What do people need. New year, new life. Why we put off dreams and what it takes to make it work. Do not confuse compassion and pity

The appearance of the right person in life is an event of great importance.

Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher.

It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down.

Once at one of the trainings of S.V. Kovalev, he once again joked on the topic “What to do if you are really waiting for the right call, but everyone does not call you and call?” The answer was something like this: “Put the phone in the farthest pocket, and then go to the toilet and lather your hands!”

In every joke there is only a fraction of a joke. The appearance of the right person in life is an event of great importance.

It is not surprising that by overestimating the importance of meeting such a person, we only push it back.

And vice versa, reducing the importance, we get what we want, as in the soapy hands example.

Sometimes the fate of a whole stage of our life can depend on one meeting, call or even message.

I think that if you start unwinding the ball of any big or small success, then one of the threads will lead to the very right person, from the meeting with whom it all started. And it is possible that there were several such people.

In any case, each of these people provided access to the resources necessary to achieve the desired goal.

These resources could be valuable advice or service, and perhaps this person had material support.

It could also be that such a person is simply awakened inner resources in us through faith and spiritual support. In this case, he was our mentor.

And if the right person has become for us life partner, then he himself has become an inexhaustible source of vital resources in the form of love, care, respect.

Exists big number approaches and ways of how to think correctly about the goal we are striving for.

The goal should be positive, verifiable in experience, be in the right context. And also be environmentally friendly and be under personal control.

These principles are well known in NLP.

Besides, when visualizing, you need to see yourself from the side, achieving a result.

However, there is a significant point that significantly affects the implementation of the plan. It consists in answering the question: "Have we made other people part of our purpose?"

Who will be with us when we reach our goal? And who will help in the intermediate stages?

Let the images of these people appear there.

Even if these people are not yet known to us.

But if we leave a place for them in these inner images, then they will certainly appear in reality.

Now I want to touch on the topic of how other people are represented in our inner world in a little more detail.

The main tool is here- this is a work with a social panorama, opened by the Dutch nlp-ers L. Derks and J. Hollander.

Our social panorama encodes the images of all the people who were, are or will be in our lives. The most shocking discovery was that changing the internal codes of other people in our social panorama leads to changes in real life.

Before moving on to technology, I want to clarify that the social panorama is the space around us with a radius of about six meters. It contains images of the most significant people in our lives.

Technique "How to attract the right person in life?"

1. An important goal. Think about your most important goal right now. Make sure it represents what you want to get, not what you want to get away from.

Also check if it can be seen, heard, presented as a film with yourself in the lead role. Does this movie make you feel good? Make a film about yourself irresistible, add special effects: lighting, background, frame.

Think about the fact that the goal is realized in a specific place, at a specific time. See if your life will be happier if you look at the future through the eyes of that you from an irresistible movie?

2. Main resource. What is the most important resource you need to make an irresistible movie about you a reality? Choose one resource that, according to the Pareto 20-80 law, will provide 80% of your result.

3. Social panorama. Where is the representation of this resource in your social panorama? Look around - the resource can be both above and below and behind your back. Note how it is presented there.

4. The right person. Imagine that an arrow comes out of the resource image, at the end of which the image of the person you need will soon appear. Note where and at what distance from you this image of the right person appeared.

5. Relationship building. Invite this important person to take a place in your social panorama. Determine the conditions under which he will agree to do so.

What will you have to do or give him in exchange? See on your palms the symbol of a gift for the right person. Give this gift to him. Become this person and accept from his position a gift from you.

Being in his position, give yourself a return gift - perhaps it will be the same resource, or maybe something else. Be yourself again and accept the gift in return. Thank you and ask when you are expected to meet in reality.

6. Research of obstacles. Ask yourself if there is any part of you that resists the fact that you want to attract the right person into your life? Are there internal or external obstacles to this?

In conclusion, I want to recall the presupposition of NLP that "the Universe is infinitely good and full of resources."

“The people we need walk this earth and appear when we really need it.

- They come when we are really ready to move on to a new stage of life.

