to cope with this function, various kidney pathologies occur, accompanied by swelling of the limbs and the whole body. A characteristic difference between renal edema and cardiac edema is that with kidney disease, not only the legs, but also the face swell, the skin becomes pale.
  3. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. In case of vein diseases, swelling of the legs is asymmetrical; as a rule, the swelling is more pronounced on one leg. The tissues are quite elastic and hard, the swelling increases after a standing position and weakens after raising the legs above body level. Along with swelling, the patient feels pain in the legs, burning, heaviness, and the skin may turn red.
  4. Diseases of the lymphatic system. Various diseases of the lymphatic system (including erysipelas) are accompanied by dense and persistent swelling, which is difficult to get rid of. This disorder is characterized by swelling of the back of the foot - that is, a kind of cushion is formed on top.
  5. Damage to joints, bones, ligaments. Various injuries, sprains, bruises and fractures of bones, joints and ligaments necessarily lead to swelling. As a rule, in this case the swelling is located only on the affected leg, accompanied by pain when walking.

These are the main diagnoses, a symptom of which may be swelling of the legs. But is it always worth seeing a doctor with such symptoms?

When to see a doctor

If you notice a slight swelling in your legs after drinking beer with salted nuts in the evening, the reason for this swelling is obvious. In this case, the swelling will go away on its own after some time, you don’t even need to worry about it. If the swelling does not go away for more than a week or only increases each time, you should definitely go to see a doctor. As a rule, first it will be a therapist who can refer you to more specialized specialists - a cardiologist, phlebologist, traumatologist, nephrologist, etc. depending on the cause of swelling.

You should consult a doctor immediately if swelling is accompanied by redness and stretching of the skin, the appearance of ulcers or dark areas on the epidermis. Of particular concern is the presence of pastosity. This means you need to press on the soft tissue and see if marks remain. If yes, then a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. If swelling has formed on one leg or rises above the knee, this also indicates the need for urgent professional help.

Drug treatment of leg swelling

As noted, swelling is only a symptom. Getting rid of swelling depends on the underlying disease and is aimed at treating it. Here are several drug groups of drugs that may be useful for swelling of the legs.

  1. Diuretics. They will help remove excess fluid from the body that is “stuck” in the intercellular space. Such therapy is effective for cardiac and renal edema. Among the most effective are Furosemide, Trifas, Lasix, Uregit, etc.
  2. Potassium. The drug is prescribed for cardiac disorders. Potassium is needed to restore deficiency after washout with diuretics. Among such remedies are Asparkam and Panangin. In general, potassium supplements are very beneficial for the functioning of the heart muscle. However, they are contraindicated in renal failure.
  3. Cardioprotectors. They do not act directly on swelling, but they perfectly improve the functioning of the heart so that it pumps blood better into the veins and arteries. The group of cardioprotective drugs is very large; the specific drug is selected depending on the individual characteristics patient.
  4. Phlebotonics are needed for venous diseases. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Among such drugs are Troxevasin, Detralex, Normoven, etc.
  5. Blood thinners. They are also necessary for the complex treatment of veins and cardiac pathologies. If blood is viscous, it is more difficult to pump through arteries and veins. But a more liquid consistency moves through the arteries much more easily. Among such drugs are Aspecard, Cardiomagnyl, Lospirin, etc.
  6. Local ointments and gels. Local exposure is effective for varicose veins and even for simple overexertion. Such remedies increase blood circulation, the severity of swelling subsides literally in a matter of minutes. Among such products are Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Venarus, etc. For erysipelas, local antibacterial therapy is used - Levomekol is applied to the skin.

This is just an approximate designation of groups of drugs that can help you get rid of edema. Remember that only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe medications.

  1. If you work in a standing or sitting position, you need to change your position every hour. If you sit at the computer, take breaks, walk around the room, go up and down the stairs, and take a walk during lunch. This will help you disperse stagnant blood. If, on the contrary, you are on your feet all day, you must definitely look for time to rest, sit for at least 5 minutes every hour. This is the only way you can reduce the load on your precious legs.
  2. If swelling in the legs occurs, regularly raise your legs above the level of your torso, at least for 10-15 minutes. That is, you need to lie on the bed and place a pillow under your feet. This will increase the flow of blood from the lower extremities.
  3. Be sure to do gymnastics, especially when sitting and standing. It can be performed even while sitting on a chair - twist your toes in one direction or the other, make movements up, down, right and left, clench and unclench your toes.
  4. Massage is very effective. During pregnancy and in other cases of edema, massage should be done twice a day. This will help normalize blood circulation in the lower extremities and disperse the blood. You can massage with topical gels and ointments to enhance the effect of the procedure.
  5. Be sure to wear compression stockings, tights and knee socks. They gently compress the legs below the knee and do not allow blood and fluid to stagnate in the soft tissues of the designated areas.
  6. To make the vessels more elastic, you can make contrast baths. Place two cups in front of you - cold and hot water. Place your feet in the bath one at a time.
  7. Eliminate salty, smoked and pickled foods from your diet, give up alcohol and nicotine, and try not to drink at night. But in hot weather, try to drink more to sweat and stabilize heat exchange. In general, if swelling is not associated with temperature indicators, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced so as not to provoke even greater swelling.
  8. Choose your shoes carefully - they should be comfortable and comfortable, the heel should not be higher than 4 cm, the straps should not squeeze the foot. It is best to choose shoes in the evening, since the foot is at its largest size at this time of day.

Traditional recipes against swelling of the legs

Here are some effective and popular recipes that will help you get rid of swollen feet.

  1. Mint decoction. Prepare a decoction at the rate of one tablespoon of dried plant per liter of boiling water. Drink a liter of decoction during the day, the next morning the swelling will become much less pronounced.
  2. Lemon, cucumber and carrots. To get rid of swelling, we will prepare a diuretic cocktail. Squeeze the juice out of cucumber, lemon and carrots - about half a glass each. Mix the ingredients and dilute the juice half and half with water. Drink the composition in small portions throughout the day.
  3. Corn silk. A decoction of them is very useful, especially for kidney pathologies. You need to pour a liter of boiling water over the corn silk mixture and leave it in a thermos for at least a day. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Birch leaves. Birch leaves are also great for getting rid of excess fluid in the body. A handful of dried or fresh leaves should be poured with boiling water and left in a warm place for about three hours. Drink 200 ml morning and evening.
  5. Parsley. This plant is excellent at combating swelling of the legs. Parsley should be actively consumed as food, decoctions should be prepared based on it, and local compresses should be made.
  6. Hawthorn. This decoction will help you get rid of edema if it occurs due to heart problems. Dry hawthorn fruits and leaves should be poured with boiling water and left for 5-6 hours. The result should be a strong decoction, which should be taken half a glass three times a day.
  7. Raw potatoes. Compresses based on it are effective against swelling of the legs. Grate the potatoes, place the pulp on the swollen tissue, cover with film and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the compress, wipe your feet with a dry towel, but do not wash! After some time, the swelling will subside.
  8. Pumpkin. Eat pumpkin as much as possible to get rid of kidney and heart diseases. Pure pumpkin juice is very useful.

