Kira's full name is female. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Kira. Family and marriage

Bulychev Kir(Kirill). Real name: Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich. Pseudonyms: Mints Lev Khristoforovich, Lozhkin Nikolay, Maung Sein Ji.

Russian Soviet prose writer, film scriptwriter and historical scientist, also known for works of other genres (adventure, biographical, popular science and scientific fiction), one of the leading and most prolific authors of Soviet science fiction of the 1960s-2000s. Born in Moscow, graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1957 foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez with a diploma in orientalism, worked in Burma as a translator in construction. In 1959, having returned from Burma, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies. At the same time, he began writing popular science essays for the magazine “Around the World,” and therefore traveled a lot around the country. Since the mid-1960s - researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences; author of many monographs, popular science and fiction books; doctor historical sciences. He began publishing in 1960. He is a laureate of the USSR State Prize (1982 - for film drama). In 1965 Bulychev defended candidate's thesis on the topic “Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)” and began working as an orientalist with a specialty in “History of Burma.” IN scientific world he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia. In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma.”

The first SF publications were the hoax story “The Debt of Hospitality” (1965; published as a translation, the author indicated as “Burmese prose writer Maung Sein Ji”) and a selection of stories - “The Girl to Whom Nothing Happens” (1965). Stories about adventures on Earth and in space for girls of the 21st century. Alisa Selezneva, with whom Bulychev made his debut in SF, marked the beginning of a long series of children's SF, which brought the author significant success and popularity among teenage readers; stories about Alice, first published in various anthologies (and reprinted several times), formed a collection - “The Girl from Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ago” (1978), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Girl from the Future” (1984), “Fidget” (1985), “Prisoners of an Asteroid” (1988), “The New Adventures of Alice” (1990); a number of works were filmed (most often based on the script of Bulychev himself) in the form of feature films, full-length cartoons and television series. Started freshly and talentedly - Bulychev skillfully filled the long-empty gap with an action-packed, intelligent and at the same time moral and “pedagogical” SF for children and teenagers - the series frankly fizzled out over time, continuing to be replenished with new stories by inertia; and dramatic changes in the country's social life at the turn of the 1980s-90s. turned the image of a “pioneer” of the communist near future into an anachronism. Nevertheless, the successful - over a quarter of a century - publishing and cinematic fate of the cycle confirmed the unique commercial flair of Bulychev, who came closest to the status of a “bestselling” author than anyone else in Soviet SF (excluding - for other reasons - A. and B. Strugatsky).

Bulychev impressively demonstrated the gift of a humorist (more than a satirist) with early stories about the inhabitants of the provincial town of Velikiy Guslyar, partially collected in the collection “Miracles in Guslyar” (1972); depicted with humor and sympathy, the city became an excellent testing ground on which one could observe the clash of recognizable Soviet life of the 1960s-80s. with the most incredible fantastic events, often presented as a clever parody of the cliches of SF literature, from “routine” alien landings to the realization of fairy-tale situations: the sale of goldfish in a local store that grant wishes - in the story “Goldfish Go on Sale” (1972) ; the elixir of immortality discovered in the vicinity of the Great Guslyar - in the story “The Martian Potion” (1971); the latter was filmed. However, as in the case of the series about Alice, later stories - and subsequently voluminous stories - about the inhabitants of the Great Guslyar did not bring a new quality, the parodic lightness was lost, and against the backdrop of the political “stagnation” of the 1970-80s. Bulychev’s soft and completely “safe” humor sometimes began to irritate with its benevolence; The writer became somewhat “daring” only in the late 1980s - the story “Perpendicular World” (1989) and other “post-perestroika guslar” stories. The later works of the cycle were compiled into collections - “The Great Guslyar” (1987), “Deeply respected microbe, or Guslyar in space” (1989), “Martian potion. The most complete chronicle of the Great Guslar" (1990).

