Why do you dream about juice? Why do you dream about sap according to the dream book Why do you dream about collecting birch sap


In dreams a symbol birch trees very ambiguous. But for almost everyone it is associated with slight sadness, even if for some it is a feeling for the woman they love. The appearance of a birch tree should alert the dreamer and be vigilant to the circumstances. And then the machinations of the enemies hinted at in the dream will be successfully overcome.

To see a birch tree in a dream:

· a certain woman;
· unexpected acquisition;
· profit.;
After some time there will be a meeting and acquaintance with beautiful girl;
· dream on Tuesday or Thursday, then this girl will come into your life for a long time;
· dream on Monday or Sunday, then the meeting will be fleeting and will not leave a mark in your life.

To see a birch tree strewn with earrings in a dream:

· a sign that in reality you will meet a beautiful, graceful woman who will not only make an indelible impression on you, but will also significantly influence your life;
· the dream foretells wealth.

Birch tree standing alone in a field- a harbinger of temporary separation and light sadness.

Seeing a birch among other trees means waiting for good news.

Birch Grove- anticipation of joyful events.

Seeing a birch grove in a dream and walking through it, means that the people around you treat you well, are honest with you, and if necessary, you can fully rely on them, they will provide you with the necessary help.

If in a dream you are walking among birch trees rustling with leaves, then in real life luck will be your faithful companion.

If in a dream you saw a birch tree with young green leaves, then soon a girl will appear in your life who will amaze you with her purity. For a single man Which dream prophesies a quick wedding with a beautiful, innocent girl, and then a long happy life together with her.

If you dreamed of a birch tree with yellow leaves- a harbinger of an imminent illness. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will receive unpleasant news about a serious illness of a person close to you.

To see a birch tree swaying in the wind in a dream- means that someone close to you is in great need of your help. Don't refuse him!

Seeing a birch tree with fallen or falling leaves in a dream portends separation from a loved one or disappointment in her.

See bare birches- an unfavorable sign, such a dream portends losses.

Withered birch- pay more attention to your health.

The image of a broken birch tree in a dream- a sign of repentance and mental suffering. If a dream leaves sad feelings in your soul, then you better think about your life - maybe in reality you are overstepping some bright feelings? If after such a dream you wake up thoughtful and quiet, it means that your experiences will soon end.

If in a dream you saw a broken birch tree, then such a dream is a bad omen: it prophesies the illness or death of one of your relatives.

Cutting a birch tree in a dream- evidence that in real life you are very worried about the health of a person close to you.

Breaking a branch- a female person will spoil your mood.

If in a dream you make cuts on a birch tree in order to pour birch sap, then you will pay attention to your health in time and prevent serious illness.

Drinking in a dream Birch juice - a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this dream prophesies the news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you.

Steam in a dream with a birch broom- this is a sign of good luck. You will be able to easily solve all your problems and get rid of evil envious people.

If you make a splinter from a birch tree in a dream, then complete success in business and the fulfillment of all your most unfulfilled desires awaits you.

Birch products- to pleasant family chores.

Freud's Dream Book

Birch- she personifies purity, innocence.

So, if a man dreams of a birch tree, this suggests that he would not mind spending time with an innocent girl.

The girl dreamed of a birch tree promises a love adventure that will awaken previously unknown feelings and sensations in her.

Well, for a mature, experienced woman birch foreshadows soon a fairly close communication with a person who will be distinguished by inexperience and naivety.

Presence of this word in other interpretations:

An extremely contradictory symbol in a dream is sap, namely birch sap - this can be a pointer to excellent health and good luck, luck in any business. Although on the other hand, this may indicate theft and losses, the collapse of hopes.

Why dream of drinking birch sap in night visions - this is a harbinger that you will soon meet an important person in your life. It will be useful to you, will help you in many endeavors, although on the other hand, you will soon receive important information that will play into your hands.

Why else do you dream about birch trees and its sap that you drink in your dreams?

For a sick person, such a vision promises a quick recovery, but if a sick relative was also present in the vision, he will feel a significant improvement.

Often, the very vision in which you drink birch sap can predict the end of some difficult matter. Depending on what his taste was, you can judge the outcome of your own affairs. Exactly taste qualities juice will help you correctly decipher a vision in which there is a birch tree with green leaves or bare branches.

If you happen to plant a birch tree in a dream and then collect it and drink sweet juice from it, all matters and projects will be successfully resolved. When the drink itself is bitter, the news will be unpleasant, and the end of the matter will not please you with positive results.

