Money tree crassula care. How to care for a potted money tree at home. Useful properties of the money tree

How to care for a money tree is a question that often arises among lovers of symbolic trees. Despite the fact that Africa is considered the birthplace of the flower, close attention is paid to it and Russia. Many amateur flower growers buy and grow it, wanting to decorate the house and ensure happiness and wealth according to signs. This article provides recommendations on how to properly care for the fat woman.

Money tree care: all methods

Before starting care, it is first of all important to let the fat woman adapt and undergo acclimatization, and then engage in reproduction. The bush should be planted in a container, shaded and left alone for 14 days. At this time, the plant needs to be sprayed with water and fertilizer, and the leaves should be wiped. Proper watering will only occur when the soil composition dries out.

After half a month, the young flower requires transplantation by transshipment. It is important to change the pot, replacing it with a deeper one. After such an event, the florist must carry out the care required for the flowering of the fat plant.

In the apartment

To get a healthy flowering plant, it is important to follow the following requirements when caring for your money tree at home:

  1. Temperature. Despite the fact that the flower is able to adapt to the conditions, it is advisable to provide a constant climate of 18-25 degrees above zero. It is important to avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  2. Humidity and ventilation. Crassula tolerates low humidity levels characteristic of an apartment. Excessive humidity can harm the flower. In the summer, it needs a constant change of air masses.
  3. To achieve a similar result, you should frequently ventilate, but without drafts.
  4. Light. It is important for the fat woman to constantly receive equally bright lighting. You can leave it in the sun, but for a short time. This will avoid burns. At the same time, permanent shadow is also contraindicated.

Action will have to be taken if it becomes clear that the plant has acquired a sickly, depressed appearance, and the leaves are falling off. In the process of caring for a plant, it is important to regularly turn it to the light in different directions and fertilize it, the more often the better. This will make the crown uniformly attractive without the need for pruning.

To have money

Crassula is a money tree. Its main purpose is to decorate the interior and attract wealth to the home. For such a symbolic positive result, the flower should always be well-groomed and healthy. The photos of this tree are very beautiful.

A sick fat woman is able to attract exactly the opposite effects on the owner. In order for there to be money in the house, the plant must be beautiful; it is important to care for the money tree Crassula at home.

You should know that a flower can die not only if it is not properly cared for, but if there is a long-term negative atmosphere in the house, and also if the owner is constantly stressed or sick. If you want to plant correctly and grow a healthy plant, it is advisable to avoid painful conflict situations.

So that it blooms

Flowering directly depends on the conditions provided. In the natural environment, this process occurs in the spring. During this period, small stars of five petals appear on the indoor Crassula. These are inflorescences that look like a panicle or brush.

In apartments, a plant with beautiful leaves blooms quite rarely. If this happens, it happens more often in winter than in spring. At cool temperatures, indoor flowers in a pot will last for three months. If such a flowering appears at least once, it will repeat every year or once every five years.

How to fertilize a money tree?

In nature, the crop grows on soils that do not have a large amount of nutritional components. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to grow and often feed indoor unpretentious Crassula.

During the growing season, it will be enough to fertilize the soil once a month. When carrying out this process in an apartment, certain rules must be followed:

  • Fertilizer is applied only after watering. This will protect the roots from burns;
  • Vitamin formulations should not be used for sick plants or newly transplanted ones.

As for caring for the money tree at home for flowering in the form of fertilizer, the best option would be to use compounds intended for cacti. They can be alternated with standard mineral-based fertilizers.

Summing up

Growing this type of money plant is not particularly difficult for gardeners. If you follow the listed rules, you can get a full-fledged useful and beautiful tree and a flower. If it blooms, it can create comfort and attract wealth into the house so that money can be found.

Crassula or Crassula is a succulent plant from the Crassula family. Its homeland is South Africa. In nature, Crassula is found in Madagascar, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The name “money tree” came into use in China back in the 200s BC. There is a sign that the plant attracts finances to the house.

The money tree is very popular for indoor growing. It has an attractive appearance and requires very little attention. With good care, the plant will decorate the interior of your home for many years.

Description and types of plants

The Tolstyankov family has more than 300 species. The plants are represented mainly by succulents, the height of which can vary from 3 cm to 50 m. All of them have thick succulent leaves, which are placed crosswise on the shoots.

The shape of Crassula's leaves can be varied:

  • cylindrical,
  • oval,
  • diamond-shaped
  • lanceolate.

Several types of Crassula are very popular for growing at home.

Oval (silver)

This species can be found on window sills most often. It has oval, petiolate leaves of dark green color. The tree can reach a height of 1 m. During flowering, small pink or white flowers appear. The species is unpretentious in care.


A plant that can grow up to 1.5 m. Leaves up to 8 cm long are gray.


Bush-like appearance with lanceolate narrow leaves with pointed tips. The surface of the leaves is green with a silvery coating, the underside is reddish. The inflorescences are red-carmine.

Moss-like (mucous)

A plant with thin, fleshy and pointed leaves. Along their edges are rows of small leaves. This species is often grown as a ground cover crop or planted in pots with other plants.


A creeping species, the thin stems of which can grow up to 50 m in length. The leaves are thin, fleshy with a reddish coating. They have a red border. The leaves grow together at the base.