Perhaps not all recipes will suit you; each body is individual and sensitive to certain medicinal components. Try it folk remedies, change and alternate them among themselves to find what will help you.

Swelling of the legs is a serious pathology that should not be neglected. Timely identified causes of edema can save you from heart attack and stroke, kidney failure, and blood clots. One of the most serious complications of edema is a violation of the integrity of the skin, the appearance of ulcers and open wounds, up to gangrene and amputation of the leg. If you are suffering from swelling that is not related to diet and lifestyle, be sure to see a doctor. Timely detection of the disease is the key to a quick and effective recovery!

Video: what to do if your legs swell

Swollen, congested legs are a very unpleasant phenomenon. Unfortunately, many people suffer from swollen legs: men and women of all ages, and even children.

Swelling of the legs, of course, cannot be called a normal condition, since in most cases it indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body. Today we will figure out what causes this problem and what to do if you have severe swelling in your ankles and ankles.

Causes of leg swelling

Essentially, edema is the usual excess accumulation of fluid in tissues where it should not be. Why is this happening?

Capillaries absorb waste fluid that regularly accumulates in the intercellular space, and it is transported further along the venous bed. The ability to efficiently perform the functions of capillaries is influenced by factors such as the permeability of vascular walls, the content of potassium and protein in the body, pressure in peripheral vessels, etc.

If malfunctions occur in any of the well-functioning mechanisms of our body, the fluid stagnates and the legs swell.

Quite often, such a problem has a simple physiological explanation, and the legs can become very swollen in absolutely healthy people. Why does swelling occur?

The reasons may be:

  • Abuse of salty foods. For example, if you ate salted fish in the evening and drank a decent amount of water after that, due to the increased load, the kidneys begin to work in a less intense mode, causing the release of fluid to occur more slowly;
  • Passion for alcoholic drinks. Ethanol promotes dehydration of body tissues, disruption of ionic balance, acid-base balance and negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. People who are too fond of alcohol often suffer from this problem;
  • Increased physical activity. Pain, heaviness and swelling of the lower extremities are chronic companions of people who spend a lot of time in a standing position, namely: waiters, teachers, salesmen, conductors, postmen, inspectors, etc. Swelling also occurs due to sitting in an uncomfortable position, with legs thrown back one on top of the other. And in teenagers and people with weakened immune systems and unaccustomed to such stress, swelling can appear even after one day of being on their feet, for example, after a long walk, hiking, hiking, outing, etc.;
  • High temperature and humidity. One of the mechanisms for protecting our body from overheating is the expansion of peripheral vessels, as a result of which the pressure in them decreases and the microcirculatory process is disrupted. This also leads to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the lower extremities;
  • New and/or uncomfortable shoes. Compression of blood vessels leads to impaired blood circulation and causes swelling of the feet, accompanied by pain and discomfort;
  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy. Almost all expectant mothers complain about swollen legs and come to the gynecologist with the question of what to do if their legs become very swollen during pregnancy. The explanation is simple: in a pregnant woman’s body the amount of the hormone progesterone increases, which protects the uterus from premature contractions and at the same time leads to the accumulation of potassium, which slows down the secretion of fluid. In addition, in a woman’s body, the volume of circulating blood increases almost one and a half times, and, accordingly, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases. In the last stages of pregnancy, when the baby reaches a large size, it compresses the renal veins and the release of fluid slows down.

However, the reason why swelling of the lower extremities occurs may be a serious illness that requires mandatory treatment.

  1. Venous diseases. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lower extremities is accompanied by inflammatory processes such as thrombophlebitis and phlebitis. The legs turn red and hurt both during movement and at rest. If the tissues do not turn red, this indicates the development of varicose veins. Venous edema is soft to the touch, and the skin has a bluish tint. A phlebologist can determine the presence of varicose veins and recommend treatment.
  2. Heart failure. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the ankles and higher in the thighs. It comes with everything else severe shortness of breath. The skin is cool to the touch, tense, and has a bluish-pale tint. Symptoms appear in the late afternoon. In this case, consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.
  3. Kidney diseases. In this case, not only both limbs are affected, but also the arms, as well as the face and abdomen. Circles appear under the eyes, the color of urine changes, and its volume becomes smaller. Such symptoms usually appear in the morning and decrease towards evening.
  4. Hypothyroidism. If, when pressed, no pits remain on the skin, elasticity is maintained, the integument has a natural color, the cause of severe swelling of the legs is a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). The condition is characterized by drowsiness, increased fatigue, irritability, chilliness and constipation. In this situation, the help of an endocrinologist is necessary.
  5. Protein deficiency. If you were sitting on strict diet and noticed that your legs are very swollen, and attacks of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation have become more frequent, this indicates a low protein content in the blood plasma. In this case, you should stop the diet and start eating a balanced and rational diet.
  6. Allergic reaction. If swelling is accompanied by itching, redness, and rashes on the skin, most likely the cause of the disease is a common allergy. In this case, you need the help of a specialist - an allergist.

Treatment of leg swelling

First of all, you need to figure out what the cause of this disease is, because swollen legs in the ankle or lower leg are not a disease, but only a symptom.

Even if it seems to you that you are absolutely healthy, you still need to go to the clinic and consult with a competent therapist. If necessary, he will order tests and determine the cause of the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the lower extremities and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Now let’s find out what to do if your legs are very swollen, but this phenomenon is not associated with any serious disease.

Basic Rules:

  • Try to rest in a horizontal position as often as possible, placing a pillow or folded blanket under your legs. For blood to flow out, the lower limbs must be in an elevated position;
  • Do not overuse salty foods (sit on a salt-free diet for a while), alcohol and smoked foods;
  • Wear comfortable, comfortable shoes with heels or platforms no higher than 4-5 cm. But you shouldn’t completely give up heels;
  • Maintain drinking regime. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters per day clean water, but sweet drinks and soda should be excluded;
  • Include natural diuretics in your diet - watermelons, melons, cherries, green tea no sugar, etc.;
  • Drink herbal teas with a diuretic effect (your therapist can recommend which one is right for you);
  • You should do a contrast shower at least once a day every day. Pour the legs alternately, first with cold and then with warm water;
  • Excellent help in solving the problem physical exercise. Sign up for swimming, walk more often in comfortable sports shoes;
  • Use ointments and creams for swelling of the limbs. A therapist or phlebologist can also help you choose the right one.

