The year of which animal begins in the year. What does the coming year promise to be like?

Astrologers know the answer to the question of which animal symbolizes 2019. According to the Eastern calendar, which was compiled back in the middle of the third millennium BC, 2019 will be the year of the Earth Boar or the Yellow Earth Pig. The firmness of those born during this period allows them to achieve any goals, but at the same time remain humane, helpful and extremely scrupulous. Read more about what kind of animal 2019 will be and what we can expect during this period below.

Year of the Earth Pig

  • Will begin the year is February 5, 2019, and ends January 24, 2020.
  • Element of this year- Earth.
  • Color- yellow.

People born during this period will have warmth and kindness, as well as excellent organizational skills, which will bring success in business and work. The sign of the Earth Pig gives a person many positive qualities, including devotion, forbearance, and the ability to competently plan his life.

These people are too sociable. This quality sometimes puts them on the wrong path. If you don’t turn in the right direction in time, then your whole life, which has been getting better for so long, can go downhill. People born in the year of the Earth Pig are sometimes addicted to alcohol and other equally harmful habits. The task of parents whose children were born between February 5, 2019 and January 24, 2020 is to develop the ability to firmly adhere to their position and not follow other people’s lead.

It’s worth mentioning the endurance of such people. They are able to survive any difficulties on the way to their goal, withstand all the hardships, and overcome stress.

The Earth Pig's motto is “walk until you get there.”

Those born during this period are devoted people. They will never turn away from a person who needs help and support. Such people are full of energy, which gives them the opportunity to move themselves in the right direction and become a good example for others.

Dictatorship is not their path. The ambitions of people born under the sign of the Earth Pig will never exceed the limits of physical and moral capabilities. Boars, born under the element Earth, are very good and loyal friends. They are reliable employees, hard workers and fair bosses.

Earth Pig will always think before taking desperate measures. They are dependent on the material world, they love luxury and expensive things. They will never refuse a feast and entertainment. A Pig under the Earth element can devote himself to various professions.

Sometimes such people are very gullible. Many people around the Earth Pig take advantage of this and abuse her kindness.

As for love, not everything is so smooth here either. A woman will be loved by many, but often she will face lies, betrayal and disappointment. Tolerating the shortcomings of her loved one in love and accepting her own failures are her priorities in relationships with men.

Who will be lucky at work in 2019?

We have already found out which animal is the year of 2019 according to the horoscope, but what can we expect during this period and who will be most lucky in business?

This year will be successful for almost everyone. The Year of the Earth Pig promises debt repayment, abundance, a good life both financially and intellectually. The Tiger will be lucky this year. His affairs will go well. He will receive big dividends.

The same awaits the Horse. This year, representatives of this sign will acquire everything they dreamed of - an apartment, a car, etc.

The pig will not stand aside either. People born under this sign will experience happiness both in their personal lives and in their work. In addition, the Pig will receive a large sum of money or inheritance.

The Dragon will definitely be lucky too. It will sparkle in 2019. Thanks to his dexterity and agility, he will be able to get everything he wanted.

As for the Ox, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Dog and Rooster, everything is not as smooth as we would like. Representatives of all these signs will work tirelessly this year. It will be the hardest for the Snake and the Rooster. They will have difficulty climbing the financial ladder.

Everything will be smooth for the Cat in the year of the Earth Pig. He will feel safe throughout the entire period.

Who will be lucky in love in 2019?

To the question of what the next year 2019 will be like and what animal, we gave a detailed answer. Now let's talk about love.

  1. The dog will experience a lot of positive changes in 2019.
  2. Next year the pig needs to be kind and sympathetic. Only in this case will luck await representatives of this sign. In addition, the Pig should learn to recognize lazy people and deceivers. This year promises serious relationships and a wedding for single people. As for married couples, astrologers recommend that the Pig spend more time with his other half.
  3. The Rat will not have much luck this year. Good luck will come only to people in family relationships. There will be warmth, romance, and prosperity here. As for single people, this year the Rats will have many admirers, but none will want to start a family.
  4. The Ox and the Snake will not be lucky this year either in love or in financial matters. The desire to earn a lot of money will not give you the opportunity to build relationships.
  5. The same goes for Tiger. The Year of the Earth Pig promises him only good luck in material terms, but there will be no time left for love.

And only the Cat in 2019 will be able to combine both love and career. Everything will be sweet and smooth for this sign.

Dragons will have new relationships next year. Astrologers recommend that rapidly developing relationships be wary of this sign. For horses, like the Rooster, this year will bring good luck in love.

Astrologers advise the Goat to be more selective and careful. But to the Monkey, on the contrary, love will come by chance. Success in this relationship is guaranteed.

What can representatives of various zodiac signs expect in 2019?

We hope that what 2019 will be like for those looking for love and what animal (photo) symbolizes it is more or less clear. Now let’s talk about what awaits representatives of various zodiac signs in the near future.

