Girl with puffed up lips. Her own or pumped up: a plastic surgeon comments on the lips of the stars. Patter Man from Novosibirsk

I endured for a long time. I thought that these were isolated cases, I thought that it was my personal taste that this wild fashion would pass. But no, it has become an epidemic, all the men I asked agree with me. Today my patience has run out and someone needs to speak this truth out loud.

Girls! Stop pumping your lips!

Do you think it makes you sexier? No, it makes you funnier.

Do you think it's invisible? No, it's very, very noticeable.

Do you think it's prestigious or cool? No more than golden crowns.

Yes, pumped up lips have become what gold crowns were in Soviet times. It looks terrible, and the owner thinks it's beautiful and rich. Girls, understand a simple thing: there is nothing more beautiful, sexier and cooler than naturalness.

A woman with dumpling lips immediately cuts off the layer of normal admirers. She may have seven spans in her forehead, but if at the same time she has seven spans in her lips, an intelligent man will be ashamed to go out with her.

Do you know what men think when they see a woman with toned lips? She's a complete idiot, that's for sure. She has nothing to offer a man but sex as artificial as her lips, that's two. From a man, she, apparently, only needs money, that's three. All this may not be true - this is, once again, the image that she creates.

I saw dozens of young beauties with wonderful lips who spoiled everything one day by stuffing dentures in them. And no one dared, apparently, to approach them and shout: “Why? Stupid! Why did you do that?"

You don't have to improve on the good. Ignore Instagram stars and rapper girlfriends. Don't make yourself a laughing stock. Yes, laughing stock, didn't you know? Everyone is laughing behind you. And your man (if he is not a rapper) is ashamed of you. And your friends are lying to you. Only I will tell you the truth. So if you put it in, take it out. If you want to embed, don't embed. What if it's just a little? No need. Well, just one? I said "No! It will be invisible. No, it will be noticeable!

When I see that lips enter the room, and a minute later their proud mistress appears behind them, I have only one temptation - to pierce these lips and listen to the sound with which they burst. Those lips are scary to kiss. Do you want men to be afraid to kiss?

You think that since everyone does it, it's fashionable. You are wrong. There is not a single really popular model, actress or world-class singer with pumped lips (except for extravagant female freaks who do not claim to be the standard of beauty).

Get boobs, get tattoos, get piercings, but leave your lips alone.

Because of pumped up lips, descendants will laugh at the photographs of our era. Let's end this era right now! Stop puffing your lips.

MOSCOW, April 7 - RIA Novosti. An unusual online test helped American scientists find out that an increase in the lower lip and a change in the shape of the upper lip usually do not improve, but worsen the appearance of their owner, according to an article published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery.

"We understand that it is impossible to calculate the ideal shape of the lips and use such calculations and measurements in lip augmentation surgeries. Too many different variables affect the shape and perception of the lips. On the other hand, cosmetologists can always give advice to patients and help them achieve a positive result, based on such measurements,” says Sang Kim from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA).

The appearance of a person plays a huge role, it affects not only personal life, but also career and position in society. For example, in 2011 and 2013, two groups of British scientists found that beautiful people, on average, have a higher IQ and are more likely to get better jobs than those who have an ordinary or unattractive appearance.

A similar addiction exists among both men and women, and makes many people, especially the fairer sex, change their appearance with the help of plastic surgery. One of the most popular procedures of this kind is lip augmentation. But it does not always lead to the desired result, many men like women with "silicone lips" much less than before the operation.

© Kim, Rousso / JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery 2017

© Kim, Rousso / JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery 2017

Kim and his colleague Daniel Rousso, a surgeon at the Natural Face Clinic in Syracuse (USA), decided to find out what exactly repels the stronger sex and how to avoid mistakes. To do this, scientists gathered a group of almost a hundred male and female volunteers and showed them several dozen photographs of the lips of the same girl, enlarged using a photo editing program.

