The best frost-resistant varieties of sweet grapes. Frost-resistant grape varieties Frost-resistant grapes

» Grape varieties

Many residents of Russia grow or want to grow grapes in their backyard. But the climate of most of our country is not very suitable for this culture. By the forces of breeders around the world, now there are quite a few varieties that can withstand such difficult conditions. In this article we will talk about frost-resistant varieties.

The first and main advantage of frost-resistant varieties is clear from the name - these representatives relatively easily endure our harsh winters without shelter. Also, the berries are denser and, accordingly, transportable. Winter-hardy varieties are well suited for making wines. What varieties can withstand adverse conditions?

The most frost-resistant for arbors and arches


The most beloved and common is. It was bred by Williams Prince, a breeder from the USA from a variety and received the name Isabella Pink there. Tolerates frost very well. Clusters are small. The berries are mostly pink. They have an unusual, very pleasant taste. Suitable for gazebos and arches.

Great for wine. But you must strictly follow the recipe. Otherwise, Lydia has the peculiarity of releasing harmful substances if the technology is not followed.


  • excellent frost resistance;
  • self-pollination;
  • resistant to powdery mildew and mildew;
  • transportability.

The only significant disadvantage is instability to phylloxera.


- early dessert grapes, non-covering. It is also called Alyosha or No. 328. Has a great taste and a beautiful look - large bunches up to two kilograms, the berries are cone-shaped, yellow-green in color.


  • very early;
  • does not require special care and special agricultural technology;
  • cuttings are well rooted;
  • good yield without top dressing;
  • few seeds in berries;
  • excellent taste;
  • the berries stay on the vine in frosts down to -25°C.


  • the underground part is unstable to frost;
  • berries need a growth stimulator, otherwise peas are likely.

Lady fingers

It has a unique shape of berries that look like female fingers. Hence the name. Official name - . Large sweet berries arranged in large clusters. The taste is excellent, sweet, with hints of sourness. Most often used for making raisins, as they do not have seeds.

This grape variety is from Central Asia. Very picky about the sun and heat. It has a long ripening period, so it is not suitable for central Russia. Few growers grow it. With good care and favorable weather, as well as periodic feeding, you can still get a good harvest.



  • long ripening period - 130-160 days;
  • the instability of the harvest by season;
  • long period of engraftment of cuttings;
  • low frost resistance - up to -11 ° С;
  • this grape is very fond of wasps and birds;
  • extremely susceptible to various diseases - fungus, oidium, powdery mildew.

If all these shortcomings did not scare away from landing, then you should carefully approach the choice of a place. It should be protected from drafts, there was a lot of sun. The soil should be light. ground water should be deep - more than 2.5 meters. Also for ladies' fingers you need a lot of free space - at least 2-2.5 meters in each direction. If the year turned out to be rainy, then spoiled berries should be removed in time. Otherwise they will suffer healthy fruits.-


The table grape Tukay was created at the Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking Ya.I. Potapenko in Novocherkassk. The variety turned out to be unpretentious and frost-resistant. Tukay is loved for a rich harvest and a long shelf life of berries, which are very tasty.


  • early, in July it is already beginning to ripen;
  • large clusters - up to 1.5 kilograms;
  • berries are fragrant and tasty;
  • has female and male flowers, hence self-pollinating;
  • fruits can be stored until spring, if you follow temperature regime(from +1 to +8°C).


  • needs proper pruning, otherwise the clusters will be small;
  • may be affected by felt mites.

When pruning in the spring, 30-40 eyes are left, and the rest of the shoots break off manually. Felt mites are hard to get rid of.

The variety was obtained by crossing the grapes of the Queen of Vineyards and Alphonse Lavalle. The brushes are large: length 18-30 cm, width - 12-20 cm. Weight - 350-500 g. The berries are large. Their weight reaches nine grams. The color of the peel is purple-red, with a waxy coating.

Refers to early varieties. Ripening time - 105-110 days. Self-pollinated.

The best propagation method for this variety is grafting onto a stock.


  • excellent taste and attractive appearance;
  • large berries;
  • suitable for long-term storage;
  • good transportability.


  • low resistance to diseases and pests;
  • shedding of flowers and peas at high humidity;
  • the need for meticulous care;
  • poor frost resistance.


This variety was bred in the USA by Isabella Gibbs. Hence the name. , like some other American "gifts" (Colorado potato beetle, ash-leaved maple), turned out to be very tenacious. He does not care for the Epiphany frosts of central Russia. It is also practically not affected by any diseases characteristic of grapes.

At one time there was information that Isabella is harmful, since a lot of methyl alcohol is released during the preparation of wine, but later this information was refuted.


  • taste qualities;
  • low calorie;
  • high yield;
  • unpretentiousness.

disadvantage for some winegrowers, one can name a late harvest period - October-November.

Relines Pink Seedlis

Of all the varieties described in this article, Rilines Pink Seedlis differs in that it has no seeds. The berries are spherical small, Pink colour with strawberry flavor. Clusters are compact. Harvest is in mid-September.


  • lack of bones;
  • high frost resistance;
  • rapid growth of the vine;
  • very early maturation;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • increased content of useful trace elements (vitamin A, B vitamins, iron and iodine).


  • in rainy weather in the ripening phase, the berries are prone to cracking;
  • small fruits.

Literally 200 years ago, grapes in Russia were grown only in the southern regions and a little in the center of the country. Now it is grown in the Urals, and in the middle lane it is ubiquitous. But breeders do not stop in their research. And, be sure, many excellent frost-resistant varieties adapted for our country will soon see the light.

