The most beautiful girls in the world by nation. What nationality do the most beautiful girls belong to? List of the most beautiful nations on the planet. Photo gallery: beautiful girls from Serbia

Beauty is inside a person - we won’t deny it, but, you must admit, it’s always nice to look at external beauty. Here is a list of the top 10 countries in the world that are said to have the most... beautiful women. Take note of this rating the next time you plan your vacation.

10th place - Philippines

In this country there are girls who have been winners of various beauty contests many times. The number of such competitions in the Philippines is the largest among all other countries. The appearance of Filipinas is very interesting and combines the characteristics of the Mongoloid, Australoid and Caucasian races. It’s also nice that you can add thriftiness to the beauty of Filipinas.

Megan Young

9th place - Great Britain

British girls have a mixture of different cultures in their appearance, which is why they have different face types and skin tones. British women are smart and well-mannered, which is very important for real ladies.

Helen Flanagan

8th place - USA

Girls from America spend a lot of time on their appearance, they are independent and have a good sense of humor. And it’s not for nothing that the list of the most beautiful women, according to Esquire magazine, includes: Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Halle Berry and many other famous Americans. And most of the Victoria's Secret models are American beauties.

Angelina Jolie

7th place - Netherlands

Girls from this country have Nordic facial features combined with model parameters. 170 cm is the average height of girls from the Netherlands. And more than half of them are blondes with sophisticated figures. Isn't this what drives most men crazy?

Doutzen Kroes

6th place - Italy

Italian women have a hot temperament and know a lot about fashion, style and makeup. They are gifted with natural beauty, so they look young and fresh until adulthood. A striking example of the beauty of an Italian woman is Monica Bellucci.

Monica Bellucci

5th place - Venezuela

Venezuelan girls are quite sophisticated, tall and thin, and the exoticism in their appearance adds zest. They are frequent winners of international beauty contests.

Norelis Rodriguez

4th place - Russia

Girls from Russia are distinguished by bright eyes, light brown hair, fair skin and natural blush. Russian women pay great attention to their beauty, knowing that it is a very powerful weapon. Many successful models originally from Russia.

Irina Shayk

3rd place - Türkiye

Turkey is home to some of the most beautiful girls in the world. They have beautiful facial features, bright eyes and natural charisma, which adds extraordinary charm and grandeur to their appearance.

Tuba Buyukustun

2nd place - Brazil

Brazilian girls are popular all over the world because of their fabulous carnivals. Brazilian women have appetizing figures (especially buttocks), dark skin and beautiful hair. Many popular models come from Brazil. Also, Brazilian girls are part of the Victoria's Secret Angels - in second place after American women.

Adriana Lima

1st place - Ukraine

Ukrainian girls are winners and finalists of international beauty contests. Their beauty is quite difficult to convey in words - it is better to see it with your own eyes. Also, Ukrainian women care very much not only about their appearance, but also about their inner world - they are smart, cheerful, quick-witted and kind.

Vera Brezhneva

Has anyone ever asked themselves the question why so many supermodels are natives of Brazil? The simple answer to this is because Brazilians are one of the most ethnically united nations on the planet. The consequence of this is a large mixture of different shapes, skin tones, hair and eye colors. Such a mixture of races creates, perhaps, the most ideal bodies. And Brazilian women not only have such forms from childhood, which is why we know the expression “Brazilian butt,” but they work hard on them, be it a fitness club or a plastic surgeon’s knife, because Brazilians love to live on the beach, like, for example, in Rio. If you go to any fashion show around the world or just open Sports Illustrated, you are sure to find a Brazilian beauty there, and most likely more than one.

Another 50 photos and nine countries.



Next to Brazil is Russia, which is most likely the nation with the most stunning women per square kilometer. Even if you take the metro in Moscow without going deep into the wilds of Siberia, you are guaranteed to find a girl there from whom you cannot take your eyes off. By the way, supermodel Irina Shayk was born in Siberia, and whether we like it or not, Russia is home to some of the most beautiful women you could ever find.

