When you dream about a wedding. Interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about a wedding? Interpretation of the dream Wedding in the Modern Dream Book

It is known that a wedding ceremony is a wonderful, bright, bright event. Previously, it was believed that such an event was a dream of joy, prosperity and incredible luck. Over time, the interpretation has changed: many dream books reveal the essence differently. Why see your wedding in a dream? You will find the answer below.

Why do you dream about your own wedding?

The most common question in search engines is why do you dream about your wedding? Give a clear interpretation different dream books Considering the three most popular values ​​will help:

  1. The event may be dreamed of before receiving good news or good events. Such an event promises only joy and not a single sad news.
  2. Seeing a wedding in a dream where sad guests and parents are gathered for a walk means illness, bad news and unpleasant actions.
  3. If you dream about getting married, this is a sign: it’s time to devote more time to your soulmate.

Wedding preparations

In most cases, the preparation of such an event can be dreamed of by young girls and women over 35. Perhaps this is just someone’s dream that should come true. However, if you turn to the pages of the dream book, he will explain why you dream about preparing for your own wedding:

  1. Your partner wants to tell you about all his feelings, but he just doesn’t dare.
  2. If in a dream a girl gets ready, puts on a beautiful white dress, and tries it on in a store, it means that she is planning to make some kind of global purchase.
  3. I dreamed of a wedding - it’s fuss, pleasant chores around the house and heartfelt confessions, an invitation to a date.

Why do you dream about a married woman’s wedding?

If girls, being unmarried, see pleasant dreams about a wedding celebration, there is nothing surprising here. On the other hand, it is very alarming why a married lady dreams of her own wedding:

  1. Seeing yourself in a remarriage, but in a dream, means you need to sort out your family. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding or a small disagreement.
  2. If a married woman dreams of a wedding, then it is quite possible that there is another man who is ready to act and win the lady.
  3. If this is a dream of a married lady, then you should expect troubles from which you cannot hide. Sooner or later, the moment comes when your own dream indicates problems in relationships associated with your spouse.

To an unmarried girl

Probably every daughter would like to see her own celebration in a dream. White dress, happy mother, beautiful decor, vow and many flowers. But is it as beautiful and pleasant as in reality? Why does an unmarried girl dream about her wedding:

  1. If this is a celebration with a loved one in a dream, then in reality the couple’s relationship will become even stronger than before. There is love and trust, tenderness and real care here.
  2. If a girl sees a stranger as her husband, unexpected events will happen that will turn everything upside down. In general, in any dream, an unfamiliar young man is a fateful messenger of favorable news.
  3. The dream promises immediate adoption of responsible decisions.

Why does a man dream about a wedding?

Sometimes men also dream of pleasant moments associated with a wedding celebration. For some this will be a sign, for others it will be an obstacle. Here interesting interpretation what a wedding is about in dreams married man:

  1. Basically, if a young man dreams of his own wedding, then he will face drastic changes in his work. And most importantly, these changes will be favorable. For example, a long-awaited promotion or opening your own business.
  2. For a married man, if he dreams of a wedding, this is a new stage in his relationship with his soulmate. A person gets to know his wife from another interesting side that he had not noticed before.
  3. Basically, one’s own triumph means correcting mistakes and reconsidering all past grievances.

Why do you dream about your wedding with your loved one?

Girls on the eve of their own holiday can’t think about anything else. This is a lot of stress for the body, because you need everything to go great. Therefore, many dreams about a celebration mean nothing if an event is about to take place. But why dream of a wedding with a guy if there was no talk of a personal celebration? There are several interpretations of such a dream.

Basic interpretations:

  1. The second half as a husband is already good sign. Most likely, the relationship will move to a new stage, which will be much more comfortable and interesting for both people.
  2. Love works wonders, so if you see triumph and a soul mate in your dreams, it means that the romantic confession that the girl has been dreaming about for many years, pregnancy, is just around the corner.
  3. A beloved guy is like the strongest shoulder on which it is important to lean. A holiday with a soul mate, without whom you cannot live, means stability, well-being and trust between people.

With husband

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream of a wedding with their own husband? Most dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of such an event. If the marriage involves real spouses, then you should expect problems. This can be either a showdown or a breakdown in the family. To prevent all misunderstandings, it is better to come to a common denominator. Sometimes dreams tend to come true. In any case, it is better to look into the dream book.

