Pregnancy calendar, gender of the child, Japanese table. Calculator for determining the sex of a child. What is this technique?

The desire of young parents to find out what the gender of the future baby will be is sometimes so great that they use a variety of methods and traditional methods more .

Today we will find out whether it is possible to determine the gender of a child using a Japanese table, how to do this, and how reliable the information received will be.

History of the calendar

The history of this calendar goes back to the distant past. For a long time, ancient peoples were interested in the mystery of human fertilization and the birth of new life. The Japanese were especially noted for their belief in secret meaning date of birth of a person, and numerology was revered by them as higher science. The greatest achievement and goal of a Japanese life was and remains the birth of an heir male, therefore, calculations were made to help predict in advance who would be born in the family.

The traditional Japanese calendar has at least 3 chronology:

  • from the founding of Japan (VII century BC);
  • from the beginning of the reign of each emperor;
  • from the Nativity of Christ.

It is believed that the emergence of the Japanese calendar for calculating the gender of the unborn baby dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. With its help, by choosing the right day for conception, it was possible to find out the result in advance and get a child of the desired gender.

This ancient method has not lost its relevance to this day - it is actively used by many parents around the world. How true the results are, how to correctly calculate the dates - we will consider below.

The principle of calculating the Japanese calendar

The Japanese based their theory on a simple principle: the child’s gender will depend on the predominant set of chromosomes in the mother’s body at the time. It is known that the female egg system produces only female chromosomes - (X). However, male chromosomes can contain both female and male (Y) chromosomes. It follows that if at the moment of fertilization the male seed contains only female hormones, then the birth will definitely be a girl. But if sperm inject female and male hormones (XY) into the egg, a boy will be born.

Previously it was believed that it was impossible to predict the sex of a child. However, the Japanese conception table for the sex of a child is a method that refutes this theory.

Without an online calculator, how can you find out who will be with the help of a gender determination sign?

Most sites today provide a service to help calculate the gender of the unborn baby. All you have to do is write down the birth dates of both parents and the time the baby was conceived, and the computer will take less than a minute to do the calculation. However, you can find out who will be born using the Japanese table for determining the sex of children. This is absolutely not a troublesome process, for which you only need to know a few dates.

The main thing that is proposed to be done is to determine your code family number. The calendar diagram represents horizontal and vertical intersections with different numbers. Months are usually indicated on the left to determine the female month of birth, and at the top horizontally - male. Next, we determine the birth months of each parent and mentally draw parallel lines. The point of coincidence is where the correct common code denominator is found.

Determining sex by month of conception

For the next stage, you will need another table, with a graph of the curve. Knowing the general code number, you need to find this value in the table and draw a perpendicular to the month of conception. If the graph moves in the male direction, most likely a boy will be born, and vice versa.

How to use the Japanese calendar correctly?

The Japanese method of calculating the sex of a baby is quite simple. You will need to use only 2 tables - a system for determining the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents and a table with the date of conception. Despite the fact that quite a lot of parents use this technique, the system does not always show a 100% correct result.

When making calculations, you should carefully compare the dates of birth of the biological parents and correctly find the common code value. Please note - this method is used not only when the child has already been conceived, but also when you are just pregnant.

A few examples for clarity

As you can see, the presented Japanese calendar can easily and in an accessible form calculate the gender of a child during the period. The table clearly shows who parents should expect - a boy or a girl.
Let's say the birth month of the biological mother is April, and the birth month of the father is July. Then the common denominator for this couple will be 4. Now, based on the data in the second table, we will see that the most favorable months for conceiving a boy will be August, December and March ( greatest number values ​​X). If this couple passionately dreams of a girl, then fertilization should be carried out in June and January.

If the mother's birth date is in January and the father's in August, then the total number for them will be 5. Now we see that January and September are best for conceiving a boy, and the chances of having a girl will increase significantly if conceived in July.

How reliable is this technique?

Of course, no method for determining the sex of a child, except ultrasound, can give a 100% accurate result. TO popular ways Predicting the sex of a baby also includes the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child by the age of the mother and father. However, the lack of a full guarantee does not reduce the level of confidence in this technique - according to statistics, every 5 pregnant women regularly resort to it. Do not be upset if you were planning to have a boy, and the result of the table showed that you will have a girl - it is likely that the data is incorrect, and you will give birth to the desired heir.

