Secrets of working as a web model. Secrets of successful webcam models. Learn to talk about sex

Nowadays, girls can make good money in video chat without much effort and experience.

IN Lately The dollar exchange rate has increased significantly, which makes this craft more profitable(by the way, the model receives money in dollar currency).

In this article, we will give you some practical tips for webcam models to succeed in your business.

This easy to understand and apply recommendations and by implementing them into your work, you can seriously increase your earnings as a video chat model.

Important! Don't try to imitate another model or person. You are full of qualities that are noticeable to people around you, you just need to see these qualities in yourself.

It could be anything from a special voice to demeanor and a pleasant smile. But at the same time, you should gradually learn to enter into various images, but at the same time remain yourself and play these images the way you feel. More on this below.

Believe in yourself and success

You should always believe in yourself and your success, which is very important. Be moderately proud, let the interlocutor see that in front of him is quite interesting and attractive girl with a rich inner world.

Develop your strengths and forget about your weaknesses

You should completely forget about your shortcomings and complexes, show the client absolutely everything that you consider good about yourself and capable of attracting a man.

Perfect your look

Still very It's important to think about your appearance, do not overdo it with cosmetics and do not wear unnecessary clothes.

The underwear should be beautiful, the hair should always be in order and natural Make-up will not hurt.

Learn to find a common language with any interlocutor

Talk more, find out everything you need about your interlocutor in order to freely communicate with him on all topics, you must be able to start and maintain a conversation even with those you don’t like. Don't forget about charisma, it will help a lot!

Humor and openness are an important component

Show your humorous side well, men really like it.

Also appreciate his humor, let him know that “the road is open” and he will feel his importance and significance, which is no less important! As a result of your introductory conversation, most likely you will be able to go to a private WebCam chat.

It doesn't hurt to be well-read and educated

If you want to succeed, remember that It's not just what's on your outside that matters to a man, develop mentally.

You will see that in such video chats There may even be important people in science who greatly value your educational development.

Learn to talk about sex

Most often in private video chats people talk about personal relationships and sex, make a special place in the conversation for these topics.

Important! Listen carefully and understand what your interlocutor says; your income directly depends on how much pleasure your client gets from communicating with you.

If everything suits him and he remains satisfied, then it is quite possible that this will not be your last meeting in video chat , and maybe the first of many. And if a man contacts you regularly, then this is already a regular income.

Tell us about yourself

Don't forget to tell him about yourself, most clients study you from the first conversation, do not rush to change topics, many like to chat about the latest events. Involve him in your thoughts and try to please him.

Try to change your image

And the last piece of advice in our article is don’t be monotonous.

Change everything about yourself, from clothes to lipstick color, if, of course, you use it. You can try to diversify your makeup, but it’s even better to diversify your entire look.

Ideally, have 3-5 different images in your inventory and constantly work on creating new ones.

Useful video

In the video you will see an example of the model working in a video chat:

We were sincerely glad to tell you what we know ourselves, good luck to you in video chat!

Standard model:

  • Sets a high price.
  • Does not consider proper self-care important.
  • Uses only online translator and templates.
  • Works 3-5 hours 2-3 times a week.
  • Often uses the verbs “Buy” and “Give”.
  • Only prints.
  • Doesn't consider it necessary to improve his video: camera, lighting, interior.

Successful model:

  • Sets an average price and often runs promotions.
  • Makes each session unusual and memorable (changes images, accents, details, behavior)
  • Improves knowledge of English, uses new topics and original approaches to communication.
  • She works 5-7 hours (and often longer), creating a schedule - clients know when they can catch their favorite model.
  • Gently and casually invites you to a private conversation.
  • He greets each guest warmly, addresses them by name, and does not waste time typing text when he can pronounce it.
  • Invests in improving the quality of its sessions, and pays for itself in 1-2 weeks.

The main advantage - the ability to work from home - can turn into a major failure. Why? Because you should monitor the state of your workplace - what impression does it create? Do not forget that the surroundings are extremely important, a princess in a trash heap is clearly not what you want to see, no matter how good she is. Watch what gets into the camera view, create from this piece the place where the members want to be next to you. We will help you choose sites for making money on the Internet

Musical accompaniment is another powerful tool that will help you create a favorable impression.

It’s paradoxical, but many people forget that this is work primarily with living people already in the second hour. Focused on getting a client into a paid chat as quickly as possible, the model forgets about the basic rules of success. This work is your way to improve for money. What does it mean?

