Mpv analysis. Mean platelet volume (MPV): what is it, the norm in a blood test, increase and decrease. Symptoms characteristic of low MPV

Many patients are frightened by the blood count MPV, because most often it is not deciphered in the results of blood tests and is written in English letters, but it is platelet index and bears the full name “ average platelet volume».

It is being studied as an additional diagnostic tool for various blood diseases.

MPV or mean platelet volume- this is an additional indicator general blood test, which is calculated either manually or using an analyzer. Platelets– these are blood cells that ensure blood clotting and promote rapid healing of wounds and tissues. In short, these cells help stop both internal and external bleeding.

For a long time, laboratories only checked platelet levels, but the difficulty is that they human body several species, therefore this indicator is very important, as it determines them qualitative characteristics, i.e. allows you to find out which types of platelets predominate in blood cells.

As for themselves platelets, then the analyzer only counts them total, without touching the view. It can be said that MPV are blood enzymes that show average platelet indicators, and they also determine maturity platelet cells.

Mature cells platelets occupy less blood volume, and immature (young)– bigger. Young cells are quite impressive in size and have no internal structure, that is, they can be called “ empty", since they lack biologically active enzymes.

Normally, in the blood of a healthy person there should be a balance of all types of blood platelets that usually live in the blood from 10 to 14 days, and then are destroyed.

Initially, they are formed in two organs: the spleen and bone marrow. IN spleen platelets accumulate and Bone marrow is a hematopoietic organ containing many cells.

MPV currently calculated by an analyzer, which draws special curves on graphs to calculate it ( bar chart). In other words, it shows how mature and immature platelets are distributed in the blood plasma.

Schedule shift right means that immature cells predominate in the blood being tested, and left– mature. This gives the doctor a detailed clinical picture. The more young blood platelets predominate in the blood, the higher MPV, and if more mature, then vice versa. In this case, deviations in indicators MPV from the norm does not immediately mean diagnosis or pathology, and to begin with, this indicates which type of cells dominates in the blood plasma. Such information has diagnostic value, since conventional platelet counts do not answer the necessary questions, especially when there is a clear severe symptoms in the form of constant bruises and bleeding.

Indicator norm

Reference Each laboratory has values ​​that set threshold values, so when interpreting the results you need to focus on them. If we take it on average, then the norm is MPV an adult should have approximately 7-12 fl. The indicator is measured in femtoliters.

Its values ​​may depend on age, gestational age, menstrual cycle, taking certain medications that affect the hematopoietic system. During pregnancy MPV may be reduced, but not critically, and if platelets are still low, then this is a dangerous signal, as a miscarriage may occur. With age average platelet volume most often it increases and this is also the norm.

Reference values MPV usually the same for both sexes, but age criteria can make adjustments, so the table shows approximate normal values MPV according to age.

Normal in newborns and small children under 5 years of age average platelet volume usually slightly reduced, since the child’s body is just developing, and the hematopoietic system is not yet fully formed, so such results can be considered as the norm, but if the indicator is greatly underestimated or overestimated, then this is the same pathology as in an adult.

This condition requires additional examination and visit. hematologist. This is only relevant for the youngest child aged up to 4-5 years, since in older children the norm is the same as in adults, and the reasons for the increase/decrease in results are identical.

Deviations from the reference values ​​may occur after surgical interventions, severe bleeding, bruises, cuts, or previous illnesses, which should be reported to the doctor in advance before interpreting the results.

It is important to pay attention to platelet count in the child, since between them there is correlation connection.

Decoding the analysis results

First of all, it should be taken into account that interpretation of results Only a doctor deals with it, and self-diagnosis is unacceptable in any case. Often doctors themselves do not look at this indicator, and some laboratories deliberately ignore it, but it is very important for assessing the patient’s condition, and especially if there are suspicions of blood diseases.

Minor decreases/increases in MPV values ​​may be considered by the doctor as norm, and even more so if other blood parameters do not exceed reference values. It is especially important to look at the platelet counts with which MPV direct connection.

If they increase platelets, then the indicator inevitably increases MPV or vice versa. The doctor should take this into account when interpreting the results, because an isolated increase/decrease MPV may be a common analyzer error and have no diagnostic value, but the doctor must be interested in the well-being of the patient himself.