If you talk to gentlemen who prefer blue-eyed blondes, then most likely you will think that they will talk, first of all, about Sweden. But what will you say when you find out that the most stunning blondes can actually be found in Slovakia? Countless women around the world spend small fortunes every day on something that Slovakia girls have completely naturally. And it doesn't take them long to attract attention from the opposite sex.

Even though blondes are not uncommon in Slovakia, Swedish girls deserve to win the category of the most beautiful blondes. And thanks to this, they have won world beauty contests more than once.

As for the Miss Universe and Miss World competitions, many countries are concerned that the beauties from Venezuela will again take the victory with them. Women in Venezuela spend a lot of money on appearance, because everyone knows that female beauty has become the largest source national pride. It really doesn't matter that the capital Caracas is completely unattractive. Gorgeous women make this city unforgettable.

Okay, the reality is that not all women from Colombia will look like Sofia Vergara. However, there are many who come close to her beauty. Colombian women are proud and try to show off their curves. Who can deny that they are so sexy? Make sure you can control your urges when you go on holiday to Bogota.

Why does it happen that various people on the planet take brides from Ukraine? This topic has been discussed at length and many times. The answer is simple, Ukrainian women are well-dressed women who take very good care of their figure and have an alluring charm and attractiveness. Take a walk around Kyiv and you will have all your answers about these beautiful girls.

Not everyone will agree, but we argue that in the Middle East and Arab world, Lebanese women are the most beautiful. After one of the photographs in 2006 was published in one of the magazines, many photographers around the world began to pay attention to this fact. The photo shows young and tanned women in Beirut, an area devastated by war. The radiant and cheerful mood of the people will surprise all guests of the Lebanese capital.

It may be a bold statement, but some of the most attractive women in Africa can be found in Angola. This nation is one of 2 sub-Saharan countries that hold the title of Miss Universe. Models from this country are truly popular all over the world. Young ladies in Luanda are now constantly competing in local competitions to be noticed by international modeling agencies.

It is quite unflattering for America that it has a well-known reputation for having the largest number of overweight people in the world. With such a diverse mix of people, there is no one specific type of woman in the United States. From Eva Mendes to Jessica Alba, from Jennifer Lopez to Rihanna, there is a great diversity of types, skin colors and personalities.
But there are some cities within the country that stand out because of how many hot girls there are. If you take cities like Los Angeles or Miami, they have the highest concentration of beautiful women on the planet.

The secret of female beauty is not in the correct facial features and not in a chiseled figure. A special charm lies in the eyes that glow with happiness, in the kind smile that reflects the warmth of the soul and the flying gait caused by inspiration. Every woman is unique and has exceptional natural charm. This is probably why it is difficult to say unambiguously in which country in the world the most beautiful girls. And any answer will not be entirely correct and honest.


Most of the titled beauties live in this South American country. Venezuelans have won the Miss Universe competition 6 times and received the Miss World title 5 times. It is noteworthy that in addition to natural attractiveness, the girls who participated in beauty competitions were armed with a whole arsenal of “feminine tricks” that were taught to them by specialists. Contenders could advantageously present their strengths and hide their shortcomings, adjusting what nature awarded them at birth.

Every year in a small country up to 600 beauty contests of all levels are held - from school to national. In an effort to conquer ever new heights, Venezuelans willingly resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Every year, about 40,000 girls have their breasts enlarged; there is no exact data on other operations to improve appearance.

However, you should not think that the charm of Venezuelan women is entirely artificial and obviously suspect each of them of deceit and falsehood. After all, three races were mixed in the blood of the nation, which could not but give a wonderful result.

Venezuela has given the world many brilliant actresses and supermodels. The most famous of them is Maria Gabriela Isler, who became Miss Universe in 2013 and has made an international career not only in the fashion world, but also on television.


The picturesque land in the south of the European continent is generous with both natural and man-made beauty. Here the feeling of beauty is absorbed with mother’s milk, admiring the masterpieces of the masters Ancient Rome or the Renaissance. Italy is a trendsetter and a generally recognized center of design art, which also leaves its mark on the entire nation and women in particular.