In order to stand out from thousands of ordinary web models, you must constantly develop - not only externally, but also intellectually. Instead of sitting for 7-9 hours online once a week and turning off the chat with irritation, having achieved less than you expected, approach the issue creatively and thoughtfully. When else would you take on yourself if it didn’t promise enviable profits?

Explore current literature, watch thematic films and apply the acquired knowledge immediately, without putting it off for a long time. Learn to understand psychology and foreign languages, practice facial expressions and enrich speech, making them impeccable tools. Transform the information you receive into personal skills and abilities. Learn to dance, don't be lazy to go on trips - move! For your own pleasure, master an original hobby (only for work? Don’t tell me). Then to the most banal questions “How are you? What's new?" You will have a million non-standard answers and positive energy, which will help your earnings much more than daily “sourness” in front of the camera.

Give your development the right amount of time, and you will see how it will affect not only the quality of communication with clients, but also the quality of your life itself.

The most important period in work is the first week. Everything depends on it, since your profile is marked as “new model” and is displayed on the first page of the site. This is your chance to increase your rating, which will work for you in the future.

If you missed a good start, don’t despair! The springboard to high earnings always remains accessible.

You will still have to try hard at first, but knowing that all your efforts will definitely pay off will help you!

The more you earn per unit of time, the higher the page ranking - everyone knows this. Therefore, there is no reason to sit in sad anticipation, do what every girl loves - have fun, dance, gesticulate, in a word, bring emotion to your viewers. Always move in the frame, there is nothing worse. than just sitting and writing replies to messages.

Imagine that you are hosting your own show on television - this analogy will help you understand that the more visitors you like today, the more clients you will have tomorrow!

There is a popular question about which sites are most effective to include together - and indeed, the idea that earnings can go twice as fast, and the waiting time for private sessions will also be reduced by half or even three, is very encouraging! Especially when we are talking about the symbiosis of offline KamContacts and online Stremate, for example.

But before increasing the load, it’s worth thinking about: do I have enough experience for this? Working on several sites simultaneously requires the model to have high-quality equipment, high speed internet and the necessary skills - to respond quickly, instantly switch and take into account all sudden factors and desires of clients, monitor and control the current situation.

If this is not your case, little good will come of it - in the best case, you can lose the entire accumulated rating on all sites and, accordingly, the clientele; in the worst case scenario, you get a ban on one of the accounts with the cancellation of payments for violating basic rules. And the financial losses from this can be much worse than it seems; an inattentive, twitchy, absent-minded model is doomed to failure.

If you have everything you need, then the best option– take two sites and work separately on each to understand the structure and key points, then you can effectively combine them and get two to three times more. Good luck in achieving mastery!

So, you have chosen the profession of webcam model in our studio. Do you think that you need to give up your personal life because of this? Never! Let's look at two situations.

You are not in a serious relationship yet

In this case, you should not be afraid to start them. The main thing is not to be tempted by ardent owners. It’s very easy to recognize them – it’s usually written on their face. Yes, even on the second date they begin to encroach on your freedom with jealous questions: “Where have you been?” and “Who were you seen with this morning? No, this is not your brother, I don’t believe it.”

In fact, not all men are like that. Moreover, in our modern age, many people have a much simpler attitude towards webcams. The main thing is not to waste time, not to invent a profession for yourself, putting confession into a black box. Tell me right away, in a delicate manner. A man who truly values ​​you will understand and try to reach a consensus. And if he leaves, that’s where he belongs. So, not your man.

If you already have a boyfriend

In the midst of a serious relationship, you discovered a promising and incredibly profitable profession as a webcam model. How to tell your boyfriend about this? Try to make the conversation as delicate as possible, communicate calmly and peacefully. Use the following arguments:

Webcam is not prostitution. Nobody touches you - and how can you, if you and the client are separated by a monitor screen and kilometers of distance.

Everyone wants you. Men like it when many people pursue their women, but only they own them. Give your boyfriend this information as sweetly as possible. You know how to do this - it’s not for nothing that you are a webcam model.

You don't always take your clothes off. You don't have to undress at all. Men come to webcam not only for this. You can discuss this issue with the young man and come to a compromise.

You earn a lot. At the same time, you do not need to sit from morning to night at nervous work. As a result: instead of a tired, angry, nervous girl, your boyfriend has a balanced, well-groomed woman who knows her worth.