Not only amateurs, but also professional gardeners grow grapes on their personal plots. This plant is quite capricious and thermophilic. For the northern regions, frost-resistant grape varieties have been bred that will satisfy the tastes of the most demanding summer resident.

The most important advantage of the frost resistance of this plant is that there is no need to create a shelter for it for the winter. At the same time, you can choose table and dessert, dark and light varieties.

If you properly care for the bush at a young age, then, having strengthened, it will be strong enough to endure frosts down to -33 ° C. Gradual hardening will benefit the plant. To do this, it is enough to annually reduce the period of being in the shelter of the bush.

For your information! In autumn, the bush should be covered a little later than last year, and opened a little earlier in spring.

Early frost-resistant varieties

In total, there are more than 50 frost-resistant grape varieties. Every year, breeders bring out new species that can survive in difficult climatic conditions. But many lovers of these berries have long identified their favorites and continue to improve their quality characteristics.


Delicious and sweet pink grapes, its elongated berries can reach a weight of 15 g. They have a classic taste, without additional extraneous aromas. Withstands frosts down to -21 ° С. Harvest in Central Russia is harvested already in early August, but if you let the bunches hang a little on the bush, then the same pink shade and unusual appearance appear.

The bush of the Transfiguration is quite strong, the vine is strong, which is formed well, ripens by winter. The species is resistant to diseases, but requires treatment for prevention. The plant will tolerate a mild winter well, in the northern regions you can use a small shelter.


One of the earliest, a relative of the hybrid Transformation, but very similar to it. The breeder A. Krainov, who bred them, did not just separate them into different types.

Victor's berry first gains sugar, only then the color appears. At the same time, the difference is obvious: Victor has a more saturated color of the shell, the shape is elongated, and the berry reaches 5 cm in length.

The bushes are strong, the vine ripens well. The variety is resistant to many diseases, with the exception of oidium, so processing is indispensable. Withstands frosts down to -23 °C. The vine branches look brighter and more attractive.


White berries of medium ripening. The weight of one bunch can reach 1 kg, and up to 40 cm in length. The bunches are dense, ripen quite amicably and are approximately the same size.

Note! Juicy oval berries have a light nutmeg taste, crunch on the teeth, there are quite large seeds inside.

Self-pollinated grapes can withstand frost down to -23 ° C. Well stored, easy to transport. This species is often grown for sale.

Grapes of increased frost resistance

Varieties have been bred that can withstand lower temperatures. Their frost resistance is surprising, but it helps gardeners living in the Urals, the Far East and Siberia to also grow their fruits in home gardens.


Pleasant in taste with the aroma of Isabella, it has rather small clusters, weighing 110 g, and one berry is only about 4 g. The color is dark, red, slightly tinged with a pinkish tint, and in the aroma, many catch the light taste of strawberries.

This species is considered mid-season, the berries ripen for about 5 months. Lydia is resistant to many diseases, the only weakness may be chlorosis. But the most important advantage is that it is able to withstand frosts down to -26 ° C without shelter.

For your information! It has been forbidden to produce wine from Lydia since 1999. During fermentation, the berries release methinol, the use of which can be fatal.

High yields and the ability to tolerate excess moisture have made it popular, the clusters will decorate any gazebo, and the aroma will appeal to many.


Frost resistance allows you to grow a plant even in Siberia, getting a high yield. Early ripe Tukay is able to withstand temperatures down to -25 °C. If the region of growth is colder, then shelter is indispensable.

If the storage conditions are observed, then Tukay's bunches are able to lie until spring, they tolerate transportation well. The berries of this species are round, the color can be from green to amber, depending on the number of sunny days. The average size of a bunch is 0.8 kg, but the berries themselves are quite small, about 4 g.

Popular non-covering varieties

A large and sweet fruit is the key to the success of a grower, but in a cold winter, one should also take into account the ability of the species to tolerate frost. By planting uncovered grapes, you can avoid many problems and reduce the amount of work on the site. The main thing is to know the varieties that will best tolerate frost.


If there is a desire to grow non-covering wine grapes, then Jupiter will be the best variety, capable of withstanding frosts down to -27 ° C. It is early dark, ripens in 3.5 months, and the berries on bunches are up to 0.5 kg. The taste is pleasant nutmeg, has no seeds. Meaty and sweet, well pollinated and pleases with a rich harvest.


The uncovered grape variety Alpha belongs to the isabelle species. His brushes are not large, about 200 g. At the same time, the bush is quite strong, it develops well, the vine is formed early. The bush has large leaves, so it is perfect for a gazebo. The berries are round dark blue, becoming almost black when overripe.

The ability to endure extremely low temperatures down to -35 ° C is officially registered. Unpretentious, resistant to diseases, has a high attractiveness.

Important! Alpha produces delicious juice and wine.

Of the shortcomings note:

  • susceptibility to chlorosis;
  • a large number of stepsons;
  • love of birds;
  • the need for regular watering;
  • exactingness to the ground;
  • inability to endure transportation.

It is Alpha that does not tolerate drought at all; watering should be carried out regularly and in large quantities.


One of the most impressive grape varieties is the uncovered Platovsky, which tolerates frost well, is not susceptible to disease, has a bright taste, and the wine from it exceeds all expectations. The weight of the bunch is only 250 g, the color of the berries is greenish-yellow, with a lot of sun it becomes orange-brown.

The frost resistance of Platovsky is also amazing, the shrub is able to withstand frost down to -29 ° C without shelter. For this reason, in the northern regions it is used to form beautiful gazebos and arches.