  1. Lviv will have good luck both in work and study, and in love. However, this is not a reason to celebrate. 2019 will bring many surprises, including unpleasant ones. Any little thing can make Leos angry and cause depression. The worst thing is that it will ruin all the long-awaited plans. So, representatives of this sign should do more of their favorite activities and sports. This will improve your mood and protect you from stress.
  2. Virgos will discover several talents this year and show a penchant for creativity. Many useful acquaintances await representatives of this sign. New friends will help you realize all your plans. This year, astrologers recommend that Virgos focus on work.
  3. Aries will have promising prospects. Astrologers say that the year of the Pig will be on the rise for representatives of this sign. But you have to work hard for this. Therefore, you can forget about rest during this period. But life after will seem like a fairy tale.
  4. Taurus also has a chance to achieve a lot in 2019. However, to do this, they must stubbornly stick to their line. However, astrologers recommend being realistic and not striving for unattainable goals.
  5. For Gemini, the upcoming year is generally successful. However, this does not mean that you need to relax and do nothing. Only hard work and pursuit of goals will allow you to get a place in the sun. This year, Gemini can influence the distant future.
  6. The beginning of the year will be very anxious for Cancers, but by the end of the year they will feel confident. Events will change at the speed of light. Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign not lose their vigilance, otherwise they may fall out of life for a long time.
  7. This year will be very difficult for Libra. The problem is not the number of difficulties, but the manifestations of character. Indecision will rule in everything - both in work and in love.
  8. Scorpios, like Sagittarius and Capricorns, will have good luck this year. These are perhaps the only zodiac signs that will be driven by self-confidence and determination throughout 2019.
  9. Aquarius will spend the beginning of the year in confused feelings. He will grab onto many things, but will not complete one thing. Astrologers recommend immediately coming to your senses, becoming decisive and acting without delay.

Since last year was difficult for Pisces due to a lot of work, most likely in 2019 they will enjoy relaxation and rest on their laurels.

What awaits us in the New Year?

We have explained in detail what year 2019 will be according to the horoscope. Should we expect luck? 2019 is a great time to implement your plans. Therefore, for those who are engaged in business, this period is very successful. However, as they say, you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort, so you need to be confident and work hard. Otherwise, luck may pass you by.

Since the Pig is a very good-natured animal, it is recommended to avoid aggression and anger this year. Only kindness and responsiveness are a guarantee of the Earth Pig’s support. Next year, you should avoid criticizing other people, as well as throwing words to the wind.

It is worth noting that the coming year will be especially successful for industrialists and agricultural workers.

As for love and relationships, this period promises to be happy, especially for bachelors. Free people are guaranteed to be lucky and they will finally meet their love. Married couples will feel affection for their soul mates. The pig will bring love and harmony to all families.

All important issues are successfully resolved in March, October and June. At the beginning of the year, you need to pay special attention to your health. This period is favorable for getting rid of all unpleasant symptoms and diseases.

We gave a detailed answer to the question of which animal is the new year 2019, and also spoke in detail about the fate of representatives of different signs. In general, this year does not bode well. However, this does not mean that you need to sit back and wait for improvements. Work, work and more work! This is the motto of the Year of the Earth Pig.

Look video with the characteristics of the Pig sign:

According to eastern calendar, each year has its own original symbol in the person of some animal or mythical character. There are twelve such signs in total: Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rat, Rooster, Pig, Snake, Horse, Dog, Tiger, Dragon, Ox and Rabbit.

They all have a certain meaning and are distinguished by their individual influence on people born under their auspices. Together, these symbols form time periods of twelve years, which have been repeated for three thousand years.

As is already known, the coming 2019 will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), which, thanks to its flexible and patient disposition, promises to bring many positive changes to the life of every person.

During this period, people will find long-awaited calm, become more reasonable, and will finally be able to understand themselves by discovering previously unknown facets of their own personality.

  • Will begin the year is February 5, 2019, and ends January 24, 2020.
  • Element of this year- Earth.
  • Color- yellow.

People born during this period will have warmth and kindness, as well as excellent organizational skills, which will bring success in business and work. The sign of the Earth Pig gives a person many positive qualities, including devotion, forbearance, and the ability to competently plan his life.

These people are too sociable. This quality sometimes puts them on the wrong path. If you don’t turn in the right direction in time, then your whole life, which has been getting better for so long, can go downhill. People born in the year of the Earth Pig are sometimes addicted to alcohol and other equally harmful habits. The task of parents whose children were born between February 5, 2019 and January 24, 2020 is to develop the ability to firmly adhere to their position and not follow other people’s lead.

It’s worth mentioning the endurance of such people. They are able to survive any difficulties on the way to their goal, withstand all the hardships, and overcome stress.

The Earth Pig's motto is “walk until you get there.”

Those born during this period are devoted people. They will never turn away from a person who needs help and support. Such people are full of energy, which gives them the opportunity to move themselves in the right direction and become a good example for others.

Dictatorship is not their path. The ambitions of people born under the sign of the Earth Pig will never exceed the limits of physical and moral capabilities. Boars, born under the element Earth, are very good and loyal friends. They are reliable employees, hard workers and fair bosses.