By the way, grooming is also worth mentioning. Unlike the wives and girlfriends of his friends, you do not walk around the house in terry robes and curlers. You know what a man wants. This is exactly why he chose you. For your clients, you are an unattainable, extravagant dream. A beautiful picture on the other side of the screen. A star in his field. Many world-famous celebrities do not hesitate to pose naked for glossy magazines. And their other halves are absolutely “not against it.” Because they know it will only benefit their career. Good luck and love!

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say: “webcam is a theater, the models in it are actors.” For those who have not yet found themselves in the world of virtual communication, we offer 5 images that, if presented correctly, work 99% to attract members.

Image of an innocent girl

What could be cooler for a man - a breadwinner and a conqueror - than to find and outright defeat an innocent (and perhaps virgin) girl? Moreover, to do this in the world of webcams, where, it would seem, everyone should already have at least 5 years of sexual experience. Just imagine: he enters the chat in search of easy money and suddenly sees her - an airy, innocent creature with long eyelashes and a naive look. Blushing slightly, she smiles shyly at the camera and asks to be taught a few things... All! Regular customer is ready! The main thing is to pretend really well.

The image of an innocent girl is ideal for models with a fragile physique. Imagine that you are a first-year college student. With this way, you can allow yourself to be capricious and pout.

What you will need: shoes, knee socks, shorts and T-shirts. And Chupa Chups on the cheek. But you shouldn’t go overboard with cosmetics.

Pretty girl

This is an interesting option for those with round, expressive eyes. Smile, be sweet, flirty and naive. The client should see that you enjoy communication no less than he does.

What you will need: skirts, blouses, satin ribbons in “girly” colors. Pink lips, curled eyelashes.

A real lady

Here the emphasis is on interesting conversations and thorough knowledge of your body. Such models do not need to flirt and prepare a member. They already know perfectly well what they want, namely passionate and at the same time interesting fun. Real women are chosen because there is always something to talk about with them.

What you will need: unisex clothes, men's shirts, tight dresses. Classic and discreet makeup.


These webcam models love to give orders. And they not only get away with it - on the contrary, it promises fantastic tips. The teachers do not stand on ceremony with clients at all. They direct what is happening and indicate what needs to be done and who needs to do it. Men get turned on with a half-turn! Webcamodel recommends choosing, as an experiment, not only the image of a teacher, but also a teacher, a polywoman or a very angry clinic manager.

Sex bomb

The members' favorite image. It is for him that they, for the most part, flock to him, for the “sweetie”. Here you must be able to communicate freely on the topic of sex. For experienced sexbomb models, just one look is usually enough to turn a man on.

What you will need: bright cosmetics, a sexy voice, tanned and well-groomed skin.

  1. Love your job. If you can't, find another one. Don’t torment yourself with an unloved activity, and don’t torment your clients with your insipid facial expression. There will be no point.
  1. Working in the service sector is the same art in which you need to achieve mastery and perfection. Observe bank employees, waiters, consultants, workers in any field - and think about which service you DO NOT like. Draw your own conclusions, because the rules of polite and tactful treatment apply everywhere. And everywhere they are the same. Improving your skills is a must for achieving success.
  1. Kind words leave a wonderful mark on people’s souls - and open the way to fruitful communication. And it doesn't cost anything, right? Give a compliment when the client turns on his camera or shows you something. Even if you only have enough time to praise the ficus on its shelf, that’s already good!
  1. There are many of us, he is one. That's exactly how it is, and not the other way around. Remember that the client will find another model in two clicks, and you can wait a very long time for the next one.
  1. Know your worth - service for top level quality does not mean that you should allow things that are humiliating for you. If something is not for you, feel free to talk about it or stop such communication. Everyone sets their own boundaries - remember this.
  1. Do exactly what the client wants, and not what comes into your head.
  1. Learn to stall for time so that no one guesses. If you don’t know how, then it’s better not to take it and bet on the show.
  1. It doesn't matter what exactly you do in private. The main thing is that the client leaves satisfied and does not feel that he wasted his money (he probably got it harder than we did). This brings us back to points 6 and 7.
  1. Make the client feel special. Please contact by name if this option is available on the site. Be sure to take notes.

