How to dress a woman for the New Year. Year of the Yellow Earth Dog: with whom and where to celebrate

The New Year holidays are just around the corner, so many are already starting to think about what to wear for the New Year 2018. We must please not only those around us and loved ones, but also the mistress of the next year - the Yellow Earth Dog. Since it is believed that if you please this animal, then next year expect success and prosperity.

  • in the office;
  • in a restaurant;
  • surrounded by friends;
  • Houses.

We’ll also talk about current colors, styles, fabrics and, importantly, accessories, hairstyle and makeup. Let's talk about the optimal outfit for different zodiac signs.

What color of clothes do you prefer?

Of course, the main shades of the coming year will be:

  • sand;
  • ecru;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • golden.

It would be logical to assume that the Dog will also like the colors of its habitat:

  • grey;
  • graphite;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • green.

These shades will remind the totem animal of the earth, vegetation, bodies of water and the natural landscape as a whole.

For the New Year, clothes with various prints will be popular, with the exception of cat prints, as shown in the photo.

Which style is better to choose?

In 2018, a woman should prefer some neutral style, because the mistress of the year is unlikely to like unnecessary pretentiousness. You can opt for an elegant or original cut with a semi-fitted or flowy silhouette. If you prefer an evening outfit with open areas of the body, then there should be no more than one.

Clothes can be anything:

  • pantsuit;
  • dress;
  • top with skirt;
  • overalls;
  • trousers with a blouse;
  • costume.

The most important thing in choosing an outfit next year will be freedom. Nothing should hinder your movements.

As for fabrics, they too must be subject to this principle. You need to choose clothes from soft, flowing fabrics:

  • knitwear;
  • lace;
  • velvet;
  • thin gabardine;
  • chiffon;
  • silks.

You shouldn't choose:

  • taffeta;
  • atlas;
  • brocade.

What to wear to various events

In the office

If you have to celebrate the New Year in the office, it is difficult to imagine such a holiday in an evening dress. In such circumstances it would be appropriate:

  • bright blouse;
  • shoes with stiletto heels;
  • bolder makeup;
  • festive hair styling;
  • a flirty brooch or other decoration.

Corporate party

Suitable for these purposes:

  • Cocktail Dress;
  • sheath dress
  • suit in light tones or bright colors.

Clothes should not be too tight, because you are going to dance and have fun. As for fabrics, it is better to choose clothes from loose materials. Jewelry can be large and bright, because we are celebrating the Year of the Yellow Dog. It is better to choose comfortable shoes, because it is not known how long the party will last. A short haircut or original styled hair is suitable for a corporate event. The dog loves everything natural, so there is no need to invent complex makeup. A barely noticeable make-up in a transparent, cold tone would be quite appropriate.

New Year's Eve in a restaurant

It is clear that any woman, when she hears the word restaurant, immediately dreams of wearing the best she has. However, do not forget that we are talking about the 2018 meeting. Outfits and decorations will be appreciated not only by others, but also by the hostess of the year. She probably won’t like the bright and shocking image. Also remember that you will be eating and drinking more than usual and going out in public more often. Therefore, clothes should be loose and at the same time not reveal the flaws of your body. An ideal option in this case would be a Greek-style outfit. You can eat, move, dance and participate in various New Year competitions in it.

Your dog will approve of your choice if you wear a dress with a simple silhouette or an asymmetrical cut. In this case, some accent in the form of a bright print, deep neckline, large bow, high slit or wide belt will look good.

A simple dress can be emphasized with an original clutch, large jewelry or brighter makeup. There should be only one accent, for example an open back or a deep neckline. Try to balance: neutralize a bold detail in your wardrobe with discreet makeup or discreet jewelry. If you don't like an evening dress. You can choose a blouse with a skirt or trousers or even a jumpsuit. The main thing is that you feel free and confident.

Holiday with friends

Clothing in this case depends on the format of the holiday. If this is a regular buffet with dancing and socializing, then it is better to choose a cocktail dress.

If there is a themed party, then everything depends on the agreement of the guests. Usually, the images and clothing of the participants are discussed in advance. A carnival costume should not irritate the patroness of the year.

If immediately after the chimes you go to a nightclub or out of town, then your clothes should be appropriate for the situation. An ideal option would be:

  • tunic dress;
  • comfortable trousers;
  • comfortable shoes.

In this case, the girl should have minimal makeup and a simple hairstyle.

How to dress up for a family celebration

A dog will always support family comfort and original thoughts, so it will be very unusual when all family members dress, for example, according to their zodiac signs. In any case, it will be better than New Year's Eve in pajama style. You can discuss how everyone wants to celebrate the New Year and prepare for this event in advance. The main thing is that everyone feels comfortable and at ease.

If you are going to welcome guests at home, then naturally you should not look worse than your friends and family. Clothes should be festive and functional, as shown in the photo.

What to choose for a man in 2018

Who said men aren't fashionistas? IN Lately the male gender also pays more attention to their appearance. Therefore, we also decided to give some recommendations on what to wear New Year.

