Store dry rose petals. How to dry roses and what can be done with them. Salted or pickled cucumbers are stored at room conditions

Fresh rose petals in the decoration of a romantic evening and wedding symbolize love and beauty. They are usually showered on newlyweds and decorated in the matrimonial bedroom. The rose is distinguished not only by its decorative properties, but also by its healing and nutritional properties - jam is made from its inflorescences, cosmetic masks and medicinal tinctures are prepared. Time may pass between the disassembly of a flower into petals and their use, and it is important to correctly preserve aromatic raw materials.

You will need

  • – mesh containers;
  • – refrigerator or balcony;
  • – gauze;
  • - paper or canvas.


1. Buy only fresh petals roses, if you want to take care of them for a long time. Find out which flower shops offer selected, uniform raw materials. They should be packed in a special mesh container, say, in wicker baskets. When carrying delicate pink petals, it is important not only to deliver them intact, but also to ensure air circulation.

2. Place an order for a large number of petals in advance so that the contractor can prepare it in a timely manner. Stale, patchy pink petals- shoddy decoration. Lifeless inflorescences may simply not wait for the holiday. If you need a small number of petals for a date or interior decoration, it is advisable to order and deliver them the same day. It is recommended to buy fresh material for wedding decoration (and you will need a lot of it) a day before the triumphal date.

3. Place the package with aromatic raw materials in a cool place (say, on the balcony or in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator). This is how you can save petals roses within 24 hours in its original form, not allowing them to dry out untimely. At room temperature they will last ten hours. It was noted that red petals roses They are stored longer, so it makes sense to prefer this particular color.

4. Protect the pink ones petals It is also allowed in dried form. This is a great raw material for preparing various cosmetic and medical mixtures, as well as aromatic compositions. You can dry cut roses entirely by hanging them with their heads down. Wrap the inflorescences in a layer of clean gauze - this is a guarantee that petals will retain their delicate scent and will not become saturated with dust.

5. You can also dry roses on sheets of paper or thick canvas, covering the top with gauze. Do not forget to stir the raw materials periodically. The room should remain at room temperature, without sharp fluctuations.

6. After a couple of weeks, separate the dried flowers into individual petals and use them as intended. Protect dried petals roses should be in a dry, windless place, away from direct clear rays. Try to use them throughout the year, otherwise roses will lose their healing power.

In the life of every woman and girl there are moments when she is given roses. I would like to preserve charming but capricious flowers not only in my heart, but also in a vase. To do this, we offer several simple but useful tips for drying roses and do it correctly, without losing the appearance of these wonderful flowers.

You will need

  • - scissors;
  • – wire or wire;
  • - hanger;
  • - box;
  • - White sand.


1. It will only take a little effort and time, but you will already be able to enjoy flowers and find tenderness in them. There is even an option, one that involves combining dried roses and fresh. It turns out that there are two particularly common methods for drying roses. Method 1 involves drying flowers with air. Here you will need scissors, some wire, depending on the number of buds available, a hanger and a room that should be dark and dry.

2. First, trim the rose stems as close to the buds as possible. Next, insert a wire about 15-20 cm long into the bud. Wrap its ends around a hanger, leaving space between the entire bud so that air can easily blow on it from all sides. The rosebuds must be upside down.

3. Place the finished hanger indoors; an empty linen closet is perfect for this purpose. As usual, roses thoroughly dried in 3 weeks.

4. The second method of drying roses, using sand, requires a little more effort, however, the result of a similar process is much different from drying roses using the first method. Cut the flower when it is in full bloom; the stem from the bud should be approximately 2.5 cm.

5. Start the drying process only after the stems and leaves are completely dry, that is, there is no water or dew on them. Just as in the first case, place the wire in the bud.

6. After that, take an open box, place rose buds there and start filling the empty space with white sand - until the flowers can stand upright. Fill the empty space with care and ease in the bud itself roses so that it retains its original shape. Let the flowers dry thoroughly for 1-3 weeks and carefully, tilt the box, remove roses .

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Blooming roses you are allowed not only to admire, but also to use pink petals for various decorative purposes. They can be used to decorate handmade items such as notepads and postcards, they can be used to scent an apartment, petals Roses can be added to the bath or scattered on the bed to create a romantic atmosphere. And, of course, I want to save petals in great condition so that they can wait for their triumphant hour.

You will need

  • - salt
  • - sand
  • – semolina
  • – wax
  • – sealed glass container
  • - a shoe box.


1. The method for storing petals depends on the purpose for which you intend to use them in the future. If you want your apartment to smell wonderfully with the scent of roses, petals needs to be salted. To do this, collect pink petals from particularly powerfully smelling bushes during their flowering season. It is best to do this late in the morning in dry weather. Pulled off petals place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and sprinkle generously with salt. After that, salted petals should be compacted tightly and covered with a lid. After a few days, your jar can be used instead of an air freshener. You just have to open it a little, and the room will be filled with an amazing aroma.

2. If you want to spread out petals roses around the house for decorative purposes, melt a candle, dip petals into hot wax and let them harden. Also, if you plan to use dry petals, take a bouquet, tie the flower stems and hang it to dry with the heads down somewhere dry, cool and dark place. When the flowers are dry, pick them off petals from a rose.

3. Pour a layer of semolina, about 5 cm thick, into an old shoe box and place it there petals roses, sprinkle some cereal on top and leave for one and a half to two weeks. After the expiration of the allotted time, remove and carefully clean off the stuck semolina with the support of a blush brush or a hard squirrel brush for watercolors. Such petals will be stored for a very long time.

4. If you feel sorry for translating the semolina, then in return petals Roses can be dried in sand. The sand itself for these purposes must strictly be dry, therefore, before use, it is best to spread it out on newspaper and let it dry for several days. After this, just as in the previous method, pour sand into the box, put petals roses and sprinkle sand on top. Flowers dried in this way are also stored for a very long time.

Rose It gives people not only aesthetic pleasure, but also allows them to preserve the beauty and youth of their skin for a long time. Petals This flower is used in medicine to prepare oils, tinctures, etc. In addition, you can make delicious and fragrant jam from them.

You will need

  • For the mask:
  • – whey – 100 ml;
  • – rose petals – 50 gr.
  • For jam:
  • – sugar – 1 kg;
  • – rose petals – 500 gr.;
  • – lemon – 0.5 pcs.


1. Keep in mind that you should only use wild rose petals for preparing oils and tinctures, i.e. rose hips, or the one that you yourself grew in the garden. In this case, you will be completely sure that no harmful substances were used.

2. Rose petals are widely used in cosmetology. For example, it is not difficult to prepare rose oil from them. To do this, you must put the petals in a jar and pour in enough oil to cover them. Then you need to put it in the sun and hold it there until the petals become White color. After that, remove them from the oil and add fresh ones. Insist again. These manipulations need to be carried out about ten times. The longer you infuse the petals, the more fragrant the oil will be.

3. You can lubricate your face and neck with this oil to prevent wrinkles from occurring. It gives the skin freshness and silkiness, helps to narrow large pores.

4. Rose oil is also used for medicinal purposes because it has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. They are also allowed to soak the bandage and apply it to the wound. It will drag on much faster.

5. Gargle with rose petal oil if you have sore gums. You can simply lubricate them with rose oil. It promotes the destruction of microorganisms and has a healing effect.

6. Rose oil has a nice smell. You can lubricate your body with it during a massage. It will soften the skin and at the same time give you the pleasure of an amazing smell.

7. If you want to make a mask from rose petals, you can do it using whey. The whey must be boiled, adding the petals. After this, you need to cool and take out for 3-4 hours. Apply the resulting mask to your face for twenty minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Your skin will be soft and smooth later.

8. You can also make a rare delicacy, jam, from rose petals. You need to sprinkle the petals with sugar (one part of the petals to two parts of sugar), let it brew for 2 - 3 hours. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the resulting mass and cook over low heat until thickened. After this, cool, and the amazing fragrant jam is ready.

How to use rose petals. Roses given to you for some holiday look very beautiful. Just look at their smell and the velvety tenderness of the petals. However, their term is not inviolable. The magazine for girls “Krasulya” advises how to use rose petals. 1. If you have enough free time, then make yourself an aromatic bath and pour petals into it.

Helpful advice
Grind the rose petals in a mortar. In a 250 ml bottle, put sunflower seeds, crushed rose petals, and pour vinegar over them. Close the bottle with a cork and leave it to infuse in a lighted place. After 2 weeks, strain and add 2 or 3 drops of rose oil. The resulting composition will make the cream a wonderful massage product. Now we know how rose petals can be used.

