Eastern horoscope by month

Chinese horoscope, also called eastern, is highly accurate, because it is already more than three thousand years old. Observations in this area have improved, and knowledge has accumulated, so now we have a fairly accurate horoscope.

As the eastern sages say, the Year of the Dog is the year of the family, so 2018 will be the time when your whole life revolves around the people close to you. Everyone must care about the general happiness, otherwise this system can seriously fail. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be aimed at ensuring that everyone can take part in creating favorable conditions for the development of this minimal unit of society. Family should come first.

General forecasts for 2018

So, the Dog is a symbol of fidelity, friendship, love, honesty and respect for older generations. This wise Sign, very deep in its spiritual properties. In addition to the “animal affiliation,” each year has an affiliation with one of five elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal, Water. Each element gives a certain color to one or another animal symbol.

2018 is the time of the Earth element. This element combines incredibly harmoniously with the Dog, because the element of Earth is something unchangeable and heavy. The earth promotes better thinking and logic. Emotions will fade into the background, leaving room for pure material thinking. It will be much easier to work with numbers, but this does not mean that the money itself will go into your pocket. I'll have to use my head. Perhaps long and painful evenings surrounded by papers will be your salvation. Don't expect easy challenges and easy solutions.

If your work involves physical activity, then some problematic times may come, because the Dog helps restore energy, and the energy of the Earth makes its costs more significant. This suggests that you will have to correctly calculate your strengths, otherwise new beginnings will go well at first, and then you will be blown away.

This year will also not be very good for travel. The dog does not resist your wishes, but requires the desire to remain at home, surrounded by family and friends. Short-term work trips are a big compromise. Nothing bad will happen in a couple of days, so don’t be afraid to change the situation, especially if duty requires it. Luck will be on your side.

You should not interrupt processes whose power is higher than yourself. Sometimes love becomes such a force. Think twice before you do or say anything. If you behave peacefully enough, your loved ones will help you achieve your personal goals.

Thus, 2018 is a time of love, friendship, spiritual quest, and work. This will be a great time for everyone who knows how to set priorities correctly. If you do not break stereotypes, then everything will remain in its place.

Chinese horoscope according to Signs for 2018


If you were born in the year of the Rat, then get ready for the fact that your expectations will always exceed your capabilities. It will be very difficult for people of your type, but not because you will be haunted by failures, but because you will want mountains of gold. Learn to be content with little so as not to tolerate your self-reproaches. Be more forward-thinking and learn to be thrifty. Don't spend all your money at once, don't put love or friendship on the line.

The Dragon

People may be offended by you collectively, since you will stand apart. Your desires, your appearance, your ambitions - all this will mark you as a leader, but not one whom everyone respects. A little more diplomacy can change the course of things dramatically, so you will have to change yourself radically, making you think about others too. Teach yourself to put yourself in another person's shoes. Show everyone respect so that it will come back to you in double size. The beginning of the year will be especially difficult.


The time of those born under this Sign has passed. This is not forever, but you need to not focus on the negative now. It is better to postpone new beginnings until next year, but while the Dog rules the world, you need to concentrate more on your responsibilities. Do not travel far outside your home country. The element of Earth runs counter to your goals, so hide your primary personal tasks from everyone and don’t rely on help, because you might be betrayed.

Don't run ahead of the locomotive - life can hurt you if you don't look back. The past plays a very important role now. 2018 is a time of teamwork, and your hermit mentality will hinder you in everything: in love, business, finance. By the way, speaking of finances, it is better for the Bulls to plan their purchases of land in the year very scrupulously. One wrong move and you're in deep trouble. Life may give you a pleasant surprise, but you don't have to live with expectations.


For Snakes, the year of the Earth Dog can be very successful, despite the energetic dissonance. You may want to take revenge on someone because excellent conditions will be created for this. Think twice before making a mistake. Eastern sages advise Snakes in such times to refrain from any opportunities to cause chaos and destruction. It is very dangerous. Such actions greatly spoil your karma, and it is not to be trifled with if you do not want to lose luck for a long period of time.


Those born in the year of the Rooster are better off not going beyond their comfort zone in 2018. Strive to overcome your fears, but do it on a psychological level, without applying knowledge in practice. By the end of the year, conditions will change a little, so you can take a little risk by trying to make a knight move. Share the fruits of your labors with those without whom you could not achieve everything you have. Generosity is your salvation.


For Tigers, the Year of the Dog will be bad because your desire for privacy will be disrupted. Outsiders will constantly try to penetrate your comfort zone. Because this cannot be changed, you just need to accept it. Do not try to abstract yourself from people, because even the strongest among you will not be able to gain a privileged position and improve financial affairs without outside interference. The best way getting rid of obstacles - preventing them from appearing. It's easier to take care of defense rather than improve offense.


The Horse Sign and the Dog Sign do not combine well, because the first type of people strives for independence and loves to work, while the second does not like to work, but does it no matter what. For people born in the year of the Horse, there are no restrictions, which is very bad, since 2018 will impose them on you in full. You'd better take the easiest path. Obstacles in your path may appear for various reasons, but important point is a development in the future, not an analysis of the past. It's better to clear the path ahead than to clean up yesterday's trash.


This is your year, but don't think that everything will go smoothly. You need discipline to achieve your most ambitious goals. Don't try to live with expectations. Don't expect what you want to happen just like that. Nothing just comes, except maybe problems. In love and in business, you will need to choose the same path, the same model of behavior - work. Nothing will come without effort. But if you try, everything will come. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but all the pleasure comes from the process itself.


Rabbit and Dog are two complete opposites. This year will be very memorable for you, because you may have many enemies, many ill-wishers. Most breakups of friendships and love relationship occurs precisely during such periods. 2018 is a time of spiritual intimacy with ourselves. You will need to devote more time to meditation and spiritual quests. Having a diplomatic attitude will help you succeed in finding your soul mate and maintaining balance in your relationship.


The 2018 Year of the Earth Dog may disappoint you, but this does not mean that everything will be so bad. Selfishness and stubbornness may awaken in you. Find the strength to demonstrate generosity. Arrogant representatives of your Sign will be at a great disadvantage. The need for communication will not fade away, so stay close to the source of positive emotions. This could be your family or work team. Don’t stop yourself from enjoying life, don’t look for flaws in people.


The Year of the Dog will be good for you, because the environment will be perfect for creating new connections and increasing energy reserves. Your confidence will skyrocket, so don't be shy about success. In this case, it is better to be as restrained as possible. Many people may begin to envy you. As eastern observations say, during such periods it is better not to give empty promises and do not deceive anyone for your own benefit. Pettiness will not increase your chances of winning. You can stay afloat with honesty.

The era of the Fire Rooster ends with the arrival of 2018, which will be taken under the protection of the Yellow Earth Dog. This cute animal is famous for its devotion and love of justice: the guilty will certainly be punished, and a respectable person will receive generous gifts in the form of prosperity and luck.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 shows that the Dog will be able to reconcile even long-warring parties, thereby establishing long-awaited peace and harmony in the world.

It is noteworthy that the patroness of 2018 is female, which means that intuition, tenderness, and logic during this period will be fueled by cosmic energy and will become incredibly strong for some representatives.

All these feelings will help you find the desired happiness, which manifests itself in simple things: children, marriage, work. However, there is also a minus in that the owner of the year is a “woman” - all events will be characterized by inconstancy, fluctuation from bad to good.

Characteristics of the symbol of 2018

All descriptions of the Yellow Earth Dog come down to one thing - this sign is responsive, attentive, kind-hearted, it exudes comfort and warmth.

Family values ​​are incredibly important for the Dog, so next year you should devote more time to your family, share all your problems and sorrows, and solve difficult life problems together. Only such tactics will help you not to lose heart, not to despair, but to walk cheerfully along the paths of fate.

People born under the sign of the Dog are leaders and ringleaders by nature. They easily make new acquaintances, are not shy and do not withdraw into themselves. If they have set something in mind for themselves, they will definitely achieve success in their chosen field, despite all the obstacles and stones that befall them.

Of course, this quality deserves approval, but on the other hand, these people sometimes have a hard time, because the chosen direction may be wrong and not always lead to a positive result. And Dogs tolerate their mistakes very hard and are ready to correct them only at the end of the road, when there is nothing left to correct.

This sign has another visible drawback - laziness and indifference. In some cases, such behavior can have a bad impact on relationships with loved ones, because other people’s problems, at times, do not touch the soul of Dogs. To avoid quarrels in the family, you should suppress such a life position in yourself, be lenient towards the mistakes of another person, and be able to forgive.