However, in many blood diseases there may not be such direct communication, and platelet counts are often detected within normal limits, because the increase/decrease MPV does not mean a change in their quantity. With an isolated, significant deviation from the norm average platelet volume it is permissible to indirectly state that the formation and maturation of cells in the bone marrow is impaired, which may be a sign of serious diseases.

If the indicator is increased?

Significant increase average platelet volume an extremely alarming signal that indicates that there is one or another pathology in the body hematopoietic systems. Initially, it is necessary to exclude all physiological reasons for the increase MPV: massive bleeding, bleeding wounds, operations and other surgical interventions, heavy menstruation, etc.

All this happens due to the fact that platelet cells begin to work harder, and this inevitably changes in the direction of increase average platelet volume.

This condition is not a pathology in the case of a slight increase in the indicator, but when there is an impressive jump MPV, then you cannot do without medical interpretation and examination, since this is a serious symptom. People often notice the unreasonable appearance of bruises, hemorrhages, or long-term continuous bleeding on their skin after minor cuts, scratches, and often the symptoms may only be bad feeling.

Reasons for the increase average platelet volume a huge variety. Typically, MPV increases significantly when the following diseases:

  • Thrombocytopenia (a condition in which platelets are destroyed);
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Smoking and alcoholism;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anomaly Mey-Hegglina(a severe autoimmune disease in which platelets, which are qualitatively represented by huge, shapeless cells, are destroyed, and leukocytes also undergo serious mutation);
  • Enlarged spleen;
  • Posthemorrhagic anemia, which occurs after prolonged bleeding;
  • Thalassemia (hereditary, pernicious anemia);
  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland or endocrine diseases;
  • Various infectious diseases;
  • Erythremia (chronic leukemia);
  • Myeloid leukemia;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

If downgraded?

Decrease in values ​​no less than warning sign, which should not be ignored by the doctor, especially if there is a strong underestimation MPV.

U little children a slight decrease in indicators is normal, since the incompletely formed hematopoietic system reacts in this way to the blood sampling procedure, and the child often experiences severe stress at the sight of an injection, needle or medical personnel.

U pregnant women most often the meaning MPV reduced, but sharp, strong decrease average platelet volume threatens miscarriage and premature birth, so a woman in this condition is immediately hospitalized. Taking medications side effect which consists in suppressing the hematopoietic system, can provoke low rates.

Reasons decrease in mean platelet volume there are also a huge number, so further diagnosis is very important. Basically, such values ​​are observed in the following pathological conditions:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Leukemia;
  • Bone marrow tumors;
  • Completed course of chemotherapy, radiation treatment;
  • Aplastic anemia (a malignant disease in which bone marrow cells grow and mature);
  • Enlarged spleen;
  • Kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Megaloblastic anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid);
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Syndrome Wiskott-Aldrich(a disease in which platelets decrease and immunodeficiency occurs);
  • Treatment with antitumor drugs (cytostatics);
  • Other diseases.

Reasons contributing to the increase/decrease MPV quite a lot, but an experienced doctor should prescribe an additional examination or refer the patient to a specialist who deals with blood diseases - hematologist.

Mean platelet volume (MPV) an extremely important indicator that can tell about many diseases of the hematopoietic system, since they are often very difficult to diagnose, and some doctors may not pay attention to the change MPV.

The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to begin its treatment, since blood pathologies are difficult to correct, but often the reasons for the deviation of this indicator are not serious or physiological in nature. Post-infectious conditions quite often accompanied by changes average platelet volume therefore, the patient has nothing to worry about.

In a complete blood count, there is an indicator of the average platelet volume. They play one of the important roles in our body.

Blood clotting directly depends on the volume of platelets; due to them, a blood clot can form and the integrity of the vessel can be restored. These are not cells, although everyone calls them that. They do not have a nucleus and are disc-shaped fragments of cytoplasm. Mpv appear in the bone marrow and 2 parts are located in the blood, and 1 part in the spleen.

Mpv indicator is an index value of platelets, which characterizes the maturation of blood platelets that live in the bloodstream for no more than ten days. The transcript of the analysis shows its designation as mpv. Aged cells become smaller, and the size of young cells increases.

Blood for mpv is collected from a finger or sometimes from a vein. There is no need to eat in the morning. IN modern medicine Hematological analyzers are used to decipher data. From the curved line pattern, you can understand how the platelets are distributed by size. In the presence of immature indicators, the histogram shifts to the right, and when old formations predominate in the blood, then to the left.