The same recommendations apply to expectant mothers, however, take medications and homeopathic remedies they need to be treated with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a gynecologist. As a rule, after childbirth this problem disappears by itself and nothing needs to be done.

Update: October 2018

The basis of edematous syndrome of the limbs or human body is always the conditions under which fluid easily penetrates into the intercellular space and its removal from the body is difficult.
This is facilitated by:

  • disorders of arterial (especially capillary) or venous blood flow
  • problems with lymphatic drainage
  • impairment of renal excretory function

A type of local edema is swelling of the legs, which is a manifestation of many diseases expressed in varying degrees of severity. When the swelling of the legs is not pronounced, that is, the looseness of the tissue increases slightly and water accumulates in it, this is called pastiness. In this case, there may be no visible swelling, but the skin becomes pale and soft, doughy.

  • To determine pastosity, you can use the McClure-Aldrich test, the essence of which is to measure the rate of resorption of liquid (saline solution) injected intradermally. After this injection, a tubercle of saline is formed and with severe swelling (increased hydrophilicity of the tissues) it disappears much faster than in the normal state of the tissues.
  • If tissue swelling is pronounced, then when pressure is applied to it, a hole usually forms.

Edema due to circulatory disorders and lymphatic edema have some differences.

  • Lymphedema (also called lymphedema) is denser and is not accompanied by pain. It is characterized by the Kaposi-Stemmer sign, when the skin of the dorsum of the foot at the base of the second toe cannot be folded. Lymphedema develops due to the accumulation of fluid with a high protein content in the thickness of the skin.
  • Venous insufficiency is in first place among the causes of swelling of the legs, and due to the increased penetration of water from the capillaries into the tissues, the volume of intercellular fluid with low viscosity, which does not drain normally, increases.

Unlike lymphatic edema, with venous stagnation the swelling of the legs decreases somewhat with prolonged lying.

When swelling of the legs occurs periodically in a healthy person, you can analyze possible trivial causes, which in most cases can be eliminated:

  • Abuse of fatty, salty foods and large amounts of liquid at night
  • Prolonged sitting on soft and low chairs, habit of sitting cross-legged
  • Incorrectly chosen shoes - without heels or too high a heel, uncomfortable shoes that squeeze the foot and toes.

Causes of acute swelling of the legs

Acute swelling of the legs includes those that develop within 2-3 days. In this case, damage can be:

  • unilateral - vein thrombosis, trauma, leg fracture, removed lymph nodes in groin area, diseases of the knee or hip joint
  • bilateral - decompensation of cardiac or renal diseases, venous insufficiency
Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities

Most often, thrombotic complications occur against the background. With prolonged bed rest or limb immobilization, as well as during chemotherapy or radiation therapy in cancer patients. An acute situation characterized by partial or complete disruption of the patency of the deep veins of the legs, which is accompanied by:

  • swelling
  • blueness of the foot or leg
  • sharp, severe pain in the affected limb

Although, there are a number of “silent” thromboses, in which the pain is not pronounced or minimal, and there is only swelling of one leg. The process can be either one-sided or two-way. Upon examination, in addition to changes in the color and volume of the leg, you can determine coldness of the limb and muscle soreness.

  • For thrombosis of the veins of the leg, the Homans test is typical - the calves of the legs hurt when the foot is dorsiflexed.
  • If the saphenous vein of the thigh is affected - the Louvel test, pain when sneezing and coughing in the projection of the left or right saphenous vein.
  • Thrombosis of the iliofemoral region is characterized by pain in the thigh, abdomen and lower back, as well as total swelling of the thigh.
Swelling after injury

Post-traumatic unilateral edema is caused by rupture, separation of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, and interfascial space syndrome. In addition to swelling, severe pain occurs in the projection of the injury.

Acute venous insufficiency

This is usually a decompensation of chronic problems of venous outflow. It may be associated with changes in hemodynamic requirements:

  • pregnancy
  • flying on an airplane
  • prolonged immobility
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure due to constipation or heavy physical work

Bilateral expansion of the venous trunks visible under the skin is accompanied by swelling, increased fatigue of the legs and pain after exercise.

Differential diagnosis of leg swelling

localization of the lesion localization of edema nature of edema skin tone daily change other
chronic venous insufficiency bilateral lower 1/3 of the lower leg and above the ankle, the foot rarely swells soft normal to cyanotic disappears in the morning varicose veins or trophic changes
venous thrombosis one-sided swelling of the entire thigh or lower leg swelling of the subcutaneous tissue is not pronounced, the muscles are enlarged slightly cyanotic the volume of the limbs does not change sudden swelling, a few days before seeing a doctor
lymphedema primary - 2-sided secondary - 1-sided swelling of the dorsum of the foot + swelling of the lower leg and/or thigh soft at first, hard in later stages pale on early stages- decreases in the morning, then no longer primary lymphedema - before 35 years, secondary - after 40 years
renal edema bilateral shin, ankle, dorsum of foot soft pale No
cardiac edema bilateral shin, ankle, dorsum of foot soft, with long-term illness dense pinkish No severe symptoms of the underlying disease
orthostatic edema bilateral lower 1/3 of the lower leg and above the ankle, dorsum of the foot soft pale disappears with restoration of motor activity direct connection with a fixed orthostatic position
joint swelling often bilateral joint affected area soft ordinary No severe pain, stiffness
edema of pregnancy on both limbs lower 1/3 of the leg soft pale passing without pain, in the 2nd half of pregnancy

When your legs swell chronically

  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities and chronic insufficiency of the superficial or deep veins

This main reason recurring long-term swelling of the legs. Incompetence of the venous valves leads to dilation of capacitance vessels, the formation of varicose nodes and the creation of conditions for easier sweating of fluid into the interstitial space. The vascular network under the skin, heaviness in the legs, pain and swelling are over time complemented by trophic skin disorders in the form of ulcers and weeping, as well as hemosidernia deposits in the form of brown spots on the legs and dorsum of the foot. For diagnosis, Doppler studies are used.

  • Chronic heart failure involving the systemic circulation is also accompanied by swelling of the legs

First, the back of the feet swells and the legs and ankles swell. As heart failure progresses, the swelling rises higher and affects the legs and thighs. At the same time, additional symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, enlarged liver and a tendency to accumulate fluid not only in the legs, but also abdominal cavity. Cardiac edema of the legs is characterized by the formation of a pit when pressure is applied. The diagnosis is confirmed by ECHO-CG.