Table frost-resistant varieties

Winter-hardy grapes are grown in most of Russia. The fragrant southern berry has not only adapted well to difficult conditions, but also impresses with a high sugar content with a rather small amount of sun.

Don agate

An early ripe grape variety, forms large round berries weighing up to 5 g, and bunches of 0.5 kg, tolerates frosts down to -26 0С. It gives a consistently high yield, which should be removed as late as possible, then the berries will accumulate as much sugar as possible.


Another vigorous species is the frost-resistant Rapture grape, which can endure frosts down to -25 ° C. Its bunches reach 1.5 kg. It has a high resistance to disease. The peculiarity is that even if the clusters hang on the bush for a very long time, the taste of the species will not be lost, and the wasps are rather indifferent to the species.


A rather old variety that has won its fans and, despite the emergence of more and more new names, the species does not lose its popularity. The color of the berries is dark purple, weight up to 5 g, bunch weight about 0.5 kg. The taste of grapes is compared with black cherries, it is harmonious and pleasant. Frost tolerates up to -26 ° C.

Taiga emerald

This species has high winter hardiness, is able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, and ripens early. This is a white grape, the skin of which is translucent, has a light strawberry flavor. Able to gain a lot of sugar in berries even with a small amount of sunlight during the ripening period.

Features of growing frost-resistant varieties

When breeders develop the next frost-resistant variety, they pay attention to disease resistance. Fungal spores often damage grape bushes. At the same time, before purchasing a seedling, you should study the characteristics of the variety and take into account all possible factors.

Although resistant to cold, seedlings of any kind should be covered for the first few years. The plant will not tolerate hard frosts if the vine is still too thin and weak. The roots also need help in warming and heating in winter, and the shelter of the near-stem circle also helps with this.

In order for a young seedling to endure wintering favorably, when planting, you should:

  • add organic fertilizer to the hole;
  • add sand;
  • follow the acidity, it should be moderate.

Important! Choose a place for planting grapes should be on the south side of the plot.

Which variety to plant on their site, each grower decides independently. All varieties differ in terms of ripening, the color of berries, the presence of seeds. But it is necessary to take into account the features of frost-resistant varieties, which will help to get a large amount of crop, even in a small area.

Grapes are perhaps the most common agricultural crop. It is represented by different varieties that have certain taste characteristics and require compliance with the cultivation rules for each specific group. Mostly they talk and write about species grown in temperate and warm climatic conditions, undeservedly ignoring frost-resistant varieties. As you might guess from the name, they are grown in cold regions and normally tolerate negative temperatures (that is, colds do not affect the growth rate of bushes and fruiting).

Specificity of varieties

Frost-resistant varieties have high resistance to various and sub-zero temperatures. The main features of the direction:

  • High juice content.
  • Sugar content from 20%.
  • Low brush structure.
  • A large number of minerals and trace elements in the fruit pulp.

Gourmets highly appreciate these varieties for their juice yield, excellent taste characteristics and characteristic nutmeg flavor. Many varieties of the group tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees well, and can be used to make high-quality nectars and wines.

For frost-resistant grape varieties, there is no need to build a shelter.

Although frost-resistant grape varieties can withstand harsh winters well, they still need special care.

Clusters of frost-resistant varieties are often not very beautiful - the berries are small, the brushes, too, have no correct form. Many varieties are purely wine and have a specific taste, so they are not eaten in their pure form.

Growing features

Frost-resistant varieties were originally intended for planting in regions with harsh conditions, but in general they can be grown in a wide variety of climatic zones. The vine can be intertwined, organize real alleys, galleries and arches.

Features of growing grapes in Siberia are described.

Cultures are highly resistant to stress, quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions, and therefore are in high demand.

Frost-resistant grape varieties are a great option for decorating a summer gazebo. Perhaps the berries and clusters do not look too beautiful, but in general, such a hedge turns out to be very pretty and creates a coolness.

Fruiting is good, frost resistance and crop quality can only fall as a result of unsuccessful human intervention and overloading of bushes. Therefore, carefully normalize the yield - spend, remove unblown buds. Resistance to diseases and pests is high, but they will not be superfluous - one or two sprayings per season is enough.

After the end of frost, you need to properly restore the root system of the grapes. To do this, with the onset of spring, the bushes are poured over with warm water, the clusters are removed and placed on the ground, the soil is loosened and spud. To preserve moisture, plantings are covered with a special covering material or ordinary plastic wrap.

Popular varieties

Consider the most popular frost-resistant grape varieties among Russian gardeners. The information is for guidance only and will help you choose crops to grow in your area.

Most frost-resistant varieties were obtained as a result.

The most popular frost-resistant grape varieties.


- a hybrid of the isabelle group with a characteristic taste and aroma. It has a consistently high yield, clusters and bushes look elegant, therefore they adorn any area where they are grown. The berries are juicy with strawberry notes, have an oval shape. The pulp is mucous, the peel is dense. Brushes cylindrical or conical. The variety is considered commercial, perfectly tolerates storage and transportation.

Lydia belongs to varieties with an average ripening period: from the moment the buds open to the harvest of a mature crop, on average, it takes from 150 to 160 days.

The vine of Lydia ripens well - up to 80% of the shoots are fruit-bearing.


- This is a very early table variety with high yields. You can collect the first fruits after 110 days from the moment the buds open. The berries are dense, have juicy pulp, the seeds are easily separated. The taste is harmonious, pleasant, medium-sweet. The bushes are tall, woodiness is good. The berries are large, elongated. The variety is prone to pea.

