Calculator for determining the gender of a child for a year. How to determine the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents, blood type, last menstruation, date of conception, blood renewal, heartbeat, according to the Chinese calendar. Determining the sex of a child by the age of the parents, yes

The mystery of the birth of a child will forever remain an unknown miracle of nature, given by the Lord. However modern technologies and methods allow future parents to look at their baby even before his birth, to understand whether they will have a daughter or a son. Now many mothers, already in the 3rd month of pregnancy, can find out who will be born to them by ultrasound. But what if you want to find out who will be born when conception has not yet occurred? How is this possible? This article will teach you how to calculate the gender of your baby before conception.

Daughter or son?

There are many ways: from folk to scientific. For example, this can be calculated by the date of birth of the future parents, by their blood type, and also by various tests for mothers on the Internet. Through special program- conception calculator - calculating the sex of a child is quite possible.

The first way to determine who will be a girl or a boy is the method. According to scientific data, women's blood is renewed once every 3 years, and men's - once every 4 years. Let's take one example to understand how the system works. Mom is 26 years old, and dad is 30. We divide their ages by a coefficient, that is, for a woman, when divided by 3, we get 8 whole numbers and 6 as a remainder, and for a man, when divided by 4, we get 7.5. Let's compare the obtained values, since the woman has a larger remainder, which means that this couple will most likely give birth to a girl. If the father had more balance, then most likely a son would have been born. If, when counting, the remainder is the same or equal to zero, then there may be twins or twins. It is important to take into account large blood loss (surgery, accident) and then count from the date of blood loss.

The second method of determining the sex of a child is suitable for astrology lovers. Because with this method, the Moon will answer the question before conception. To do this, you need to know what zodiac sign the Moon was in on the day when fertilization occurred. There are 12 zodiac signs in total, which are male and female. Accordingly, if the Moon was in the sign of a woman, a daughter will be born, and vice versa. This method cannot be considered very effective and useful, because it cannot be used to determine if a couple will have twins.

Parents' blood type in determining the sex of the child

Using this method, you can find out not only the gender of the child, but also which one he will inherit or receive from his parents. In order to calculate this, we need to remember school curriculum 11th grade biology. Remember solving genetic problems about rabbits, green peas and diseases?

Let's look at an example: let mom and dad have blood type 3. Let's create a task. However, with a combination of the second and third blood groups, a couple can have a child with any group, in our case there is a 50% chance of having both boys and girls.

Conception calendar

Another fairly easy way to determine who will be born to a couple is the gender of the child; it will not be difficult for anyone. To determine the sex of a child using this method, we will need a calendar for several months, a red and blue pen, and an inspired mood. Basically, this method is based on calculating the date of ovulation and have a nice day for conception.

The expectant mother marks the period from one menstruation to the next, subtracts 14 days from her resulting cycle (from the first day of menstruation) and finds the day of ovulation. That is, a favorable period for conception. Then the woman’s condition after the expected day of conception should be noted on the calendar. If a woman is attracted to sweets, there will be a girl; if she is attracted to sour and salty foods, then there will be a boy - this is the information they give folk signs, which are also used in this method.

We are planning a boy: what to do?

Now that we have figured out how you can find out who will be born to a couple, it’s time to understand how to influence fate and give birth to a boy or a girl. Let's consider the option when a couple really wants a son.

It is a well-known fact that the sex of a child is determined by a man at conception, or more precisely, by his genetic material, which contains a Y chromosome, unlike two Xs in a woman. In order for a couple to have a boy, they need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Correctly calculate the date of ovulation.
  2. A man should wear loose underwear for a week before sexual intercourse to increase sperm flow. This fact is due to the physiological characteristics of the male reproductive system.
  3. A woman should have pleasure before a man.
  4. Spend more time caressing for maximum arousal.
  5. It is better to choose a position when the man is behind.
  6. At the very end, the entry should be deeper.
  7. A woman needs to lie down for a while after intercourse.

By using these rules, you increase your chance of conceiving a boy.

How to conceive a girl?

Now let’s look at the rules that will help answer the question of how to plan for a girl.

  1. Conception should occur 3 days before expected ovulation.
  2. From the fifth to the eighth day, sexual intercourse should be frequent (several times a day).
  3. Three days before ovulation, sex should be once a day.
  4. It is better to use the missionary position.
  5. Spend little time on affection.
  6. At the very end, the penetration should not be very deep.
  7. It is necessary to abstain from sex for the next 3 days after ovulation.