Rousseau and Kim say that in most of these shots, they only changed parts of the lips, which allowed them to find the point where the increase or decrease in certain areas of the lips began to repel or attract observers.

These simple experiments showed that a change in the size of each such area affected the attractiveness of the girl's face in different ways - an increase in some parts of the lips, for example, the entire upper lip, almost did not cause rejection, while almost imperceptible changes in the size of some other areas of the lips provoked extremely negative reactions. .

Scientists have figured out why people kiss with their eyes closedMen and women often close their eyes when kissing because the eyes prevent our brains from fully processing the tactile sensations that come from touching the lips, and thus dull them.

For example, an increase in the size of the lower lip even by a millimeter made it extremely unattractive for more than half of the respondents, and a shift in the "bow" of the upper lip by the same millimeter caused even sharper rejection - more than 70% of the respondents began to consider such lips artificial.

This data, scientists hope, will help cosmetologists improve the quality of their services and help such a procedure to improve the appearance of the face to get rid of that halo of artificiality and ugliness that it has today.

They live next to us and make our world brighter [photo]

Prepared by Irina SUHANOVA

Photo: Alexey ZHURAVLEV

There are people among us who are a little different from everyone else. His appearance, behavior, unusual behavior or passion. Many consider them eccentrics, but without them the world would definitely be less bright and interesting. We asked colleagues from different parts of our vast country to talk about fellow countrymen who amazed, fascinated or shocked them - and, perhaps, even forced them to reconsider their views on what is considered the norm.

1. Platypus Man from Perm

Evgeny Bolotov is a body modifier, he experiments with his appearance. He has plates on his lips, the lower one is stretched by 60 mm, the upper one by 33 mm. And he plans to stretch them "to infinity." He also stretches the earlobes, made tunnels in the nose, and now even a pencil can easily pass between the nostrils. He also pierced his nasal cartilage, and now his nose bends like plasticine. Zhenya is very proud of the fact that he is the only owner of such a piercing on the planet. - No, children don't cry, - the 27-year-old designer from Perm laughs, - People sometimes point fingers, smile when they see me, ask to be photographed with them. True, the guy complains: in dangerous Perm regions, you have to cover your face just in case. It’s still unclear how real boys will meet and greet on a dark street: not everyone in the Urals understands and accepts such “beauty” ().

2. Snow Maiden from Tolyatti

From the back, Galina Kutereva can be given no more than 20 years: a slender girlish figure and long hair. Only upon closer inspection it is noticeable that they are gray-haired. Seeing how she walks through the snowdrifts in a sundress and sandals in the cold, people get scared. Drivers stop and offer to heat and give a ride. Many men are ready to take off their jacket and walk it home. But Galina Kutereva always just laughs in response. “I am not cold in winter and not hot in summer. I am a real Snow Maiden. But this was not always the case: as a child, Galina was allergic to frost, over the years a whole “bouquet” of diseases appeared: from joint diseases to cancer. She enrolled in a longevity school, was treated for several years, doused herself with water, did exercises on her joints. And now he feels great. She also saves on clothes, because in winter she does not need a fur coat or a down jacket. As a last resort, a warm angora sweater ().

3. Janitor-artist from Izhevsk

For his 52 years, Semyon Bukharin worked as a firefighter and a miner. He retired three years ago. He got a job as a janitor in a school. Then I did not think that it was here that he, a decorator by education, would find his calling. Instead of a brush - a shovel. Instead of a canvas - a school yard. The idea to create in the snow came spontaneously - schoolchildren came up with the idea. They also became grateful spectators. Semyon Bukharin is not striving for glory. She says it's all for the kids. Shkolota in response calls him a great artist ().