  • Pulmonary arterial hypertension in its chronic form also leads to swelling in the legs

It develops as a result of chronic pulmonary pathologies, acute right ventricular heart failure, and even as a result of night apnea in individuals with hypertrophies of the soft palate. The diagnosis is established thanks to ECHO-CG.

  • Chronic kidney disease

Kidney diseases accompanied by renal failure or nephrotic syndrome (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis). In general, renal edema can be divided into those that arise from impaired blood flow in the kidneys (nephritic) and those that result from an imbalance of proteins and differences in oncotic pressure (nephrotic). Nephritic swelling of the legs is a rarity that appears after morning swelling of the face. The swelling is looser and goes away easily. The feet swell more often. Nephrotic edema of the legs accompanies swelling of the face and lower back, is more dense and occurs more often.

  • Hepatocellular failure

Drug-induced swelling of the legs

If we put aside the banal allergic edema, which can develop in response to taking medications and is accompanied by redness and, there are still a lot of clinical situations when medicines are responsible for swelling of the lower extremities.

  • Glucocorticosteroids - prednisolone, prednisone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone
  • Calcium antagonists - diltiazem, nifedepine, amlodipine, verapamil
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most probable reasons swelling in the legs. In doing so, they can act as a trigger for interstitial nephritis.
  • In addition to these drugs, estrogens, testosterone preparations, methyldopa, beta blockers, hydralazine, clonidine, minoxidil, diuretics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus can cause swelling of the legs.

Causes of lymphedema

  • Lymphedema itself can develop as a congenital disease, when swelling appears in the very early age, or by the mechanism of acquired pathology.
  • There are also primary processes - lymphedema tarda, congenital and familial lymphedema
  • A secondary syndrome in the program of other diseases - lymphoma, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as scarring or blockage of lymphatic vessels as a result of surgery, radiation therapy or bacterial infections.
  • In the chronic process, in addition to dense swelling of the soft tissues, thickening and coarsening of the skin of the legs is observed, as well as its brown coloration due to the deposition of hemosiderin. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out based on the results of lymphoscintigraphy.

Lymphedema occurs when lymph fluid accumulates in tissues due to problems with lymphatic vessels, as well as after removal of lymph nodes. Left untreated, lymph stagnation prevents the healing of skin defects and can contribute to infection of wounds and ulcers. Such swelling often appears after removal of lymph nodes in the groin area or after irradiation of cancer patients.

Rare causes of leg swelling

This group of causes includes metabolic disorders that change the oncotic pressure of plasma mainly due to acute or chronic losses of different protein fractions.

  • Fasting, enteropathy

Enteropathies in chronic enteritis, Crohn's disease, Hirschsprung's disease, beriberi disrupt absorption processes. Against the background of atrophy of the mucosal villi and frequent stools, insufficient protein absorption and significant transient losses occur, which leads to dysproteinemic edema. A similar picture is observed with prolonged fasting, as well as inadequate rehydration therapy against the background.

  • Hypothyroidism

Myxedema is a consequence of an extreme drop in thyroid hormone levels. That is, this is a condition in which protein metabolic processes are disrupted, mucin and albumin accumulate in the intercellular space, and water flows along a pressure gradient. Myxedema is characterized by dense (“mucoid”) swelling, in which a pit does not form when pressed. In addition, patients have dry skin, brittle hair and nails, loss of the outer edge of the eyebrows, swelling of the face, lethargy and drowsiness.

  • Restrictive pericarditis and

These diseases occur with the development of excess connective tissue in the myocardium and the cavity of the pericardial sac, which disrupts blood flow and leads to congestive heart failure, which includes swelling of the feet.

  • Congenital venous malformations and iliac vein syndrome are the most rare causes of swelling in the legs due to venous insufficiency.

Why do my legs swell in the evening?

During the day, the heart pumps blood from the center to the periphery. In all cases, when venous return is difficult, part of the blood does not have time to return to the cardiac chambers and the plasma sweats into the intercellular space, lingering in the tissues. Therefore, by the evening, the legs swell and heaviness appears in them. If you were able to easily put on tight shoes in the morning, then after spending the whole day on your feet, you may not be able to fit into dress shoes.

Why do women's legs swell?

U large number women experience edema syndrome associated with the characteristics of the hormonal cycle.

  • In this case, swelling of the legs can develop as in menstruating women in the premenstrual syndrome program against the background of a drop in the level of progestins
  • and in menopausal or postmenopausal women, as idiopathic edema.
  • Idiopathic edema is characterized by water retention in the legs, arms and face in an upright position. Swelling is combined with depressive syndrome and weight gain.
  • Legs swell after childbirth in cases where pregnancy provoked the development of venous insufficiency or was the cause of phlebothrombosis or thrombophlebitis.

Causes of leg swelling in men

  • The main cause of leg swelling in men is chronic venous insufficiency, which most often has a familial nature.
  • In addition, swelling of the legs can occur during prolonged static exercise or heavy physical work against the background of large losses of fluid through sweat.
  • By the same mechanism, legs swell in the summer in the heat with insufficient drinking load, tight shoes or playing sports.

The second option for non-pathological edema or pastiness is edema of a forced position, when water flows into those areas that are most susceptible to gravity. This phenomenon is observed in wheelchair users who are forced to sit all day with their motionless legs down.

Swelling of the legs is far from a harmless symptom. If it appears, first of all you should contact a surgeon or therapist for a proper diagnosis of its causes. It is extremely wrong to resort to various traditional methods, like cabbage leaves or cold baths until all the circumstances that accompany swelling are clarified. If your legs are very swollen, the cause may be hidden not only in the state of the vascular bed, but also in systemic diseases of vital organs.

Swelling is not a disease, then why do your legs swell? This is a physiological reaction and manifestation of various pathological conditions. The most common causes of swollen ankles and legs are circulatory problems. Legs often swell in pregnant women, overweight people, and injured people. On initial stages predominantly aesthetic problems arise.

If nothing is done, swollen lower limbs create more and more obstacles in daily activities. Diseases characterized by constant swelling are serious and require drug therapy. Let's look at the most common causes and treatment methods.

Physiological edema is more easily tolerated when in the heat, after prolonged standing, a feeling of heaviness appears in the ankles. The legs swell more severely in the evening and at night. The toes and top of the foot become swollen, pain, tingling and swelling sensations appear in the calves. After rest, the condition returns to normal.
Ankles and legs swell in 20% of the population due to pathologies of the venous or lymphatic systems. With swelling of the legs of various origins, specific symptoms may differ. Manifestations also depend on the load on the lower limbs, time of day, and stage of the disease.
What is leg swelling, what symptoms accompany this condition:

  1. Fluid is retained in the tissues of the lower extremities.
  2. There is heaviness and stiffness in the ankle area.
  3. There is a feeling of tension and pain in the legs.
  4. At the end of the day or at night, cramps in the calf muscles may begin.

