In the dream they gave me a lot of paper bills. I saw paper money in a dream - what is it for? Why dream of finding money according to Miller’s dream book

Money is an integral part of every person's life. People encounter it every day, so sleeping with money does not scare or surprise anyone.

Many people think that such a vision is transformed by the subconscious as a result of the day spent. But that's not true. Even paper money in a dream has its own meaning. Such a dream is intended to remind, indicate, caution or warn the dreamer.

If the dreamer is lucky enough to hold large bills in a dream, then success awaits him at work or in business. If the dream keeper does not work, then soon he will be given a lucrative offer that will provide decent income and prospects for career growth.

The night's plot suggests that such a proposal will help the dreamer realize himself as a self-sufficient person, increase his self-esteem and set life priorities.

Note! A detailed explanation of what you see depends on the currency and amount of money.

Table: the meaning of dreams with large bills in hands based on currency.

Currency The meaning of the night plot
Rubles Rubles in a dream symbolize the onset of problems. Five thousand dollar bills indicate a lack of something in the life of the dream keeper.
Dollars Dollars in hands symbolize the dreamer's thirst for material wealth.

This is a sign that you should not put money above moral and spiritual values, otherwise a person will lose everything.

They warn people in packs of dollars that they shouldn’t take out loans or get into debt.

Euro Euros in hands foreshadow state events.

The dream should be interpreted based on the actions:

Find the euro to the economic development of the country.
Lose the euro to the economic crisis.
Selling currency means problems at work.
Buy currency to increase your salary.

The meaning of sleep based on actions

In a dream, it is important to remember all the details and events that happened with money in it, because the exact interpretation of night vision depends on this:

  1. Seeing a wallet with money means success at work. This vision promises recognition from colleagues, successful completion of the project and praise from superiors. Someone else's wallet warns of the advance of business competitors.
  2. I dreamed of funds in an envelope. The interpretation of this night plot depends on the actions:

    To see news that can improve the financial situation of the sleeper.
    Get to progress in the workplace.
    Give to waste on opening your own business or investing in someone else's project.
    Giving to the success of an open business.

  3. Get a lot of money. A large amount symbolizes financial success. But the second interpretation says that a wad of money portends a decrease in earnings.
  4. A stack of large bills portends participation in a profitable business.
  5. Give a bag of money as payment for past sins. In the past, the dreamer committed a rash act, for which he will now pay at the financial level.
  6. A package or bag with banknotes is a sign of an imminent business trip.
  7. A suitcase filled with financial resources promises disappointment.
  8. A bag of money symbolizes prosperity. For a woman, this is a sign of imminent pregnancy.
  9. Fake banknotes dream of deception and betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  10. Seeing banknotes printed means exposing a lying person. The second interpretation warns the sleeper about impending deception.
  11. Paying with counterfeit banknotes means exposing the deception committed by the dreamer.
  12. Old money indicates that the sleeper is in a society where he is not respected. Hand them over to shift responsibility.
  13. Seeing torn banknotes means poverty and misery. The second interpretation warns of loss of material assets or dismissal from work.
  14. Crumpled, dilapidated banknotes portend a serious illness.
  15. The anniversary banknotes symbolize winning the lottery.
  16. Rare foreign currency dreams of changes in life.
  17. Find financial means to well-being. If a creative person has a vision, then recognition and glory await him.
  18. Handing it to another person means unexpected expenses.
  19. Receive as a gift to lack of money.
  20. Receive a bonus. This dream indicates that the dreamer will soon get a new job.
  21. I dream that the banknotes were given by a dead man. In such a situation, you should expect problems that you will not be able to cope with on your own.
  22. Lending means wasting vital energy.
  23. Lending to a deceased means getting rid of obligations.
  24. Lose to tears.
  25. Stealing means appropriating other people's ideas and merits.
  26. Steal funds. The meaning of the vision depends on who the dreamer stole money from:

    Parents - the dreamer lacks attention from his parents.
    Friends are a sign that a person will achieve incredible heights.
    Strangers - the sleeper will become a leader in the future.

