Dream interpretation of blueberries. Berry prediction. Why do you dream about blueberries? Dream Interpretation - Getting married

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone.

Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.

Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you.

Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hear forest birds singing - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a private date with a secret friend.

If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and grief. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.

Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Blueberries are a symbol of love, profit, and eye diseases. There are several approaches to the interpretation of a “blueberry” dream: in addition to the general interpretation, there are predictions that are based on what time of year blueberries are dreamed of and in what month the dreamer was born.

What if you dream about blueberries?

In general, a dream in which you pick blueberries foreshadows either an improvement in your financial situation (if there are a large number of berries) or joyful events in your personal life (perhaps a date with your loved one or a fun time with friends).

Of course, both predictions are pleasant. However, the following prediction brings confusion about why blueberries are dreamed of. According to some reports, picking these healthy berries in a dream means a mild, minor illness.

Which interpretation to listen to is up to you. In addition, with your positive thoughts you can attract appropriate events into your life.

If you dreamed of blueberries between May and August, then a slight love interest awaits you. Whether it will develop into a serious relationship or tell you to live long depends only on you.

What does it portend?

If it’s autumn outside, it’s raining outside the window or the autumn sun is still warming, and you dreamed of blueberries, get ready for a celebration where you will be offered a noble treat.

If you saw blueberries in a dream in winter or early spring, this may indicate possible health problems, or more precisely, deterioration of vision or eye diseases. So you should take care of yourself, and if you are really concerned about your vision, you should include blueberries in your diet for prevention.

A dream in which a woman saw blueberries promises strong friendly relationships in the family or the birth of a child if she picks the berries. But making blueberry pie or jam in real life can result in committing a reprehensible act.

Dream interpretation blueberries

Dreams containing the image of blueberries hint at health problems or indicate material well-being. Depending on the plot line of the dream and the appearance of the berry, the meaning of the dream will also change. The date of birth of the person who dreamed of the wild berry also influences the interpretation of the dream. A dream book will help you understand in detail why blueberries are dreamed of.

The more blueberry bushes you saw in your dream, the greater the profit fate had in store for the dreamer.

General value

The interpretation directly depends on the psychological characteristics of the individual. If a person remembers from childhood that to maintain health it is necessary to eat the fruits of the forest, then in a dream a healthy berry will be a sign of deteriorating vision, lack of vitamins, and colds.

Dreaming that in the forest the dreamer came across a blueberry plantation - to minor troubles that will follow one after another .

The dream book says: picking sweet fruits in dreams means love feelings will take over the heart.

Bitter berries foreshadow minor diseases of the digestive system, visual centers, and malaise from overwork.

How Miller interprets the sign

Psychoanalyst Miller's dream book interprets the symbolism of vision, taking into account small details, putting together the puzzle of night dreams into a complete picture.

Seeing blueberry bushes in a dream

  • For couples in love, crushed berries in a basket foreshadow sorrows, tears, scandals, and disagreements.
  • A small bush will tell about a strong family, warm relationships between close people.

People who dreamed of having to pick overripe berries deep in the forest need to diversify their lifestyle. .

Modern explanations of sleep

A modern dream book will tell you what meanings dreams with blueberries can have.

Dreams of eating ripe fruits in the forest speaks of success in work and business.

Good news

Remember some of the details that visited the world of dreams.

  • Did you dream that you were eating rafts in a huge clearing? Towards spiritual and physical healing.
  • For a young girl, a plot with berries foreshadows a possible marriage.
  • Tasting the fruits of a bush in a dream means life will be filled with adventures. They will be accompanied by positive emotions.

Important details

The person who made blueberry jam in his dreams will be held accountable for his actions.

A dark tint on the teeth, lips and clothes from the juice will tell about the dreamer’s damaged reputation.

The relationship between the dreamer's birthday and blueberries in dreams

To understand why blueberries are dreamed of, it is necessary to take into account such a nuance as the dreamer’s date of birth.

For people born in summer, berries symbolize a harmonious relationship with a lover.

Spring dreamers may regard visions of dark berries as a hint of deteriorating health.

If your birthday falls in the autumn-winter period, then a long-awaited meeting is just around the corner.

Other interpretations

What other details awaited you in your night dreams?