Considering what the next New Year will be like, we can safely say that the optimal option for men's clothing will be:

  • suits in brown, amber and graphite colors;
  • shirts in beige, sand, blue shades;
  • dark brown, blue trousers of classic style or looser ones;
  • jeans of different shades, but without fashionable abrasions;
  • natural wool pullovers;
  • ties, bow ties or scarves with original prints;
  • classic shoes in brown or black;
  • fashion accessories with the image of a dog (cufflinks, belts, wallets, etc.);
  • gold jewelry (bracelets, chains, etc.).

The most reliable way to be irresistible in New Year's Eve– this is confident and gallant behavior. You won't even notice how you find yourself in the center of attention.

Outfits and jewelry according to zodiac signs

If you believe astrologers, you can take their advice on clothing in 2018.


The dog can forgive them for their brightness and originality.


Taurus can forget about their refined taste and allow themselves something new and unusual.


This year this sign may not restrain himself, but dress the way he wants.


Modest Cancers can “break away” in 2018 and wear the most fashionable and catchy clothes.

a lion

Leos don’t have to be afraid to go overboard with decorations. The dog will forgive everything, including tight and shiny dresses, the highest heels and excessive makeup.


Representatives of this sign can move away from the classics and become a little bolder in choosing a New Year's outfit.


Those who like to amaze everyone can use all their imagination in choosing clothes. The main thing is not to outshine the forest beauty.


Open shoulders, high slits, revealing cleavage will help Scorpios continue to amaze everyone around them.


Discreet styles, pastel colors and flowing fabrics - this is what will amaze Scorpios, the patroness of the year, Dog.


Representatives of this sign must find a balance between severity and sexuality. This can be achieved through bold cuts or additional accessories.


For Aquarius, the highlight of next year will be handmade jewelry. This is exactly why the mistress of the year will like them.


Pisces' clothing should not be overly colorful. It is worth focusing on the hairstyle and accessories.

New Year 2018 - Year of the yellow earthen dog. This year's main colors will be yellow, black, gold and orange.

The favorite colors in the Year of the Dog will be yellow and gold, which should be worn in a festive outfit. The dog does not like chains, so there should be no chains in clothes and accessories, and no fur. But any images of animals are welcome, so feel free to wear your favorite sweater with deer. If you have not yet decided what to wear to celebrate the New Year, the Informant has selected the most beautiful outfits for you.


Of course, every girl dreams of looking beautiful on this magical night. But the Year of the Dog makes its own demands. On this night, avoid brightness, pomp and any hints of a catwoman in your outfits. The feline family, including leopard print, is not favored by dogs.

You don't have to wear a yellow or sparkly dress. It could be just a minor but striking detail, for example: a leather belt, a wide bracelet, a beautiful bow in the hair or a charming handbag. And, despite a certain combination of color palette, the classics have not yet been canceled. Therefore, you can safely use white and black shades in your image.

Since yellow-brown colors are the priority in the coming year, it is best to choose jewelry made from gold and amber. It could be beads, a bracelet, earrings, a brooch or a pendant.

The handbag should be selected small in size, but of an unusual shape and original style. Great options are a golden clutch with rhinestones or a small cosmetic bag with a strap and matching fringe.

Makeup also plays an important role, which should be neat but modest. The main thing is to do it in soft sandy tones, and to prevent the image from turning out too pale and unnoticeable, use cosmetic tricks. For example, apply shimmering powder to your skin, matte dark coral lipstick to your lips, and volumizing mascara to your eyelashes.

And don't forget about your hair. It should be anything: loose hair, disheveled curls, careless buns, but not varnished and carefully styled strands.


As for men, everything is even simpler here - representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, do not bother much with trends, the more conservative they are, the better.

For an informal party or to celebrate the New Year at home, you can do without a special dress code: a warm, cozy sweater with a winter-themed appliqué will be enough. The same clothes are quite suitable for an informal party at the office.

If you are waiting for a cool pretentious party, then men should also choose yellow in their image, brown colors, but classic black will also do. For lovers of the classics, an elegant suit would be a good option. You can pair your favorite trousers with a shirt, pullover or jumper. Jeans can replace trousers, but when giving preference to them, you should pay attention to the style - a dog can hardly be pleased in jeans with scuffs or slits.

When choosing a shirt, you should not limit yourself to just a white collar. It is better to leave bow ties and formal ties in the closet, and choose something more interesting for the New Year's party. Bone-shaped cufflinks go well with a shirt, and a belt with a classic-shaped buckle goes well with trousers or jeans.

If you prefer to wear chains or bracelets, then the best option will become gold jewelry, since gold is the dog’s favorite metal.

Shoes should complete the look without stealing all the attention. Classic shoes in black or dark brown with a low instep will be an excellent solution for a New Year's suit.