With a friend

Guy friends in a dream are a good sign, but not for a girl, but for a man. Why do you dream of a wedding with a friend? There are a lot of options, here are some of them:

  1. I dreamed of a wedding - the guy who acts as a husband will have a girl for whom he will be ready to do anything.
  2. Most likely, he does not consider the mistress of the dream as a friend. There is something much more here than simple conversations and advice: sympathy or unrequited love.
  3. A friend wants to inform or talk about something that is being nurtured in his soul. It’s worth listening to him, suddenly this information will become useful and necessary.

Failed wedding

If the celebration is interrupted in full swing, that’s already bad. Many girls begin to worry: why do they dream of running away from their wedding? Here it is important to pay attention to the emotions that the dreamer experiences. If this is a disappointment, then things are just around the corner that you really don’t want to complete. If this is joy, then the burden that previously weighed heavily will fall, but nothing good will come of it. Many dream books, for example, Miller's, interpret a dream in which a runaway bride is present as a harbinger of an unwanted marriage.

With ex-boyfriend

When parting, the girl’s soul is filled with emotions. It is both relief and suffering. During such a difficult period, you can see dreams of a different nature. Why do you dream about a wedding? ex-boyfriend, even if everything is already completed? Firstly, this may mean that a not very pleasant stage has begun in the girl’s life. Secondly, sooner or later the black stripe will change to white. Female you need to take time for yourself, your loved one, throw away all the negativity you have acquired and believe in a bright future.

With ex-husband

Women often wonder why they dream of a wedding with their ex-husband? Why doesn’t the past let go and constantly finds them? This can be explained only by one obvious fact: the girl still often thinks about breaking up and returning. Why do you dream about your own wedding? Might dream ex-husband, requiring a re-evaluation of all actions that were once done. Most likely, it's time to learn from your own mistakes.

Often we pay attention to our dreams, believing that they send us signals from the subconscious that concern the future. What does it mean to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream? This article will help you unravel the symbolism of the dream. It is important to remember all the details and pay attention to what day of the week the woman dreams.

What does it mean to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream?

Interpretation differs depending on the age and status of the girl. If the young lady has not yet married and she is very young, then such a dream occurs as a reaction to curiosity. A young lady tries on the role of a bride, choosing a model in the store that matches the color and style. What does it mean to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream for an unmarried adult girl who is waiting for a marriage proposal from her partner? Such a vision indicates a break in relationships that will not bring suffering and tears. Perhaps the girl will marry within a year, but not to the person with whom she is currently in a relationship. Often a dream predicts new love unions, a vivid feeling of being in love.

If you dreamed of a picture that was as tender and airy as possible, and the dress was fantastic, then in reality there will be bitter disappointment, life-threatening, there is a possibility of getting into a car or plane accident. Such a dream carries the meaning of loneliness in which a young woman finds herself after an unexpected breakup.

If not only you, but also your friend or any other representative of the fair sex is wearing a wedding dress, then in the real world it will be difficult to avoid a quarrel over a man. Perhaps you have a rival, so you should be more affectionate towards your loved one, caring, gentle and attentive.

A young lady twirling in a wedding dress in front of a mirror, dancing in a dream, in life must realize her acting talent.

If you dreamed of seeing yourself in a white wedding dress adult woman in marriage, this may mean the return of love feelings, stronger and brighter, into married life. Such a dream usually indicates pleasant memories associated with choosing a dress in the past in preparation for marriage.

If in her dream a lady not only tries on or sees a wedding dress, but is also a bride, then in reality, positive changes await her. Such a dream means an excellent reputation for an unmarried woman, many fans, joys and surprises. But for a married girl, being a bride at a wedding in a white dress means doubts about her partner, discord in marriage, divorce or an affair. Such a woman feels unloved and unwanted and wants to feel the same pleasant emotions again like at your own wedding.

If a young lady dreams that she is a bride in a wedding dress, beating off someone else’s groom, then this will happen in the real world.

It is important to note that seeing yourself as a bride in a wedding dress before a special romantic event is a dream due to emotional experiences. Should feel more relaxed about the upcoming celebration, do not be nervous.

A woman tries on the wedding dress she wore at her own wedding at a time when she needs the care and tenderness of her husband. Perhaps the feelings in the marriage are fading away. However, if a married person looks through a catalog in a store or a window display, her choice stops at the same dress that she wore on the most important day of her life, the dream suggests that she completely confident in my choice and does not regret anything subconsciously. In the same situation, choosing a completely different image means a break in the union, a deterioration in the health of the other half, or his death (sudden or after a long illness). If during the vision you not only tried on an outfit, but also bought wedding rings, in reality a second marriage awaits you with a person for whom you feel sympathy.