  27. If the bills were stolen from the keeper of the dream, then he will soon be shocked by the behavior and statements of his relatives.
  28. Count to wealth.
  29. Return debt to experiences.
  30. Begging for alms leads to big expenses.
  31. Distribute financial resources for profit.
  32. The lack of money in the night plot symbolizes the dreamer’s need for help from people around him.
  33. Winning the lottery promises financial income.
  34. Changing large bills into small ones will lead to trouble.
  35. Hide to the threat of theft.
  36. Spending leads to failure.
  37. Spending other people's money means losing a friend.
  38. Wet bills foreshadow a decline in a person's moral principles.

Important! If the dreamer dreams that he is given torn bills, then he should prepare for trouble.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation:

  1. Miller:

    Find - expect joy.
    Give/lose - expect losses.

  2. French. A dream with financial means promises great disappointment and anger.
  3. English. This dream prophesies well-being in financial matters.
  4. Freud. According to the dream book of a famous psychologist, a wad of money symbolizes unrealized sexual energy.
  5. Wangi. According to Vanga’s dream book, the night plot foreshadows the betrayal and meanness of friends.
  6. Tsvetkova. This dream represents unpleasant news or bad life changes.
  7. Islamic dream book deciphers this dream as a sign of future wealth. But the detailed decoding depends on the gender of the sleeper:

    For a woman, such a night vision promises a successful marriage.
    For a man, such a night plot foretells a successful conclusion of a deal at work.

  8. Hasse. According to this interpretation, a large amount of money portends the opportunity to make good money.
  9. 21st century. Financial assets symbolize profit.
  10. Aesop. According to this interpretation, financial income should be expected.
  11. Medea. The sorceress Medea described a vision with found money as an omen of good changes in life. Counting money means failure.
  12. Modern. If in a dream banknotes were given as a gift or handed over as a salary, then this is a sign of an imminent replenishment of the family.
  13. Gypsy. This interpretation promises great joy to the keeper of the dream.
  14. Loffa. In Loff's dream book, paper bills symbolize human potential. The more banknotes there were in a dream, the greater the likelihood of achieving success in life.

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Why do you dream about big money? The dream book indicates: well-deserved rewards, financial well-being, profitable deals, and excellent prospects lie ahead. But the plot in a dream also warns of unsuccessful investments, collapse of plans, and difficulties at work.

Increased well-being

A dreamed vision promises in reality: the well-being of the sleeping person will unexpectedly increase. Perhaps he will receive an inheritance.

To dream that you are counting large amounts of money means that your financial well-being will become significantly stronger.

Achieve stability, get rewards

Why do you dream of holding big money in your hands? There will be promising opportunities to make good money. You need to act actively - then you will achieve stability.

Did you dream of a large sum in your hands? Receive a well-deserved reward for your efforts and efforts.

False news, unseemly plans of loved ones

In the dream they were in packs? Receive news, but it may be false. Don't trust them too much, beware of deception.

Found big money in bundles? Vanga's dream book considers this a warning: someone close to you is up to something bad.

Unexpected news, good omens

Have you seen paper bills in a dream? You will learn unexpected news that will affect events and circumstances.

Why do you dream that someone is giving you paper money? Meet a person who will help you regain faith in your strength and restore inner harmony.

Have you seen how they give you large paper money for the work done? The dream book promises: this is a harbinger of the appearance of a child or winning a case in court.

Collapse of plans, unsuccessful investments

But if they are fake, your plans will fail due to your mistakes. You need to try to abstract yourself from failures and tune in to new projects taking into account mistakes.

Did you dream of stealing big money? The dream book warns about unsuccessful investments or investments in obscene or semi-legal business. Such an investment will not bring the expected joy.

Why dream of losing and looking for them? The deal on which the dreamer had high hopes will fall through.

Instead of the expected large banknotes, did you see small change in your dream? In reality, plans will collapse. Perhaps you did not take into account some little things.

Implement your projects, make a profitable deal

Have you seen a wallet in a dream where small and large money coexist? The dream book tells you: you will soon be able to realize your wildest dreams.

Did you dream that your late mother was holding them out? If she did this with her right hand, you will ensure material well-being not only for yourself, but also for your children. If she gave them with her left hand, you will soon receive an inheritance.

Why dream of unexpectedly finding thousands of rubles? Make a very profitable deal with your partners, or an offer for a higher-paying job will appear.