You have already learned what it is advisable to wear, but the Informant advises the main thing is to put on a smile and take it with you good mood. After all, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's party without a beautiful outfit, just like without a decorated Christmas tree and sparkling champagne. It’s easier for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - they can always have traditional outfits, but everyone else needs to rack their brains over what to wear for the New Year 2018.

  • What color of clothes to wear for New Year 2018?
  • What dress to wear for the New Year of the Dog 2018?
  • What other clothes can you wear for New Year 2018?
  • New Year decorations and accessories
  • Important little things in clothes for the New Year of the Dog
  • How to dress up for girls of different zodiac signs?
  • What should a man wear for New Year 2018?

What color of clothes to wear for New Year 2018?

It is known that the coming year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog, which has its own special preferences. For the New Year 2018, outfits are preferred in a warm range of yellow shades, and floral patterns are welcome. Guests gathered for the party should strive to appease the Dog, in particular, by wearing clothes that she approves of, then she will ensure peace and good luck in the family, as well as financial well-being. Read about other signs and superstitions for the New Year in another article.

In 2018, in addition to the main color – yellow, various shades of brown and black will become popular colors. In addition to such a sunny palette, shades of blue and green will be relevant for the upcoming holiday.

Let’s finally decide which color of clothing for the New Year 2018 will be the most relevant:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • orange;
  • sand;
  • golden;
  • ocher;
  • olive;
  • khaki;
  • mustard;
  • peach;
  • terracotta;
  • coffee;
  • burgundy;
  • milky or creamy;
  • Marsala color;
  • mint.

The Dog’s nature is playful and positive; goodwill, sincerity and simplicity come first for her. Therefore, when deciding what to celebrate the New Year 2018 in, clothes do not need to be chosen according to the principle “the more expensive the better,” there is more taste and moderation are important.

Women most often first choose the color of a holiday outfit, and only then its style. As for the coming 2018, such an obvious solution as orange or yellow is, alas, not suitable for everyone. But it is known that an inappropriate tone can nullify all efforts to be the “first lady of the ball”. An unsuccessful combination of a yellow evening dress with fair skin can add a sickly yellow tint to the face, and it will make dark-skinned ladies look a little older. Signs of fatigue and bruises under the eyes will only be more emphasized by the lemon tint, so such outfits are more suitable for girls with a light tan. Brown-haired women should prefer a greenish-mustard shade of the dress, which never goes out of fashion, and this year will be favorably appreciated by the Yellow Dog.

Fortunately, the choice of what color to wear for the New Year 2018 is quite wide: juicy peach shades, terracotta, reddish saffron, and various beige tones. Therefore, you should not act too literally, trying to dress exclusively in yellow, because a variety of floral and plant designs are also coming into fashion. After all, yellow can be a manicure for women, and a flower in a buttonhole for men. In general, in holiday makeup you can find a lot of space for golden shades.

What clothes should they wear to celebrate the New Year 2018 for those who want to put aside their serious appearance and are prone to all sorts of pranks on New Year's Eve? Such people can safely wear clothes with frivolous patterns - coins or lemons.

It’s quite difficult to create an image based on bright yellow color, which acacia or tulips possess, since this bright color can easily overshadow the background of the outfit of its owner. Therefore, it is better to choose a calmer pastel or sand option instead of too bright a tone. How to dress for the New Year 2018 to please the Yellow Dog - for example, by wearing a dress with a slightly greenish tint of Riesling or the noble gold of champagne.

What dress to wear for the New Year of the Dog 2018?

Having decided on the color of the future outfit, you need to choose which dress to wear for the New Year of the Dog 2018. Fashion weeks held in Milan and New York showed a trend towards modest, restrained options. Exquisite sheath dresses made of velvet, which at the same time beautifully fit the figure, but at the same time do not hamper movement at all. Another option is simple but noble evening dresses with a flared silhouette, decorated with embroidery in the neckline.

A fashionable accessory this season will be a lush lace frill decorated with a large cameo and vintage cuffs made of the same lace.

For many, the pressing question is what to wear to a corporate party for the New Year's Eve - it is better to come there in a long dress with an expressive deep neckline or an open back; such a style will not go out of fashion throughout the next year. But all other parts of the dress should be as closed as possible - hem to the floor and long sleeves.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year in a romantic setting, then in this case it is appropriate to appear in a fashionable robe dress made of leather or velvet. The hostess of the New Year's celebration can throw on a fur boa or coat, but it should be taken into account that next year the most fashionable will be yellow fur dyed using the ombre technique.

What other clothes can you wear for New Year 2018?

Most often, people celebrate the New Year either with their family or with close friends. In this case, you can use a trouser outfit. Classic suits are in fashion now, however, sets made of satin, velvet or velor are also suitable for New Year's fun. Fashion designers also recommend the following clothes for the New Year for women 2018: a shiny sequin top with thin straps, complemented below with a pencil skirt or breeches. A win-win addition to tight skirts or cropped trousers are shoes with an ankle strap.