How to determine why your legs begin to swell? It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of signs. You should be wary if the ankles and legs remain swollen after rest, the skin becomes thinner and takes on a blue tint. Many people know how dangerous any swelling of the legs is. The combination with sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid heartbeat is characteristic of a blood clot in the vessels of the lungs.

Why do my feet swell?

The causes of swelling of the lower extremities are varied. These can be diseases of the blood vessels and heart, in which blood or lymph fluid accumulates and puts pressure on the vascular walls. In these cases, the legs swell because molecules leak out of the vessel into the surrounding tissue. Some diseases lead to an increase in the permeability of the vein walls and the accumulation of water in the body.

Persistent swelling in the legs, their causes and treatment are best discussed with a therapist. The specialist will note that the ankles and legs are severely swollen on only one limb. If necessary, the therapist will refer you to a phlebologist. In case of bilateral swelling, they also contact a cardiologist.

What diseases and conditions cause swelling of the lower limbs:

  • thrombophlebitis, CVI, varicose veins;
  • protein deficiency (hypoproteinemia);
  • renal failure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lymphedema;
  • injuries.

A possible reason why the legs began to swell is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space due to impaired lymphatic drainage. This happens with malformations of lymphatic vessels, bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

Depending on the reason different kinds swelling of the legs is characterized as cardiac, venous, allergic, medicinal, etc. The protein variety is a sign of malnutrition and alcohol abuse. Various parts of the body swell during cirrhosis, since the liver plays an important role in metabolism. Other causative factors: hypovitaminosis, mineral deficiency.

Legs swell after eating due to impaired protein absorption due to chronic inflammatory disease intestines or gluten intolerance. If albumin levels decrease, fluid accumulates between cells in tissues.

In diabetes, the lower extremities often swell, hence the name “diabetic foot.” This is a typical symptom of persistently high blood sugar and vascular damage. Taking modern medications and monitoring glucose levels can avoid amputation of the toes or the entire foot.

Wearing high-heeled shoes is accompanied by swelling of the feet and legs. The fingers tighten, the veins become overloaded, muscle contractions intensify, and the load on the bones increases. Not only do the lower extremities swell, but the joints also wear out.

Thyroid disorders

A severe manifestation of an endocrine disorder is thyroid myxedema. Swelling of the legs, face, arms and legs occurs. The skin becomes pale and dry, and when pressing on the swollen area, no indentations remain.

The primary cause of swollen legs is inflammation, tumor or other pathology of the thyroid gland. As a result, the production of hormones that affect metabolic processes, digestion, and the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular and other organ systems is reduced. Initial symptoms include slow heart rate, constipation, hair loss, and weight loss.

Drug-induced swelling of the legs

Retention of water in the tissues of the foot and ankle - by-effect taking medications. If one or both legs are swollen, the cause may be drugs that change the concentration of proteins and minerals in the body. Some medications disrupt the water-salt balance and make it difficult to remove fluid from tissues.

Limbs may swell when taking the following medications:

  • drugs for the treatment of hypertension: diuretics, calcium channel blockers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or NSAIDs);
  • hormonal drugs, estrogen containing contraceptives;
  • corticosteroids (glucocorticoids, GCS);
  • antidiabetic agents.
  • antidepressants.

Diuretics are diuretics that stimulate the excretion of salt and water by the kidneys. Swelling of the legs often occurs when the dosage is changed independently. Then, instead of removing the liquid, the reverse process occurs.

Rheumatism and rheumatic carditis

With rheumatism, dry skin, coldness and blue discoloration of the extremities are noted. The joints of the legs swell more severely in the morning when cardiac failure is combined with the development of nephrotic syndrome. Taking medications does not help relieve symptoms.

It is important not only to know why, but also to observe how the legs swell in the morning with rheumatism. Usually the ankles or knees are affected symmetrically, and the lymph nodes are enlarged. Characteristic signs are “wandering” pain in the leg joints in the ankles and knees, and increased temperature.

Rheumatic carditis is damage to the heart muscle as a result of infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This is the main causative agent of sore throat in adults and children over 3 years of age. Heart disease can cause swelling in various parts of the body.


Phlebitis is inflammation of the superficial veins. A more accurate name for the disease is thrombophlebitis. Inflammatory process develops in the wall of the vein, a blood clot may form (not necessarily). The lower extremities swell, sensitivity appears when touched, and hardening occurs along the affected vessel.

Phlebitis develops as a result of improper blood sampling or installation of a catheter for administering solutions, injuries and insect bites. More often, the lower legs swell due to inflammation of the vein, if there is already varicose veins. There are many other reasons, for example, an increased tendency to coagulate and slow blood flow, and a hereditary predisposition to thrombosis.

More platelets continue to settle around the blood clot. The lumen of the vein is blocked, blood is diverted through other vessels, which creates increased pressure. Among the consequences of this process are varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Swelling of the legs due to heart failure

Edema of cardiac origin is distinguished by a number of symptoms. The skin becomes thinner, becomes dense, “varnished”. Severe swelling of the feet and ankles, heaviness in the legs appear in hot weather. You feel weak, your heart rate increases, and shortness of breath appears at rest. After pressing on the swollen part of the foot, a deep indentation remains, and the skin slowly recovers.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure, the right atrium does not create full suction force. Initially, thickening of the feet and ankles is observed only in the evening, the shoes become tight. Then the pressure in the vessels increases, blood stagnation occurs, and the lower extremities swell more. Fluid also accumulates in the lower abdomen.

Changes in blood circulation lead to heart rhythm disturbances, loss of sensation and numbness of the limbs. Pathological processes usually develop unnoticed by a person over a long period of time. Characteristic symptoms appear already when a serious illness exists.

Venous insufficiency

In the body, fluids are found inside cells, in intercellular spaces and in blood vessels. With venous disorders, blood stagnates in the limbs. Additional portions of fluid penetrate into the surrounding tissue.

What related conditions and vein diseases cause the legs to swell:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • phlebitis.

Chronic insufficiency is often preceded by thrombosis of the superficial veins, and sometimes blood circulation in the arteries is disrupted. The lower legs, in the feet, and lower legs in men swell due to dysfunction of the venous valves. This is noticeable by the indentations from the elastic of the socks on the skin. Vascular cobwebs and mesh of red, blue or purple color appear.

The cause of swollen legs in the ankle area in women is also CVI. Risk factors include hormonal changes, pregnancy, overweight body, muscle weakness.

Increase the risk of venous diseases:

  • hereditary predisposition to varicose veins;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • age over 50 years;
  • sedentary work;
  • pregnancy.