Subshrub species with thin stems. They bend and creep along the ground. Thanks to the many aerial roots it grows quickly.

Home care

The money tree is one of the most undemanding ornamental plants. Even inexperienced gardeners can care for it.

Location and lighting

Almost all types of Crassula love good lighting. It is recommended to place the flowerpot on wide window sills facing south-east, south-west or next to them. The color of its leaves depends on how intense the light falls on the plant. If the leaves are solid green, then with too much sun they can turn brown. To avoid this, it is worth shading the plant from the midday sun with a curtain. Direct sunlight will not harm variegated species.

In order for the crown of the money tree to develop evenly, from time to time the flowerpot needs to be turned to the sun in different directions. In summer, the culture can be taken out into the fresh air. The main thing is that she has enough light and no drafts.

Important! If the windows in the room face only north, then the Crassula will need additional lighting fluorescent lamp. If this is not done, then over time the stems will stretch and the leaves will begin to fall off.

Choosing a flowerpot

Despite the impressive size of Crassula, its root system is superficial and rather weak. A wide pot, but shallow, will do. It is better to give preference to a heavy clay container so that the tree does not topple it. It should not be too spacious, otherwise the Crassula will stretch out and grow unevenly.


To plant a plant, you can buy a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents. You can cook it yourself. It should be loose and nutritious.

Optimal soil composition:

  • leaf soil (3);
  • turf (1);
  • sand (1).

To slightly neutralize the acidity, add a little wood ash or clay to the composition. The money tree does not like acidic soil.

Planting and transplanting

The money tree does not need frequent transplants. It doesn't like them very much. Young trees can be replanted once a year if they become cramped in the pot. For adult plants, 1 transplant every 3-4 years is enough. The procedure is best carried out at the end of March - in April.

Transplant algorithm:

  • Remove the Crassula from the old pot. Carefully examine the roots.
  • Trim damaged areas with a sharp, disinfected instrument. Sprinkle the cut areas with ash.
  • Leave the tree for a while to dry.
  • Using the transfer method, place the plant in a new pot, in which you first place a layer of drainage and some fresh soil.
  • Fill the voids with soil and compact it slightly. Do not bury the root collar.

Immediately after purchasing a money tree, you should not rush to replant it. You need to give the plant time to adapt to home conditions for several weeks.

Visual step-by-step video - instructions for transplanting a Money Tree:

Content temperature

In the spring and summer, it is recommended to keep the fat plant at a temperature of +20-25 degrees. In summer you are allowed to take it outside. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to +15 degrees and below. The plant can overwinter in a warm room. But in such cases, its leaves may fall off. The flowerpot should be kept away from heating sources.

Air humidity

Air humidity does not play a big role in the development of the money tree. This is a succulent that is able to accumulate moisture in its parts. And when it lacks moisture, it uses up its internal reserves. The plant does not need spraying. This procedure negatively affects its appearance. All you need to do is periodically ventilate the room and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. Clean leaves provide better oxygen saturation. If Crassula has to be in a humid microclimate, it should simply reduce the amount of watering.


If the money tree grows at a moderate room temperature, it is enough to water it once a week. If the room is hot - 2 times a week. You need to navigate by the state of the earthen coma. It should not dry out too much, but it should not be too wet either. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced to an average of 2 times a month.

Feeding and fertilizers

The tree needs to be fed only during the growing season - from May to the end of August. For the entire season, 3 feedings are enough. You can apply complex fertilizers for cacti and succulents. Liquid fertilizers are preferable; apply them after watering so as not to burn the roots. In winter, the plant is not fertilized.

Pruning and crown formation

When the tree has grown to the desired size, you can stop its growth. To do this, you do not need to transplant it into a larger pot, but only change the top layer of soil. To give the plant a decorative appearance, the formation of a crown is required. Overgrown side shoots need to be trimmed. They can break off due to their weight.

To get a neat, small tree, pruning should begin at a young age, when the stems are still soft. In adult specimens, the pinching areas do not look decorative. Only after reaching the required height of the tree can you pinch its top with 2 top leaves. Before this, trim only the side shoots. As Crassula grows in places where you want to get new shoots, pinch the top bud. Each branch must contain at least 4 pairs of leaves. If desired, you can form a bonsai.

Flowering period

Flowering of the money tree is a rare occurrence. The crop blooms, as a rule, already in adulthood and only under ideal conditions. Flowering begins in spring and can last 2-3 months. The flowers of the plant are small, with a pinkish or greenish tint, collected in loose umbrella inflorescences located at the ends of the shoots. They give off an intense, sweet aroma. It is better to remove faded inflorescences so that the money tree does not waste its energy on forming seeds.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate a money tree.

Cuttings and leaves

Cuttings are used most often. Best time for the procedure - March, April. Cut the stem or leaf with a clean knife, but do not break it off. Sprinkle the cut area with ash. Leave in the fresh air to allow the cut to dry. Place the cuttings to root in a damp mixture of peat and sand, deepening it by 5 cm.

The sheet is immersed 1 cm into the substrate. Cover the top with film. Remove it from time to time to ventilate and moisten the soil. Root cuttings at a temperature of +18..22 degrees. After the roots appear, transplant the plant into a pot with suitable soil.


