Good skin doctor. Skin doctor. Areas of work of the department

Dermatology - a branch of medicine that focuses on skin diseases, their signs, causes and mechanisms of development, as well as methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

According to statistics, more than 15% of all requests for medical help come from a dermatologist.

Thanks to the accumulated experience and the development of innovative technologies, modern dermatology has achieved significant development in diagnosis and treatment skin diseases. At the moment, this industry is closely related to venereology, phlebology, surgery, endocrinology and many other medical areas, which is due to the need for a comprehensive study of various dermatological problems. This approach to the greatest extent allows a dermatologist not only to improve existing knowledge, but also to develop new techniques in the field of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.

Skin diseases are common and very diverse in nature. clinical manifestations. Skin changes often serve as an external reflection of one or another pathology of internal organs, the central nervous system, endocrine system, etc. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of dermatology is necessary in the daily work of a doctor of any specialty, and a certain knowledge is required from a good dermatologist related disciplines. Each dermatologist at the MedicCity clinic is a highly qualified specialist who fully possesses all the necessary knowledge.

Leather: features and functions

Leather - the largest human organ, with its own physiology and anatomy. The weight of an adult's skin accounts for up to 15-20% of the weight of his entire body. In every square centimeter of skin there are 6,000,000 cells, 5,000 sensory points, about 100 sweat glands and 15 sebaceous glands. On the soles of the feet the thickness of the skin reaches 5 mm, while the skin around the eyes is no thicker than 1 mm. Skin differs in color, moisture, oil content and density not only among different people, but also among the same person in different periods his life, as well as in different parts of his body.

The skin performs several important functions. Firstly, it protects the body from mechanical influences, dirt, bacteria, harmful chemical substances, ultraviolet radiation, etc. Secondly, waste products are removed through the skin human body. Thirdly, the skin is a sensory organ: numerous nerve endings give a person the ability to touch.

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat.

Treatment of skin diseases at the MedikCity clinic

There are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical and radiation damage to the skin. Skin disease (itching and inflammation of the skin, pimples, blackheads, warts, etc.) not only brings some discomfort into our lives, but is also often a harbinger of dangerous illnesses. However, many people do not attach serious importance to skin diseases and do not seek advice from a dermatologist.

While a good dermatologist will conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for a skin disease when the first signs appear.

Basic methods of treating dermatological diseases:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic methods (excimer laser, ILBI, AUFOK);
  • radio wave surgery (removal of skin tumors - papillomas, condylomas, nevi, etc.);
  • laser methods;
  • phototherapy, etc.

Examination methods used by our dermatologists to diagnose skin diseases:

  • consultation with a dermatologist (history collection, external examination, determination of dermographism, diascopy (vitropression));
  • dermatoscopy;
  • laboratory methods diagnostics (ELISA, bacteriological, general clinical, cytological, biochemical, histological studies, etc.).

Dermatologists at our clinic will assist you in the treatment of skin diseases of a wide variety of nature. Skin diseases that we treat:

  • pustular skin diseases (pyoderma);
  • skin tumors on the face;
  • congenital pathology of blood vessels on the face and body;
  • infectious and viral diseases skin;
  • allergic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • fungal diseases of the skin, hair and nails;
  • skin resistance (impaired healing processes, blistering):
  • varicose veins, treatment of varicose nodes (surgical method and sclerotherapy);
  • various skin tumors;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • lichen;
  • various allergies and mycoses;
  • seborrhea;
  • scleroderma;
  • streptoderma;
  • hives;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • erythema;
  • molluscum contagiosum and other skin diseases.

Specialists from the EMC Dermatology Department see adults and children from the first days of life. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by specialists of the highest level in accordance with modern European and Russian protocols.

Areas of work of the department:

  • diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic skin diseases;
  • diagnosis and treatment of nail diseases;
  • diagnosis and treatment of hair diseases;
  • biological therapy of autoimmune skin diseases;
  • phototherapy for chronic skin diseases;
  • itching therapy.

EMC dermatologists (in Moscow) diagnose and treat atopic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, vitiligo, herpes, viral warts, molluscum contagiosum, fungal infections of the skin and nails, skin tumors, etc.

Treatment of any form psoriasis carried out using the most modern anti-cytokine drugs obtained by genetic engineering. As a result, long-term clinical remission of all manifestations of the disease is ensured, with minimal time investment for the patient - only a few injections of the drug per year. Also most used effective methods phototherapy.

IN " Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Itching»patient care is provided jointly by dermatologists, neurologists and psychotherapists within one multifunctional hospital. Only such a multidisciplinary approach allows us to correctly determine the cause of acute or chronic itching and establish the most appropriate individual treatment tactics for each patient.

Pediatric dermatologist

The clinic pays special attention to the treatment of children. Pediatric dermatologists conduct appointments at a specialized Children's Clinic located at st. Trifonovskaya 26, where all conditions are created for the comfort of our little patients. Medical care for children is provided in close cooperation with pediatricians and other pediatric specialists. Removal of all types of skin tumors in children is carried out under local anesthesia or during medicated sleep (if necessary). The clinic's specialists select individual care products for the treatment of sensitive children's skin.

No special preparation is required before visiting a dermatologist.

A dermatologist or dermatovenerologist is one of the specialists working in the field of clinical medicine. His responsibilities include the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted and other infectious diseases of the skin and its appendages - nails, hair. He studies the causes of these diseases, as well as their relationship with other pathological conditions the human body as a whole.

Most skin infectious diseases are sexually transmitted. They were previously called venereal.

Dermatologists see patients in KVD - specialized dermatovenerological dispensaries - as well as in hospital departments. In the capital, this position is also provided in many clinics, but there the dermatologist works as a consultant on infectious diseases.

What do dermatovenerologists do?

A dermatovenerologist deals with diseases of the external and external, male and female genital organs, as well as pathologies of the skin, hair, and nails. People contact this specialist in Moscow about:

  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • vitiligo;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • lichen planus;
  • herpes, warts, HPV, molluscum contagiosum;
  • papillomas, moles, acne and post-acne, genital warts;
  • fungal infections of the skin and nails;
  • pityriasis rosea, genital herpes;
  • gonorrhea, trichomoniasis;
  • urogenital candidiasis and chlamydia.

A dermatologist makes diagnoses and prescribes treatment for contact and allergic dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, thrush, and so on.

In what cases should you contact a dermatologist?

It is no secret that the human skin is the most damaged part of the body. You can immediately tell by the skin whether a person is healthy or suffers from some kind of disease. Any negative internal or external factors affect, first of all, the skin: changes in temperature and pressure, stress and overexertion at work, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, smoking and alcohol, and so on. You should seek help from a dermatologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • skin itching;
  • rash, including acne;
  • dryness;
  • swelling;
  • spider veins;
  • acne;
  • dandruff and so on.

Skin diseases, as a rule, are not isolated in nature, but are interconnected with other pathologies, i.e. they are their manifestation. A dermatovenerologist identifies sexually transmitted diseases based on symptoms. Such manifestations include:

  • discharge from the urethra or vagina,
  • itching, pain and burning when urinating,
  • increased urge to urinate,
  • pain in the groin, testicles, lower abdomen,
  • menstrual irregularities.

There are cases when it is extremely difficult to identify a disease by symptoms, even an infection caused by several pathogens. It can occur hidden, without visible manifestations. To make an accurate diagnosis, examinations are prescribed, such as:

  • blood test for allergens, antibodies, antigens;
  • scraping analysis;
  • allergy panel;
  • microbiology,
  • flora smear and others.

In Moscow, dermatologists come to the aid of such types of diagnostics as:

  • DNA (PCR);
  • dermatoscopy;
  • diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis and others.

Where in Moscow can I get this specialty?

Dermatovenerologist is a fairly common activity. In Moscow, specialists in this profile are trained in almost all medical universities and medical faculties. There are departments of dermatovenerology in such institutions as:

  • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova,
  • Central Research Institute of Dermatovenerology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
  • Russian State Medical University,
  • Moscow Medical Academy named after. Sechenov,
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. Sechenov,
  • Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and others.

Famous Moscow specialists

The Russian dermatological school of pathogenetic direction originated several centuries ago and actively developed. Its founder was Polotebnov. Dermatology in Russia and Moscow was based on Gebra's textbooks. Among the outstanding dermatologists, Pavlov, Podvysotskaya, Novikov, Titov, Kozhevnikov, Teokharov, Kondratyev, Nikolsky, Sorokin, Pospelova and many others stand out.

Updated: 12/03/2018 16:25:13

Expert: Christina Gayden

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Unlike public hospitals, private medical centers have decent service, a full range of equipment, and short queues. It remains to find out where highly qualified dermatologists in Moscow work and how much their appointment costs. The rating of the best metropolitan clinics will help with this.

What to look for when choosing a dermatology clinic:

  1. Before going to the medical center, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:
  2. If hospitalization is necessary, you need to find a place with an inpatient department.
  3. Check in advance the availability of available equipment and tools. Not every clinic has rare equipment.
  4. It makes sense to find an institution close to home if we are talking about a small patient. Pay attention to transport accessibility.
  5. You should not choose the clinic with the highest prices. They don't always talk about perfect quality services.
  6. Rate the medical center based on reviews on the Internet.
  7. In our review of Moscow clinics, we also took into account the opinions of visitors, location and price level.

Rating of the best dermatology clinics in Moscow

Nomination place name of the clinic rating
Rating of dermatology clinics in Moscow 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.7
7 4.7
8 4.6
9 4.5
10 4.5
11 4.4
12 4.4

The Clinic of German Medical Technologies offers patients a huge range of effective methods for treating dermatological diseases. GMT Clinic focuses on therapy and diagnostics according to European traditions. Patients are advised by well-known Russian specialists who are continuously improving their experience in our country and abroad. Residents of the capital and other cities choose the center for high level service, friendly and attentive staff. Additional advantages are a comfortable stay and stylish interior design.

The clinic is located in the center of Moscow near the station. Smolenskaya metro station and metro station Barricaded. She works seven days a week. The price for an appointment with a dermatologist starts from 1800 rubles. Most clients are satisfied with their visit to the GMT Clinic and say that they have cured rosacea, hyperpigmentation and other skin diseases. They consider the center's dermatologists to be professionals in their field.

In second place in the ranking is a multidisciplinary medical holding company that owns branches in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The company employs about 900 medical specialists. The clinic is constantly improving the quality and types of services. That is why it attracts thousands of patients from all over the country every year. The medical center is famous for its unique surgical operations, rare diagnostic tests, beneficial programs and high-quality service.

You can make an appointment directly on the organization’s website. There is also information about working specialists and prices for services. Dermatologists correct scars and stretch marks, treat problem skin, perform botulinum therapy, hair removal and mid-peelings. The first consultation with a doctor will cost the patient approximately 1,800 rubles, and a second consultation will cost 1,700 rubles. A doctor of medical sciences charges 3,450 rubles for an appointment. Payment by card is possible.

The next participant in the rating is considered an excellent clinic for people with incomes. It is conveniently located and has been treating various diseases for over 29 years. The specialists of the dermatology department treat both adults and children from the first days of life. The main areas of work are the treatment of hair and nail pathologies, acute and chronic skin diseases, and itching therapy. Treatment of psoriasis is based on the use of modern anti-cytokine drugs, which are obtained as a result of genetic engineering.

Pediatric dermatologists provide consultations and prescribe treatment at a specialized clinic on the street. Trifonovskaya. All conditions have been created there for young patients. Impressions of the clinic are mostly positive. Patients believe that the price tag for services is clearly too high. But they are satisfied with the polite attitude, quality of services, and beautiful interior.

The clinic specializes in the field of dermatology, cosmetology, trichology. NDC Retinoids was founded more than 20 years ago. Experienced specialists carry out diagnostic measures and treatment of skin pathologies. Here you can take all the necessary tests, eliminate tumors, and undergo a full therapeutic course. There is free WI-FI inside.

Reviews about the center are contradictory. Among the approving responses there is information about a good location, an attentive administrator, and the professionalism of doctors. Dissatisfied patients had misunderstandings with staff about the cost of services. Therefore, clinic visitors are advised to initially check the prices for services; sometimes they differ from the information given over the phone.

Next in the ranking is the famous Moscow clinic, which was founded in 1995. Today the center has branches in various areas of the city. Each has a convenient location and a wide range of services. The clinic employs professors and doctors of science, specialists of the highest category, who advise patients not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. In total, the center has about 40 areas of medicine. Services include dermatology, cosmetology, ultrasound examinations, MRI.

Little patients are accepted at the special center ON CLINIC Baby. Among the advantages of the institution are the ability to call a doctor at home, innovative treatment methods, the latest equipment, and comfortable hospital conditions. The center is open seven days a week.


The next participant in the rating is a network of 17 multifunctional branches. The first clinics opened more than 20 years ago. It is worth considering that the main areas are urology and gynecology. Opinions about the work of the center are widely divided. Among the dissatisfied patients were those who were forced to provide unnecessary services.

Some visitors even consider the clinic’s policy to be a clear money grab. However, there were also those who were satisfied with the reception and the result of the treatment. The advantages include the professionalism of specialists, round-the-clock work of the institution, cleanliness and cozy atmosphere, and affordable prices. An initial appointment without prescribing a course of treatment will cost one and a half thousand rubles. You will have to pay the same amount for computer dermatoscopy of the skin.

Federal Biophysical Center of Medicine named after. Burnazyan is located in a picturesque place northwestern district Moscow. It includes a multidisciplinary clinic, opened in 1946. At FMBC you can meet polite staff who are focused on medical care highly qualified. The institution is distinguished by the presence of the latest generation equipment.

The center actively cooperates with organizations involved in voluntary health insurance. As part of this service, care is provided in the hospital, in the clinic itself and at home. Prices for services are quite reasonable, and reviews are mostly positive. However, there is information about employee negligence and unsuccessful treatment.

The professor's clinic is considered one of the leaders among dermatology and elite cosmetology centers in the Russian Federation. This is the only institution where they work research fellows from the USA, Israel and Russia. Presidentmed successfully treats psoriasis, herpes, and pityriasis rosea. The main advantages of the medical center are modern diagnostic equipment, a thorough examination of patients, highly qualified staff, proprietary treatment methods, and an individual approach to patients.

An initial appointment with examination and consultation costs from 1,450 rubles, skin scraping will cost 650 rubles. Reviews about the clinic are mostly favorable. However, there are also negative opinions. They are associated with cases of erroneous diagnosis and incompetence of staff at the registry.

The Semeynaya clinic employs experienced dermatologists and dermatocosmetologists. They detect malignant tumors on early stage using the latest diagnostic methods. Treatment is carried out using advanced therapy methods. The clinic welcomes pediatric dermatologists, specialists of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences. An initial appointment costs about 1,950 rubles, a repeat appointment costs 1,750 rubles. For a control inspection you will have to pay 1,400 rubles. An appointment with a doctor of medical sciences will cost 2800 rubles.

Moscow branches are open from 8 to 21. There are 10 of them in total. Each branch is easily accessible by transport. Visitors note the lack of queues at the center and the incompetence of young employees.

The rating continues with the Stolitsa chain of clinics. Its branches are located on Arbat, Babushkina streets and Leninsky Prospekt. The center is proud of its team of professional doctors from various industries medicine. Both Russian specialists and Western colleagues from foreign clinics work here. It’s nice that the center has a discount program and sells gift certificates.

An initial consultation with a dermatologist (candidate of medical sciences) will cost 3,900 rubles. Dermatoscopy for one element reaches 900 rubles. Patients believe that they can find a clinic cheaper. But in the capital, all research is done quickly and even on a day off. The doctors are attentive and friendly. The Arbat branch is not very well located. From the metro you will still have to walk through the back streets.

The medical center is equipped with modern equipment and annually solves many problems of patients of any age related to skin diseases. Its undeniable advantages include versatility and compliance by specialists with standards for the provision of medical care. To make a diagnosis, the necessary amount of diagnostic tests and nothing extra is prescribed.

Patients can count on discounts using a special card. You can remove a nevus up to 0.5 cm for 1,700 rubles, and up to 1 cm for 2,100 rubles. By individual agreement, it is possible to pay for services in installments. You can make an appointment with a dermatologist on the institution’s website. However, judging by reviews on the Internet, employees do not always call back.

The rating is completed by the network of Moscow clinics AMD Laboratories. The institution's dermatologists treat problems such as itchy scalp, rashes on the epidermis, dryness and increased sensitivity skin. Patients with peeling skin and serious infectious diseases come to the clinic. At AMD Laboratories they use effective drugs, which increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The organization has its own production, operating according to European quality standards. The reliability of the center has been proven for more than 22 years successful work in 35 cities of the country. 80 highly qualified specialists work here. Visitors to the center note affordable prices, convenient location and acceptable quality of services provided.