“It is possible that we ourselves can become such the right person for someone who needs it at the moment.

Once I opened my diary to the page where it is written that Father Barsanuphius told me:

One layman asked me: "Tell me, Father, how can I live?" I thought: what should I answer him, what brief admonition to say? Then I say: "Have you read the Psalter?" - Yes, I read it. - "If you have read it, you must remember that there are such words in one psalm: "He will guide (the Lord) the meek to judgment, he will teach the meek in His way" (Ps. 24, 9).

What do these words mean? And these words mean that the Lord Himself teaches the ways of the Lord, and not man, that only the Lord Himself can teach the ways of the Lord. But the Lord does not teach all people, but only the meek ones, because whoever humbles his heart makes his soul capable of receiving Divine teaching - only such does the Lord teach. "This is the end of my diary.

But I thought about it for a long time yesterday and came to a more detailed reasoning. I argue that if a person could teach the ways of the Lord, that is, teach how to live in order to be saved, then learned theologians would be the first to be saved. Meanwhile, in reality it turns out not to be so, namely, that very many learned people do not follow the way of the Lord. Take, for example, theologians who graduated from the academy, how often they do not follow the path of the Lord, but, on the contrary, the path of sin. I had to meet people who had completed a course in theological sciences and said that they would agree to do anything, but not theology, and at the same time they boast that they know the Christian spirit and even write spiritual works.

But what does a person need to learn the ways of the Lord? It is necessary that a person be meek, humble, and then the Lord Himself will teach how to walk in the way of the Lord. It is especially important to know this at the present time, when the impoverishment of mentors is so noticeable. Humble yourself with the help of God, be meek, have no malice towards your neighbors, prepare meek, good life his soul to receive Divine teaching, and the Lord Himself will teach His ways.

If we begin to look through the Psalter, we will see that there are many expressions that speak of the ways of the Lord and their spiritual understanding. For example: "He will guide the meek to judgment" - this saying is interpreted as follows: the Lord will vouchsafe the meek people spiritual reasoning - this is how the bishop understands it. Ignatius Brianchaninov.

In Psalm 1, which begins with the words: "Blessed is the man," it is written: "For this reason the ungodly will not be raised for judgment, below the sinner in the council of the righteous" (Ps. 1, 5). This hierarch interprets this expression in such a way that no impious and sinful soul will rise to a spiritual height, will not have spiritual reasoning.

Ep. Ignatius Brianchaninov led a Christian, ascetic life, and he was vouchsafed spiritual reasoning and spiritually understood the teachings of Christ and, in general, all of the Holy Scriptures.

So, a meek person will be instructed by the Lord on the path of Christ.

Further in the Psalms there is such an expression: "All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth" (Ps. 24:9). According to the interpretation of Father Ambrose, which Fr. Agapit, these words mean that the ways of the Lord require two things from a person: mercy and truth. How should this be understood?

And here's how: everyone who wants to walk the path of the Lord without blemish should show all mercy and indulgence towards their neighbors, even if they sin, and demand from themselves the fulfillment of all truth, all legal righteousness. In relation to ourselves, we must be unwashed judges, we must strictly correct all our actions according to the commandments of the Law of God, and towards our neighbors we must always be merciful and indulgent - and this will be a sign that a person is walking the path of the Lord.

If a person does not demand the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord in relation to himself, then he cannot walk the path of the Lord, and therefore will not be a true Christian. And if he fulfills them, then with any rank and outward position he will be a Christian, and an official at the post office, and an archimandrite, and a bishop - everyone can fulfill the commandments of Christ, the virtues of the Gospel and can observe those who can be true followers of Christ's teachings. “All the ways of the Lord, mercy and truth,” let us watch over ourselves in order to realize “mercy and truth” in life, then we will be on the path of the Lord and lead the Christian life.

Some people are condescending to themselves, but merciless to their neighbors, it’s just that sometimes they are even ready to torture the soul of their neighbor, but you have to do the opposite.