Differences between Chinese and Japanese methods

As already mentioned, there are quite a few ways to determine the sex of a child before or immediately after conception - the method, the Japanese calendar, matching parents, by day, etc. There is also a commonly used one. It has existed for 700 years, and the original tables are still kept in the temples of the Chinese capital.

The Chinese theory of determining the gender of a baby is based on the hypothesis that the desired gender of a child depends entirely on the date of birth of the mother and the day.

Although the Chinese claim that the table shows a 100% correct result, in practice the chances correct result much lower. Nevertheless, it continues to be actively used in all countries. Finding out who will be with you, a boy or a girl, is quite simple - the data is already written in the table, you just need to find the value of the mother’s age and draw a perpendicular to the month. At the point where the lines intersect you will see the result.

Important! In practice, the chances of the Chinese method correctly determining the sex of the unborn baby are reduced to only 55%.

The disadvantages of such a table for determining the sex of a child, unlike the Japanese one, are the restrictions on the mother’s age at 18 years old - after all, a girl can become a mother earlier. Also An error in obtaining the correct result may be an inaccurate indication of the day of ovulation.

In this review, we looked at how to use the Japanese calendar, and learned how you can calculate the gender of a child already at the very beginning. However, it is worth remembering that the most accurate method of determination can only be offered by traditional medicine- this is the method that is safe and most effective.

Parents are always interested in finding out in advance who to prepare for - their son or daughter. The fact that this state of affairs has always existed is also evidenced by the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child, which, according to legend, is already over 700 years old. It was thanks to her that Chinese emperors planned gender when it was necessary to have an heir. Let's try to figure out how it works and how reliable it is.

Features of the Chinese table

In the century high technology We are already accustomed to planning and calculating everything in advance. Likewise, a woman wants to somehow influence the gender of her future baby, or at least predict it. IN modern world Various methods are used for this: those based on science or research, as well as folk “grandmother’s” methods.

The scientific institute in Beijing keeps a table that was found during excavations of the temple (according to another legend, it was found in the tomb of the emperor). But there are rumors that most Chinese women still choose the day for conception according to her in order to give birth to a boy.

There is a Chinese table for determining the sex of a child based on the age of the expectant mother and the day of conception. When compiling, other parameters were not taken into account. Our advanced mothers have already done their “research” and checked the gender of their existing children using the table. The results were disappointing: a significant percentage of discrepancies. But scientists have figured out some details. It turns out that, according to some sources, this ancient people considers the date of birth not the day of birth, but precisely the moment of conception. Therefore, they insist, it is necessary to take not the woman’s current age, but increase it by 9 months. But how true this theory is, there is no answer yet.

By the way, in the beliefs of our ancestors there is a similar system of calculations. But it involves comparing the days: conception and birth of the mother. If they are both even, a girl is expected (or if both are odd), and if they are different, then a boy. The version is quite probable, although it is not entirely clear on what it is based.

In any case, you should not rely with 100% probability on such tables. But it is always possible to check and combine with additional recommendations from scientists regarding the method of conception to obtain a child of a particular gender.

Instructions for working with the table

The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child for 2017 is no different from the original found 7 centuries ago. She looks like this.

As you can see, using the sign is quite simple, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Find the line corresponding to your age.
  2. View the expected gender of the baby in the coming months.
  3. Select the option that interests you most.
  4. Schedule conception for a month with the result of interest.

If you want a more guaranteed result, it is better to choose months where the expected gender is repeated, rather than replaced by another over several periods. For example, if a woman is 25 years old and wants to conceive a boy, it is better to choose October-November rather than June. After all, in July and May there is a greater chance of conceiving a girl, which can cause an error, and in September and December a boy is also expected, which increases the chances several times.

Additionally, you can check by the day of conception of the mother herself, i.e. add 9 months to her age. If the age obtained falls in the same year, there will be no change. If it changes to the previous one, then it is better to choose months in which the future gender will coincide in both years. In our case, as you can see, it’s the other way around, June, while the autumn months predict a girl for us.