Kodryanka is a unique, unpretentious variety that is great for cultivation not only in the hot south, but also in the Moscow region and many regions that are not entirely suitable for growing grapes.

In order for the Kodryanka berries to grow large enough, you need to treat the plantings with gibberellin. The acid in the solution should be no more than 50 mg per 1 liter.

The mass of ripe bunches can be from 400 to 600 g or more, depending on the quality of care. The variety tolerates storage and transportation without any problems. Commodity quality is high. Kodryanka is eaten in its pure form, marinades and compotes, vinegar are prepared. The fruits are not suitable for drying.


The taiga grape variety is versatile, tolerates frost well and bears fruit abundantly, therefore it is grown for sale and for personal purposes. It makes delicious jams, compotes, juices, grapes themselves are an excellent dessert with an average sugar content.

This variety perfectly tolerates frosts, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof which can reach -32 degrees.

Initially, the Taezhny variety was created as a raw material for the production of wine. Later, the scope of its application was significantly expanded.

The leaves are small, dissected along the edges, have 3 lobes. dark berries, round shape, there is a characteristic plaque. The clusters are small, conical, rarely grow more than 400 g. The maturation period is minimal - usually the crop is harvested 90 days after the appearance of the kidneys. From one bush you can remove up to a centner of fruits.

blue northern

Nordic Blue is an early ripening table grape (as a rule, the berries reach full maturity within 115 days). Frost resistance is good, bushes are voluminous, shoots grow quickly. The leaves are small, three-lobed, go with cuts along the edges. The clusters are not large, have the shape of a cone. The berries are round, blue in color, with a characteristic whitish bloom. Productivity - about 80 kg per bush.

Northern blue refers to table varieties of early ripening with a high degree of frost resistance.

The blue northern grape variety is very tasty and unpretentious in care. It is often grown for sale.


Vigorous variety with a ripening period of approximately 115 days. The leaves are medium or large, there can be 3 or 5 lobes. The clusters are quite large, have the correct cone shape and a mass of 0.5 kg (subject to all conditions of agricultural technology, this indicator can be increased). The fruits are large, dark purple, there is a dense wax coating on the peel. Grapes Muromets can be eaten in its pure form or made from it raisins. The yield is average - from one bush you can collect 14-16 kg of berries.

A characteristic feature of the bush is the flattening of the main shoot in the lower part and the abundant growth of secondary shoots.

A characteristic feature of Muromets is the flattening of the main shoot at the bottom of the bush and the strong growth of the secondary vine.

Muscat Russian

Russian Muscat is a table variety that is equally well suited for technical purposes and fresh use. The shrub has an average vigor of growth, which can be further stimulated by abundant irrigation. The leaves are medium, divided into departments. The average aging period is 115 days. Clusters are small (about 300 g), conical. The berries are juicy, have a rich nutmeg flavor and a regular rounded shape. Fungal resistance is good.

An easy way to protect the vine from disease and pests is to plant parsley under the bush.

Which is most often found in the northern regions of Russia.

If the region where the gardener lives is known for a cold climate and twenty degrees of frost, this will not be an obstacle to growing vines. Our advice will help you choose the right frost-resistant varieties for laying a vineyard, ensure care for it and get a good harvest.

Covering and non-covering varieties

In viticulture there is no concept of "covering and non-covering grape variety", it rather refers to one of the individual characteristics of any variety. For example, a vine grown in the Crimea or Krasnodar Territory as a non-covering culture, in the Moscow region it needs mandatory shelter for the winter.

Only the practitioner - the grower determines which species (covering or non-covering) the cultivated variety belongs to. In the south of Russia, almost all varieties are grown without winter shelter, but closer to the middle lane, some grape varieties need to be warmed for the winter.

Although there are also frost-resistant grape varieties that tolerate short or long-term frosts perfectly. These varieties are very fertile even in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Video: winter-hardy grape varieties

Non-covering grape varieties include varieties obtained by breeders by crossing cultivated grape varieties with the American variety Librusek. They have good frost resistance, early ripening, resistance to the main diseases of this crop, and caring for them is simple and uncomplicated.

The following varieties are suitable for uncovered cultivation:

  • Nadezhda Aksaiskaya;
  • Shun;
  • Kuderka;
  • Sovering Tiara;
  • First-Called.

Beginning winegrowers need to know: young, fragile vines always need winter shelter, the plant is accustomed to cold weather in stages, year after year:
  • the first year - the vine takes cover;
  • the second year - shelter is also required;
  • the third year - the plant is partially covered, one sleeve is left uncovered for frost resistance testing, in the spring (according to the surviving buds) the result will be clear.

In addition to growing grapes in a covering or non-covering culture, the cultivation of this heat-loving crop in greenhouses is practiced in the Moscow region.

For the vine, frosty winters are not as dangerous as successive thaws and sub-zero temperatures. In established cold weather, plants can always be safely covered, and in unstable temperatures, there is a danger that well-covered vines will begin to rot and become moldy under cover.

Frost-resistant grape varieties for the Moscow region, which can not be covered for the winter

When choosing a variety for planting a vineyard in this region, you need to focus on the maximum sub-zero temperatures characteristic of this area. You also need to take into account the timing of maturation.

The most suitable for the Moscow region will be early ripening varieties (early, early and mid-early). Their resistance to fungal diseases and pests is also very important.


Early ripe grapes, the ripening period of which does not exceed 118 days. Grape brushes are very large, well branched, have the shape of a cone, the average weight of the brush is from 700 grams to 1.5 kg, but giant clusters weighing up to 2.5 kg are not uncommon!
The grapes are large (from 3 to 5 grams), oval in shape, the color of young light honey, with a slight wax coating. Every second grape has no seed. The taste of Alyoshenkin grapes is harmonious, sweet and juicy pulp is the standard of the best table grapes.