That's how good it is to write down a useful thought or saying, I forgot about this interpretation, but my diary reminded me. I will add that modern interpretations do not satisfy me; True, there is something in them, there are lofty thoughts, but still this is not enough and there is always something left to wish for more. Modern interpreters interpret everything in a row, but more from a historical point of view, and not from a spiritual - mysterious one. But it happens that a person is under a special spiritual illumination, then a deep, mysterious meaning is manifested in his interpretation.

This spiritual insight visited Father Barsanuphius. It abundantly visited St. fathers. This is clearly seen in their writings. Sometimes from one word of the Holy Scriptures given in confirmation of this or that thought, the deepest meaning immediately opens up.


Any person lives and acts through desires. There are many desires, all are different, but, apparently, there is an initial, main thing that generates a fan of all others. What is the single goal of all desires? This simple question is difficult to answer in general terms. And yet ... The goal of desires is the realization of oneself. Think about a seemingly simple phrase...

What is the purpose, such is you. It all depends on who wants...

Don't you have what you want?
Only because
What is not taught to want. Learn that. So say the Sufis.

In fact, a child usually wants a toy or sweets, a teenager wants a high-tech toy and pleasure, an adult wants success (a toy for the mind) and happiness (sweets), an old man wants respect (a high-tech toy for self-love) and health (the pleasure of life), moreover everyone wants differently... Maybe you will understand the great Game of God in Heaven? The desire for play and the sweetness of play... The goal of desire is self-realization. The desires of the spirit realize spiritual goals, the desires of the soul are spiritual realization, the desires of the body are physical realization, and all these desires are inherent in man. Even if you do not believe in God, then think about the Absolute and Its purpose. The reality of your thought is its unique life, and no less real than visible to the eye the world, the reality of sleep - its manifestation for your consciousness, the reality of actions - their result is visible, etc. Nothing arises without DESIRE, be aware of it as the CAUSE of any reality.

In order to understand what a person needs… imagine yourself a god… or an Absolute. Throw away the incredulous smile and skepticism for a while. Want to really imagine yourself as someone who can realize the All, and then want to be His desire ... This is a fantastically difficult riddle for the human mind! How to realize oneself to God, who is Everything and Everywhere, contains the world and all times? Each of us is able to answer this question in our own way. My answer is also peculiar... Apparently, the ability to create the very possibility of reality to BE - this is His Game, which for us is life or the Illusion of Eternity, the Wheel of eternal change... The Absolute allows its opposite (in all its infinite diversity) to manifest itself as it is able to PERCEIVE oneself outside HIM. The Absolute or God desires the realization of its infinite manifestation. For man, life is a necessity given from above. Playing Heaven is a Necessity for God. And why He wants it… you can already guess… probably…


Draw a Circle, please, friends!
And imagine it can expand
And pulsate, multiply in volume,
Taking the form of a body where there is "I" ...

Can he acquire any density
And then time is given for him
According to the task! Creature,
What has arisen can move, desire...

Time may be different ... and not be!
Well, imagine that you were born around,
They are, united and friendly!
Otherwise, you can pass for the exhaust ...

Perception… I believe that the world, the universe is our Perception of the world, the universe… Moreover, it is individual-collective. As an individual, I perceive the world through my sensations, my gaze, and as a part of humanity, I perceive the world through its sensations.
In order to explore the question of what, by and large, a person needs, we can consider the issue of obtaining knowledge by a person. In any case, we will talk about the INFORMATION that the subject processes (perceives) in connection with his DESIRES. Any subject is manifested due to his perception of some object. No perception, no manifestation. How many subjects, so many different desires at the same or different times... When desires coincide at the same time, there comes a moment of resonance, at which the realization of desires occurs almost instantly...

All this presentation is just a small attempt to understand with a tiny human mind the reasons for the existence of an immense world, endless life, the secrets ... of the course ... of time.

Quality and quantity are inherent in everything perceived, therefore, inherent in the TIME OF PERCEPTION. The secret... of the course... of time...