Today there are five large webcam portals and 21 independent sites operating in the world. In total, the business employs about 50,000 models (women and men), at least 20% of whom are Asian. In total, the sites serve 30 million clients.
About 15,000 new users register on the sites every day

  1. Just kidding. Make the member believe that you and him have your own joke that only you two can understand. And let it be one for every five hundred people.
  1. Be active in free chat. Under lying stone nothing flows. Free chat is a place where you show yourself, and if you lie flat, you will get the feeling that you are also boring in private. Be active, energetic, memorable.
  1. Take initiative during the show. Ask the member if he likes what is happening, make suggestions.
  1. Don't take off your clothes until asked. This is fraught with financial losses.
  1. Keep in touch.

Spend ten minutes at the start of your shift writing responses to emails you receive. Then if you're on a bad day
write a letter to the client inviting him to visit you, he will not think that you remember him only when work is not

  1. Do not copy profiles of other models, especially top ones. Clients will recognize them, and competitors will lay you down. The profile should resemble the girl you become when the camera turns on.

Your online time works for you this way - the more, even without private sessions, the better. Members like to have someone they like available to them. They will not become particularly attached to those models who go online two or three times a week for a couple of hours, and the popularity of such rooms is always low. When members see that a model rarely works, they don’t rush to see her privately, because it’s clear that they might not be able to find her when they need her. Therefore, those who are often online are among the most popular. A little more patience!

Please be vigilant and do not try to deceive the site or the client by luring them out of money outside the site. Any talk about receiving money not through the site may result in the closure of your page on ANY SITE without payment of the money earned! And also, in case of repeated violation, without the possibility of re-registration on this site. That is, you end up on the site's blacklist.

Work honestly if you want to work long and fruitfully in a webcam studio!

This problem can be encountered not only by a novice model, but even by an experienced one. No one, including the site administration, can force, incite or in any other way ask you to do a free show. Apart from the most ordinary ordinary users, of course)

They may be called:

Administrator, moderator, VIP client, other privileged user (and even have a corresponding nickname - for example adminjasmin)

An influential person ( famous person, government official, president, spyware virtuoso, etc.)

To your friends.

The main thing is to remember that you are NOT obligated to conduct a private conversation with any user, if you do not want to do anything, and especially to do it for free. The model has the right to refuse ANY client, refuse to perform any action, if she has not received advance payment for it. This will not and cannot be followed by a fine, block, or account closure.

Try dressing in a way that emphasizes your sexuality - wear revealing outfits and varied interesting lingerie, use different uniforms and shoes to stir up interest and make your sessions memorable.

The atmosphere that you create in your virtual room is extremely important. To make your guests feel comfortable and at ease, make sure you create the right mood. Keep the room clean and pleasantly lit. Don’t forget to smile, be friendly and attentive, because these guests chose you,
to fulfill your fantasies.

It is important that you spend some time creating an attractive and enticing profile - like a business card, it tells visitors about you and what you have to offer them. Don't forget to list your talents and distinctive features, add something personal and update the information frequently.

Audio is an equally important part of your sessions. High sound quality deepens the effect of full-fledged live communication in your room, which most guests will appreciate. Make sure they can hear you clearly and without interference. Most quality cameras already have a decent built-in microphone, so just regularly check how you can be heard at the moment.

Check whether the focus works correctly when moving closer and further from the camera, or use the autofocus function. Lighting also has a huge impact on the quality of the video stream. Try playing with light, consider different options - no need for expensive lighting elements, just make sure that your space is well lit from different sides and does not create deep shadows. Simple table lamps, ceiling lamps or floor lamps can do the trick.

(below are examples of bad and good lighting)

Invest in a high-quality webcam with a good microphone to improve the in-room image for your guests. Choose an HD webcam from a brand known for its quality (such as Logitech or Microsoft). Don't settle for a cheap purchase as it will ultimately backfire on you! Remember that 70% of your earnings depends on the quality of your webcam. Below we have provided you with a MINIMUM list of recommended cameras for work, starting with the cheapest. If the camera you want to buy is not on this list, contact the administrator for advice and we will tell you whether it is worth making a purchase.

1. Logitech HD Webcam C270 (960-000918). Average price - $35
2. Microsoft LifeCam HD-5000. Average price 45$
3. Logitech HD Webcam C310. Average price - $49
4. Logitech HD Webcam C525. Average price - $64
5. Microsoft LifeCam Cinema. Average price - $75
6.Logitech HD Webcam C615. Average price - $90
7. Logitech WEBCAM C920. Average price - $130

The ability to defuse the situation, sharpness of thought and cheerfulness - by cultivating these aspects in yourself, you not only increase your potential as an interlocutor, but also simply spend time with pleasure.