When the drink itself was bitter, with sourness, the dreamer will accordingly face failures and failures in love affairs. When the drink itself was cold, the dreamer will soon have considerable luck, but if it was warm, all his efforts are useless, they will not bring the desired result.

When you really, really like the taste of the drink itself, this is an indication of a period of prosperity and tranquility. Although if you don’t like it, you are too careless, and for this very reason you can miss your own luck. This interpretation is especially relevant to women - they are the ones who can suffer due to their frivolity.

If you happen to collect birch sap and then treat it to an acquaintance or friend, in reality the vision indicates the help that the dreamer will provide to an acquaintance or relative. You should not refuse someone asking for help - it will come back to you a hundredfold in the future. If in your night dreams you were treated to something, the dreamer himself is in a difficult situation, and without outside help you will not be able to cope with the problem.

Interesting! The dream book says - if a birch tree fell, but you collected sap from it and then sold it, then you will be busy with a certain issue, and you will also have more household chores.

Birch can often be perceived as a symbol of purity and female beauty, innocence. And if we talk about why a girl or woman dreams of green birch trees, this is an indication that she is doing everything right. Accordingly, if we talk about why a broken birch tree or a tree without leaves is dreamed of, this is a symbol of problems in the love field, an indication that its beauty is fading.

For a man, the tree itself promises positive messages. For example, if he dreams about planting a birch tree in a dream, this is a sign that he will soon meet his future wife. Often this also promises that his chosen one is somewhere nearby, but he simply does not pay attention to her. The dream book says to break birch branches and weave them into brooms, respectively, this is an indication of the need to take a vacation and fully relax.

Important! The dream book says that birch trees grow a lot in a dream for good luck, and by this detail one can judge the future.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details:

If we talk about such a symbol as a birch tree, its sap - for the most part it brings a positive sign to the dreamer. Although one should not discount the details of the vision. The main thing is to take into account what many dream books advise after such a dream, namely, do not lose your positive attitude, even if the sign brings you sadness.

Collect birch sap in a dream

If in your vision you were collecting juice in a beautiful and green grove, especially in early spring, you should take care of your own health. Finally, visit a doctor, undergo an examination and, if necessary, a course of therapy.

If you fill a vessel with juice, in reality you will experience difficult moments, and here every ruble will count. Therefore, put it off if possible, so as not to ask for a loan later. Although in a number of interpretations the dream itself about collecting juice is interpreted negatively - this is a pointer to natural disasters, tectonic disasters.

But remember who exactly you collected it with:

  • if with family members, in reality you will help each other, become a strong family;
  • a girl and a guy collect juice together - they will soon get married and create a strong and happy family;
  • if you collected it together with a person you don’t know, you will soon plunge headlong into a passionate romance, but the truth will be that emotions will prevail over feelings;
  • if you see how many people are collecting sap in the grove, you have considerable popularity among the people around you.

If the gathering was carried out together with colleagues, it means an unexpected business trip, even a change of position.

I dreamed about a lot of birch sap

If you see a lot of birch sap and are storing it for the winter, remember exactly what method you used to do it. If you boiled it with sugar, prepared some syrup for yourself, everything will be fine in the family. At the same time, you yourself will achieve a lot. The main thing is to be honest and open, to remain optimistic - this will attract good luck to your assets.

Simply rolling it into jars means you are making far-reaching plans that may affect both places of work and residence, social or family status. At the same time, you not only build them, but also confidently move towards achieving them.

If you drink a lot of birch sap during the winter months, you will have temporary problems with your own health, which you can overcome in a short time. But after such a dream, you should take care of yourself - strengthen your immune system, drink vitamins, move more and rest.

Interesting! If you spill juice, you will actually lose patience. You should not do this, because one spoken word can cause harm.

Although some dream books say that drinking a lot of juice in a dream is not always a good sign, since it can indicate many diseases. Often such a vision indicates the wrong path that the dreamer himself is taking, and higher powers advise him to reconsider it.

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    Juice- If you dreamed about it sweet juice - dream means that you are satisfied with yourself, bitter means an unpleasant commitment, sour means problems in love. Squeeze juice in dream- to realize your intentions. Dream Book of the Wanderer. Juice– Get vitality. Summer dream book. For what dreaming Juice according to the dream book: Juice fruity - To the opportunity to get rich at someone else’s expense. Juice birch– Collect or drink birch juice in dream- to loss of health.

