Is it possible to have ice cream after a tonsillectomy? Nutrition after tonsil removal in children. Therapeutic procedures after surgery

The tonsils, the palatine tonsils, are the first to take on an infectious blow through airborne droplets. Surgical removal of important defenders of the body is a last resort for treating complex, infectious, irreversible processes. Remedial measuresafter removal of tonsilsrequire compliance with a whole range of measures that allow you to fit into your usual lifestyle without complications.

The operation to remove the tonsils is called differently. Recommendations for its use fall into two broad categories:

  1. Life-saving intervention.
  2. Justified interference.
  • A severe infectious disease, for example, jugular vein thrombosis, which is responsible for blood flow.
  • Complications on the heart, kidneys, and nervous system due to infection with beta-hemolytic type streptococci of category A. Such bacteria destroy red blood cells responsible for breathing.
  • Very severe sore throat, coupled with allergic reactions to antibiotic drugs.
  • Regularly severe sore throat, accompanied by high fever, sharp pains, large-scale suppurations, complicating the respiratory process.
  • Severe hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, interfering with respiratory processes.
  • The acute nature of rheumatic heart disease.
  • The absence of a period of remission after undergoing long-term complex treatment of a chronic disease.

The second category includes frequent, periodic occurrence of sore throat three to seven times a year for several years (1-3 years). Cases of the disease are characterized by high fever, enlarged cervical lymph nodes and noticeable purulent inflammation. These indicators serve as a signal for fundamental decisions.

Any operation has a number of contraindications, in this case:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • extreme stages of diabetes;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • severe diseases of internal organs.


For many years, tonsillectomy was performed exclusively surgically using general anesthesia. Bleeding was common after surgery. The classic operation is often performed under general anesthesia with a special instrument - a wire loop. The average duration of the operation is one hour; with local anesthesia, patients often experience pain. Modern types of surgery include: laser removal (not for children under 10 years of age), cauterization with liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation (use of high-frequency current), ultrasonic circumcision, carbon laser removal. These types help to remove tonsils without blood loss in the shortest possible time. The effects of liquid nitrogen and ultrasound are the least painful sensations, while others may leave burns and require a longer healing period. In the first hours after surgery, the patient’s voice may change, the temperature may rise, pain may occur (after recovering from anesthesia), and taste buds may deteriorate.

Postoperative recovery

After the operation, the patient is placed on his right side and a cold compress is applied to the neck area. For the first 2-3 days you must stay in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Completerecovery after tonsil removallasts several weeks, accompanied by discomfort, bad breath, difficulty breathing, and periodic pain. The first day after tonsillectomy, you should refrain from talking so as not to irritate the nasopharynx or swallow saliva (spit into a specially provided container). The following days, intensive speech training is indicated to avoid the formation of adhesions. Smoking is prohibited during the entire recovery period - tobacco smoke aggressively irritates the operated tissues.

Postoperative period after removal of tonsils requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician. The place where the tonsils used to be located grows with large dark red spots. Three days after tonsillectomy, pain intensifies, especially when swallowing. After a few days, microorganisms begin to colonize the vacated space, and the color becomes gray-brown. The light protein coating that appears on the site of the former tonsils gradually disappears after a week.

The wound heals within 2-3 weeks, acquiring a uniform structure and color characteristic of the oral cavity, and a new mucous membrane is formed. There are a number of prohibitions and restrictions that are necessarily prescribed after surgery:

  • lack of heavy physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • visiting baths, saunas, solariums;
  • flight ban;
  • careful brushing and rinsing of teeth.


After performing the operation removal of tonsils, postoperative period includes those prescribed by a doctor medications to avoid complications and speedy healing. The standard system of prescribed medications includes:

  • Antibiotics - block the occurrence of infections, fight harmful bacteria.
  • Immunomodulators - stimulate weakened immunity
  • Painkillers - suppress periodic pain syndromes.
  • Vitamins - saturate the depleted body with useful elements.
  • Antiseptics - have the function of disinfecting the operated area. More often used when rinsing the mouth.
  • Coagulants - interfere with the process of blood clotting, helping to avoid postoperative bleeding.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - block the development of inflammatory processes.

Antibiotics are prescribed for a course of 7-10 days; overdose and independent choice of medications are strictly prohibited. For the first five days after tonsillectomy, it is recommended to refrain from rinsing your mouth. This procedure is prescribed only by a doctor and involves the use of soda solutions, weak salt solutions, herbal decoctions, propolis, chlorhexidine as a base.