It is precisely such ambiguities that cause negative responses to this table.

Japanese table - features and differences

The Chinese table for determining the gender of a child, reviews of which we have studied in detail, raises certain doubts among 50% of users. But half of them note that it is better to use the Japanese system. They explain their trust by the fact that more parameters are taken into account, for example, the characteristics of the father. And the table itself looks more solid. Let's look at that too.

It consists of two separate plates. Using the first, you need to identify the control value that is used in the second table.

First, you need to select your characteristics:

  1. First you need to find the line with your month of birth.
  2. Next, find the column with the month of birth of the future father.
  3. Look at the check digit at the intersection of the selected criteria.

Now, knowing our parameter for determination, we consider its values ​​​​according to the second table.

At first glance, it is not very clear, but let's look at it in detail. Here you need to follow this principle:

  1. Find your check digit in the column.
  2. In the middle there are columns “boy” and “girl”.
  3. Having chosen the result you want, look at its values: the more cells are shaded, the greater the likelihood of conception in the month indicated in the horizontal line.
  4. Following the selected parameters, select the most optimal month in the column with its own number.

Let's look at it with an example. Suppose a girl was born in June, and her husband was born in September. Using the first table, we identify the control number. It is 6. In the second table we find a column with the number 6. So, we see that it is more likely to conceive a girl in March, July, August and September. February, May and October are more favorable for a boy. At the same time, in October the probability of conceiving a son is maximum, because we have as many as 10 cells painted, and in February - 6. For such a couple, in principle, conceiving a boy is more likely, because for a girl, only 2-3 cells are painted, even in the most favorable months.

Modern methods calculations also allow us to identify favorable days with gender prediction. They are presented in the form of a calculator on our website. Just enter your data: the length of the female cycle, the date of the last menstruation, its duration. You will receive a calendar of your ovulation and gender forecast for each day.

Scientific method

So, we found out that the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child (in 2017, the table will help us identify the “necessary” months), as well as the Japanese one, are quite reliable, but still raise well-founded doubts. You can, for example, select the best months one and the other and make your final choice on those that coincide, thereby increasing your chances.

But it would be even better to listen to the advice of scientists. Their research is based on simple laws of anatomy. We know that female cells contain X chromosomes, so it will not affect gender. Male sperm contain X or Y chromosomes. The sex of our embryo depends on which of them meets the egg: XX is a girl, XY is a boy.

What does this knowledge give us and how can we help ensure that the meeting takes place with the sperm we need? To do this, you need to know a few more points regarding the characteristics of each type. Type Y sperm are very active and fast, they move quickly and reach the egg faster. This means that if sexual intercourse occurs precisely at the moment of ovulation, it will rush forward and reach the egg first. In this case, we are guaranteed a boy.

In turn, X-sperm, although slow, have a very valuable quality - vitality. A very high temperature is observed in the female genital tract, in which Y dies within a day at most, while X lives up to 3-5 days, like the female reproductive cell itself.

Therefore, it is worth carrying out fertilization a couple of days before the cell is released into the fallopian tubes. At the same time, within a day the Y-spermatozoa will all die and there will be none left at all by the time our cell appears in the genital tract. And the X sperm slowly continue moving and meet her. In this case, we are guaranteed to conceive a daughter.

If you combine the selected month according to the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child with the calculations indicated above, you will be much more likely to get what you want.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that it is important to be able to accurately identify the moment of ovulation. Today this can be done in several ways:

  • Calculate using the formula: cycle length minus 14 days (the length of the luteal phase, which is the same for all women).
  • Use tests for home use: strips, cassettes, reusable, by urine or saliva.
  • Maintaining a chart according to rectal temperature measurements.
  • Ultrasonography, when the doctor has the opportunity to trace the development of the cell and the moment of its release.