If it’s not so easy for you to choose what clothes to wear for the New Year 2018, then you can think about leather and suede. The lines of the figure can be corrected with the help of a sleeveless blouse made of glossy thick leather, especially since they will be in great demand next year. Fashion designers advise people who get cold easily to wear woolen skirts with printed embroidery and cozy sweaters.

New Year decorations and accessories

Having decided on the clothes, you should also think about what jewelry to wear for the New Year 2018. If a bright New Year's dress is chosen in shades of yellow, then accessories that match it will need a similar palette:

  • A terracotta-colored dress will be perfectly complemented by a brown handbag and shoes.

  • If you choose deep Marsala, then only with distinct brownish earthy notes.
  • If you boldly choose a bright lemon-yellow shade of the dress, then accessories in dim green or mustard color will look great against its background.

  • If the base of the outfit is a brown dress, then red shoes can decorate the feet, and jewelry should be chosen from alloys that give warm reflections.

When thinking about how to dress for the New Year 2018, you can safely discard the long-forgotten rule of “three colors”, because in modern looks a combination of a much larger number of shades is acceptable. Therefore, you can safely combine colors on New Year’s Eve, for example, add a green handbag, brown shoes and red wine-colored lipstick to a yellow dress.

At the 2018 New Year's party, a bright headband is a must. It is best to use a silk scarf with a floral or bright floral pattern. The Yellow Dog will probably be satisfied with ficus trees, tropical vines and orchids, so this image can be considered relevant on this holiday. You can simply twist the scarf into a rope and tie it around your head, but you can also make it look like a lush turban.

It's a great idea to show up to a New Year's party wearing a tiara of sparkling stones. The tiara itself should be made of yellow metal, and the stones should be red, yellow or brown. The same rule applies to other decorations. But we should not forget that the Dog does not like excessive luxury, so you should not overdo it with jewelry.

What is better to wear for the New Year of the Dog 2018 – inexpensive jewelry or expensive metal? The rustic Yellow Dog is more prone to jewelry, so you can safely add large jewelry with large metal beads to your New Year's outfit. Particularly fashionable are natural materials, presented in huge beads made of wood, glass, untreated stones or shells. By the way, there is a very suitable new product - a fur choker, which is a wide strip of sheared mink fur. This is much more relevant than the old elastic choker, which the Dog may confuse with a regular collar. This fur accessory will go well with metallic beads and warm woolen dresses.

Important little things in clothes for the New Year of the Dog

It is imperative to abandon images with “cat” motifs (tiger or leopard designs, cat patterns), otherwise you may incur the wrath of the Dog. The same restriction applies to accessories made from fox and wolf fur or simply imitating these natural enemies of dogs.

Once again, it should be emphasized that the 2018 meeting should be held with refined modesty, there should not be too many provocative and bright details. A dress with an open back should have the maximum length; a suit with sequins should be complemented by discreet makeup and discreet accessories. In makeup, you can experiment with shades of burgundy; it is useful to remember the richness and nobility of the brown range.

A velvet dress will be the “squeak” of the season. A dress that is quite chaste in cut can be safely decorated with fur capes and massive jewelry. It is acceptable to impress guests with incredibly high heels.

But no matter what model of shoes you choose, they all must have an ankle strap - this required element all fashion collections for 2018.

How to dress up for girls of different zodiac signs?

On New Year's Eve, astrologers become part-time stylists, claiming that to attract good luck in coming year, you need to meet him in the right clothes. Taking out fairly dusty horoscopes from the chest of drawers, they prophesied the following recommendations for girls and women of different zodiac signs.


They are characterized by originality and brightness, and for New Year's Eve they should dress in a long evening dress with several slits and bare shoulders or a wide skirt with a woolen shawl.


This sign requires a more elegant look, such as a graceful green or blue dress with a flowing hem, adorned with statement accessories.


Gemini's nature is flirtatious and highly intelligent. They need to create a fantastic look using a long skirt or a colorful dress, and curly hair and green accessories will help complete the look.


Cancers should come to the New Year's ball in an elegant evening dress, and the look will be complemented by brown shoes, gloves, a belt and jewelry.


Representatives of this sign have a weakness for unusual and bright objects. Therefore, to celebrate the New Year, they should try on a tight-fitting tunic and stand on shoes with high heels, however, they should be moderate with jewelry.


It’s best for them to update their image during the New Year holidays. This can be done with a flirty dress in rich colors, with a wide belt, scarf and hat. The ensemble will be complemented by bright accessories and a stylish handbag.


When creating your image, Libra should let their imagination run wild. A light silk dress can be accompanied by noticeable massive accessories.


Scorpios are known for their uniqueness and strength of personality. Perhaps for the New Year's celebration they should wear a dress with open shoulders and a high slit, but a trouser suit would be just as good. You can add a light scarf and a feather handbag to the dress.


On New Year's Eve, Artemis should dress up in a blue dress or suit made of flowing light material.


These signs, according to astrologers, need to maintain a serious, strict image, which can be achieved by wearing, for example, a formal formal dress accompanied by accessories. A more sexy option with a bold neckline and high slit is also possible.