With further development of CVI, swelling persists during the day, pain and itching occur. The skin often takes on a reddish color with a blue-violet tint. The tissues can become inflamed, and ulcers appear in the ankles and shins.

Liver diseases

The initial stages of hepatitis, fatty degeneration and cirrhosis are asymptomatic. The liver has no pain receptors; it is able to function while retaining only 20% of hepatocytes.

What causes legs to swell if the liver is affected? The organ cleanses the blood flowing through the portal vein. When parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue, stagnation occurs, pressure in the venous system increases, and blood flow in the lower extremities worsens.

Why can the legs and abdomen below swell? A diseased liver is unable to produce proteins, enzymes and hormones necessary for normal metabolism. The binding and removal of water is reduced. More fluid accumulates in the lower extremities and abdomen.


The lower legs in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg swell due to pathologies of the endocrine glands, hormonal and metabolic disorders. Common endocrinopathies are manifested by enlargement of individual parts of the body and internal organs, muscle weakness and fatigue. A rare hormonal disease - Cushing's syndrome - is also accompanied by swelling of the lower extremities.

Diabetes contributes to the development of thrombosis and swelling of the soles of the feet, which causes the death of leg tissue and requires surgical treatment. High level Blood sugar is dangerous for capillaries and larger vessels. Blood pressure rises, atherosclerosis intensifies. Diabetes-related kidney disease is also a cause of edema.

Renal pathology

There are several reasons why legs swell in the morning: glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infections. With these kidney diseases, metabolism is disrupted, the water-salt balance changes, hormonal background, blood pressure.

Minor swelling of the feet appears as an early symptom and later spreads to the thigh. Low back pain and hypertension are added. Constant swelling in the legs occurs as a result of fluid accumulation in chronic renal failure.

Metabolic diseases such as gout can cause kidney pathologies. Various factors ultimately lead to nephrotic syndrome, which causes persistent swelling of the face and legs and requires long-term treatment.


If your legs are swollen after sunbathing and sunburn, then the cause is chemical and physical irritation of the vascular walls. The protective reaction is that more fluid from the veins is released into the surrounding tissue.

Tissues swell due to damage to venous and/or lymphatic vessels during operations and injuries. The tumor increases with increased load on the lower limbs after sprains, dislocations, and fractures. The appearance of thickenings can be caused by severe pathologies that require surgical intervention.

Can legs swell due to a hernia of the spine and vertebrae? Symptoms depend on which part is affected. The vessels of the lower extremities are most affected by pathologies of the lumbar spine.

Allergic reactions

Impact chemical substance or another irritant - the reason why the legs, hands, lips or eyelids suddenly swell. Acute angioedema (Quincke) is manifested by an increase in the size of individual organs. The skin remains pale or red and itchy.

If a child's legs are swollen, the cause may be immediate allergic reactions to medications, insect bites, food, pollen and plant juices. What causes spots and blisters on the legs, why does angioedema occur in adults? People with a hereditary predisposition to allergies are most prone to such reactions.

The development of acute respiratory failure more often occurs with swelling of the face, compared to swelling of the legs or arms. If the patient is not helped, this condition can lead to death.

Varicose veins

Swelling of the legs in the foot area is much more common with varicose veins in women. At first, the deterioration of the veins is almost not felt. In the evening, heaviness and swelling of the ankles appear. Muscle pain intensifies with prolonged sitting or standing or walking. “Knots” protrude under the skin of the legs.

Varicose veins become a natural result of decreased elasticity of the venous wall. At the same time, deformation of the valves inside the vessel occurs. Typically, these processes intensify in middle and old age. At risk are patients with endocrine disorders and excess weight.

There is a “zero” stage of varicose veins or phlebopathy. This is “varicose veins without varicose veins.” The bluish veins are not visible, but heaviness and pain are already felt at the end of the day. Objective examination also does not reveal pathology in the vascular wall.

The reason for the progression of varicose veins, when swelling and dense blue nodes appear on the legs, is considered to be the process of tissue aging throughout life. Congenital predisposition to this disease is less common.


Chronic disease is caused by metabolic disorders. There is an increased breakdown of proteins against the background of a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to excrete uric acid. Crystals are deposited in the tissues, the legs feel numb, and swelling occurs.


Do your toes, the back of your feet, or the ankles of one or both legs swell when you sit on a long ride? This is how disorders in the lymphatic system manifest themselves. In primary lymphedema, swelling in the legs is a consequence of excessive accumulation and obstruction of the outflow of lymph from the vessels. Without treatment, the tumor increases from the periphery to the center, the limb becomes shapeless.

Treatment methods

If the legs swell for a long period of time, the patient needs to visit a doctor and carefully follow the specialist’s recommendations. Varicose veins will require the use of certain medications and procedures, while allergies or gout will require the use of others. The doctor will explain how you can remove swelling in your legs and how to avoid complications.

All areas are important: pathogenetic therapy, elimination of the most severe consequences and alleviation of symptoms of the disease. Treatment of diseases in which the legs swell should always be based on getting rid of the causes.

The doctor conducts an initial examination and a thorough history taking. Blood tests, ultrasound, and less commonly, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed. An allergy test will reveal possible reasons unusual reaction. Some signs indicate that the limbs are swelling due to cancer. Then a tissue sample is taken.


Various medicinal substances for swelling of the legs due to vascular diseases are contained in ointments, gels and solutions for application to the skin. In more serious cases, oral tablets are prescribed. If the lower extremities swell and hurt, then apply anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments.

Complex therapy of varicose veins:

  • compression products (socks, stockings);
  • microcirculation correctors;
  • angioprotectors;
  • phlebotonics.

External remedies are most effective when the lower extremities just begin to swell in the early stages of the disease. Medicines normalize the tone of veins, reduce their permeability and fragility. Thanks to the use of venotonic drugs (phlebotonics), heaviness in the feet and bursting pain in the legs disappear.

You can quickly eliminate pain and minor swelling with the help of ointments and gels Lyoton 1000, Troxevasin, Trombless and others with a similar mechanism of action. The method of application is very simple - apply the product and rub into the skin over the affected veins.

What medications and dietary supplements should you take orally if your limbs swell due to varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency:

  • Phlebodia 600, Phlebofa, Venarus, Detralex;
  • Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Ginkor forte;
  • Askorutin, Venoruton;
  • Venoplant, Escusan;
  • Capillary.

Medicine for swelling of the legs is taken orally to reduce capillary permeability and improve venous circulation. The effect appears within 1–2 months.

The diuretic Veroshpiron helps with edema caused by heart failure, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, and lack of magnesium and potassium. Active ingredient is spironolactone. When a doctor prescribes Veroshpiron for swelling of the legs, how to take the pills must be clarified immediately. Dosages for different diseases differ significantly.