Earth Pig will always think before taking desperate measures. They are dependent on the material world, they love luxury and expensive things. They will never refuse a feast and entertainment. A Pig under the Earth element can devote himself to various professions.

Sometimes such people are very gullible. Many people around the Earth Pig take advantage of this and abuse her kindness.

As for love, not everything is so smooth here either. A woman will be loved by many, but often she will face lies, betrayal and disappointment. Tolerating the shortcomings of her loved one in love and accepting her own failures are her priorities in relationships with men.

People born in the year of the Earth Pig (Boar)

People who are lucky enough to be born in the year of the Pig are always distinguished by pragmatism and high intelligence. You can always confidently entrust even the most complex tasks to them, without fear for the quality of their implementation. Representatives of this sign are very punctual, but at the same time do not tolerate irresponsible behavior on the part of others.

If it happens that at work or in his personal life such a person meets a person without stable moral principles, their paths will most likely diverge.

Pigs are very trusting and often take manipulations from others at face value. They should be very careful in the area business relations, because it is there, most often, that ill-wishers try, if not to harm, then at least to shoulder part of their responsibilities on others. Each such case must be stopped immediately, not allowing one to take advantage of one’s good nature.

Those born under the sign of the Pig will never weave intrigues against others or deceive loved ones for their own benefit. These are truly devoted people whose friendship you can be proud of. They will not leave you in trouble and will always help, no matter what the cost.

Often such dedication plays a cruel joke on them, dragging them into unpleasant situations, but this only emboldens them.

IN family life Boars feel unusually comfortable. These are those soul mates who are always ready to support their partner in absolutely any endeavor. They plunge headlong into worries to achieve their goals, sparing neither effort nor money. In return, representatives of this sign demand very little: sincere love and honesty from their life partner is enough for them.

Astrologers recommend that such people be very careful in choosing partners and close associates. Each applicant for a place next to you should be carefully checked before revealing your most secret things to him. You should not allow everyone you meet to take advantage of your generosity and friendliness, because subsequent betrayal can cause deep emotional wounds.

What awaits people of different signs in the Year of the Pig?

So, 2019 is coming, we already know which animal represents it according to the horoscope. This is a Pig (Earth Boar). But how will this year affect people? What to expect from him?


So, astrologers and other experts for Rats (people born in the year of the Rat) predict successful endeavors in business and the financial spectrum. There won't be too many changes coming for them. After all, Pigs, as you know, are very lazy animals, so there shouldn’t be any strong shocks.

It is also worth considering the fact that Rats and Pigs are friends in “life”. They live together in the barn and other outbuildings. We can conclude that 2019 is a very favorable and comfortable time for the Rat. They should not worry - there should not be major changes unless the person himself wants to bring them into his life.


The year will also turn out quite well for bulls. In their professional activities, only favorable changes in fate await them. After all, Bulls and Pigs are to some extent “related” representatives of cattle.


Who do you think will be the luckiest in the Year of the Pig? Chinese horoscope predicts good luck for all representatives of the Tigers. They will be lucky both in winnings and in relationships with their soulmate.

There may be some positive change in your professional activities. Tigers in the year of the Pig can feel very comfortable, because Boars are wary of these large feline animals.


It seems that Pigs are twinned with Rabbits. After all, for the Rabbit, 2019 will be very fruitful in love relationships. For single representatives of this sign, Chinese sages promise new love relationships, and for married couples, a new addition to the family or the purchase of their own real estate is coming.

The only negative thing for Rabbits in the Year of the Pig is the possibility of a sharp increase in body weight. Therefore, astrologers recommend moving more and eating less.


For Dragons, 2019 will not be such a successful year in terms of love. The main thing to remember is do not get into conflicts and try to turn them into a joke. It is worth paying attention to yourself and your nerves, because dragons are very “flammable”.

Among the positive aspects for the Dragons, it is worth noting the fortune playing on their side, as well as possible career growth.


Astrologers are favorable to snakes in 2019. A lot of positive emotions and events await them, among which it is worth highlighting a significant increase in income. If a representative of this sign takes a risk and takes advantage of the chance from fate, then his reward will be enough for more than one year of life without financial hassle.

For Snakes, without exaggeration, the year of the Snake is one of the luckiest. And even in family relationships, the stars promise them only minor troubles around the house and in relationships with children. We can say that the Yellow Pig will support the Snake in all areas of life.


For Horse representatives, the Year of the Pig will be no less successful than for the Snakes. The stars promise them a major financial purchase. This could be like an acquisition. real estate, as well as the purchase of shares or a company. Of course, before buying, the Horse will have to plow a lot (as the proverb says).


Goats will experience a real surge of vital energy and strength in 2019. They will be successful in absolutely all endeavors, both at official work and in family and household matters. But sometimes Goats will fall into small bouts of sadness. This is necessary in order to somehow recover.