What they were doing?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what happened to them:

  • receive - there are excellent prospects ahead thanks to a bet on something progressive;
  • earn money - success in love;
  • find - winning the lottery;
  • change - complications at work;
  • to give is punishment for something done earlier;
  • hide - due to fear of showing emotions, getting closer to someone, you may miss love;
  • spend - failures are coming;
  • to steal is the undeserved receipt of some benefits or privileges.

A profitable project, the favor of others

Did you dream of finding big money? The dream book explains: a profitable offer will appear to participate in a project that can bring good profit.

Money is an integral part of our lives. Therefore, it is very interesting to know why money is withdrawn. There are a huge number of interpretations. They depend both on the type of money and on the actions with it.

Money in a dream

Big money

When big money is withdrawn, it can be associated with such significant life categories as power, love, power, career, profit. Receiving large amounts of money promises complete well-being in one of these areas. But on the other hand, borrowing a large sum in a dream means losing influence or suffering a major failure in one of the areas. It is also possible that big money in a dream foreshadows large financial expenses in real life.

What money did you allocate in your dream?

It is advisable to remember what money you allocated in the dream, because the interpretation of the dream depends on this:
  • Paper money in a dream is associated with great opportunities in real life. They foretell the beginning of a successful life period, which will lead to a strengthening of the financial situation;
  • If you dreamed of coins, then you should expect pleasant family troubles in real life;
  • When you dream of iron money of ancient coinage, you can count on receiving an unexpected inheritance;
  • If you saw old money in a dream, then be prepared for the fact that some family secrets will be revealed, and it is unknown whether they will turn out to be pleasant;
  • A trifle in a dream can be interpreted in different ways, namely:

  • - small and dirty coins that you pick up portend failure and poverty;
    - if you dreamed that you received a salary in small change, this means that the employer does not value you;
    - scattered change in a dream threatens minor troubles in reality.

Much money

A lot of money that was dreamed of foreshadows that there are hidden energy reserves inside the dreamer and the time has come to use them. Such a dream suggests that even if you feel tired during this period, you will soon feel a surge of strength again.

Why do you dream about a wad of money?

It’s very interesting why you dream about a wad of money. Such a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant event in real life. Such a dream also predicts good luck in love and improved relationships with loved ones.

For a correct and accurate interpretation of the dream, you need to remember where the money was kept:
  • If a large amount of money is in tied bags, then this indicates that you yourself are not aware of your natural strength. Believe in yourself, understand your current problems and soon you will be able to turn your life situation in your favor.
  • If you see money in a suitcase, then this portends an unexpected profit. Sometimes such a dream can foreshadow unexpected events that will soon occur in the real world.
  • When money is in bags, this portends the receipt of considerable income from a business from which you did not expect anything at all.

When someone gives you a lot of money in a dream, it means that in real life you will soon meet a person who will help you believe in yourself. Also, such a dream foreshadows unexpected outside help, which will allow you to quickly resolve a complex problem.

Why do you dream of counterfeit money?

Fake money in a dream is a symbol of a fake relationship; it indicates that you are surrounded by people who are ready to flatter or lie to you in order to gain their own benefit.

Also, a dream in which counterfeit money is present may indicate the following:
  • They will try to force you to do work that will be completely useless for you, but will take a lot of strength and energy;
  • Possible problems with inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - find money

In order to correctly interpret a dream, you need to know why you dream about what actions with money are carried out in a dream. For example, finding money in a dream is an extremely favorable sign.

If you dreamed that you found money, then remember what it was like:
  • Paper money promises financial success;
  • Silver coins indicate peace of mind;
  • Gold coins indicate material wealth and good health;
  • Small copper coins portend losses, disappointments and illnesses.

But if, according to the plot of the dream, you have to give away the money you found, then this means that a streak of failures will begin in the dreamer’s life. In addition, this portends deception, so new acquaintances should be avoided.

Receive money

It is equally important to know why you dream about receiving money. Such a dream is favorable and promises reward for work, good luck in business, favorable changes in the personal and professional sphere. If you receive paper bills, then most likely you will soon receive an offer that you should definitely take advantage of.

Money is given in a dream

A dream in which you are given money portends good luck in love affairs. Also, such a dream indicates that someone will come to the rescue at a very necessary moment. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to give money, then this means that you are completely immersed in the business you have started and this will bring success. But such a dream also indicates that you are not spending enough time with your loved ones.