Every girl has heard stories that nutrition, namely the type of foods consumed, can also affect gender. Today, many diets are prescribed for couples who want to conceive a son or daughter. Let's look at what these studies are based on:

  • To increase the viability of type Y sperm, you need to consume more potassium and sodium. The optimal set of products: meat, sausages, smoked meats, potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, dates, prunes, apricots, cherries, melon.
  • X sperm require more calcium and magnesium. It is worth giving preference to dairy products, cottage cheese, apples, pears, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, beets and carrots. Salt should be very limited, and yeast bread should also be avoided.

Pick up correct mode nutrition, collecting a list of necessary products and using them to develop a complete and tasty menu is quite simple. But you should first consult with your doctor so that changing the regimen does not cause problems for the development of the unborn baby. It is also important to give up exhausting diets long before planning a pregnancy. It is better for the mother to take care of her health and avoid stress so that the child has the most favorable conditions for development.

To increase your chances of having a son or daughter, it is best to combine all the methods and calculations: a Chinese table for determining the sex of a child, an online calculator, the moment of conception (relative to the time of ovulation), diet. This way you can maximize your chances of getting the expected result. But even if the effect is unexpected, this is not a reason for frustration. The joy of motherhood and your beloved baby nearby - what else is needed for happiness?

We are well aware of the three main goals in the life of every man: to consider that he life path passed not in vain, he must leave behind a house, a tree and a son. And for the Japanese, the issue of having a boy has always been of fundamental importance - the man’s position in society directly depended on this. That is why everyone without exception, from aristocrats to simple farmers, was concerned about the problem of having an heir in the family. Well, the emperors, for whom the birth of an heir was an opportunity to continue the dynasty, were worried about this like no other.

The tradition of giving birth and raising a boy has been preserved in Japan to this day. The childlessness of a married couple is considered a huge misfortune, and the birth of only daughters in a family is at least bad luck. There are cases when spouses, desperate to give birth to a boy, resorted to the adoption procedure. And men even cheated on their wives in the hope that if their life partner was not able to please them with the birth of a son, their mistress might be able to do so.

The Japanese have long wondered whether it is possible to somehow “tell” nature what kind of baby a married couple wants. And they found a solution: they developed “our own” method for determining the sex of a child, based on comparing the months of birth of the husband and wife with the month of conception. The popularity of this method lies in its simplicity and the absence of complex arithmetic calculations. The method is also universal in that it is suitable not only for “selecting” the sex of the unborn baby, but also in cases when a woman is already pregnant, the period is still quite short, and she really wants to quickly find out who she is carrying under her heart - a boy or a girl .

Determine the gender of the child

Let’s make a reservation right away: the Japanese method is applied. It cannot be called scientific, which means you should not rely on it 100%. If you are already pregnant, treat it like fortune telling on coffee grounds. Under no circumstances should you stock up on pink or blue baby clothes before your ultrasound just because you followed the advice of the wise Japanese. And if you want to plan the gender of your unborn child, use other calculation options.

There are two tables in front of you. The first allows you to determine the common number for your couple. Find the months of your birth in the horizontal and vertical line and remember the number located at their intersection. Then look at table No. 2, which is a graph with a complex curve. Find the number obtained from the first table in the vertical line of the second, and visually draw a line to the expected month of conception (if you are just planning a child) or to the known month (when pregnancy has already occurred). If the graph curve at the intersection of these two points deviates strongly towards the “boy” or “girl” side, most likely you should expect a child of this gender.

For clarity, let's look at two simple examples. Let's say a woman was born in March, a man in April, and they conceived or plan to conceive a child in January. As follows from the first table, the total number of spouses will be seven. We find it in the second table and see that at the intersection with January the graph deviated greatly upward, into the boy’s area. Therefore, it is worth believing that they will have a son. And in just a couple of months - in March - a favorable period will come for this couple to conceive a daughter. Consequently, in months where the curve does not show large deviations, there is no need to talk more specifically about the sex of the child.

Table 1.

Table 2.

But even if the Japanese method turned out to be inaccurate and the ultrasound showed exactly the opposite result, do not be upset in any case. To become happy parents, you need to wait not for a boy or a girl, but for a child. And wish him health even before his birth. Good luck and be happy!

It can be a real salvation for impatient expectant parents who cannot wait for an ultrasound at 22-25 weeks of pregnancy and want to know in advance who will be born to them - a son or a daughter.