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    I dreamed about it tomato juice in a cup - it’s time to take a vacation, recommends the Gypsy Dream Book. Drink in dream carrot juice– you feel tired, but you still have strength. The production process is a sign of success in your work. Dreaming tomato production juice on a large scale - you will achieve your goals, good news Spring dream book. Dream that you are an intern at a food plant, and you were entrusted with bottling birch juice in boxes - means that starting small, you will reach heights.

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    Juice birch- Collect or drink birch juice in dream- to loss of health. Dream book of N. Grishina. For what dreaming Juice according to the dream book: Juice- press juice in dream- your regrets will not come true. Juice grape - you will get more than you expected, juice birch- to jealousy. Esoteric dream book. For what dreaming Juice according to the dream book

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Walk in dream By birch dreamed about it birch with yellow leaves is a harbinger of an imminent illness. Drink in dream birch juice dream in dream birch a broom is a sign of good luck.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Walk in dream By birch dreamed about it birch with yellow leaves - a harbinger of an imminent illness. Drink in dream birch juice- a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this one dream prophesies news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you. Steam in dream birch a broom is a sign of good luck.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Walk in dream By birch grove - a sign that there are many people around you whose thoughts are pure. These people will help you in the most difficult situation. if you dreamed about it birch with yellow leaves - a harbinger of an imminent illness. If you do in dream notches on birch in order to pour birch juice- you will pay attention to your health in time and prevent serious illness. Drink in dream birch juice- a miraculous healing awaits you.

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    Walk in dream By birch grove is a sign that there are many people around you whose thoughts are pure. These people will help you in the most difficult situation. if you dreamed about it birch with yellow leaves is a harbinger of an imminent illness. Drink in dream birch juice- a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this one dream prophesies news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you. Steam in dream birch a broom is a sign of good luck.

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    Drink in dream birch juice- a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this one dream prophesies news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you. If dream dreamed about it in dream birch

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  • Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    If dream dreamed about it on Tuesday or Thursday, then this girl will come into your life for a long time. If on Monday or Sunday, then the meeting will be fleeting and will not leave a mark in your life. See in dream birch with fallen or falling leaves portends separation from your loved one or disappointment in her. Drink in dream birch juice- a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this one dream prophesies news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astromeridian"

    Had a dream drink juice- this is always a favorable sign if juice to your liking. Often this means that you will arrange a holiday for yourself. Buy or sell juice in dream dreaming to unnecessary trouble. Often tomato juice dreaming to a love adventure. Dream Interpretation Juice birch- usually juice birch trees symbolizes suffering, loss of peace. Dream Interpretation Lemon juice - dreaming to disappointment or communication with a person with a bad character.

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    juice birch.Had a dream drink Juice, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming drink Juice in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it!

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    "Dream book orange Juice dreamed about it, for what dreaming in dream orange Juice». juice birch. drink juice.

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    juice birch. drink juice.I dreamed about it apple Juice, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming apple Juice in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol?

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  • Dream Interpretation "snitsyason"

    if you dreamed about it sweet juice - dream means that you are satisfied with yourself, bitter - to an unpleasant obligation, sour - to problems in love. Collect or drink birch juice in dream- to loss of health. Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse. Juice sweet - contentment; bitter - unpleasant obligation; give to the sick - have support; juice squeeze - realize your intentions.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream man walking along the green birch grove, which means that in life such a person is surrounded by very good people who are able to come to the rescue even in the most difficult moments and you can always rely on them. If this is a tree dreamed to a young unmarried girl, which means that a pleasant one awaits her soon Drink in dream fresh juice birch trees– soon miraculously a serious illness will pass or one of your relatives (close friends) will get rid of a serious illness from which they have suffered for a long time. What does it portend?

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    Spring dream book. If dreaming Juice birch– To good health. Summer dream book. If dreaming Juice birch– Collect or drink birch juice in dream- to loss of health.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    juice birch. drink juice.I dreamed about it tomato Juice, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming tomato Juice in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol?

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  • Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    For what dreaming Juice dream book Juice press - wishes will not come true. Juice grape drink– the business promises much more than it delivers. Juice birch- jealousy. Dreaming Juice dream book Juice is the essence of the fruit. Dream Juice and its meaning when dreamed Juice need to look into Juice dream book, and you don’t have to go far, all the information about dream in which you saw Juice is on this page. See in dream Juice- this is a reason to once again look into the dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation dreams Juice.