The rose, which the ancients called the queen of flowers, is not a primitively beautiful ornamental plant. Its fragrant inflorescences, rich in essential oils, vitamins and biologically energetic substances, have long been used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Rose water and rose oil are obtained from fresh petals, syrups are boiled, drinks and jam are prepared. Dry rose petals are used for brewing teas and infusions, aromatizing rooms and baths, and preparing cosmetic lotions and masks.

You will need

  • Roses, a clean sheet of thick paper, a Veterok drying rack.


1. Prune roses when they are in their best bloom. It is recommended to do this in the morning (before noon) in dry weather in order to preserve as much essential oils as possible. Carefully divide the inflorescences and sort out the resulting material. Remove any pink petals that are damaged by disease or insects.

2. Method 1 Spread the raw materials in a thin layer on thick paper in a dark, ventilated room or in the fresh air under a canopy in the shade. Toss lightly from time to time to ensure even drying. It takes from one to 3 weeks to dry rose petals, depending on the size and moisture content.

3. Method 2 Use the Veterok electric dryer for vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and medicinal herbs. Distribute the petals evenly among the trays (approximately 150g per tray). Dry for 3 – 7 hours at a temperature of 30 – 40°C. During drying, the weight of the raw material should decrease by 7–8 times: from 1 kg of fresh petals, 120–130 g of dry petals are obtained.

4. Prepare clean, dry jars. Place dried rose petals in them and close the lids tightly. Store in a dry, dark place.

The largest number of aromatic oils and energetic substances is contained in the petals of clear pink and red varieties of roses.

Helpful advice
Use only roses whose origin you know. Store-bought ones are grown using all sorts of chemicals, which means that it is dangerous to eat their petals or prepare medicines and cosmetics from them. Do not dry or protect rose petals in the light: they will quickly discolor and lose a significant part of their aromatic substances. Do not dry rose petals on newspaper sheets , because printing inks may contain lead, toxic substances and heavy metals.

Rose is the queen of flowers. It is considered a symbol of love and beauty, and is exclusively red. The magical beauty of the rose has attracted human attention from time immemorial. Rose enjoys enormous popularity and love among all peoples of the world. Currently, there are several thousand different varieties of roses. Not a single flower can compare with its aroma, duration and abundance of flowering. A bouquet of roses in a vase greatly enlivens the space of any room and improves the well-being of those around you.

You will need

  • Properly cut flower stems, tall vase with water.


1. First, make favorable data in order to preserve cut flowers longer. Do not forget that roses do not tolerate high temperatures, direct clear rays, drafts and smoky, smoky rooms. Therefore, pre-ventilate the room.

2. Before placing roses in a vase of water, trim off any excess leaves or thorns that may come into contact with the water. In a humid environment, they will quickly begin to rot and spread microorganisms that will damage each flower.

3. After this, cut the stems at an angle. Split them into two or three parts or lightly crush them with a hammer to a height of three centimeters. This will increase the surface area where the flowers absorb water.

4. After this, choose a fairly tall vase. Remember that flower stems must be half in water. Use boiled or raw, settled water at room temperature. Do not place roses in a vase while they are packaged.

5. Add ammonium solution to the water. Buy it at a flower shop. If you do not have ammonium, then put two tablespoons of granulated sugar or one aspirin tablet into the water.

6. Spray the flowers with water two to three times a day. This will give them freshness, and instead they will delight you with their beauty and aroma for a long time.

7. Change the water in the vase daily and rinse the stems under cold running water. Remember that water is not only absorbed by plants, but also evaporates. Don’t forget to thoroughly wash the vase itself using dishwashing detergent or soap.

8. If the roses begin to rapidly wither, renew the cuts on their stems and dip the flowers in very hot water until it becomes slightly warm.

9. Do not save roses near fruits or vegetables. They produce ethylene, which is destructive to flowers. Do not place roses in the same vase with other flowers.

10. At night, put the flowers in a cooler place or wrap them tightly in paper and place them in a bucket with cold water.

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Helpful advice
To trim the stems, use a knife with a blade made of of stainless steel, so that the interaction of the flower with the metal does not cause an oxidation process.

When preparing baby food from dry infant formula, you need to remember that at room temperature, bacteria multiply in the finished mixture for a short time, and follow simple rules to avoid such a situation.

You will need

  • – bottles with caps;
  • – thermos container;
  • – cooler bag;
  • - thermos;
  • - bottle warmer.


1. Set up a freshly prepared nursery mixture in the refrigerator. You can immediately pour it into bottles or store it in a measuring cup, pouring it into bottles and heating it as needed.

2. Sterilize the bottles in boiling water for 25 minutes before first use, then place them on the table and cover with clean gauze.

3. Place the remaining bottle later after feeding mixture yu in the refrigerator. Before feeding, take it out and heat the contents in a special device. If mixture remained in the bottle after the second feeding, it is better not to use it, or, if there is a lot left, boil the remainder and take a different, sterile bottle.

4. Close containers containing cooked food. mixture Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator, closed. Take care of dry mixture in a dry room, protected from direct bright light, tightly closing the jar with a lid.

5. Take a thermos with boiling water, several sterile bottles, dry mixture. This will allow you to prepare food at any time without worrying about its cleanliness. You are allowed to take bottles of ready-made food on the road. mixture yu, placing them in a cooler bag or thermos container. In this case, it is convenient to have an electric bottle warmer with you and have access to power.

6. Boil mixture, which remained at room temperature for 2-3 hours after feeding, fill a sterile bottle with it, in this form it can be given to the child.

7. Reheat mixture from the refrigerator in a special device, an electrical appliance for heating bottles, or place the bottle in a container with hot water for a few minutes.

8. Take care of the finished mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Cover bottles with nipples in the refrigerator with plastic caps or sterile gauze. Before use, scald the pacifier with boiling water.

Tip 8: How to force a Chinese rose to show its flowers?

In the 18th century, a charming and extremely unpretentious plant arose in European greenhouses and botanical gardens - hibiscus (Hibiscus) from the mallow family. The eye rested on the dark green bright leaves and exquisite red double flowers, for which it was nicknamed the Chinese rose. The tree is not capricious and does not require special attention, but often does not bloom for a long time. Experienced amateur flower growers know how to force a Chinese rose to show its flowers.

Right place

Although the indoor Chinese rose is unpretentious in its place of “residence,” it should still be given a place in a clear room where direct, clear rays would not fall on it to avoid burns on the leaves and there would be no strong drafts. This is one of the conditions for abundant flowering. In the summer, it is advisable to move the rose to a loggia, balcony, terrace, or, if there is such a possibility (say, in a country house), casually to the street, preferring a place protected from the winds.

The right soil

The Chinese rose is loyal to transplantation. It can be carried out annually in the spring immediately after the flower leaves the dormant state, when young leaves are just beginning to emerge. However, this applies to young plants. Adults should be replanted as needed. The soil should be quite nutritious: say, a mixture of humus, turf soil, peat and huge washed sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:1, respectively. You can also purchase the “Rose” substrate at a specialized flower shop. After transplanting, water the rose quite often, loosen the top layer of soil to provide air access to the roots. Do not allow the soil to dry out too much; on the contrary, the buds and leaves will fall off and it will be difficult to revive the plant. When replanting a rose, take a new pot slightly larger than the size in which it grew before. Or simply change the land in the old one. The fact is that if the pot is too big, the hibiscus will produce new leaves, but not buds. It has been noted that a rose growing in a slightly cramped pot likes to show off its flowers.

Watering, temperature and humidity

The correct ratio of watering, temperature and air humidity is one of the main secrets of purchasing gorgeous flowers in large number. Flower buds of the Chinese rose are formed in winter, when the plant is in a state of relative dormancy. Why relative? Since hibiscus does not shed its leaves for the winter, like many other indoor plants that “retire.” During this period, watering should be sharply reduced, and the tree itself should be moved to the coolest room of the house, even if it is not very well lit. The ideal temperature for a rose at this time is +15°C. The rose awakens to a new life in February. This moment is marked by the origin of young leaves. Move the plant to a warm, clear place, begin to gradually increase watering, fertilize. If you miss the moment and begin to change the place, increase watering and fertilizing when the rose has already formed buds, there is a risk that it will painfully respond to a sudden climate change and drop the buds, and at the same time some of the leaves. Hibiscus loves damp air, therefore, in conditions of increased dryness in city apartments, the plant needs to be sprayed every day, or damp napkins or foam rubber should be placed around the edges of the pot. Attention! When spraying, water should not fall on the flowers; their petals quickly become saturated with moisture, become heavy and fall off. During the winter dormancy period, spraying, as well as watering, must be reduced to 2 times a week and, as necessary, wipe the leaves from dust.


Annual spring pruning of Chinese roses is an indispensable ritual. It must be carried out either before the transplant or immediately after it. This is the only way to ensure the formation of new flowering shoots. You can use cut branches as planting material (cuttings) to purchase new plants. Place them in water and when they sprout roots, plant them in small pots.