With good care, already in the third year of cultivation, the yield of one plant reaches 25 kg. Aleshenkin grapes have excellent frost resistance, withstand frosts down to -26 C without loss, but are poorly resistant to fungal diseases.

This tendency is especially evident in wet, rainy weather. To avoid diseases, grapes need to be treated with special preparations every two weeks.

Video: description of the grape variety "Aleshenkin"


An old, time-tested Muscat grape variety. Early ripe, the peak of ripening falls on 110-120 days after flowering. Oval grapes are very large (6-7 grams), the skin and flesh are dark pink in color, there is a characteristic wax coating on the skin.

Victoria berries are juicy and sweet, the skin is thin and tends to crack in the rainy season. Well ripened on the vine, the clusters acquire the taste and aroma of nutmeg. The berries in the brushes are located loosely, the brush itself is loose, the mass of one bunch is from 500 grams to 1 kilogram.

Victoria tolerates transportation over long distances well, looks beautiful and appetizing. Commercial variety. Due to the high sweetness, the berries are severely affected by wasps, to protect against damage by insects, in private farms, ripening clusters are packed in special agrofiber bags. This variety tolerates frosts down to -26 C.

Did you know? In the Japanese city of Ishikawa, a buyer who wished to remain anonymous purchased a bunch of grapes of the variety« Ruby Romans» . This acquisition cost him $5,400. The bunch consisted of thirty huge grapes, each grape was the size of a small egg. The price of one berry was $180.


Winegrowers know this variety under two names: Kuderka or Kudryk. The yield of this late variety is simply amazing - up to 100 kilograms of berries ripen on one adult plant. Dark blue rounded fruits (with pits) are very sweet, thanks to which the wine from the berries of this variety is prepared without adding sugar.

The brushes are medium and large, weight - up to 300 grams, the shape of the brushes is in the form of a cylinder or cone, medium density, sometimes loose. Kuderka is an undemanding and winter-hardy variety, it is not afraid of frosts down to -30 C, it is easy to care for it.
It does not have a tendency to fungal diseases (mildew, oidium), but has insufficient natural resistance to phylloxera, therefore it needs to be sprayed with special preparations. Kuderka makes excellent fortified wines.


Mid-season variety, the first ripe berries appear 150-160 days after flowering. A plant of medium vigor, berry brushes are not very large. The weight of a bunch is about 100 grams, the grapes are round or slightly oval, with a dark red color of the skin and pulp. There is a waxy coating on the skin, which gives it a light pink-purple hue.

The taste of Lydia is harmonious, sweet and sour with a strawberry flavor. The sugar content of the variety is 19-20%. A pleasant feature of the variety is a strawberry smell. The longer the bunches ripen on the vine, the richer and sweeter their taste will be. The harvest from one adult plant reaches 40-42 kilograms of berries.
Lydia has excellent resistance to grape diseases such as mildew and oidium, and also responds normally to waterlogging of the soil. The vine is quite frost-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -26 C without loss, in the southern regions it is grown as a non-covering crop.


The variety is very early term maturation, from flowering to full ripeness takes from 110 to 115 days. Very large bunches of grapes ripen on medium-sized bushes, the average weight in a brush is 300-500 grams. Brushes in the form of a cylinder or cone, have an average density (there are also loose ones).

The color of the berry ranges from dark red to blue-violet. The shade of berries depends on the degree of ripeness of the bunch. Large berries (4-6 grams) have an elongated oval shape, sweet pulp and a light nutmeg aftertaste. The content of sugars in the pulp is from 21% and above. Frost resistance up to - 27 C, good resistance to fungal diseases.

Did you know? According to the ancient Greek legend, the god of viticulture Dionysus, having taken the form of a beautiful young man with a bunch of grapes in his hands, went all over the Earth. Where the young god passed, a fertile vine was accepted and spread its leaves. So people learned to grow sunny berries, which gave them thirst quenching, health and joy.

Sovering Tiara

This vine ripens very early, the first berries ripen in mid-August. The plant is vigorous, the bushes are powerful, spreading. The yield is good. The weight of the grape brush is up to 200 grams (medium), the berries are small (2-4 grams), round, white.

Thanks to short berry cuttings (from 3 to 5 mm), the arrangement of grapes in a bunch is very dense. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. Frost resistance of an adult (from 3 years old) vine reaches -30 C. Variety for table use.


Grapes with a powerful structure of the bush, on thick vines, many small berry clusters ripen (length 8-10 cm, weight 80-100 g). The variety is early, mass ripening occurs in the last ten days of August or the first ten days of September (depending on the weather).

The grapes are blue-black, round, small with a skin that does not separate well from the pulp and a rather large stone. The berries are densely arranged in the brush. The content of sugars in the pulp is from 18 to 20%. Productivity and frost resistance is excellent.

An adult, well-ripened vine does not freeze even in frosts down to -45 C. Valiant grapes are used to make red wine, but it can also be used as a table variety. A distinctive feature of the variety is a light strawberry flavor.

Did you know? There is an ancient belief that the color and sweetness of grape berries depend on the time of day when they are ripe. If the bunches of grapes ripen at sunrise, then their skin will acquire the shade of the morning dawn, if at noon, then the rays of the sun will color them in the color of molten gold. Ripening in the evening and at night, the clusters will turn blue and black (the colors of the night sky).