4. Boy-magnet from the Omsk region

Photo: Andrey KUTUZOV

Second-grader Kolya from the village of Vodyanoye, which is located 160 kilometers from Omsk, became the hero of the Internet. The news about a schoolboy, to whose body coins, spoons and ladles are “glued”, spread all over Russia and even appeared on the pages of foreign publications. “We celebrated 4 years, dabbled with spoons, she stuck to my nose. Then I remembered, I tried again, ”Kolya answers the question of how he discovered superpowers in himself ().

5. Double Lady Gaga from Samara

Now Sasha Guseva definitely doesn’t look like a boy: long straight hair, thin waist, high breasts, bright makeup. This is what the surgeons did. At 17, she changed gender. I found a doctor in the Novosibirsk clinic: hormonal preparation, a complex operation costing 900 thousand rubles, and long months of rehabilitation. Then there were three more operations and 9 corrections of the face and body. Now the girl is not called otherwise than Lady Sasha. Such a name "stuck" to her thanks to a new image. The girl performs in the show of doubles, copies Lady Gaga. The first performances went with a bang. And now the Samara woman, using her resemblance to a star, makes good money on corporate parties. She thinks out the images herself, and her mother helps her to sew stage costumes ().

6. A girl with a tattoo on her face from Saransk

Russian tattoo artist Ruslan Tumanyants from Saransk became infamous all over the world after he drew 56 stars on the face of a teenage girl from Belgium, and the face of his new girlfriend - given name capital Latin letters. Ruslan's new "victim" is called Lesya, they were born in the same city. The girl allowed to get a tattoo on her face just a day after they met. The guys met on Facebook. Now Lesya has the name "Ruslan" on her face, written in large Gothic type. Lesya explained that she did it out of love and devotion to her lover. “For a month of chatting, we realized that we have great feelings for each other and common goals for life,” Lesya said. “The meeting in Moscow only confirmed our love and desire to be together all our lives. I chose a font and drew a sketch. Why on the face? Because I wanted to show that the most important thing in my life is my love and the name of the most important person in my life, Ruslan. I proudly wear his name on my face! I love him very much! ()

7. 83-year-old strongman from Dagestan

Abdurkhaman Abdulazizov set a world record, having managed to lift a load of 81.5 kg. This is almost thirty kilograms more than the previous weight of 53 kilograms, which was lifted by the athlete from Poland, Johanna Sawicka, in 2011. Abdulazizov's record was recorded with all rigor and entered the Guinness Book of Records ().

8. A girl with a Barbie face and Ken's muscles from Saratov

Huge half-faced eyes, plump lips and a shock of curly hair - about the face of Yulia Vince one wants to say "a girl is such a girl." And now we lower our eyes below: biceps, triceps, cubes on the stomach ... and the back is generally mountainous. A girl from Saratov can pick up and lift an adult man over her head, even two, if they are not too plump. In training, this doll-faced athlete lifts 100 kilograms in the bench press, 160-180 kilograms in the deadlift, and 170 kilograms in the squat. At the same time, the powerlifter herself weighs only 64! And she's only 18 years old! Now the girl who took up powerlifting because she was offended at school has more than 9 thousand friends on social networks. Many of them call themselves fans of Julia. Admirers from all over the country confess their love to her, programs are filmed about her in Japan, China, America ().

9. Lucifer from Perm

In Perm, a young couple named their son Lucifer. - We are not Goths, we are just informals, - mother Natasha laughs. She is generally very cheerful, despite aggressive spiked jewelry, a shaved head and black robes. Yes, and these desperate people played a wedding on Friday, December 13, 2013. - And my husband wanted to name his son like that, and at first this choice was too bold for me. But I gave birth to Lucik very hard, he was born suffocated and lived for a day, connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. And then I turned to Lucifer for help. I promised him that if the baby survived, I would name my son after him. So Lucifer became the patron of our son ().