Bulychev’s versatile SF work is not limited to these series. The success of the writer was brought by his early stories and novellas, which were united by the programmatically named (in polemics with the authors of utopias - from H. Wells to S. Snegov) collection “People as People” (1975), which determined Bulychev’s “ecological niche” in Russian SF: chamber stories about ordinary people who find themselves in incredible circumstances, the accuracy of psychological drawings, everyday details that create a unique verisimilitude of the most exotic SF worlds, humor, the capacious laconic language of intelligent “urban prose”; other short-form works were compiled into collections - “Summer Morning” (1979), “The Pass” (1983), “The Kidnapping of the Sorcerer” (1989), “Coral Castle” (1990). In a number of stories, people's lives change decisively under the influence of fantastic inventions and discoveries: a mind-reading apparatus in “The Crown of Professor Kozarin” (1973), artificial vision in the story “The Eye” (1978); in the story “The Ability to Throw a Ball” (1973), a completely unathletic hero, who suddenly acquired the ability to throw objects with exceptional accuracy, tries to become a basketball player; filmed. In the story “Can I Ask Nina?” (1973) our contemporary can talk on the phone with a subscriber from besieged Leningrad in 1941; in the story “Half a Life” (1974), aggressive aliens kidnap a simple Russian woman from Earth, who, however, did not lose heart in complete isolation from her own kind and “found herself”, becoming a heroine on a distant planet. The action-packed story “The Kidnapping of the Sorcerer” (1979) is interesting and detailed, telling how our descendants - historians from the distant future - are trying to carry out “progressive” activities in the medieval Russian past, saving a nugget genius; filmed. Among other stories, two witty examples of evolutionary twists stand out: “When did the dinosaurs go extinct?” (1967) and "Mutant" (1977).

A number of more traditional “space” novels and stories by Bulychev are united by one hero - the space medic Pavlysh, whose prototype was the ship’s doctor of the Segezha cargo ship Slava Pavlysh. (The writer traveled on Segezha as a correspondent for the magazine Around the World in 1967. The cycle includes one of Bulychev’s best early stories, “The Snow Maiden” (1973), as well as the stories “The Great Spirit and the Runaways” (1972) and "The Law for the Dragon" (1975). The cycle is joined by a rare SF novel in Bulychev's work, "The Last War" (1970) - one of the few works in Soviet literature that describe the consequences of a nuclear war, however, on another planet, where, with the aim of to revive life on the atomic ashes, an earthly expedition has arrived.Of other works related to space exploration, the following stand out: the psychological short story “On the Ugly Bioform” (1974), the hero of which undergoes a complete biological transformation of the body in order to survive and work on a harsh planet; the stories “The World is Strange, but Kind” (1967; others “So the Floods Begin”) and “Tolya Gusev’s Hockey” (1972), in which the action takes place on planets with unusual physical, climatic and environmental phenomena. The story “The Pass” (1980), which became the first part of the novel “The Village” (1988), is a fascinating “Robinsonade” of the descendants of shipwrecks on another planet, forced to coexist with local nature and maintain the rudiments of earthly civilization; A full-length cartoon was created based on the story. Also filmed was the action-packed story “Dungeon of the Witches” (1987), which combines elements of “space opera” and “heroic fantasy” and is dedicated to the adventures of an Earth agent on a troubled planet; the novel “Agent KF” (1984, 1986) is plot-related with it.

In the mid-1980s. Bulychev gained a reputation as a good master of commercial SF series (about Alice, about the Great Guslyar), who does not aggravate relations with publishers and ideological authorities by turning to “politics,” but also does not reduce the established literary level.

In the nineties of the last century, the writer tried to raise this level and significantly expand the themes of his works, and these attempts seem worthy of the attention of readers and critics. The story "Death on the Floor Below" (1989) tells about the disaster of a secret chemical plant in a Siberian city and the attempts of local authorities to hide information about thousands of victims; Bulychev's collection - "Apology" (1990) - includes stories of different levels and themes, for example, "Meeting near Rovno" (1990) - the story of a secret meeting between Hitler and Stalin, and both dictators turn out to be aliens, cruel "educators" of the earthly civilization.

Fantastic elements are also contained in a number of historical and adventure books by Bulychev: the story “The Sword of General Bandula” (1968) and the novel “The other day there was an earthquake in Ligon” (1980). Bulychev also penned numerous translations of English and American SF and a number of scripts for SF films and films in the genre " modern fairy tale" - “Through thorns - to the stars" (co-authored with R. Viktorov); published in two parts: "Daughter of the Cosmos" (1980) and "Angels of the Cosmos" (1981); “Comet” (co-authored with R. Viktorov), “Tears Dripped” (co-authored with A. Volodin and G. Danelia; staged in 1982), “Glade of Fairy Tales” (staged in 1988), etc.

Under the pseudonym Yu. Mikhailovsky, Bulychev translated Heinlein’s story “If This Continues...”, and under the pseudonym Alexander Ge, he translated Simak’s story “ Money Tree" for the magazine "Iskatel".