Dream that you are counting money

Winning money

Winning money in a dream is interpreted in two ways:
  • You are full of energy and move confidently through life, which means you are ready for great love or to further advance your career;
  • The dream is a warning against great losses and other troubles that may arise due to insufficient vigilance.

Giving money - interpretation of dreams

If you dreamed that you were giving money, then you should remember the situation in which you did this:
  • If you paid for something, it means that you will be paid for your hard work;
  • If you were forced to pay, then soon you will have to endure the hardships associated with the fact that things will not go as well as planned.

The money is taken away

A dream in which the dreamer’s money is taken away suggests that the person will have to pay for some unseemly actions. Perhaps someone is trying to harm you and this is taking away your vital energy.

To lose money

Losing money in night dreams means missing out on some very important opportunity.

The interpretation of dreams in which a lot of money is dreamed must be approached with caution. First you need to analyze the storyline, and then find in the dream books interpretations that are closest in meaning. You should definitely listen to your own intuition; only this approach will eliminate mistakes and help you respond correctly to a waking dream.

Why do you dream about stealing money?

The question is often asked, why do you dream about stealing money? Stolen money in night dreams is an unfavorable symbol. If you stole money in a dream, it means that in real life you are trying to satisfy some passions, but cannot be fully satisfied with them. Therefore, you need to beware that dissatisfaction can provoke you into rash actions that you will later regret.

Of course, correctly interpreting a dream about money is very important. But if you didn’t manage to do this, think about it: maybe the dream is simply connected with temporary material difficulties.

The dream book calls paper money a harbinger of good luck, changes for the better, and the opportunity to make good money. But in a dream they also warn about failures in the workplace and in business, anxiety, troubles, and the attention of ill-wishers. Why do they still dream? Financial success and successful projects are coming.

Paper money according to Miller and Vanga

Seeing yourself counting a lot of banknotes is, according to Miller, an omen of happiness and prosperity.

In a dream, you received not paper money, but gold for your work? Miller believes: enormous prospects and opportunities will open up before you.

Seeing small banknotes interspersed with coins means dissatisfaction in business and troubles at work. In addition, Vanga’s dream book warns: problems in relationships are possible. Friends will be offended that you pay little attention to them.

What do they mean according to the Islamic dream book?

Why dream of paying off old debts in large banknotes? According to the Islamic dream interpreter, this means: the dreamer’s cherished wish will come true very soon.

In your night dream did you see currency or paper money of large denominations? In reality you can expect great financial opportunities and success. This is an excellent period for new beginnings and the implementation of your ideas.

Did you collect them in a dream? The meaning of the vision, according to the Muslim dream book, is as follows: an unexpected, but very pleasant offer will come.

What you dreamed of doing with them:

Remember what you dreamed of doing:

  • to receive - good luck in business;
  • hold in hands - change for the better;
  • recalculate - an opportunity to make good money;
  • change - you will make a mistake with the emphasis in business;
  • to pay is failure;
  • find - financial success is ahead, but you will have to worry;
  • they were given to you - a reward for services;
  • spend - you want a serious love relationship.

Did they exchange them for small bills? Failures will begin in the workplace. Relationships with colleagues may deteriorate due to accidents.

Did you have to give or borrow?

Why do you dream of lending paper money to someone? Your emotional background will become poorer. Perhaps there is not enough care and warmth from the person you are lending to. New things will appear, chores that will take a lot of energy.

In a dream, did you have to borrow them? The Enigma dream book explains: there is unreasonable anxiety ahead. The sleeper will create problems for himself out of nothing and will worry.

Taking other people's money for a while means: you feel guilty for some action, you are constantly in tension.

What kind of money did you see in your dream?

Seeing new paper money in a dream means prosperity and prosperity in business. Well-thought-out plans can be implemented without delay.

The old ill-wishers are watching you closely to put a spoke in your wheels. Be less open.

Why do you dream about rubles? There will be a lot of small troubles that cannot be ignored. You should be patient and do everything that needs to be done.

Did you dream about dirty paper money? The dream book states: you are very susceptible to temptations and temptations - someone can take advantage of this.

Try to avoid hypocritical people, do not fall for tempting offers coming from them. Before you agree, think carefully and calculate the risks. Beware of offers from unfamiliar individuals.