Average platelet rate

The platelet count is measured in femtoliters. For different ages she fluctuates 7.5-10 fl. Children under 3 years of age have indicators no higher than 8.9 fl. The size of this analysis increases with age and amounts to no more than 11 fl for an adult.

The importance of platelets in diagnosis

The total platelet index per unit of blood is not fully reflected in the characteristics of the analysis transcript.

Mpv shows the whole picture of the usefulness of the formations. Cells with “experience” have a reduced parameter, and young ones have an enlarged shape and a skeleton without structure. The volume of platelets determines the speed of movement, the ability to stick together and be filled with biologically active components.

Decoding the mpv data will give the specialist a complete picture of what is happening in the human bloodstream. This indicator is increased, then the blood has more young cells. This result is greatly increased, so it is more in the blood of immature organizations. With a reduced result, small formations are present in the bloodstream. But mpv is also increased or decreased if the indicators have normal blood discs.

If such an analysis is correctly deciphered, the following can be revealed:

  • platelet gluing occurs more intensely, so thrombosis develops in the body;
  • large cell shapes reflect blood loss in those people who suffer from anemia with iron deficiency;
  • the test cannot detect myeloproliferative disease.

Increased mpv level

Physiological indicators in which the platelet level is slightly increased:

  • multiple hematomas on the body;
  • surgical operations;
  • heavy periods;
  • the use of drugs that cause hematopoiesis;
  • internal and external blood loss;
  • blood loss in children.

When bleeding occurs in the body, then the level of platelets is increased.

Diseases in which mpv analysis has increased indicators:

  • diabetes;
  • the spleen is enlarged;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • erythremia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Decreased platelet levels in the blood

When your analysis reveals a decrease in platelet volume, this indicates the following pathologies:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • diseases that exist at the genetic level;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • anemia;
  • splenomegaly;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • autoimmune system diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncological blood diseases;
  • use of certain drugs.

Pregnancy can also affect low mpv levels. But when platelet counts are also low, this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Medicines that can lower platelet volume levels:

  1. Analgin.
  2. Reopirin.
  3. Vinblastine.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Levomycetin.
  6. Biseptol.
  7. Vincristine.

As the level of platelets in the blood increases, the risk of blood clots increases. This may result in heart attack, thromboembolism and stroke. Those patients who have diabetes and hypertension are at high risk. To reduce the results, medications are prescribed that reduce the viscosity and density of blood flow in the vessels.

A decrease in test results indicates breakthrough bleeding. They are quite difficult to stop. In this case, on the contrary, drugs are used that increase the viscosity of platelet adhesion. Vitamins, chloride, iron-containing medications, sodium ethamsylate and hemostatic sponge help stop the bleeding.

If the bleeding is profuse and cannot be stopped, transfusions of plasma taken from donors and platelet mass are prescribed. But when platelet antibodies are present in the body, such measures can increase bleeding even more.

Necessary Precautions

A small deviation in the average level of platelet formations can be an indicator of a common ARVI, and only a cold needs to be treated. You should immediately contact a specialist who will help you choose the right antiviral drugs and antibacterial agents that will help cure the disease, and not lower your platelet levels even further.

Having been treated with the necessary medications, take the test again to check the effectiveness of the proposed treatment. Monitor your platelets periodically to proactively prevent diseases such as thromboembolism and heavy bleeding. If you suffer from hypertension, diabetes mellitus or have thyroid disease, you must constantly do this test.

Blood clotting is a basic process without which a person could not live. You are injured, small bodies rush to the blood to help and stop it, sticking together and closing the wall of the vessel. A blood clot forms and subsequently the blood flow stops completely.

People themselves can determine that their platelet levels are low if they experience occasional bruising, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds. The analysis will help doctors determine a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe exactly the treatment that suits you.

There may be inflammatory and infectious diseases in the human body, as well as problems with the bone marrow; all this will be shown by this result. It is elevated, which means that your body also has hidden diseases.

Although there are standards for the number of platelets in cells, studies can vary significantly. Healthy representatives of the stronger sex and women have the same indicators.

At birth, infants have elevated levels, but after seven days they become similar to adult levels. There is less data in pregnant women; perhaps the blood volume increases, and the body cannot keep up with this formation. When the results of the analysis sharply change the volume of the average norm, this causes concern among specialists, and they prescribe additional examination.