This method is rarely used due to its labor intensity and low efficiency. Prepare a container for sowing, a mixture of leaf soil (1) and sand (0.5). Place the seeds on the substrate. Cover the top with film. Ventilate and spray the crops daily.

Sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks. Move the container to a well-lit place. Gradually remove the cover, accustoming the plant to natural aeration. After several pairs of true leaves appear, plant the seedlings in separate pots. Replant as it grows. In the first year of life, plants are not allowed a period of rest, giving them the opportunity to gain strength.

Features of seasonal care

The money tree has periods of active growth and dormancy. During the growing season, the plant requires warmth, periodic feeding, and good lighting. From November, it is recommended to move the culture to a cooler room and remove it from heating appliances. You can place the succulent near the balcony door and ventilate the room more often. If you have a heated loggia, you can put Crassula there. Reduce watering to 1-2 times a month. Stop feeding completely. The plant should remain in such conditions until spring.

Care errors and their elimination

Common problems when growing Money Trees and methods for eliminating them:




Falling leaves

Moisture deficiency, watering with cold water

Use water at room temperature for irrigation, allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

Black spots on leaves


Shade the plant during the peak of the active sun

Drying and wilting of the plant

The air is too hot

Ventilate the room more often, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth

Lack of growth

Cramped pot, insufficient feeding

Feed during the growing season with fertilizers for succulents, transplant into a larger container

Diseases and pests

The money tree gets sick infrequently due to its stable immunity. But if the rules of agricultural technology are violated, problems may arise. If there is excess watering, the plant may develop root rot. If you suspect it, it is recommended to remove the crassula from the pot and free it from the soil. Cut off the rotten areas with a clean knife. Process slices activated carbon or cinnamon. Treat the plant with a fungicide and replant it in fresh soil. To prevent the disease, you need to regulate watering and use only warm, settled water.

Pests rarely attack the money tree due to the presence of poisonous arsenic in its leaves. But if the plant is weakened due to improper care, spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs may appear on it. If the damage is minor, you can treat the leaves with a solution of laundry soap or wipe with a cloth moistened with alcohol.

  • Fufanon;
  • Aktellik and others.

Money tree in the house: signs and useful properties

According to Feng Shui, this plant is a symbol of wealth and financial well-being. That is why it can often be found on windowsills. In addition, the money tree can purify the air and improve its microflora, which has a positive effect on health. It produces fungicides that have antiviral, fungicidal, and antibacterial effects.

But such properties are inherent only to a healthy tree. Sick plants have the opposite effect. Their owners can expect financial losses and failures. Family members begin to quarrel regularly, experience stress, and get sick. Therefore, you need to care for the money tree so that it is always healthy.

The money tree is one of the most popular indoor crops. Such popularity is associated not only with its unpretentiousness, but also with the belief that it brings good luck in finance. If you follow simple rules for caring for crassula, it will give its owners not only its decorative value, but also its healing qualities, and will become a talisman of well-being for many years.

Do you want to know more about the features of growing a Money Tree at home? Watch the video below:

The money tree is familiar to every amateur gardener. The scientific name of the plant is Crassula or Crassula. Flower growers love this perennial for its unusual appearance and unpretentious character. There are many different signs associated with it, one of which is the plant’s ability to attract wealth into the house. Crassula leaves are shaped like coins different sizes, and an adult perennial looks like a tree, hence the common name - “money tree”.

Crassula (Crássula) means “fat” in Latin. The representative of the flora belongs to the genus, family Crassulaceae. Crassula comes from South Africa, natural habitat - Southern Hemisphere.

The money tree was brought to Europe in 1687. The plant spread with incredible speed throughout all countries. The succulent easily adapted to indoor growing conditions and was loved for its beautiful crown and easy care.

In nature, the height of the perennial varies depending on the species: from a few centimeters to four meters. The root system of the perennial consists of a central short root, from which many lateral roots extend, located close to the soil surface. Young shoots branch off from the erect, lignified trunk, forming a tree-like crown. The color of the trunk is brownish-brown, the color of young branches is green.

Fleshy leaves are colored rich green color, are usually located opposite. Their shape is ovoid, oval or round. The surface is smooth, the edge of the sheet is solid. Thick, bright foliage “speaks” of favorable external conditions and good care of exotic plants.

Crassula growing indoors blooms extremely rarely. Usually blooms in spring at mature age (8-10 years) at ideal conditions growing.

Crassula flowers are small, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Their color is usually white, sometimes a pinkish tint is noted. Flowers are formed at the end of the shoot or in the axil of the leaf. Flowering lasts for about three months. The flowering tree exudes a sweet aroma. To prevent Crassula from wasting energy on seed ripening, faded inflorescences are usually cut off.

Signs and superstitions

The money tree has a number of other popular names: the tree of friendship, the tree of luck, the tree of life. The plant is grown to attract money, choosing the most honorable and bright place in the room. It is advisable to plant a flower and grow it yourself from a cutting, rather than purchasing a ready-made one.

Folk omens say: to attract money to the house, you need to bury three coins under the roots of the fat plant. And in order for financial well-being to be stable, hang banknotes on the branches, which must be periodically replaced with new ones, while the old ones must be spent.