As for laziness, there are days when even the most tempting offer does not seduce representatives of this sign and, due to such weakness, they may miss the most important gift prepared for them by fate.

What awaits representatives of the Eastern horoscope in 2018?

In order to understand how to manage your life and how to behave in certain situations, you should contact the East, who is able to show the right path. Many interesting and exciting events await us in 2018, but there will also be plenty of challenges.


In the period under review, people born under this sign will be at the center of constant conflicts, and they will not act as instigators. This is especially true for women, because they are also brawlers.

At the beginning of the year, major financial problems are possible that can unsettle you. The stars warn against loans - do not give money, because there will be no return. Towards the end of autumn, some Rats will begin an office romance, naively believing that it will develop into something more.


Representatives of this sign will literally resist with all their invisible “horns,” because the mistress of the year will force them to obey her laws. It will be hard for those Oxen who occupy high official positions - they are accustomed to unlimited power and prefer that all their demands be fulfilled without arguing. But the Dog will break the difficult character of such people, thereby dealing a severe blow to their pride.


Tigers in 2018 will show themselves to be real angels. They will moderate their ardor and ambition and begin to obediently carry out all the tasks prepared for them by the inventor Dog. Such laziness and indifference will not last long - with the arrival of spring, Tigers will show their true nature as a predator.

Perhaps someone will decide to open their own business or risk investing money. Surprisingly, such a risk will be justified, because at the end of the year it will be possible to collect the first fruits. In the autumn, health may deteriorate, so it is advisable to take preventive measures.


If last year the Rabbits worked hard, then this coming year they can allow themselves to relax and not chase the “carrot”. Representatives of this sign expect complete financial stability, mutual understanding with colleagues, and respect from their superiors. And your significant other will give you all-consuming love and warmth.

The only thing you should pay attention to in 2018 is health. It can be seriously affected even after a common cold. The stars foretell problems with the gastrointestinal tract and frequent visits to specialized doctors. Ladies should dress warmly in cold weather, otherwise diseases related to the genital organs will arise.

The Dragon

2018 will be a busy and varied year for those born under the sign of the Dragon. This is not to say that all events will be painted in colorful tones. Especially many unpleasant situations will happen in the family. Close person can “trip” the Dragon, thereby greatly upsetting him.

As for the financial side, it will not upset the representatives of this sign, but on the contrary, it will please them. A promotion is possible at work, and your own business will bring a good annual profit. At the end of the year, Dragons will meet a person who will literally turn their lives around for the better.


During the period under review, people of this sign need to keep their ears open, because the mistress of the year will decide to play with them. Every now and then she will give the Snakes various surprises, not always pleasant. On the one hand, the Dog will give financial well-being and career growth, on the other hand, it will take away peace and mutual understanding from the family.

Probably, this category of people may have problems with the opposite sex, but by the end of the year the situation will change, and many Snakes will finally be able to find a family. Health, in principle, will not be a concern, but preventive measures still will not hurt.


In 2018, Horses will discover a lot of new talents that will become excellent helpers in later life. They will spend the entire time in euphoria: from adventures, pleasant acquaintances, new projects and other intriguing events.

In the summer, Horses can start a major renovation that will unite the whole family and show who can do what. In the fall, it is advisable to go on a trip with the whole family and take a break from the passions that raged during the renovation.


At the beginning of the year, the Goat will not notice problems, her behavior will amaze you with recklessness, because she will fall in love. Not necessarily a new person, it could be a spouse, but feelings will surge in a new way.

Interesting projects and tasks are expected at work that can bring good profits. It is advisable not to spend the received monetary reward immediately, but to postpone it for some time, because financial difficulties will probably begin in the middle of the year. But even this situation will not allow enterprising Goats to start their own business at the end of the year.


In order not to be on the verge of ruin, frisky and risky Monkeys must moderate their ardor and try not to follow their desires.

The Dog loves family people, so the Monkey needs to spend more time with his family. Astrologers foresee a new dangerous love that will result in financial difficulties over the next few years. If representatives of this sign think thoughtfully, the money pit will be avoided.


The Rooster will spend the entire 2018 at work, but this will not upset him, because for his work he will receive a fabulous profit.

Of course, something will have to be sacrificed and the Roosters will decide to spend less time with their family. Fortunately, they are surrounded by understanding people who will always support and help. In the middle of the period under review, it is better to retire for a while and go to the sea.

Astrologers characterize the 2018 Year of the Dog as a time of wisdom, justice and good luck. The eastern horoscope will tell everyone about what awaits them in 2018, what measures to take to find happiness, and what to leave in the past.

In 2018, everyone can get what they want. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to pay attention to family matters. For those who can create comfort in their home, start a family, or wait for a long-awaited addition, the patron will serve faithfully. A detailed forecast will give you the opportunity to plan the coming 12 months to achieve your goals.


Rats in 2018 will not be bothered by health problems. Representatives of your Sign will only need to undergo a full examination in a timely manner to identify the onset of the disease. This will help you quickly cope with the disease. As for finances, only honesty and hard work will save Rats in this direction. If you decide to embark on adventures or cheat, you will lose the protection of the owner of the year - the Dog. Consistency and extreme modesty will give Rats the opportunity to stand firmly on their feet and receive good financial income in the second half of the year. In love, representatives of your Sign are not recommended to encroach on the property of others. Don't get involved with people who are in relationships. This could get you into big trouble. Lonely Rats will definitely be lucky in love. Under the auspices of the Dog, you can create a strong couple based on trust and mutual understanding.


In 2018, Bulls will have an increased likelihood of developing stress. To prevent the occurrence of such a condition, astrologers recommend that Oxen lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits. Monetary well-being can be earned by those representatives of the Sign who work hard. Financial stability will not be shaken if the Bulls stop counting on money that they have not yet earned. Don’t try to be on time everywhere, the quality of your work will suffer and you will lose your well-deserved reward. In career growth, Oxen need caution. High positions will require impeccable business management from you. The patron of the year will not stand on ceremony with swindlers. In love, astrologers advise Oxen to maintain harmonious relationships and not flaunt their happiness. Cozy family gatherings will bring you together. Lonely representatives need to win the heart of the person they like using their merits. Do not exaggerate the possibilities, otherwise an alliance based on lies will quickly fall apart.


Tigers will need increased immunity to maintain health. Do not disdain folk methods, and also plan a vacation near the sea coast. Strengthening your health will allow you to do your business fruitfully and not give up plans due to colds. A large influx of finance is not expected in 2018, however, the Tigers should not be afraid of difficulties. Your work will be adequately paid, and your career will slowly but surely develop in a way that is beneficial to you. Respect will be achieved by those representatives who lead people, giving them the opportunity to express themselves. Do not try to outshine your colleagues, otherwise gossip behind your back will prevent further development. In 2018, there should be no room for quarrels in Tiger relationships. If you start the year with conflicts, then you cannot avoid problems in your relationships. Lonely representatives of the Sign will have luck in the middle of the year. Don't miss the opportunity to create a strong couple.


In Rabbits, this may occur due to high energy consumption and poor nutrition. Astrologers recommend monitoring the digestive tract in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. By preventing the onset of a serious illness, you will win in all respects. In career growth and promotion wages Rabbits will have difficulties. You will have to spend money more economically so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation. Close people and your own experience will come to your aid. By proving yourself to be a diligent worker, you can count on attractive bonuses at the end of the year. In the personal life of Rabbits, according to astrologers, a new stage will begin, filled with happiness and sincere mutual feelings. Even single people will not be left out. A dog prepares for you a life full of romance and pleasure. The only thing that can darken the idyll is your selfishness. Learn to make compromises so that your relationship is an example to follow.

The Dragon

The Dragons are plagued by injuries in 2018. Due to their irrepressible energy, Dragons can cause serious damage to health. Avoid drinking strong drinks. They will be superfluous in your life, which is already in full swing. In financial matters, Dragons must moderate their desire to spend money on their own whims. Otherwise, the Dog will let you know that you are moving in the wrong direction. Money difficulties are expected in the second half of the year. A shopping plan and smart spending will help you avoid being strapped for cash. Work will play an important role in the life of Dragons. By mastering your character and showing perseverance, you will avoid mistakes and be able to rise in the eyes of your superiors. In love, it is important for representatives of your Sign to maintain harmony. Scandals and conflicts will not bring clarity to life, but it may be possible to bring the matter to a divorce. Singles in search of a soul mate need to remember that strong mutual love will give happiness. Light flirting will not get you what you want.