Top dressing

The Chinese rose is very responsive to fertilization. In spring and summer, 2-3 times a month it needs to be fed with a weak solution of organic matter or mineral fertilizers (fertilizers can be alternated). In autumn and winter, fertilizing should be reduced to once a month.

Unfortunately, roses are short-lived flowers and quickly fade, even if they are given from the heart. It is pitiful to throw away such beauty, therefore it is permissible to give dried flowers a second life.

Bath with rose petals If you have a free evening, treat yourself to a luxurious bath with dry rose petals. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, add a handful of petals, a few drops of your favorite essential oil or 1 glass of milk. You can light scented candles, play leisurely, peaceful music, or apply a homemade mask to your face. This procedure will help you relax and benefit your skin. Sachet Make a fragrant sachet from dry rose petals, which can be used as a washcloth or to scent the air in the room. Place the petals in a plate and sprinkle with rose oil - this will help renew or enhance their scent. If you wish, you can add dry cornflower petals or neroli, verbena, medicinal herbs or spices. Place the finished composition in a small bag made of natural flax or organs and tie it. The sachet is ready for use. Cosmetics from rose petals Rose petals can be used to make excellent and suitable bath salts. Grind the dry raw materials to a powder state. Mix it with sea ​​salt unscented and add a few drops of rose oil and neroli oil. Transfer the mixture to a jar and close the lid tightly. Leave the salt in a warm place for 6 days. Crushed dry petals can be added to homemade scrubs or masks.

The range of uses of rose petals is quite wide, ranging from culinary delights and healing to body care. Due to the unique composition of essential rose oil, the rose has long been called the “queen of flowers.”

Roses are able to please others with their greatness and give them a lot of the right emotions. Isn't this good for the body?! It is not for nothing that in Japanese schools there is even a lesson set aside deliberately for the contemplation of the charming. But these flowers can be beneficial even after they wither.

Flower cooking

It is unlikely that anyone would think of purchasing a bouquet of roses for the purpose of making jam. However, if your region of residence allows you to grow rose bushes on your garden plot, then you should definitely take advantage of this and prepare fragrant jam from rose petals. Due to the fact that roses do not all bloom at the same time, in order to collect 300-400 grams of petals at once, you need to have 10 bushes. The petals are collected at the moment when the rose has completely opened and is about to fall off. You should not disturb the beauty of the buds, which have yet to please the eyes of your household. Rose petals will not produce juice on their own if they are easily covered with sugar, so they are either ground with it and citric acid, or syrup is prepared. The washed petals are poured into syrup and boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. You can dry the petals and add them to the kettle the next time you brew traditional tea. Lovers of liqueur choose to prepare it using rose petals, and then add a spoonful to tea or baked goods. This will require 1 kg of petals, 1 liter of vodka, 2 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water. First, the petals are infused for 3 days in vodka, which is filtered and combined with syrup. The color of the liqueur depends on the type of roses; therefore, it is occasionally tinted with food coloring.

Pink pharmacy in the garden

Having fresh rose petals on hand, you can prepare rose oil. To do this, fill the glass container to capacity with petals and pour olive oil. When the red rose petals become completely white under the influence of oil, the oil is squeezed out and the next portion of petals is placed in it. It is believed that good quality rose oil should be infused at least 7 times. Rose oil has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation, and improves sleep. They can treat long-term non-healing wounds, apply them to a sore tooth or inflamed gum. Rose essential oil and a special composition of microelements give the oil a wound-healing result.

The use of rose petals in cosmetology

Dry rose petals are also not without useful properties. If you pour boiling water over a handful of petals and leave for 20 minutes, you will get a delicious lotion for facial skin care. Just don’t do it too much; after 3 days it will no longer be suitable for use. Rose infusion has the ability to tighten pores, heal microcracks and soothe irritated skin. The same properties of rose petals will be appropriate when adding them to the bath. For a luxurious procedure, you can easily pour them into warm water, and you can grind them with sea salt in advance. Rose petals are an effective addition to face masks. In dry or fresh form, they are crushed and mixed with 130 ml of liquid, where 100 ml is mineral water, and 30 – vodka. After half an hour of infusion, you can add cereals. The mask is ready for use. Any of the procedures, including rose petals, will give unforgettable moments of bliss. But do not forget that you should only use flowers that have not been treated with chemicals and were not decorated with varnish sparkles in the bouquet.

Tip 11: Is it permissible to store pickles and preserves at room temperature?

Preparations for the winter are extremely popular not only in winter, but also at the end of summer they begin to open jars of pickled or salted cucumbers. To prevent pickles and boils from spoiling and causing health problems, you must follow the rules for storing such food products. Often, such large volumes of vegetables and berries are prepared that there is not enough storage space. Consequently, housewives are wondering about the likelihood of storing workpieces at room temperature

Salted or pickled cucumbers are stored at room conditions

Cucumber and tomato preparations are actually the very first to be prepared. It is not recommended to store pickled cucumbers and tomatoes at room temperature. A salt water solution is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, and later the fermentation process can begin in it. The pickling solution preserves the taste properties of vegetables, preventing them from turning sour due to bacteria, and also does not acquire a cloudy color. Therefore, pickled cucumbers with the addition of acetic acid are stored not only in the basement or refrigerator, but also in an apartment or house. It is worth noting that it is better to add a 70% solution due to the higher concentration of vinegar, which prevents bacteria from spoiling the product. Positive sterilization and preservation of preparations for both cucumbers and tomatoes is indispensable for further indoor storage.

Properly prepared jam is the key to the safety of the product in all conditions

For better preservation of berries, freezing is suitable. This way you can avoid losing almost all the expensive vitamins in the composition. You can freeze without adding sugar, and for the best comfort in small bags specialized for freezing. But there is not much space in the refrigerator or freezer. And it’s better to occasionally replace jam from the store with natural berries. Jam, properly prepared, with the right amount of sugar and sterilized, can be stored at room temperature. It is best to place the lingonberries in a cool, dark place, sprinkle them with sugar or leave them in their own juice. If the lingonberries are unsatisfactorily ripe, then it would be better to make jam. On the contrary, the berries may spoil. If the jam is made in a hurry, when sugar is added to the berries that have just boiled and immediately removed from the stove, then such a product is stored in the refrigerator. Fruit and berry compotes with seeds cannot be preserved for more than nine months due to the formation of hydrocyanic acid , destructively dangerous for humans.

Correct room temperature for storage

The room temperature in every home is different. Consequently, canned goods that have undergone proper sterilization are better preserved in a dark place protected from light. The temperature here should be slightly lower than in the rest of the room, up to about fifteen degrees. Covers should be periodically checked for swelling and rust, which in turn indicates dampness and high humidity in the room. Extremely low temperatures, below zero degrees, can completely ruin some canned goods. The taste also changes, not for the better, only in vegetables. So that agricultural labor does not go to waste without compensation, it is necessary to treat the storage of preparations with caution and observation. By following simple storage instructions, you can prevent destruction taste qualities and complete damage to the pickles and jams beloved by many.

Rose is widely used not only in cosmetology and perfumery, but also in cooking. For example, you can make delicious jam from the petals of a tea rose, which will become a real dessert for tea, as well as a cure for diseases such as stomach ulcers, stomatitis and bronchitis.

Rose petal jam

Only young flowers are suitable for this jam, which should be collected during the first flowering period in May. Collected flowers should be stored in the refrigerator.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g rose petals;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • 600 g sugar.


We carefully sort through the flowers, separating the petals from the stamens. Pour the selected petals into a colander, rinse thoroughly under cool water and dry with a towel. Place the rose petals in a saucepan, add 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar and rub with your hands until the juice is released, which should then be poured into a separate container.

Next, we start preparing the syrup. To do this, add sugar to boiling water and cook for several minutes, stirring continuously, then strain through cheesecloth and cool. Pour the resulting syrup over the rose petals and bring to a boil over medium heat. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the jam for 10 minutes, stirring continuously and skimming off the foam. After this, pour the juice obtained from the petals into the pan and cook everything together until thickened (approximately 10-15 minutes).

Rose petal and lemon jam

Lemon juice, which is present in the recipe for this jam, gives the delicacy a special note of freshness.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 cup tea rose petals;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • ? glasses of sugar;
  • half a lemon.


First, we process the collected fresh and blooming flowers, separating the petals from the stamens. We throw away dried and lifeless petals. We wash the selected petals under running water and dry them with a paper towel.

Fill an enamel pan with water, add the specified amount of sugar and cook the syrup until thickened over low heat. Add tea rose petals to the prepared syrup, mix thoroughly and boil the jam for 10 minutes, then pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook everything together for another 5 minutes.

