Homemade Varenets calorie content. Varenets. Use in cooking

Varenets is a fermented milk drink made from baked milk. It is similar to fermented baked milk, but to prepare it, sour cream is used as a starter, and cream is included in the recipe for making Varenets. The creamy hue of the product is given by special substances melanoidins, which are formed by the interaction of milk sugar and proteins at high temperatures.

Varenets was traditionally prepared in Rus' in an oven. Fresh milk was poured into a clay pot and heated in the oven all night, so that it only simmered and evaporated the moisture, but did not boil. The milk became thick when it cooled to temperature human body, cream was added to it and placed in a warm place for a few more hours. The Varenets turned out thick, so you had to eat it with a spoon. Modern industrially produced Varenets is slightly different from the one prepared in the oven, including in consistency - it is more liquid. But taste qualities its the same as that of Varenets from the stove.

In the cuisines of different nations, national drinks based on baked milk are known, similar in preparation recipe, for example, matsun in Armenia, matsoni in Georgia, Turkic katyk.

Useful properties of Varents

It is known that Varents contains about 200 various substances that have a positive effect on human health. This fermented milk product is absorbed by the human body better and more completely than milk, due to the partial fermentation of the proteins included in its composition.

The drink improves its composition normal microflora intestines, since it itself is a source of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, which competitively prevent putrefactive fermentation processes. In addition, Varenets contains lactic acid and other natural antibacterial substances that prevent the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. The beneficial properties of Varents are known to increase resistance to infectious diseases.

Varents contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are very important for maintaining the skeletal system and teeth in normal condition. In addition, calcium takes part in muscle contraction and is part of a number of enzymes.

Varenets contains vitamins A, group B, C, PP, microelements (iron, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, etc.), saturated fatty acids. If you consume this fermented milk product on an ongoing basis, your overall well-being, appetite, and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves , liver and kidneys. Varenets accelerates the removal of waste and toxins from the body.

Varenets is characterized by a laxative effect, which is used in the complex fight against constipation. Included fasting diet This fermented milk drink helps you lose excess weight and effectively fight obesity.

Calorie content of Varents

Varenets with a fat content of 2.5%, which can be bought in a store, has a low calorie content - only 53 kcal per 100 g of product, and can be recommended as a dietary drink for obesity and overweight. The calorie content of Varenets, prepared from village milk in the oven, is almost 2 times higher, and is about 90 - 100 kcal per 100 g.

Harm of Varenets

The useful Varents still has a number of limitations in its use. So, if you are intolerant to cow's milk, there may be allergic reactions to it in the form of pinpoint or spotty rashes, as well as itching and flaking of the skin. Even with partial fermentation of proteins, Varenets can provoke digestive disorders and allergic dermatitis.

If there is a lack of the lactase enzyme in the intestines, consuming this product may cause bloating, rumbling and other symptoms of flatulence. This occurs due to the fact that the digestion of milk sugar - lactose - is disrupted, and it begins to ferment in the intestines. People with lactase deficiency are advised to exclude Varenets from their diet.

Varenets is a fermented milk drink made from baked milk or fermented baked milk. Usually, instead of sourdough, sour cream is used as a natural thickener and a source of lactic acid bacteria. In industrial production, in order to ferment milk, special lactic acid bacteria are added to it in its pure form. In fact, this drink is an analogue of fermented baked milk, only it is produced a little differently. The difference between Varenets and ryazhenka is that milk with a low fat content is used to create the latter. But this drink, on the contrary, is created from natural milk, also baked, and heavy cream is added in the process. A good homemade Varenets is a thick mixture that is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon.

Baked milk for the production of this drink is prepared as follows: natural milk is slowly melted so that it significantly decreases in volume, by about a third, and acquires a characteristic creamy hue. If you need to make Varenets in natural conditions at home, you can simply melt natural fat milk and then add a little sour cream to it. For half a liter of baked milk, only one hundred grams of sour cream is enough to get Varenets. After adding sour cream, you need to close the container with the drink and leave it in a warm room for several hours.

How to cook Varenets

To prepare Varenets at home, it is best, of course, to use homemade milk and the same homemade sour cream for the starter. First of all, you will need to make baked milk from ordinary milk; this can even be done in an oven or thermos. If you use an oven, preferably take dishes with thick walls, preferably cast iron. It is necessary to place the milk in this container in the oven for about 5 hours, setting the temperature to 160 degrees. After this time, you will notice a significant decrease in the volume of milk and that it acquires a characteristic color. If you are using a thermos, pour hot milk into it and leave it overnight, for about 12 or 15 hours. In this case, baked milk will not have this rich, pleasant taste, but will retain its volume and acquire a characteristic shade. You can even use a slow cooker: just pour milk into it and put it on the “stew” mode for about 5 hours. After this, you need to cool the milk so that it is warm, but not hot. The ideal temperature is about 40 degrees, where bacteria will feel best. After this, you need to add sour cream to the milk and leave it warm for a long time.