In 2018, Snakes need to create conditions under which they can earn a stable income, build a career and relationships. First of all, astrologers recommend strengthening immune system so as not to be distracted by annoying troubles in the form of a cold or other diseases. The financial situation of the Snakes will be very attractive. The Patron Dog will give you the opportunity to stand firmly on your feet and begin a rapid rise up the career ladder. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and take a stand. Purposefulness and honesty are held in high esteem in 2018. In relationships, Snakes need to be careful. Representatives of the fair sex can be persistent, and men will have to seek the attention of their chosen one with all their might. Astrologers recommend that married couples hold on to each other and overcome crisis situations together.


2018 will be an active year for Horses. As a result, they may often feel tired and stressed. Timely rest and positive emotions will help you avoid a negative state. You should often be around close people who can support you. Financial success awaits Horses in the spring. At this time, you can safely make large purchases, but first collect all the information about the product you are purchasing, otherwise dissatisfaction due to the quality not meeting your expectations cannot be avoided. In relationships, representatives of your Sign will not have it as easy as they would like. Astrologers warn about the difficulties that you have to overcome together with your partner. This will bring you closer and help keep your love alive. Lonely Horses will have interesting acquaintances in 2018, which could turn into a long-term romance and even a wedding.


In 2018, astrologers recommend that Goats pay attention to their health status. You worked successfully in 2017, so your immunity requires care. Don't forget that a cold can deprive you of the activity you need to take active steps towards achieving well-being. In terms of finances, Goats expects a very successful year. You will be able to climb the career ladder and stand firmly on your feet thanks to the support of loved ones. The stars promise success for Goats, but self-indulgence and the desire to spend money on unnecessary things can become a source of problems for you. In personal relationships, it is important for representatives of your Sign to remain themselves. Your extraordinary mind and natural charm will be captivating, and your sincere desire to create a couple will result in a happy union. Married couples can safely plan a replenishment. Your business will go uphill, so the financial side of life will not bother you.


Monkeys will avoid health problems in 2018. Such luck will be in your favor, and you will be able to seriously engage in career growth. The only exceptions are injuries. Astrologers recommend that representatives of your Sign be careful and strictly follow safety precautions. Monkeys' financial affairs will go uphill, and career growth is possible if you show professionalism and take advanced training courses. New knowledge will expand the boundaries of your capabilities. In relationships, Monkeys should remember that they love you not for who you say you are, but for who you really are. Having understood simple truth, representatives of this Sign will not experience a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Family Monkeys should keep personal relationships from prying eyes, otherwise they will pay close attention to your partner, which will cause you to have attacks of jealousy and discontent.


For good luck in 2018, Roosters should give up bad habits that can lead to the development of diseases. Astrologers recommend that representatives of your Sign lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods. In terms of money, the Roosters will only have difficulties if they strive for an unrealistic ideal. The stars promise you good luck, but you don't need to focus on your surroundings. There will be enough money, and with rational spending you will be able to afford a lot. In terms of relationships, it’s time for single Roosters to spread their luxurious plumage and begin to actively seek the attention of the person they like. IN family relationships create harmony, care for your other half and support her in difficult situations. Patron of the Year The Dog is friendly towards married couples and will definitely help you.


Dogs definitely need to rest in 2018. Choose a time to go on vacation with your loved ones. Otherwise, nervous breakdowns, lack of sleep and, as a result, poor health are guaranteed. Dogs will receive monetary luck from the patron of the year. However, remember that you need to make an effort not to miss the chance to become financially independent. There will be more than enough opportunities. Pay attention to the offers you receive from your superiors. Don't avoid responsibility, get it additional education, and you will be able to apply for high positions with a good salary. Great love is just around the corner for representatives of your Sign, and it is important for lonely Dogs not to miss the harbingers of love. Married couples may have to prove their feelings, but after overcoming the crisis in your relationship, you can enjoy the cloudless happiness of life together.

What will a Dog bring into our lives? Astrologers characterize her as a wise, fair, judicious Mistress of the Year. And this sounds optimistic, because it gives hope for positive changes, for opening prospects for achieving success through understandable means and methods, for an increase in truth and decency in our world. However, some may perceive the character of the astrological Dog incorrectly or incorrectly.

Year Earth Dogs won't be perfect or too complicated. Although under the rule of the new Mistress, different events will take place, different circumstances will develop... And what exactly this time promises for each of us will tell Eastern horoscope for 2018. In it you will find a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the most important areas of our lives - professional sphere, relationships, health, finances. This is important because it is from them that our everyday life is formed and our goals, attitude, and worldview depend. And, therefore, it is imperative to obtain and assimilate this information in order to arm yourself with a clear understanding of what will be achievable in 2018, what to fear and what to count on.

Horoscope 2018 for the Rat

The dog is relatively loyal to Rats. They, of course, should not expect that the Mistress of the Year will indulge all of their shortcomings, such as laziness or dishonesty towards other people. However, the Dog will not put a spoke in the wheels of the Rats, allowing them to realize themselves by helping in just causes and interesting endeavors. And those Rats who want to live 2018, observing moral canons, working and directing their thoughts towards creativity and positivity, will be able, with the support of the Dog, to achieve very good results without excesses and frayed nerves.


Fortunately, no critical health problems are expected for Rats. It will be enough for them to adhere to basic means of prevention in order to more or less safely survive the off-season periods with their cold risks, as well as traditional canons healthy image life, so as not to bring yourself to stress and other misunderstandings (for example, problems with joints, spine, etc.) If Rats still have any difficulties with their well-being, then they should go straight to a therapist. These people are not worth spending time and money on complex examinations and diagnostics. An ordinary doctor will be quite able to cope with their ailments. But they must try to strictly implement the recommendations that he gives.


In 2018, it is advisable for rats, especially men, to forget about the temptation to take something that is bad. The word “freebie” should become taboo for them. They should conduct their financial affairs with the utmost honesty and in accordance with the laws of jurisprudence and ethics. In general, this period cannot be called mega-successful for Rats in terms of money: they will not earn millions next year. However, they will most likely be able to avoid insoluble financial situations. And, by the way: in difficult circumstances, Rats should try to remain calm and not stress themselves out. As a rule, a solution to this kind of problem in their case will always exist, and the colder and more objectively they assess the situation, the faster a solution will be found.


In the professional sphere, it is better for Rats not to try to embrace the immensity and, as they say, not to run ahead of the locomotive. Reasonable conservatism, personal modesty, and conscientiousness will “pay off” for them in 2018. They don't need to strive for any change. In particular, Rats should not envy and try to follow the example of colleagues who will achieve momentary success in drastic or extravagant ways. This is not their method (at least not next year). Those representatives of this sign who have their own business need to tune in to work and patience in the first half of the year. They will have to solve problems, deal with all sorts of worries and troubles. And, if they turn out to be consistent and resilient enough and are able to catch the changes taking place in the market, then, starting from the second half of summer, they will be able to begin to reap the fruits of their efforts. Rats-businessmen can hardly count on an increase in the scale of activity and profits in the first months of the year.


In the year of the Dog, Rats should be extremely careful about relationships with people connected by marriage or other similar obligations. The Mistress of the Year will definitely disapprove of this, so that punishment because of this will subsequently be almost inevitable for them. Lonely Rats who strive to build a serious and stable relationship can count on good luck and success with the opposite sex. Moreover, the Dog will help them meet a person who will fully meet their ideas about an ideal soul mate. Moreover, in this case the Mistress will arrange for them a beautiful bouquet and candy beginning of the relationship and help minimize the grinding process. During this period, it makes sense for Rat women to think about changing their image. Naturally, those of them who do not experience any difficulties in their personal lives can ignore this advice. However, if the Rats still have some unresolved issues of this kind, or if one of them experiences a desire for change, then they should certainly take advantage of it. And in the future, none of them will regret it.

Horoscope 2018 for the Ox

A dog is far from the most best friend To the bull. The Ox seems to the Mistress of the Year to be overly selfish, and therefore he will be largely deprived of her support. However, the majority of representatives of this sign will be able to not only understand this, but also recognize the legitimacy of such claims. And therefore they will be able to establish mutual understanding with the Dog - at least as far as this is possible for them - and make some of their aspirations (dreams, ideas, etc.) come true.