Transfer the finished rose and lemon jam into a sterile container and screw on the lid. The treat should be stored in the refrigerator.

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If you have Vacation home or a summer house, you can grow roses on the plot. But a plucked exquisite bouquet is short-lived; it will last in a vase for no more than a week and the fragrant petals will fall off over time. But they can be used for a variety of needs. It turns out that you can do with rose petals.

Second life of rose petals

Cut roses quickly fade in a vase, but you can extend their life: there are many tips on what to do with the petals of these flowers. Rose buds can be simply dried. To do this, flower branches are hung with their heads down for several days. The dried buds will decorate the vase and remind you of the day when the roses were given. You can make a variety of cosmetics from the petals themselves, as well as use them in cooking to make jams, tinctures, wines, and sauces. Rose petals are placed in pillows to scent clothes in the closet.

The use of rose petals in cosmetology

Rose oil, which is made in Bulgaria, is widely known. They use special special technologies, but you can also try to make a similar oil yourself. In order to prepare it, it is necessary to collect the petals of red fragrant roses, the buds of which have recently opened, before sunrise. For the base, it is best to use olive oil. Pour 2 cups of rose petals into a liter jar and pour 200 ml of oil. After this, close the jar tightly and put it in a cool, dark place. Stir the contents periodically. After 20 days, strain the oil and put it in the refrigerator. The oil is ready for use. To make rose water, you need to pour 50 grams of rose petals (preferably the essential oil variety, which has a rather powerful aroma) with 1 liter of cold boiled water, add 200 grams of sugar and let it brew for 2 hours. After this, shake and strain. The resulting water should be stored in the refrigerator. It is great to use for wiping the skin or for preparing other cosmetics for baths. A bath with rose petals gently relaxes, relieves fatigue and stress, makes the skin soft and flexible. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 36-37 degrees, the bath time should be about 15 minutes. Instead of rose petals, you can add a cup of salt or milk with 5-6 drops of rose oil to the bath. To moisturize and nourish the skin, add 2 teaspoons of rose water and 2 teaspoons of almond or olive oil to the bath. The same result can be obtained by adding 1 cup of milk and 2 teaspoons of rose water to the bath. After the bath, if you have dry skin, use pink lotion. To prepare it, take 3 tablespoons of rose water, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, mix everything. After this, wipe your skin with the prepared lotion.

Use of rose petals in cooking

Rose petal jam turns out to be very appetizing. Having decided to prepare it, first wash 400 grams of rose petals, dry them and put them in a glass jar, sprinkle with sugar and add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Leave to brew for 1 hour. At this time, cook syrup from the remaining 1 kilogram of sugar and 2 glasses of water. When it is ready, add rose petals and cook the jam until it is ready. Delicate and fragrant rose petals are not thrown away, they find more and more new uses, and many more useful things can be made from them.

Tip 14: Using rose petals at home

The scent of roses calms, helps relieve spasms, and normalizes blood pressure. You can make suitable infusions and creams from rose petals. And the smell of roses will invariably improve your well-being and help fight depression.

Soothing and restorative. Rinse 2 cups of rose petals, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover and leave overnight. Take the infusion 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The infusion will saturate your body with most vitamins.

Inhalation. Use rose for inhalation for bronchitis, as well as gargling for inflammation of the throat and mouth. This infusion can also be used for washing. Pour 2 cups of crushed rose petals into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain the resulting decoction and use for inhalation. Store the remaining broth in the refrigerator.

Mask for the face. Grind 10 rose petals and add two teaspoons of liquid honey. Mix the mixture and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Later, rinse with warm water and apply any thick cream.

Hair Mask. Crush a handful of fresh rose petals and pour a glass of milk. Place the mixture over medium heat, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool the mixture and apply to clean hair for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Hand cream. Pass two handfuls of petals through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Mix the resulting mixture with 2 tablespoons of melted butter. butter. Transfer the cream into a clean glass container and store it in the refrigerator.

Video on the topic

It is not recommended to use faded purchased flowers for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, because they are traditionally treated with chemicals. Best option in this case, these are roses from your own plot, or purchased from a summer resident friend.

There is a way, and more than one, to preserve flowers almost in their original form. We are talking about preserving flowers in glycerin, gelatin and, of course, salt. What kind of canning can do without salt! The latter method is only suitable for compositions in closed vessels and does not involve removing the flower from the solution.

Let me note right away that flowers in gelatin and glycerin remain just as flexible and only change color slightly. They become more faded. If you want a truly magical result, don't wait. And as soon as you receive a bouquet as a gift, select a few flowers for canning. The only “but” is that foliage that is too young cannot be preserved with glycerin.

It is better to take dense, not too young flowers. Oddly enough, too young foliage cannot be preserved with glycerin. It is better to remove excess leaves immediately. Carefully examine the flower you decided to preserve. If you see damaged petals and leaves on it, then it is better not to use such a flower. The stem must be cut diagonally, remove the skin or bark (if it is a twig of lilac or apple tree, for example) approximately 7 cm from the bottom and split it. This is necessary so that the solution penetrates better into the flower.

Glycerin is diluted with water in the ratio: 1 part glycerin to 2 parts hot water. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar, vase, or any other beautiful vessel to a height of approximately 20 cm and placed in a cool, dark place. Penetrating into the leaves, glycerin absorbs their liquid and replaces the moisture evaporating from the leaves and stems with glycerin. The liquid level must be maintained, therefore, as it dries, the solution must be topped up. This only applies to open containers.

In closed vessels, the level remains virtually unchanged. It takes from two weeks to two months to completely soak, depending on the size and thickness of the stems. But the result obtained is worthy of admiration! For this reason, it is worth being patient and waiting. Plants preserved in this way retain their elasticity and flexibility and do not require special care, they can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

It takes from two weeks to two months for complete saturation, but the result is certainly amazing!

You can also preserve individual leaves. It takes much less time from 2 to 3 weeks. But you also need to take into account some features. Fern leaves, for example, release milky sap after cutting, which can clog moisture-conducting channels in the stem. In this case, the end of the stem should be held over the flame until it darkens.

Glycerin only guarantees us the preservation of the flower’s shape. But you can “conjure” the color yourself.

In order to give plants the required color, you need to feed the plants with artificial water-soluble dyes, adding them to a glycerin solution. You can use brilliant green, acrylic, oil, silver, colored transparent varnishes, now craft stores provide us with a large assortment of similar products.

It happens that plants were unsuccessfully preserved and white oxidized spots formed on them, which spoil the appearance of our plants. You can correct the situation by bleaching the plants for a couple of days in the following solution:

1. Water 500g.
2. Denatured alcohol 160g.
3. Acetone 160g.
4. Oxalic acid 50g.
5. Acetic acid 99% -10g.
6. Sodium bisulfate 120g.

Flowers in decorative bottles.

The beauty of these decorative bottles is difficult to put into words. And even a photograph cannot fully convey to you their brightness and tenderness.

To create a composition you need a transparent bottle beautiful shape. It must be washed well and disinfected with boiling water. Plants can be planted immediately by splitting the stem and filled with a solution of glycerin and water in a 1:2 ratio. For the best effect, before putting the plants in the bottle, you can put them in a solution for several days so that they are saturated with it. Then you put the flowers in the bottle, carefully straighten them with chopsticks, carefully fill them with the solution and seal the neck hermetically. The neck can be additionally decorated with twine, ribbon or filled with sealing wax

Fresh roses or petals, dahlias, lilies, chrysanthemums, etc. are well suited for decorating bottles. At the same time, you can put shells, beads strung on a thread, small figurines, and beautiful buttons in the bottle. Fresh flowers can be replaced with artificial ones.

Another reliable preservative is a strong solution of gelatin with sugar, approximately 1/1. You can also use a very strong saline solution.

Flowers should not be placed tightly in a bottle or jar; they should seem to hang inside the vessel. The compositions inside the bottle can be different, but sometimes one flower is enough.

Method with salt.
It is necessary to cut off the rose buds that are ready to bloom so that the flowers have a stem left. Table salt is heated in a cast iron frying pan until it turns into a very fine dry powder. Afterwards, you need to take a tin box and pour a layer of already calcined salt onto the bottom. The buds need to be placed on the salt, but in such a way that they do not touch each other under any circumstances. The buds are filled to the top with salt, after which the box must be hermetically sealed. When fresh flowers are needed, the roses should be removed from the box, carefully cleaned of salt, slightly trimmed the stem and placed in water. They will come to life and bloom. You can do it another way: pour calcined salt into a cardboard box, put flowers there, cover them with the same salt, then close the lid, put the box in a plastic bag and put it in a cool place. In this case, when fresh flowers are needed, you need to take the plants out of the box and put them in a bath or bucket of warm water for 2 hours.