Using these rules, you can conceive the long-awaited girl.

Let's sum it up

From the article you learned how to calculate the sex of a child before conception and in what ways this can be done. Now you can choose the method that suits your family. And now you know how to plan for a boy and a girl. But, in fact, when a couple is expecting a long-awaited child, they don’t care who they have.

For some women, the question of the sex of the unborn baby will finally become clear at the 20th week of pregnancy after an ultrasound. But if ultrasonography for some reason this cannot be done, or the child has turned in such a way that it is impossible to see whether it is a boy or a girl, or the parents want to plan the gender of the baby even before conception, what to do? And here various kinds of calculators come to the rescue, calendars for determining the sex of the unborn baby, based on the date of the last menstruation.

Methods for calculating the sex of a child

The existing methods for determining the gender of a child can be divided into two groups:

  • scientific, that is, approved by doctors (ultrasound, as well as when conducting tests for genetic pathologies, for example, during the amniocentesis procedure);
  • folk, that is, unscientific, proven over the years with more or less success, but not deserving the absolute approval of doctors.

Sooner or later, all parents are puzzled by the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl.

Method for predicting the baby's gender based on ovulation in the last cycle

This method cannot be classified as exclusively folk or amateurish, since it is based on the physiology of the female body, that is, it has a scientific basis. Although one cannot completely trust him as a scientific one: calculations may have errors associated with individual characteristics state women's health. The method is used to calculate the baby’s sex in advance and is based on calculating the timing of ovulation based on the dates of the monthly cycle.

The table shows the approximate days of the onset of ovulation for monthly cycles of different lengths

The ovulation technique is based on the fact that conception occurs only at a certain time, and signals about its changes are reflected in the woman’s body (increase in breast volume, pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, etc.). But you can calculate the date of ovulation based on the timing of the monthly cycle: the release of the egg from the ovary is planned for its middle, plus/minus 2-3 days. For example, with a 28-day monthly cycle, the expected release of the egg will occur on the 14th day, that is, one day of the week after the start of menstruation, and the ovulation period will be from the 11th to the 16th day. The ovulation method is based on the fact that carriers of the “X” chromosomes, that is, girls, are slow, but more persistent, therefore, once in the vagina, they are able to maintain their vitality for up to 3 days (according to some studies - up to 7 days), waiting for ovulation. But the male chromosomes, that is, the X chromosomes, are very nimble, but they do not retain their vitality for very long. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days before the release of the egg from the ovary, the advantage will be on the side of the girl, and if it is on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of adding a boy to the family increases. Thus, to implement this calculation method, it is important to know the date of ovulation, and therefore the start and end dates of menstruation.

The timing of the last menstruation is important for calculating the date of conception, which is the basis for most methods for early determination of the baby’s sex

How to determine the day of ovulation in the monthly cycle

In addition to the mathematical calculation of the ovulation period, there are three more methods that also rely on the start date of the last monthly cycle.

  1. Special tests for ovulation. They can be bought at the pharmacy. They are carried out daily until the appearance of a distinct second stripe, that is, an increase in luteinizing hormone, indicating day X, starting from the date obtained as a result of calculations of the approximate onset of ovulation. To do this, subtract 17 from the average number of days of the cycle, for example, with a 28-day cycle it will be the 11th day, and with a 34-day cycle it will be the 17th day.
  2. Measuring basal temperature. Every morning, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum, vagina or mouth. If in the first half of the cycle the readings are around 37º, during the period of ovulation the temperature drops by 0.3º, and at the time the egg is released it rises again to 37º. If the graph is presented in the form of a bird with open wings, then the day of ovulation is the beak of this “feathered bird”.
  3. Tracking follicle development using ultrasound. Conducted by a doctor in a medical facility.

Video: ovulation method of sex planning - the opinion of a gynecologist

How to calculate the baby's gender based on the date of the last menstruation

Concerning folk ways to determine the sex of the baby, there are about a dozen different calculators, schemes based on the timing of the start and end of the last menstruation and determining the date of ovulation, which is considered the date of conception of the baby. One of these is calculating the sex of the child based on the date of the last menstruation. This method is based on the relationship between the woman’s age and the month of her last menstruation. The formula for calculation looks like this: the serial number of the month + the number of complete years of the woman on this date + one. If the result is an even number, it will be a girl, if it is an odd number, it will be a boy.