If during your night dreams you tried on someone else’s dress (mother’s or friend’s), this is interpreted as envy of others. A woman often compares her own life with other examples of what not to do. Such a dream is a forecast of scandals over trifles, nagging on your part, which leads to disharmony in marriage. There is a possibility that your husband will leave the family, and you will have a new affair with a married man, especially when the outfit belongs to a specific person.

If you dream that you are trying on yourself Wedding Dress before an event that will happen in reality, this again indicates excessive concern, nervous tension.

It also matters dress color. Dreaming of black symbolizes deception on the part of the betrothed, and also future widowhood. Red dreams of a homewrecker, an envious lady, and, in addition, dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere of marriage.

Decoration length also speaks volumes. A short dress means a short marriage, and a very long one means complications, difficult decisions, the adoption of which is constantly postponed.

The explanation depends on many factors. For example, how the outfit looks, whether it is clean or dirty. If a woman sees a dirty and torn wedding dress, then this foreshadows a complete break in relations with her chosen one. A major quarrel with a loved one, relative or friend is not excluded. If the dress is perfectly white and shining, it's a dream to a good reputation in society. A beautiful wedding dress promises a woman to become an important person in society, to participate in major events that are held for the benefit of many people. For example, charity, volunteering.

Why wear a wedding dress in a dream if it is sewn with your own hands? Such a dream can be interpreted as an upcoming pleasant meeting with old friends. And also good news, receiving a letter or offer that can change your whole life.

If a young lady puts on wedding decorations in a dream and at the same time kisses her future husband, the marriage promises to be happy and long.

The complete image of the bride - wedding dress and veil - is interpreted in completely different ways in modern times. Old dream books say that wedding decorations with a veil signify deterioration in health, serious illness, and discord in a romantic relationship. Trying on a veil in night vision is a sign of a wrong choice, your chosen one is not who he says he is, a completely unsuitable party. In addition, this is a symbol of stupid love for a man who does not know about your existence, hates you, and considers you his enemy. However, if you see yourself in a wedding dress and veil, this can also have a positive meaning. A woman in the real world will meet her betrothed, for whom she will experience strong mutual feelings. In any case, a complete wedding set dreams of changes in life, a transition to a new stage of something. Sometimes this concerns not the personal sphere, but the work sphere. For example, in the future he expects a promotion on the career ladder, an increase in salary, and his own business will go uphill.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress with a veil next to a deceased person is a bad sign of death, especially for unmarried ladies.

This version of vision in the dream book has a negative meaning. It's always bad news, serious illnesses loved ones, as well as any negative changes that completely change life for the worse.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a wedding dress in a dream means a damaged reputation due to the Fall. If a dream appears on the eve of a wedding, then this foreshadows sick children, a short family life and weak love relationships between spouses.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman in a red wedding dress To good changes - receiving a large amount of money, fame.

We looked at why you see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream. Do you believe in dream books? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

You dream of your own wedding, where you are in the role of the bride or groom

If a young unmarried girl or single guy sees his own wedding in a dream, then you should expect trouble. This dream symbolizes health problems and troubles at work. In general, nothing good. You should be as careful as possible and refrain from ill-considered actions in the near future. True, this interpretation applies only to those young people who are actually single and do not even think about getting married.

If a wedding is dreamed of by a person who is in love or in a serious relationship, then expect good news. Perhaps very soon your dream will come true, and you will tie the knot in real life.

For an adult to see oneself in a dream as a bride or groom is an extremely unfavorable sign that portends illness, loneliness, disappointment and death. Especially if you dream about your own wedding with a complete stranger. The more vivid this dream, the worse it is.

However, you shouldn’t immediately become despondent and set yourself up for trouble. Many circumstances must coincide in order for... Firstly, it should be very bright, after waking up you will remember all its small details. Secondly, a lot depends on the life circumstances in which you currently find yourself. If, for example, you are in Lately If you are busy planning the wedding of one of your friends or relatives, then you should not even attach significance to this dream.

For your loved one's wedding

If a married lady sees her husband's wedding with another woman in a dream, then this may mean the time for decisive action. Depending on your life circumstances, you can interpret this dream literally. The subconscious gives a signal that another person has appeared in the life of your other half, for whom he feels sympathy.

For a girl, this dream can mean disappointment in love, separation from a loved one.

In a dream you are present at someone else's wedding as a guest

If the bride and groom are complete strangers to you, then expect changes that will not affect you much, but you will be able to derive sufficient benefit from the current circumstances for yourself.

You dream that you are invited to the wedding of friends - perhaps you will soon be asked for help.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress

This dream means illness. The older the woman who has this dream, the more sick she will become. If something bothers you, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Dreaming of your own wedding without a groom

If you dreamed that you were at your own wedding without a groom, then your plans for the near future will not come true. You will be slightly disappointed, but maybe this is for the better?