Communication with relatives and their all possible support will help raise the mood and vital spirit of the Goat.


Monkeys will experience changes in everything in 2019. The Year of the Pig can be called a real reboot for them. New emotions in family life, replenishment of the bank of friends, promotion at work, increased income, emotional rest, new hobbies - all this is promised by the stars for Monkeys in the coming 2019.

The Monkey and the Pig will be able to solve all their financial problems, will have a lot of rest and communicate with friends.


For Roosters, 2019 will not be as cloudless as for the Monkey. There will be difficulties, but they can be avoided if you initially make friends with the Pig. You need to not only work, but also relax, and you shouldn’t react too harshly to the opinions of others. Then 2019 could be a very successful year for the Roosters.

Pigs (Boars)

Everyone is probably wondering what the year of the Boar will bring to the Pig itself. So, nothing unusual, if I may say so. Only good and positive things await Pigs in 2019. We can say that they will be lucky in everything and always.

The pig is a symbol of monetary well-being and new financial opportunities. It is no coincidence that piggy banks are made all over the world in the shape of a pig. 2019 will be especially fruitful for people involved in farming, agricultural production and farming.


How to celebrate New Year 2019

It is best to celebrate the coming year of the Earth Pig (Boar) with your family or the company of your closest friends. These should be the people you value most. Only by creating a familiar, favorable atmosphere will you be able to fully enjoy all the delights of this joyful holiday.

The festive table on this gala evening should not be affected by any restrictions. There can be everything here, from the most exquisite meat dishes to all kinds of salads and desserts. This evening you can completely forget about diets and the fear of extra pounds, everything you eat will definitely be used for future use.

Video horoscope

What colors to celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019

We’ve sorted out the characteristics of the sign, now we need to find out how to greet it correctly New Year 2019 earthen pig (boar). The sign itself favors everyone that it will protect the harvests in 2019, protecting the earth. It is best to give preference to outdoor recreation throughout the year and fresh air Thus, hiking in the forest and mountains, on the contrary, will bring more happiness and success.

As for starting a family, in 2019 the best option for love. The brown (yellow) pig will protect all those who have already found a second soulmate, and will also help everyone find their soul mate. The keeper of the sign, the Pig, favors everyone to realize their dreams without thinking twice.

The color of the earthen Pig welcomes:

  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • as well as shades of merging colors.

Therefore, variations of colors and the answer to what to meet the earthen pig in 2019 lean toward yellow-green colors, as well as brown. They should prevail in your wardrobe, meeting, and especially in New Year's Eve. You should celebrate 2019 only with those with whom you have friendly and strong relationships, especially in terms of business. This will help attract good luck.

For many countries in the world, a pig is a piggy bank for saving money. Therefore, having an abundance of savings will help you achieve financial stability. A more favorable 2019 will happen if a person is busy agriculture and earth. Businessmen experience even greater success than in the year of the dog. And the risks of losing sums of money are minimized, because restraint and work are one of the rules of 2019. Business contacts and attracting business partners will be much easier, even if you don’t know the person.

What awaits us in the New Year?

We have explained in detail what year 2019 will be according to the horoscope. Should we expect luck? 2019 is a great time to implement your plans. Therefore, for those who are engaged in business, this period is very successful. However, as they say, you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort, so you need to be confident and work hard. Otherwise, luck may pass you by.

Since the Pig is a very good-natured animal, it is recommended to avoid aggression and anger this year. Only kindness and responsiveness are a guarantee of the Earth Pig’s support. Next year, you should avoid criticizing other people, as well as throwing words to the wind.

It is worth noting that the coming year will be especially successful for industrialists and agricultural workers.

As for love and relationships, this period promises to be happy, especially for bachelors. Free people are guaranteed to be lucky and they will finally meet their love. Married couples will feel affection for their soul mates. The pig will bring love and harmony to all families.

All important issues are successfully resolved in March, October and June. At the beginning of the year, you need to pay special attention to your health. This period is favorable for getting rid of all unpleasant symptoms and diseases.

We gave a detailed answer to the question of which animal is the new year 2019, and also spoke in detail about the fate of representatives of different signs. In general, this year does not bode well. However, this does not mean that you need to sit back and wait for improvements. Work, work and more work! This is the motto of the Year of the Earth Pig.

Look video with the characteristics of the Pig sign:

In order to find out which animal is in 2019 and get to know its character and habits better, we suggest taking a fascinating astrological excursion prepared by oriental specialists.

Characteristics of the Earth Pig

According to a common stereotype, a representative of this zodiac sign is the personification of not the best human qualities. However, this opinion is not entirely fair. According to astrologers, those born in the year of the Pig are kind and sincere people with many positive characteristics. First of all, these are disciplined and responsible organizers who often achieve great success in business, and their devotion and forbearance contribute to building strong and trusting family relations.

Sociability is another strong quality of people born in the year of the Pig. Thanks to their sociability, they almost always find mutual language with others. One can also envy their endurance, which helps them survive any life shocks with minimal losses.