My last menstruation before conception was on May 9, that is, the 5th month, at which time I had already celebrated my 31st birthday. We get: 5 + 31 + 1 = 37. I really have a son.

Most non-scientific methods for calculating the sex of an unborn child require the date of conception, that is, the day of ovulation

Table: advantages and disadvantages of determining gender by date of last menstruation

This is interesting. The Chinese and Japanese, who carefully monitor the demographic situation in their countries and have forced restrictions on the number of children in families, since, starting with the second baby, parents pay a large tax, pay great attention to the choice of the sex of the future baby. Therefore, scientists from Japan are actively developing a theory according to which the gender of the child can be predicted by the age when the expectant mother had her first menstrual bleeding: the earlier this happened, the greater the chance that it will be a girl. So, for example, if menstruation began at 10 years old, then with a 53% probability a little princess will be born, if at 12 years old, then 50/50, and if at 14, then 53% remains on the boy’s side. I fell into the category where the probability of a boy or a girl is determined by 50/50.

Reviews of the method of calculating gender based on the date of the last menstruation

Some women with great enthusiasm carried out calculations both for their children and for the children of all their friends and acquaintances:

As a very skeptical person, I tested it myself on all my friends - IT WORKS!

Katyushka's mother

I have a son (everything came together).


The fact that determining gender based on the dates of menstruation preceding conception is not a highly reliable method is also evidenced by reviews from mothers.

Didn't match: two should be girls)

Business lady

My opinion: all this is nonsense, and all coincidences are coincidences and nothing more.–418877899/

Calculation of parental blood renewal

The technique is based on the fact that human blood is systematically renewed: for women - every 36 months, that is, after three years, for men - every 48 months, that is, after four years. According to calculations, the baby will be born with the gender of the parent whose blood turned out to be “fresh” at the time of fertilization of the egg.


  1. We add three years to the mother’s year of birth and four to the father’s, up to the year the baby was conceived.
  2. Whose blood is younger by the day of conception, that is, approximately in the middle of the last monthly cycle, will have a baby of that gender.

You can also enter the initial data (dates of birth of parents and conception of the baby) into an online calculator and trust the program.

Important: if in the life of the parents there were cases associated with blood loss, then the objectivity of the results of calculating the sex of the baby based on blood renewal is reduced.

One of the methods for determining the sex of the baby is based on the timing of blood renewal in mom and dad, as well as on the date of conception

Reviews about the technique

For many families, the method of calculating gender based on the timing of blood renewal gave correct results.

My mother introduced me to the method of determining the sex of an unborn child using blood renewal. For many years, she has been counting on all her loved ones. And I have never made a mistake. It’s a pity, we were counting on a second daughter)


I got it!!!


My test results showed a girl, that is, they turned out to be erroneous.

Budyansky method

Another way to calculate who will be born, taking into account the monthly cycle, was developed by the Budiansky teaching spouses, who, based on research by scientists at the American private Johns Hopkins University and an analysis of the biographies of their students, formulated the conclusion that in each cycle the egg secretes a certain substance that attracts The X chromosome (even, “female cycles”), and in certain cases, the Y chromosome (odd, “male cycles”). You can tell who it will be - a girl or a boy, based on the cycle in which conception occurred. The determination of whether a woman’s cycle is even or odd is directly dependent on whether she was conceived in a male or female state. Moreover, if conception expectant mother It happened in an even-numbered month; in even-numbered months she can only conceive babies, and in odd-numbered months - boys. And, conversely, if a woman was conceived in an odd month, then she will have princesses in odd months, and princes in even months. To use this method, it is important to know exactly the date of your last period, since it will be used to determine the day the baby was conceived.

You can find out the gender of your unborn baby using the Budyansky table

Method for calculating flooring for even or odd cycles

To predict the sex of the baby you will need:


  1. We start with determining whether a woman is even or odd. From the month of birth we subtract 38 weeks (that is, 8 months). This will be the date the woman is expected to conceive. And again I’m experimenting on myself: I was born on November 10, the approximate date of conception is February 23.
  2. We determine from the table whether the month of the future mother’s conception date is even or odd, focusing on the even or odd number of the year of birth. It's an even month for me.
  3. The conception of my child was in May, the fifth month, that is, odd. So, according to the Budyansky formula, I have a boy - everything is correct.

For those who prefer to trust online calculators, calculations using the Budyansky method can be done.

However, for me personally the results were not the same.