A variety for table use with cone-shaped large bunches, the average weight of a bunch is from 0.5 kg to 1 kg. Bush of medium vigor. The berries are white-yellow (8-10 g), oval in shape, with a sweet and sour taste. The sugar content of berries is 20-22%.

Mass maturation of brushes begins in the second decade of August and continues until mid-September. A mature vine is frost-resistant, without loss it survives frosts down to -24 C. On one hectare of an industrial vineyard, the yield reaches 140 centners.


A wonderful frost-resistant variety from the North American group of varieties obtained by crossing with Librusek. This variety tolerates frosts down to -35 C without damage. The vine is liana-shaped, its lashes reach 9 meters, the leaf plate is very large (25 cm long and 20 cm wide).

The variety is medium-late, flowering occurs in mid-June, and the peak of fruiting falls on the 140-150th day. Clusters of medium size, have a cylindrical shape, dense. Medium-sized grapes, round, dark blue (almost black) with a red or purple tint.

The pulp is quite sour, slimy, has a slight strawberry flavor. The skin of the grapes is covered with a bluish wax coating. The yield of this variety is very good, with proper care, you can get up to 10 kg of berries from one plant.

In industrial cultivation, the yield reaches 180 centners per hectare. Alpha is very resistant to the main diseases of grapes and grape aphids, but easily falls ill with chlorosis. This variety is used for decorating garden plots, arbors, fences with green lianas.

Did you know? In the biblical address of Jesus Christ to the flock, he metaphorically identifies himself with the vine, and God the Father-with a caring and hardworking winegrower.


A variety of early ripening, in the Moscow region, the beginning of fruiting occurs in mid-September. The bushes are powerful, vigorous, young shoots have time to ripen well before frost. Grape brushes in the shape of a cone, medium size, dense. Large berry, round, slightly oval, large.

The color is black-blue, the skin is with a bluish wax coating. The taste is harmonious, sweet and sour, with an aftertaste of wild pear. Sugar content - 18-21%, industrial yield - up to 120 centners per hectare.
Buffalo has good frost resistance (-28 C), the plant suffers little from mildew or gray rot of berries. Buffalo grapes are used to make table wines and juices.

For those who do not have experience in viticulture, we can recommend long-term cultivation of seedlings in a nursery (shkolka). Young seedlings (grown from cuttings in a nursery) in the second year of life are transplanted into voluminous two-liter containers with holes for water drainage at the bottom.

These containers are also installed in the school, the space between them is half filled with soil. Young plants remain on growing in the nursery until full maturity. A sign that it is time to transplant the plant to a permanent place will be the first full-fledged bunches of grapes.

Growing in a shkolka simplifies the care of cuttings: they are easier to water, harden, process from pests and shelter from frost. In early or mid-November, containers with seedlings are moved to the basement for the winter.
In the spring (May 20-25), they are transplanted to a permanent place by careful transshipment, without damaging the roots. This technology of growing young grapes has been worked out by experienced growers and is used to start fruiting seedlings as soon as possible.

Location selection

  • Priming. The most suitable soils for vineyards are black soil or sandy soil. Soil with sand is even better than chernozem, due to its loose structure (drainage), it transmits heat better and freezes faster. Wetlands are absolutely not suitable for growing grapes, in such places the roots of plants will rot.
  • Direction. Grape vines bear fruit well on the slopes (they prefer the south or south-west direction). If the site does not have natural slopes, and there is no free space for planting on the south side of the house, then it is recommended to build a fence from boards or a wattle fence (two meters high is enough). This building is oriented from east to west.
  • Place. When planning the laying of a vineyard, a well-lit place is chosen, inaccessible to the cold north wind. A high fence or wall of the house can serve as a windproof structure.


Three Ways to Plant a Vineyard

  1. Landing in a hole. For laying a vineyard on sandy soil, a planting pit with dimensions of 80x80x100 cm is prepared for each plant; in chernozem soil, a pit size of 80x80x80 cm is sufficient.
  2. Landing in trenches. Young grape seedlings are planted in this way on sandy soils. The depth of the trenches should reach 80 cm, and their width should be brought up to 1 meter. The trench should be located from south to west.
  3. Landing in high ridges. Poorly drained soil (loam or clay) does not warm up quickly enough by the sun, therefore, on such soils, grapes are planted in high-filled (up to one meter) embankments. The old Russian name for such planting embankments is “created”.

Did you know? The title of the largest bunch of grapes today remains with the Chilean record holder, her weight was 9398 grams. Such a wonderful bunch grew up in 1984 in Chile.

Disembarkation time- when growing grapes in the Moscow region, you need to take into account that the first frosts can begin quite early, and the plant will not have time to get stronger and mature. Therefore, during spring planting, the most favorable time for planting is the third or fourth decade of April.

During the autumn landing, the optimal period falls on the whole of October, at this time it is still quite warm and there is a lot of moisture. In autumn, grapes can be planted before the first frost. In order not to be disappointed in the cultivation of this crop in the future, the gardener needs to choose the right seedling.

Seedling purchase rules

  1. Buy young grapes in late March or April.
  2. A good two-year-old seedling will have strong and lush light roots.
  3. Before planting, purchased seedlings must be soaked in a special preparation to protect against grape aphids (phylloxera). Preparations are excellent for this purpose or, a double dose is taken for soaking the cuttings: 2 ml of the drug is added to 10 liters of water. Seedlings are placed in the solution for 30 minutes, after which they are washed in clean water.
  4. Two-year-old seedlings purchased in March-April are planted in five-liter containers (it is possible in leaky buckets) and grown in a perforated film shelter (school, temporary greenhouse) or on the southern windowsill, loggia.