10. King of kopecks from Novosibirsk

60-year-old pensioner Yuri Babin is a well-known character in Novosibirsk. Back in the 1990s, he began to collect one-kopeck coins, and he became so carried away that his entire house was covered with small change. She is everywhere: on the floor, in pots of flowers, on the windowsills. In total, Babin has no less than 7 tons of coins! Jokingly, journalists nicknamed the unusual numismatist the King of Kopeks. Babin was even invited to the Congress of Eccentrics in New York, however, because of material problems the Siberian had to refuse such a tempting offer. The former military man decided to change his last name to a very unusual one - President-Great-Russia-Babin. That's right, in four words and through a hyphen! The registry office staff refused him this, citing the fact that the surname cannot consist of several words in different cases. In general, it seems that only the court () will resolve the family dispute.

11. Chimney sweep Lvovich from Kaliningrad

Alexander Lvovich Smirnov (or simply Lvovich, as everyone calls him) is a man walking around the city in a chimney sweep suit, not missing a single major Kaliningrad holiday. “No one invites me to these holidays – I go there myself,” he says. The house of the chief Kaliningrad chimney sweep has been turned into a fortress, which continues to be built every day. Lvovich decorates the crazy-shaped windows with homemade tiles. He also makes furniture himself. Behind Last year a house appeared on its territory, which Lvovich calls the "Museum of the Chimney Sweep". Inside the house-fortress there is something like a theater studio, the costumes for which are made from household waste and polyurethane foam. According to our hero, now he is planning to shoot a film, in which his nymphs will also take part - girls in fancy dresses, accompanying him everywhere.

12. Man-patter from Novosibirsk

In fact, from the parents, the guy got a completely simple Russian name- Alexey, but now according to his passport he is none other than Lomion Horvegraug Morion Nornoros Yaere a'Moritarnon. Total 45 letters! Since childhood, the boy had knights as heroes of his favorite books, and at the university he became an avid role player and reenactor, even made medieval chain mail and helmets. And one day, he says, he thought about his roots. Allegedly, he found the names of ancient ancestors who were Poles, and folded them into a new verbal construction. True, it came out long - there were many ancestors. Even after all the possible abbreviations, the name turned out to be such that you break the language. When the eccentric came to the registry office to change passport data, the employees, of course, were puzzled. But they scratched their heads, leafed through the laws and ... adopted a statement. And where to go? According to the law, a Russian has the right to be called whatever he pleases. Soon the knightly name took its rightful place in the passport - somehow it fit there. But friends call them simply and without any regalia - Morionych (details of the UK Elizabeth II, I held out a double-decker bus, in which there were one hundred passengers with a total weight of about 7 tons. This achievement was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records commission. By the way, there I turned out to be the only Russian who performed". To achieve an impressive result, Ravil devoted 20 years to extreme sports. First, the athlete lifted kettlebells with his teeth, then 10 and 50-kilogram pancakes, and eventually trained his jaw muscles to such an extent that he could hold a barbell weighing 120 kg! During the tricks, Ravil's teeth broke, so he had to insert implants (details).

14. Foreign trade official Yulia from Yekaterinburg

The father of two children, a gambling footballer and a well-known sports journalist from Yekaterinburg, suddenly changed his gender. And this is not a joke. Yura worked for many years as a sports columnist for the newspaper "Na Smenu!", Then in the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, from where he left for the Ural Worker. Quite a nice, well, maybe a little gloomy guy, a football player, a sports fan. And then it was like they changed it. He began to drink hormonal pills, which etch beautiful masculine features from his appearance. He preferred pink skirts to army khaki trousers. Finally, he began to ask his acquaintances to call themselves Yulia. But this is a former paratrooper. Married twice, divorced twice, two children. He loved the fair sex, and women reciprocated him. “Girls changed like gloves!” - Yura's former colleagues discuss behind their backs. Or Yuli ... ().