In dreams a symbol birch trees very ambiguous. But for almost everyone it is associated with slight sadness, even if for some it is a feeling for the woman they love. The appearance of a birch tree should alert the dreamer and be vigilant to the circumstances. And then the machinations of the enemies hinted at in the dream will be successfully overcome.

To see a birch tree in a dream:

· a certain woman;
· unexpected acquisition;
· profit.;
· after some time there will be a meeting and acquaintance with a beautiful girl;
· dream on Tuesday or Thursday, then this girl will come into your life for a long time;
· dream on Monday or Sunday, then the meeting will be fleeting and will not leave a mark in your life.

To see a birch tree strewn with earrings in a dream:

· a sign that in reality you will meet a beautiful, graceful woman who will not only make an indelible impression on you, but will also significantly influence your life;
· the dream foretells wealth.

Birch tree standing alone in a field- a harbinger of temporary separation and light sadness.

Seeing a birch among other trees means waiting for good news.

Birch Grove- anticipation of joyful events.

Seeing a birch grove in a dream and walking through it, means that the people around you treat you well, are honest with you, and if necessary, you can fully rely on them, they will provide you with the necessary help.

If in a dream you are walking among birch trees rustling with leaves, then in real life luck will become your faithful companion.

If in a dream you saw a birch tree with young green leaves, then soon a girl will appear in your life who will amaze you with her purity. For a single man This dream predicts a quick wedding with a beautiful, innocent girl, and then a long, happy life together with her.

If you dreamed of a birch tree with yellow leaves- a harbinger of an imminent illness. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will receive unpleasant news about a serious illness of a person close to you.

To see a birch tree swaying in the wind in a dream- means that someone close to you is in great need of your help. Don't refuse him!

Seeing a birch tree with fallen or falling leaves in a dream portends separation from a loved one or disappointment in her.

See bare birches- an unfavorable sign, such a dream portends losses.

Withered birch- pay more attention to your health.

The image of a broken birch tree in a dream- a sign of repentance and mental suffering. If a dream leaves sad feelings in your soul, then you better think about your life - maybe in reality you are overstepping some bright feelings? If after such a dream you wake up thoughtful and quiet, it means that your experiences will soon end.

If in a dream you saw a broken birch tree, then such a dream is a bad omen: it prophesies the illness or death of one of your relatives.

Cutting a birch tree in a dream- evidence that in real life you are very worried about the health of a person close to you.

Breaking a branch- a female person will spoil your mood.

If in a dream you make cuts on a birch tree in order to pour birch sap, then you will pay attention to your health in time and prevent serious illness.

Drinking birch sap in a dream- a miraculous healing awaits you. Perhaps this dream prophesies the news of a cure for a serious illness of a person close to you.

Steam in a dream with a birch broom- this is a sign of good luck. You will be able to easily solve all your problems and get rid of evil envious people.

If you make a splinter from a birch tree in a dream, then complete success in business and the fulfillment of all your most unfulfilled desires awaits you.

Birch products- to pleasant family chores.

Freud's Dream Book

Birch- she personifies purity, innocence.

So, if a man dreams of a birch tree, this suggests that he would not mind spending time with an innocent girl.

The girl dreamed of a birch tree promises a love adventure that will awaken previously unknown feelings and sensations in her.

Well, for a mature, experienced woman birch foreshadows soon a fairly close communication with a person who will be distinguished by inexperience and naivety.

The presence of this word in other interpretations:

Sweet juice - contentment; bitter - unpleasant obligation; give to the sick - have support; squeeze the juice - fulfill your intentions.

Juice according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Juice in a dream symbolizes the energy of certain emotions.

Drinking or seeing sweet juice in a dream is a sign that you clearly lack positivity in your life. The dream suggests that if you manage to find at least some reason for a good mood (and there are almost always such reasons), then you will see how you will gain more strength and things will go much easier.

Orange juice means that you can find positive reinforcement among friends.

Apple juice is an invitation to find positivity even in the most modest successes.

Tropical fruit juice means that it will be nice for you to relax and unwind.

Sour or bitter juice is a sign that your pessimism is pretty much ruining your life and dooming you to failure.

Juice according to the Spring Dream Book

Squeezing juice from fruits means good income.

Birch sap - to good health.

Juice according to the Summer Dream Book

Collecting or drinking birch sap in a dream means loss of health.

Juice according to the Autumn Dream Book

Squeezing juice from fruits means loss of funds and bankruptcy.

Birch sap - to loss of peace.