This is sophistication itself, so when choosing a New Year's outfit, they need to concentrate on the details. Their costume can be complex, with a variety of decorations, it will emphasize their elegant and extraordinary appearance.


It is best for Pisces to celebrate the New Year in a blue or green outfit, but they should not choose too bright accessories. The best solution one should recognize a single-color dress of any style. But you can choose your shoes and jewelry arbitrarily.

What should a man wear for New Year 2018?

Not only women should think about how to stun everyone at a party, but equally important is the question of how men should dress for the New Year 2018. After all, men are certainly present at New Year's parties, and they also have fun more women. And among them there are also many fashionistas who have long been concerned about the question of what a man should wear for the New Year 2018.

As for men, the Yellow Earth Dog will give them the following recommendations regarding New Year’s costumes:

  • Graphite, amber and brown suits.
  • Blue, sand, beige shirts.
  • Blue or dark brown trousers, loose or classic cut.
  • Jeans of any color, however, without scuffs.
  • Natural wool pullovers.
  • Scarves with original designs, bow ties or classic ties.
  • Classic black or brown shoes.
  • Accessories to complete the ensemble (belts, cufflinks, wallets) should have an image of a dog, as well as gold jewelry (chains, bracelets, key rings).

Have you already chosen an outfit for the New Year of the Dog 2018? What will it be like? Do you follow annual stylist advice? Tell us about it in the comments.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, bustle, preparations and thoughts about where to celebrate this holiday are commonplace. As usual, there is a lot of worries and troubles, as well as running around the shops in search of gifts for loved ones. After all, you want the outfit to be appropriate, the dishes on the table to be delicious, and the house to be decorated with bright attributes. So, the rhetorical question: “How to celebrate 2018?” really worries each of us. The patroness of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog. In the eastern calendar, this animal is especially loved and revered, because the Dog bestows warmth, comfort and good intentions. If you are thinking about where to celebrate 2018, then there is only one answer - among your family and loved ones. It is necessary to choose a festive outfit, put the favorite treats of the hostess of the year on the table and, of course, purchase symbolic gifts.

New Year 2018: what to celebrate in

Before you celebrate the new year 2018, you should take care of your wardrobe. It should be taken into account that the Dog does not welcome overly lush and pretentious outfits. This means that clothing should be modest and restrained in shades. For example, it is better not to wear short skirts and open, low-cut dresses. Glitter, chic and sequins in decorating clothes will also not be to the taste of the Dog. So, what should you wear to celebrate the New Year 2018? Better in classic style outfits. Well, as for the colors, it should be yellow and brown tones. You should also be careful with jewelry. Gold and silver chains, beads from natural wood and pendants with stones - aventurine or amber. Immediately hide away from the Dog everything that will remind him of his competitors - leopard leggings, tiger prints and prints in the same “spirit”. Shades such as beige, gray, fawn, smoky, golden, coffee and black will look original in the outfit. Please note that everything should be in moderation.

New Year's look: hairstyle, manicure and makeup

Naturally, how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog if your external image is a thing of the past? It is necessary to do something urgently, that is, get a new hairstyle, manicure, etc. Just not “combat” and neon, but natural and gentle. You need to choose eyeshadows with a crumbly structure for makeup. Different tones are chosen, but it is better to exclude pink shades. Set the glitter eyeshadows aside. The dog will like makeup that gently harmonizes with the shade of clothing, eye and lip color. Before you welcome 2018, you need to get a neat and discreet manicure. If you decide to make designs on your nails, then do them in small and calm tones.

In New Year's, everything should also be concise and without unnecessary curls and strands. You can braid your hair or simply let your hair down, or make large curls and style them in a cute hairstyle. The dog will be delighted with such a lovely image. Well, if you have a short haircut, then you can put it up in an original way. To fix the hairstyle, you can use gel or varnish. As for the hair color, it should be natural, not purple or crimson.

New Year 2018: what to wear for men

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2018 for men who also don’t mind dressing up, attracting attention and looking their best. The dog is distinguished by its loyalty to traditions and style, which representatives of the stronger sex can adopt from it. It is best for men to celebrate New Year's Eve in a classic style. Just don't necessarily wear a gloomy, dark office-type suit. You can wear a slightly fitted tailcoat or jacket. You can choose colors from cream and nut to brown and sand. A wallet, belt and shirt will look wonderful in an ensemble with a dark gray suit. Well, don't forget about the tie. It can be stylish and orange, as the song says.