Reviews about the Budyansky method

As practice shows, the technique cannot say for sure who will be born: a son or a daughter.

According to this method, I should have two girls, but the youngest is a son!

I have the same 2 pregnancies.

It’s all bullshit, it worked out well with my first daughter, but my second daughter is definitely a boy according to all tables! My mother should also have me as a boy, and my brother as a girl!

Naty I am twice a granny

I wrote to Budyansky, he counted for me and confirmed that I was even, and my son was odd, and that’s all. If he claims that it is necessary to count according to the last menstruation, then it turns out that I have a girl, but with a real pregnancy he answered that, most likely, there will be a boy, but since the cycle is irregular, 26–28 days, perhaps there will be a girl, as something like that)))) 50/50 in short, point to the sky, as they say))

Ekaterina Shestitko

Freiman-Dobrotin method

A method requiring arithmetic calculations using six tables. The technique was proposed by software engineer M. Freiman, who formalized the principle of predicting the sex of a baby, taking it from various folk beliefs on this topic. Professor S. Dobrotin subsequently checked these data at the Gorky Maternity Hospital, and in 99 cases out of 100 the theory was confirmed. Calculations are made for both mother and father. But in both cases, you need to know the period of conception of the child, that is, you cannot do without the date of the last menstruation here.


  1. We start with calculations for dad. We find in table No. 1 the intersection of the year of his birth and the date of conception of the baby. Write down the number.
  2. Further, for each table we also fix the number at the intersection of two columns.
  3. We add the numbers and get the final coefficient.
  4. We practice the same steps, but for mom. Please note that the data in tables No. 4, 5, 6 for men and women are the same.
  5. We compare the odds: whoever has more “wins”, that is, if dad has a boy, if mom has a girl.

Calculations can also be made using an online calculator using the Freiman-Dobrotin method.

According to my spreadsheet calculations, the result coincided with reality: a boy. But according to the online calculator - no, it showed a girl.

Photo gallery: tables for men and women for calculations using the Freiman-Dobrotin method

Define normal or leap year father’s birthday, as well as how many days are in the month of his birth. We calculate the results for both parents

Chinese table

Another way to calculate the sex of a baby is to use a Chinese table found about 700 years ago in one of the temples near Beijing. The principle of its operation does not have any scientific explanation; all data was verified by the centuries-old experience of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, because the first use of the method dates back to the 12th century. And since then, many Chinese monarchs have been able to calculate the gender of their heirs. To use the Chinese table, you do not need to perform mathematical calculations.


This is interesting. To calculate the sex of the child in advance, we choose who we want: a boy or a girl, and mark all the months where the chances of achieving what we want are highest. These will be the best months to conceive. All that remains is to choose those that also coincide with ovulation.

Determining the sex of the unborn child

The “blood renewal” technique is based on the fact that men’s blood is renewed once every 4 years, and women’s - once every 3 years. If the father’s blood is “newer,” the child will be a boy, if the mother’s blood will be a girl. It is necessary to take into account all the large blood losses after which the blood was renewed - operations, childbirth, miscarriages, abortions, blood transfusions, donation of donor blood.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by time of conception

Want to test yourself? First find the mother's age, then relate it to the month in which the child was conceived. You will receive a plus or minus sign indicating whether it is a boy or a girl, respectively. This way you can check the birth of yourself or your relatives.

Considering the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 35 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception. Good luck in your endeavors!

Many mothers have already written articles to us on the website on the topic of how to calculate the sex of a child. But this topic worries future happy parents so much that we return to it again and again. Although such interest, at first glance, is very strange. After all, if you ask a young family: “Do you want a child?”, they, of course, will answer yes. And when asked who they want to see as their first-born, they will most likely answer that they don’t care. 🙂 Are they lying? 🙂 Only a few people have a clear preference for a particular gender of their firstborn. As a rule, this is connected either with the mother’s dream of a daughter, or with the husband’s thoughts about procreation, and with the desire to have a son. But when it comes to the second and subsequent children, parents today are increasingly asking for help in calculating the sex of their unborn baby.

Today various sources ( specialized literature, the Internet, specialists from family planning centers, psychics, fortune tellers and others) offer their services based on a whole range of theories on how to calculate the sex of a child and predetermine the birth of a daughter or son. We will try to consider all the methods together with you, if possible, test them on our own examples and decide what really works and what is empty fiction. Let's make up, in other words, our own.