Dietary rules after removal of tonsils

The fragile oral mucosa requires careful attention during the first weeks. The area that is sensitive to external irritants will react aggressively to heavy, rough foods with possible risks of bleeding. Of course, all patients are interested in the questionwhat can you eat after tonsil removal. The first weeks after surgery, food should be ground and mushy. Solid food will stop irritating the operated area only after a month. The usual diet does not change radically, but there is a category of products whose consumption is most desirable:

  1. Cereals (porridges contain excellent carbohydrate reserves)
  2. Proteins are the main source of protection of the mucous membrane by enveloping. Preference is given to boiled, lean, shredded meat.
  3. Still water in large quantities.

Nutrition after tonsil removal in the first month after tonsillectomy, completely exclude the consumption of hot foods and drinks. Cold foods, on the contrary, will have a calming effect on the mucous membrane. The following types of products are strictly prohibited:

  • strong alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • salty, pickled, spicy, sweet types of food.


The rehabilitation course after removal of the tonsils is purely individual. Certain people tolerate surgery more easily, as well as the entire postoperative period, because everyone’s immunity is different. Removing tonsils weakens the body's protective functions, so before the operation the verdict of the attending physician must be one hundred percent. Continue completing the treatment course with constant preventive measures, monitoring your diet and lifestyle.

There are often cases when the advanced inflammatory process of the tonsils leads to the fact that it can no longer be cured. In this case, returning a person to normal life, when nothing hurts, will help surgical intervention. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Naturally, after removal of tonsils, open wounds bleed as long as cell regeneration occurs. How to eat properly after tonsillectomy and what you can eat in the first hours after surgery, we will consider further.

Article outline

Diet of a person without tonsils

Since tonsils play a significant role in the body, preventing germs from entering, their removal significantly affects the immune system. However, in the case when they are completely affected by microbes and the throat hurts very badly, it will still not be possible to return their previous functions. It is possible to live without tonsils, but you should be more attentive to your health and listen to every unfamiliar symptom.

What can you eat in the first hours after surgery?

Many doctors advise excluding food on the first day after tonsil removal, since bleeding wounds cause severe irritation when any objects come into contact with them. Recovery begins with drinking water, which a person cannot do without. But even drinking can provoke pain, irritating the throat. Therefore, you need to drink in small sips, quickly swallowing the water. When the throat hurts, special drug therapy is prescribed to eliminate the pain syndrome.

This ban on eating food is justified by the fact that the body, weakened under the influence of anesthesia, is not able to produce the necessary enzymes and cope with the processing of habitual food. This is manifested by vomiting resulting from intoxication, while the throat, which hurts after surgery, receives new stress, aggravating the treatment. Some people tolerate anesthesia well and notice an increase in appetite after two to three hours, while a sore throat makes the process of eating a little more difficult.

Other experts, in case of severe attacks of hunger, recommend eating ice cream after surgery, when the effect of anesthesia completely disappears. It would seem that ice cream on the contrary will provoke a sore throat, but this is not so. Cold can constrict the blood vessels that are abundant in the pharynx, which slows down bleeding and makes the throat hurt less. Moreover, the dairy product will eliminate hunger well, gently passing through blood wounds. For people who are intolerant to dairy products, you can use any dairy-free ice cream, like popsicles.

For small children, when produced drug treatment, ice cream is not offered, replacing it with special mixtures from adapted baby food.

The patient's meals should be fractional. The first portions should be small and not contain components that irritate the mucous membrane. On the second day, you can increase the portions, gradually bringing them to normal.

It should also be noted that in the first few days it is important to observe temperature regime any food consumed.

It should be at room temperature, or better yet, completely cold. This extreme measure is recommended because hot food and any heat can dilate blood vessels, causing extensive bleeding.

After the ice cream has been successfully eaten, after 5-7 hours of rest, you can try chicken broth without any seasonings, even excluding salt. On the second day, the patient is offered soft foods, mainly dairy, as well as pureed soups. Complete recovery is noted when the wounds are completely healed and the throat stops hurting completely.

How to eat without tonsils?

People who have had their tonsils partially or completely removed need to be careful about their lifestyle after treatment is completed. Since there are now no natural filters, there is a high probability of frequent respiratory diseases. A key factor in building a healthy lifestyle is nutrition, which excludes some dishes altogether.