In addition to signs associated with money, it is believed that perennials improve the vital aura of a home, attracting positive energy. In addition, it has healing properties and purifies the air in the room. The leaves of the succulent secrete phytoncides that have protective antiviral and antibacterial properties.

An exceptionally healthy tree can possess such positive qualities. If the fat plant sheds its leaves, then this symbolizes monetary losses and financial difficulties. To avoid this, you need to properly care for the tree.

Types and varieties

The species diversity of Crassula is great - more than 300 species. Some varieties are cultivated only in greenhouses, while others are grown exclusively indoors.

In home floriculture, fat plants are divided into 3 groups:

  • tree-like;
  • spicate or columnar;
  • creeping or ground cover.

Each group is rich in its varietal diversity.

Tree Crassula

The most commonly grown species by gardeners. Miniature trees with a beautiful curly crown on a thick stem are a decoration for any interior.

Let's look at the most common varieties.

Oval or Ovata

A shade-tolerant, not very capricious variety of Crassula to care for. The height of an adult tree varies from 50 to 100 cm. Many branches extend from the woody stem. The color of the stem changes over time from green to brown.

Evergreen leaves have a characteristic gloss, some have a reddish border along the edge. The ellipsoidal leaves are attached directly to the stem; they retain a lot of moisture.

The succulent blooms in winter with small white star-shaped flowers, which are collected in umbrella inflorescences. People affectionately call the perennial “coin tree”, “krasulya”, “bear’s ear”.

Purslane (Portulacea)

Is different rapid growth, can reach a height of 2 meters with a thickness oftrunk thickness is 30 cm. Many aerial roots form on the trunk and branches.

The fleshy leaves are bright green in color and resemble an ellipse. It hardly blooms in the room. Small white-pink flowers bloom in paniculate inflorescences.

Silver (Argentea)

Resembles the oval Crassula. The difference is in the color of the leaves, which have a silvery tint.

The elongated leaves, abundantly covering the shoots, fall off very rarely.

A compact, slow-growing species of Crassula. The dark green background of the leaves along the edges is decorated with a reddish edging. The oblong leaves are small in size: they reach 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width. The plant looks original in mini-gardens.

The subshrub in nature reaches a height of 60 cm, indoors - a maximum of 30 cm. On the large green leaf plates, white dots are visible along the edges, hence the name.

The leaves are wide at the base and pointed towards the apex. Old foliage falls off, exposing the shoots. The plant blooms profusely in winter with white fragrant flowers.

Ovata cv/ Hummels Sunset

It has a characteristic yellow-red leaf color. When there is insufficient lighting, the foliage changes color, becoming green.

Adult The tree reaches a height of about 1.5 meters. The size of the oblong leaves is 5x7 cm. They are bluish-gray above, reddish below. The leaves are juicy, fleshy, with a glossy sheen. IN room conditions blooms very rarely.

Spike-shaped (columnar) Crassula

They got their name for their original picturesque appearance. Their straight trunk has practically no branches. The leaf plates are located on the trunk in pairs, grow together, covering the entire stem, as if they were strung on it.

Popular varieties

The maximum height of the fat plant is 20 cm. The stem with leaves reaches 3 cm in diameter. Diamond-shaped leaf plates cover the stem in pairs.

Their color is light green, the edge of the leaf is red. In winter, white inflorescences bloom at the top of the stem. Can be grown as an ampelous plant.

A low-growing species of spike-shaped crassula with thin, highly branched stems. The leaves are medium-sized, smooth, round in shape, about 5 cm long, and colored bluish-green. The edge of the leaf blade is pubescent. As it grows, the fat plant forms a dense cushion.

The flowers open at the tops of the stems and are white-pink in color.

Montrose (Lycopodioides monstrosa)

The stems of the plant grow asymmetrically, and the Crassula looks like a cactus.The stems are covered with triangular scaled leaves of yellow-green color. The thickness of the stem with leaves is only 0.5 cm.


The height of Crassula does not exceed 10 cm. The leaves are thick, tetrahedral, completely hiding the trunk. Silvery blotches are visible on the green-gray leaves.

Creeping (ground cover) Crassula

They grow quickly, filling all the free space allocated for them.

Popular varieties


A bizarre shrub, the height of which does not exceed 25 cm, similar to a moss or coral. Fleshy shoots creep. They are completely covered with many thin pointed leaves, which, like scales, tightly cling to the stem. If the flower is constantly in bright light, then the green color of the leaves acquires a reddish tint. In the garden it can be planted as a lawn or a beautiful background for other plants.

Dotted (Picturata)

Ampelous Crassula with highly branching shoots. The leaves are 1.5 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, and have a green tint. Red dots appear on the green surface of the leaf. The edge of the leaf is covered with thin cilia.

Round/Rosette (Orbicularis/Rosularis)

A herbaceous perennial with leaf blades collected in rosettes, it quickly covers the entire free surface. Fleshy leaves of light green color grow up to 2.5 cm in length, they become pointed towards the top.

Offspring (Sarmentosa)

A highly branching Crassula variety with unusual serrated leaves.