A method for determining the sex of a child based on life expectancy and sperm stability

Gynecologists and andrologists believe that the sex of the child depends on the father, or more precisely, on his sperm. Spermatozoa, which produce boys after fertilization of the egg, are much more active, but less resistant to aggressive environment than those whose fertilization produces girls.

And if we take into account that all sperm live in a woman’s genital tract for 2–3 days, and the egg remains capable of fertilization only for 8–13 hours, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases with sexual intercourse directly during ovulation, and for girls – in a few days before her. It turns out that if you really want a girl, you both have to try.

Firstly In order for sperm to withstand all the tests and safely wait for ovulation, they must themselves be very strong, healthy and active, that is, dad should not drink, smoke, get sick (even with a runny nose), go to the bathhouse and generally overheat for 3 - 4 weeks before ovulation.

Secondly, the probability of the largest number of sperm reaching the target is maximum during the female peak: estrogens are released in huge quantities, opening the entrance to the uterus, and the uterus begins to contract intensively, helping sperm move in the right direction.

My first pregnancy was long-awaited and I didn’t care who was born: a boy or a girl, the main thing was that at least one turned out. Therefore, I calculated ovulation, listened to my feelings and terrorized my husband at that very right moment. Of course, I didn’t try to calculate the sex of the child using this method then, but now I can check its effectiveness. Judging by the fact that we had a son, the boy sperm turned out to be faster than everyone else, and in our case this method worked.

The behavior and life cycle of male sperm and female eggs have been studied not so long ago, but, as we can see, there are coherent theories that make it possible to predict the future and try to plan even the gender of the desired baby. In this case, what can we say about the various theories and methods for determining the sex of a child, based on the study of a person’s blood - the main carrier of information about him, about his health, genes, and therefore about his past and future. The most common among people today are: the theory of blood renewal, a method of planning the sex of a baby based on the blood groups and Rh factors of the parents.

How to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal

The essence of the method is based on the fact that there is a difference in the time of the complete blood renewal cycle of men and women. In men, the blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - 3. The only exceptions are women with negative Rh blood, they also have a full cycle of 4 years. The method is simple: we take the age of the parents at the time of conception of the baby and divide by the appropriate number (3 or 4), we get a certain coefficient. Whose coefficient is lower, the blood is younger, which means the child will be born of this gender.

For example: my husband is 25 years old, which means 25/4=6.25; The wife is 22 years old, which means 22/3=7.33. The husband's coefficient is lower, his blood is younger - a boy will be born.

Everything seems simple, I just wonder if it works. Let's check it with our own example. When we conceived our child, I was 28 and my husband was 24. After simple calculations, it turns out that my coefficient of 9.3 is greater than my husband’s 6.0 and a boy should have been born. Our son is already six months old and in our example, this albeit pseudoscientific method works.

How to calculate the sex of a child based on the blood type and Rh factor of the parents' blood

There are many unique calculators, in the fields of which you just need to enter the blood type of the parents or the Rh factor and they will give the result: boy or girl. These calculators are based on data from the following summary tables:

Dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the Rh factor of the parents' blood

Dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the blood type of the parents

Blood type

mom's blood

It would seem that the probability of these methods is 50%, but there is one circumstance that personally threw me into a stupor. A person's blood type, as well as the Rh factor, do not change throughout life. Then how to explain children of different sexes in a family? It turns out that if the mother has I (+) and the father has III (+), only girls should be born in this marriage. And another paradox: if parents can always expect only boys based on their blood type, and judging by the Rh factor - only girls, then how can they trust these methods in planning babies? Perhaps this method of calculating the sex of an unborn child is not suitable for me. Well, I don’t believe in him that’s all!

If the disadvantage of the previous method is the unchanging data for the study (blood type and Rh factor), then the next two methods are based on changing factors: the age of the mother (from 18 to 45 years) and the month of conception of the baby - Chinese table; month of birth of the mother, father and month of conception of the child - Japanese table.

Determining the sex of a child using Chinese tables

What underlies this table is a mystery. Either this is ancient knowledge, or long-term observations, or scientific research - it is not known for certain. Therefore, we will check and look for matches. Let's check: is it possible to calculate the gender of a child using Chinese tables?

For example, I was 29 years old when I conceived my baby in July. According to the table, I was expecting a girl, but I had a boy. So. And my mom was 20 when she and my dad successfully conceived me on their honeymoon in September. And a boy was supposed to be born, but I was born a girl. Although every woman who firmly believes in coincidences and accidents will definitely say: “Yes, a girl, but with a masculine character.”