As can be seen from this statement, the goal determines the means to achieve the goal. The goal is to get what you want, the means is the time for the realization of desire. Try this formula in your life and see how long it takes to realize different desires... and different goals. Draw your own conclusions. If the goal of life is pleasure (happiness), and many are inclined to say just that, then the quality of the transmitted or received information is measured in Joy, and the quantity in time. If the goal of life is Knowledge of the unknown (which is also happiness), then the quality of the transmitted information is measured by Belief in the received or transmitted Knowledge. At the same time, the greater the accumulated Knowledge, the greater becomes ... the unknown unknown ... Take a long look at the endless Universe. The limit of saturation with Information (knowledge, pleasure, happiness) in the absence of desire.

How so? How can you give up desire? Joy or Faith? It turns out that you can not refuse them, but feel their fullness in yourself ...
And make a little pause... Musicians don't play without pauses.

What is the difference between Faith and Joy? According to the result, they can be equivalent, but in terms of information they have a different level in the hierarchical structure of the Universe. Joy accompanies the acquisition of pleasure and knowledge, and Faith arises when obtaining knowledge and pleasure. It accompanies in parallel, but arises sequentially, but since it arises from Itself, that is, it is reborn, therefore, it accompanies .. Both Faith and Joy are different for everyone ...

It all depends on who is watching and why!
So, if someone needs something, then this someone experiences a Deficiency!
If someone wants to give something, radiate, highlight, then he experiences the Excess. Excess has as its cause Deficiency. Deficiency and Excess are interconnected and interdependent diseases of an incomplete spirit… Only unity heals!

Illness of the spirit - A way of manifesting something outside of God, outside of the unity of the Monad.

We see the world, alas, imperfect.
It contains envy, vanity, pain and war...
But we do not see everything in the whole, to the bottom ...
So, then, we don’t want him ... Blessed ...
Desires are not as it should be...

God or the Universe gives man that which he is unable to accept in its entirety. Therefore, time is given in parts (discretely) to a person to realize the holistic gift of God, by which we mean God himself in a person.

Lack of understanding is a separate perception of oneself and the world around.
How to achieve understanding?

It all depends on who wants to understand and why! This is my favorite formula for answering… “How…” questions.

Since all people are similar, they usually perceive themselves as separate (a unit instead of a real fraction, that is, a whole instead of a part of a whole), that is, everyone has in himself a misunderstanding of his potential wholeness to one degree or another. If there is no perception of oneself as separate, then the person ceases to be a person and merges with the Universe (the One, the unit, humanity, the universe), leaves the framework of temporality, visibility, beyond the event horizon, and therefore, can “communicate with the remaining ones” only through influence on their souls and spirits, on their aspirations and beliefs, etc. If a person understands the Necessity to be one with God, this is not enough to really Be One. The need is important not only to understand, but also to implement. Those who carry it out are creative, harmonious, abnormal geniuses who realize the main goals of the Universe, shed light in the minds of people, give our world their unique love for the one God.

What does a person need?

Why, everyone needs DIFFERENT, depending on his state of mind, maturity of feelings and EXPERIENCE accumulated during incarnations.

Trying to please everyone, or at least many people, is doomed to failure. And therefore, let there be All diversity, since there is All in One. It remains only to determine your own priorities, tastes, current and future goals, your capabilities, as the presence of restrictions. Realize yourself as a lack of God in yourself. The choice of each current moment is in your power.
For understanding, some people read and receive knowledge, others pass on their experience and write about it. Everyone acts according to his own program, according to his choice. The limitations for the mind, senses and physical bodies are different. Perhaps the SOUL has the widest range of possibilities for change, it is it that connects a mortal person with an immortal spirit.
It is her desires that are formed and dictated by the Desire of the spirit, then projected onto the desires of earthly bodies. All these desires gather like rivers in the sea of ​​Unity...

What is a person? Man is the universe that perceives and therefore expresses itself (responding to its perception).

I repeat...
The universe, the world is the PERCEPTION of the world. THE METHOD OF PERCEPTION is expressed through the DEMONSTRATION (manifestation) of one's UNIQUE perception, that is, one's I.
How else?