People who have undergone a tonsillectomy must adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink more fluids, since dry throat mucosa several times increases the risk of pathogenic microorganisms getting inside, provoking inflammatory processes.
  • Nutrition should be complete, fortified, with a high content of protein foods.
  • Avoid drinking hot foods, especially liquids such as tea and coffee.

In fact, the nutrition of a person without tonsils is no different from the general recommendations for proper nutrition, however, there are some nuances that simply must be observed.

The diet must include foods such as:

  • Cereals - porridges perfectly satisfy hunger, and they can be made in liquid pureed form.
  • Protein foods - milk and fermented milk products - contribute to the normalization of all human life processes, while softly enveloping the mucous membrane. Meat should initially be consumed in pureed, minced form, preferably steamed or boiled.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids can keep the water balance normal, and frequent irrigation of the mucous membrane contributes to its better functioning.

In the first two weeks, the patient will have to get used to new sensations and adapt to eating in a new way. However, after a month you can gradually introduce solid food, drinking it with meals to soften it.

What foods are best to avoid and why?

In the ranking of the most dangerous dishes, hot first courses and drinks take first place. Hot foods are generally contraindicated for people after surgery., since at any moment bleeding may resume in those places where there were wounds . This is achieved by expanding the circulatory system, which the pharynx is abundantly supplied with. Cold food, on the contrary, can be consumed in large quantities without fear of the possibility of hypothermia of the respiratory system.

Second place goes to dishes that use hot spices. You should not eat highly peppered foods, because they can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, causing swelling of the larynx. This applies both to the initial postoperative stage, during which treatment is performed, and throughout life.

In third place are strong alcoholic drinks, as well as non-alcoholic, but highly carbonated drinks and cocktails. These fluids can negatively affect the larynx, depriving it of its last chance to fully perform its functions. You should especially not drink carbonated liquids when the treatment is not yet completed, because open wounds irritated by gases take longer to heal and constantly bleed. In fact, even for those who are happy owners of almonds, drinking too much alcohol is harmful, so healthy image life is important not only when there is nothing left to save, but also when there is something to be proud of!

Last in the ranking of undesirable foods are sour, sweet and pickled foods. Cucumbers, tomatoes and other pickles will now become a rare guest on the table of a person whose throat does not have tonsils. The fact is that a high content of acids and salts also has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane, especially if such food is consumed in the first two weeks after surgery. Sweets will also become prohibited, but their infrequent consumption will not cause noticeable harm.

Is there life after tonsillectomy?

Undoubtedly, tonsil removal is not a fatal procedure, but the rehabilitation process takes an individual amount of time for each patient. Treatment of the consequences can be long-term, or may be limited to gargling. After removal of tonsils, it is not recommended to eat a lot of food. Such restrictive therapy methods allow a person to quickly get into shape and return to everyday activities.

The absence of tonsils leads a person to the fact that his body is more vulnerable in the fight against attacking microbes, therefore, it makes sense to adhere to the rules of recommended nutrition, as well as to observe preventive measures, especially during the period of epidemiological danger (autumn - spring).

Taking immunostimulants for people whose throats lack natural filters (tonsils) is recommended when there is a possibility of extensive inflammatory process. Adequate nutrition will not only allow you to quickly get in shape, but also increase the body’s protective functions.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

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Removal of the tonsils is a necessary measure when, due to a number of pathological processes, the organ ceases to perform its protective functions and is a source of constant occurrence of the disease. A balanced and proper diet after tonsil removal will help restore strength and speed up the healing process. It is important not only to provide the body with nutrients, but also to prevent increased pain and infection in the open wound, causing bleeding.

Tonsillectomy is not painless. This is a full-fledged operation, which in most cases is performed using local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used for people with a weak nervous system; Operation while asleep is easier for children to tolerate.

The speed of healing depends on individual characteristics body, as well as the method by which tonsillectomy was performed. Manipulations can be carried out as follows:

  1. Excision of tonsils with scissors and a wire loop. This method is the most common and is distinguished by the duration of the operation (30-45 minutes), pain, and increased risk of blood loss.
  2. Laser. The tissue is cut off by a beam, which simultaneously cauterizes the surface of the wound. The operation lasts from 15 to 30 minutes and is often performed using local anesthetics. After the procedure, the risk of blood loss is minimal.
  3. Using electrocoagulation method. High frequency current is used to remove tonsils. In this case, blood loss is minimal, but neighboring tissues are damaged, and the postoperative rehabilitation period is delayed.
  4. Liquid nitrogen is a method based on the properties of liquid nitrogen to freeze tissue. When the substance is applied to the tonsils, there is virtually no pain. Afterwards, the tissues begin to gradually die, so the rehabilitation period is long and painful.
  5. Ultrasound. Under the influence of high-frequency vibrations, tissues are cut, while neighboring ones are heated to 80˚.
  6. Coblator is a method that involves exposure of tissue to a directed electromagnetic field with the formation of plasma. As a result, proteins break down into their components: carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen-containing particles. The postoperative period is the most painless.

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The maximum duration of the rehabilitation period is observed with classical loop excision, and the minimum with coblation of the tonsils. Depending on the method of tonsillectomy, discharge occurs within 2-10 days, and the pain persists for about 14 days. At this time, careful care of the throat, adherence to nutrition and diet are required.

Basic principles of nutrition after removal of tonsils

The diet and regimen after the removal procedure has a number of features. You won’t need to change your eating habits forever, but until the discomfort in your throat stops, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. Avoid dehydration. But it should be taken into account that you can only drink cold drinks - hot ones will provoke bleeding.
  2. Food should only be consumed cold or at temperatures up to 25˚C.
  3. To relieve pain and stop bleeding, you can eat ice cream, suck on pieces of frozen decoction of sage, chamomile, and eucalyptus.
  4. Eat small meals, avoiding large portions of food.
  5. You can use painkillers before meals.
  6. Prepared foods should not be spicy, hard or salty, but soft and easy to swallow.

Attention! Subject to proper nutrition and supporting the body with antibacterial drugs, vitamin complexes After 2 weeks you will be able to return to your normal diet.

Day of surgery

Changing the nutrition schedule begins on the operating day. The doctor will warn you that 6 hours before tonsillectomy you can only drink water, milk, and juices. Drinking is prohibited 4 hours before.

Immediately after the operation, the patient must recover from anesthesia. You will feel a severe pain in the throat and the swallowing reflex is impaired. It is very difficult to consume any foods during this period, and there is no need for this in the first 5 hours after surgery. After about 6 hours, you can drink meat broth (200 ml), cream (50 ml), apple jelly (150 ml). On the 2nd and subsequent days it is recommended to adhere to specially designed diets.

Read also: Complications after a sore throat

What can you do on the 2nd day after tonsil removal?

Adults and children who have had a tonsillectomy have different recovery periods. The first day there is a sensation of a lump in the throat, which occurs due to severe swelling. Eating food can cause vomiting reflex. In children, the healing process, and with it the pain, goes faster.

Important! The next day you need to talk as much as possible. This will prevent the formation of adhesions.

On the postoperative day, diet No. 0-b is recommended. It is also called “zero”, and No. 1a is called “surgical”. Nutrition is balanced in such a way as to prevent a breakdown in the body’s strength, relieve the digestive organs, and protect the mucous membrane from mechanical and chemical damage.

Basic principles of nutrition during this period:

  • sharp limitation of salt intake;
  • frequent meals in small portions.

What you can do:

  1. Meat broth, semolina soup.
  2. Well-cooked porridge, rubbed through a fine sieve. They can be cooked with water, meat broth, or by adding milk to the water (no more than ½ part).
  3. Eggs, poached or steamed.
  4. Fish puree, mousse.
  5. Cream (no more than 100 ml), jelly, berry mousses.

It is necessary to consume the products at least 6 times a day, and the serving size should not exceed 350-400 g.

What can you do 3-5 days after tonsil removal?

During the first week after tonsillectomy, nutrition is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Tonsils protect other organs from infection and its further development. When the tonsils are removed, the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia increases, so it is important to saturate the body with vitamins and protein, since it is this that serves as the material for building leukocytes that fight viruses and bacteria.

On day 3 you can follow the 0c diet. In addition to the dishes offered in diet 0b, this includes:

  1. Puree soups with meat and vegetables.
  2. Meat, chicken or fish dishes. The meat should first be ground, and when cooking, use a double boiler.
  3. Cottage cheese, thoroughly mixed with cream (milk) until creamy.
  4. Baked apples, pureed vegetables, berries and fruits.
  5. Porridge cooked with milk.

Important! During this period, there is still a disruption in the functioning of taste buds, but there is no need to worry, since this phenomenon is temporary.

When eating food, you must not deviate from the following rules: eat 6 times a day; the amount of salt consumed in prepared dishes should not exceed 6-7 g/day; food temperature for hot dishes is about 50˚C, cold - up to 20˚C; Hard skins from vegetables and fruits should be removed.