  • Walking through the forest in your dreams, looking for blueberries - your financial capabilities are decreasing.
  • A well-groomed small bush is a symbol of sincere love.
  • Did you dream that you were drinking berry juice or fruit drink? Receive good news.

Why you dream about blueberries directly depends on when you were born. Only taking into account the month of your birth can you accurately determine the meaning of these night dreams.

December and September

Picking these berries means preparing for an important event. And buying them means making the right choice.

May and July

But this novel will be remembered for a long time. It is possible that in the future you will become best friends with this partner.

March and April

January and November

February and August

Do not invest money in dubious industries. Only those investments that you make according to the old agreement will be successful.

The dream in which these people had blueberries promises good profits. Money will flow to you like a river. But this will happen only when you soberly assess your capabilities and desires. If you jump over your head and demand magic castles from fate, you will soon be left with nothing.

General values

  • Eating green berries means illness.
  • Eating blueberries in a big company means success.
  • If you dream that you are treating your friends with it, this means relaxing with friends.

This is especially true for vision. Therefore, immediately after such a dream, you need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and check the condition of your eyes.

  • Picking berries in the forest - you will be invited to visit.
  • Seeing them on a bush but not touching them is a dubious proposition.
  • Picking blueberries in a basket is a sign of family happiness.

If you dreamed of blueberries, be sure to look at the meaning of this dream in the dream book. This can prevent serious health problems and problems in your personal life. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Why did you dream about blueberries at night? The interpretation of the “blueberry” vision depends on many factors: the ripeness of the berry, the method of its preparation, and even the birthday of the sleeping person.

Let's try to figure out why blueberries are dreamed of, taking into account the dreamed details using popular dream books.

Interpretations and Cautions

Planned projects may fail - that’s why you dreamed that you were making blueberry jam. The Dream Interpretation recommends that in the near future you carefully consider every step, do not rush to conclusions, and do not agree to participate in dubious events.

Anyone who picked berries in their night fantasy needs to pay attention to their own health. It is known that blueberries are an excellent product for preventing vision. Perhaps the dreamer should contact an ophthalmologist.

In a dream, did you happen to be harvesting large ripe berries in a clearing? Unfortunately, this plot predicts huge troubles in reality. But if the basket in your dream contained unripe blueberries, then you need to remember unfinished projects. Now is the time when you need to bring things to an end. This will help you succeed. Moreover, the thoughts that you have accumulated “debts” haunt you day and night.

Guests, unexpected and unwanted, are about to come to you in reality, this is what you dreamed of about clothes stained with blueberry juice. It will not be so easy to send away unpleasant visitors.

If in a night dream you were selling blueberries, then take note: difficulties in communicating with people arise due to your sometimes intolerable, rude behavior. Try to be more delicate, softer with people and you will soon notice that they treat you much warmer, better - the dream book hints.

Miller's interpretation

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions...” - this is how Gustav Miller roughly interprets the dream that you are collecting blueberries or lingonberries in a basket, but you realize that the berries will be crushed. As sad as it may be, all your efforts will not be appreciated by others. On the contrary, they will try to accuse you of some absurd sins.

But if in your midnight fantasy you stumbled upon a huge blueberry meadow, then Miller assures you: if you get sick, you will quickly and completely recover.

The fact that family ties are strong and reliable is suggested by a tiny blueberry bush with numerous fruits found in a dream. This image is a sign that relatives are always ready to lend a helping hand and support.

Why do you dream of sour, spoiled blueberries? To the fact that life has prepared not very joyful surprises and trials for you. Especially if you realize that you were poisoned by an expired berry.

When in a dream you see lips stained with blueberries, then know: your good name may be tarnished, your reputation may be damaged, the dream book warns.

Wait for news

A long-awaited pregnancy is why a woman dreams of blueberries. The same dream serves as a hint: family relationships will improve.

Dreaming of enjoying large blueberries in company is a harbinger of your rapid rise up the career ladder. It is curious that a dream in which you cook or drink blueberry juice promises you a lot of unusual impressions and emotions in reality. But, unfortunately, the dream book does not specify what it will be.

However, blueberries, the taste of which seemed unusual in a night dream, promise long-awaited news from relatives or pleasant surprises. For a girl, such a dream can promise marriage with a loved one.