The weak point of Earth Boars is their dependence on material comfort. Excessive ambitions and an unbridled desire for enrichment often lead them down a disastrous path. In addition, those born under the sign of the earth element cannot refuse entertainment and friendly feasts, which can have an extremely negative impact on their health and future career.

As for relationships with the opposite sex, not everything is so rosy here either. Those who, according to the eastern calendar, were born in the year of the Pig do not experience difficulties in finding a couple, however, due to their gullibility, they often find themselves betrayed and deceived. However, one should not despair, because in order to find happiness in a love relationship, it is enough for them to be more careful when choosing a life partner.

Career: who will be lucky in 2019?

Astrologers say that in professional field The coming year will be successful for almost all zodiac signs. However, the Earth Pig also has its favorites.

Generally speaking, the mistress of 2019 promises well-being in business and financial stability. Among other zodiac signs, Tigers will receive the greatest dividends.

They will not be able to complain about the Pig and Horse. In the coming year, representatives of this sign will achieve almost everything they dreamed of. This applies to both professional and personal spheres of life.

Pigs and Dragons will not be left without attention. Their innate charisma, initiative and agility will help to attract good luck to their side, which will accompany them in any endeavor.

As for the Dog, Rooster, Goat, Monkey, Ox and Snake, not everything is as rosy as we would like. Representatives of the listed signs will have to make a lot of effort to end the year on a positive note. According to most astrologers, the Rooster and Snake will face particular difficulties. It is possible that to resolve financial issues they will need the help of loved ones.

The stars promise cats and pigs a year of calm and stability. During this period they will feel completely safe. Many of the representatives of these signs will be able to climb to the top of the career ladder and find reliable business partners.

Unlucky in career, lucky in love

In terms of romantic relationships and starting a family, 2019 will also be favorable for almost all signs of the zodiac circle. Perhaps the only exceptions in this regard are the same Snake and Bull. For them next year will bring some disappointments. In an effort to patch up your financial holes as quickly as possible, issues of your personal life will remain unresolved.

The year will also be changeable for Rats. Those representatives of the sign who want to get married will be disappointed, but family “rodents” will experience a period of warmth, romance and prosperity.

In 2019, the stars predict a lot of positive changes for the dog, which may well become fateful. But the Pig should exercise maximum caution. Only in this case will she be able to avoid being deceived by her other half. As for married couples, astrologers advise them to spend more time together. Joint leisure It will not only strengthen marital ties, but also add a much-needed touch of romance to them.

The coming year will present a colossal number of pleasant and sometimes unexpected surprises to Cats, Dragons, Roosters and Horses. Many representatives of this quartet will be able to find the perfect balance in love. Success in relationships with a partner is also guaranteed for Monkeys. But the heavenly bodies recommend to the Goat to show maximum vigilance, since not all acquaintances and sympathies promise a pleasant romantic continuation.

How to attract good luck in 2019?

To please the hostess of 2019, you need to take into account her character and preferences. Since the Pig is very good-natured, it is recommended to avoid any manifestations of anger and aggression. Criticism and hurtful words towards others will not bring anything good. In order to attract happiness and good luck into your home, you need to be calm and emotionally restrained in all matters. All important issues should be resolved only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

What color of clothing to choose to celebrate the Year of the Earth Pig is no less topical issue for many Russians. Unlike its predecessor - Yellow Dog, the spirit animal of 2019 is not so picky. Thus, in order to like “Piggy”, it is not at all necessary to use exclusively yellow in your wardrobe. In a festive outfit, the following shade variations are quite acceptable:

  • gray and metallic;
  • brown;
  • brown and dark burgundy.

Although there is not too much color variety, the Yellow Earth Pig encourages color combinations. Using your imagination, you can easily create an attractive New Year’s image that will become a real decoration for the holiday.

It is not difficult to calculate this using the eastern calendar. From February 6, 2019, the Yellow Earthen Pig (or Boar) will begin to rule. People born during her reign will have excellent oratory skills, an easy-going character, an innate sense of humor and justice, and a love of freedom. From an early age they will be considered welcome guests in any home.

What traits are inherent in Pig people?

Decency, friendliness, generosity, sociability, hospitality, the desire to maintain order in everything - this is just an incomplete list positive traits character of people born in the year of the Pig. In addition, representatives of the symbol know how and love to work, and also analyze everything carefully, so they almost never have problems with finances. A good taste and the desire to follow fashion allows them to always look very elegant, to the envy of others.

But Pig people have traits that prevent them from living. This is a little naivety, excessive credulity and gullibility. It is because of them that representatives of the sign often cannot correctly understand their partner and his intentions, and therefore create relationships with unworthy people. As for the family, it is best for Boars to start one with Rabbits or Sheep. You can choose any profession, the main thing is that it is related to the provision of quality service and high service.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2019?