Video: how to choose grape seedlings It is best to apply for the purchase of grape seedlings from gardeners - collectors with a good reputation, or buy the desired variety in a fruit nursery.

Both in the first and in the second cases, it is advisable to see with your own eyes on the seller’s site how this variety is grown, how it bears fruit, to find out how the seller recommends caring for this grape variety.

When buying seedlings from reliable sellers, you can be sure that in the end the variety that you wanted to purchase will grow. Do not purchase grape seedlings in spontaneous markets.

Proper care

Grapes are grown only on well-fertilized soil. To do this, during the autumn digging, organic matter is introduced into the soil, and in the spring the vineyard is fed with liquid mineral top dressing.
The rate of application of organic matter in the fall Feeding is carried out in October. In the root layer of each plant, a bucket of cattle is laid out on top of the soil and 50 grams, 50 grams and 100 grams are evenly scattered. After that, the soil is dug up on a shovel bayonet so that all fertilizers are deeply covered with soil.

Application rate of liquid mineral fertilizers in spring and early summer Such top dressing is carried out twice: before the grapes begin to bloom and after the first ripe berries begin to appear.

For one adult grape bush: top dressing is prepared as follows: 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of ammonium nitrate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The solution is applied under the root when watering.

Video: when and how to feed grapes

Important! If mineral and organic top dressing are combined, then the application rate of each of the components is reduced by 50%.

loosening- the soil under the vineyard must be constantly kept loose and clean from weeds, for this, up to ten tillage treatments are carried out during the summer.

Watering- after the plants are planted, they must be watered abundantly (at least 30 liters per bush) twice a month. In the future, the frequency of irrigation decreases, because the climate in the Moscow region is quite humid.

For the convenience of watering or applying liquid fertilizers, a special watering container can be installed near each bush. It can be either a five-liter plastic bottle with a cut bottom (dug into the ground upside down), or an old leaky bucket dug near the roots.
Such a simple "know-how" will ensure the delivery of moisture or fertilizer directly to the roots of the grapes. If the planted grape variety is table, then after 3 years the watering tank is replaced with a meter-long pipe dug vertically down (asbestos or metal).

For technical (wine) varieties of grapes, after the same time, the temporary capacity for irrigation is completely removed, since moisture is extracted by such varieties by roots from deep water layers.

The described irrigation technology is suitable for young plants. Watering adult grapes is limited to abundant spring and autumn irrigation. About a week before the vines begin to bloom, watering is stopped, as excessive moisture can cause the flowers to shed, that is, the loss of most of the crop.

Important! Grape bushes are watered only at the root! Watering by sprinkling on the leaf (as well as prolonged rains) can provoke an outbreak of fungal diseases. In the Moscow region, it is best to grow grapes under a transparent polyethylene canopy.

Video: proper watering of grapes

Trimming and shaping- summer shoots on young bushes are pinched (cut with pruners) at a height of 1.7 m. This will prevent the young plant from depleting its strength in the growth of unnecessary lashes and will allow the vine to ripen well before frost.

Proper formation of young grapes: varieties with poor frost resistance are covered groups. It is these varieties that are recommended to be formed by fan or cordon formation. Frost-resistant grape varieties are not sheltered for the winter, so they use a standard or arbor formation.

Shelter for the winter- young varieties (even frost-resistant) in the first year of life must be covered for the winter. The ground part of a young bush is wrapped with spunbond or agrofiber, its root zone is covered with a layer of sawdust 5-7 cm thick.

Before the onset of severe frosts, the plant is laid on the ground and covered with plant debris (leaves, needles, spruce branches, corn or sunflower stalks), as well as special rectangular wooden boxes.
With the onset of spring thaws, winter shelters are immediately removed, as delay threatens to rot the grapes.

How to determine whether it is time to remove shelters from wintering grapes and whether the plant will suffer from spring frosts? In the spring, after the snow melts and a steady warming (5-7 degrees Celsius), shelters are removed from the plant, but they are temporarily left to lie near the vineyard.

So the grower is insured in case of sudden return frosts (if necessary, shelter materials are at hand and it is easy to wrap the bushes with them again). All this time, the vine remains lying on the ground, it is possible to tie the whips on the trellis only in the first days of May, when the threat of the return of frost recedes.

Important! It is impossible to take fresh straw of this year as a winter vegetable insulation for a vineyard. This attracts field mice to wintering under vine shelters, gnawing the stems and roots of bushes. At the same time, last year's semi-rotted straw is perfect for these purposes.- it is light, warm and mice do not like its unpleasant smell.

Video: when to open grapes

Did you know? At the Crimean exhibition-competition "Golden Bunch of Grapes" in 2009, the winner was the wine grower S. Ilyukhin, who lives in the Dzhankoy region. They were given a huge grape bunch of the Preobrazhensky variety for evaluation by the competitive jury. The mass of the bunch was 8600 grams!

We hope that our advice will help you in laying a young vineyard in the Moscow region and its subsequent cultivation. We wish you generous harvests of sunny wine berries!

Different grape varieties in the photo

The history of grapes in the middle lane began relatively recently. And this is not surprising - severe winters and late spring frosts nullified all the efforts of gardeners who sought to adapt the grapes in a new place.

The first truly frost-resistant grape varieties were obtained by I. V. Michurin at the beginning of the 20th century by crossing V. amurensis, V. riparia, V. labrusca and some European and American varieties. The result of his work was such hybrid varieties as Metallic and Russian Concord, promising for the northern regions. These varieties were characterized by high yields and berries, quite suitable for fresh consumption. Varieties Arctic, Buitur, Korinka Michurina and Northern White are recommended for use as frost-resistant rootstocks.