Year of the Yellow Earth Dog: with whom and where to celebrate

Where to celebrate 2018 to appease the hero of the occasion? The main thing is not to sit at home and alone. You can go to visit friends, organize a noisy party and have fun. The dog is a welcoming and friendly animal, so you can invite guests to your home. A good idea for the New Year would be a trip, a tourist base and a trip out of town with a large group.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it will be remembered for a long time? The dog is an energetic and sociable animal, so it will enjoy entertainment, dancing and singing. Well, as well as sports and active games. This means that during the celebration you can easily arrange the following events:

1. Visiting friends, colleagues and acquaintances with whom you can chat about everything and have fun
2. Family holiday with a bunch of relatives and children, when you hear laughter and jokes
3. In a restaurant, cafe or camp site, where you can not only fresh air run, eat barbecue, but also taste exotic dishes
4. Organize a show-fest with fireworks, fireworks, surprises and marabou dancing
5. On a long journey and in another country, where there is a completely new atmosphere, exciting acquaintances and a lot of impressions

Before you celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to accurately choose the place or establishment where the celebration and the most magical night of the year will take place. After all, each of us expects from her not only miracles, but also the fulfillment of our cherished desires.

New Year 2018: how to decorate your home interior

How to celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog so that it will be remembered for many years? Of course, it is necessary to pay due attention to the decoration of your home. The dog loves everything related to home and warmth, although he also treats any updates with joy. Before you welcome 2018, you can buy new bedspreads, curtains and a tablecloth for the table. All interior decorations should be in yellow and brown shades. There should be a minimum of drawings, flowers and ornaments even in napkins. You can place a candle in the middle of the festive table white, put fir branches and golden satin ribbons around them.

You can draw or cut out snowflakes on the windows. Just don’t overdo it with this decoration, otherwise it will lose its “zest”. The dog prefers restraint in decorations. You can add silver, yellow and golden tinsel to the interior.

Before you celebrate the New Year 2018, you need to hang a wreath above the front door. It is pre-decorated with brown and golden ribbons. Don't forget about the bell, which will serve as a kind of bell. After all, the owner of the year, the Dog, must know who came to visit her. Candy medals, pyramids made of natural wood and original golden balls are hung on the chandelier.

New Year 2018: traditional dishes

How to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog so that this animal remains satisfied with the treats on the festive table? One detail needs to be taken into account - all served dishes must not only be filling, but also aesthetically pleasing. The plates should be white and have a gold border. You can put meat rolls with herbs on them. Thinly sliced ​​sausage is laid out on small sandwiches and canapés. Mashed potatoes are served as a side dish, to which you can add a little boiled meat. In general, you don’t have to skimp on meat dishes, because the Dog loves barbecue, pork ribs, chicken wings and legs. It is advisable to place all this in the middle of the table on a huge platter. Drinks should be the most ordinary and familiar, and dessert should be ice cream, curd pudding or cake homemade recipe. All this needs to be laid out in miniature rosettes made of transparent glass.

New Year 2018: table setting

So, how to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that the table setting pleases the hostess - the Earthy Yellow Dog. When choosing a tablecloth, you need to pay attention to products made from natural fabrics - cotton and linen. They should be soft shades, preferably brownish or yellow. Starched snow-white napkins will be a wonderful addition to the New Year's table.

Don't forget about fruits and vegetables, which can be placed on a platter at the edge of the table. Juices and compotes should only be fresh, not concentrated. The 2018 Dog owner will enjoy tangerines, oranges and even pineapples, which will add exotic motifs to the table and will be reminiscent of a carefree childhood.

Before celebrating the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to stock up on chocolates in golden and red wrappers, aromatic tea and baked goods. By the way, use your imagination and bake something in the shape of a dog. This could be an animal's face, paws, or even a sugar tail. The patroness of the year loves creative ideas.

Well, to be honest, she eats everything, so you can without a doubt decorate the table with any dishes. The main thing is not to buy something insanely expensive and sophisticated. It is important that the dishes are tasty and easy to prepare.

Each of us is looking forward to the New Year holidays, worrying and fussing in our own way. There is nothing strange about this, because we all want the next year to bring good luck, love and prosperity. If you take care of where to celebrate 2018 and remember your owner, the Yellow Dog, more often, then she will not forget about you, but will give you all the best and brightest.

New Year 2018: what to give

The best and most symbolic gift for the New Year 2018 will be a dog. Of course, alive. Therefore, if your budget allows, and your house is spacious, do not skimp, but get this loyal and cute animal. By the way, it is not necessary to buy a purebred puppy, because you can take it from the street or from a shelter. But, if your household is against a live dog, then give them a large toy Laika or Moska. Both children and adults will be happy with such a gift. The gift must be presented with the chiming clock.

So, what to give for the New Year 2018, so as not to disappoint anyone, but to sincerely please? For example, you can buy a door lock in advance that “barks” like a real dog. A couple more original ideas are a whistle for a kettle, slippers in the shape of a dog’s face. As a present, the Dog welcomes towels, pajamas and bathrobes with her image. Well, you can give your grandmother or aunt something useful for health - a belt made of dog hair.

If you have already decided where to celebrate 2018, then buy a gift in advance. Presents should primarily be distinguished by practicality, quality and convenience. After all, the Dog values ​​coziness and comfort above all else. Dishes, textiles and bed linen will frankly please her, because all this is necessary and pleasant to use. By the way, what to give to your loved one for the 2018 Year of the Dog? You can present a cute and not necessarily expensive pendant in the shape of a dog. It will constantly remind the person of you and your warm feelings.