Composition of Varents

The drink contains more than 2 hundred different beneficial substances that are necessary for the human body. Varenets is easily digestible, including due to the fact that it is a fermented milk product and contains partially fermented protein, which helps even older people digest and assimilate it. The drink improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes normal digestion and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Thanks to this active effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the drink improves immunity, thereby helping the body fight various infections. Varents contains a fairly high concentration of phosphorus and calcium, which are extremely important for supporting the nervous system and the development of healthy bones and teeth. In addition, calcium is necessary for normal muscle activity, especially during vigorous physical activity.

Composition of Varents (per 100g)
Ash 0.7 g
Saccharides 4.1 g
Cholestyrin 8 mg
Fatty acid 1.5 g
Water 89 g
Organic acids 0.8 g
Kholin 23.6 mg
Vitamin PP 0.8 mg
Vitamin H 3.2 mcg
Vitamin D 0.05 mcg
Vitamin C 0.8 mg
Vitamin B12 0.4 mcg
Vitamin B9 5 mcg
Vitamin B6 0.05 mg
Vitamin B5 0.4 mg
Vitamin B2 0.13 mg
Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
Vitamin A 22 mcg
Beta carotene 0.01 mg
Tin 13 mcg
Strontium 17 mcg
Aluminum 50 mcg
Cobalt 0.8 mcg
Molybdenum 5 mcg
Fluorine 20 mcg
Chromium 2 mcg
Selenium 2 mcg
Manganese 0.006 mg
Copper 12 mg
Iodine 9 mcg
Zinc 0.4 mg
Iron 0.1 mg
Sulfur 29 mg
Chlorine 110 mg
Phosphorus 96 mg
Potassium 144 mg
Sodium 51 mg
Magnesium 16 mg
Calcium 118 mg

Varenets also has a mild laxative effect, so it can be used as a natural remedy for constipation. In addition, it is often used for fasting days or as one of the main dishes for dietary nutrition, as it is very easy to digest, contains a low amount of calories and helps you lose weight.

How to select and store

If you are going to buy this fermented milk drink, pay attention to the following:

  • the drink should have a beautiful creamy or yellowish tint;
  • if you purchase it in supermarkets, make sure that it contains the appropriate name and does not include phrases like “fermented milk product identical to natural”;
  • if the composition is indicated, it should contain only two ingredients: milk and sourdough;
  • V good drink at least 2.5% protein;
  • fresh Varenets has a pronounced sour taste, homogeneous consistency without clots;
  • The shelf life of a natural product is no more than 14 days.

After purchasing the drink, you need to transfer it to a glass jar: it will be better preserved there, and put it in the refrigerator. Ideally, you need to warm it up a little before using it; you can use a microwave for this.

Beneficial features

Varenets received a wide range of beneficial properties due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals in its composition. In particular, the vitamins it contains are vital for normal vision and good skin condition. The vitamin D contained in the drink strengthens bones; it is especially important for children, as it prevents the development of rickets. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and improves the condition of the body as a whole, and B vitamins support nervous activity.

This makes Varenets useful, including for people whose work involves intellectual stress.

The calorie content of the drink directly depends on the raw materials that were used for its production. For example, on an industrial scale, a drink with a calorie content of approximately 53 calories per 100 g is most often produced. A homemade product will be higher in calories, depending on whether cream was added to it or not.

Application in cosmetology

Like any other fermented milk product, this drink can be actively used for cosmetic purposes.

It contains a large number of useful substances that can saturate and rejuvenate the skin. For example, you can use Varenets instead of a toner or as a face mask, like natural remedy to cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Due to the fact that the drink improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and also improves the condition of the skin, it is very useful to drink for those who suffer from oily problem skin.

Besides, in folk medicine Varenets is used to help the lungs heal faster with tuberculosis, as well as for those people who have been treated with antibiotics that affect liver function.

Restrictions on use

Varenets is very useful, however, it also has contraindications for use. If you cannot tolerate any dairy products, you should not consume it. People who suffer from lactase deficiency should exclude it from their diet. Otherwise, this fermented milk product will not be completely digested, causing bloating and flatulence.

Varenets is a fermented milk drink made from baked milk. It tastes like fermented baked milk. But when preparing Varents, they use cream and sour cream - sour cream. Varenets is cream-colored with the help of melanoidins, which are formed by the interaction of proteins and milk sugar at high temperatures.