In this sunny, fertile land, the brightest stars of the world screen were born:

  • Sophia Loren;
  • Gina Lollobrigida;
  • Ornella Muti;

Not only movie idols, but also ordinary Italian women have an innate sense of style, pure southern passion and charisma. To most men, they seem very mysterious, sexually attractive, independent... in a word, irresistible.


In one of the most beautiful countries South America, with luxurious beaches, rich flora and fauna, by definition girls with charming appearance should live. This is easy to see by visiting the famous Brazilian carnival, where beauties in very revealing costumes demonstrate magnificent forms and amazing flexibility.

The inhabitants of the tropical “paradise” are incredibly fiery and this is the main secret of their charm. Brazilians make the top models with an impressive track record. Suffice it to say that they make up the majority of Victoria’s Secret “angels” and have been working with the brand for many years, causing everyone’s admiration.

The “Divine Trinity”, long remembered by fans of the lingerie brand, is Adriana Lima, recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet, Alessandra Ambrosio and the unsurpassed Gisele Bündchen. The latter deserves special mention. Within 15 recent years, Bündchen topped all conceivable ratings of the highest paid models in the world, earning up to $25 million annually. Now a former “angel,” she has risen to a new level in the fashion industry, opening her own lingerie line and providing serious competition to her former employers.


It is believed that the most beautiful people live in this northern country. And both men and women. Indeed, looking at the slender, blond Swedes, it is not difficult to agree with this definition.

Unlike Italians or Venezuelans, Scandinavian beauties have a fragile, aristocratic appearance that hides, rather than flaunts, their inner fire. They are distinguished by light, very delicate skin, thin, gracefully defined lips and eyes, a surprisingly deep blue color, sometimes with a green or gray tint. Natural blondes from Sweden arouse great interest among the stronger sex, enjoying constant success on international dating sites.

Swedish women are not only beautiful, but also smart. They devote a lot of time to their own education and, contrary to popular belief about blondes, have high level intelligence. Swedish women are known to drink a lot of fluids and follow a special Scandinavian diet, with a predominance of seafood and berries. Among them you will hardly find “lush people” who are uncontrollable in their love for sweets or fast food. Swedes also age very gracefully, without losing their unique charm.

Among the most famous representatives of the nation are actresses Ingrid Bergman, Ann-Margaret and Britt Ekland, as well as model Elsa Hosk, one of the Victoria Secret Angels.


You can’t talk about the most beautiful women in the world without mentioning the French. They have a special charm that is difficult to convey in words. Compatriots even came up with a special term to define it: “je ne sais quoi,” literally meaning: “I don’t know what it is.” But the unique sophistication combined with piquant flirtatiousness is perceived on an intuitive level.

It is enough to remember the legendary Brigitte Bardot or Catherine Deneuve to understand what we are talking about. French women are incredibly sensual, because the main city of their state is also the “capital of love.” It is impossible to resist the magnetic attraction of these sophisticated seductresses.

Rather than relying on nature's bounty, French women spend a lot of time taking care of themselves, adhering to a few strict principles.

  1. Do not buy large quantities of cheap skin care cosmetics. There can be one cream, but only from a proven, elite brand.
  1. Use micellar water.
  1. Avoid active tanning and do not forget about sunscreen.
  1. Create an elegant hairstyle that does not require long styling.
  1. Observe slight carelessness in clothing (not to be confused with untidiness).
  1. Always use perfume, choosing a specific scent for your outfit, mood, weather, and so on.

And one more important feature of French women: they try to “escape” negative emotions, calmly accepting the blows of fate and trying to enjoy life every minute. They need to learn this from them.


America is a country of emigrants, a bizarre interweaving of all nations and nationalities. No wonder you can meet the most beautiful women here different types: from gentle blondes to sultry brunettes. The American ideal, of course, was embodied in the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe with her femininity, perky charm and sexuality.

Angelina Jolie can be considered a cult figure of today, for whom the title of the first beauty of the world is firmly established. American women diligently copy her angelic appearance with plump lips and amazing almond-shaped eyes. In general, it is fashionable among US women to imitate top models, actresses and simply famous personalities.

Despite the endless rushing in pursuit of the ideal, most American women have a natural attractiveness, which has allowed them to repeatedly take first place in the most rated beauty contests.