Month of conception

Woman's age

In general, in the example of my family, the Chinese table did not work either. It's a pity, I had hope for her. Because I would like to have a second girl, and according to the table, at the age of 30, I will be conceiving only girls for almost the entire year. 🙂 Plus, it’s somehow strange not to take into account the data of the future dad, as if nothing depends on him. The same cannot be said about the Japanese table.

How to calculate the gender of a child using Japanese tables

In addition to the fact that this method takes into account three parameters: the month of birth of the mother, father and the month of conception of the child, the degree of probability of the expected result varies here. It’s difficult to write, but I’ll explain now. The Japanese table actually consists of two: in the first, you correlate the key months and at their intersection you get a certain number. For example, I was born in June, and my husband was born in March, our number is 6.

Man's birth month

Woman's birth month

January February March April May June July August September October november December


In the second table we look for our number, in the middle columns we select the gender of the unborn child: a boy or a girl, and in the desired column we look for the largest number of X signs, which corresponds to a greater probability of having a boy or a girl. We correlate the column under your number with the largest number of X signs in the column under a boy or a girl, at the intersection of these cells there will be a month when the probability of your couple conceiving a baby of the exact gender you want.




Let's see: we want a girl, the maximum probability is XXX, and at the intersection of XXX and the number 6 is the month - August. Everything would be fine, but opposite July in the column under the number 6, the probability for us to give birth to a boy is X, and a girl is XX, and we have a son. Either we are somehow unique, or Asian methods are not suitable for us, but also Japanese table in our case it doesn't work. 🙂

So what works then? Is it possible to somehow calculate the gender of a child? When scientific and pseudoscientific methods do not work, it makes sense to turn to the experience of something completely different. 🙂 Let's look at Numbers are as ancient and mysterious as stars, their influence on a person’s life, on his decision-making. Numerology studies the magic of numbers and their role in the destinies of people and history.

Determining the gender of a child using numerology

In view of the fact that numerology deals with the study of numbers, and to study the gender of a child, the data of his parents and the month of expected conception are needed, then to begin with their last name, full names and the month must be converted into numerical values. The following table will help us with this. It is important to know that the first name must be full, and the last name is the one indicated on the birth certificate.

1 A AND WITH Kommersant
2 B Y T Y
3 IN TO U b
4 G L F E
5 D M X YU
6 E N C I
8 AND P Sh

So, each letter corresponds to a certain number. We replace the letters with numbers, and add up the last and first names of the father, the last and first names of the mother, and the month of conception. We get three numbers. We add them together and divide the resulting number by 7, rounding to the nearest whole number. We conclude: if the number is even, expect a girl, if odd, expect a boy. It's that simple.

Let's check, as before, using our own example. Protecting our personal data, we will immediately replace the surnames with the total number, and decipher the names and month of conception:

Mom 56 + MARIA (5+1+9+1+6) = 78

Papa 16 + YAKOV (6+3+7+3) = 35

Conception month JULY (1+5+4+3) = 13


18 is an even number, a girl was supposed to be born, but a son was born. What is it, nothing works for us! Maybe turn to folk wisdom?

Signs and fortune telling to calculate the sex of a child

For many centuries people have noticed, noted, written down and retold to each other. This is how various signs and fortune telling have come down to our time. It was believed that if a woman lies on her left side during conception, she will get a boy, and if she lies on her right side, she will get a girl. Personally, I have only heard signs about second children, depending on the appearance or behavior of the first child.

For example, if the first child’s hair on the back of his head curls in a pigtail, the second will be a girl; if it ends straight, it will be a boy. Or if the first child has symmetrical folds on both legs, the second child will be of the same sex; if they are different, they will be of the opposite sex. Here’s another thing, depending on what word the first-born said earlier, “mom” or “dad,” the second child of that gender will be born.

Most of the signs concern already pregnant women; who are they expecting: a boy or a girl?

The gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother can tell the gender of the baby: for meat and salty foods - for a boy, for sweets and fruits - for a girl.

If during pregnancy a woman blossoms, it will be a boy; if she becomes dull (swells, becomes covered with spots), it will be a girl. As they say, a daughter takes away beauty.

If the belly is sharp in shape and it is not noticeable from behind that the woman is pregnant, expect a boy; if the belly is round and spreads out around the waist, expect a girl.