Juice according to the dream book of Simon Kananita

Seeing juice in a dream - Sweet - contentment, - bitter - unpleasant obligation - giving to the sick - having support - squeezing juice - fulfilling your intentions

Juice according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

Drinking, squeezing, spilling juice - will cause a commotion at home.

If you dreamed that you watched someone drink, squeeze or spill juice, soon, when you come to visit one of your friends, you will find yourself in the very center of a commotion.

Buying or selling juice is a waste of family troubles.

Juice according to the Esoteric Dream Book

Clear juice - innocent fun.

Treat - guests with gifts.

You are treated to joy and pleasant surprises from friends.

Thick, dark - love pleasures.

Drinking means sexual contacts.

To give water is to seduce.

Juice according to the Modern Dream Book

Squeezing juice from a berry is a sign that upcoming events will require you to be patient and focused in financial matters. For a woman, such a dream prophesies that she will be able to use her charms for selfish purposes.

Drinking fresh juice means successful completion of business; You should pay attention to your health, which has weakened slightly during work.

Juice according to Catherine the Great's dream book

Juice - It’s as if you are squeezing juice out of berries - if you do not show proper patience, you will fail in your financial affairs; Avoid playing on rising or falling currency rates in the coming days. A young woman dreams that she is squeezing juice out of berries - the dream suggests that in order to achieve some benefits and material benefits, this woman uses all her charm. It’s as if you are drinking juice - there may be some health problems; but things will end successfully.

Juice according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Pressing the juice means your wishes will not come true.

Drinking grape juice promises much more than it delivers.

Birch sap – jealousy.

Juice according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

What does Juice mean in a dream - A holiday at your home, generous gifts from guests. Imagine that you gather all your friends at your place and treat them to juice.

Juice according to the Everyday Dream Book

You dreamed of Tomato Juice - Drinking Tomato Juice means that you should pay attention to your health.

Juice according to Artemidor's dream book

You dreamed of Juice - Drinking fruit juice. For a woman, a dream in spring means fun; in summer, it means that you will find people who will help you; and in the fall, he says that you will do useful work; dreamed about in winter, it means better health.

For a man - A dream in spring says that you should pay more attention to your diet; if you had this dream in the summer, it says that you should pay attention to your health; seen in the fall, a dream for the fulfillment of desires; and in winter - good news.

Squeezing juice from fruits A dream in spring means that you will be able to achieve your goal; dreamed about in the summer - to pleasure; in the fall - to the successful completion of a business that you have been doing for a long time; this dream, seen in winter, is a sign of great luck.

Juice according to the dream book of catchphrases

JUICE - “squeeze (suck) the juices out of someone” - bring to exhaustion; “to be in the juice” - the flourishing of vitality; “vital juices”, “drink healthy tasty juice.”

Juice according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

“To squeeze the juices out of someone”, “vital juices” - to bring to exhaustion; “to be in the juice” - the flourishing of vitality; “Drinking healthy, tasty juice” is a pleasure.

Juice according to online dream book

Juice squeezed from berries is a sign that only patience will help you achieve success.

Sweet is a reflection of the fact that everything is going well for you.

Gorky - you will do what you are obliged to do. Sour

Squeezing it, according to the dream book, means that you will achieve what you want.

Selling juice is a sign that you have to solve family problems.

If you dreamed tomato juice- you will enjoy great success with the opposite sex, and will finally find true mutual love.

Birch sap seen in a dream portends you and your loved ones an improvement in well-being, and even complete relief from all ailments.

Squeezing apple juice in a dream means some kind of trouble, and there will be complete discord in business.

You absorb it

Juice according to the American Dream Book

Juice - to give life to something.

Juice according to the Dream Book of Health

Drinking sweet juice means a favorable development of your life situation; sour or bitter - unfavorable; a recurring dream about drinking juices - your body lacks vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances contained in fruit and vegetable juices.

Juice according to the 21st century dream book

If you dreamed of sweet juice, the dream means that you are satisfied with yourself, bitter juice means an unpleasant commitment, sour juice means problems in love.

Squeezing juice in a dream means your intentions will come true.

Juice according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Essence. Mature strength and energy.

To nourish, to give life to something.

Spicy and juicy.


Juice according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Juice is the essence of the fruit. Should you try to make the palette of life more “juicy”?

Juice can be tasty and healthy - isn't it worth getting your fill of life's juices?

Sometimes "juice" refers to alcohol - are you drinking too much?

Juice according to the Veles dream book

Juice - anxiety.

Juice according to the dream book 2012

Juice - the need to fully use existing reserves.