The benefits of Varents

Varents contains about two hundred different substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This wonderful product is absorbed by the human body much better and faster than milk, thanks to the partial fermentation of the proteins that make up its composition.

It should also be noted that Varenets helps to increase resistance to infectious diseases, in addition, it maintains the skeletal system of the teeth in good condition due to the phosphorus and calcium content in its composition.

With regular consumption of this fermented milk product, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, appetite and general well-being. It allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body, get rid of excess weight and resist. Thus, it becomes clear why Varenets is useful.

Harm of Varenets

But in addition to the undeniable benefits, Varenets also has harm. For example, people who cannot tolerate cow's milk, may experience allergic reactions to it, manifested in the form of spots, itching and flaking of the skin. Varenets can also cause bloating, which can be caused by impaired digestion of lactose, which begins to ferment in the intestines.

Many people are interested in the question of what is healthier – Varenets or Ryazhenka. It should be noted that ryazhenka is a Ukrainian drink containing a large amount of fat.

Ryazhenka is much higher in calories than Varenets, but its acidity is lower than that of kefir. This product is useful for people who have problems with the digestive system.

Varenets is considered a Russian drink containing cream and sour cream. The difference between ryazhenka and varenets lies only in their ingredients. Both of these foods are considered beneficial for the intestines and digestion.

Varenets is a fermented milk product made from baked milk and cream. It is thanks to this composition that the final product differs from fermented baked milk. Industrial Varenets is liquid, while homemade Varenets can be eaten with a spoon.

It was prepared back in Rus' in a real oven. Homemade milk was poured into a clay pot and heated in the oven overnight. It was important to ensure that the liquid did not boil, but only simmer. As a result of this procedure, the milk acquired a thick consistency, and when its temperature dropped to approximately 36 degrees, cream was placed in it and left in a warm place for a while.

How does Varenets differ from fermented baked milk and kefir?

Varenets differs from ryazhenka mainly in its manufacturing technology. Varenets, like fermented baked milk, is poured into pots made of clay and sent to the oven. However, cream is added to the first dairy product, and sour cream to the second. Unlike ryazhenka, where the temperature in the oven should not exceed one hundred degrees, for Varentsy the temperature should be no less than one hundred and twenty degrees. From the oven, fermented baked milk is sent to a warm room for ripening, and Varenets, on the contrary, is put away in a cool place.

Also, the difference between fermented baked milk and Varenets is that fermented milk bacteria obtained from yogurt are added to the latter, while fungi are added to fermented baked milk.

Unlike Varenets, ready-made fermented baked milk is fattier and tastes like baked milk. However, Varenets is more beneficial for the body, since it can be classified as a low-calorie product.

Now, as for the differences between kefir and Varents. The second is obtained from baked milk, and the first is from whole cow's milk or goat milk. Fungi are added to kefir, and bacteria are added to Varenets. But they are both considered healthy dairy products because they are low in calories.

How to select and store?

After opening the package, look at the consistency of the Varents; it should be homogeneous without any clots or bubbles. Otherwise, it is better to avoid using this product.

The shelf life of high-quality Varents should not be more than 2 weeks. From an open package, the fermented milk product must be transferred to a glass jar. It is recommended to heat the Varenets before use.

Homemade Varenets should be in a glass container and stored exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than five days. If a dairy product is left indoors at room temperature, it must be consumed within twenty-four hours.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Varents are determined by the presence of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for life. This product contains vitamin A, which is essential for vision and skin. Varents contains vitamin D, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and rickets in children. This product also contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system. Varents contains almost the entire complex of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the entire body.

The calorie content of Varents directly depends on the fat content of the raw materials used for its preparation. On average, store shelves sell options with a calorie content of 53 kcal per 100 g. Taking this into account, Varenets can be consumed during weight loss diets, as well as for obese people.

This product contains magnesium and potassium, and these minerals are essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to joint action calcium and phosphorus activate the process of regeneration and strengthening of bone tissue. Varents also contains iron, zinc, fluorine and a large number of other useful minerals.

Considering the fact that the protein contained in this product is quickly absorbed by the body, it is recommended to use it to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Varenets also has a mild laxative effect, which means it is useful for people with constipation.

Varenets can be drunk when breastfeeding, but only homemade, since it will be more beneficial for the body of a nursing mother and child.

For pancreatitis, Varenets is best consumed during the period of remission. During an exacerbation, drinking a dairy product is not recommended. However, if a sick person cannot drink kefir, it can be replaced with Varenets with two percent fat content. It is recommended to drink this product one hundred milliliters a day (preferably as an afternoon snack or a couple of hours before bedtime) two weeks after the last attack has been eliminated.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of Varents.