At the entrance of our consciousness, there is not the identity of what is at the exit, therefore the world, the universe, the object of observation and the observer of the object exist, there is an initial bifurcation. Otherwise, there is no one and nothing to perceive. If the purpose of communication is the transfer of information, then the question arises Why? If the purpose of communication is the consumption of information, the same question arises. If the question Why do we answer - for development, then the next question is: TO WHAT or TO WHOM? Development occurs only in the undeveloped... So - MONAD - the integrity of God, allowing to manifest everything different from Himself!

For the sake of His Game of self-knowledge… He manifests Heaven.
Game in Eternity. I tried to say about this in my previous work “The Illusion of Eternity”. This is also evidenced by the wise thought expressed by the famous American anthropologist Carlos Costaneda:

“... There is a rule. A very simple rule. In the face of the unknown, a person is courageous. The unknown has the property of giving us hope and a sense of happiness. The person feels strong, bold and cheerful. And even the anxiety that arises at the same time has a beneficial effect. The unknown reveals all the best aspects of human nature.

I would sum it up like this. “Whenever there was a secret… a person would not strive.” The Secret of God is the Meaning of the Universe. Continuity and discontinuity are the essence of the time of the Universe, where one is the basis for the other ...

What is the purpose of any desire? Maybe... exhaust them? Get out of the captivity of TIME? Find complete Harmony in God? Get un-desire...
Realization of the Self. Think about a seemingly simple phrase...

A person is a generator of quality time, if his thought works towards the light of Knowledge. Otherwise ... degeneration comes out ...
So, what and how do you desire for your unique universe?

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It is far from always possible to get from a person what we would like, giving weighty arguments, making tremendous efforts to ensure that the other person changes his point of view. In fact, you can do without large energy costs. We can make the other person decide for himself -.

At first glance, it may seem that we are talking about. However, we will consider eco-friendly methods of influencing the mind of another person. With these methods, the need to exert effort and put pressure on the individual is eliminated. A soft influence will help you get the most out of it.

Methods of soft influence

By applying soft influence methods, you can easily get what you need from people. No cheating or manipulation tricks.

Find out what a person needs

To do this, just listen to the interlocutor, he will tell you about his needs. We constantly talk about ourselves, what we have done, what we want, what we lack. We want to be listened to. To identify the needs of another, it is enough to listen carefully to what he says.

According to Freud, the strongest human desire is the desire to be great. John Dewey (American philosopher and educator) noted the desire to be significant.

Maslow's basic human needs are formulated as follows:

  • physiological - food, water, shelter, sleep;
  • the need for safety and health;
  • the need for belonging to society - love, friendship, communication;
  • the need for recognition - significance and respect,;
  • the need for self-expression - personal improvement and development.

It turns out that human desires are not so difficult to identify.

Health and survival, food, sleep, money or material possessions, the future, pleasure, the well-being of loved ones and children, a sense of significance are the main contexts that will help you recognize the desires of other people.

Make the person feel valued by giving them what they want.

By finding what the other person needs, we can help them get it. In this way, our goals and the goals of another person are united. And when the desired result is achieved, the result of another goal is also pulled up.

So, for example, in the election campaigns, candidates are actively pursuing their policies. “By voting for me, you get this, that, and that,” and candidates get elected, speaking in the language of voters’ desires (see paragraph 1)

It is enough just to show the way to solve the problem of a person and he will do as he wants the one who shows this way.

Significance is nothing more than the recognition or at least the assumption of the value of another person, his desires and interests.

What do you need to do to make the other person feel important?

The desire to be significant is the strongest human desire. And you can satisfy the interlocutor's need for a sense of his significance, for this it is enough:

  • Recognize its value. Recognition of another person, his opinion and thinking helps to do without condemnation, criticism and abuse. We are more willing to communicate with those who understand us and sincerely care about our interests.
  • Talk about his desires, not yours. In communication, each person tries to talk about himself. About how he spent his day, about his desires and his discoveries. Every person wants to be heard and understood.

Man is a social being. And we can't stop talking.

Pay attention: we are more sympathetic to the interlocutor who listens. Listens to us. Therefore, in communications it is important.