Since 1989, K. Bulychev has been writing a large novel, “The Chronos River,” which develops into the “Chronos” cycle, already consisting of several novels. At the turn of the century, Bulychev continued to write both works from already famous heroes(cycles Alice, Guslyar, Shadow Theater), and other works (including cycles InterGpol, Verevkin). During this period, the writer's talent was fully revealed; he wrote detective stories (the Lidia Berestova cycle), poems, plays, diverse novels and short stories. Pathos and books by Kir Bulychev are completely incompatible things. The absence of pathos is, in essence, a sign of intelligence and good taste.

Based on the works of Kir Bulychev, feature and animated films have been made, comics have been published, and filmstrips have been produced. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and peoples of the former USSR.

Winner of the Aelita 1997 science fiction award.

The meaning of names is always directly related to the history of names and the name Kira is no exception. The name Kira, like the paired male name Kir, has a very ancient history. More on this below.

The name Kira has several important transformations in its history. The name Cyrus came into Russian from Greek culture. Among the Greeks, this name sounded like Kyria (κυρία), which meant “lady.” So we can safely say the name Kira means "Mistress".

However, the history of the name Cyrus is much more ancient. The name Cyrus came into Greek culture from the culture of ancient Persia. There it sounded like Kurush (کوروش بزرگ), which translated from Persian means “Like the sun.” So we can say that The name Kira means "Like the sun". But that's not all.

The name Kira (Kurush) came to Persian culture from Sanskrit and sounded like Kiran. It meant "Ray of Light" in Sanskrit. So we can say that The meaning of the name Kira is "Ray of Light".

It is difficult to say which meaning is more correct, so choose according to the dictates of your soul.

The meaning of the name Kira for a girl

Kira is growing up to be a difficult girl to raise. She has very strong command traits and seems to confirm the Greek meaning of the name. She rarely listens to other people's opinions, and it is almost impossible to convince her. You need to have enormous authority for Kira to listen to you. For successful parenting, you just have to gain authority in her eyes.

Kira has good academic results. She is successful in exact disciplines, but the humanities are not for her either. special problem. Magnificent, analytical mind. Loves debate on any issue, so be prepared.

Kira’s health is good, although this is not always noticeable from the girl’s appearance. IN adolescence rarely suffers from problems common to girls. She will not walk around in the cold without a hat, for the beauty of her hair. Takes a responsible approach to your own health, regardless of age. Loves to play sports.

Short name Kira

Diminutive pet names

Kirochka, Kirusha, Kirusya.

Name Kira in English

IN English language the name Kira is written as Kira, which completely coincides with the transliteration.

Name Kira for international passport- KIRA.

Translation of the name Kira into other languages

in Arabic - كيرا
in Belarusian - Kira
in Greek - Κύρα (Kira)
in Spanish - Cira (Syrah)
in Chinese - 基拉
in German - Kira
in Polish - Kira
in Ukrainian - Kira
in French - Cyrus

Church name Kira(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - church name. Of course, Kira (or her godparents) can choose a different church name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Kira

Kira's character changes with age and childhood "illnesses" pass and become hidden. He is still self-confident, but her behavior becomes softer and more delicate. This means that if Kira agrees with you, then this is first of all beneficial to her, and only then may indicate that you are right. At the same time, Kira is a wonderful friend and loyal comrade. If you find yourself in a close circle of friends, then you can be proud of yourself, you have passed the most severe selection.

In her work, Kira amazes with her determination. At the same time, she is very talented and has an unconventional vision of the situation. This allows her to achieve success almost anywhere. Kira often achieves success where it would seem impossible. Kira is a good leader and is great at motivating people.

Kira's family relationships are two diametrically opposed options. Young Kira usually seeks complete freedom and gives complete freedom to her partner. This usually gets boring for both of them after a while, but they can no longer live together. It ends badly. If Kira’s relationship developed into a family relationship in adulthood, then it has a very high chance of success.

Kira is a wonderful housewife, even if financial difficulties arise. She will make a decent home out of any hut. She loves children and becomes a wonderful mother.

The mystery of the name Kira

The secret of Kira can be called pliability to rude, almost unobstructed flattery. For all her intelligence, she does not notice such manipulation and even takes offense at those who show it to her.

Kira's vulnerability can be called her second secret. She hides her own vulnerable soul behind her confidence and perseverance. Not everyone can hurt her, but only close person. That’s why she doesn’t let almost anyone into her inner circle.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Omar.

Name color- Light brown.

Tree- Honeysuckle.

Plant- Clover.

Stone- Topaz.

comes from Greek male name Cyrus, which has Persian roots and means “sun” or “lord”.