Thank God, there will be no need to talk about any particularly critical health difficulties for the Bulls in 2018. Naturally, they may have a problem related to their psychological state, because in our time, unfortunately, stress is an almost universal problem. And the Bulls will have to run away from him, as they say, along the path of a park or stadium (they are recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle).

It will be very good and right if the Bulls organize a full-fledged vacation for themselves in 2018. This will, without exaggeration, be a guarantee that your body’s physical resources will be enough to live normally all year, thinking not about ailments, but about pressing matters and concerns. The optimal time for vacation during this period is the second half of spring. But let it last not one, but several weeks, and it is advisable to spend them at least in relative solitude and peace, otherwise the effect from it will be minimal.


For different Bulls, the financial situation will develop differently in 2018. However, none of them are definitely facing bankruptcy. Although, on the other hand, the Bulls can hardly count on reaching the pinnacle of financial well-being. In essence, for most of them money issues will be resolved in a more or less familiar manner; a pleasant exception in this regard will be those of them who have experience in solving their financial problems in unusual ways. However, those who do not have it should not even try to acquire it in the Year of the Dog.

In October-December, many Bulls will experience a pleasant surprise. It will consist of receiving a fairly significant amount of money, which the Bulls were unlikely to count on. Although this money cannot be called falling from the sky. The point is simply that the reward (profit, etc.) they will receive will be greater than the Bulls expected.


The higher the position in the professional sphere the Ox occupies, the more careful he should be. In particular, these people should not maintain the image of a sole ruler and tyrant. It is advisable for bulls holding leadership positions to remember that they can be overthrown from their pedestals overnight and subjected to long-term disgrace; The dog will try to take care of this if he feels that they are, as they say, going too far.

Bulls who are able to behave humanely and democratically (and not just demonstrate a desire for this) can count on career success. Their human merits will be appreciated - sometimes by colleagues, sometimes by management - and will certainly benefit them. And although not all Bulls will receive promotions or strengthen their positions in 2018, but good foundation At this time they will definitely have time to lay down funds for future career successes.

In the second half of 2018, many Bulls will see their positions in the professional field strengthened. This will most likely be the case for those who work in government organizations or engaged in collective projects.


In 2018, the first winners will be those Bulls who know how to experience their happiness on the sly. The fact is that the more they begin to perform actions for show, to boast of their successes with the opposite sex, the more tests this success can be created by the Mistress of the Year, who is alien to vanity and does not understand the desire to brag about what, to a certain extent, belongs to the category of intimate and delicate things .

To support and - even more so - create an alliance with the right person, Bulls should stock up on patience and genuine interest in what seriously worries their other half. In most cases, they will not have to plunge headlong into the worries of their partners, so the Oxen will not lose much from such manifestations; meanwhile, the “gains” from them will be quite significant. In particular, many of them will be surprised to discover that the people with whom life has brought them together are charismatic, creative, and intellectual.

Horoscope 2018 for Tiger

The Tiger will certainly find an approach to the Dog and mutual language with her. And the beginning of the year will allow most representatives of this sign to feel self-confident and experience a sense of harmony. This will be pleasant in itself and, moreover, will allow the Tigers not to waste the energy they need for important matters that may appear for them with the beginning of spring. Later, different events will happen to the Tigers, however, in general, 2018 can be characterized as a time when even a state of rest in many cases will benefit them, bringing good fruits and benefits. But we must remember that after the end of the Year of the Dog, many of the benefits provided by it will also dry up, and Tigers may again be faced with the need to solve emerging difficulties on their own.


The Year of the Dog does not promise significant health difficulties for Tigers. Minor misunderstandings like seasonal colds, minor household injuries and similar problems that are usually forgotten about after a week will probably happen to them. However, they definitely shouldn’t be afraid of anything critical. And if Tigers find the strength to systematically follow a set of general useful rules - moderate exercise, walking, a normal diet with the obligatory presence of seasonal vegetables and fruits in the diet, etc. - then they will also be able to improve the condition of their body. In this case, they can count on strengthening the nervous system, strengthening the immune system, and normalizing weight.


The Tigers' financial situation will definitely not get worse next year. Although they can hardly count on any special improvements either. And the situation here will depend little on their personal efforts. Therefore, whether to be active in trying to find additional sources of income (increasing profits, etc.) or to act in the same way as before is a matter of choice for each of them. But, even if one of the Tigers decides, contrary to the forecast, to try their luck, and then realizes that the efforts were in vain, then at least let them not subsequently reproach themselves for their sluggishness and incompetence. This outcome is almost inevitable and the Tigers will not be to blame for this.


In 2018, the Tigers will generally be respected and honored. And - what's most interesting - they won't need to do anything special for this. The fact is that during this period their previous merits and achievements will work for them. Thus, the Tigers who will enter next year in a leading position, they will almost certainly be able to hold it until the very end. Well, those who still occupy a subordinate position will live it without much harm to themselves.

Some of the Tigers may be upset by this prediction. But this would be in vain, because the absence of big career ups means in this case also the absence of serious problems.

In general, the situation in the professional sphere in 2018 will be such that the Tigers will be able to afford to have a lot of time for leisure. And they will absolutely please the Dog if they remember some of their old hobbies, which at one time were their great passion.


Tigers can always find time for their personal life if they wish. And those of them who start 2018 with any problems in this regard will have a lot of opportunities not only to resolve them, but also to make significant progress on the path to their happiness. It will be enough for tigers to simply not interfere with the help of the Mistress of the Year, who will every now and then create suitable conditions and circumstances for them.

Their appearance will play a big role in establishing and developing relationships that are interesting for Tigers during this period. Therefore, they must pay attention to it invariably, throughout the year. Moreover, by the phrase “pay attention,” Tigers should understand comprehensive care for their person - from wardrobe to control over skin color. Therefore, they should prepare for the fact that they will have to spend a lot of money on all this.

It would be advisable for married Tigers to tune in to an even, calm mood and enjoy the presence of family joys in their lives and the realization that this is one of the main values ​​of human existence.

Horoscope 2018 for Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbits in 2018 should not be afraid of tricks on the part of their Master. They can fully count on the fact that they will be able to live this time at least relatively calmly. From the first day that the Dog takes over, Rabbits can set themselves up for a positive attitude, because representatives of this sign will truly be protected from many of the difficulties that many of their other “brothers” will face. For example, Rabbits are gullible and open; this usually creates problems for them, however, in the new year it does not. In addition, there are usually many people who try to influence them by imposing their position or giving advice that they were not asked for. So: in 2018, Rabbits will be quite reliably protected from this kind of influence.


Health will not become a source of significant problems for Rabbits if they take several points into account. Firstly, they should protect their stomach and intestines from excessive stress, which will be the “weak link” in their body during this period. Therefore, an adequate diet should be a constant for them topical issue since the beginning of the year. Secondly, it is advisable for Rabbits to remember hygiene at all times. No, you won’t have any problems with this at home. But in other places - cafes, hotels, etc. – they can easily catch some problem like herpes (or something even worse).

But most Rabbits will not face stress in 2018. Their psycho-emotional resources are enough to withstand with a smile situations in which others give up, and to behave correctly and with restraint when others would only be able to cry and complain. But, be that as it may, and regardless of the circumstances, all Rabbits should strive for precisely this way of behavior.

Money (more precisely, the lack of it) can become a source of certain problems for Rabbits. For some reason, the mistress of the year will show negligence towards this – very important – side of their life. So you can’t count on the Dog allowing all the Rabbits to become millionaires. However, those of them who manage to maintain a prudent approach to finances will live quite well in 2018. The Rabbits will generally have enough money for what they need.


Those Rabbits who are deeply attached to their work should abandon attempts at serious reform. But, however, this cannot be considered a panacea for them for possible difficulties. For example, in the first half of the year, many of them will have to go through a period of “grinding in” with the new boss. And in the second, they will have to defend their right to decision-making and authority.

Some Rabbits will be able to feel much freer in 2018 than before. They will have more opportunities to do what they like. And some will even be able to make their own hobby a source of income. Or, at least, start making quite realistic plans in this direction.


Married Rabbits will be able to take a big step towards great prosperity. They will have the opportunity (and desire) to arrange their (and their family’s) place of residence again and again, making it more comfortable and individual. And, if the efforts of female Rabbits in this sense will sometimes be perceived as something ordinary and taken for granted, then many male Rabbits will be able to earn the glory of being the unique heads of the family and will become the object of envy from completely strangers.