  • Speak sincerely and openly. When the interlocutor starts, our unconscious automatically recognizes the discrepancy and we have a suspicion. We may not be fully aware of this moment, but the unconscious part of our brain is not so easy to fool. And she herself will recognize non-verbal communication and give us a signal.

Namely, it will help you better understand your interlocutor and much will become clearer to you.

Our body signals during communication and is very difficult to outwit. Sincerity and openness are also easily recognized by our unconscious. The body also reacts with open gestures and other signals, recognizing which, the unconscious of the interlocutor gives a signal that you can be trusted.

Recognizing the value and importance of another person is simple and does not require any effort. Communication is easy and pleasant for each party, moreover, it is an important part of the environmental impact.

And what else can be useful, besides recognizing the significance of a person?


Sincere, kind and most efficient. A person likes to be praised for his perseverance and the results achieved. A person seems to flourish when his work is celebrated. There is a desire to do even more and even better.

Giving a person sincere praise for his merits, you become exactly the person who helps him feel better. Wouldn't you like to associate again and again with such people?

It is enough to note what you liked about his work and the result that he got. Surely there is something that you liked.


You can get the result you need from a person using various methods: using pressure, manipulation, or using soft methods of influence. Psychological pressure and manipulation require the most energy and at best only one side wins. Soft influence is aimed at meeting the needs of both parties, taking care of the person and is based on sincerity in the relationship between the parties to meet their needs. Goals are united and achieved by joint actions.

We have considered ways of environmental impact on a person, which include soft methods:

  • Identifying needs by listening.
  • Recognition of significance and value.
  • Help in the realization of desires.
  • Emphasizing what you like about the person or what they do.

These methods of influence will help win over the interlocutor and get what you need from him.

Academician Sergei Lukyanov: when we learn how to edit the genome, 200 years of life will be real.

Is there any harm in genome editing? How are students prepared for admission to a medical university?
The rector of the Russian National Research Medical University named after V.I. N. I. Pirogova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, geneticist Sergei Lukyanov.
Alexander Melnikov, AiF: Sergey Anatolyevich, why are our biologists employed abroad willingly, but not doctors? They must be retrained. Our diplomas are not recognized because medical education is worse?
Sergey Lukyanov: Not really. In Western countries, to work with patients, one doctor's diploma is not enough. There you also need to go through accreditation. This additional exam for assessing practical medical skills and knowledge must be passed by everyone - both those who studied there and those who came from other countries. Today, we are also introducing an accreditation system in Russia. It is already working at our university, and its graduates must pass after receiving a diploma. Our training is excellent, and I know that our graduates easily passed accreditation abroad and even became leaders in their specialties.

Pharmaceutical boom

“It’s different with biologists. Since they do not work with patients, a diploma is enough for them. In the 1990s, many people left because science was very poorly funded. Now far fewer people are leaving, many are returning. Biologists are in demand at home, they receive grants from the state, and companies interested in innovative scientific developments provide them with money for research. In general, we have formed a market scientific research. After all, there is a task of the state to provide the country with domestic medicines by 80%, and biologists are actively involved in this.
The pace of development of our pharmaceutical industry is amazing. In terms of knowledge and technology, we can compete with the West. Of course, we have less finance in this area, but I am sure that we will be leaders in introducing new technologies. Our pharmaceutical companies are charged for success not only in Russia, but also abroad. Such a boom was 20-30 years ago in the United States. But there it has already passed, but with us, on the contrary, it has begun.

- In the near future there will be a drug for Bechterew's disease and psoriatic arthritis. These are severe autoimmune diseases - with them the immune system shows aggression against his own body. The drug opens up a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of such diseases. These are monoclonal antibodies that specifically destroy immune cells that carry out auto-aggression. Now there are drugs that reduce strength inflammatory process with an autoimmune disease, but only our drug is aimed at targeted destruction of aggressive immune cells. We are completing the stage of preclinical trials. Western firms with similar developments are not keeping up with us. We hope that the principle that formed the basis for the creation of our medicine can be used for other autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis.
– Now the most promising topic is genome editing. You are a geneticist. Is it close to you?
– We are actively engaged in genome editing, but not in humans. Today, there are still few places where it can be used in practical medicine.