Characteristics of the name Kira

a girl with a very difficult character. Parents need to be careful when making concessions to her - after the first time, Kira will always demand concessions, and simply becomes uncontrollable. She wants to decide everything herself. At the same time, she is very responsible and does not need adult supervision. Kira is a born leader. They respect her and even fear her - she knows how to stand up for herself. Adult Kira does not change - she always achieves what she wants. And she strives to be the first in everything. Her peculiar character often shocks those around her. With her analytical mind and ability for the exact sciences, she can easily become an excellent scientist. Active. Reliable. Will always come to the rescue. She is not touchy or vindictive, but she will not forgive betrayal. Housekeeping is not her thing. Kira is smart, proud, independent, but very vulnerable. Her self-esteem is extremely developed. Kira is proud. Kira never shows her feelings. She strives to start a family, but she is often unlucky in marriage. Then she throws herself into work.

Famous personalities: Kira Muratova is a famous contemporary film director.

Name Kira - when is the name day?


The Monks Marina and Kira, sisters, lived in the 4th century in the city of Beria (Asia Minor). Their parents were noble and rich, but the sisters settled in a cave and lived there in the open air. They wore heavy iron chains on their bodies and ate food once every 40 days for three years. They labored in this way for 40 years. They violated their solitude only in order to travel to Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulcher. During the journey they did not take any food. They accomplished the same feat again when they traveled to the tomb of the First Martyr Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla in Isauria. The Monks Marina and Kira died around 450.

Career, business and money

Kira is an unusually purposeful, efficient woman with a highly developed intellect and the ability to think outside the box. These qualities of a girl guarantee her success in almost any type of activity.

The owner of this name becomes a true professional in her chosen field of activity. Managers fully trust her professionalism, and Kira’s authority among her subordinates is unshakable. The rationality of decision-making, discipline, and the responsibility with which Kira approaches the task assigned to her make her an indispensable worker.

But not everything is so smooth. Insufficiently developed diplomacy in relationships and excessive straightforwardness can become an obstacle when moving up the career ladder. A woman becomes an excellent economist, accountant, banker, lawyer, research fellow. And yet, preference when choosing a profession should be given to those that are associated with an active pastime.

Business for Kira is one of the most favorable areas for applying her own efforts. Often the owner of this name becomes a wonderful and successful businesswoman.

Marriage and family

Kira is characterized by a distrustful attitude towards people of the opposite sex. For this reason, it is very difficult to win her sympathy. She is looking for a man who will be patient, responsive, affectionate and gentle - someone whom she can trust endlessly. If you manage to meet such a person, then Kira will completely give herself to him, surround him with love, care, and affection. Kira is a demanding woman, and therefore her marriage will be happy and long if her partner turns out to be a reasonable, balanced and calm man, but ready to submit completely to her influence.

In the family, Kirochka always remains an excellent housewife, not particularly striving for the title of ideal. Her passion is coziness and comfort in the home, and she knows how to create such conditions. She loves her children and her husband very much, takes care of them with pleasure, but she is jealous, and she will be much calmer if her husband does not give her a reason for jealousy - she does not allow betrayal.

With age, a woman becomes more and more a homebody who values ​​and understands family values. She loves to create coziness, cook and receive guests - she cannot stand loneliness, and therefore believes that the house should always be crowded and noisy.

If necessary, if the spouse turns out to be a strong and strong-willed person, Kira can fade into the background in the relationship. After all, the most important thing for her is a cloudless family life.

Sex and love

In relationships with men, Kira shows restraint and coldness, but somewhat artificial - after all, by nature she is gentle and sincere, and her heart is always open to the greatest love. But due to excessive restraint, her personal life is not always bright and rosy. A woman is not very good at expressing her feelings, and sometimes she simply does not dare to do so, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for men to understand her.

The time is coming when Kira is ready to completely open up to a man, at the same time overcoming her reluctance to part with her freedom. But for this, the partner must completely win her trust. After all, Kirochka experiences failures on this front very strongly - they cause the girl significant pain.

Intimate life for her is wonderful new world, which she is excited to discover and explore. But only if there is a gentle and affectionate partner nearby. Then she will make intimacy unusually fulfilling and spiritual.


The owners of this name are characterized by activity. They regularly play sports and lead an active lifestyle. And therefore, most often they are distinguished by excellent health.

But her nervous system is a bit of a problem. Thus, it makes sense for Kira to devote more time to her moral and psychological state.

Interests and hobbies

Most of all, Kira likes active types of recreation. She enjoys visiting fitness clubs, going in for skiing, spending time walking in the forest, running in the park in the morning with equally enthusiastic people. in a healthy way people's lives.

But she won’t refuse to sit with a romantic book in a warm and cozy home environment. The main thing is that the activity should bring satisfaction and food for the mind.