Lonely Rabbits can count on a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Sometimes they will even fight for their attention and favor. However, the Rabbits themselves will not be too happy about this circumstance, because the very posing of the question about who is better to drink a cup of coffee in a cafe with and who to let accompany them will be unpleasant for them... And such moments for many Rabbits will be the reason that they would prefer not to receive anyone's attention at all, rather than to receive the attention of many.

In general, Rabbits will receive a lot of compliments in 2018. Their content may be very different, however, regardless of this, they will be able to perceive praise addressed to them quite calmly, and therefore objectively and with special pleasure.

Horoscope 2018 for Dragon

A dog is by no means a Dragon's best friend. And they do not have to count on the comprehensive and constant help of the Mistress of the Year. True, Dragons, as they say, “have a mustache themselves,” so offending or trying to oppress these people is risky. But the surprises that 2018 will be full of due to the Dog’s inattention to dragon affairs will make representatives of this sign grumble and get angry with her. However, those of them who take care of planning their affairs and projects and are attentive to details and nuances in any situation will be able to minimize for themselves the “pendulum” effect (which consists in the fact that circumstances will force you to swing from side to side, again and again). again returning to the starting point).


2018 may be remembered by the Dragons as a traumatic period. They should be especially careful in the summer and the first half of autumn. However, those of them who will behave carefully and control their behavior (in particular, this concerns alcohol consumption) may not particularly worry about this.

In the fall, Dragons may experience stress syndrome. But they should not look for its cause outside, because it will “hide” exclusively within them. And it will consist in the fact that the Dragons will begin to take conflict and other unpleasant situations too close to their hearts, which in fact will be of a momentary and passing nature.


In 2018, the Dragons will mostly spend a lot. And these expenses will not always be rational. Pleasures will occupy the minds of Dragons quite often, and this will inevitably affect their financial condition. And since the Dog will definitely not like this, there is a high probability that in the second half of the year they will find themselves stranded every now and then. This Mistress of the Year will thus try to make it clear to the Dragons that they are absolutely wrong in allowing themselves systematic waste.

But before that - in the spring - the Dog may, for no apparent reason, begin to give them money. Probably, in this way the Mistress will try to push the Dragons to the idea that the time has come to make a big purchase or investment. Therefore, the money that comes to you during this period (if, of course, we are talking about significant amounts for them), Dragons should not spend, but save. And for what - they know better.


The professional sphere is that side of the life of Dragons, when discussing which they should immediately remember the recommendation regarding planning (see above). The point is that there will be errors here highest value for their future.

Another important point is the following. Any undertaking that the Dragons begin to implement must be implemented consistently and steadily. Negligence and attempts to let events take their course will invariably lead not just to a return to “zero”, but also to a rollback to “minus”.

Of course, you won’t be able to foresee everything, however, at least following the established routine and striving, while solving one problem, to think through ways to implement the next one. Dragons in 2018 can and should be accomplished. And besides, during this period, the so-called human factor will become very significant, so it is advisable for them to strive in every possible way to establish and strengthen warm relationships with colleagues, partners, and management. And, if the Dragons follow these tips, they will even be able to optimize the time spent on work matters, finding that very notorious “hour” for “fun,” that is, for solving everyday problems, communicating with loved ones, for leisure, etc.


Dragons connected by marriage will be able to harmonize their home life in 2018. Moreover, the more such “experience” each individual Dragon has, the more large-scale – and positive – the changes that will happen to him will be.

Lonely Dragons during this period of time may face excessive care from their environment. Someone may be too zealous about organizing their personal life; in other cases, undisguised curiosity masquerading as interest will cause trouble... Dragons definitely shouldn’t put up with him and, moreover, encourage such manifestations, because it doesn’t benefit them. There will be not only no benefit, but also no interest. This leads to another important point: many Dragons, still in search, will give themselves the freedom to start one-day affairs in order to have fun and avoid any obligations and restrictions. However, there are bound to be exceptions in this case. They will be Dragons who will prefer the search for a serious relationship to frivolity and will be able to find a compromise between themselves and the environment, as well as responsibilities and pleasures.

Horoscope 2018 for Snake

The snake makes people born under this sign active and proactive. The Dog may not always agree with this, however, it will not interfere with the Snakes. And in many cases, the Mistress will also become a completely benevolent assistant to them. And therefore, in 2018, many of them will be able to calmly complete what they started earlier (if they themselves want to). And besides, it is during this period that they will have a chance to start something new, which in fact will turn out to be very important for their life. And the only thing that the Mistress will require from the Snakes is strict honesty on their part. That is, the more significant a situation or circumstance is for them, the more humanity and decency they want to demonstrate and actually demonstrate.


Snakes will need to prioritize their immune system. Taking care of its strengthening will definitely pay off, there is no doubt about it. And in this case, even seasonal respiratory infections will bypass these people.

Another significant point of effort for Snakes to take care of their health should be their nervous system. Emotional well-being will often cause them to experience discomfort, leading to sudden changes in mood, increased fatigue and knocking them out of the normal rhythm of life. But you can avoid these kinds of problems, or at least minimize them, if you do less “taking the heavy in your hands and the bad in your head.” Plus, you can’t deny yourself privacy when you feel the need for it.


The income of the Snakes in 2018 will be quite enough for them to live through it calmly without fear of poverty. Maybe money won't rain down on them like a golden shower. However, the financial situation of many of them will significantly improve compared to previous years.

Snakes who run their own business or hold leadership positions in large projects can primarily count on good prospects. If they are not afraid of creativity in their approaches to solving work problems, then this will certainly have a (positive) impact on the profit of the organization as a whole and on their own earnings.

On the other hand, Snakes should not allow themselves unjustified extravagance, because whatever the financial resource available to them, it is exhaustible. And therefore, it is highly desirable for them to make as much savings as possible in 2018; they will definitely not regret it in the future.


Surprising as it may seem, conflicts with management may benefit the Snakes in 2018. Pay attention, because this is important: not with colleagues or partners, but with management. But such a prediction should not give the Snakes the false feeling that they should seek quarrels with their superiors. It’s just that many of them will find themselves (and maybe even more than once) in a situation where the “big boss” will try to counteract an initiative that they themselves will seem to be clearly promising. Moreover, such moments are especially likely in the first months of the year. And then it makes sense for the Snakes to insist on their own at any cost. Moreover, in such circumstances, one of their colleagues will often be on their side.


Married Snakes risk entering a period of “turbulence.” Sometimes there will be friction with their other halves, although more often the Snakes will still have to sort things out with their relatives (mainly with the older generation). However, nothing critical will happen in this regard, because the Dog will wisely extinguish conflicts and help the Snakes find compromises and other paths to peace.

Single female Snakes have a very high chance of making their happiness. Their charm and femininity will help them with this. But under no circumstances should they count on the sincerity of their female friends and acquaintances. Therefore - no revelations, attempts to ask for advice, etc. Male Snakes who are in search need not fear their comrades. But troubles can also await them on the part of the fairer sex. They will fight for their attention, they will try to fight them off in order to take revenge on someone... In general, it should be noted that a lot of passions will rage around the Snakes in 2018.

Another danger that can await single Snakes on the path of finding a life partner is persistent attention from married (and married) fans and admirers. This will unbalance the Snakes, they may become irritable and withdraw into themselves. And, as a result, you run the risk of missing out on potential candidates for your heart without gaining anything in return. In addition, those around them, not trying to deeply understand the root of the problems, will begin to gossip about the Snakes as those who are ready to cynically destroy other people’s families.

Horoscope 2018 for Horse

Horses in 2018, on the one hand, will be energetic and proactive, and on the other, self-confident. And, if the first will help them move by leaps and bounds towards success, then the second can lead to annoying mistakes that will force them to stagnate hopelessly and become nervous. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of the Mistress of the Year... And the Dog will be ready to meet the Horses halfway, leveling the influence of negative circumstances on them and pushing them in the right direction. True, she will not lend her “shoulder” to them right away. At first, he will look with surprise at the throwing and ambitions of Horses, and a little later, having become accustomed to their outpouring of energies and ideas, he will be imbued with wise understanding and positivity towards the representatives of this sign.


An important topic for Horses in 2018 will be taking care of immunity. To solve this problem, they must try to get a vacation during the warm season. Some artificial ones vitamin complexes can't cope here. And, frankly speaking, they will be of no use to Horses at all. But visiting environmentally friendly places and systematically consuming natural foods rich in vitamins and minerals is just the thing.

Horses will have to pay great attention to their psychological state. The intense emotional life that they will – voluntarily or unwittingly – lead will inevitably begin to lead them to problems. For some this will happen earlier, for others later, but the recipe for preventing this kind of difficulty with well-being is the same for all Horses. It consists of the following: Horses must learn to seek joy in simple things. It’s definitely not worth it for them to have an extraordinary and expensive vacation, because “price and quality” will clearly not be in favor of the latter. But a leisurely walk or reading a good book will absolutely help them.


In 2018, many Horses will be faced with the fact that their income, although it will be enough to meet their immediate needs, will, however, not be enough to realize what they consider desirable. Understanding this state of affairs will not be the easiest, but since the period of time during which it will continue will not be too long, the Horses will probably be able to get through it without critical consequences for themselves, having found an acceptable solution.

Those Horses who are planning to make some kind of major purchase must first collect as much information as possible about the object of purchase, and if the opportunity arises, also consult with competent people. This caution is due to the fact that this “object” may potentially not meet your expectations.

In the spring, a period of great financial success will begin for Horses. It will extend to the implementation of original ideas. Of course, Horses should not invest money recklessly and only because their idea is unusual. You need to think about your idea thoroughly and thoroughly. But the individuality of the project significantly increases the chances of success.


In 2018, Horses must pacify their pride and try to see first the advantages in the people with whom their work activities bring them together and only then, out of forced necessity, the disadvantages. And they will have many opportunities to be convinced that the shell and content of a person often differ significantly from each other. Moreover, this will mostly turn out to be a positive experience for Horses. Moreover, it is with such people that they will often be able to move forward along the career ladder.

As for career trends, it is not possible to clearly identify them, because in the professional sphere, Horses will alternately face ups and downs. The reason is a personal perception of circumstances, which will not always be logical and appropriate to the situation. Hence the loss of good opportunities, rollbacks, etc. And those Horses who try to look for the “hand” of the Mistress of the Year in this will turn out to be wrong; She can only be “blamed” for the fact that her logic differs from theirs.


Horses who have already started a family in 2018 may face the problem of testing their understanding of true values. Many temptations will await them and, as a result, the risks of breaking up the relationship. This is undoubtedly dangerous, because their relationship is real and promising, and the temptations are empty and momentary. And therefore, attention, care and romance towards their partners on the part of Horses will not be superfluous.

On the other hand, Horses may, during this period of their lives, come to the conclusion that the people with whom life brought them together are not their destiny. Well... if this is really the case, then they can safely break off such an alliance, because the Dog will definitely help them find their soul mate.

Lonely Horses will certainly have the opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. But a prerequisite for this is the presence of their own initiative. They must demonstrate to the Dog that they are really interested in organizing their personal life, because the Mistress takes such things very seriously. Therefore, Horses must always be charming, positively disposed, and sociable.

Horoscope 2018 for Goat (Sheep)

The Dog does not consider the Goat to be ideal. The Goat, in her opinion, is not serious enough, not thoughtful enough... But she’s charming! And, besides, she is kind and warm-hearted. And the Mistress of the Year definitely likes it. In 2018, the Dog will repeatedly make concessions to the Goats and allow them what many others have been denied. In fact, this will manifest itself in moments of luck that arise out of nowhere, in happy cases, in sincere recognition of their successes and talents, etc. In this case, all that will be required of Goats is not to try to isolate themselves from people for a long time and not to skimp on the positive.


Seasonal colds can be a problem for many Goats. They will pick them up from almost any random draft. And complications after them will also be quite possible. Therefore, taking care of the Goats’ immunity should be considered a top priority and begin to pay attention to it from the first days of the year.

However, Koz doesn’t need to be persuaded about this for too long. And in general, most of them will be not only attentive to their health in 2018, but even suspicious. And, if in the first half of the year this will be completely unnecessary, then towards the end of the year, increased attention to one’s own person will help some of the Goats to identify a serious disease in advance and prevent its development.


The financial prospects for Goats in 2018 will be simply wonderful. Their purchasing power will increase significantly, and this will open up great opportunities for them, some of which will be new for the Goats. And this, in turn, will allow them to gain a unique experience.

At the same time, Goats should not be overly focused on satisfying their immediate materialistic ambitions. The fact is that it is in the year of the Dog that they will have very good chances of making successful investments in their own business project. And it does not matter of fundamental importance whether such a project exists in nature or whether it has not even been thought out yet. If the first is true, then the task of expanding and strengthening it will become urgent, and if the second, then you should try to find a good idea, think about it and take at least the first steps towards the implementation of your project before 2018 ends.

Those Goats who do not see themselves in business in any way (from the word “at all”) should simply continue to calmly go to work and conscientiously fulfill their duties. At the right moment, fate will give them a lucky chance to strengthen their financial well-being. How will this be expressed? Yes, in anything! Someone will receive an unexpectedly vacated profitable position, someone will have their salary increased “through connections,” etc.


In the professional sphere, Goats can count on the presence of like-minded people, good advisers or even patrons next to them. But those of them who decide to simply start using these people as consumers will be extremely wrong. Although ideologically the Goats’ attitude towards them may be exactly that. But the latter should under no circumstances even feel the echoes of consumerism on the part of the Goats.

In 2018, luck and success will accompany those Goats who show the Dog that they are ready to work as much as necessary and do not value the comfort of their favorite sofa at all. True, at first glance, the assistance of the Mistress of the Year may seem insignificant to them, since Goats are unlikely to have a dizzying career rise. However, after some time they will be convinced that the Mistress has simply organized for them a thorough preparatory period for future achievements in the professional field.


The most correct path to personal happiness for Goats in 2018 is to be themselves. Only in this way will they be able to demonstrate maximum charm and charisma and make the desired impression. This is important for both single and connected Goats.

So, in 2018, Goats are given the ability to evoke such affection for themselves that their partners will be ready to do almost anything for them. And they will be allowed to use it. Although, of course, a measure will be needed in this, because, firstly, extremes are bad in themselves, and secondly, it is advisable for Goats not to forget that the power of the Dog in the foreseeable future is limited only to this year.

For single Goats, the Year of the Dog promises an unprecedented breadth of choice of candidates for their heart. Moreover, among them there will be very worthy candidates who can make them truly happy.

Among other things, in 2018, Goats will often be in need of their loved ones. And it is advisable for them to find an opportunity to provide their family and other people dear to them with all possible help and support. This will be especially required for the older generation, although a loved one is also unlikely to be able to do without them. Goats, for their part, must learn one important thing: everything they do during this period will turn out to be an invaluable foundation for the future, which they will be able to use again and again.

Horoscope 2018 for Monkey

The goals that most Monkeys set for themselves on the eve of the beginning of the Year of the Dog may not be understood by their Mistress. And this will be connected primarily with the fact that they will be based on principles incompatible with the principles of the Dog. Monkeys should think carefully about this and remember that excessive vanity, the desire for universal recognition and other similar things in 2018 should be hidden in the farthest “chest” of your desires, or even better, completely forgotten. And in order to make the Mistress more loyal to herself, the Monkeys must try to do all the things they have to undertake from the heart, and direct their thoughts towards positive sincerity.


Health will not cause much trouble for Monkeys. They will bypass many of the problems that representatives of other signs of the eastern astrological pantheon will face. Some of them will even be able to improve their well-being by getting rid of some problem that previously bothered their body. True, for this they will have to spend some time in a specialized institution. Scary name, right? But in fact we are talking about a special sanatorium or a corresponding medical resort. And this means that it is optimal for Monkeys to spend their vacation (no matter how long it lasts - a week or a month) in just such a place, and not just with a book on the sofa or bending over the garden beds.

Perhaps the only thing that can pose a serious problem for Monkeys is the risk of injury. Its most likely sources are electricity, cutting and piercing objects, and high temperatures.


There will be positive dynamics in the material well-being of the Monkeys. It is not a fact that it will be very noticeable, however, the very fact of its presence will be, as they say, obvious. And, in any case, practically none of the Monkeys will worsen their financial positions.

Representatives of this sign, employed in the public sector or as ordinary employees in private companies, will experience exactly the forecast given above. But Monkeys who run their own business may from time to time find themselves in situations that require making risky decisions. And, if in the first half of the year it is advisable for them to try to avoid risks, then in the second half of the year they (the risks) will turn out to be more justified and will allow the Monkeys to increase their earnings. But neither in case of failures nor after success should they shout about it right and left, devoting everyone around them to their affairs. And the point here is not only that it will not look very nice from the outside, but also that in their environment there will almost certainly be someone who wants to ruin their financial holiday of life (or, in case of failure, rejoice , rubbing his hands).