Girls from Miami, San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have the greatest charm.


Argentine women naturally have a model appearance. They bizarrely combine the genes of the indigenous population and German, Italian or Spanish migrants. As a result, blue-eyed blondes with olive-dark skin or fair-faced brunettes are born. Both of them look very attractive.

Argentines are famous among other Latin American nations for their very elegant structure, which brings them closer to Europeans. It is believed that the girls inherited their fragile figure from their Spanish-Italian ancestors, raised on incredibly healthy Mediterranean cuisine.


Girls from Holland are highly valued in the fashion world. The proud heirs of the ancient Celts are tall - on average no lower than 175 cm, thin, statue-like blondes with fresh skin and regular facial features. What else is needed to conquer the world podium and glossy publications?

The “purely Nordic appearance” of Dutch women is combined with a hardworking and independent character. They love to set goals and achieve success. Brought up in the most liberal state in Europe, Dutch women are rarely shy and overly conservative in their views. They are confident in themselves, which in tandem with natural beauty makes them dangerous conquerors of men's hearts. But love seems to be of little interest to beauties.

Most Dutch girls strive, first of all, to conquer the career ladder, succeeding not only in the modeling business, but also in cinema, fine arts, science and politics.

Some of the most famous (and well-paid) models from the Netherlands include Lara Stone, Doutzen Kroes and Karen Mulden.

South Korea

Delicate, fragile Korean women resemble porcelain dolls. Subtle facial features, miniature figures and large eyes make them look like unearthly creatures - either fairies or sad elves. It’s incredibly beautiful, but whether such perfection is a gift of nature or the result of the efforts of experienced surgeons is another question.

Beauty stereotypes are literally imposed on Korean women, forcing them to go under the knife. Advertising slogans with the call to “transform from a monster to a beauty” can be found at almost every step. The most common operations are rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty, thanks to which the characteristic Asian features are closer to the European standard.

Many Korean women specifically undergo “plastic surgery” before getting a job, believing that this increases their chances of success. Fortunately, the “new face” will not cost that much, much cheaper than in neighboring China or Japan.

If you take your mind off your synthesized appearance, you can simply admire the charming representatives of the Asian continent. And feel free to rank South Korea among the countries with the most beautiful girls.


It is enough to remember Natalia Vodianova or Irina Shayk to understand where the real beauties live. Slavic girls are highly valued all over the world, not only for their appearance, but also for their rare spiritual qualities. It is interesting that 75% of Russian women do not doubt their attractiveness, which, undoubtedly, is transmitted to others.

According to beauties, it is very important not only to look good, but also to feel healthy, happy, and needed by loved ones. Russian women consider good physical shape, well-groomed skin and hair, and most importantly, expressive eyes to be the key to their charm.

The exceptional beauty of Slavic women has a historical basis. There were no “witch hunts” in Rus', while in medieval Europe this was a common phenomenon. As a rule, they killed attractive women, suspecting that their beauty was the result of close acquaintance with magical powers. So gradually the best “genetic material” was destroyed, which could not but affect subsequent generations.


According to statistics, the most beautiful girls can be found in this country. Anyway, these are the results sociological research, conducted by travel experts from Hong Kong. They claim that Ukrainian women are very hospitable, generous, smart, educated and incredibly beautiful.

As proof, Chinese sociologists invite everyone to take a walk around Kyiv and personally see that they are right. Ukrainians are ahead of Swedes in the ranking, who previously occupied first positions in the lists of world beauties.


1. Brazil

Why are there so many Brazilian supermodels? Because it is in their blood and genes.

Brazilians are, apparently, the most the most ethnically mixed nation in the world, therefore, the combination of different skin tones and shapes creates the most perfect beauty.

The most beautiful women live in Brazil

However, the girls never stop working on their beauty, they live on the beaches in Rio and show off themselves in the most sophisticated bars in fashion-obsessed Sao Paulo.

Visit any fashion show in any country in the world and you are guaranteed to find Brazilian models there.

2. Russia

After Brazil, Russia is probably the second country in the world with the maximum number of the most beautiful women “per square kilometer”.