New Year 2018: what not to give

Anything that can offend and even offend the Mistress of the Year, Dog, should under no circumstances be given as a gift. For example, a chain. After all, it even mentally fetters this animal, depriving it of freedom and movement. Please note that even chains made of expensive metal - gold and silver - cannot be presented. Soft and plush toys in the shape of a dog are also not welcome by the patroness of 2018. Then she will think that there is a rival in the house. As for a cat, you can give it to a child, but only after the New Year holidays or before them.

So, what to give for the New Year 2018, so as not to get into trouble and an awkward situation. The dog can’t stand strong odors, so don’t even think about presenting perfumes or perfumes. If the mistress of the year does not like the scent, she will be very angry. Everyone knows what to expect from an animal that becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, if you want to present perfumes to a loved one, then just not on the night of December 31 to January 1.

New Year 2018: how to decorate the Christmas tree and the house

How to celebrate 2018 if there is no festive atmosphere at home? Of course, the Dog is not against decorations, toys and the hero of the occasion herself -. But she does not accept excessive pomp. This animal prefers a calm and cozy environment, where you can have a little fun and then fully relax. This means you shouldn’t overdo it with toys.

A symbolic attribute for the New Year 2018 will be curly and tender angels that you can make yourself. They can be placed throughout the house, hung on a Christmas tree or on a chandelier. By the way, you can screw colored light bulbs into the chandelier to create the impression of illumination.

So, how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog so that the coming months go well? You can place dog figurines in your apartment. Looking at them, guests will always remember the hostess of the year, say toasts in her honor and light sparklers. The main thing is not to spend a lot of money on all these attributes. The dog is economical, so it loves everything that is useful and made from the heart.

Well, the tree itself does not have to be alive. The dog also welcomes the artificial beauty, who should be dressed up without frills. Christmas tree decorations should be chosen in yellow, red and brown shades. They shouldn't be bulky or flashy. Rain, tinsel, wooden toys, twigs, baked goods, hay and golden balls will look unique but attractive on the tree.

New Year 2018: how to attract good luck

Children and adults are looking forward to the New Year 2018, so it is not surprising that this magical holiday is the most favorite for many. We look forward not only to the chimes and fireworks, but also to the celebration with special inspiration. But we strive even more to make a wish under the tree so that life can be happy and cloudless. So, how to attract good luck in the year of the Dog. It turns out there are several effective ways on this score.

1. The owner of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog, must be appeased. After all, our mental comfort and material stability depend on its location. To do this, you need to feed the stray dog ​​enough. If she thanks you for this, wags her tail and fawns, then the Year of the Dog will pass successfully and calmly in all directions.

2. Before welcoming 2018, you need to put everything in order, wash and clean everything. This allows you to free yourself from negative energy and all the bad things that have accumulated over the year. So, if you throw the trash out of the house and thoroughly clean it, as well as wash the doors and windows, then happiness and good luck will not leave the house.

3. Do you want to be wealthy throughout the year and regularly make a profit? This means you need to buy a piggy bank in the shape of a dog. Another sure-fire way to attract money and increase capital is to make a doghouse out of paper or wood. You can take coins from it, but in moderation. The main thing is that at least a few of them lie at the bottom of the piggy bank.

4. Before celebrating the new year 2018, you need to pay off all existing debts. We are talking not only about money, but also about moral grievances, revenge, pride and dark thoughts. First, you need to apologize to those people whom you offended or offended. Then your soul will be pure before the New Year, and your heart will be calm for those whom you have returned to your life.

5. In order to bring understanding, peace and tranquility into your home, you need to make or sew a small dog talisman yourself. The animal should be three-colored: the body is red (for mutual love), the head is white (positive thoughts), the paws are yellow (the energy of the Sun). This amulet is placed in the place in the house where you most often communicate with loved ones.

6. In order to free yourself from everything bad and negative on the eve of the Year of the Dog, you need to lay a small rug at the front door. Then take a piece of paper and write on it everything that happened to you in the past year. The next step is to trample the leaf on the mat and burn it over a candle. You need to shake out the rug on the street and say: “I shake the rug and I’ll remove the negativity.” Then it will be laid at the door until January 14th. Standing on the mat, you can hug, kiss and have fun. But just don’t get angry, discuss or scold someone. After the designated date, it should be hidden somewhere in the house.

7. What do you dream about most and what do you want to celebrate in the new year 2018? If it's about love, then you need to hang paper hearts on the Christmas tree. If about money, then bills. If about good health, then the pictures where the gym is drawn. If you are talking about becoming slimmer, the figure silhouette is 90-60-90. If about a child, then the image of a baby. When the chimes begin to strike midnight, you need to go up to the tree and lightly touch your dream. Now take a couple of sips of champagne and say: “Let everything come true!”