The leaf color combines two green shades and may vary depending on the lighting. The meter-long stems spread across the soil and take root easily. The leaves are large – 3.5 cm.

How to care

The rules for caring for a fat woman are simple. With minimal care you can grow a beautiful tree with a lush crown.

Soil selection

The money tree needs soil that is not so much nutritious as it is loose, so that it allows moisture and air to pass through well. You can use a ready-made substrate for succulents, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing 1 part each of leaf and turf soil. Add humus, coarse river sand and fine gravel in the same ratio.

It is necessary to pour a good layer of drainage (expanded clay, brick chips, pebbles) at the bottom of the planting container to prevent rotting of the roots. To prevent fungal infections, place activated charcoal or charcoal (several pieces) into the drainage.

Location and lighting

Perennials require good lighting for active healthy growth. A spacious window sill on any side except the north is what your pet needs. In order for the crown of the Crassula to form evenly, the pot sometimes needs to be turned towards the light source. If all the windows in the apartment face north, you need to organize additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.

In summer, the perennial can be taken out into the fresh air. The place should be lit and windless. Such conditions are favorable for the growth of the fat plant and its flowering.

Temperature, humidity, watering

In nature, the southern representative of the flora accumulates a lot of moisture in the leaves. The indoor plant does not need frequent watering, otherwise the root system of the Crassula will rot, the Crassula will lose its decorative effect, and may even die. Drainage holes in the pot are required so that excess moisture seeps into the pan.

In the summer, it is enough to water the plant once every 2 weeks with settled water at room temperature. Young bushes are watered weekly in hot weather. The soil substrate must dry to a depth of at least 2 cm. An adult succulent can do without watering for a whole month, so it will wait for you to return from rest without losing a single leaf.

In autumn, watering is reduced to once a month, in winter to a minimum, the main thing is to prevent the soil from completely drying out. The leaves will remind you of the need to water: they will become soft.

In summer, the plant feels comfortable at room temperature +20…+27 degrees. If possible, you can move it to the garden, loggia or veranda. Minor temperature changes are not scary for the flower.

There is no need to create special humidity in the room. It is enough to periodically ventilate the room where the fat woman is located. In rooms with high humidity, watering is kept to a minimum.

There is no need to spray the perennial, as this procedure can lead to rotting of the leaves.

But wiping the leaves with a damp sponge or dust cloth is necessary so that they are saturated with oxygen.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

The money tree should be fed only during the period of active growth: late May - mid-August. At equal intervals, apply 3 fertilizers with fertilizer for succulents in liquid form. Fertilizer is applied after watering. Crassula transplanted into new soil does not need to be fed.


Young fat plants should be replanted every year, adults - every three years. This procedure is carried out at the beginning of April or at the end of September.

The flower is carefully removed from the container. When inspecting the root system, rotten roots are removed and the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal. When the wounds dry out, the perennial is planted in a new container. If the roots are healthy, it is better to save the earth ball. Using the transfer method, it is transferred to another pot, where the drainage is covered with a thin layer of new soil. The roots are covered with the substrate, leaving no voids. The soil is compacted and watered. The root collar is left on the surface.

Pots for planting must be stable so that an adult plant does not fall on its side under the weight of the branches. You can put a stone on the bottom for stability.


The crown of the money tree forms itself. Once the plant has grown to the size you want, it no longer needs to be transplanted into another container. bigger size. In the old container, you only need to change the top soil layer every year.

You can give the tree a bonsai shape. This will take more than one year. You have to wait until the trunk reaches a certain thickness, then cut it off completely. You need to be patient and wait for young shoots to grow from the trunk. This way, the desired crown of the tree is formed in several stages.

Winter care

In winter, Crassula needs rest. The flower must be moved to a room where the air temperature does not exceed +15...+16 degrees. Eliminate fertilizing and reduce watering to once a month.

In a too warm room, the fat plant can change its decorative appearance by shedding its foliage.

Reproduction methods

Crassula is propagated in two ways - cuttings and seeds.


An accidentally broken or fallen twig is already planting material, which just needs to be placed in a nutrient substrate.

Planting stages:

  • cut the stalk with a knife;
  • sprinkle the cut with charcoal (you can crush activated charcoal) to avoid infection;
  • air dry the wound;
  • plant the cutting in moist soil, deepening it by 5 cm. When the leaf is rooted, it is immersed 1 cm in the substrate. Peat-sand mixture can be used as planting soil.

The best time to root a seedling is spring (March-April). The room temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees.

Cuttings root quickly. As soon as the seedling grows and reaches a height of 10 cm, it can be transplanted into a separate small flower container. From this moment on, they begin to care for the fat plant like an adult flower.

Gardeners often root cuttings in water. It is advisable to add an activated carbon tablet to the water to prevent root rot. To speed up the appearance of roots, drop a solution of Kornevin or Zircon into the water. When strong roots are formed, the cuttings are planted in a pot in a permanent place.


Flower growers do not often use this method, but it is still worth trying to grow your own specimen of Crassula. It is better to sow seeds in February.