Eating a wedding cake in a dream

Troubles, a scandal in the family, problems at work, in general, annoying troubles that will pretty much fray your nerves in the coming days.

Seeing a wedding from the outside in a dream

If you just see a wedding procession, but do not take part in it yourself, then one of these days you will have to make an important decision that will determine your future life.

An interesting dream that has several meanings. Usually, seeing your wedding in a dream, as an old dream book writes, is an unfavorable sign for a girl. He could even predict a quick death, since in the old days dead girls were considered the brides of Christ. Therefore, the meaning of such a dream was the crown, that is, the final result of life.

Today, times have changed and the dream of a wedding has acquired a different meaning. Pay attention to who dreamed of their own wedding and what your situation is at the moment.

Also pay attention to who exactly the bride or groom was, if they were indicated in the plot of the dream.

Dreams of a young inexperienced girl

Usually she begins to wonder about marriage, to guess about her betrothed very early. And for some, the situation is revealed in a dream, exactly how and when such an event will happen.

It happens that such a dream indicates your age, city, weather, and even a restaurant and a loved one whom you can recognize years later, but such revelations are not given to everyone. Usually a girl has a dream in which she tries on a beautiful wedding dress, veil, dances among the guests, or simply spins in a waltz, admiring herself.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since these are simply your fantasies, dreams and aspirations in life. Especially if the young lady is very afraid of loneliness and dreams of quickly starting her own family. The dream book writes that being a bride in such a situation means a long period of loneliness and the fact that you will not immediately be able to fulfill your dream.

Why does a girl who is not too eager to get married dream about her own wedding? If she chose study, career, freedom? The dream book writes that such a dream often predicts success or an interesting offer that may affect her future.

This can be either an option for building a career and making money, or simply a marriage proposal from a very wealthy man who can influence your destiny. Therefore, being a bride in a dream can really become an indicator of happiness and the fact that the dream will unexpectedly come true just like in a dream.

But, if you did not see the groom or there was simply a wedding without a noisy company, then the dream book writes that such a dream means an idea, activity and success in carrying out one’s activities.

In some cases, such a dream symbolizes a big and significant change - for example, studying in the city of your dreams, moving, or a new place of work where you will earn great money.

Brides' dreams

If you already have a young man and you are dating, then the dream book here gives different interpretations. For lovers who are planning a wedding, dreaming of it as if it were a fairy tale, interpretation books write that the dream will not happen at all or will not be the same as you imagined.

Walking at your own wedding in a dream, but not with your beloved man, means that you will change your mind about marrying your chosen one at the very last moment and will not regret it later.

There are many cases where people meet their fate a few days before registering a marriage with another person or even among the guests at their own wedding.

The dream book writes that in this way our guardian angel tries to protect the dreamer from an unpleasant person or big trouble. So dreams of this kind, if you have had them several times, may turn out to be prophetic.

It’s another matter if you had to be a bride at your own wedding with a person with whom the future has not yet been determined.

For example, you just met, started dating, but so far you don’t have any plans for him, you don’t even have a crush on him. Such a dream can often turn out to be prophetic, especially if the situation is shown realistically and as it could be. The time of year, the weather, and even the make of the car can coincide in such a situation.

Being at your own wedding with a loved one who has not written for a long time or even just abandoned you is a sign that he remembers you.

Sometimes such a dream turns out to be prophetic. This is a very good sign that promises you a quick marriage with a similar person or reconciliation with an enemy.

Why do you dream about walking at your own wedding and feeling like a guest at it? Such a dream means that at the last moment everything will be decided for you. The Dream Interpretation writes that being a guest at your wedding or simply seeing it from the outside means that loneliness will be long and such an event will never appear in your life again.

For those who are already married

What does it mean to dream about being at your own wedding with your current husband or wife?

If the picture does not resemble pictures of the past, then such a dream means divorce, the appearance of a new family member, or the birth of a child. In some situations, such a dream means the death of one of the spouses.

Why does a man dream of being at his wife’s wedding and marrying another woman? Such a dream means unexpected reconciliation.

If the wedding was not fun and you and your wife got married again, the relationship between you will completely fall apart. The same thing means a dream in which a wife marries her husband again.

TO why does a married person or a married man dream of a wedding with a friend? For a woman, this dream means remarriage or a big and significant change in life. For a man - a change in occupation or new love.

If the spouses have adult children, then soon one of them will get married. By the way, such a dream can also mean the imminent birth of grandchildren for adult children.