In career matters, it is advisable for Monkeys to constantly strive to demonstrate their competence and high level professional skills. It would be very wrong if, having once shown that they are coping with their responsibilities, the Monkeys decide that they can calmly rest on their laurels. In this case, they will definitely find themselves in a situation that will demonstrate the randomness of their professional success or dishonesty. The dog will try to arrange such a trick for them in order to show that laziness, a superficial attitude towards one’s responsibilities and cunning are not to his liking.

Monkeys related to creative activity. The Dog will appreciate their efforts and emotional impulses quite highly and will help them acquire a more stable and authoritative position in society.


Monkeys in 2018 should not live for show. They should not boast about a beautiful wife (or sexy husband), one's own merits, demonstratively giving or receiving signs of attention. They need, on the contrary, to try to ensure that intimate moments remain hidden from prying eyes, and that deeds speak of modesty and seriousness of intentions. And then the Dog will certainly contribute to ensuring that the aspirations of the Monkeys to create their personal happiness will certainly become a reality.

Lonely Monkeys are in for great passions. Many of them will meet a person for whom they will be inflamed with great passion. The outcome of this feeling is almost impossible to predict, because it can develop into either great love or no less disappointment. In order to increase the likelihood of the first option, the Monkeys will need to remember all the time which Mistress of the Year they are dealing with and how they should behave in order to force her to take their side.

Horoscope 2018 for Rooster

The Dog does not favor the Roosters enough to become their faithful assistant. And this means that they will have to - volens nolens, as they say - solve their problems on their own. However, at the same time, it is advisable for Roosters to be able to maintain a balance between the need to express themselves and modesty, between impulsiveness and a willingness to stay in the shadows. In a word, prudence, a positive attitude and patience - this is the formula for their success in the Year of the Dog.


In 2018, Roosters do not need to fear external sources of problems for their health. Infections and viruses will mostly bypass them. But their own lack of consciousness and desire to endlessly indulge their weaknesses can play a cruel joke on them. Alcohol, lack of sleep, improper diet - these are the things that risk crippling the Roosters’ body, depleting their resources.

Emotionally, the Year of the Dog will be quite prosperous for the Roosters. Of course, some of them may try to completely refute this forecast by starting to focus on problems and engage in self-criticism. However, most Roosters will wisely try to prevent this from happening; and for them, 2018 will be, although not the most successful, a fairly positive time.


Money issues can cause some problems for Roosters. But they will be of a special kind. The fact is that representatives of this sign will be “strained” not so much by a lack of funds, but by the feeling that their affairs are worse than those of others. Some people will even come up with a certain financial ideal for themselves and will eagerly strive to achieve it. Moreover, the Petukhs will not care much about how realistic the tasks they set for themselves are. Their activity in this regard will be great, and their determination will simply be enviable. And, if for the majority of representatives of this sign dreams of millions will remain dreams, then a few will still manage to achieve certain successes. And, by the way, these will mostly be women, because in the year of the Dog feminine charm will be a serious help for them and will allow them to overcome obstacles where men would not be able to do so.

In general, Roosters can live through 2018 without much financial success, but also without losses. The main condition for avoiding misunderstandings is honest dealing and respect for the financial goals and concerns of those with whom life brings them together.


In the professional sphere, it is advisable for Roosters not to make sudden movements. It is better to hide ambitions in a distant “chest” and diligently do ordinary things. The desire of the Roosters to prove themselves can, at best, go unnoticed, and at worst, it can even work against them. But they should not see this situation as a problem. It would be much more correct to adjust yourself to the fact that besides a career, there are other joys in life. And, by the way, 2018 could really become a landmark year if the Roosters don’t bet professional sphere at the forefront.

This period of life will be most productive for those of them who lead some kind of social activities. These people will be able to significantly expand the circle of their contacts, and it is important that it will become better not only in quantitative terms, but also in quality. For example, among your new acquaintances there may be a person quite well known in certain circles.


In the personal life of Roosters in 2018, unpleasant surprises are unlikely. Married Roosters will continue to fulfill their duties, take care of their daily concerns, etc. And their authority will not only not be shaken, but will also be strengthened. Although the point here is not so much about authority, but about the degree of harmony surrounding their union. And the harmony of relations between family Roosters will become more subtle and meaningful.

Lonely Roosters will have an excellent chance to find their soul mate. And very little will be required of them. And what will be needed is quite organic and natural for any Rooster. This is the need to be in public as often as possible, and also to reconsider your attitude towards leisure, which should be as cultural and interesting as possible. Why is that? But because in 2018, Roosters will most likely meet their own fate not while performing work duties or solving some problems, but in the process of having a pleasant pastime. Or they will meet “their” person on the basis of common pleasant interests.

Horoscope 2018 for Dog

A dog is not its own enemy. And even on a subconscious level it will not cause itself big problems. 2018 will be marked by great success and significant potential for success for representatives of this sign. Of course, this does not mean that the coming 365 days under the “rule” of the Dog will be absolutely cloudless for them. However, there are resources and ways to overcome obstacles for any situation. The main thing is that there is a desire to see and use them.


Health may take more attention from Dogs than before. Although not constantly, but from time to time the state of the body will force them to stop and think: are they living correctly, and should they take more care of themselves? And these are the right questions, because in the fall the Dogs’ poor health can become critical. This means that they must find opportunities for a normal vacation, during which they should go to a good resort or other place where they can break away from everyday worries and be out of the reach of their superiors and in general those who for some reason cannot do without Dogs. Perfect time For vacation, this is, of course, summer. And not only because it’s warm and all that, but also because summer is the middle of the year, from which it’s already close to the potentially problematic autumn.

Weak “links” in Dogs’ health are allergic reactions and seasonal colds. In addition, they should be wary of fractures and burns.


Financial issues should not play first fiddle in the life of Dogs. Need will not touch them, the rationalism of the representatives of this sign will not go away even in their own year, so they will be able to afford to devote their time and efforts to concerns that are more worthy and interesting.

Dogs involved in business are recommended to invest in their projects in 2018. The time for their development will be the most favorable and it will simply be unreasonable not to invest in your own future. Caution should be observed only when preparing and signing documents and only in the spring.

Suddenly, Dogs may have a one-time but impressive source of money. This is winning the lottery or something like that. This will happen (if it happens) one of these days last months of the year. Therefore, when Dogs have the opportunity to take part in some sweepstakes or competitions, they should not refuse.


Dogs will have a lot of envious people in 2018. Moreover, some of them will try to harm them clearly and persistently. Dogs should definitely not pass in such circumstances. They must certainly find opposition to this kind of action. And, since justice in this case will be on their side, their ill-wishers will definitely get what they deserve, and will even regret that they were so short-sighted and unfriendly. But the “response” from the Dogs should not be overly harsh, even if someone deserves it. It should be akin to a defensive reaction, when the enemy is kept at arm's length, not allowing him to get too dangerously close to himself, but also not doing anything that could knock him out.

Male dogs will be able to increase their social status. Perhaps this will happen in connection with a career advancement, however, it is also possible that this can be achieved at the current place of work (or another, but similar in importance). True, this is unlikely to bring them any significant tangible dividends (at least in 2018). But it will still be nice.


Most single Dogs will find great love. Moreover, many of the female Dogs will be surrounded almost all year by several admirers who are seriously vying for their heart.

In 2018, it is desirable for married Dog ladies to be able to combine charm and thriftiness at the same time. In this case, their relationships with their spouses will strengthen and become more harmonious. True, here we need to mention a possible pitfall. And this is what it will consist of. Dog women will often hear praise addressed to them and arguments about how incredibly lucky their husbands are, etc. Under no circumstances should they engage in such conversations, because this could subsequently ruin their marriage. After all, the Mistress of the Year does not accept dishonesty, and therefore a situation may arise when a snake bites its own tail, inflicting a mortal wound on itself.

Male dogs will generally live through 2018 calmly, taking away from it many positive – although perhaps not the brightest – impressions and useful conclusions. Some of them will set out to improve and improve their lives. This will be very good, because coping with such a task will not be a particular problem for Dogs during this period. And it is even advisable for single male Dogs to take care of their housing, since harmonizing their living space for them will mean harmonizing their inner world and psychological state. This, in turn, will act like a magnet on representatives of the opposite sex.