The cultivation sequence is as follows:

  • pour wet soil to the bottom of the container;
  • sow seeds;
  • cover the container with a lid;
  • periodically ventilate and moisten the soil with a spray bottle;
  • The first shoots will begin to hatch in about two to three weeks. After they appear en masse, the container must be placed in a well-lit place and additional lighting must be provided, otherwise the sprouts will become very elongated;
  • Open the lid slightly for a while, then remove it completely.

After the sprouts have become stronger and started to grow, they are planted in small pots. In the first year of cultivation, winter rest is not necessary for young pets so that they actively grow and gain strength.

Possible problems

Leaves in summer fall off from lack of moisture or from watering with cold water.

Black spots have appeared on the leaf blades - the Crassula has been in direct sunlight for a long time and has received sunburn.

The plant has stopped growing and needs replanting or feeding.

The trunk of the money tree has darkened - this is due to excessive watering. Stop watering for three weeks until the soil substrate dries out.

The leaves have become soft, lost their elasticity and shine - due to insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Water with warm water and feed.

The leaves wither and turn yellow when the substrate is wet - the pot does not match the size of the plant (too large), the soil is incorrectly selected or due to excess moisture. All these reasons can lead to rotting of the roots.

The flower is stretched out and falls to one side - due to lack of lighting.

Diseases and pests

The exotic Crassula has good immunity, so it rarely gets sick. If this happens, it is solely due to improper indoor maintenance.

Excessive soil and air moisture can cause fungal diseases. Signs of the disease are as follows: brown spots on the leaves, rotting of the leaf blades. If the disease is not treated, it will lead to complete loss of foliage. The affected tree must be immediately treated with a fungicide that must contain copper. Reduce the frequency of watering, remove from areas with high humidity.

Insect pests rarely visit the fat plant, since the leaves of the flower are poisonous to them: they contain arsenic. Only on a weakened flower located in a room with very dry air can a spider mite weave a web. You can remove traces of the pest’s activity using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Even a novice in floriculture can grow crassula. If you follow simple care rules, the money tree will become a decoration for your indoor interior. The plant has healing qualities: it releases biologically active substances that are beneficial to health and have a bactericidal effect. The flower protects the house from negative energy. This talisman of financial well-being will delight all household members with its decorative effect for more than one generation.

The Crassula flower naturally grows in dry rocky deserts. The main feature of Crassula is visible in the photo.

These are large fleshy stems and leaves collected in rosettes. It blooms with small white flowers.

Crassula flower, types, photo

  • Crassula arborescens

  • Crassula carpet

  • Crassula coral-shaped

  • Crassula oval (money tree)

  • Crassula pyramidalis

Crassula how to care for at home

The flower is quite unpretentious. At the same time, there are several nuances in caring for the fat woman at home.

  • The optimal location is considered to be south-facing windows in apartments with moderate winter heating.
  • The flower loves light and calmly reacts to direct sunlight.
  • Feels great at temperatures ranging from 10 to 18 degrees, and unlike other succulents does not need a strong drop in temperatures in winter.
  • Crassula grows best in an earth mixture of clay-turf, leaf and humus soil with sand in a ratio of 4:1:1:1.
  • Crassula prefers moderate watering. In winter they need to be done less frequently. In cold weather it does not tolerate overwatering and may die.
  • Does not require spraying.
  • Fertilizing should be carried out when the plant lags behind in development.
  • The money tree does not tolerate when a crust forms on the ground, preventing air from passing inside. Don't forget to systematically loosen the soil!
  • Crassula does not need to be transplanted because it can easily tolerate cramped conditions.
  • Propagated by cuttings. Before planting, the cuttings are tied up and rooted in the sand.

Video: Caring for Crassula at home

Crassula, how to form a crown

In order for Crassula to look aesthetically pleasing and not a neglected shrub, any gardener must be able to care for the crown, observing a number of rules:

  1. You need to start caring for the crown when the plant is still very young. Between 3 and 4 leaves, a new bud is pinched with tweezers.
  2. Make sure that there are no more than 4 leaves on one branch.
  3. When the tree begins to grow, pinch off the top.
  4. The mature tree is also pruned. After the fourth pair of leaves, the top is cut off, and the cut area is sprinkled with activated carbon.
  5. Rotate the flower pot periodically.
  6. Do not plant several young trees in one pot, otherwise, instead of a lush plant, you will get a shapeless, uneven bush.

Video: Forming the crown of a money tree

Possible problems

Despite the fact that Crassula does not require serious care, problems may arise when growing. The main disease of the money tree is falling leaves . To avoid this, you need to reconsider some points in care:

  1. Control the watering regime;
  2. Avoid constant exposure of leaves to direct sunlight;
  3. Don't be overzealous when feeding;
  4. Water only with water at room temperature.

Healing properties of money tree

The juice of the leaves of the plant has medicinal properties. It is used for herpes on the lips, mosquito bites, cuts and various abrasions. In addition, it helps with sore throat.

However, the fat woman earned its popularity primarily due to the belief about its “money-attracting” ability.

Place Crassula in the wealth zone, and the result will definitely not take long to arrive!

Money tree (from the Latin Crassula) is also known as Crassula and Crassula. To grow a money tree, care at home is not required. It is important not to over-moisten the soil and choose the right location. In gratitude for your attention, the plant will delight you with a beautiful green crown, and when it reaches the age of five, it can be covered with delicate flowers.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a beautiful, and even more so, blooming fat plant brings wealth and well-being to the house.