Drugs in this group are prescribed only for medical reasons. Diuretics for leg swelling increase fluid excretion through the kidneys. Diuretics bind water and salts, improve drainage, and reduce swelling.

The drugs Lazex and Furosemide have a short period of action; they are prescribed in emergency situations. Hypothiazide has a long-term diuretic effect. Veroshpiron and Aldactone are considered the least harmful to the body. Diuretics provide temporary relief and are used for a limited time.

Treatment at home

Ointments help if the feet and legs are swollen, and do not have a harmful effect on the internal organs. Such remedies are most often used at home. Swelling of the legs that occurs due to injury or varicose veins is treated with Troxevasin gel. Analogues: Troxerutin and Troxevenol.

Heparin products prevent stagnation venous blood in blood vessels and the formation of blood clots. These are Dolobene and Heparin ointments, Lyoton cream for leg swelling.

How to treat swelling of the legs due to vascular inflammation and rheumatism? You can apply ointments with ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide (Ketoprofen, Diclak-gel). In the evening, do a light massage to help improve the flow of blood and lymph.

Antihistamine tablets and syrups, medicinal liquids, solution for intravenous administration help with swelling of the legs of allergic origin. Antiallergic treatment is also prescribed in cases where the legs not only swell, but also peel and crack.

Decoctions and infusions of plants for oral administration:

  • infusion of lingonberry and bearberry leaves;
  • cranberry and lingonberry juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • green tea;

Honey is added to the finished infusions to bind excess liquid. Diuretic mixtures contain parsley, calendula, rowan. Folk remedies are often powerless against the cause of the disease, so they complement drug therapy.

Simple exercises against swelling

Alpha and omega for maintaining health - reasonable physical activity. The simplest exercises for swelling in the legs: changing the position of the body and limbs, race walking, walking during the lunch break and in the evening.

The effect of treating swelling of the legs is enhanced by rotating or moving up and down the fingers and feet, transferring the weight of the body from the toe to the heel and back. Another thing that keeps blood vessels toned effective exercise- stretching the feet (can be performed sitting or lying down).

Preventing leg swelling

You should always take precautions to help maintain the elasticity of your blood vessels longer. To prevent swelling of the feet, it is necessary to avoid tight shoes and tight clothing. Direct sunlight, overheating and hypothermia, and alcohol can also cause swelling of the limbs.

If your legs are swollen, which doctor should you contact? Make an appointment with a therapist, phlebologist, or dermatologist. Further consultations with other specialists may be required. It is better to entrust the choice of medications and procedures to the doctor. Only a doctor will be able to identify the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

If swelling of the legs is not advanced, then the prognosis is good. Treatment is usually long-term, so persistence and patience are required. Those who have swollen legs should use ointments that improve the condition of blood vessels. It is equally important to get rid of the cause against which edema develops. It is better if the treatment of the disease is comprehensive, combining medications, exercises, water procedures and folk recipes.

Among the causes of swelling of the left leg (or right limb) there are both external factors not associated with diseases, and internal malfunctions in the body. However, when you see such a pathology, you should not panic: the problem is not mortal danger, and it is easy to identify the features of its occurrence after a little diagnosis.

Recognizing swelling of the left leg is easier than determining its type. For an experienced therapist, such a process is not difficult. There are several types of edema, the identification of which will help in further identifying the causes of their formation:

  • mechanical - appear after injuries, as a result of pregnancy, as well as in the case of the formation of tumors in different parts of the body;
  • hydremic – appear in kidney diseases and are associated with fluid stagnation;
  • stagnant - arise due to problems in the capillaries and blood vessels;
  • cachectic - occur due to dehydration or severe exhaustion of the body, as a result of heart disease;
  • neuropathic – formed as a result of diabetes mellitus or alcoholism;
  • allergic – characterized by rapid onset and severe severity.

Identifying the causes and prescribing treatment for swelling of the left leg begins with determining the type of swelling. After this, it is easier for the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. However, edema does not always form as a result of a disease. There are specific causes of swelling of one leg that do not require complex therapy:

  • increased load – standing work, heavy physical activity;
  • formed flat feet;
  • improper drinking regime and excess fluid intake before bedtime;
  • problems with metabolic processes in organism;
  • the habit of always sitting with your legs crossed;
  • sitting too low on a chair while working, or using soft seats;
  • wrong shoes - too high a heel or flat sole;
  • excess weight;
  • ankle or toe injury;
  • pregnancy (but swelling of one limb rarely spreads without pathological processes).

All causes not related to organ diseases can be easily corrected through lifestyle changes. However, some symptoms may hide serious illnesses, such as diabetes.

Diseases that cause swelling of one limb

Among the causes of swelling of the right or left leg, there are also more serious components - diseases. The most common of them:

  • varicose veins, swelling is at first barely noticeable, then intensifies with prolonged standing on the legs;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system - any problems with the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, can lead to sudden swelling of one limb;
  • kidney disease - swelling can be very severe, often affecting both limbs. However, in some cases, swelling of one leg may occur, accompanied by darkening of the skin around the eyes and a change in urine character;
  • intestinal diseases - swelling is accompanied by diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms;
  • “elephantitis” disease – lymphatic drainage in the epidermis worsens, metabolism is disrupted;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland - swelling can be elastic, affecting the lower parts of the legs. Additional swelling of the body, lethargy and drowsiness are possible;
  • thrombophlebitis - unlike varicose veins, it is always accompanied by a feeling of heat in the veins, redness and pain along its location;
  • blood clots in the veins - clogged ducts prevent the heart from receiving the required amount of blood, its circulation is disrupted;
  • osteomyelitis is a disease of bones and joints in which an acute inflammatory process occurs.

If, for example, your right leg is swollen, its color has changed greatly and sensitivity is impaired, you need to consult a doctor. Some diseases involve the presence of several complications at once, which leads to severe edema and even gangrene of the lower extremities.

Associated symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

If one leg is swollen, but additional symptoms appear, this almost always requires contacting a doctor:

  • pain and shortness of breath – possible heart failure;
  • temperature above 39 degrees is a sign of the onset of inflammation;
  • high blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
  • severe joint pain;
  • convulsions.

Severe morning swelling of the face and eyes can indicate kidney problems.

Diagnostic stages

Diagnosis of diseases begins in the therapist's office. Then, based on the results of the examination, he will give a referral to one of the highly specialized specialists. To identify the problem, you need to undergo an ultrasound, x-ray, lymphoscintigraphy (examination of vessels and nodes), in some cases you need to undergo an MRI. Additionally, blood and urine tests are prescribed. If heart disease is suspected, a cardiogram is performed.