Why do foreigners dream?

Did you see foreign currency in a dream? This is an expression of dissatisfaction, a feeling of inferiority. Perhaps you are not doing your job or have chosen the wrong path to achieve your goal.

I happened to find a whole wad of currency, but was there someone who claims it? Someone close to you will cause losses in business.

Dollars or euros

Why do you dream about dollars? The dream book says: your financial situation will improve, but only thanks to the efforts made.

In a night dream there were euros in large denominations - this means success in your endeavors, as the dream book states. If these are banknotes of a couple of euros, the result of the matter will not be worth your efforts and investments.

Paper or iron

If iron coins were present along with banknotes in a dream, big expenses, losses, losses are coming. Copper - trouble ahead.

Silver coins portend frustration and tears. And gold ones promise a worthy reward, recognition of the dreamer’s merits. Acquaintances and colleagues will appreciate him, and his superiors will reward him with bonuses.

See wet or wrinkled

Seeing paper money in water or wet means you will do something that will ruin your reputation at work or among your close circle. After this, you may have to change your place of residence or quit.

Crumpled banknotes in a dream warn: ahead is a meeting with dishonest people who will try to drag the sleeping person into fraud or blame him, says the dream book.

What else were they like:

  1. with a torn corner (several) - big losses;
  2. bent several times - troubles in everyday life;
  3. wet after washing - you are behaving incorrectly, you are making a mistake;
  4. torn - serious troubles;
  5. shabby - discord with colleagues.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream about old paper money? This means: old family secrets and secrets will soon be revealed. If these were rare collectibles, you will receive an unexpected inheritance.

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Changes will follow. Paying money means failure. Receiving gold means great prospects and unclouded joy. Losing money means that you will experience unlucky hours in your home and troubles await you at work. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign that you will have troubles with payments. To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully. Saving money is a sign of wealth and comfort in life. To dream that you are swallowing money foretells the emergence of selfish interests in you. Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach. To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart. Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about your lack of attention. If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure. Found money promises favorable prospects. If you count coins in a dream, it means that you will be practical and thrifty. To dream that you have borrowed money predicts an ambivalent situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen. Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being.

Seeing money in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, money can be lost, received or spent. Dreams about money actually imply power, control over others, and competence. Therefore, an important element for the interpretation of a dream is a closer look at the persons taking part in commodity-money relations, as well as the role that you play in them. The life of many people who see money in their dreams is dominated by the desire to get it - such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in money dreams that come to people who are mired in debt. If you receive money in a dream, try to remember who you receive it from and under what circumstances this happens. Perhaps this is a dream about a blessing. Receiving money in this case indicates a revival of emotional strength or renewal through the settlement of relationships that no longer gnaw at your soul. You may have a dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others. Often such a dream is a symbol of the need to convey blessings to others. The real need behind this rarely has anything to do with money, but rather the need to help others. Losing money for no apparent reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This trait may relate to the area of ​​money relations, or may indicate an inability to restrain oneself from excessively wasting emotional or other resources. How do you assess the influence of money on your life? In some families, money is taken for granted. For others, it is a symbol of influence, control, and an indicator of status. Depending on whether you have problems with money, money dreams can also indicate your feelings towards power, whatever that may be.

Why do you dream about money?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

copper - sadness; luck is not what you wanted; silver - tears; paper - news, deception; gold - grief; to distribute - to unexpected wealth; repay the debt - to recovery; pick up - luck; see Borrow.

Why do you have a dream about money?

according to Vanga's dream book

Finding money in a dream is evidence that someone around you is preparing great evil against you. Do not take other people’s things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers. If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life. Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery committed on your home. If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships. Handing money to someone in a dream means that you will soon need a lot of funds to successfully complete the business you have started.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you received money in a dream, then this speaks of prosperity. If you dream that you are giving money, then the dream reflects your ability to borrow money.

Why do you dream of wealth?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

beware of frankness with a stranger; being rich means illness.

Dreamed of wealth

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have wealth, this means that you will rise through the ranks to greater success thanks to constant diligence and attention to your affairs. Fate will not present you with an opportunity to reproach her, unless you yourself ruin your happiness by deceiving your wife. A dream about wealth foreshadows successful, albeit risky, ventures in business life. Seeing others rich is a sign that in difficult times there will be many friends next to you. For young women, this dream is an encouragement to be more attentive to their parents.