Now that we have dealt with the question of which animal year 2019 is according to the eastern calendar, it remains to find out which sign will be lucky in the new period. In fact, everyone who doesn’t shirk from work. So, Rats can safely start any financial projects; there will be no problems with them. Oxen should count on success in their careers; the main thing is not to forget to take care of their health and spend more time with their family. Tigers will be lucky in love and winnings all year.

The Yellow Pig has a surprise in store for the Rabbits. In 2019, they should hope either to meet a person who can become the meaning of life, or to have healthy children. The only thing is that the Rabbit man should monitor his diet more carefully so as not to gain overweight. Brilliant Dragons will also be lucky in the New Year. Fame and climbing the career ladder await them. But, unfortunately, the Earth Pig will cook for them an unpleasant surprise. Problems will happen in your personal life: either stagnation in relationships or troubles with your significant other.

For Snakes, 2019 will be successful financially; in the new period they will experience a significant increase in income. The Yellow Pig will support any of their endeavors. Horses will be able to make a long-planned large purchase in the form of real estate or securities. But only if they put in all the necessary efforts. And here gambling they will not be brought to any good. Goat people will also succeed in everything at home and at work, the main thing is that they can overcome attacks of melancholy. This can be done through communication with a pleasant person and leading an active life.

Monkey people will be able to find a new hobby and expand their circle of acquaintances. The Yellow Pig will help them resolve any financial problems. The Patroness of 2019 will not ignore her true charges. They will succeed in everything with ease. Only Roosters and Dogs can be unlucky. The first, in order to stay afloat, will have to work a lot: physically and intellectually, and also keep negative emotions to themselves. Dogs, on the contrary, should pay more attention to themselves and their loved ones.

How to celebrate 2019 according to the Eastern calendar?

To attract good luck in 2019, you need to meet his Patroness correctly. It is advisable to decorate your home beautifully before January 31 using yellow decorations. And also place images of the Pig on furniture, walls or ordinary mirrors. Do-it-yourself toys in the shape of this animal placed in the interior will not be superfluous. In addition, you can place holly leaves, acorns, Christmas tree or pine branches, and so on everywhere.

It is better to celebrate the New Year 2019 in an evening suit made of muted yellow fabric. In this case, it is advisable for women to wear jewelry made of gold or gilding (for example, a chain or bracelet), and for men to add created image any small detail of a similar shade to them. This could be, for example, a buckle, tie clip or ring. When it comes to jewelry, it is better to give preference to those made with yellow stones: citrine, amber, beryl, etc.

What can you cook for the New Year 2019?

Many different dishes should be served on the New Year's table in 2019, as the Earth Pig loves abundance. They can be prepared from any product except pork. But it is desirable that the color yellow predominates on the table. Therefore, you should add more vegetables of this color to your dishes. These could be, for example, squash, carrots, lemons, bananas, and so on. Fish can also be served, but in small quantities. One salad “Herring under a fur coat” will be enough. Well, for dessert you can serve baked goods made in the shape of a pig. This is even necessary to please the patroness of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig.

On the night from December 31 to January 1, we celebrate the arrival of the new year 2019. And according to the eastern calendar, the new year will begin only on February 5, when the Yellow Earth Pig, a wise and fair ruler, will ascend to the throne. How will its appearance affect our lives? What principles will Piggy be guided by in his reign?

According to the horoscope for 2019, the Yellow Pig does not intend to play the role of a tough reformer. Yes, there will be some changes, but overall Piggy is conservative. Her mission is different: Pig dreams of giving happiness to each of her charges, and in this desire she is adamant. She will make sure that in 2019 we solve our problems and make even our wildest dreams come true.

However, the energetic Yellow Pig will not allow anyone to sit idly by. Do you want wealth and success? - Please do a good job. However, immediately forget about any illegal or dishonest tactics. The Earth Pig will not tolerate deception, and anyone who disobeys her will pay in full for it. The pig has an amazing instinct, so in 2019 we should listen to our intuition.

Horoscope for 2019 according to zodiac signs

Piggy loves holidays and fun. She never sits still, she always has a lot of ideas. But at the same time, she loves to return to her cozy nest. Only there can she completely relax and gain strength for a new day. The pig enjoys arranging, cleaning and decorating the house and wants her subjects to follow her example.

By eastern horoscope, the Year of the Pig completes a 12-year cycle. In this regard, 2019 is given special significance. This is a period of introspection, correction of mistakes and completion of all started projects. It's time to improve relationships with loved ones, solve family problems and finally do what has always been put on the back burner.

In 2019, each of us has a huge responsibility. Therefore, it is advisable, even before the arrival of the Yellow Pig, to have in hand a more or less clear plan of action for each month of its reign. Events will change at a dizzying speed. In this whirlpool it is easy to miss something important. That is why it is necessary to make a list of tasks for the year in advance.

Find out the horoscope for each month of 2019 by zodiac sign:

The Earth Pig is an intellectual. She supports any endeavors related to self-education and obtaining a profession. The horoscope reports that 2019 is favorable for everything that contributes to personal development and the acquisition of new useful knowledge and skills, including reading books, attending seminars, and traveling.