What is the danger of swelling in one leg?

The reasons why swelling of one leg can be so dangerous are hidden in possible diseases heart, kidneys, endocrine system. If one leg swells constantly, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the person will experience progression of the disease that caused the pathology.

Signs of deterioration include: weight gain, swelling under the eyes, frequent attacks of hypertension, severe pain and inability to move normally.

Even the simplest swelling caused by injury, if left untreated, can become chronic. Sometimes swelling develops into elephantiasis, lymphatic drainage is impaired and varicose veins develop.

First aid for detecting edema

Before using remedies to relieve swelling, you must provide first aid to the patient (or yourself). However, they are effective only in the absence of serious illnesses - due to heat, in the morning, due to stress.

First you need to free your feet from clothes and shoes, wash them with cool water and try to relax. You can then use a relaxing cream to relieve swelling in your right or left leg. Apply it with massage movements. After this, you need to rest for about 20 minutes, placing your feet slightly above head level.

After the first procedures, more serious treatment begins - the use of compresses and baths, as well as other recipes traditional medicine. If there are diseases, the doctor prescribes medications to relieve pathological swelling.

Which doctor should I contact?

If swelling appears on one leg, you can first consult a therapist. Then they will give a referral to a cardiologist, nephrologist or phlebologist, depending on the type of edema and accompanying symptoms. If thyroid disease is suspected, they are referred to an endocrinologist.

Treatment methods

There is no single option when it comes to treating edema. Therapy should be approached comprehensively, including all the remedies recommended by the doctor:

  1. Massotherapy. The therapist will show you how to do it correctly to relieve swelling.
  2. Gymnastics. A specialist will select a set of exercises.
  3. Baths and rubbing. Mainly folk recipes, herbal decoctions, and sea salt are used.
  4. Complete rest. Without this component, quick and high-quality treatment is impossible.

After determining the cause of swelling of the left or right leg, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In complex therapy, medications are necessarily used. To help cope with swelling:

  • phlebotonics are prescribed - drugs that strengthen veins and blood vessels (Eskuzan, Venarus, Detralex, Troxevasin);
  • use anticoagulants - blood thinners (Aspirin, Lyoton);
  • in some cases, medications are prescribed to improve heart function by stimulating pumping function;
  • diuretics are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of edema and varicose veins;
  • antiplatelet agents - used to cleanse the blood of cholesterol and plaques - are prescribed as needed.

Additionally, compression garments are used to retain fluid. For swelling caused by joint diseases, orthopedic shoes or insoles are selected.

Alternative remedies for relieving swelling in the left leg

The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of swelling of one limb is effective and appropriate. The methods can be used both in combination with the main therapy and as maintenance treatment:

  1. Birch leaf wraps. You need to take cotton rags - old sheets or towels, pieces of fabric - they are used to form bags. You can use old pillowcases. Birch leaves are poured into them and placed on the feet. They wrap themselves well and wait for their limbs to start sweating. After about 2-3 hours, the pillowcases are removed.
  2. Compress and light massage. You can use a decoction of any suitable herb for a compress. Soak cotton paper in it and wrap it around the problematic leg. Then they put on the bag and wrap it up. You need to leave it on all night.
  3. Turpentine. Pure turpentine mixed with 2 parts of warm castor oil will help with swelling on one leg. Wipe the skin, put on high socks and leave overnight. Any swelling should go down overnight.
  4. Sea salt. Pour warm water into a basin and add about 30-40 g sea ​​salt. The foot is placed for 30 minutes, the procedure is completed with rinsing and a light massage.
  5. Peppermint. Add 3-4 drops of mint ether into cool water and place your foot in the bath.

A separate group includes medicinal herbs for eliminating edema. They can be taken both internally and externally in the form of compresses.

Herbs to treat swelling

Among the popular herbs for relieving swelling caused by poor lifestyle, injuries and other factors not associated with severe diseases of the internal organs are:

  1. Cornflower. Use 1 tsp. blue cornflower and 1 cup boiling water. You need to infuse the product all night, strain in the morning and 2 tbsp. l. taken before every meal. Not suitable for pregnant women!
  2. Linen. Seeds and inflorescences are used - a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water and cool. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. You can add a little honey, as the product is bitter.
  3. Cherry. Use stalks that you harvest yourself. Take 2 tbsp of boiling water for 250 ml. l. dry legs and leave for 40-60 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, take 1-2 spoons. You should not drink if you have liver disease!
  4. Pharmaceutical chamomile. A sedative that, in the form of a strong decoction, relieves swelling well. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 12 inflorescences and cool. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  5. Calendula. Famous medicinal herb, which relieves swelling well. Take 2 tsp. for 500 ml of boiling water, you can add 1 tsp. cornflower flowers. Taken during sedentary work, wearing high heels. You can drink before every meal.

Treatment with medicinal herbs should not last longer than 1 month, as addiction may occur. If folk remedies are used as part of complex therapy, alternate them with each other.

Elimination of edema due to varicose veins

If swelling on the right or left leg appears as a result of varicose veins, then you can get rid of it using additional methods and medications. The key recommendation is to use moderate physical activity without much involvement of the legs. Yoga asanas are ideal for combating varicose veins.

Can't study by force sports with sudden jumps and jerks.

Swimming and water sports are great for reducing swelling caused by varicose veins. However, you can’t do without drugs to relieve pathology. In general, they are similar to what is used to treat edema from other diseases.

All medications are taken strictly according to the course, and the results of treatment are assessed by the doctor after repeated examinations and tests.

Regardless of the reasons for the accumulation of fluid, doctors recommend treating swelling of one leg using light physical activity. All exercises can be done directly on the bed or on the floor at home:

  • “scissors” - perfectly stimulate blood flow - straight leg swings;
  • “bicycle” - lying on a hard sofa, legs make movements as if riding a bicycle;
  • “birch” - the legs rise up, you can start with the support against the wall, the back is supported by the hands in the lumbar region;
  • skiing, running and cycling are the maximum permissible sports with high activity.

Prevention of swelling

To prevent your right or left leg from swelling and swelling from time to time, you need to follow simple rules of prevention. They will not help get rid of kidney disease, heart disease and varicose veins, but they will facilitate the process of possible treatment.

You should wear comfortable low-heeled shoes and avoid putting excessive strain on your feet.

Doctors advise normalizing your diet, eliminating large amounts of sweets, fats and salty foods. It is also useful for prevention to engage in moderate physical activity, perform therapeutic exercises and foot massage.

If swelling occurs in the morning, then in the evening you need to prevent excessive fluid intake. And withdraw excess water A cup of coffee will help - one of the best diuretic products.