Where is the best place to place a tree to attract good luck?

The popularity of the fat plant in public reception areas, libraries, institutes, office premises, and apartments is caused by its beautiful appearance, ease of care and special symbolism. With age, the indoor flower with dense, thick leaves that look like coins takes on the appearance of a real tree due to the fact that the shoots turn brown. The height of a money tree at home can reach 1.5 - 2 m, growing in width by 1.2 - 1.5 m.

Feng Shui philosophy gives Crassula the powerful power of attracting good luck, prosperity and happiness. A similar belief developed on the basis of an ancient Chinese legend about a solar tree, the crown of which was covered with gold coins instead of leaves.

In order for a living symbol of wealth to bring prosperity to your home, you need to get it correctly and find the right place:

Money tree, home care

Crassula has from 300 to 350 species, including succulents and perennial herbaceous plants. In decorative floriculture, two types are popular - tree-like and silver. Young seedlings differ from adult plants in their green trunk and leaves; with age, the shoots become woody. The leaves are dense, medium-sized, and have different shapes depending on the variety. Flowering in natural conditions is accompanied by the release of lush inflorescences of small white, pinkish or pale yellow flowers.

Necessary conditions for a money tree:

Name Description
Location During the cold period, the south-eastern side is suitable. In the spring and summer, the tree can be placed on loggias or balconies facing north. IN country houses Pots are taken out into the fresh air for the summer.
Temperature Comfortable temperatures in summer range from +22°C to +35°C, when the plant sheds its leaves. In winter, it is desirable to reduce the temperature from +18°C to +15°C.
Lighting Scattered bright light. Direct rays provoke burns, lack of lighting provokes stretching and thinning of the branches.
Watering Moderate (with the obligatory drying of the soil by 5–6 cm between waterings).
Fertilizers Fertilizers do not need to be applied often - 2 times during the growing season is enough.
Air humidity The leaves tolerate dry air well; no spraying is required.
Transfer It is required for young plants once every two years; for adult plants, the top layer of soil is replaced in the spring.
Reproduction It is carried out by dividing the bush, cuttings, rooting leaves, and seeds.
Trimming The formation of the crown is necessary as the plant grows.
Diseases If the soil is over-moistened, gray rot and roots may die; if it is too dry, it can be attacked by spider mites and powdery mildew.

Detailed description of growing conditions

To grow a beautiful money tree, care at home must be regular. She is not whimsical. But still, neglect of agricultural cultivation techniques leads to the loss of decorative appearance and diseases.

To avoid problems during care, the following is recommended:

  • do not allow excessive waterlogging of the soil, a sharp increase or decrease in temperature;
  • Do not leave the plant in direct sunlight on the windowsill or in fresh air;
  • do not fertilize too often;
  • trim the crown no more than once a year;
  • replant as the root system grows (no more than once a year).

Location and lighting

An adult fat plant grows well in a flowerpot located on the floor near the windows. She needs enough diffused light.

An important condition is the remote location from central heating radiators and heating devices during the heating season.

The plant reacts poorly to drafts, but also with a lack of fresh air may shed leaves. It is advisable to place the pot on a windowsill, near a window or balcony, but not on a walkway or in a dark corridor.

Watering a flower

Moderation in watering is one of the main conditions for the normal growth of home crops. It is advisable to use clean, soft water at room temperature.

It is advisable to water according to this scheme:

  • in winter – once every 7 – 10 days;
  • from spring to autumn - once a week with the application of complex fertilizers to the water once a month;
  • in very hot summers - 2 times a week.

If a dense crust forms on the surface of the substrate between waterings, it is advisable to loosen it. This will provide the roots with air access.


The temperature regime of apartments and offices is suitable for normal growth and development.

To prevent Crassula from getting sick, it is advisable to observe the following conditions:

  • Do not place it near heating appliances in the autumn-winter period;
  • Do not leave in an unheated room for the winter with a temperature below +15°C;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • during the summer heat, do not place it under air conditioning;
  • when the temperature rises to +30°C and above, you can spray the leaves daily.


Complex formulations for succulents and cacti are suitable for fertilizer. The high nitrogen content in these products helps maintain the volume of green mass and the bright color of the leaves.

In order not to cause a burn to the delicate root system, it is advisable to use the composition indicated in the instructions in a concentration reduced by half. Fertilize in moist soil.


Ready-made soil for succulents is suitable for replanting. To prepare soil with a similar composition at home, use equal proportions of turf soil, peat, sand with the addition of. Young plants are replanted every 1 to 2 years. Adult specimens do not require frequent replanting. Upon reaching 10 years of age, only the top layer of soil in the pot is replaced with a new one, without replanting.

During transplantation, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the new container may be 1 - 1.5 cm larger than the previous one;
  • a sufficient number of drainage holes are needed at the bottom of the container;
  • During the procedure, a drainage layer must be poured onto the bottom, followed by a layer of new soil, the roots of the tree are placed on it, trying not to destroy the formed earthen lump under the root system, sprinkled with soil on top so as not to deepen the root collar.