  • Dry roses can be poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. As a result, you will get a wonderful rose petal lotion that will refresh your face and tighten your pores. It must be stored in the refrigerator. It’s true that this lotion doesn’t last long. It should be used within 2-3 days.
You can freeze this infusion and get cosmetic ice for your face. It perfectly tones the face and lasts much longer.
  • You can grind rose petals in a coffee grinder and add this cosmetic powder to a facial scrub or bath salt.
  • You can also make oil from rose petals. This rose oil can be used in your home cosmetics in a variety of ways.
How to make rose oil

We need base oil (olive, almond, grape seed or avocado, for example) and dry rose petals. The petals must be well dried, otherwise the oil may turn sour.
Pour rose petals into a glass jar and fill with oil. Place the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours on the lowest heat and cover with a lid (to essential oils did not evaporate). Remove the jar from the heat, cover the neck with a cloth and leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks in a shaded place.
Strain off the oil, squeezing the raw materials (rose petals) well. Let the oil sit for 2-3 hours and see if the water has separated from the oil during this time. If there is water, it must be carefully separated from the oil, otherwise the oil will quickly turn sour.
At the end, add a preservative (vitamin E oil solution) to the oil.

Or this option:

The well-known rose oil. We look for it in specialized stores or pharmacies,but it turns out that the recipe for preparing it at home is not so complicated. Rose petals are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with good olive oil, after which the container (an ordinary jar) is tightly closed and kept in sunlight for a week. After 7 days, put it in the refrigerator. Their medicinal properties Rose oil lasts throughout the year. Rose oil is used incosmetologyto soften the skin of your hands and face. It is enough to lubricate areas of the skin with it like a cream from time to time. And she will be fully hydrated. But there is one more little trick. Rose oil has the amazing ability to mix completely harmlessly with your favorite cream. Just drop a drop of oil into it, and then go to your mandatory action your cream will also acquire the “benefits” of rose oil.

Luxurious bathroom with rose petals

If you have some free time, treat yourself to a luxurious bath with rose petals. Light candles and an aroma lamp, turn on your favorite music, pour a handful of petals into warm water... I assure you, you will feel like you are in a good spa. Or maybe remember your recent vacation trip. Such a bathroom createsreal miracles and very relaxing.

Flavored potpourri or sachet

Use rose petals as a fragrant sachet. You can use them as a mono option, or mix with dry petals of neroli, cornflower, add verbena, aromatic herbs and spices. Place them in a beautiful ceramic plate and sprinkle with a few drops of natural rose oil to enhance or refresh the aroma. You can make gift sachets from linen fabric. putting rose petals in them.

Roses are most often used to decorate your home. These can be roses in pots or as gifts for holidays and anniversaries. pink bouquets. We will look at how to preserve roses in a vase and how to care for a rose in a pot in this article.

How to store roses in pots

For those who have never kept indoor roses, the first question is: how to preserve a rose purchased in a pot. In order for your rose to take root, the first thing you need to do is replant it. To do this, take a pot 3-4 cm larger than the container. It is better to purchase a special mixture for roses - they are sold in flower shops. It is better to replant a rose during the waxing period of the moon. At the bottom of the pot you need to place drainage - expanded clay, then pour out the earthen mixture. Before planting, the rose is watered well and allowed to stand for 20 minutes, after which the container is turned over. Carefully, so as not to damage the roots, the rose is transplanted to a new place, sprinkled with earth and compacted. The soil should be added gradually, without putting too much pressure on the root system. There is no need to water the rose after transplanting.

How to keep roses in pots in winter

Preparations for wintering the plant should begin in the fall - when the temperature drops to 10-12C, the rose stops producing buds and begins to lose leaves. Before wintering, it is advisable to trim the rose, leaving 5-6 buds on each branch. There is no need to pick off the leaves. For wintering roses, the coolest room in the apartment, with a temperature of 15-18C, is best suited. In winter, the rose will continue to lose leaves, but do not be alarmed - even indoor roses hibernate in winter. In spring, the rose will begin to throw out leaves and produce buds again.

How to keep roses in a vase

Roses given as a gift, purchased or cut at the dacha can decorate our home for a long time if you care for them properly. How to keep roses in a vase for the longest time? Flower sellers can best answer this question; they have their own secrets, which we will reveal to you:

  1. Before placing the rose in a vase, cut the tip of the stem; this should be done under water so that the air bubble does not impede the flow of moisture. You can trim the rose either submerged or holding it under running water.
  2. The water should be acidified, it is best to use citric acid at the rate of 2 g. per liter of water.
  3. Roses do not like dirty water, so it is better to change it every day, while thoroughly washing the vase.
  4. Roses do not like drafts, direct sunlight and dry hot air. Therefore, it is better to keep them in the coolest room.
  5. If you were given roses in the summer, then a periodic bath with cold water will help to revive them. If you leave a rose in the bathroom overnight or at least for a few hours, it will last much longer.

How to keep roses in a bouquet longer

If you have a celebration coming up and you want to buy flowers in advance, here are some tips on how to keep roses in a bouquet longer:

  • We trim the stems of roses in water as described above.
  • Place the roses in acidified water.
  • Since roses do not like temperature changes, we find the coolest room.
  • If the air in the apartment is dry, then you need to spray a bouquet of roses several times a day.
  • At night, the bouquet is taken out of the water, flower to flower is folded, and tied, it is placed to spend the night in a bath of water.
  • In the morning, a bouquet is placed in a clean vase with acidified water.

How to store dry roses and their petals

Is it possible to store rose petals at home?, this is a question many women ask themselves. According to Eastern philosophy, storing dead flowers in the house is not recommended. However, according to the traditions of European peoples, storing dried flowers is completely acceptable. How to preserve rose petals at home, where to store rose petals and we will look at how to use them in this article.

How to store rose petals

Rose petals are widely used in both folk medicine, and for cosmetic purposes. For example, tea rose is used not only as a remedy, but also as a delicacy; rose jam is made from it. There is also a use for decorative roses. Here are some tips what is the best way to store rose petals:

  • Tear off the petals of a fresh or dried rose, pour boiling water over it and, after cooling, pour it into ice cube trays. You will have an excellent cosmetic product at your fingertips.
  • You can fill the rose with water and put the resulting water in the refrigerator. You can store this lotion for 2-3 days. Use to wipe and moisturize the face.
  • Tear off the petals of a fresh rose (not withered) or a dried rose and spray it with oil. It is desirable that the oil be cosmetic, that is, cold pressed. These oils are sold in pharmacies. For rose oil, avocado oil, grape oil or olive oil are perfect bases. This oil is used to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face and hands.

If you have a lot of flowers, then it is better to tear off the petals and dry them according to science - in a ventilated room, avoiding exposure to sunlight. These flowers are perfect for taking a bath. How to store rose petals for a bath? Yes, it’s very simple, put them in a dry glass jar, tie them with a cloth and place them in a cool, dry place. You can store dried roses and in a canvas bag, but only in a dry room. Another way to preserve dry roses is to crush the petals after they are completely dry or grind them in a coffee grinder. The resulting mixture can be added to masks, scrubs, lotions, and shower gels.

How to preserve decorative roses

Particularly romantic people love to keep iconic things, and flowers are not the least important among them. And often girls wonder how to dry a rose without preserving its color. We all know from literature that roses are stored between the pages of books, but there is an easier way - put the rose on a sheet of paper, cover it with a second one and put it under a weight. It is advisable to change paper sheets every 2-3 days.

Is it possible to store dried roses?

Now let's return to the question of storing dried roses. Sometimes there is a substitution of concepts - a withered rose and a dried one. A rose that was slowly dying in a vase, of course, cannot be stored - the process of rotting may begin, but petals or a flower dried according to all the rules will not do any harm.

How to store roses before planting

Storing roses prepared for planting requires special skills and knowledge. Each individual case requires its own approach and knowledge of the basic rules for storing roses. In this article we will briefly look at: how to store roses with an open root system, how to store a climbing rose before planting, how to store a rose at home until spring, how to store roses purchased in the fall until spring.

Storing rose cuttings

Winter storage of rose cuttings has its own specifics. Experienced gardeners offer several ways to preserve rose cuttings cut in the fall.

  1. After pruning the roses, dig the most suitable rose cuttings under the rose bush, sprinkle with soil and cover with leaves and dry grass.
  2. Dig a hole up to 20 centimeters deep, lay a covering cloth on the bottom of the hole, lay the cuttings, cover with cloth, and sprinkle with earth.
  3. In the southern regions, rose cuttings can be immediately planted at an angle of 45 degrees. Strong, healthy cuttings will easily overwinter and survive until spring.

Where to store rose cuttings before planting

Storing rose cuttings in a greenhouse implies stopping its growth. That is, the temperature in the greenhouse should not be higher than +10, but not lower than 0, some frost-resistant varieties roses can withstand temperatures as low as -5C, but this negatively affects their survival rate.