- A Chinese twins that have been genome-edited to become resistant to HIV? The benefits of such interventions are not clear. There is evidence that people with a special mutation that prevents them from getting AIDS are in poorer health than others. Plus, if you carefully take birth from a mother with HIV, the child will not get sick. So this high-profile story is not of great medical importance. There are other cases where genome editing is more justified. For example, if parents have a child with hereditary deafness, he will certainly also be deaf and mute. But they can be given happiness to have healthy child, if you edit the mutations associated with this disease. We have this technology, but we cannot yet apply it to humans.

– As a geneticist, don’t you think that genome editing can be dangerous?
On the contrary, as a geneticist, I think otherwise. Suppose editing the genome will lead to unplanned changes. But our genome is so large that they are unlikely to be significant. As a species, we are very resilient and successful. Human genomes differ in millions of changes, and we all live. No one can give you a 100% guarantee. But this applies not only to genetics, but also to pharmacology, and to all medical technologies. Why aren't people afraid of them as they are of genetic engineering? Maybe these fears are due to the fact that many are brought up on films about mutants?
“The main problem is life extension. Biogerontologists say that our limit is 120 years.
“With our current genome, this is really the limit. But when we understand how it works and learn how to edit it, 200 years may be quite real. After all, biological systems live a very long time. There are animals that do not age. Even in closely related species, life expectancy can differ by dozens of times. Different breeds of mice live from 2 to 40 years, fish - from several months to tens of years. This means that people can live much longer.
We study this problem from the point of view of immunity. Already at the age of 20, the reverse development of the thymus begins. In this organ, immune cells are formed (they are called T-cells). Further, the thymus degrades, new T-cells are not formed, and the existing ones are programmed for a certain number of divisions. They are involved in protecting us from infections, forming immunity to them. But around the age of 70, most have a new fracture, T-cells exhaust the ability to divide, and in fact, cease to protect against unfamiliar infections. Therefore, new infections are so dangerous for the elderly, it is better for them not to move and live in the old place, where all the microbes are already familiar. And in centenarians and at 100 years old, the diversity of T-cells is the same as in 40-50-year-olds. We are exploring the possibilities of transferring these properties to other people.

Cheat death. How will technology increase life expectancy? More

Doctor - profession number 1

- What are today's applicants and tomorrow's doctors?

- Opinion polls show that among schoolchildren the profession of a doctor came out on top in popularity. I am very happy about this. Of course, we need to attract motivated young people to the university, and we start working with them at school. The university has partner schools with specialized classes, where subjects related to medicine and biology are studied in depth. Plus we arrange "University Saturdays". These interactive lectures have repeatedly won first place among Moscow universities. Which is not surprising, because our "Saturdays" is a popular science show that is interesting for both children and parents. For 3 years in a row, the “School of the Young Surgeon” has been working for us throughout the summer. They study there not only surgery, there are classes in biochemistry, genetics, psychiatry, etc. Classes are held on professional equipment used by doctors. These are endo- and laparoscopes, ultrasound diagnostic devices, encephalographs, schoolchildren perform real operations on model objects. The project is unique, there is nothing like it anywhere in the world. All this is aimed at getting acquainted with medicine, with our university. Many then come to us.
- Is it very difficult for you to study?
- Not easy. Unfortunately, we have a large percentage of deductions. The study schedule is busy, you can’t miss something, because it’s hard to catch up later. This is a feature of training in the medical profession. We try to help students and have created a system of tutors-mentors. Each group of first-year students is supervised by one of the senior students with successful teaching experience. They suggest what to pay special attention to, how to organize studies, to prevent the appearance of "tails". And generally get acquainted with the university. For first-year students, this is extremely important, because they find themselves in a new university environment unknown to them. Our experience inspired colleagues from other universities so much that on the basis of our university a federal center support for volunteering and mentoring in health care. Tutoring really helps successful learning and saves students time, which they always lack.