If during pregnancy a woman begins to grow hair on her body, especially on her stomach, she will have a boy; if not, she will be a girl.

To be honest, among the signs I know, some are completely delusional. For example, a bald dad will give birth to a son, or a pregnant woman gets annoyed with all men and is expecting a girl. Believe me, all pregnant women are annoyed with all men and, moreover, with everyone in general, and bald men (Fedor Bondarchuk, Gosha Kutsenko, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel and others) raise beautiful daughters.

It turns out that as soon as you decide to plan who your future child will be: a boy or a girl, take advantage of all possible methods, theories and signs. And at the intersection of them all you will find the maximum coincidence - this is the golden hour.

My husband and I have calculated all our options: we will go for the girl when I am 30 years old, most likely in August and definitely on the right side. We wish the same for you :)

What methods work for you? Let's have a popular vote. Leave it in the comments - who came up with what? Which ones do you consider serious and which ones don’t?

Reading time: 8 minutes. Views 1.8k. Published 04/28/2018

Hello, dear readers!

Modern science does what seemed impossible to people of the past - it determines who will be born even before new person will be born. But, as always, it’s not enough for us. It is necessary to calculate the sex of the child before conception!

Well, what should you do if you already have two daughters, but dad has no one to play football with? Or is the mother, with three sons and a husband, a little tired of being surrounded by men? And sometimes this is a really serious problem when it comes to hereditary diseases.

Is it possible to “agree” with nature and calculate the gender of the child? Such attempts have been made for a long time, and modern developments are also appearing. Let’s make a reservation right away: today there are no methods that provide a 100% guarantee.

Biological prerequisites for determining sex

What determines whether a girl or a boy is born? Let's remember school course biology. The female set of sex chromosomes is two X chromosomes, the male set is X and Y chromosomes. Determination of the sex of the child occurs at the moment of fertilization.

If a sperm with a Y chromosome is involved in the fertilization of an egg (X chromosome), expect a son, if with an X chromosome, expect a sweet daughter. It is unlikely to influence this natural process, but you can try.

Types of techniques

The variety of proposed methods is very large. First mention of Chinese scheme found in the 12th century, and the Freiman-Dobrotin method is based on modern medicine. There are theories that take into account Scientific research, and there are those related to psychic theories. Let's look at the most famous ones.

1. Chinese table

An ancient Chinese method, known since the 12th century. The scheme was compiled on the basis of practical observations of several generations; Chinese emperors used it to calculate the gender of the future heir. According to this theory, the baby is determined by the date of conception and the age of the mother.

It is stated that in certain years of life a woman can conceive a boy or a girl in strictly defined months. The Chinese baby gender determination chart is very easy to use. The months of the calendar are listed vertically, and the age of the expectant mother is indicated horizontally. At the intersection of the line and column it is indicated whether a daughter or a son will be born.

2. Japanese tables

This theory is also ancient, and is also based on practical observations. This is where the similarities end. According to this theory, both mother and father influence the baby. For calculations, the month of birth of both parents is taken. Using the Japanese method is somewhat more complicated than the Chinese one.

Two tables are used. In the first, 12 calendar months are listed vertically and horizontally: the vertical is the month of birth of the mother, and the horizontal is the father. The cells are filled with numbers from 1 to 12. You need to find the number at the intersection of the required line and column and go to the second table.

In the Japanese chart, in the top line, future parents must find their number. And this column lists the time frame within which a son or daughter can be conceived. The probability of their appearance is directly proportional to the number of crosses in the corresponding columns.

If we compare two methods that came from Asia, the Japanese method is more flexible. It takes into account a larger number of factors and gives a probabilistic assessment of the appearance of a boy or girl.

3. By renewing the blood

Another long-used method of calculating the sex of a child is by blood renewal. It is based on the cyclic renewal of blood and tissues in human body. In men, renewal occurs every 4 years, in women this period is 3 years. But if a woman negative Rh factor, then its period will be 4 years.

The baby will inherit the gender of the parent with “younger” blood. To calculate who will be born, you need to know the birth dates of the parents. To calculate the dominant parent, we divide the ages of the father and mother by 4 and 3, respectively, and compare the results of the division. The one with the lower number wins.

But there are nuances. If there was severe blood loss (for example, surgery or donation), then the renewal cycle should begin from there. And if at the time of fertilization the “youth” of the parents’ blood is approximately equal, then the probability of twins is high.

