Baked silver carp steaks in Provençal herbs. Silver carp in a steamer Silver carp with potatoes in a slow cooker

Everyone probably knows about the benefits of fish in our diet. Fish is a source of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Baked fish is especially useful.

Today we will cook baked silver carp steaks with vegetables in a slow cooker. We will marinate the fish in a mixture of Provençal herbs, which will give the dish a special, unique taste and aroma. Herbes de Provence is a very rich blend that includes basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, mint and marjoram. Therefore, this seasoning will enrich the taste of any fish, especially in combination with nutmeg.

Why did I choose silver carp? Well, first of all, because it is a healthy and, at the same time, affordable river fish, which is sold everywhere. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is the taste of this fish. She is tender and fatty. This is the only freshwater fish in the world that contains the same healthy fat as red fish. Therefore, it is used in dietary nutrition for patients suffering from high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in the blood. Baked vegetables are an excellent addition to fish. They can vary depending on the time of year. The most affordable option is the traditional potatoes, onions and carrots, but you can also make a vegetable bed with peppers and broccoli.

Cooking time- 30 minutes
Cooking mode- "Bakery"

  1. Silver carp steaks – 4 pcs.
  2. Onions – 2 pcs.
  3. Carrots – 1 pc.
  4. Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  5. Ground nutmeg – 1 tsp.
  6. Provençal herbs – 2 tsp
  7. Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
  8. Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

1. Wash fish steaks thoroughly under running water and dry. Season with salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with ground nutmeg and herbs de Provence. Set aside to allow the fish to soak.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Peel the potatoes, rinse in water, dry and cut into slices.

3. Then peel the carrots and onions, and also cut them into rings. Salt to taste.

4. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and place potato slices on the bottom. Salt to taste.

5. Place rings of carrots and chopped onions on the potato mugs. Salt again to taste.

6. Then place seasoned fish steaks on them.

7. Cook in the “Baking” mode for about 25-30 minutes.

Place vegetables and fish steaks on a plate. Bon appetit!

In our family, fish occupies a place of honor, and probably any kind. I have already prepared so many dishes from it that it is impossible to list them all. However, there is one recipe that is in greatest demand among us. This delicacy is prepared in a multicooker, however, if you don’t have this kitchen assistant, then it doesn’t matter, use a regular saucepan….


  • 200-300 grams of silver carp (approximately 3 pieces)__NEWL__
  • 1 bay leaf__NEWL__
  • 2-3 peppercorns__NEWL__
  • 1 onion__NEWL__
  • 1 carrot__NEWL__
  • 20 milliliters vegetable oil__NEWL__
  • 20 milliliters soy sauce__NEWL__
  • 50 milliliters tomato paste__NEWL__

So, today I will tell you a recipe for preparing silver carp stewed in tomato-soy sauce in a slow cooker. The recipe is quite simple, especially if you also buy the fish immediately cleaned. Here, for example, at the market, you buy fresh fish, ask, and they clean it for you and even cut it into pieces.

Peel the onion and cut into slices. Place on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

Place silver carp pieces on top of the onion.

Then add bay leaf and peppercorns.

Peel the carrots, cut into arbitrary pieces and add to the main mass.

Add vegetable oil.

In a separate bowl, combine tomato paste (if you don’t have it, replace it with ketchup). Add soy sauce to the tomato mass. Stir.

Pour the resulting tomato-soy sauce over the fish.

Salt the fish and place it in the slow cooker. Set the “Quenching” mode. In 30 minutes, the silver carp in tomato-soy sauce in a slow cooker will be ready. You can serve the fish with boiled or baked potatoes, any porridge or pasta.

Silver carp is a tasty fish. Its big advantage is that it is suitable for dietary nutrition. Calorie content per 100 g is only 86 kcal. For some reason, there is an opinion that diet dishes are tasteless, but this is absolutely not true. Try steaming the same silver carp in a slow cooker with mozzarella. The recipe will provide the opportunity to cover the required amount of proteins.

Thanks to step-by-step photos, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in cooking.

First, the silver carp can be marinated. Soy sauce, low-fat sour cream, 1% kefir, and homemade tomato sauce without preservatives are suitable for this. And some housewives combine several products in a marinade, and it turns out incredibly tasty. This was done when preparing pollock in the oven with honey-soy sauce.

In order for the fish to marinate well, you need to leave it for at least 1 hour in a cold place, and only then cook it. But if you don’t have time for this, then just add soy sauce and cook right away.


Recipe Information

  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content: 133.73 kcal
    • Fat:6.67 g
    • Proteins:17.26 g
    • Carbohydrates:4.34 g
  • silver carp – 1 piece,
  • soy sauce – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt – 1/3 teaspoon,
  • parsley - 2 sprigs,
  • ground black pepper - a pinch,
  • mozzarella – 2 pieces.