Horoscope 2018 for Pig (Boar)

For the Pig, the Dog is a completely acceptable Mistress of the Year. True, in some situations a moment of misunderstanding may arise between them, however, these will be precisely moments, and these two will be able to resolve them satisfactorily for themselves, without sacrificing anything special. In general, 2018 will be calm and even measured for Pigs. From the outside, the mood and way of thinking of Pigs may seem insufficiently positive and optimistic, but in reality they will simply fuss much less and explode with emotions for every reason.


The Pig is unlikely to have any reason to complain about health in the year of the Dog. They will need very little to feel satisfactory, or at least in such a way that their well-being does not prevent them from going about their business, worries and enjoying life. Stay in the air more, move on foot, do not overeat, do not forget about natural minerals and vitamins, which are always abundant in vegetables and fruits - these are, perhaps, all the recommendations that Pigs should adhere to during this period.

The only one potentially problem point consists of seasonal viral infections. They can arise against the background of overwork and, accordingly, general weakness of the body. Therefore, Pigs should not step on their own throats by spending more time at work than common sense requires.


The financial situation of the Pigs in 2018 will be stable and average. This side of their life will not be subject to dynamics, as well as regression. Is it good or bad? The first is more likely to be true than the second, because, despite the fact that Pigs have no chance of becoming millionaires, they are also not threatened with need. In such a situation, it is best for them to prepare themselves to be grateful to fate for the fact that their situation is far from the worst option that a lot of other people face. And dreams of untold riches should be hidden in the distant “chest” of your memory.

However, naturally, we are not talking here at all about dull everyday life and the need to save for all 365 days. For example, in the spring some profit may unexpectedly arise (replenishment of the budget, etc.) And the Pigs can completely spend this money on what seems most relevant to them at that moment: a large purchase, an investment in a business, or something else.


In 2018, Pigs should not take on any large-scale projects. What was started earlier, of course, can no longer be done. And even then, you need to try, if possible, to minimize the scope of activity. As for new beginnings, it is better to refuse them.

In the Year of the Dog, it would be very appropriate for Pigs to improve (or expand) their qualifications. Gaining experience and expanding your knowledge base is ideal at this time. Therefore, when the opportunity arises, you should definitely attend a course of seminars (training, etc.) that could be useful or even just interesting.


Pigs in the year of the Dog will become much more sedate. They will no longer have the need to prove their worth as lovers, romantics, or in other similar roles. Their attention will no longer be scattered across many objects. All this concerns, of course, primarily male Pigs. Well, in women, sedateness will manifest itself in the fact that they will begin to approach their appearance, fill your leisure time more meaningfully.

Many of the Pigs will become an authority for someone in everyday matters and in problems related to the organization of personal happiness. It’s difficult to say how interesting and relevant this will be for representatives of this sign, however, they will be able to give really worthwhile advice and tips.

Lonely Pigs will have a good chance to meet “their” person. And if (and when) this happens, it is advisable for them not to rush things and not try to get all the joys from the presence of a partner in their life at once, but to allow the relationship to develop naturally and gradually.

Married Pigs will receive many opportunities from the Dog to make their family life a true role model. All they need to do is not neglect it

The Chinese zodiac was founded by the Han Dynasty, where the close connection between humans and animals was discovered. The “Chinese horoscope” literally feels every person, thanks to which you can make a small list of what will happen in his life. The most unique aspect of Chinese astrology is the animal signs, not any deity. According to ancient culture, each animal exactly characterizes a person. All 12 signs are believed to influence the ethics and behavior of each of us. Astrology will tell you what to expect in the new year!


This sign should always move forward and do what he feels. It's time to be positive and outspoken. 2018 is the year you can make your dreams come true. However, you need to make sure that nothing will stop you from growing professionally and pursuing your career.

This year may seem hectic due to labor activity. Focus on your skills to make the whole process easier. Be creative and innovative to be a shining star in the workplace. Recommends you start planning your finances.


This year you will learn something new. If you're planning on working, this is the perfect year to start! 2018 is the right time to go to the gym and start working on your body. Focus on tools that will help you find peace of mind. To do this, pay attention to meditation.

According to Chinese calendar, your life will be full of love in the new year. Perhaps you will find your soulmate completely unexpectedly, for example, on the Internet. Don't forget about your soul and body: take a vacation, especially on busy work days. This will help you get back on track with new strength, energy and enthusiasm. In 2018, you will not encounter financial difficulties, but to do this you will have to look for new jobs, especially if you have been thinking about this for a long time.


2018 will be the year for you good year. First of all, do not forget about your health and, of course, your mind. Play sports, spend time on self-development to achieve success in life. Meditation will help you find peace of mind and relieve constant stress. Stay calm even if you are faced with a difficult life situation.

IN love life changes will happen. Don't be afraid to look for new partners, especially if you often encounter betrayal and resentment. Despite your success in life, this year you will have to fork out a lot to pay bills and purchase some goods.


This year we need to move at a fast pace. To do this, it is important to create a specific plan and set a clear goal, moving only in its direction. At the same time, be patient, then your work will be rewarded. If problems arise at work, do not be discouraged. This will be an indicator that it is time to look for new jobs that will bring much more income. Then you will have a feeling of satisfaction and you will be able to move towards your dream.

Control all situations happening around you. Take special care of your health, so feel free to go to the gym and work on yourself. In a relationship, you need to be able to find a compromise and trust your partner if you want a good outcome.

The Dragon

This will be an amazing year for you! Everything will go your way, but remember that positivity is the key to success. To achieve it, you must be optimistic and energetic, and not lose faith in yourself and your activities. Try to support warm relations with your colleagues at the workplace. This will definitely benefit you personally.

Spend your money wisely, but don't be afraid to invest in sports - they will be good for you. If you are still single, then don't worry. Perhaps you will meet unexpected partners who will change your whole life. Don't forget about your family, spend as much time with them as possible.


2018 will be a spontaneous year for you. There will be no obstacles in your race, everything will happen as simply and smoothly as possible. However, this year promises you a busy work schedule, so you will not find time for yourself and your health at all. While there is time, quickly take care of your body so that New Year meet without diseases!

Meditation will help you find peace of mind and relieve stress. All changes in your activities will bring success, but do not forget about savings. In 2018, you need to find new ways to help you save your earned money. Emotional instability can lead you to an unpredictable situation where it will be very difficult to recover. In general, this year will be very interesting and fruitful for you, but don’t forget about your family!


Stay active throughout the year. Don’t forget about life balance, which will not allow you to simply waste energy. That is why it is not recommended to engage in fruitless activities. This year you will face both ups and downs. But this should not scare you, because you can always be in the flow of life, enjoy the moments and take advantage of all the opportunities that fate throws at you.

At every stage of life there will be problems, but you can overcome any unfavorable situation. Say one mantra to yourself every day: “All that glitters is not gold.” It will help you keep your cool and not react to useless things.


There will be many changes in your life that will bring fruit and good luck. Follow your instincts, be patient, remain calm even if you are faced with a volatile situation.

Maintain warm relationships with your colleagues at the workplace - this will definitely bring you benefits. Despite the difficult schedule and hard work, you can get a good salary for your torment and fatigue. Remember: whatever you do this year, do not forget about a sense of proportion.


Don't fuss in vain, be adamant. Use your intuition to your advantage. This year, your friendly character will help you reach new career heights and make good profits. Finally, you can straighten out your financial situation.

Leave the past in 2017 and devote time to your loved one. Take new courses, start learning languages, take care of sports and your health. Don't be afraid to take advantage of all the opportunities that fate throws at you.


If the Rooster is your sign, then you may face difficulties in the new year. You may experience doubts several times when it comes to life choices. Before making any decisions, it is important to think about it, analyze all the possibilities and consider the consequences. But if you make a choice, don’t let others convince you otherwise.

Give yourself 100% to what you love, while avoiding negativity. Stay positive and optimistic. This also applies to the love front. The coming year promises you to find a soul mate who will hold your hand all your life.


This year you need to focus and show strong determination and willpower. Overall, this will be a great year for you as you achieve more things in your life. Make sure to use all the positive energy to achieve something important.

Difficulties should not stop you, but rather prepare you to remain positive and mentally strong. To achieve success, you will have to try and give 100%, and sometimes it will seem to you that everything is too easy. Be focused and confident.


Your work has been appreciated, and you can expect good dividends in the coming year. Focus on improving your skills to achieve new career growth. Be careful when spending money. Refrain from investing too much because an unexpected and unpleasant situation can always arise. It is important to always be prepared for such situations in life.

All opportunities should be used correctly, but reconsider your environment. Be vigilant, reasonable and calm. Don't be afraid of change, especially if it affects your partner or family.