This method has no scientific basis.

4. According to the ovulation schedule

This method, first proposed by the Polish doctor F. Benedo, is based on the difference in the properties of sperm carrying different chromosomes. Medical studies have shown that sperm with an X chromosome have low motility and high vitality (2-4 days) compared to sperm carrying a Y chromosome (life span 1-2 days).

Conceiving a child is only possible for a few days menstrual cycle: during ovulation and two days before and after it. Those. if sperm enters female body two to three days before ovulation, then slow but hardy carriers of the female chromosome have a better chance of waiting for fertilization than mobile, but less resistant carriers of male chromosomes in an aggressive environment.

In this case, there is a high probability of having a daughter. If sexual intercourse took place during the period of ovulation, mobile carriers of Y chromosomes have every chance of fertilizing the egg. This means a son will be born.

To use this method, it is important to accurately determine the time of ovulation. You can use special testers, a graph of temperature changes, or calculate based on the menstrual cycle.

The method of calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception is recognized by medicine. The confidence level is about 80%.

5. Method of the Budyansky spouses

Modern methods carry out calculations based on two dates of conception: the baby itself and the expectant mother. Father's details are not taken into account. For calculations, it is necessary to determine the mother’s menstrual type - even or odd.

The mother's date of conception is calculated based on her date of birth. It is necessary to determine whether this year was even or odd. To establish menstrual type mother uses the Budyansky calendar, consisting of three columns. In the middle are the menstrual periods of conception, the side columns are occupied with data from the even and odd years of conception. To find out the type, you need to find the intersection of the row with the column of the required year, where the type of the cycle is indicated.

The type of baby's cycle is determined in the same way. If the cycle type of mother and baby is the same, there is a high probability of giving birth to a daughter; if the cycle does not coincide, there is a greater chance of having a son.

Statistical data to support the work has been collected for more than 30 years. The development is registered by Rospatent.

6. Freiman-Dobrotin method

Modern domestic methods use the year of birth of future parents, as well as the date of fertilization, to calculate. How to determine the gender of the unborn child is explained using tables. There are 12 tables in total - six schemes for calculations based on the father’s data, and the same number based on the mother’s data.

As a result of processing, two final coefficients are displayed - father and mother. They are compared, and the coefficient with great value will determine who will appear - a son or a daughter. The method is highly accurate; there is evidence of 90% matches.

7. Special diets

The theory of a special diet for “ordering” a daughter or son also finds its supporters. The authorship of the experimental studies is attributed to Dutch scientists. It is recommended to follow a certain menu three months before fertilization.

Those wishing to give birth to a boy should choose dishes high in protein, potassium, sodium, and not give up fatty foods. But those dreaming of a girl need foods high in magnesium and calcium.

8. Determination by blood group and Rh factor of parents

Special summary tables have been developed in which the birth of a baby is associated with the blood group or Rh factor of the future father and mother. For example, if both parents have the first group, then a girl will be born, if the mother has the second group, and the father has the third group, then a son will be born, etc.

But the reliability of such results is questionable. The simplest logical chain: the group and Rh factor of a person’s blood are unchanged, i.e. Only same-sex children should be born in one family. But there are enough families around with children of different sexes, which makes us doubt this method.

9. Using the lunar calendar

Everything is very simple here - the gender of the child depends on what sign the Moon was in at the time of fertilization. The moon travels through 12 horoscope signs in a month. Female signs (Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus) promise a girl. The remaining six are male signs, respectively, boys.

10. Using numerology

There is a special scheme into which parents' data is entered. Moreover, all verbal data (last name, first name) are recoded into numbers. No serious studies have been conducted on the reliability of such calculations.


People have been trying to calculate in advance who will be born for a long time. In Germany they believed that rainy weather was good for boys and dry weather was good for girls. Among the Slavs, the result depended on which side the woman was lying on, while among the Chinese it was necessary to lie with the head strictly north or south.

Today, scientists even intervene in this intimate process - for example, when performing artificial insemination (IVF), the sex of the embryo is usually determined before the procedure. But there is no guaranteed method of “ordering” an unborn baby. Humanity is trying, developing, but girls and boys are still born in approximately equal numbers. Maybe this is right, and it’s not worth correcting Nature? She knows what she's doing. The main thing is that children are welcome and healthy!

Do you have experience with such planning? And what are the results? We are interested in your experience, write to us.