Why do you dream about a wallet?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

find with money - success in love; stolen - (for a woman) - a casual relationship or an unwanted meeting; (for a man) - getting rid of something or someone; empty - disappointment; betrayal in friendship or love; lose - you will become dependent; your secrets will be known; see Bag.

I dreamed about a wallet

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that your wallet is full of diamonds and banknotes, it means that from now on you will find yourself in a circle where you will be greeted with words of approval, and harmony and tender love will turn the earth into a paradise for you.

Why do you dream about the ruble?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

trouble to the point of tears.

Why do you dream about paying?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

according to accounts - acquisition; for a purchase - an unexpected gain instead of an expected loss; salary to someone - service; they pay you - it’s a fraud; duty - to take revenge; getting rid of illness; compensation for damage; they lend you - see lend.

Why do you dream about a banknote?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


I dreamed about debt

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing debts in a dream is a bad omen; such a dream predicts failure in matters of love and a struggle for lack of property. But if you fulfill all your debt obligations, then in reality your affairs will take a favorable turn.

Why do you dream about debt?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

return - to recovery; pay - settle scores; free or recover (for the sick); you are being paid - beware of addiction or revenge.

I dreamed about a loan

according to Miller's dream book

Borrowing is a sign of loss and lack of help. For a banker to dream that he is borrowing from another bank, foretells that the influx of demands on his bank for the return of deposits will lead to his complete collapse, unless he heeds this warning. If someone borrows money from you, you will get help when you need it. True friends will visit you.

I dreamed about my salary

according to Miller's dream book

The salary you receive in a dream will bring unexpected luck to people entering into a new business. Paying a salary means that dissatisfaction awaits you. Seeing that your salary has been reduced is a warning that unfriendly actions may be taken against you. An increase in salary seen in a dream suggests extraordinary profits in any enterprise.

Why do you dream of borrowing?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(money or things) - to troubles or illness; for some - to receive protection; for a dead man - an unexpected gift; gain in a lost cause; demand duty - danger; for patients - deterioration; unknown to whom - anxiety and troubles; clothes - illness and troubles in the service; borrow on your own - a mistake, a mistake.

I dreamed of borrowing

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are lending money foreshadows difficulties in paying financial bills or other troubles. Lending some things promises you that you will take the path of generously helping other people and thus come to the idea of ​​the need for self-improvement. If in a dream you refuse to borrow things, the dream foretells that you will awaken a great interest in your affairs, the conduct of which will arouse respect for you from those around you. If someone offers you a loan of money or lends you things, then this dream is a harbinger of the beginning of a strong friendship.

If you have a dream in which you cannot pay off your debts and feel bankrupt, then in real life do not be afraid of the threat from this side. On the contrary, your energy and self-confidence allow you to organize your affairs in the best possible way. However, other worries can confuse your soul. If you see others bankrupt, this means that in reality you will meet noble people who are honest in their affairs, although perhaps they can harm you with excessive frankness. For a young lady, this dream promises a small quarrel with her beloved, which is to blame for the difference in their views.

Expert answers


In a dream, my friends ask for some money for travel at the end of the day. I’m already reaching into my wallet and telling them that yesterday they took it and haven’t given it back yet, which means yesterday is 20 and today is 20 and they will have to give me 40. I open the wallet, there are different bills, I take a green one - 20, but I don’t remember further, so that she gives it to them, either morning has come, or the dream has changed. I myself am trying to put on someone’s shorts, but they are too small for me, only to the knee. What is all this for? (K, Svetlana)

Lending money in a dream means that financial difficulties may await you in reality. Judging by the fact that you can't fit into shorts, there will probably be problems with the family budget.


Hello, today is my birthday and I dreamed that I came across a wad of money at home and counted it, then my mother and aunt were in the dream (they died), and then I saw a spider on the table, tried to brush it away, it jumped on the sink and I I tried to wash it off with water, but it jumped out and I woke up. Why is this dream? (Nuria Volueva)

The appearance of deceased relatives in a dream is always a warning about something. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you will experience an improvement in your financial situation, however, you need to be careful so as not to accidentally miss the chance.