8. They say that if you find something on New Year's Eve, you will collect surprises throughout the year. Naturally, pleasant. In order for this sign to become effective, gifts need to be hidden, and not presented in person.

New Year 2018: make a cherished wish

The more correctly you interpret your cherished desires, the faster they will come true in the new year 2018. Many people believe that dreams will instantly come true if they are mentally uttered at midnight and after a couple of sips of sparkling wine. Of course, no one disputes this sign, but there are others effective ways to make a wish come true.

1. Mistress of the Year 2018 eastern calendar It is considered a Yellow Earth Dog, which means that on the eve of the celebration you need to buy or make yourself a small toy in the shape of a dog. It should be yellow or brown. As a last resort, you can tie a bow of the same color around the dog’s neck. Then the figurine is placed in a prominent place, and the wish is pronounced mentally. If at midnight you lightly sprinkle melted snow water on your dog and say the right words, then the wish will come true: “I will tell you a wish, with water and a snowy field. Let it be imbued with magic and come true quickly.” The toy cannot be removed from its place until the dream has become a reality.

2. This method for realizing your plan is suitable for those who already have a dog. At midnight you need to put a birthday cap on the animal, and before that you need to tell him your cherished dream. While the dog is wearing the cap, it is filled with her energy. This means that there is a chance that your wish will come true in the Year of the Dog.

3. You need to take a white sheet of paper and write your cherished wish. Then call the dog, treat it with something tasty and place a leaf next to it. Now you need to say: “Seek and fulfill as soon as possible.” If you haven’t moved, then there is still hope that your wish will come true in the future. After all, the main thing in this matter is to believe!

4. In order for your wish to come true, you need to take a sheet of paper and draw an angel on it. Then on its wings you should write what you dream about. The angel is cut out and hung on the tree so that no one can see it. When January 14 of the new year 2018 arrives, the paper toy must be removed and sent into the wind through the window. Soon the wish will come true.

5. Another way to implement your plan. You need to take a tangerine, carry it in your pocket for a while, and then make your dream about this New Year’s fruit. This must be done before the chimes strike. Well, after midnight you need to eat tangerine in splendid isolation.

6. To fulfill a wish in the year of the Dog, you need to do the following. Buy a ball of thread from the fair-haired seller before lunch on December 31st. Then you need to sew a button to your clothes with these threads. Preferably with underwear. While sewing, you need to whisper the following words: “I sew on a button - I fasten the fulfillment of a wish.” Only after the wish comes true can the button be torn off. Then it should be thrown out the window, standing with your back to it, over your left shoulder.

Of course there are many in various ways, helping your cherished desire come true. In order to find out what the new year 2018 will bring, you can tell fortunes using candles, Christmas tree decorations, balls, dishes and paper. But everyone knows that only sincere faith helps to realize your plans. Then the Dog, the mistress of the year, will believe in you, and, therefore, will bring happiness, love and joyful events to the house.

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According to the eastern calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. It is clear that the main colors are yellow and brown and their shades: ecru, sand, golden, terracotta. Here you can safely add gray tones, from mother-of-pearl to graphite. And since the earth is not only soil, but also vegetation, reservoirs, natural and man-made landscapes, then also green, blue, turquoise, pink.
Our stylist’s fashionable New Year’s review also took into account trendy winter colors chosen by the Panton Color Institute.

What to wear to a corporate event?


Yes, you can wear jeans to a party! If you are not constrained by a dress code, discard stereotypes and the decision is yours!

It is important to add bright shoes to your look and add accents with accessories. It can be red - festive, juicy, Christmas; gold, silver gray, other bright colors.

Pay attention to the feminine and sporty look.


In a daring combination of silver sneakers and a tulle skirt, you will be comfortable dancing all night, playing bowling with friends and singing karaoke. The colors in the set are restrained, the textures of the fabrics are elegant. But still, don’t forget about stylish accessories, such as long earrings. Bright lipstick is a must!

What to wear to celebrate the New Year outside the city?

Having escaped to the countryside for the New Year holidays, you should think about how the warmth is not inferior to the beauty in the set. Therefore, a long, warm coat or down jacket is a must.

When choosing outerwear for outdoor activities, give preference to rich colors that will create a sunny mood even in cloudy weather.


This look features warm pants in Christmas colors, a feminine pullover and this season's trendy lace-up boots. A warm hat, scarf and gloves are essential when outdoors.

A cross-body bag with a long strap will help you out not only in nature, but also later in the city.

Based on astrological recommendations, we know that Dogs for the most part do not like felines. Therefore, leopard and tiger prints on fabrics, accessories and jewelry are prohibited. As well as various chains and choker jewelry (associated with collars).


As you can see, create stylish look for various options for celebrating the New Year is not so difficult. You just need to allow yourself to dream, relax and play around a little. And you will definitely succeed!

May the Dog be friendly and affectionate with you in the new coming year. And the wishes you made on New Year's Eve will certainly come true.