After transplantation, the surface is watered with Heteroauxin solution in order to reduce the stress of the root system and activate the adaptation process in the new location.


To grow indoor flowers at home, the method of dividing the bush, cuttings, and growing from leaves is used. The complex method of growing from seeds is used by breeders to create new varieties of crops; it is not used at home.

In order for the reproduction process to be successful, it is recommended to consider the following points:

  1. Prepare a container that matches the shoot. In large cases, the roots will take too long to develop before the seedling begins to grow.
  2. It is not advisable to use thin plastic cups or bottles for rooting. Ceramic and glass containers are better suited.
  3. As soil you can use perlite, peat tablets, aqua soil, clean water, steamed earthen mixture for seedlings.

Propagation by cuttings

The most suitable time for cutting planting material is early spring. At this time, choose an even shoot, the length of which is at least 10 cm. It is cut with a sharp knife at an angle of 45°. The knife is first disinfected over a fire or wiped with a solution of alcohol or chlorhexidine.

For reproduction you will need:

  • a healthy cutting, dried for two hours;
  • rooting powder (, Heteroauxin);
  • container with a suitable substrate or water.

For rooting in water, use the following scheme:

  • the glass beaker is filled halfway with clean, non-chlorinated water;
  • the powder that activates root growth is diluted in a container with water;
  • The lower leaves are removed from the cutting and placed in a glass so that the cut does not touch the bottom or walls.

With the first and second methods, roots appear by the end of the second week.

Video instructions on how to propagate a money tree at home:

Reproduction by leaf

Just like cuttings, leaves are rooted in water or substrate. For this:

Dividing the bush

The third method is used when transplanting a group of plants growing nearby or dividing a large tree into parts. If the cuttings planted in a heap have been growing together for a long time and have formed an intertwined root system, then they are carefully separated using an orange stick (fingers can injure fragile roots), and then planted in different containers.

When large branches were cut off from an adult fat plant during formative pruning, they can also be rooted like cuttings in water or soil. If the shoots were accidentally broken off when the plant fell or was exposed to the wind, they can also be rooted.

For this:

  • remove broken, damaged, scratched leaves and branches;
  • the base is trimmed with a sharp, clean knife;
  • let it dry, treat it with a stimulant and root it;

Until the fat plant takes root, it is advisable to maintain soil moisture without allowing it to dry out.


Proper care of the crassula over several years can lead to flowering. This only happens to adult specimens that have reached maturity. Most often, flowering occurs in the spring if a dormant period was observed during the winter at temperatures from +12°C to +15°C. At the same time, the decrease in temperature occurred gradually and did not provoke leaf fall. And when spring comes temperature regime was also gradually brought to levels from +22°C to +25°C. And potassium-phosphorus fertilizers were added to the soil to promote the formation of flower buds.

Possible reasons that the tree does not bloom:

  • too young age;
  • inappropriate light and temperature conditions;
  • with systematic waterlogging of the substrate;
  • with excessive accumulation of nitrogen in the soil, which enhances the formation of the crown.

In order for the plant to bloom, many people advise keeping it in dark place in two weeks. Such a measure most often leads to the loss of a lush crown and stretching of shoots. It is best to provide the Crassula with bright, diffused light.

Crown formation

Since the crown becomes dense over time, and in winter uncharacteristic (thin, curved) shoots appear, Crassula is periodically pruned. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at the end of February, cutting off no more than ¼ of the shoots at a time. After pruning, the cut areas are treated with crushed activated carbon or wood ash.

In order to shape the appearance of a young specimen and provoke the beginning of branching, the top is pinched. After some time, two shoots develop at the site where the upper bud is pinched. After 5–6 months, when they get stronger, their tops are also pinched, promoting further branching.

In order for the branches on the Crassula to develop evenly, it must be periodically turned towards the light.

There are two more reasons for sanitary procedures that require immediate pruning, regardless of the time of year:

  • total rejuvenation of an adult specimen, when the tree is cut almost to the root;
  • removal of shoots infected with a virus, fungus or other types of diseases.

Diseases and pests

Crassula has high immunity to various viruses. Violation of agricultural technology conditions can provoke a deterioration in appearance:

  • the leaves become too sluggish and soft in the case of very infrequent or, on the contrary, excessive watering (the roots become oversaturated with moisture, rot and can no longer direct water to the leaves);
  • the appearance of dried crust and brown spots on the foliage is associated with exposure to burning sunlight (in this case, you can shade the window or remove the flower to another place);
  • if there are few dense straight branches on the tree, and more curved thin branches, the problem is a lack of lighting;
  • leaf fall can be caused by a lack of moisture, temperature changes, too cold or too hot air, exposure to air conditioning;
  • during a drought, thin threads of cobwebs may appear in the crown - this indicates a spider mite infestation, in which case the use of specialized means will be required;
  • when uncharacteristic spotting appears, the crown is also treated with a fungicide against possible viruses.

With constant waterlogging of the soil, you may notice the appearance of small jumping insects on the surface. These are harmless idiots. They disappear with timely drying, loosening or replacing the top layers of soil.

Timely care of the money tree allows you to easily grow a beautiful and well-groomed plant that will delight you with greenery, flowering and bring good luck to your home.

Money tree, home care in winter - video