Storing rose cuttings at home

Storing rose cuttings in the refrigerator until spring has its own specifics. To store cuttings in the refrigerator, you need to remove purchased roses from packaging, sort them out, and remove damaged and painful cuttings. Then you need to water the rose. Now you can put it in storage. To do this, place the cuttings in the peat mixture, moisten it a little from a spray bottle and wrap it in newspaper. The next layer should be a damp cloth, add more newspapers on top in 2-3 layers. The top layer of newspapers must be moistened. After packing it in a plastic bag, place the rose for storage in the lower part of the refrigerator. If the temperature remains 0 - +1 C, the cuttings can last for several months, but if the temperature is higher, then their storage period should not exceed one and a half to two months.

How to store rose cuttings on the balcony

You can save rose cuttings until spring on the balcony. To do this, pour expanded clay into a plastic bucket, then an earthen mixture for roses. We moisten the soil. We dip the cuttings cut side into water, then into the mixture to stimulate growth. Place the cutting in the hole. We wrap the bucket in polyethylene and secure it with clothespins on top. We wrap the rose if frost is expected. We put it on the balcony in the warmest place. In mild frosts and sunny weather, you can open the rose for a short time to let it breathe. Just be sure to ensure that the polyethylene is completely dry. You can water the rose occasionally, no more than once every 2 weeks. In severe frosts, plants should be brought into the apartment and placed in the coolest place.

How to properly store roses in the cellar in winter

Storing rose cuttings in the cellar the best option if you do not plan to plant them in the next month. To prevent the rose from actively germinating, it must be placed in a cool, dark place. It is better to bury the cuttings in a container with holes in the bottom because... Stagnation of water can have a detrimental effect on the plant. If the temperature in the basement exceeds +5C, then it will not be possible to store the rose for more than a month or two.

How to preserve bush roses for the winter

How to save roses from frost? This is a question many novice gardeners ask themselves. And if for regions with a mild climate this question is not very relevant - most varieties of roses can withstand winter frosts down to -15C, then for residents of the northern regions the question how to preserve bush roses in winter remains relevant.

There are two ways to store bushy roses.

  1. Roses pruned in the fall are insulated with sawdust, peat, leaves and straw, with preliminary hilling. Roses are planted to a height of 10-30 cm, depending on the height of the bush. It is important to remember that during a thaw or the onset of spring, you need to remove snow from the rose bush so that water does not get into the soil. As it warms, holes are made in the ground to allow moisture to enter.
  2. The second method is less effective and more labor-intensive. It consists of constructing a shelter from boards over a rose bush, metal frames and other structures. The disadvantages of this method are that roses are more susceptible to drying out, damping or rotting.

How to store a climbing rose in winter

Now let's take a look, how to store a climbing rose in winter. Preparations for wintering climbing roses must begin in advance. At the beginning of autumn, you need to limit watering the plants and not loosen the soil around the bush. At the end of September, it is necessary to tear off the lower vines and leaves and trim off unripe shoots. Then sand is poured into the center of the bush. Depending on the age of the rose, 1-3 buckets. After a couple of days, you can tear off the remaining leaves and treat the plant with copper sulfate.

It is necessary to cover roses in dry weather at above-zero temperatures. Before constructing the shelter, the drooping stems of roses are collected into a bundle and tied with a rope - it must be synthetic to avoid rotting and rupture. Then the collected bundles are bent to the ground so that they touch it. Distribute the bundles along the entire perimeter of the bush and secure with hooks made of thick wire. Cover the rose with wooden shields and on top with plastic film.

How to protect roses from mice in winter

The shelter of roses is an attractive place for mouse nests - it is warm and you can feed on the bark of the plants. In order to prevent mice from damaging roses, there are several ways:

  • Before starting insulation, lay spruce branches under the rose bush - it has been noticed that mice are less likely to build nests among thorny branches.
  • Add mouse poison when creating a shelter.
  • Cover the rose with aromatic herbs whose smell mice do not like - mint, lemon balm, chamomile, garlic, onion peelings, etc.

How to preserve rose stock for the winter

Rose stock or mallow is a very easy-to-care plant. Therefore, to the question how to preserve rose stock for the winter, experienced gardeners give the only advice - try to protect the flower from excess moisture during thaws and melting snow. To do this, it is better to plan everything in advance - plant the rose on a hill. In winter, try to remove snow around roses; most flowers can withstand frost perfectly well, but die from excess moisture.

How to save a polyanthus rose from disappearing

The polyanthus rose takes root well and grows in different regions of Russia. But despite its unpretentiousness, it needs shelter in winter. You need to prepare a rose for wintering in dry weather. Surround the trimmed bushes with a frame on which the covering material will be placed; a wooden box will also do. Wrap the frame on top with spunbond in several layers, and then with plastic film. From March, you can open the rose for a short time and ventilate it.

What could be better than a fragrant bouquet of luxurious roses? Only a fresh flower, the splendor of which can be enjoyed not only in your garden, but also on the windowsill. Yes, yes, many lovers of floristry achieve amazing success in growing rather whimsical rose bushes at home, but caring for them requires some skills and knowledge. How to protect a rose from pests and diseases? Let's talk about this.

Diseases of indoor and garden roses: photos, description and treatment

Powdery mildew and downy mildew (downy mildew)

Increased crowding of plants, too frequent watering and lack of fresh air can cause a whitish coating to appear on the stems and leaves of the flower. This is powdery mildew - a rose disease, the symptoms and treatment of which we will describe in detail in this section.

If, during a visual inspection of the rose, you find a powdery, sticky coating on the leaves and stems, and the rose itself is gray, then have no doubt - you are faced with the above-mentioned fungal disease. If a whitish mass covers the back side of the leaf, and red spots appear on the upper part, then this is a false variety of the same disease.

Both species most often appear on young shoots and can lead first to curling and falling of leaves, and then to the death of the entire plant.

To cure a rose, it is necessary to immediately remove branches and leaves affected by dew (later it is better to burn them), and treat the bush itself with a solution of “Topsin” or “Fundazol” - fungicidal preparations that effectively destroy fungal bacteria. After treatment, you need to regularly carry out preventive spraying, which we will discuss below.


A disease of roses is rust, the clear identifier of which is the orange convex spots protruding on the leaves. This fungus (Phagmidium mucronatum) develops most actively in warm humidity, while the plant's vegetation sharply deteriorates, the affected parts of the stems become sluggish, and the buds dry out and curl. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the bush may die.

Important: The optimal humidity for roses is no more than 60%.

If you become infected with rust, you must immediately prune the bushes, and you should not skimp on the length of the shoots - no more than 3 buds should remain on the branch. Then the affected stems need to be burned, and the rose bushes should be carefully thinned out - this ensures constant air circulation and reduces humidity. After thinning, treat the plant with Abiga-Pik or Topaz; using a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture can also help.

Marssonina (black spot)

At the end of summer, you can notice black or brown spots on roses, which spread first over the leaves and then onto the woody parts of the bush. This dangerous disease of rose leaves, caused by the fungal infection Marssonina Rosae, can lead to wilting and complete death of the flower.

Black spot disease of roses can be cured exclusively by removing and then burning diseased shoots, and then double spraying (with an interval of 14 days) with preparations containing mancozeb and zinc - for example, Ridomil Gold.

In order to get rid of marsonina fungus for a long time, it is recommended to regularly loosen the soil around rose bushes in winter, since spores extracted to the surface die from sub-zero temperatures.

Cercospora blight, septoria blight

Two more types of fungal diseases of roses are spotting, which, although not as common as black spot, are no less dangerous for garden rose bushes. Cercospora can be recognized by brown spots with a reddish halo, and septoria is distinguished by dark gray or whitish stains, in which points of accumulation of fungal spores are visible to the naked eye.

For treatment, pruning of the bush and spraying with zinc-based products, for example, Cornella from GreenCure, are traditionally used.

Botrytis (grey mold)

A very unpleasant fungal disease, characteristic of hybrid tea and multi-petal varieties of roses, the symptom of which is the appearance of gray fluffy mold on the buds, which is why the flower does not bloom and falls off. This disease of roses most often occurs in too thick plantings of rose bushes due to poor air circulation and high humidity.

In case of weak infestation, pruning and destruction of shoots is used, but if the disease cannot be stopped, then treatment with fungicidal preparations helps.

Cytosporosis (sharka)

Another disease caused by the fungus Citospora leocostoma (Pers) Sacc, which most often affects roses weakened by frost or drought.

Appears in the form of brownish growths on the bark of the woody part of the bush; As the disease develops, the stems begin to crack, the branches become more brittle and dry.