Prepare the fish. It is good because it has a minimum of bones and the meat is very tender. Clean the silver carp, if necessary, rinse thoroughly under running water several times, and cut into medium portions. For one serving, 1-2 pieces are suitable.

Pour in soy sauce.

Chop the fresh parsley and sprinkle on the fish. It will give it flavor when marinating. To prevent the silver carp from turning out bland, you can add any spices that are suitable for fish dishes. If you use ground black pepper, you can't go wrong. Leave the fish to marinate in this form for an hour or more, or you can cook it right away.

Place the silver carp steaks in the steaming bowl of the multicooker. Pour half the water into the saucepan itself and turn on the “Steam” mode. The cheese can be placed on top immediately, or 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Steam for 20-25 minutes.

The fish is ready!

Place on a plate. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

I hope you enjoy the recipe and will definitely add it to your stash.

Silver carp is a fairly large freshwater fish. It is very tasty and quite fatty. To get rid of fat content, you need to cook silver carp in a double boiler. Then the fish turns out incredibly tasty, juicy, soft and at the same time not at all greasy. At the same time, the bones, which are quite large in silver carp, can be easily removed. So the recipe for silver carp in a double boiler is very good for those who don’t like fish precisely because of the bones, which take hours to pick out. I usually choose the middle part of a fairly large silver carp and there are no problems with the bones at all. I also safely cook silver carp for my daughter, I just don’t put so many spices. The seeds are very easy to choose and you don’t have to worry about your child.

It seems to me that silver carp in a double boiler is almost the easiest and most delicious way to cook this fish.


  • Gutted silver carp – 1 kg;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Spice mixture “For fish”;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Clean the silver carp from scales and entrails.
Cut into individual pieces and place them in a bowl. You can sprinkle a little juice from a quarter of a lemon to keep the fish juicy.
Salt and pepper. You can add spices suitable for fish.
I added a spice mix for the fish.
Mix everything thoroughly, rub salt and spices into the fish.
Place on the bottom of the steamer. You can also place a bay leaf on the bottom of the steamer. I put it directly on a piece of fish.
Turn on the steamer and steam for 40 minutes.

Silver carp in a steamer is delicious both hot and cold. But it still tastes better hot. Place the fish on a plate and garnish with fresh vegetables.

Hello! Today I want to tell you how to prepare silver carp in a slow cooker. This fish is considered meaty compared to carp. It is advisable to use a large carcass for cooking, then there will be much less bones. Silver carp meat has a dryish taste, which is noticeable even after frying in oil.

But in a slow cooker, on the contrary, the fish turns out juicy and aromatic. You can use sour cream or tomato paste as a sauce. Lemon gives the fish a fresh and attractive aroma. Citrus can be placed either in circles or in small slices. You don't need to add a lot of lemon to prevent the fish from turning out too sour. The purpose of this fruit is to add a slight sourness and eliminate the fishy taste and aroma.

Finally, the fish pieces can be sprinkled with grated cheese. Lemon, cheese and fish are the perfect combination. Stewed silver carp can be served with boiled potatoes; in summer, fried new potatoes are perfect.

Ingredients for cooking silver carp in a slow cooker

  1. Silver carp – 500 g.
  2. Carrots – 1 pc.
  3. Onions – 2 pcs.
  4. Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  5. Water – ¼ tbsp.
  6. Hard cheese – 30 g.
  7. Table salt - to taste.
  8. Lemon - to taste.
  9. Spices - to taste.

How to cook silver carp in a slow cooker

If the fish is fresh, then it needs to be cleaned and gutted. Or remove the finished carcass from the freezer, defrost and cut into pieces. If the silver carp is too large, then you can cut off the fillet along with the ribs, while the spine is removed. If the fish is small, you can cook it from whole steaks.

Now place the fish in a plate, add salt and sprinkle with spices. Mix with your hands and leave.

Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the heads into rings.

Cut the carrots into thin slices.

The multicooker does not need to be lubricated with anything. Sprinkle the vegetables in an even layer.

Add sour cream to the fish and stir until it is completely covered with the fermented milk product. Place silver carp on a vegetable bed.

Rinse the lemon with water and cut into small pieces along with the skin. Distribute evenly over fish.

Pour some water and close the lid. Select the “Extinguishing” function for 1 hour. Sprinkle the finished fish with grated cheese and leave for 2 minutes.

Serve the silver carp hot. The fish is very filling, so sometimes you can do without a side dish. You can additionally make light vegetable sandwiches. Bon appetit!