The name Kira has two variants of formation. The Greek source is considered to be the words “kyros or the names Kyria, Kiros”, which are interpreted as “master, lord”. Regarding this, translated from Greek, the meaning of the name Kira is interpreted as “lady, mistress.” The Persian origin of Kira comes from the male name Kurush and is listed as “sun, solar.” It can also be interpreted as “prudent, ray of sunshine.”

The name Kira has increased energy. This is a self-willed, power-hungry woman, she is demanding and strict not only with the people around her, but also with herself. The girl’s pride is manifested in everything, from her look to her deeds and actions.

Having set a goal for herself, our heroine smoothly and confidently steps towards it. In any difficult situations, a girl named Kira will not dramatize and fall into hysterics, but will take the fight and try to eliminate the problem.

Our heroine is also not characterized by daydreaming; she is a realist and perceives everything as it really is. The main character trait of the bearer of the name Kira is honesty, so she does not accept deception. For her, falsehood and lies are the most unacceptable qualities in a person; she will not establish either friendship or companionship with such people.

In addition, our heroine herself tries to fully meet her requirements and not lie under any circumstances. In appearance, a girl named Kira gives the impression of being cold and uncommunicative. Not everyone is given the opportunity to penetrate her soul and stay there for a long time.

For Kira, it is unacceptable to expose her feelings to everyone, so she always seems like an “iron lady” in appearance. And only those few whom a woman chooses will learn that she can sympathize and empathize.

  • A girl named Kira has few friends due to her taciturnity and closedness from the outside world. She seems to be setting up a barrier, not allowing her to get quite close to herself.
  • Although her inner world requires communication with people, our heroine also loves when she is praised and elevated.
  • The name Kira has a certain duality, she is strict by nature and at the same time very kind, the presence of high intelligence sometimes makes it impossible for our heroine to distinguish lies from the truth.

What the name Kira means for its bearer is a powerful woman, strict, practical and judicious. She is very stubborn and narcissistic, but at the same time straightforward and ambitious. She will definitely voice out everything that is on her mind. Outwardly unapproachable, but inside romantic and sophisticated, that’s what a girl named Kira is like.

  • In addition, our heroine is resilient both physically and mentally.
  • Adversity and stoppages in business will not confuse her, but will only push her to move even more intensely.
  • Kira also has insight, as well as the ability to keep secrets and secrets.
  • The contradictory Kira rarely receives a bonus in the form of luck; basically she has to achieve everything on her own.

Kira girl, teenager

When raising a girl named Kira, special attention should be paid to her capriciousness. If this happens, and parents often make concessions, our heroine will therefore demand new actions from them. To avoid complicating the situation, you should differentiate when you can give in and when you can’t. Otherwise, it will negatively affect Kira's character.

In general, the girl is growing up as a calm child, but a little elevated above the others. The bearer of the name Kira is the undisputed leader in the team, starting from kindergarten itself.

Studies It's not great, but relatively good. Of the subjects, exact sciences are closer to her. An analytical mind and excellent abilities could allow the bearer of the name Kira to become a leader in academic performance, but our heroine does not strive for this.

The girl loves to spend time in the company of friends. For parents who are raising a teenager named Kira, some advice. Accustom her to communication, don’t leave things to chance, let your girl open up to society. Otherwise, it may slam even more firmly into its shell.

Professional affiliation

An adult bearer of the name Kira has a hard time getting along with people, this is especially true if her parents did not teach her to communicate since childhood.

Keira Christina Knightley (English actress)

  • Everyone around her seems insincere and unreal. This attitude towards others pushes our heroine towards professions not related to communication.
  • She will make an excellent accountant, economist, and business manager.
  • One cannot be called a careerist who bears the name Kira. But if possible, she will gladly take the offered position.
  • Only the unsociable Kira may not be noticed right away, but her perseverance and productive work will help in her career advancement.
  • The bearer of the name Kira does not particularly like to change jobs, so she often works at one enterprise all her life.

Love and family ties

The attractiveness of a girl named Kira, it would seem, should attract men to her, but that’s not exactly how things happen. Outward coldness and lack of femininity even repel them. But the woman named Kira is not at all bothered by this arrangement of things, because she is in no hurry to get married, and is cold and prejudiced towards men. Our heroine also has short-term romances.

Only by meeting a stronger personality than Kira herself will she be able to create a happy and friendly family.

Only in this situation will she be happy. She herself, bearing the name Kira will become a good wife, mother and housewife. If our heroine does not meet such a man on her way, she will remain lonely for a long time, and perhaps she will never get married.