Cytosporosis should be combated by pruning and burning diseased parts of the bush and spraying with Bordeaux mixture. Also great importance has prevention: it is necessary to prune roses in spring, feed the soil and plant, protect the bushes from frostbite and sunburn.


An even yellowish or whitish color of the stems is a cause for concern about the well-being of the plant, since these symptoms are signs of chlorosis. It occurs due to a lack of mineral compounds in the soil and is the most common disease of the Chinese rose, the treatment of which should begin with an analysis or complete replacement of the soil in which the bush grows.

Pay attention to the soil - whether the substance chosen for planting is suitable; In addition, do not forget that after 1–2 years the soil becomes depleted without fertilizing; in this case, it is more advisable to replant the flower.

Important: chlorosis - most often, this disease affects indoor roses: Chinese rose, Bengal rose, Spanish rose, floribunda varieties (Tchaikovsky, Pamponella, etc.), so you should regularly inspect the leaves and stems of the bushes to prevent the development of chlorosis.

Pests of indoor and garden roses

Fresh stems and fragrant buds of roses attract not only lovely young ladies, but all sorts of insect pests of roses, so we will consider the most common cases of damage to indoor or garden rose bushes by representatives of the fauna and will tell you how to treat roses from pests.

Green aphid

In the summer, on rose bushes you can observe a moving mass of bright green color, which, upon closer examination, turns out to be a cluster of insects from the order Hemiptera - green aphids ( Aphididae).

Their numbers increase in the soil at the end of May, and within 3 months they are able to reproduce 10 generations. The offspring feed on young shoots and buds, as a result of which the flower cannot open and the stems become bent.

Treatment of bushes against pests must begin from the moment the first larvae are detected and continue until the aphids are completely destroyed. Insecticidal preparations such as “Fufanon” will help with this; contact-intestinal action - “Akarik”, “Bankol”.

In addition, there are folk and environmentally friendly ways to combat aphids, which include spraying the bushes with a tincture of wood ash with laundry soap or a decoction of citrus peels (100 grams per 1 liter of water).

It is also permissible to use a cute, but very formidable enemy of any aphid - seven-spotted ladybug, one individual of which is capable of mercilessly dealing with insects on 0.3 square meters of garden within 24 hours.

Spider mite

IN heating season in an apartment or in a dry, hot summer in the garden, you can notice yellowish dots on the leaves, which are the first symptom of the appearance of a rather dangerous enemy for roses - the spider mite, an insect of very small (0.3 mm) sizes, individual individuals of which cannot be seen without the help of a magnifying glass.

Spider mites, apparently, are not aware that they are harmful, therefore, multiplying at a rate of up to 10 thousand per week, they are able to first weave the lower parts of the leaves with a web, and then completely destroy the plant.

How to save a home rose from spider mites? First of all, caring for an indoor rose should include regular moistening of the plant with a spray bottle, since these insects cannot tolerate humidity, the destruction of severely damaged shoots, and in case of advanced disease, the use of Fitoverm or Neoron preparations, the composition of which is not too toxic , but very effective.

The methods described above can be used to save garden beauties, but it is also permissible to use folk remedies: 1 teaspoon of chopped onion or garlic should be infused in a glass of water, and then sprayed on the plant.

rose sawfly

In early April, from the pupae ripening in the soil, a thunderstorm of rose lovers appears - the rose sawfly (Arge ochropus) - a pest whose entire life purpose is to eat young shoots and gnaw passages in fleshy stems. Both false caterpillars and adult sawflies are very voracious, and given the appearance of 3-4 generations of insects during one summer, they are capable of destroying rose bushes throughout the entire garden plot.

Preventive measures to combat this pest include loosening the soil - this way most of the pupae in the ground die, but if the disease has already developed, then it is worth using the Inta-vir product (1 tablet per 10 liters of water) or Fosbecid solutions , "Aktara".

Among the folk remedies, spraying with wormwood-soap solution is effective.

Leaf beetle (weevil) and golden bronze weevil

These are quite large beetles (up to 1 cm), whose delicacy is both leaves and buds of roses. They lead a real bandit lifestyle: during the day they sleep in the ground, and at night they raid garden roses. Moreover, not only adult representatives are dangerous, but also their offspring, since the larvae growing in the soil actively eat the root system of the bush. If you do not fight these insects, they can cause great damage to flowers and completely destroy the plant.

To prevent death, you will have to change your usual way of life, arranging night or early morning ambushes, since it is at this time that roses need to be sprayed with insecticides (but not during flowering) such as “Talstar” or “Semaphore”.

During the flowering period, you will either have to learn how to collect insects by hand, or sadly watch the well-fed beetles and gnawed roses.

Generalized table for treating roses against pests and diseases



The most susceptible types of roses Way


Treatment of rose diseases
Powdery mildew

Downy mildew (perenospora)

Tea, hybrid tea (for example, Atlas rose, red rose), noisette, climbing and dwarf (miniature) roses, stock rose Copper sulfate with iron sulfate Solution 3%
Rust Chinese rose (hibiscus), climbing, remontant, hybrid tea, dwarf roses, stock rose Copper-soap solution 10 liters of water + 200 g of laundry soap + 20 g of copper sulfate
Chlorosis Chinese rose, Bengal rose, floribunda Fertilizing, soil replacement, plant replanting -
Black spot, cercospora blight, septoria blight Tea, climbing, polyanthus roses A decoction of nettle or horsetail.

Zinc-based preparations

Boil 150 grams of dry mixture in 10 liters of water for half an hour, filter and dilute with water 1:5
Cytosporosis Hybrid tea, climbing, dwarf and polyanthus roses Bordeaux mixture Solution 3%
Rose Pest Control
Green aphid All types of garden roses, sometimes indoor roses "Karbofos", "Akarik", "Bankol", "Iskra-M"

Wood ash tincture with laundry soap

Mix 2 cups of ash with 50 grams of soap and pour 10 liters of water
Spider mite All types of garden

and indoor roses

"Fitoverm", "Neoron", "Aktellik"

Infusion of potato tops on water

Infuse 1.5 kg of green tops in 10 liters of water for 5 hours
rose sawfly Yellow and red roses "Intra-vir"


soap solution

1 tablet per 10 liters of water

Mix 300 grams of wormwood and 40 grams of laundry soap in 10 liters of water



Yellow, pink and white roses "Talstar", "Semaphore" During the flowering period, only manual collection of beetles

How to buy a healthy rose

For both indoor and garden roses, choosing a healthy plant is very important. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores or trading platforms.

A high-quality, strong domestic rose bush should be in the growth phase, that is, with young green shoots, and the leaves should be a rich green color, without curls, spots and traces of insects.

With garden varieties, things are a little more complicated, as the market is currently filled with a huge number of rose seedlings, so acquiring a healthy plant is a bit of a challenge. In order to buy a quality bush, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

It is important to understand that there are no roses that are completely protected from all types of diseases, however, breeders have developed some varieties that are most resistant to temperature changes, precipitation and to major diseases - black spot, gray rot, rust.

Roses Floribunda:

  • Bordur apricot;
  • Goldelese;
  • Morena;
  • Berleburg;
  • Rosenfee.

Tea– hybrid varieties:

  • Elina;
  • La perla;
  • Dame de Coeur;
  • Virgo;
  • Bel Ange.

Climbing roses:

  • Santana;
  • Rosarium Vetersen;
  • Aloha;
  • Belcanto;
  • Pas de Deux.

Scrubs (park roses):

  • Sahara;
  • Tequila;
  • Deborah;
  • Saremo;
  • Summer Lodge.

Rose care

The following factors can harm any, even the most unpretentious types of roses:

  • poor choice of planting site or location of the flower pot (shading, poor ventilation, draft);
  • high soil density;
  • unbalanced feeding (lack or excess of mineral fertilizers or microelements);
  • unscrupulous care (irregular watering, loosening, weed control, etc.)

However, there are differences between caring for indoor and garden plants, which we will discuss below.

Caring for indoor roses

After purchasing, the flowerpot with the flower cannot be disturbed for 24 hours, after which it is necessary to arrange a short quarantine for the rose:

  1. Apply a weak foam (from laundry soap) to the leaves and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Wash off the foam using a contrast shower, watering the flower for 2-3 minutes hot water(but not boiling water), and then warm. By the way, to harden a plant, this procedure can be performed a couple of times a month.
  3. Inspect the roots: rotten roots must be removed and the peat must be washed off. The roots should be white and strong, in good soil.
  4. Before transplanting, buds and flowers must be removed, since it is difficult for a young rose to fully grow and bloom.
  5. For replanting, purchase special soil “For roses” and be sure to use drainage.
  6. To acclimatize after transplantation, water the bush with Epin or Kornevin.
  7. The flowerpot should be in a sunny place, but direct rays should not fall on the flower.
  8. If the leaves or stems become limp, cover the flower with a plastic bag overnight.
  9. After the rose has adapted, it is necessary to feed the bush with fertilizers once a week (or in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions), loosen the soil and moisten the leaves with a spray bottle twice a day (morning and evening).