15. 78-year-old student from Kiselevsk

A pensioner from Kiselevsk (Kemerovo region) Alexander Kuzmich Trusov is already receiving his fourth diploma (the first humanitarian diploma after three technical ones). Now he is in his second year. And when he receives a diploma, he will already be in his 82nd year! But he himself does not consider himself a super student, an extreme, an original and an eccentric. And to the increased interest in him on the part of students, to exclamations addressed to him, he is patient, like a grandfather to his grandchildren ().

In the face of Megan Fox, there is not much left of the former appearance of the star, but since today we are talking about lips ... In a word, Megan constantly injects to keep them plump.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman's experiments can hardly be considered successful - the actress is constantly reproached for doing Botox, which completely "froze" her face. But that's not all: Nicole's lips have also undergone a noticeable correction.


Oksana Fedorova

Beauty Oksana Fedorova looked great even without lip augmentation, but for some reason the star decided that injections would make her even more attractive. Well, the taste and color!


Singer Fergie was probably bothered by the fact that her upper lip was noticeably thinner than her lower lip. Well, the issue is resolved: Fergie corrected this shortcoming, at the same time slightly increasing her lower lip.

Victoria Lopyreva

There is no question of the naturalness of Victoria Lopyreva's lips - the fact that the model has increased them is noticeable, and even very much so.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner was not even 18 years old when, following the example of her older sisters, she went to a beautician for the lips of her dreams.

Julia Volkova

What once happened to the lips of Yulia Volkova, we all remember. And let's be honest, it was terrible. Fortunately, in Lately Julia changed her mind and is not fond of the procedure as actively as before.

Meg Ryan

Alas, Meg Ryan, in pursuit of youth, has changed beyond recognition, and turned her lips into dumplings. Why are you like this, Meg?

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's pouty lips look very comical - as if the actress is always offended by some one!

Ksenia Sobchak

Let's open the secret: girls with an active lifestyle and their own opinion also increase their lips, like everyone else! Here is Ksenia Sobchak, for example.

Kim Kardashian

Where without her! Yes, Kim also enlarges her lips - however, no one doubted.

Hyaluronic acid injections into the lips are gaining more and more popularity. Now the request to “pin up your lips a little” has become almost as common in beauty salons as the phrase “wind my curls”. This gives rise to a logical question in men: how to distinguish whether my girlfriend’s lips are “made” or not?

They are "done" if:

1. First, if you have such a question at all. In anthropological terms typical Russian girl laid down lips thin and medium thickness (as a rule, the volume of both lips is 14–18 mm). The plump form is typical for representatives of the Far Eastern, South Asian, Australian and Ethiopian races.

2. Second, if lips visually dominate the face: the proportions of the human face are in most cases harmonious, and if a girl has small eyes, a compact nose, then the lips, most likely, are not prominent from birth.

3. Third, blurred outline with unpainted lips - injections make it a little blurry.

4. Lips are perfectly smooth: a syringe has definitely been here - natural lips are dotted with small wrinkles. Of course, there is a trick: if you inject a little bit over several years, the tissues will gradually stretch and new wrinkles will appear.

5. In 90% of cases after injections inflates the area around the lips and a swelling forms between the tip of the nose and the "arrow of cupid" (the upper contour of the lips).

6. Ask the girl to blow a kiss: if her lips curl into a mini accordion, they are real. If form a heart, they have a gel.

7. Touch dense tissue around the lips, and from birth, these tissues are soft and full-blooded.

8. Not the best method for a first date: “If you lift the “made” upper lip and look at its inner surface, you will see a "curly outline"- with small lumps and irregularities that the filler forms, ”sabrina Ismailova, dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Millefeuil beauty salon, comments.

9. If the next morning after a stormy night with champagne, the girl's lips significantly increase in size that means they have hyaluronic acid: its molecules collect water, and the lips look swollen.

10. After injections over the upper lip is formed thin roller, which makes the lips slightly "inverted".

Hollywood stars who, according to our expert, Sabrina Ismailova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Milfey beauty salon, did not resort to injection lip augmentation: