How and why to take a blood test for calcium - decoding indicators and norms. The purpose of the blood test for calcium Methods of laboratory diagnostics

Calcium is one of the most important minerals present in the human body. With the appearance of deviations in its concentration in internal environments, many pathological conditions arise. Not only a decrease in its concentration (hypocalcemia), but also an increase (hypercalcemia) is dangerous. So, what to do if calcium in the blood is increased, what does it mean, what is dangerous, what are the causes of this condition and prevention.

biological functions

Calcium affects almost all spheres of life of any living organism. What this element does not affect, from the formation of the bone structure of the human skeleton, to the processes of biosynthesis of most hormones and biological fluids. Below I will briefly mention the most important biological functions of this mineral.

Calcium is the regulator of all electrical processes. Due to this element of the periodic system, the process of depolarization of the biological membrane occurs, which leads to a potential difference and the appearance of an electrical impulse.

Electrical activity is most important for the nervous, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems. However, smooth muscle fibers located in many hollow organs are controlled by similar forces.

Calcium is absolutely necessary for the processes of blood clotting. Without it, most of the cascade of biochemical reactions leading to the formation of a fibrin thrombus will simply not be effective.

Calcium inhibits inflammation by reducing the permeability of the vascular wall. In inflammatory pathology, the body is extremely susceptible to a deficiency of this substance.

How does hypercalcemia manifest itself?

Of course, only a biochemical blood test can confirm or refute the presence of hypercalcemia. However, such a condition can be suspected already at the time of collecting patient complaints.

An elevated level of calcium in the blood does not have any specific manifestations. Patients may complain of a general nature: feeling unwell, fatigue, recurrent abdominal pain, nausea, infrequent vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, rumbling in the abdomen, heart rhythm disturbances (palpitations), weight loss and a number of other symptoms.

When conducting a biochemical blood test, an increased calcium content is determined, more than 2.5 mmol per liter, which eloquently indicates the presence of problems in mineral metabolism.

If hypercalcemia reaches very high values, then the severity of the condition is greatly aggravated. The following symptoms appear: confusion, hallucinations, coma, severe weakness, frequent mood swings, vomiting, and signs of dehydration.

Increased calcium in the blood - what are the reasons for this?

The reasons that can lead to the development of hypercalcemia are very extensive, but most often they are not associated with the peculiarities of alimentary (food) behavior. Experts say that in 80 percent of cases, such conditions are provoked by hyperparathyroidism.

Hyperparathyroidism is an endocrine pathology, the main pathogenetic mechanism of which is the increased synthesis of parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone). Most often, this pathology occurs in women in the postmenopausal period.

Hyperparathyroidism is always accompanied by leaching of minerals from the bones, which leads to the appearance of pathological changes in the bone structure, and a sharp increase in the level of calcium in the patient's blood.

The remaining 20 percent account for more than 2 dozen conditions that can be accompanied by an increase in the level of calcium in the blood. These are infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis, prolonged immobilization as a result of injuries, thyroid pathology, blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, and so on.

They revealed elevated calcium in the blood - what is the diagnosis dangerous for?

Hypercalcemia, especially prolonged, is dangerous for its consequences, among which, first of all, it is necessary to mention urolithiasis. An excess of the mineral is excreted in the urine, which contributes to an increase in the concentration of salts in this biological fluid and the appearance of calculi (stones).

Secondly, an excess of calcium is deposited in many tissues, but primarily in the vessels, which leads to a significant decrease in their elasticity and increased fragility. This is true mainly in relation to small arteries and veins. Such conditions are accompanied by increased bleeding and frequent fluctuations in blood pressure.

Hypercalcemia leads to damage to the central nervous system. Such patients have reduced mental faculties, they often suffer from headaches and get tired from the slightest physical exertion. Patients may complain of difficulty falling asleep.

If calcium is elevated in the blood - what is the treatment for hypercalcemia?

When hypercalcemia is detected, patients are shown dietary nutrition. All foods containing an increased amount of calcium should be excluded from the diet: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and some others.

To reduce the risk of stone formation, diuretic drugs are indicated in combination with increased fluid intake. To enhance the effect, you can supplement treatment procedures with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Hypercalcemia is almost always secondary and occurs against the background of other diseases. In addition to the normalization of calcium levels, special attention should be paid to the treatment of primary pathology.

In hyperparathyroidism, the appointment of calcitonin is indicated, which enhances the processes of removing calcium from the body. In severe cases, surgical treatment is indicated, the purpose of which is to remove part of the parenchyma of the parathyroid glands.


Increased calcium in the body is a potentially dangerous disease, the treatment of which should be handled by an experienced specialist. If the complaints listed above appear, it is recommended to go to the hospital and undergo a full course of examination.

Calcium (Ca) is an essential element for the female body. It is involved in various body processes. Tracking Ca levels in the blood helps prevent the development of many pathologies. The rate of calcium in the blood of a woman depends on her age.

The rate of calcium in the blood in women varies depending on her age. This allows you to identify pathological processes in the body, taking into account the age category. The optimal indicators of calcium are indicated in the table.

Deviations from the norm do not give grounds for the diagnosis. If there are changes in the level of the element in question in the blood, the amount of Ca in the bones is determined. This allows you to identify the pathological process in which the bones give calcium to other body systems.

Norm after 40 years

In the female body, calcium is just as necessary as in the male. In a blood test, two indicators are determined: this is free and isolated calcium.

For women over 40 years of age, normal levels of free calcium are 2.16-2.51 mmol / l. The optimal indicators of isolated Ca are 1.13-1.32 mmol / l.

The rate of calcium in the blood in women depends on their age

Norm after 60 years

You can determine the amount of free calcium in female blood using a special analysis (in women, the rate of calcium in the blood is presented in the table above).

The optimal level of the microelement in the blood elderly woman should be 2.20-2.55 mmol / l. The rate of ionized calcium in the blood of elderly women is 1.15-1.27 mmol / l.

Norm during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, an analysis of the amount of the trace element in question in the blood allows you to determine whether there is a need for additional calcium intake.

The optimal amount of calcium for a pregnant woman is 2.15-2.5 mmol / l. If the indicators fall below the mark of 2.1 mmol / l, it is necessary to immediately begin the use of calcium in the form of tablets.

Blood test for calcium

A blood test for determining the amount of Ca is a procedure that allows you to determine the level of total Ca in the blood structure. Total calcium includes:

  • Ionized Ca. This type of microelement makes up 1/2 of the total volume of Ca.
  • Ca bound to a protein, predominantly albumin. The volume of such an element is 40% of the total.
  • The microelement included in the composition of anionic complexes is 10% of the total volume.

Blood test for the detection of ionized calcium

Ionized Ca has no connection with other substances and circulates freely in the blood. This form of trace element is involved in all vital processes.

An analysis to determine the type of calcium in question allows you to evaluate calcium metabolism in the body. Such an analysis is assigned when:

  • undergoing therapy after surgical intervention or serious damage to the body, such as extensive burns;
  • diagnostics of cancerous tumors in the body;
  • the performance of the parathyroid gland is assessed;
  • it is necessary to carry out hemodialysis;
  • the use of the following medicines is carried out: "Heparin", "Magnesia" and preparations containing calcium.

An analysis of the composition of the blood for ionized Ca is carried out in conjunction with the determination of the content of total calcium and pH of the blood. There is an inverse relationship between ionized Ca and blood pH. Reducing the amount of ph by 0.1 units. leads to an increase in calcium levels by 1.5-2.5%.

A blood test for the level of calcium in it is prescribed for cancer

When should you determine the amount of calcium in the blood

Specialists prescribe an analysis to determine the amount of calcium in the blood in women (deviations from the norm are natural here) in the following cases:

  • signs of increased or decreased levels of Ca in the body;
  • cancerous growths;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • decrease in the amount of albumin;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • pain syndromes in the bones;
  • abnormal conditions of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase in urine volume;
  • paresthesia;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • screening for osteoporosis.

In women, calcium in the blood may have deviations from accepted norms in other pathological processes. The listed anomalies also have other manifestations, on the basis of which, the specialist has the right to assume a diagnosis and send for an additional examination.

Preparation for testing

In order for the results of the tests to be reliable, it is necessary to prepare for them. This requires:

  • stop drinking alcohol, fried and fatty foods;
  • eliminate heavy physical exertion and psychological shocks;
  • do not eat food on the day of the test;
  • refrain from other types of examinations a few days before donating blood.

Failure to follow these rules will result in false results. m, which in turn complicates the correct diagnosis.

What influences test results

The results of the analyzes are affected not only by improper preparation for them, but also by the use of pharmacological agents. To obtain reliable blood test results, you should stop using medications 7-14 days before donating blood. If this is not possible, you should inform your doctor about all the medicines used.

The use of these substances leads to an increase in the element in question in the blood:

  • vitamin A and D;
  • Tesla;
  • tamoxifen;
  • parathyroid hormone;
  • progesterone;
  • lithium;
  • 13-cis-retinoic acid;
  • ergocalciferol;
  • dihydrotachysterol, etc.

Tetracycline antibiotics lower calcium levels

The following components lower the calcium content in the blood:

  • salts of sulfuric acid;
  • salts and esters of oxalic acid;
  • fluorites;
  • tetracycline antibiotics;
  • plicamycin;
  • methicillin;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • phenytoin;
  • isonicotinic acid hydrazide;
  • insulin etc.

Exclusion of the used medications may be required after receiving the results of a clinical blood test for Ca.

Daily Calcium Value for Women

The World Health Organization claims that per day, a woman aged 16 years should absorb 800-1200 mg of Ca.

During the period of childbearing and breastfeeding, the daily intake of the element in question should be increased to 1500-2000 mg.

On recent weeks pregnancy, a woman should take at least 1800 mg of calcium daily.

Calcium deficiency in women: causes

The lack of the element in question in the body may be due to the following factors:

  • Strict diet. Diet food often excludes the use of many useful and necessary products for the normal functioning of the body.

This is especially true for vegan diets that do not include dairy products.

  • Bad habits. The use of a large number of alcohol-containing and caffeine-containing products, smoking contribute to the release of Ca from the body.
  • The use of foods containing phosphorus which interferes with the absorption of calcium. For example, this applies to carbonated drinks.

Calcium deficiency caused by carbonated drinks
  • Taking certain medications(listed above) lowers blood Ca levels.
  • Unfavorable ecology, heavy metals and toxic elements do not allow calcium to be absorbed or remove it from the body.

In addition, active physical exercises, constant overheating of the body, sudden weight loss can also cause a lack of calcium in the blood.

Excess calcium in the body: symptoms in women

An excess of calcium in the blood is no less dangerous than its deficiency. An excessive amount of the element in question in the body manifests itself as:

  • excessive growth of bone tissue, leading to deformation of the skeleton;
  • increased neuromuscular excitability, manifested in the form of involuntary muscle contractions;
  • spasm of smooth muscles, resulting in constipation, bouts of nausea and vomiting, as well as frequent urination;
  • increased secretion of enzymes, which leads to the development of pancreatitis and its complications;
  • violation of the functioning of the central uneven system, leading to hallucinations of various types (possible coma and loss of consciousness);
  • anomalies in the functioning of blood vessels and cardiac muscles, leading to cardiac arrest.

If signs of hypercalcemia appear, immediate health care since death is possible.

Lack of calcium in the body: symptoms in women

Ca deficiency in the body, like any other pathological process, has its manifestations. Symptoms of calcium deficiency are:

  • general weakness and impaired performance;
  • increased irritability;
  • dry skin and its increased peeling;
  • excessive sweating of the skin of the scalp;
  • fragility of nails;
  • rapid tooth decay
  • numbness of the limbs and face;
  • increased blood loss during menstruation;
  • violation of the integrity of the bones;
  • anomalies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • decrease in the ability of blood to clot;
  • the occurrence of cataracts;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • increased sensitivity to cold.

General weakness and decreased performance - the first sign of calcium deficiency in the body

Girls in the first few years of life may have malformations, such as abnormal formation of the skeleton and teeth.

What flushes calcium out of the body

Food not only supplies calcium to the body, but also removes it. The use of the following types of products can lead to a deficiency of the element in question:

Drinks based on black and green tea in small quantities remove calcium from the body. After drinking 10 cups of tea, a person loses 6 mg of the trace element.

  • Alcohol.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Smoked products.
  • Some pharmacological agents.
  • Excessively salty food.

Salt and sugar flush calcium out of the body

Rigid diets and excessive sugar intake also lead to increased calcium loss.

Does coffee flush out calcium from the body?

It is believed that coffee has negative impact on the body and removes calcium from it. It really is.

Caffeine, entering the body, leads to an increase in acidity in the stomach, which in turn provokes the release of trace element reserves, and since Ca is not absorbed in an acidic environment, it leaves the body naturally.

The consequences of a lack of calcium in the human body

The lack of calcium, as one of the violations of its norm in the blood of both women, men and children, leads to such negative consequences as growth retardation, scoliosis, allergic manifestations, deformation of bone tissues, impaired blood clotting, weakness of capillaries and the occurrence of kidney stones. .

The most serious consequences of hypocalcemia are osteoporosis and osteomalacia. These pathologies are characterized by softening of bone tissue.

Also, a deficiency of the element in question can lead to the development of multiple sclerosis.

Why calcium is not absorbed in the body: reasons

There are many different factors that lead to impaired absorption of calcium by the body. The main ones are:

  • Incorrect functioning of the stomach.

During malnutrition and bad habits there is insufficient production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach. Without these components, the body is not able to independently absorb various trace elements, including Ca.

Fatty and fried foods interfere with the absorption of calcium by the body
  • Fried fatty food.

Fatty acids, in contact with calcium salts, turn into complex deposits that are not only not absorbed by the body, but are also removed from it with great difficulty.

  • Oxalic acid.

By consuming foods containing this substance, a person leads to the fact that calcium is not absorbed in the body. It, interacting with the acid in question, turns into complexly soluble oxalate salts, which accumulate in organs, leading to serious consequences.

  • Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Without this component, Ca does not stay in the body and is excreted from it. It should be noted that Vitamin D needs to be taken into the body to be absorbed. fatty acids found in foods such as oily fish, eggs and vegetable oils.

In order for calcium to be well absorbed, the body must have enough vitamin D.
  • Climax.

When the amount of estrogen (female sex hormone) decreases in a woman's body, there is a violation of calcium conductivity in the tissue. Working out female hormone slows down when the reproductive system, due to age, ceases to function.

Also, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids and pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract lead to a violation of the absorption of calcium. To exclude possible pathologies, you should undergo a preventive examination by specialists once a year.

Which calcium is best absorbed in the body

In modern pharmacological agents, there are various forms of calcium:

  • calcium chloride;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium salt of gluconic acid (has a minimum percentage of digestibility).

digestibility different forms Ca is different. Calcium chloride, when taken orally, leads to pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, so its use is carried out in the form of injections. This type of trace element is well absorbed by the body, but is not always convenient to use.

In pharmacological preparations, calcium carbonate is most often used. This form of trace element is produced from natural sources, for example, from eggshells or pearls. The absorption of this substance is carried out in the stomach.

Among the oral forms of Ca, calcium citrate is best absorbed by the body. The digestibility of this form is two times higher than that of calcium carbonate.

Medicines for calcium deficiency in the body

With calcium deficiency, it is necessary to restore the balance of the microelement in the body as quickly as possible in order to prevent complications. As a rule, for this, specialists use drugs that contain Ca in various forms.

by the most effective means to maintain the norm of calcium in the blood (including women) are:

1 ml of solution contains 0.1 g active substance. The implementation of the pharmacological agent is carried out in the form of a solution for injection.

A complex medication aimed at the treatment of hypocalcemia and its prevention. In addition to Ca, the composition includes Mg, zinc, copper, B, fat-burning vitamin D3.

The medication is not a medicine, but during the period of therapy it is prescribed as an additional source of the missing trace element.

The first month of therapy, it is important to check the indicators of calcium in the blood weekly.

Calcium preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis in women

To prevent possible complications hypocalcemia, it is necessary to carry out prophylactic administration of pharmacological preparations containing different kind Ca and other components that help its absorption. Experts recommend using:

  • "Calcemin".

The tool is used to replenish and maintain the optimal level of Ca in a woman's body. The cost of one package in Russia is 450 rubles.

  • "Vitrum calcium + D3".

A pharmacological agent that allows you to replenish the amount of the microelement in question. Since the tool has a high degree of digestibility by the body, experts recommend using it for girls during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The price of one package is 400 rubles.

  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed".

A combined medication that allows you to regulate calcium-phosphate metabolism and replenish Ca deficiency in the female body. The average cost in Russia is 350 rubles.

  • "Complivit Calcium D3".

An effective remedy that accelerates the absorption of Ca in the gastrointestinal tract and replenishes the deficiency of this microelement. The use of the considered pharmacological agent allows you to regulate metabolic processes P and Ca. The price for one package varies from 150 to 400 rubles, depending on the locality.

Biological food supplement based on hematogen. It is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The average price of one preventive course is 500 rubles.

Vitamins with calcium and magnesium for women

Magnesium is as essential as calcium to maintain women's health. Experts recommend choosing vitamin complexes containing both of these substances. The most common are:

The average cost of a medication is 180 rubles. It is sold in the form of chewable tablets with various flavors (mint, menthol and orange). The tool includes 680 mg of Ca and 80 mg of magnesium. Application is allowed from 12 years. Allergic reactions to fragrances are possible.

  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte".

Sold in the form of round lozenges with a fruity taste. This medicine contains a high content of vitamin D3. The use of the agent in question allows you to eliminate the fragility of hair, nails and bones in women, as well as prevent abnormal conditions of blood vessels and the heart, due to the magnesium content.

The vitamin complex contains calcium in the amount of 100 mg and magnesium - 40 mg. The preparation also contains other elements necessary for the body. The use of the vitamins in question will prevent hypolcyemia and other pathological processes.

One tablet of a pharmacological agent includes calcium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. The use of a vitamin complex will strengthen female body and prevent many health problems.

Deficiency and excessive levels of calcium can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, the norm of calcium in the blood in women should be supported by food and vitamin complexes. In addition, it is recommended to carry out preventive examinations with specialists at the right time and adhere to the right lifestyle.

What is a biochemical blood test, how is it deciphered and what is the rate of calcium in the blood (for women and men):

Calcium: functions, symptoms of deficiency and excess + foods high in the element:

Increased blood calcium- a symptom that should always be the reason for an in-depth examination, since the disorders underlying it can be really dangerous for the patient. If you have done an analysis, and your blood calcium is elevated, it is imperative to undergo a consultation with an endocrinologist, who will conduct an examination according to the currently established standards.

Increased calcium in the blood - what could it be?

Theoretically, there are three most likely clinical problems that can cause high blood calcium levels. All possible reasons that calcium in the blood is above normal are quite serious.

The first reason for high blood calcium- this is primary hyperparathyroidism, a disease accompanied by the appearance of a tumor in one or more parathyroid glands (it is more correct to say "parathyroid glands", but the term "parathyroid glands" is very common). The main task of the parathyroid glands in the body is to maintain normal level blood calcium. The cells of the parathyroid glands "know how" to feel the concentration of calcium in the blood plasma and, in accordance with the level of calcium, produce parathyroid hormone. The main action of parathyroid hormone is to increase the level of calcium in the blood (by destroying bone tissue and releasing calcium from it into the blood, as well as by increasing the absorption of calcium from the primary urine in the kidneys and increasing its absorption from the intestines). When a tumor occurs in the parathyroid gland, its cells stop feeling the concentration of calcium in the blood - they "seem" that there is no calcium in the blood, or it is low. Tumor cells begin to uncontrollably produce parathyroid hormone, which dramatically increases the breakdown of bone tissue and the release of calcium from it into the blood. As a result, we determine the increased blood calcium in the laboratory and at the same time high level parathyroid hormone. Most often, such changes are also accompanied by a decrease in the level of phosphorus in the blood and an increase in the level of calcium in the urine. The danger of the disease lies in a decrease in bone density with the appearance of a tendency to fractures, to bone deformities, and reduced growth. An increased level of calcium in the blood leads to the deposition of calcium salts in the walls of blood vessels and heart valves, which reduces their elasticity and increases the tendency to thrombosis, which means the risk of strokes and myocardial infarction.

The second possible cause of high calcium- this is the breakdown of bone tissue due to the occurrence of metastases in it of any malignant tumor. Metastases have a so-called lytic effect, i.e. destroy bone tissue and release calcium salts from it, which enter the bloodstream and lead to an increased calcium content in the blood. In this case, calcium in the blood is increased, but at the same time the level of parathyroid hormone is within the normal range or at the lower limit of normal.

The third possible cause of high blood calcium- the development of neuroendocrine tumors that produce the so-called PTH-like peptides. These tumors are most often localized in the lungs, although their location can be very variable. The sizes of such tumors are usually small - from 4-5 mm to 1-2 cm. They "know how" to produce chains of amino acids, the sequence of which matches the active end of the parathyroid hormone. Similar peptides (they are called PTH-like, since they are very similar in their action to parathyroid hormone) cause a situation when calcium in the blood is elevated, but laboratory analyzers do not show an increase in parathyroid hormone levels in this case, since PTH-like peptides do not completely copy the parathyroid hormone molecule.

Blood test for calcium - which one is better to take?

There are two main types of calcium tests - a blood test for ionized calcium and a blood test for total calcium. Total calcium includes “free”, non-protein ionized calcium + calcium bound to blood proteins (primarily albumin). The concentration of total blood calcium may change, including due to changes in the protein content in the blood. At the same time, it is not total calcium that has a biological effect, but only that part of it that is not associated with proteins - this part is called ionized calcium. An ionized calcium blood test is more accurate than a total calcium test, but also more complex - not all laboratories are able to perform this analysis, and if they do, not all do it accurately. There is an almost anecdotal situation when one of the largest laboratory networks in St. Petersburg "chronically", for years, detects low ionized blood calcium in almost all patients - and this obvious laboratory error has not been corrected in the laboratory for years. But the consequence of such an error is tens of thousands of unnecessary additional studies conducted by those patients who are “lucky” to receive such an incorrect analysis.

There are situations when ionized calcium is elevated, and total calcium is normal- in this case, more "trust" should be precisely the analysis for ionized calcium. At the same time, in most cases, increased blood calcium is manifested immediately in both analyzes - increased ionized calcium and at the same time increased total calcium.

Considering the importance of ensuring the maximum accuracy of a blood test for calcium and the high “price” of its incorrect determination, the North-West Endocrinology Center performs a blood test for calcium using the equipment of the Russian representative office of the German laboratory network LADR. For calcium analysis, an automatic biochemical analyzer Olympus AU-680 (Japan) is used, which provides maximum accuracy of the study and is capable of performing up to 680 tests per hour. Daily checks of the analyzer, the consistently high quality of its work and compliance by all employees of the center with the standards for taking blood for calcium allow the doctors of the North-West Center of Endocrinology to be confident in the quality of the blood test for calcium performed by the laboratory of the center. Exactly if in the blood test performed by our center, calcium is high, it means that calcium is really high.

If blood calcium is elevated - what to do?

As we noted earlier, increased calcium is always a reason for additional examination and consultation with an endocrinologist. In order to come to an appointment with an endocrinologist "not empty-handed", it is better to pass some additional tests.

The standard for examining patients with elevated blood calcium includes the following tests blood:



This is the minimum with which you can already come to a consultation with a doctor. It is clear that the doctor may then prescribe additional studies, however, the three blood tests listed above will help him navigate in which direction he should conduct a diagnostic search.

When consulting patients with endocrinologists of the North-West Endocrinology Center we almost insist on performing blood tests in the laboratory of our center- only in this way can we be sure that there are no laboratory errors and the correctness of our reasoning about possible reasons elevated calcium in the blood. The ionic composition of the blood in the laboratory of our center is studied using the above-mentioned analyzer Olympus AU-680 (Japan), and the blood test for such important indicators as parathyroid hormone and calcitonin is performed by the 3rd generation automatic immunochemiluminescent analyzer DiaSorin Liaison XL (Italy) - one of the best devices in the world for testing blood for hormones and tumor markers.

3rd generation analyzer
DiaSorin Liaison XL (Italy)

3rd generation analyzer
allows you to identify situations where high
calcium is combined with high parathyroid hormone

Endocrinologists and surgeons-endocrinologists of the North-Western Endocrinology Center independently perform- this is important for the search for possible tumors of the parathyroid glands, which we, with an increased level of calcium in the blood, are simply obliged to suspect in a patient. Second important instrumental research that needs to be done to patients with elevated blood calcium levels is determination of bone density,. Calcium in the blood does not increase by itself - it is "taken" from the bone tissue, which gives calcium to the blood and, as a result, reduces its density, which can lead to fractures. Densitometry, as well as ultrasound of the thyroid gland, is performed by endocrinologists of the North-Western Endocrinology Center independently. This is also an important argument in favor of examination and treatment in a specialized center.

The third important argument to contact a specialized center in any case, if your blood calcium is elevated, is the opportunity to undergo any medical procedures within the walls of the same institution. Even during the examination, you will not only have high blood calcium, but it will also become clear that parathyroid hormone is elevated, and a parathyroid gland adenoma will be detected on the neck - its removal can also be effectively performed at the North-West Endocrinology Center. At the moment, our center is the undisputed leader in the treatment of patients with high blood calcium in Russia - every year, surgeons-endocrinologists of the center perform the removal of parathyroid adenomas in more than 300 patients. In terms of the number of operations on the parathyroid glands, our center is now in 3rd place in Europe.

Blood calcium is increased, other tests have been passed - how to decipher them?

Of course, deciphering a blood test is the prerogative of the attending endocrinologist, and self-study of your own blood test can lead the patient to diagnostic errors, however, within the framework of this article, we will give some information about the possible results of a laboratory examination with elevated blood calcium. Use the information obtained with caution and remember that it does not replace the advice of a medical specialist.

So, possible options laboratory results and their interpretation.

Blood calcium is increased, parathyroid hormone is increased, phosphorus is reduced, calcitonin is normal, calcium in daily urine is increased - most likely, we are talking about primary hyperparathyroidism and the presence of parathyroid adenoma. An additional examination is required using ultrasound of the thyroid gland and neck, scintigraphy of the parathyroid glands with technetrile, and in some cases computed tomography of the neck. It is treated surgically (in a specialized center, endoscopic surgery is possible through an incision about 2 cm long).

Parathyroid hormone is elevated, calcium is normal, phosphorus is normal, calcitonin is normal- with a high degree of probability we are talking about secondary hyperparathyroidism due to a banal vitamin D deficiency in the blood. It is treated with vitamin D and calcium. It is important to exclude a laboratory error associated with an underestimation of the level of ionized calcium in the blood (it is better to retake an analysis for ionized calcium in a specialized laboratory of the endocrinology center).

Calcium in the blood is increased, parathyroid hormone is normal, phosphorus is normal, calcitonin is normal- a neuroendocrine tumor producing PTH-like peptides or forming lytic bone metastases should be suspected. Examination and treatment depends on the type of tumor found.

High blood calcium (usually slightly elevated calcium is noted), parathyroid hormone is moderately elevated, phosphorus is normal, calcitonin is normal, calcium concentration is reduced in daily urine - we can talk about a rare family disease, the so-called familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia. This disease is accompanied by a change in the sensitivity of cellular receptors to parathyroid hormone and a violation of calcium excretion in the urine. Does not require treatment and is not dangerous. Often, inexperienced doctors diagnose primary hyperparathyroidism in such cases and refer the patient to an unnecessary operation to remove a non-existent parathyroid adenoma.

Ionized calcium is increased, total calcium is normal, parathyroid hormone is increased- it is usually all the same about parathyroid adenoma.

Ionized calcium is elevated, total calcium is below normal– it is necessary to exclude laboratory error. The analysis should be retaken in a specialized laboratory.

Calcium ionized in the blood is increased, parathyroid hormone is increased, calcitonin is increased- the presence of both parathyroid adenoma and medullary thyroid cancer should be suspected in the patient. Together, these two diseases indicate a high probability that the patient has the syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA - a rare hereditary pathology transmitted in the family and leading to the development of three dangerous tumors: medullary thyroid cancer, parathyroid adenomas (often multiple), pheochromocytoma (tumors adrenal gland, which produces adrenaline or noradrenaline). An urgent consultation with an endocrinologist or an endocrinologist is required!

Calcium in the blood is increased during the first analysis, I want to retake the analysis - how best to do this?

If you want to check whether blood calcium is really elevated and are going to take a second blood test, follow some important rules that will help the second analysis be as accurate as possible:

1. a blood test should be taken only in a specialized laboratory using high-quality equipment;

2. a blood test must be taken only on an empty stomach;

3. if you are taking vitamin D or calcium supplements (or combination preparations with vitamin D and calcium), cancel them at least 2-3 days before the second blood test; the intake of calcium from the drug into the blood can lead to an increased content of calcium in the blood - of course, in this case, a falsely elevated calcium is detected.

Where to turn if the calcium in the blood is elevated?

The Russian leader in the treatment of hypercalcemia (this is how high calcium in the blood is called in medical language) is the North-West Endocrinology Center. The specialists of the center carry out all stages of diagnosis and treatment of patients with hypercalcemia:

Laboratory examination;

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and neck;

Additional imaging methods (scintigraphy of the parathyroid glands with technetrile, computed tomography with contrast enhancement);

Drug treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency;

Minimally invasive surgical treatment in case of detection of primary hyperparathyroidism;

Extended and combined operations on the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands in the syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasia.

Our recommendation (and believe me - this recommendation is based on the experience of treating thousands and thousands of patients!) - in all cases when a patient has elevated blood calcium, contact a specialized center - the North-West Endocrinology Center. Even if you live in Kamchatka or Sochi, examination and treatment in a specialized institution will help you save time, money and health. We annually treat patients from almost all regions of Russia (it is important to bear in mind that if surgical treatment is necessary, it will be provided to all citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy).

To make an appointment for a blood test or a consultation with a specialist doctor (endocrinologist or endocrinologist surgeon - both specialists will suit you with high blood calcium) you need to call the center's branches in St. Petersburg or Vyborg:

- Petrograd branch of the Endocrinology Center in St. Petersburg - Kronverksky prospect, house 31, 200 meters to the left from the Gorkovskaya metro station, tel. 498-10-30, opening hours from 7.30 to 20.00, seven days a week;

- Primorsky branch of the Endocrinology Center in St. Petersburg - Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, st. Savushkina, 124, building 1, tel. 344-0-344, opening hours from 7.00 to 20.00, seven days a week;

- Vyborg branch of the Endocrinology Center– Vyborg, Pobedy Avenue, house 27A, tel. 36-306, opening hours from 7.30 to 20.00, seven days a week.

Admission of patients who elevated blood calcium, carried out by specialists of the North-West Center of Endocrinology:

Sleptsov Ilya Valerievich

MD, surgeon, endocrinologist, oncologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Professor of the Department of Surgery with a course of endocrinology. He is the head of the North-Western Medical Center, is a member of the European Thyroid Association, the European Association of Endocrine Surgeons, the Russian Association of Endocrinologists

Chinchuk Igor Konstantinovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon, endocrinologist, oncologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the European Thyroid Association, European Association of Endocrine Surgeons.

Uspenskaya Anna Alekseevna

Novokshonov Konstantin Yurievich

Surgeon, endocrinologist, oncologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the European Thyroid Association.

Endocrinologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the European Thyroid Association, Russian Association of Endocrinologists.

Isheyskaya Maria Sergeevna

Endocrinologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists.
Doctor's personal website -

At the end of this article, it should be noted once again that a situation where calcium in the blood is elevated ALWAYS requires further examination and consultation endocrinologist. The consequences of an untimely detected and untreated disease that causes elevated calcium can, in some cases, even be fatal. Don't risk it - If you have high calcium levels in your blood, always consult your doctor..

  • parathyroid glands

    General information about the parathyroid glands (location, number, function, history of discovery, major diseases, operations)

  • Vitamin D and parathyroid adenomas

    Between the concentration of vitamin D in the blood and diseases of the parathyroid glands, there is a close relationship. A low level of vitamin D in the blood can lead to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, or to the appearance of parathyroid adenomas (primary hyperparathyroidism)

  • Medullary thyroid cancer

    Medullary thyroid cancer (medullary thyroid carcinoma) is a rare hormonally active malignant neoplasm that develops from the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland.

  • Paget's disease

    Paget's disease or osteitis deformans is a chronic pathological condition of individual bones of the human skeleton, during which foci of increased decay of bone cells are formed, followed by their replacement with a large amount of defective bone tissue

  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type I (MEN-1 syndrome)

    Syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, otherwise referred to as Wermer's syndrome, is a combination of tumors or hyperplasia in two or more organs of the endocrine system (as a rule, the parathyroid glands are involved in the tumor process, along with islet cell neoplasms of the pancreas and pituitary adenoma)

  • Operations on the parathyroid glands

    The North-Western Center of Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery performs operations to remove parathyroid adenomas in all types of hyperparathyroidism. More than 800 patients with this disease become our patients annually

  • Endocrinologist's consultation

    Specialists of the North-Western Center of Endocrinology diagnose and treat diseases of the endocrine system. The endocrinologists of the center in their work are based on the recommendations of the European Association of Endocrinologists and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies provide optimal treatment results.

  • Consultation with an endocrinologist

    Surgeon-endocrinologist - a doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system requiring the use of surgical techniques (surgical treatment, minimally invasive interventions)

  • Intraoperative neuromonitoring

    Intraoperative neuromonitoring is a technique for monitoring the electrical activity of the laryngeal nerves, which ensure the mobility of the vocal cords, during surgery. During monitoring, the surgeon has the opportunity to assess the condition of the laryngeal nerves every second and change the operation plan accordingly. Neuromonitorng can drastically reduce the likelihood of developing a voice disorder after surgery on the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands.

  • Densitometry

    Densitometry is a method for determining the density of human bone tissue. The term "densitometry" (from the Latin densitas - density, metria - measurement) is applied to methods for the quantitative determination of bone density or its mineral mass. Bone density can be determined using X-ray or ultrasound densitometry. The data obtained during densitometry are processed using a computer program that compares the results with indicators accepted as the norm for people of the corresponding sex and age. Bone density is the main indicator that determines the strength of the bone, its resistance to mechanical stress.

Update: October 2018

Calcium (Ca) is one of the most important macronutrients for the human body, involved in the construction of tissues and metabolism. The element ranks fifth in the list of all minerals found in the body, accounting for about 2% of a person's weight.

The role of calcium in the body cannot be overestimated. In addition to the well-known building material for bones and teeth, the macronutrient regulates the contractile function of the heart, nourishes the nervous tissue and participates in impulse conduction, lowers cholesterol, regulates arterial pressure, takes part in the transport of nutrients through cell membranes and much more.

Calcium is extremely important for pregnant women - only with its proper intake, the physiological development of the fetus and the normal state of health of the expectant mother are ensured.

The amount of calcium in the body

In newborns, there is about 30 grams of calcium in the body. Gradually, the amount of calcium increases in adults and is approximately 1000-1200 g (per average weight 70 kg). The daily intake of calcium from food depends on age and gender:

Reasons for the development of calcium deficiency

Behavioral and external causes

  • Insufficient intake of calcium from food, which is often observed when following certain diets for weight loss, unbalanced nutrition, vegetarianism, starvation, neglect of dairy products, etc.
  • Low calcium content in water.
  • Smoking, excessive passion for coffee (accelerate the excretion of Ca).

Diseases, pathological conditions

  • Violation of the absorption of a macronutrient in the intestine, which occurs against the background of dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, food allergies, chronic enterocolitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, hematopoietic system, pancreas (pancreatitis), thyroid gland (familial, idiopathic, postoperative hypoparathyroidism, in which hypocalcemia develops due to increased production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands).
  • Lack of estrogen
  • Rickets
  • (dairy and other products containing the element).

Metabolic disorders

  • Excess in the body of the following elements: lead, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium and sodium, which contribute to the excretion of calcium.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin D3, which is involved in the assimilation of the element and its incorporation into cell structures (the norm for an adult is from 400 to 800 IU).

Other reasons

  • An increased need for an element, which is observed during the period accelerated growth, during pregnancy and lactation (calcium is used to build fetal tissues or enrich breast milk), increased physical and mental stress (accelerated consumption), menopause (lack of estrogen that absorbs calcium).
  • Old age (impaired calcium absorption).
  • Treatment with diuretics and laxatives (accelerated elimination).

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

  • Weakness, fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Nervousness, irritability.
  • Dryness and peeling of the skin, brittle nails. Increased sweating of the scalp.
  • Tooth decay, caries.
  • Numbness of the fingers, face, cramps, pain in the legs and arms.
  • - fragility of bones, frequent fractures or cracks, deformation of bones.
  • Violation of cardiac activity up to the development of heart failure, tachycardia.
  • Subcapsular (with prolonged hypocalcemia).
  • Increased bleeding, impaired blood clotting.
  • Reduced immunity, which is expressed by frequent infections.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold weather (aches in the bones and muscles, chills).
  • Signs of calcium deficiency in children: violation of the formation of teeth and bones, pathological changes in the lens of the eye, disorders of the nervous system, excitability, convulsions, poor blood clotting.

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia

Diagnosis of the condition is carried out on the basis of the patient's complaints and the laboratory determination of the element in the blood serum (the norm is 2.15 - 2.50 mmol / l).

Treatment - how to compensate for the lack of calcium

  • Acute condition therapy hypocalcemia is carried out in a hospital, tk. this situation is life threatening.
  • chronic deficiency macronutrient requires taking calcium supplements, vitamin D3 and other elements, normalizing the diet and eliminating behavioral factors and products that impair the absorption of Ca or contribute to its loss.

Therapeutic drugs are prescribed in such a way that the daily intake of the element is approximately 1.5-2 g. Vitamin D preparations are selected in an individual dosage, based on the needs of the body. The course of treatment, as a rule, is long and is set individually. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces combined preparations containing both calcium and vitamin D3 and other necessary pharmacologically active substances.

Calcium preparations

Pharmaceutical preparations are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of conditions and diseases associated with hypocalcemia, as well as to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. Features of calcium preparations:

  • The composition should indicate the amount of elemental, pure calcium;
  • Better digestibility is achieved when taken with food;
  • Caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol significantly impair the absorption of the element;
  • Poor digestibility is also characteristic when combined with antibiotics from the tetracycline group, laxatives, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsants;
  • Often calcium supplements cause side effects in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, constipation.
  • Each drug has a number of strict contraindications (pregnancy, urolithiasis, tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, childhood etc.).

All drugs from this category can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Monopreparations containing a macronutrient in the form of a salt: calcium carbonate (40% of the element), calcium citrate (21%), calcium gluconate (9%), calcium lactate (13%), etc.
  • Combined drugs, including calcium salts, vitamin D and other minerals. Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism, synthesis and maintenance of bone architectonics, therefore, such dosage forms more effective: Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcemin, etc.
  • Multivitamins. They contain several vitamins and minerals in prophylactic dosages and are intended for the prevention of hypocalcemia, and are also prescribed as an additional source of the element: Multi-tabs, Alphabet, etc. (calcium content per 1 tablet 150-200 mg).

Popular drugs

Calcium carbonate and Magnesium carbonate

Rennie 170 -250 rubles. (menthol, orange, mint). Contains calcium in bound systemic form, 680 mg calcium 80 mg magnesium hydroxycarbonate per 1 chewable tablet. It is used to eliminate the shortcomings of these elements, and also has an antacid effect. It is intended for use by adults and children over 12 years old - 2 tab. after eating, dissolving in the mouth (maximum 11 per day).

Calcium chloride

In 1 ml - 0.1 g of calcium chloride. Medicine prescribed for hypocalcemia, diseases of the thyroid gland, blood vessels. Produced as a solution for intravenous administration in adults (15 ml 2-3 r per day) and children (5-10 ml 2 r per day), diluted with glucose or sodium chloride.

Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol

Popular combined preparations that compensate for the deficiency of the element and improve its absorption. Under the action of the drug, the absorption of elements in the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones is prevented, and bone resorption increases. WITH therapeutic purpose the dosage is selected individually. From prophylactic:

  • children 4-11 years old - 1 t 2 r per day
  • children over 12 liters and adults - 2 tons 3 r per day.

Calcemin Advance

30 pcs. 440 rubles, 120 pieces 850-900 rubles. Calcium citrate + carbonate 500 mg, vitamin D3 5 mcg - a complex drug designed to eliminate calcium deficiency and prevent conditions in adults and children from 12 years old. Contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, cholecalciferol. It is taken 1 t 2 times a day.

Marine calcium

100 pieces. 100 rub. Available in several variations - with magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, iodine. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements and acts as an additional source of these elements during pregnancy, lactation and menopause in women, intensive growth in adolescents, etc.

During the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of serum calcium - every week during the first month, then the multiplicity decreases.

Eggshell from lack of calcium in the body

Many sources traditional medicine promote the consumption of eggshells as a natural source of calcium. Indeed, the egg shell is 90% calcium. But research recent years showed that the digestibility of the element from the shell is very low, even when used with lemon or something else. Therefore, it is not worth considering eggshells as an alternative to a balanced diet or therapeutic drugs.

Sources give the following recipe for preparing eggshells: thoroughly washing and removing a thin inner film from it, the shell is dried and ground into powder. Take half a teaspoon a day with meals, adding a couple of drops lemon juice. The course is 1.5-2 months, once every six months.

Calcium for the elderly - myths and reality

As you know, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases many times in older people, and many, taking care of their health, increase the consumption of dairy products for sufficient calcium intake in the body. New Zealand scientists have questioned the need for a higher proportion of calcium to strengthen bones for people over 50 years old.

  • Mark Bolland, along with a team of researchers from the University of Auckland, analyzed 2 studies that looked at the effect of calcium on bone density. One of them covered the age group over 50 (13,790 people). As it turned out, the constant intake of calcium supplements and foods with a high content of the element increased bone density by only 1-2%.
  • Another study found a relationship between the incidence of bone fractures and calcium intake. More than 45,000 people participated in the survey. It turned out that regular intake of a macronutrient does not in any way reduce the likelihood of bone fracture.

Thus, the scientists concluded that there is no reason to take calcium supplements or switch to diets with a high content of the element in foods (calcium should be supplied with food in the daily requirement).

But sufficient physical activity, in particular, jumping for 2 minutes daily is a good preventive measure for osteoporosis for the elderly. But let's not forget that this is just one study concerning a specific group of people without taking into account comorbidities and characteristics of the body. If a doctor recommends taking calcium supplements for confirmed hypocalcemia or a tendency to hypocalcemia, his recommendations should be followed.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

Prevention of this pathological condition for healthy people who do not suffer from diseases that lead to Ca deficiency, it consists in a number of elementary things that everyone can do.

  • Daily consumption of foods containing a sufficient amount of a macronutrient that can satisfy the daily need for it;
  • The use of foods rich in vitamin D, which ensures the transformation of Ca in the body and its better absorption (sour milk, vegetable oils, eggs, seafood, fish liver, fish oil, oatmeal, greens);
  • Prophylactic intake of vitamin D for children in the autumn-winter period (on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • Sufficient exposure to sunlight during safe hours, excluding the period from 12 to 15.00, which ensures the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body;
  • Periodic use of balanced vitamin-mineral complexes, but on the recommendation of a doctor and observing physiological dosages. Drug prevention of hypocalcemia is especially relevant for pregnant, lactating and elderly women;
  • Compliance with due physical activity, feasible sport.

Foods containing calcium

A nutritious diet with enough calcium is the best prevention and hypocalcemia, and diseases associated with a lack of a macronutrient. It is easy to calculate the proper consumption of certain products, knowing the daily rate and the amount of the element in 100 grams of the product. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, however, with age, their digestibility worsens, so you should not rely only on this source of the element. Also, a large amount of calcium is found in vegetables, seafood, nuts.

Some features related to the absorption of calcium

  • The digestibility of Ca from milk is only 30%;
  • Products plant origin characterized by 50% macronutrient digestibility;
  • The diet should be rich in foods containing vitamins D, C and magnesium;
  • Nicotine, alcohol, coffee, soda (especially cola), sausages, smoked meats contribute to Ca leaching and impair its absorption;
  • Salt also contributes to the removal of the macronutrient from the body and negatively affects the gastrointestinal mucosa, impairing absorption.
  • The average daily intake of calcium for an adult should be 1000-1500 mg. This amount is due to the fact that not all of the calcium listed in the food list is absorbed by the body.

What foods contain calcium - table (amount of calcium - mg per 100 g of product)


Meat fish

Skimmed milk powder 1155 Sardines, canned 380
Cheese "Parmesan" 1300 Mackerel 240
Cheese "Dutch" 1040 Salmon family fish 210
Cheese "Cheddar", "Russian" 1000 Crabs 100
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 900 Shrimps 90
Cheese "Swiss" 850 Oysters, anchovies 82
Roquefort cheese 740 Carp 50
Cream dry natural 700 Squid 40
goat cheese 500 Milk sausages 35
Brynza 530 Pike 20
processed cheese 520 Rabbit 19
Mozzarella 515 Chicken 17
Feta 360 Beef, lamb 10
Condensed milk 307 Beef liver, fatty pork 8
Soft cheese 260 pork fat 2
Simple yogurt 200

Vegetables, fruits, nuts

Fat cottage cheese 150 Sesame 780
Ice cream 140 Almond 230
fruit yogurt 136 Dill 208
Fatty kefir (3.5%), acidophilus, curdled milk, whole cow's milk 120 White beans 194
Liquid cream 10% 90 Hazelnut 170
Liquid cream 20% 86 brazil nuts, arugula 160
Sour cream, fat content 30% 85 Beans, figs 150
Mayonnaise 50% 57 Parsley 138
Butter sandwich 34 pistachios 130
Cream margarine 14 Walnut 122
Butter unsalted 12 Spinach 106


Green onions, seeds, beans 100
Tea 495 Raisins, dried apricots 80
Chocolate white 280 Green salad 77
milk chocolate 220 Garlic, peanut 60
Coffee beans 147 red cabbage 53
Peas 89 red carrot 51
Barley grits 80 Turnip 49
Oat groats 64 White cabbage fresh, sauerkraut 48
Chicken egg (yolk) 55 Kohlrabi, yellow carrot 46
Cocoa 55 strawberries 40
Hercules 52 Radish 39
Rye flour 43 Beet 37
Wheat groats 27 radish 35
tomato paste 20 Grapefruit, orange, Brussels sprouts 34
Buckwheat, semolina 20 Onion 31
Pasta 19 Grape 30
Rice 8 Apricot 28
Honey 4 fresh mushrooms 27

Bakery products

Cauliflower, green peas, pumpkin 26
Bread black 100 Cucumber, green bean 22
Wheat grain bread 43 Peach, pear 20
Bun 21 apple, melon 16
Wheat bread 20 Eggplant 15

Juices, drinks

Ground tomato, watermelon 14
cocoa with milk 71 Potato 10
grape juice 20 Green pepper 8
Apple juice, tomato 7 Apple 7

Calcium is one of the main macronutrients necessary for normal functioning human body. Ca contained in the bloodstream is only 1% of the total macronutrient, most of which is found in bone tissue.

However, even by analyzing the level of calcium in the blood, it can be concluded that there are certain problems.

The norm and role of Ca in the body

The level of calcium in the blood is at around 2 - 2.8 mmol / l. There is also an indicator of ionized Ca, its amount is from 1 to 1.4 mmol / l. This is just an example, more detailed information you will find in the following table:

Age and genderNormal Ca level, mmol/lLevel of ionized Ca, mmol/l
newborns1,9 – 2,6 1 – 1,3
3 months - 2 years2,25 – 2,75 1,1 – 1,37
Boys and girls 2 – 12 years old2,2 – 2,7 1,1 – 1,31
Women 12 - 50 years old2,2 – 2,5 1,1 – 1,25
Men 12 - 50 years old2,1 – 2,55 1, 05 – 1,26
People over 502,2 – 2,5 1,1 – 1,25

It is difficult to overestimate the role of this trace element for the body. It is found in large quantities in the bones, being the basis of their strength. Ca, together with phosphorus, is part of hydroxyapatite, a mineral that is responsible for maintaining the normal structure of bone tissue.

What are the functions of calcium in the body?

Here are some of the functions that calcium performs in the human body:

  1. It plays the role of a neurotransmitter - a transmitter of nerve impulses, which is involved in the contraction of striated muscles.
  2. Helps the heart to work in a normal rhythm.
  3. Included in many enzymes.
  4. Along with phosphorus, it helps to strengthen tooth enamel.
  5. Ca is one of the components of the blood coagulation system. Without it, self-stopping of bleeding would be impossible. Calcium promotes the formation of a blood clot in the serum, which attaches to the wound defect, blocking the blood flow.
  6. Regulates the secretory activity of the parathyroid glands. Low calcium levels lead to the production of parathyroid hormone, which draws calcium from bone reserves. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the level of this element in the normal range every day in order to avoid damage to bone tissue.

A sharp increase in the total level of Ca in the blood is called hypercalcemia. With this condition, a number of symptoms can be observed, such as heart rhythm disturbances, nausea, polyuria and others.

How does the body regulate calcium levels?

The main hormones that affect the amount of Ca:

  1. Parathormone- a hormone that increases the amount of Ca in the blood, is synthesized in the parathyroid glands when an increased level of phosphorus and a decrease in the amount of calcium are observed in the blood. Normalizes blood Ca by extracting the element from the bones, as well as enhancing its reabsorption by the kidneys.
  2. Calcitonin- a parathyroid hormone antagonist substance, the action of which is directed in the opposite direction. It works with an increase in the content of Ca, promotes the mineralization of bone tissue, the excretion of the macroelement in the urine.
  3. Calcitriol- the active form of vitamin D, which regulates the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Without this substance, it is practically not absorbed, so the level of Ca directly depends on vitamin D, the lack of which leads to hypocalcemia.

Why is calcium levels low and how to recognize it?

A reduced level of this element is called hypocalcemia. One of the most common causes of this condition is the lack of proteins that are involved in Ca transport.

In this case, the overall level of the macroelement in the blood falls. Ionized calcium remains normal as this form of the mineral does not bind to serum proteins.

The lack of proteins (mainly albumin) can have many causes:

  • Lack of protein in food;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • Liver diseases affecting the protein-synthesizing function of the organ, etc.

Calcium levels are also falling due to a number of other reasons:

If even non-critical calcium deficiency is detected, it is worth thinking about correcting the diet and including vitamin-mineral complexes in the diet. This will help maintain the functional state of the body at the proper level.

Turn in daily diet the following products:

  • Milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese;
  • Sea fish, caviar;
  • legumes;
  • Broccoli, cabbage.

You can correct a slight deficiency of Ca by yourself by eating foods containing calcium.

Chocolate, nuts, cocoa interfere with the absorption of the macronutrient. It is necessary to take specialized drugs to increase calcium levels after consulting a specialist.

When compiling the diet of men, women and children, the daily intake of the mineral should be taken into account:

AgeDaily intake of calcium, mg
Children under 6 months200
Children from 6 months to 1 year400
Children 1 – 4 years old600
Children 4 – 11 years old1000
Children 11 – 17 years old1200
Men and women 17 - 50 years old1000
Men 50 -70 years old1200
Women 50 - 70 years old1400
After 70 years1300
Pregnancy and lactation1500

Symptoms and Causes of High Calcium Levels

If a person's blood contains an amount of Ca that goes beyond the upper limit of the norm (in the clinic - more than 3 mmol / l), they speak of the presence of hypercalcemia. High calcium in adults can cause many pathological conditions.

A lot of Ca in the blood may be due to:

  • An excess of parathyroid hormone, which constantly pumps out the mineral from the bone tissue, increasing its volume in the bloodstream;
  • Malignant formations of the kidneys;
  • Bone metastases that destroy tissue;
  • Oncological diseases of the blood;
  • Hypervitaminosis D;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • Abuse of thiazide diuretics;
  • dehydration.

To lower the level of a mineral in the blood, you need to know what is the cause of this pathology in your situation. Only a specialist can accurately determine it, taking into account the examination data and additional examination methods.

Calcium analysis provides information only about the level of the mineral in the blood. To determine the reasons for its decrease or increase, you need to pass additional tests. Most often, parameters of parathyroid hormone are determined.

The decrease in the amount of Ca can be carried out using the following measures:

  • drink a lot clean water to ensure the normal functioning of the kidneys, which must remove the excess macronutrient from the body;
  • Taking drugs to slow down the destruction of bone tissue (only as prescribed by a doctor);
  • With the ineffectiveness of drug therapy, hemodialysis is prescribed;
  • In some diseases that increase calcium levels, glucocorticosteroids are used.

Determining the tactics of treatment for this pathology should be entrusted to a specialist. Acceptance of any means that lowers the amount of Ca is carried out only after a doctor's prescription. It is difficult to make the level of calcium lower on your own; in order to avoid serious complications, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

When should I donate blood for a calcium test?

Biochemical analysis to determine the amount of Ca in the bloodstream is prescribed in the following situations:

  • Suspicion of oncological pathology;
  • Albumin deficiency;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • Heart problems;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Kidney diseases (acute and chronic);
  • bone pain;
  • Detection of osteoporosis during X-ray diagnostics.

Malignant neoplasms are a source of substances whose action is similar to the effect of parathyroid hormone. They destroy bone tissue, increasing the level of Ca in the blood.

It is worth recalling that the analysis itself does not show the cause of the pathology. A reduced or increased amount of calcium is an indication for the appointment of additional diagnostic methods.

You can contact the clinic for blood donation if you have the following symptoms:

How to donate blood for calcium?

To get an accurate result in a biochemical analysis for Ca, follow these recommendations:

  1. Donate blood in the morning. It is better to do this on an empty stomach, you can drink water.
  2. The day before the analysis, give up fried, smoked foods and alcoholic beverages.
  3. Avoid excessive physical activity such as exercising on the day before donating blood.

In women during pregnancy and lactation, there is a change in blood Ca levels (usually a decrease). This should be taken into account when submitting an analysis.

1-2 weeks before blood donation, the following drugs should be abandoned:

  • Antacids;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Tamoxifen;
  • Hormonal preparations;
  • Gentamycin;
  • Anticonvulsants;
  • corticosteroids;
  • Laxatives.

The following factors may also affect the result of the analysis:

  1. Dehydration. Leads to an increase in the level of the mineral.
  2. Hemodilution(increase in plasma due to excess water) leads to falsely low results.
  3. Hyperalbuminemia. An excess of proteins leads to the binding of more calcium, which will be seen in the results of the analysis.

Calcium is the most important macronutrient that forms the basis of the musculoskeletal system of our body and performs a number of other vital functions. By maintaining its level within the normal range, you will be able to ensure the normal functioning of all body systems. Timely passing the analysis for the content of Ca in the blood, you can prevent the development of life-threatening complications.