The production of platelets in the bone marrow is constant. Unnecessary cells are processed in the spleen and liver. When an unforeseen reason arises for which the production process goes wrong, this is reflected in the results of the analyzes performed. While the spent platelets are still functioning in the bloodstream, the spleen undergoes cell destruction too quickly and must be treated and restored to healthy levels.

Types of platelets

  • young;
  • mature;
  • degenerative;
  • old.

The analysis will not be complete without determining which form predominates. The average volume is normal, but the level of any form has moved away from the required parameters, which means there is a certain pathology in the body. In general, they are distributed as follows:

  • mature ones have 90%;
  • 0.8% are young;
  • old cells 5.6%;
  • degenerative 0.2%;
  • forms of irritation 2.3%.

After reading our article, you should understand that constant monitoring of your health will help you spot internal pathologies in time and, in consultation with a specialist, begin the correct treatment. Take only those pills prescribed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate. Love yourself, and the whole world will be at your feet, and painful old age will pass by your body.

Human blood contains many different cells (formed elements), and they all perform specific functions. In the article we will talk about what MPV means in a blood test and what its normal values ​​are.

Platelets in the blood

Platelets are the smallest. They do not have a nucleus, but perform many vital functions. Their main tasks are to impart a certain viscosity to the blood and restore the integrity of the vascular wall if it is damaged. In this case, the formation of certain substances (fibrinogens) occurs, under the influence of which platelets turn into an active form. In this state, they gain the ability to flatten and stick together with each other and with the wall of the damaged vessel, forming a thrombus (a kind of plug that closes the damaged area and helps stop bleeding).

The formation of platelets occurs in the bone marrow, and due to the fact that their life is no more than 10 days, for normal functioning of the body it is necessary to constantly produce new cells. If the balance between the destruction of platelets and the formation of new ones is disturbed, a person has either a tendency to bleeding (the number of platelets decreases) or to excessive thrombus formation (at high levels). A blood test determines the amount of these formed elements per liter or microliter. The normal platelet count varies from 180x10 9 to 320x10 9 /l in adults.

The indicators determined today are somewhat different from those a few years ago. Thus, many abbreviations have appeared that are incomprehensible to uninitiated people. One such mysterious value is MPV in a blood test. It's actually not that complicated. This abbreviation hides an indicator that determines the average platelet volume.

Due to the relatively short lifespan of platelets and their constant synthesis, formed elements are always present in human blood and are at different stages of their life cycle. At the same time, young and mature cells, as well as platelets, whose life cycle is already nearing completion, not only differ in size and saturation with biologically active substances, but also carry different functional loads. MPV in a blood test allows you to determine how many platelets different sizes is in the blood at the moment.

Normal MPV values

To determine the average volume of platelets, a sample is taken. After this, 5 ml is examined using the cytometric fluorescent method. The result is a histogram - a curve showing the MPV in a blood test. The norm for this indicator varies from 7.5 to 11 fL. The histogram allows you to estimate the number of platelets of different sizes. Normally, the content of mature cells should occupy 90% of the total platelet mass, young - no more than 0.8%, degenerative - 0.2%, old - 5.6%. In this case, the predominance of immature elements shifts the histogram to the left, and the predominant content of old cells shifts to the right. It is worth considering that certain changes in MPV indicators can be detected even with a normal absolute platelet count.

Blood test: MPV lowered

This picture can be observed if in a blood test, against the background of a normal absolute platelet count, the average volume is below normal. This is manifested by a significant predominance of old cells in the histogram. In this case, a low MPV in a blood test will signal a dangerous condition such as thrombocytopenia (platelet content less than 100x10 9 / L), in which extensive bleeding is possible due to decreased blood clotting.

The causes of this condition can be hereditary factors, diseases of the blood and other organs, and the use of certain medications. There are three main points in the mechanism of development of thrombocytopenia:

  • reduction or cessation of the synthesis of young cells - this can occur with various pathologies of the liver, thyroid gland, anemia, intoxication caused by alcohol and other toxic substances, as well as when taking certain medications;
  • if platelets are destroyed faster than they are synthesized, this may result from certain immune pathologies (thrombocytopenic purpura), disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, or blood transfusion;
  • violation of the distribution of platelet mass - in a normal state, almost half of the platelets are in a kind of depot, the role of which is played by the spleen; in some diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis) the number of deposited platelets can reach 90%.