The most beautiful women in the world

Beautiful ladies can be found here both in the Moscow metro and in the most remote corners of Siberia, where supermodel Irina Shayk was discovered. Female beauty is part of the Russian landscape.

3. Slovakia

Men who like tall blondes with blue eyes, automatically start thinking about Sweden when they hear about their favorite image. But the most gorgeous blondes actually live in Slovakia!

Beautiful women make men happier

Many women around the world spend fortunes to look the way Slovaks naturally look. And they don't have to work hard to attract attention.

4. Sweden

Even though the hottest blondes still live in Slovakia, there is no doubt that Swedish women fit the stereotype of beautiful ladies. That is why this is the only country whose representatives managed win the first Miss World competitions twice.

At the same time, the beauty of Swedish women is not only in appearance. Talk to most women in Stockholm and you will realize that in addition to beauty, she is also well educated and intelligent.

Which country's girls are the most beautiful?

5. Venezuela

Venezuelan girls have won most beauty pageants (Miss World and Miss Universe), and all because this country is obsessed with beauty. If a girl is not gifted from birth, then she resorts to plastic surgery, the most common local “industry”.

Why do beautiful women marry less attractive men?

Female beauty, as they say in Venezuela, is the greatest source of national pride and even a symbol of national identity, which explains the fact that Women spend most of their income on beauty.

While the capital of the country, Caracas, is not an attractive city, you immediately forget about this when you begin to concentrate on the faces and figures of the numerous beauties.

6. Colombia

Of course, not all Colombian women are like Sofia Vergara, but many are close. Colombian women are proud of their curves and working hard to improve them.

They are very attractive (sometimes irresistible), so if you don't want to be tempted, prepare in advance to be very discreet if you ever take a trip to Bogota.

7. Ukraine

Why are so many men all over the world looking for Ukrainian brides? The reasons are well known, but above all, the fact is that well-dressed and well-groomed women who take care of their bodies while maintaining a hypnotic charm very attractive.

Take a walk around Kyiv and you will understand what we are talking about.

8. Lebanon

Most people would agree that people live in Lebanon the most beautiful women in the Middle East, and throughout the Arab world.

We are more beautiful than we think

In 2006, photographs of young, wealthy and beautiful Lebanese women traveling on horseback through the war-torn neighborhoods of Beirut appeared online. It became clear that the beauties of this country are very strong and maintain their brand no matter what.

A visit to the capital of this state will surprise you with its beauties, as well as its vibrant people with a cheerful attitude towards life.

9. Angola

The most beautiful African women certainly come from Angola. The country is only the second sub-Saharan state to a black woman was awarded the title of Miss Universe.

Many Angolan girls have done successful career models, and the most famous Angolan resident is Sharam Diniz, who is one of the Victoria Secret Angels.

Thanks to her international success, young girls are constantly competing in local beauty pageants for the attention of modeling agencies.

Beauty is a relative thing. My friend and I often exchange photos of actors on social networks. And we never agree on opinions! She likes the guy - he seems sweet to me. I send some cute guy - and she makes a face.

That’s why I decided to see which countries the girls from took first place in Miss Universe. I don’t know such competitions for guys. And so at least some criterion, a little more objective than my personal opinion.

Most often the beauties won:

  • First place in frequency – 8 girls. True, most of them won in the last century.
  • Secondly, Venezuela has 7 girls.
  • Third – there are 5 girls.

But can American women be called a nation? is a multinational country that, over the years, has sheltered peoples from all over the planet on its shores. And here I will show bias - and decide that it’s still impossible. The American women have too much of a turbulent cocktail of nations.

Then, in fairness, the first place is occupied. The following ethnic groups live there:

  • Galicians.
  • Guajiro.
  • Jews.
  • Sephardim.
  • Caribs.
  • Portuguese.
  • Slovenes.
  • Italians.

And according to official sources, Italians, of whom there are many here, are considered the most beautiful nation! Maybe it’s their blood that helps girls from Venezuela win beauty pageants. Dark hair, big dark eyes, harmonious facial features - but there really is something attractive about them! Expressive eyebrows, fluffy thick eyelashes - this is our feminine magic, making men's hearts speed up.