You will see that it is easy to enjoy a large income!

Good lighting is very important. If your workspace is too dark, it will be difficult to see what's happening in your video and it may look grainy. If it is too light, the image will be blurry or completely overexposed. Follow the tips below to set up the best lighting for your video:


Keep your main lights directly in front of you so the focus is on your face. Secure them behind your webcam.


Check the glare before you start your video session. Any reflective surfaces such as glasses and even skin can cause a strong reflection into the camera. Make sure to adjust the position and height of the lights to avoid glare, or position yourself for the best position.


If you're connecting during the day, open the windows to let the sun in! The best lighting is diffused light, for example on days with light clouds or at times when the sun is not directly reflected in your window. A curtain or tulle will help protect you from direct sunlight - the light will disperse evenly and you will be able to avoid unnecessary glare and shadows.


Hanging fluorescent lamps are usually not a great idea. We recommend turning them off and using natural light, or creating your own light sources (read about this below).


If you want to create a professionally lit space, we recommend a basic 3D lighting system. You don't need a lot of space or resources to experiment!

Three point lighting means a main light source in front of you, a second light to the side to help avoid harsh, harsh shadows, and a backlight directly behind you.

Main Light - You can use a regular table lamp with a 60 watt or higher bulb. Place it near your webcam and point the light at your intended workspace.

Side light - its task is to create light directly in front of you, but slightly to one side, so that it is not direct, but diffused, uniform. You can use exactly the same lamp as for the main light, with the same or slightly lower lamp power than the main light.

Rear light - this light should be the lowest in power, like a bright night light. This will add depth to your lighting and look impressive.

Make sure none of the lights are pointed directly at the camera. Install them at a height approximately your height, but not higher than your head.

In any job, there are those who succeed and those who receive little pay. This is also observed among webcam models. If some people collect thousands of dollars a month, others are content with a hundred dollars. Why is this happening? It’s just that some people actively work and use tricks.

The secrets of webcam models have helped many girls reach a new level of income. Just undressing in a chat is not enough, anyone can do it.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to surprise viewers and lure them into private, experienced models They take into account every detail in order to extract maximum money from clients.

If you decide to engage in such a bold activity, then you should take care of increasing your profits. It is not so easy to collect decent amounts in this niche, especially since the competition is increasing every day.

We have collected the secrets of the TOP models whose wage exceeds $1000 per month:

  1. The best sites are the most important factor, because some chat systems hardly receive generous viewers. The more of them, the better; everyone can “unfasten” a substantial amount for communication. Register on Bongacams and Runetki, they have the largest audience of fans.
  2. Equipment plays a serious role, since the quality of the picture affects perception. You will need to buy a good webcam and adjust the lighting. Viewers want to see everything and good quality. Not good with technology? Buy Logitech HD Webcam C310, the camera costs about 3,000 rubles on Aliexpress.
  3. Pose - it must be chosen so that the audience sees all the advantages of your appearance. The face must be visible, just don’t place the camera on top, it spoils the angle. It is best to place the camera in front of you so that you can be seen from the waist up or slightly below.
  4. Appearance - viewers are attracted by everything, makeup, hairstyle, clothes, manicure, shoes. Working as a webcam model is different from other types of earning money online. For her, you have to put on makeup for a long time, dress beautifully, and so on. Stretched home T-shirts and disheveled hair are not attractive to anyone.
  5. Communication - it needs to be done correctly, constantly smiling and supporting any topics. Feel free to ask or answer questions from viewers. Stage the conversation in such a way as to interest the viewer, then there will be much more chances to switch to a private chat.
  6. Workplace- should be comfortable and beautifully designed. Designer decoration also improves the picture, but you should also feel comfortable being in the room. In addition, you need to organize everything in advance and put it nearby so that you don’t have to go outside the frame.
  7. Working hours - almost no one has set them, this is not correct. So that viewers know exactly when to go online to communicate with you, set yourself working hours. As for the amount of time spent, you will have to allocate at least 6 hours every day.
  8. Private payments are the main part of a model’s salary. A good web model knows the secrets of how to prolong your time. For this purpose they tell different stories, tempting offers are made, and so on. If you are offered to go private, agree by all means, then figure out how to proceed.
  9. Regular customers - great way achieve job stability. When a base of viewers who constantly attend broadcasts is built up, it is possible to collect a lot of money. Meet, greet separately, communicate more actively with those who have paid at least once for private.
  10. Foreign languages- It is advisable to learn it right away, since most often generous clients are foreigners. All webcam sites are visited by foreign users, but it is inconvenient to communicate with them using gestures. A dictionary will not help, learn English, it is universal.