Varenets in cosmetology

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, this product is also used for cosmetic purposes. To moisturize your face, you can make a mask from Varents.

The dairy product is used to prepare various therapeutic masks for facial skin.

Mask using Varents

Method of preparation and application

For lifting

Apply a layer of Varents to a clean face, leave for about ten minutes, and then rinse off the mask with water at room temperature. Cosmetologists advise moisturizing the skin with cream after this mask. The course of treatment is exactly five days.

For hydration

First way. A clean face should be lubricated with vegetable oil, and then a layer of homemade Varents should be applied on top and the face should be covered with any cloth. After fifteen minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Second way. In a shallow container you need to mix three tablespoons of natural Varenets with two teaspoons of cottage cheese (preferably homemade) and stir well. Apply the finished mask to your face, leave for fifteen minutes, and then wash with warm water.

As you can see, the benefits of natural Varents are enormous, since it provides protection and nutrition to dry, aging and dehydrated skin, and also helps slow down the aging process and prevent irritation on the face.

Use in cooking

Varenets is an excellent stand-alone product that goes well with fresh baked goods. In addition, it is included in the recipes of numerous dishes. On its basis, dough is prepared, which is used to make sweet pastries, for example, pies or pancakes.

From natural Varenets you can make pancakes, manna, buns, cottage cheese, and from the latter - cheesecakes, casserole or cheese.

If the dairy product has turned sour, it can be added to pie or cookie dough.

Varenets is also recommended to be used as a dressing for fruit salads.

How to prepare Varenets at home?

This delicious fermented milk product can be prepared at home very quickly. simple recipe. So, you need to take 1 liter of milk and 4 tbsp. spoons of yogurt, which will act as a starter. The milk needs to be boiled and poured into a thermos that has a glass flask, since other options do not hold heat for so long. Leave for 12 hours. As a result, you will get baked milk, but you can also cook it in the oven. Our proposed method is better, since the amount of liquid does not decrease.

After time, the milk will become creamy and should be poured into any convenient container. It is necessary to prepare glass jars in advance, which must be clean and dry. Pour yogurt into their bottom and pour milk on top, the temperature of which should not be more than 40 degrees. Then mix thoroughly, close the lid and wrap in a blanket. After 3-4 hours, the contents should thicken, which means the dumpling is ready.

Monitor the time as over-cooked product will become very sour.

Homemade Varenets is in no way inferior to store-bought versions and in most cases turns out even tastier.

Harm of Varents and contraindications

Varenets can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product, and therefore it is strictly contraindicated for use in the presence of allergic reactions.

Varenets is contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance. The reason for this is dairy intolerance, due to which a person experiences flatulence and then diarrhea after consuming a dairy product. Therefore, in order not to cause harm to health, you need to consume dairy products in moderation or avoid them altogether, if necessary.

Baked milk is made by slowly cooking the raw product. This process continues until the volume raw milk will not decrease by a third and the product will not acquire a creamy color. Our great-grandmothers cooked it in clay pots placed in a Russian oven and left to simmer for a long time. If the milk was overcooked in the oven, then a certain product was obtained, which was called Varenets. Like baked milk, it brought undoubted benefits to those who drank it regularly.

Today's Varenets is classified as a fermented milk product and is recommended for consumption in the spring, as it improves immunity. The current Varenets is prepared somewhat differently than before: cow's milk is heat treated and fermented. The result is a thick liquid with a delicate sour taste that perfectly quenches thirst and brings considerable benefits. The beneficial properties of Varenets have made it a very famous and widely used product.

The benefits of Varents. What are the benefits of Varenets?

It helps create favorable intestinal microflora. Easily absorbed by the body. Is dietary product the composition, which includes lactic acid, complete proteins, antibiotic substances that successfully suppress the processes of decay. Its use can be considered a prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Effectively removes waste and toxins from the human body.

Varents contains more than 200 useful components. If Varenets is consumed daily, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, as well as replenish the human body’s needs for calcium and phosphorus.

Stimulates the production of vitamin C and other vitamins ready to help to the human body. The most useful substances of the product are considered to be carbohydrates, proteins, easily digestible fats, various amino acids, vitamins and mineral salts. Micro and macroelements help strengthen the bone skeleton and restore blood. The hormones and enzymes contained in Varents make it possible to use this product for children, diabetics and people suffering from tuberculosis, anemia, etc. This is the only product containing yeast. As a result of their vital activity, antibiotics are produced that kill pathogenic microbes. Promotes the synthesis of vitamins: B, D, A, as well as folic acid necessary for the harmonious development of the fetus in pregnant women.