Symptoms characteristic of low MPV

The symptoms that accompany situations where MPV in a blood test is low is due to two factors: a violation of blood coagulation mechanisms and increased permeability of the vascular walls. Externally, this manifests itself as the following signs:

  • multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, most often located on the anterior surface of the limbs, abdomen, and chest;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • women have long and heavy menstruation;
  • hemorrhages in the retina of the eyes.

MPV level increased

However, there are situations when, when determining MPV, it shows an excess normal level platelets. In some cases, their quantity can significantly exceed 400x10 9 /l. This condition is called thrombocytosis and can lead to quite serious pathologies associated with increased thrombus formation. There are relative thrombocytosis (readings exceed the upper limit of normal by 100-200 thousand units) and critical, when the excess of normal values ​​is twice as high general analysis blood. MPV can be so elevated for various reasons, so it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth examination, find out the cause of thrombocytosis and try to eliminate it.

Reasons for increasing MPV

Modern medicine makes it possible to determine not only an increase in the total number of platelets in the blood, but also to find out which types predominate. This is often important for diagnosing diseases. For example, the number of young people after surgery either signals internal bleeding or prolonged blood loss. High levels of old platelets indicate an oncological process. Degenerative forms increase with disturbances in the hematopoietic process. Thrombocytosis most often accompanies the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract and skeletal system;
  • blood diseases;
  • surgical interventions;
  • oncology;
  • as a side effect of certain medications.

MPV in children

In general, average platelet levels in children differ from those in adults only up to the age of one year. After this, the content of these blood elements has similar characteristics, regardless of gender. As for newborn children, their acceptable values ​​are considered to be the range from 100 to 400x10 9 / l. When determining MPV in up to a year, it is 150-350x10 9 /l.

MPV during pregnancy

Pregnancy requires a woman’s body to restructure all its functions, and these changes primarily affect the circulatory system. The need to form an additional (placental) circulation requires an increase in the total volume of circulating blood. On average, normal platelet counts in a pregnant woman are considered to be 150-380x10 9 /l. However, deviations from the norm in this condition can lead to serious consequences. That is why a woman should undergo regular laboratory tests throughout her pregnancy.

If pregnancy is accompanied by severe toxicosis, then vomiting and other intestinal disorders can lead to dehydration, which, in turn, will affect the level of platelets - it will increase sharply. During pregnancy, levels should not exceed 400x10 9 /l, otherwise pathological processes may begin, leading to platelet aggregation and the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed. On early stages such pathologies can lead to fetal loss, and in the later stages they are fraught with the occurrence of blood clots in the vessels of the legs, accompanied by the development of varicose veins. In order to avoid this, you can use orthopedic knee socks.

No less dangerous is a decrease in platelet levels below 140x10 9 /l. In the early stages, this can cause bleeding and even the risk of fetal loss. Manifestations of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy can include the appearance of bruises on the body even after slight touches, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds. On later thrombocytopenia can cause large blood loss during childbirth and bleeding in the child.

Thus, average level platelets are an important indicator of the condition of the human body. It allows you to determine the possibility of a particular pathology at an early stage and take measures to prevent it.

A blood test for MPV can help identify problems with blood clotting and determine the average platelet volume. What indicators are included in the reference values ​​and what does their increase and decrease indicate?

What is MPV

MPV (mean platelet volume) is the average platelet volume, which is important for making a diagnosis. By their nature, platelets are small blood cells without an internal nucleus that take part in the process of blood clotting and ensure the integrity of blood vessels. MPV allows you to determine the maturity of the plates and the content of biologically active substances in them.

To conduct the study, blood is used from a vein or finger, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. As a result of hematological tests, a histogram is drawn. If the graph is shifted to the left, this indicates a predominance of old cells; if to the right, immature plates occupy a predominant number. As platelets age, their number and volume decrease significantly.

Norm and diagnostic value

MPV is measured in femtoliters and the reference value is 7.5-10 fl. In children, the normal limits are slightly lower and equal to 8.9 fl, and with age the highest limit increases to 11 fl.

Average platelet counts are extremely important because the analysis reflects qualitative characteristics. Young cells are quite large in size, have increased activity and contain the maximum amount of biologically active substances. They regulate the process of blood clotting and form blood clots to close the lumen in the vessel. A blood test for MPV allows you to identify the risk of bleeding and determine a number of pathological changes in the body.

High MPV

An increased content of the average platelet count indicates a large number of immature forms in the blood. As a rule, indicators go beyond normal limits in the presence of physiological conditions associated with blood loss: menstrual flow, surgical intervention, multiple injuries and internal bleeding. The causes of increased MPV can be various diseases: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, atherosclerosis, enlarged spleen, alcoholism, etc.


A decrease in MPV levels below the acceptable reference value may indicate a number of physiological processes and diseases. Most often, such results are detected in liver cirrhosis, iron deficiency anemia, most cancers (leukemia, sarcoma or lymphoma), hypo- or hyperthyroidism, myocardial infarction and kidney diseases (amyloidosis or glomerulonephritis). Less commonly, this indicator is detected when there is presence in the body inflammatory processes or in case of development of autoimmune diseases.

Reduced MPV levels can be diagnosed during pregnancy. If this result is accompanied by a decrease in total platelet levels, this may pose a risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

A blood test for MPV can identify a number of diseases and pathological changes in the human body. It also provides grounds for other diagnostic procedures.

MPV (short for mean platelet volume) is the designation of the platelet index, which characterizes the degree of platelet maturity in peripheral blood. The measurement is based on the fact that the size of young cells is larger than that of mature and aged cells. There is a connection between the size of platelets and their functional activity, so the index characterizes the state of the blood coagulation system, which platelets represent.

Determination of MPV in a general blood test is carried out within two hours after collecting the material, since with a later study the result may be distorted.

General blood analysis

Determination of MPV in a general blood test is carried out within two hours after collecting the material, since with a later study the result may be distorted.

A decrease in MPV may mean an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of liver cirrhosis, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, and thyroid pathologies.

MPV in a blood test: decoding, norms in women and men

Determination of MPV is important for assessing the hematopoietic function of the body. Using the MPV platelet index in a blood test, you can detect increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, and active blood loss (if large platelets are detected in people with iron deficiency anemia). In addition, the MPV indicator in a blood test acts as an additional marker of chronic myeloproliferative diseases (the presence of large platelets in the peripheral blood).

The normal MPV in adults is the same for women and men and is 6–13 fl. In children under one year old, the MPV norm is 7–7.9 fl, 1–5 years old – 8–8.8 fl. For children over 5 years of age, the normal values ​​are the same as for adults.

An elevated MPV platelet index indicates the presence of large platelets in the patient's peripheral blood. If the MPV in the blood test is low, this means a predominance of small platelets.

When MPV in a blood test is increased and decreased

An increase in MPV may indicate the presence of thrombocytopenia, myeloproliferative diseases, posthemorrhagic anemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, infectious and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, preeclampsia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, impaired platelet formation due to a lack of vitamin B 12 or folic acid in the body, May's anomaly - Hegglin, Bernard–Soulier syndrome. The index also increases after surgical removal of the spleen (splenectomy), in smoking patients with atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, with alcoholism and taking certain medications, and in the elderly.

When the balance between the formation and destruction of platelets is disturbed, a tendency to thrombosis or increased bleeding occurs.

What does a decrease in MPV mean?

A decrease in MPV may mean an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of liver cirrhosis, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, and thyroid pathologies. The platelet index decreases in aplastic anemia, septic thrombocytopenia, congenital megakaryocytic hypoplasia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked thrombocytopenia with platelet microcytosis, thrombocytopenia caused by immunological destruction of cells, as well as during chemotherapy and during pregnancy. A significant decrease in MPV in the blood of a pregnant woman indicates a threat of miscarriage.

What to do if MPV is higher or lower than normal

When receiving MPV results in a general blood test that go beyond the normal range, additional tests are usually prescribed: general urinalysis, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, etc.

Treatment depends on the cause of the increase or decrease in MPV. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since uncontrolled use of medications can aggravate the pathology, even threatening life.

In order to prevent the development of diseases affecting the blood coagulation system, it is recommended:

  • undergo regular preventive examinations;
  • rational use of antiviral and other medications(some medicines negatively affect platelet formation);
  • eat rationally, avoid excessive consumption of animal fats, give preference to easily digestible varieties of meat (rabbit, turkey, fish);
  • maintain sufficient drinking regime.
Using the MPV platelet index in a blood test, increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, and active blood loss can be detected.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • change in color of the skin and/or mucous membranes;
  • causeless formation of hematomas;
  • frequent nose and gum bleeding;
  • frequent increase in blood pressure and the appearance of tachycardia;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • weakness, constant fatigue, deterioration of general condition without visible reasons and for a long time, not going away after proper rest.

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