So you started working. But one day of working as a webcam model passed, then another, and still no money? Let's figure out what your mistake might be and how to behave correctly on webcam sites.

What mistakes does a newbie web model usually make?

Others liked to talk about more intimate topics and did not like shy girls. By the way, these guys got the nickname “males” among girls from webcam studios.

Can also repel appearance. No, no one here is talking about the standards of appearance of a video chat model, but you must remember that you are on a date, even if it’s online. This is especially true for those models who work at home: it is unacceptable to appear in front of a man in untidy home clothes with disheveled hair, completely without makeup (exceptional cases are the desires of men, but these are few). Your face and appearance are your business card and a way to earn money.

How to become a successful web model and get paid as much as I was promised?

After registering to work as a webcam model, you will not immediately receive money. You need to remember a few secrets of successful and paid communication with foreigners:

  • You must be interesting. It's not just a pretty face and figure that attracts men. You must engage him in conversation, tell him some Interesting Facts about yourself, or, at the very least, make you laugh.
  • Try to be as natural as possible in your communication. Men feel falseness even through a webcam. Understand that you should be pleased to communicate with this man, if only because he is also happy to see you, and does not require anything in return except an interesting conversation and light flirting.
  • Don't be constrained. If shyness is your natural trait, then you can forget about point two. Don't be afraid to say what you want and what you think - the Internet erases boundaries.
  • Work. Don't forget that no matter how simple and enjoyable this activity may seem to you, it is still work. Dedicating half an hour a day to her will not earn you enough money to buy a new fur coat. Work for four or six hours, looking for constant interlocutors: then you can go into the chat only to communicate with them.

A fairly large number of questions have accumulated, both from new web models and from experienced ones, which are difficult for everyone to answer several times. Therefore, today there will be a large article dedicated to the topic of tips for web models. Let's talk about the different stages of work, the organization of the workplace and many other nuances of work.

What should you do before starting work?

Given below the list is purely individual and it is not at all necessary to fulfill all the requirements that are given in it.

  • Clean your room. Your room should not be dirty and dusty, members should enjoy your surroundings.
  • Apply nice makeup. It is strictly not recommended to sit sleepy or not alert while on camera.
  • Prepare the clothes you are going to change into for privates. If you're going to, of course.

The main points you need to know before starting work are listed above. Next, let's talk about how to behave in a broadcast.

So, you sat down to work, you tidied yourself and your room, now you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare your playlist for English language with songs and turn them on;
  2. Switch off social media and put the phone aside;
  3. Open the translator and configure the translation languages ​​BEFORE broadcasting;
  4. Open sites and arrange them in such a way that chats can be viewed simultaneously (i.e., reduce the window format and move them in the form of a mosaic on the screen);
  5. Be sure to be friendly and smiling, even with rude people (remember that the best response to rudeness is to ignore);
  6. Block guests/members to a minimum, so as not to create an incentive for them to visit you again and spoil the mood;
  7. Strictly adhere to the legend of where you are from and do not speak your original language;
  8. Avoid talking about your personal data (addresses, card and phone numbers, real names and links to social networks);
  9. In a private/paid chat, take your time and forget that you must immediately and unquestioningly follow the “orders” of the member. First of all, they took you private not because he knew that you would listen to him, but because he liked you, which means you need to continue to adhere to your line of behavior;
  10. Under no circumstances should you violate the rules of the site, even if a member has promised/given you a bonus in the form of money.

What not to do during a broadcast

Quite a lot of models do seemingly banal things incorrectly. Here are some tips on what not to do while broadcasting.

  • You shouldn't sit naked for the entire broadcast if your category allows it. You just have to first interest the members, and then entertain them with other things.
  • Do not break the banal rules of many webcam sites. Third parties should not appear in the frame, do not eat or show blood during the broadcast.
  • Also, you should not switch your attention to some external factors, such as talking on the phone or communicating with strangers in the room.
  • Don’t sit with a sad face, and especially don’t sleep while working.

Share your observations and tips about working in video chat in the comments.