Overall, 2019 will be bright, eventful, and memorable. Dear Piggy will bring us a lot of interesting meetings and new acquaintances. It will give you a sea of ​​opportunities for self-realization and achieving any goals. She will put everything in its place, make us look at the world from a different angle and teach us to enjoy every day.

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2019:

Horoscope for 2019: career and business

Despite being conservative, the Yellow Pig has nothing against rapid career growth or entrepreneurial development. On the contrary, she is ready to clear the way for us to the goal, to bring us the right people. Everyone will have a chance to earn a promotion or achieve excellent results in their own business. According to the horoscope, the year of the Earth Pig is excellent for promotion or moving to a new position. And if you have long thought that another profession would suit you better, it’s time to turn your life in the right direction. Don't be afraid of change and don't be lazy to explore new horizons!

Piggy will remove unnecessary obstacles from our path, and will also drive away the villains. The mumps does not prevent healthy competition, but any attempt to use fraudulent schemes makes her angry. However, the mistress of the year has too many worries. She cannot spend every minute of her time protecting her subjects from adversity. Therefore, we ourselves will have to constantly be on the alert. The stars recommend not to advertise your personal life and your plans among unfamiliar people.

According to the horoscope, there will be 2 difficult periods in 2019: February-March and October-November. Work problems will require maximum attention. Urgent projects will appear, difficulties will arise with clients and partners, and competing companies will become more active. It is better not to plan vacations, moving, renovations or other major issues during these months.

Both in work and in business in the Year of the Pig, the ability to get along with the team will play an important role. And even those who are accustomed to acting alone and relying only on their own strength in any task will have to get used to working together. This form of interaction is most effective, especially if you are the owner of your own business. Managing a large team is a real talent. If communication with staff is not easy for you, hire a good assistant manager. But only one you can completely trust.

Financial horoscope for 2019

Looking at the plump Pig, you cannot say that she has financial crises. The Mistress of the Year always eats well and spends three hours every day in the beauty salon, getting her hooves and bristles in order. She loves a beautiful life and wants us to not deny ourselves anything either. Therefore, she will send wealth to everyone who is willing to work hard.

The horoscope notes that the amount of earnings in 2019 will depend not only on hard work, but also on self-confidence. The higher your requests, the more money you can receive. If you don’t even dare to imagine yourself rich, alas, even the Yellow Pig is powerless here.

The main allies in the struggle for millionaire status are perseverance, flexibility, initiative, communication skills and self-discipline. The best results will be achieved by those who can adapt to changing conditions in a timely manner and quickly navigate an unfamiliar situation. In addition, a fresh look will be required. Old schemes are known to everyone, and new approaches open up paths that almost no one has used before.

Be that as it may, money will not flow into anyone’s hands on its own. You will need to work a lot, look for additional sources of income, sell something, try yourself in new areas. Many people are thinking about developing a personal business. The horoscope only asks you to carefully consider every decision, not to get involved in adventures and in no case to retreat at the first failures. If you stumble, don’t be upset. Look at it as a valuable experience that will allow you to allow less mistakes in future.

It’s not enough to earn money – you also need to be able to manage it correctly. Fortunately, the Yellow Pig is a born financier. She knows how to plan a budget, how to save money and where best to invest it. She will be happy to share this information with us in 2019.

The horoscope warns: financial well-being will not last forever, so you should not spend all the money you earn at once. Learn to save for a rainy day, and also direct part of the funds to some enterprise. Intuition will guide you in the right direction. Thanks to it, you can buy a car or a house at a profit, set up a business in a short time, take out a loan for good conditions and then quickly pay it off. Before you have time to look back, you have already become one of the local oligarchs.

Money loves thrifty people, so don’t waste it on trifles and be more careful when they ask you to borrow money. A promissory note does not always serve as a guarantee of timely repayment of funds. Lend money only to trusted people.

Attention! Despite the fact that the Earth Pig will try to scare away all ill-wishers, she will not stop them from envying and spreading gossip. Therefore, if you suddenly managed to quickly get out of “rags to riches”, it is advisable not to flaunt your successes for some time. Wait until your new position is established, and only then start showing off in Versace suits and posting photos from the Cote d'Azur on Instagram.

Love horoscope for 2019

Since 2019 is the last year in its cycle, some concrete results should be expected not only in business, but also in love. By the end of the year, each of us must decide on our heartfelt attachments. Pig hopes that by this time no one will be left alone. The Year of the Pig is favorable for communication, dating, flirting, and building serious relationships. The horoscope promises that not a single zodiac sign will have a reason to reproach Piggy for inattention. She will provide everyone with a sufficient number of fans. And you can rest assured: among them there will definitely be the very person with whom you are destined to live the rest of your life (or at least part of it).

As one would expect, the romantic mood will intensify in the spring, when the atmosphere itself is conducive to long walks and intimate conversations. Representatives of some signs will have a desire to go on dates every day and often change objects of attention. Be careful, because the Earth Pig values ​​constancy and a serious attitude above all. She doesn't like flighty personalities.

But, if you believe the horoscope, in 2019 even the most complex and insecure people will find a mate. The pig is a strong, determined and stubborn animal. She will share her qualities with us. Piggy will help you overcome embarrassment and take the first step. Relationships will develop easily and quickly.

By the way, the Yellow Pig will not deprive her family charges of romance. They suddenly want to go to the cinema, at a party, on the dance floor again. Mutual attentions, evening walks, wonderful candlelight dinners will return. In such a situation, why not arrange a second honeymoon somewhere by the warm sea!

Of all the relationships that will develop in 2019, the strongest will be those that are built on honesty, trust and respect. And couples that arise against the background of guile and calculation are, as a rule, short-lived. It has always been so, is and will be, and the Earth Pig will make sure that this rule is respected.

The horoscope believes that the main problem of all couples in 2019 will be jealousy. The year will be busy. Because of work, many will not have enough time for their loved one. And some will begin to accept courtship from the outside. Avoiding quarrels is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to show your chosen one that he is the only one for you, and remind him more often that you think about him, even if you are very busy.

Horoscope for 2019: family, children, home

In 2019, Pig has huge plans for you and me. She will not only find a life partner for everyone, but by the beginning of autumn she is expecting invitations from us to a wedding or even to a baby’s christening. According to the horoscope, the year of the Pig is also the year of the family. It is great for finding a soul mate, registering a marriage, planning and having children.

Speaking of children... Earth Pig - best friend Stork. She will agree that in 2019 her winged assistant will make almost every home happy. For some, the arrival of a baby will be an unexpected gift; for others, it will be an answer to many years of prayer. In any case, it’s time to prepare a children’s corner, buy a dowry and notify grandparents that they will soon be babysitting.

Every baby conceived or born this year will receive from Piggy good health, an inquisitive mind and a positive outlook on the world. He will grow up restless and stubborn. Such a child will certainly not be obedient, but from the first years of life he will begin to show purposefulness and a variety of Creative skills.

Interestingly, the Earth Pig is categorically against divorce. She doesn't like it when people run in different directions instead of sitting down calmly and discussing the problem, trying to understand each other. In 2019, the horoscope will send each such couple a million opportunities to improve their relationship. Learn to respect and listen to each other, look for common interests, spend more time together. And perhaps soon you will not remember that you were recently planning to get a divorce.

One of the main rules of 2019 is to be sure to bring some kind of novelty to your home. If you have the desire and financial opportunity, it is better to decide immediately for a major overhaul and a complete change of furniture. However, you can limit yourself to small things: buy new curtains, hang pictures, add a couple of beautiful little things for comfort.

In the Year of the Pig, noisy companies will gather in every house every now and then. The horoscope foresees frequent visits from friends and distant relatives. There will be a lot of gifts and long conversations. And even those who do not like to invite guests will have to come to terms with this state of affairs. Family and friendship connections are of great importance in 2019.

Do not waste time communicating with loved ones, because by and large they are the most important thing in our lives. Moreover, some of them can provide you with unexpected help. The horoscope believes that there is a high probability of receiving an inheritance. However, the relatives themselves may need your participation: either dig up the garden, or help with the move.

Health horoscope for 2019

2019 is a time of great achievements, and we have no right to be sick during this period. Fortunately, Pig knows how to keep illnesses at a respectful distance from himself. She herself is the embodiment of health and is ready to pass on her secrets to us.

The main principle of well-being is healthy image life. You should eat right: eat vegetables and fruits more often. The Earth Pig does not trust strict diets and fasting days. She believes that you can look good without going on a hunger strike, just give up unhealthy foods and move more.

The pig respects sports. In 2019, it is advisable for each of us to devote at least 2-3 hours a week to sports training. Ideally, training should take place outdoors. This could be football, volleyball, roller skating or regular morning jogging.

The Year of the Pig will perhaps be the busiest in the entire 12-year cycle. The pig expects us to complete all past affairs, start new projects, achieve success at work, earn a lot of money, find love, and at the same time be able to actively communicate with friends and help loved ones. And although the stars will endow us with solid energy potential, it may not be enough until the end of the year.

Some signs will begin to feel tired closer to autumn, others will begin to feel blue once every 2-3 months. The horoscope believes that everything depends on the ability to plan your schedule and leave room in it for rest and entertainment. The Yellow Earth Pig loves workaholics, but she wouldn’t want us to get completely bogged down in business. It is very important to relax regularly, relieve stress, and do something enjoyable. Otherwise, sooner or later there will be nervous tension, leading to apathy, depression and illness.

What is required for a good rest, everyone decides for themselves. Some people need to sit at a bar with friends, while others need to lie down on the sofa at home with a good book in their hands. However, both of them need a full 8 hours of sleep. Sleep restores strength and helps sort out thoughts.

Hobbies are also great ways to clear your head. They develop creative abilities, distract from problems, and allow you to look at things more broadly. And what is important is that hobbies give us great pleasure.