Why dream of seeing yourself in a wedding dress for an unmarried young lady? This dream usually predicts dramatic changes in your life. However, the details that you managed to remember in your night dreams are important: what it was like, who brought it to you, how you felt about it, and so on. Taking into account these features of sleep, a dream book will help you correctly interpret the vision.

For an unmarried member of a sorority, seeing yourself in a wedding dress is a symbol of imminent change. If in a dream you experienced admiration for your wedding dress and admired its beauty, then these changes will positive character. However, if the attire was dirty and ugly, then this is considered bad sign. Such a vision promises you trouble in business. You may soon be facing some serious illness or even surgery.

Trying on a wedding dress in a dream means quickly doing organizational or social activities, thanks to which you will take a fresh look at your personality and make friends with many interesting people.

If in a dream you had to cry when you were wearing a wedding dress, then this is a sign that, most likely, you are destined to get married more than once. If you are currently already married, then there is a possibility that this union will break up.

If an unmarried girl dreamed of a white wedding dress on own body, then in reality a new relationship and sincere love await her. For a woman in a relationship, such a dream promises a relationship or a new one. interesting job which is connected with social life.

If you dreamed of wearing a black wedding dress, troubles and sad events await you in reality. A red wedding dress is considered the color of the passion that awaits you ahead. For an unmarried girl, a red wedding dress promises memorable new love adventures, where she will experience previously unknown emotions. However, it is unlikely that she will subsequently marry the person who gave her the explosion of feelings. If a red wedding dress was seen by a young lady in a relationship, then in real life she wants sharper, new sensations in her sexual life. You must definitely tell your partner about this, and then your intimate life will change for the better.

Dreams in which you were in a pink wedding dress indicate too much affection and trust in a person who can easily betray you.

If in a dream you tried on a blue wedding dress, then you should pay attention to the shade of this dress. Dark blue color - to disappointment from the actions of your lover, blue or bright blue - a symbol that your relationship with your lover is truly trusting and strong.

Seeing yourself in a green wedding dress means experiencing great difficulties in your waking life, which will soon end and bring unprecedented relief.

Seeing a golden wedding dress on yourself in a dream is a wonderful sign. In reality, good luck will accompany you in all your affairs. However yellow wedding attire symbolizes the infidelity of your companion, betrayal.

Trying on someone else's wedding dress in a woman's dream is a symbol of the fact that you are used to comparing your life with someone else's, while experiencing envy. If you do not get rid of this addiction, you can ruin your relationship with your partner over trivial grievances and petty quarrels.

Spinning in a wedding dress in a dream with by a stranger suggests that your current love relationship not durable at all. Perhaps flirting on the side will soon await you.

It is important to remember and appearance wedding dress, because the correct interpretation of the dream depends on this:

  • the dress was dirty or torn - quarrels or separation from your partner await you;
  • clothing was badly damaged - foretells ailments and illnesses in the future;
  • the wedding dress is stained with blood - to intrigues and gossip behind your back.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress on the eve of your own wedding is quite natural; you shouldn’t attach too much importance to it. great importance these dreams. It is not surprising that this image comes to you in your dreams, because it is common for any woman to worry and worry about this wonderful day in her life being perfect.

Interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book

In this dream book, a dream where you saw yourself in a dirty wedding dress is a bad sign. Such a vision predicts a break in existing relationships, a painful feeling of betrayal.

If in a dream you decorated your outfit yourself, then soon they will try to prevent you from carrying out and implementing your plans.

According to Freud's dream book

The famous master of psychoanalysis believed that seeing oneself in a wedding dress means the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with his everyday life and a desire for change. Perhaps in reality you are striving to change your life, as routine is dragging you down.

If you dreamed of a dirty wedding dress on your own body, then in reality you feel ashamed of your actions. This worries you greatly and does not give you peace, but if you let go of the situation, everything will resolve itself.

Looking for and trying on a wedding outfit in a dream means a subconscious desire to change the situation and your surroundings.

According to Vanga's dream book

In this dream book, seeing yourself as a bride in a wedding dress means your spiritual and physical rapprochement with the person who will forever remain by your side. If a young girl sees such a dream, then soon she will have troubles in life that will require making a difficult decision.

According to Longo's dream book

A famous magician interpreted the meaning of a dream in which a girl tries on a white wedding dress as a symbol of a large number of ambiguities in her life. If there is a red blood stain on the wedding attire, then she will soon experience a breakup with her lover, which will not be easy to survive emotionally.

Trying on someone else's wedding means becoming the owner of someone else's secret, which you will have to carefully hide in order to avoid trouble.