How to determine the sex of an unborn child without an ultrasound

Naturally, the most reliable method of determining the sex of a child is ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound can give the most accurate results only at 4-5 months of pregnancy. But what should those who early stages I would like to know what additions are expected to the family? And many couples would not refuse an effective tool for determining the sex of their unborn child.

One of the most reliable in this regard is the Japanese method of determining the sex of a child.

How does the Japanese gender chart work? Everything is very simple.

It has been known for a long time. that the sex of the child depends on the group of chromosomes that the sperm carries. A woman's egg always contains only the female set of chromosomes (X), but sperm can carry different sets of X and Y chromosomes, that is, male and female, respectively. And if an egg is fertilized by a sperm containing a set of female chromosomes (X), then a girl is born, if the set of chromosomes from the fusion of a sperm and an egg is XY, then a boy is born.

Japanese scientists have developed a way to determine the set of chromosomes involved in conceiving a child. To do this, you need to know the birth months of the parents and the month of ovulation at conception.

In a short time after its appearance, the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child has gained popularity not only among residents of Japan, but also abroad, including in our country. Because the Japanese pregnancy planning calendar actually works!

How to use the Japanese method of determining the sex of a child

In the first table, find the number that corresponds to the month of birth - yours and the child’s father. In the following table, compare this figure with the line of the month in which you became pregnant (it is more reliable to track this moment not by the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy, but by the date of ovulation). In the corresponding column you will find a forecast for the gender of your unborn child.

When planning a pregnancy, the Japanese table for determining the sex of the child is used in the same way, only in table number two we look at the month in which you plan to get pregnant (also based on the time of ovulation).

Finding out the sex of the unborn child during pregnancy is the dream of every mother. However, this is quite difficult to do even in modern technology. At the same time, our ancestors knew much more about pregnancy and conception. The Japanese table suggests calculating the sex of the unborn child based on the date of conception and the time when the parents were born. Let's see how it works.

Japanese table

The Japanese table determines the sex of the unborn child by the month of birth of the mother and father and the month of conception!
Birthday month mothersFather's birth month
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDec
Secret numberMonth
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDec

What is the pregnancy calendar in Japan?

The Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child works quite clearly. You can even use it to plan conception and predict who will be born. For eastern peoples this is very important. In Japan, they tend to have boys because they are the breadwinners in the family and look after their parents in old age.

Unlike the ancient Chinese calendar pregnancy, the Japanese table was created by scientists, so it is much easier for Europeans to work with it. It has already been adapted to modern international requirements.

The Japanese pregnancy calendar consists of two tables. The first vertical column contains the month in which the woman was born. In the horizontal row is the month of the father’s birth. It remains to find the intersection of these two lines and the number that is located on it.

Next, in the second pregnancy table in the very top row, you need to find this number. Then from this number we go down vertically and find the month in which there is the greatest likelihood of giving birth to a boy or a girl. To do this, the probability of birth is marked with crosses in the middle. If a certain month has the most crosses in the “boy” column, it means a boy will be born.

To determine the sex of a child from an existing pregnancy, this method is difficult to use. Some situations may not be listed in the table at all, i.e. the probability of birth is 50 to 50%.

The Japanese table is more suitable for planned pregnancy. Thanks to it, you can accurately calculate the month when the most probable conception boy or girl.

How does the table work?

We all know that the sex of the unborn child depends on the fusion of the chromosomes of the mother and father. In a woman, the egg contains the X chromosome. Male sperm can contain two types of chromosomes: X (female) and Y (male).

Thus, the gender of the baby is determined by the man. As scientists previously argued, it was impossible to predict which chromosomes would connect. If two X chromosomes fuse, the result is a girl, if X and Y are a boy.

However, Japanese scientists have refuted this theory. They believe that the connection of chromosomes depends on the period when conception occurs. At a certain time, a man’s body is capable of producing only one or another type of chromosome. As a result, 2 tables were formed, which indicate the most favorable periods for conceiving a child of one gender or another.

You should not think that at other times it is impossible to conceive a boy or, conversely, a girl. However, the probability drops significantly.