Caring for garden roses

We present to your attention a calendar for treating garden roses from diseases and pests.

Calendar month



Treatment of roses in spring
March Trampling snow around rose bushes Allows you to protect roses from mice, as rodents make their nests under rose bushes.
April 1. Start of regular ventilation of agrospan or other shelters of rose bushes First only from the ends, then completely, but covering it at night.
2. Placing poisonous baits for mice -
3. Before buds open, spray with Bordeaux mixture "Blue spray" solution 3%
4. Spring pruning roses To a living kidney

Treat the sections with varnish.

May 1. Planting roses The ground must thaw to a depth of at least 60 cm.
2. Feeding with nitrogen fertilizers Humus,

ammonium nitrate.

3. Insecticidal treatment of roses in the spring against diseases and pests "Aktellik"


Summer rose care
June 1. Regular loosening and watering Water once a week with 10–15 liters per

every bush

2. Fertilizing with complex fertilizer Can be replaced with mullein.
3. Removing faded buds Stimulates the formation of new flowers
4. Cuttings -
July 1. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers Can be replaced with mullein or chicken droppings.
2. Spraying with copper sulfate Prevention

powdery mildew

3. Cuttings -
August 1. Reduce watering Up to 3-5 liters
2. Fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer Preparation of bushes
3. Removing young shoots Before winter plant

with young shoots

may weaken.

Caring for roses in autumn
September 1. Pruning faded shoots Strengthening the bush before winter.
2. Complete end of watering -
3. Weeding and loosening the soil -
4. Preparation of dry mixture for winter hilling Earth or peat with sand
5. Autumn planting of roses After the heat stops
October 1. Preparing roses for shelter from frost Purchase of non-woven covering or other materials
2. Pruning bushes and removing leaves Prevention of fungal diseases
3. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture 1% solution.
November 1. Layout of poisonous baits for mice. -
2. Insulation of roses with agrospan and snow. -

We told you in detail about the treatment of diseases, the prevention and control of pests, the rules of care and selection of seedlings and indoor plants, and we really hope that thanks to our advice, luxurious and healthy bushes of beautiful roses will delight you for many months a year.

Before getting into the hands of the final buyer, roses go through a long chain of suppliers and intermediaries. Flowers delivered to Russia can be delivered either by direct delivery or purchased at auction. In addition, the way roses are stored during delivery to the point of sale may vary. . How to save cut roses for a long time fresh, we will consider in this article.

How to properly store roses

Unfortunately, the Russian flower market does not yet have its own culture for storing and caring for cut flowers. And this applies not only to retailers, but also to more experienced specialists - florists. To offer the buyer a quality product, you need to know the basic rules.

How to save roses when buying in bulk

  • Optimal temperature for storing roses this is +0.5-1C. When unpacking boxes, it is necessary to check whether the storage conditions were violated by the suppliers. If the temperature inside the box is closer to room temperature, then it is better to immediately make a claim, because... Suppliers, as a rule, accept them within one day after delivery.
  • Conduct an inspection of the flowers and immediately set them to unsoldering. It is best to do this in a solution with a temperature of +40-50C - then the water will rise faster to the flower bud. If possible, cut the ends of the stems under water - then an air bubble will not appear, preventing the flow of moisture. The average time to moisten flowers received in boxes is approximately 60 minutes.
  • After the flowers are freshened, put them in the refrigerator for storage. At what temperature should roses be stored in the refrigerator? we indicated above - this is from 0.5 to 1C. Don’t forget about humidity - the higher the humidity, the longer the flowers will last. It is optimal to maintain humidity at a level of 90 to 95%.

At what temperature are roses stored in the store?

Naturally, it is difficult to store roses in a store at sufficiently low temperatures. Firstly, most often there are no conditions for this, and secondly, low temperatures are intended for long-term storage. So let's take a look, how to store roses in a store fresh. Probably all flower shop owners know that the temperature in the store should not be very high, but not everyone knows that roses that have been out of water for more than 15 minutes must be cut off. The fact is that the resulting air bubble will prevent the flow of liquid through the stem. That is why experts recommend cutting off the tip of the stem either under water or under running water, then the drop formed at the tip will prevent an air bubble from forming. If the roses were brought to the store not in solution, then they must be “soldered off” after cutting. This is best done in an acidic solution with a pH of about 3.5 units. For this, in addition to a special solution for roses, citric acid is quite suitable. The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 gm. acid per liter of water. Do not forget about the dishes in which roses are stored, they must be clean. It is advisable to store flowers in plastic containers that are not subject to oxidation. Flower containers must be washed daily, preferably with disinfecting solutions.

At all, storage temperature for cut roses should be as low as possible, but do not forget that flowers are afraid of drafts. Therefore, if possible, you can place roses in a household refrigerator overnight. About, can roses be stored in the refrigerator, there are different opinions, but we believe that it is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing is not to forget to solder them after dry storage and properly cut off the dried ends. We described above how to store roses in the refrigerator, but if your refrigerator is not equipped to maintain such a low temperature, you can store it at +5-7C.

To preserve Dutch roses, you can use a special preparation developed in the Netherlands, specifically for storing cut roses. The Chrysal product allows you to preserve flowers much longer than in conventional acidic solutions because it contains minerals that nourish the plant.

There are other preparations for increasing the life of cut roses, here are some of them - Etisso, Living Rose, bouquet and others. By using them, you will extend the life of the flower and preserve the salable appearance of the rose.

Another question that often arises among flower sellers is whether it is possible to store roses in the dark? If you store it for a long time, without water in a cold, dark room, then yes. If the flowers are standing in water and they do not have sufficient access to light, then the roses may lose their presentation. It is better to place the container with flowers in a bright place without direct sunlight.

And remember - to ensure that the buyer returns to you, always label the flowers or sort them by date of receipt. Fresher roses can be offered for presentation at a holiday, less fresh ones are suitable for decorating halls, wedding bouquets, etc.

Today my post will be of interest specifically to the female half of readers, because you and I will be making ice from rose petals for the face and I think this will not be very interesting for men.

The Queen of Flowers is what the rose is called. I think it’s not in vain. Despite the variety of shapes and shades, each flower attracts and enchants with its beauty, aroma, and exquisite nobility.

The rose has been known since ancient times, and among many peoples this flower was considered sacred, a symbol of divine mystery, and temples were always decorated with living roses.

Brides were decorated with roses, the path of the victors was strewn when they returned from war, tribute was paid with roses, rose oil was worth its weight in gold. Roses were and are used to make wine, prepare teas and various sweets, and use them in perfumery and cosmetology.

The rose is considered a rather capricious flower, but, I am sure, this does not stop amateur gardeners and many decorate their flower beds with roses to admire them until late autumn.

Let's use the beauty and royalty of this flower for our beauty and youth. There are quite a few recipes for using rose petals in cosmetology, but I want to offer you a very simple recipe, but despite its simplicity, it can safely be called a royal recipe.

As I already said, we will make ice from rose petals for the face. This is truly a royal remedy - rubbing the face with ice was always done by Catherine II, daily washing with rose water is one of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets.

I got distracted, let's get back to making ice cubes.

How to make ice from rose petals

We will need:

  • fresh red rose petals – 1 large handful
  • water – 250 – 300 ml

Making rose petal ice cubes:

Do you know that a very popular procedure in beauty salons is cryomassage or cryotherapy. This procedure is carried out using cold, using liquid nitrogen. But we, using ice from rose petals, successfully replace salon procedure to home. The effect, believe me, will be no worse. Read about the benefits of cryomassage with ice at home, and what else ice can be for the face.

Since we made ice from rose petals, let's find out how rose water is beneficial for the face.

Benefits of rose water for the face

Rose water rejuvenates the skin, improves complexion, tightens pores, and restores elasticity. Suitable for all skin types:

  • cleanses normal skin well;
  • controls oil secretion in oily skin;
  • sensitive skin becomes smoother, irritation is relieved;
  • dry skin becomes softer and more delicate.

If you need water when preparing face masks, then replace it with rose water, the effect will be better.

Of course, you can buy rose water in stores, it is not the most expensive product, but believe me, if you make ice from rose petals for your face yourself or make a tonic, then, of course, there will be more benefits from it. After all, store-bought water, as a rule, is already a residual product of aromatic oil production.

Rose hydrosol

If you do not want or for some reason cannot use ice on your face, then you can use this rose water as a tonic, but you just need to store it in the refrigerator and no more than a week.

I sincerely wish you health, beauty and youth.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.