Michurin's work was supported by Ya. I. Potapenko, who received two more promising European-Amur hybrids: Severny and Zarya Severa, which were widely used in breeding work, which resulted in such winter-hardy grape varieties as well-known today as Saperavi Severniy, Violet early, Stepnyak, Tsvetochny , Scythian, Cossack.

Later, European-Amur varieties were crossed with European-American hybrids of foreign selection. This work was carried out jointly with scientists from a number of European countries. At that time, more than 300 foreign varieties were brought to our country for testing. As a result of this activity, the assortment of the “northern” culture was replenished with such frost-resistant grape varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia as Druzhba, Rusbol, Resven, Augustin, Crystal and others. Many of these varieties were later included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

But hybrids with good frost resistance did not inherit the size and quality of berries. And only in recent decades it was possible to obtain table grape varieties for the northern regions. The most interesting of them are Shasla Severnaya, for covering crops in central Russia, Vostorg and Agat Donskoy, which can withstand temperatures as low as -26 ° C, and the Baklanovsky and Talisman varieties can be considered a real success, having not only increased frost resistance, but large, excellent taste, berries.

In the photo, the grape variety Avgustovsky
August grape berry in the photo

augustovsky- very early frost-resistant variety of table grapes. The berries are white, slightly greenish, oval or almost round, small, weighing 2.5-3 g, with a dense skin. The pulp is juicy, crispy, with a slight nutmeg aroma. Clusters are cylindric, medium density, weighing 130-180 g.
in 85-95 days. The yield is high.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are small, rounded, with weakly expressed three lobes. The bush is medium-sized, rather sprawling.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen by 90%. Shelter is needed for the winter. Good to use in wall culture. The variety is highly resistant to mildew and gray rot.

Berries are used for fresh consumption, preparation of white muscat wines, juice, compotes.

In the photo, the grape variety Agat Donskoy
Grape berry Agate Don in the photo

Don agate- an early ripe table variety. The berries are dark blue, round, large, weighing 4-5 g, with a dense skin. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, simple taste.

Clusters of conical shape, medium density or rather loose, weighing 400-600 g. Ripen in 116-120 days. When describing this variety of table grapes, it is worth noting its very high yield: up to three clusters can form on the shoot. However, if the harvest is too rich, the ripening period is delayed, and the quality of the berries deteriorates.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, three-lobed, with upward curving edges. The bush is vigorous, sprawling. There are not many shoots. Pruning for 5-8 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 35-45 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -26 ͦС. Shoots ripen very well. In sheltered areas, it can be grown without shelter. The variety is highly resistant to mildew and gray rot.

Berries are consumed fresh and used to make drinks.

On the photo grape variety Aleshenkin
Aleshenkin grape berry in the photo

Aleshenkin- This is one of the best varieties of table grapes with a very early ripening period. The berries are amber with a white bloom, oval, medium size, up to 4 g. The pulp is juicy, crispy, of good sweet taste. Clusters of conical shape, rather loose, weighing 400-600 g. It matures in 110-120 days. The variety is productive. It bears fruit well even in adverse years. Requires crop load rationing.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size with five pronounced lobes. The bush is vigorous. Pruning is medium (for 5-6 eyes) or long (for 8-10 eyes). The optimal load on the bush is 35-45 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -26 °С. Shoots ripen very well. In sheltered areas it can be grown as a non-covering crop. The variety is moderately susceptible to fungal diseases.

Look at the photo of the table grape varieties, the description of which is given above:

Don agate in the photo

Variety Aleshenkin in the photo

Alpha- technical frost-resistant grade of grapes of average term of maturing. The berries are small, round, almost black with a purple tint, covered with a wax coating, weighing 2.0-2.5 g. The skin is dense.

In the photo grape variety Alpha
Alpha grape berry a photo

The pulp is slimy with a clear strawberry flavor, sour.

The clusters are cylindrical, sometimes with a small wing, quite dense, weighing 120-200 g. It matures in 140-145 days. The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are rather large, rounded, three-lobed with large triangular teeth along the edge. The bush is vigorous. Pruning is average for 5-6 eyes.

This is one of the best frost-resistant grape varieties, it can withstand temperatures down to -40 °C. Shoots ripen very well. An ideal variety for non-covering crops. Perfect for creating green walls, braiding arches and arbors. almost unaffected.

Berries are used to make wines, juices and compotes.

In the photo, the Baklanovsky grape variety
Baklanovsky grape berry in the photo

Baklanovsky- table grape variety for the middle band of early ripening. The berries are white, oval with a thick wax coating, large, weighing up to 9 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, crispy, excellent harmonious taste.

As you can see in the photo, this grape variety for the middle band has large, moderately dense, conical-shaped bunches, weighing 650-850 g, with good care they can be even larger:

Ripens in 115-125 days. The variety is productive. Fruiting is stable.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, rounded, five-lobed with large sharp teeth on the edges of the lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. The optimal load is 30-40 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25°С. Shoots ripen very well. Requires shelter for the winter. The variety has increased resistance to mildew, oidium, gray rot.

In the photo, the Bogatyrsky grape variety
Grape berry Bogatyrsky in the photo

Heroic- table grade of early term of maturing. The berries are white with a golden hue, oval, medium in size, about 3 g. The skin is almost not felt. The flesh is fleshy, with a slight strawberry aroma, good taste. Clusters of medium size, cylindric, lobed, rather loose, weighing about 300 g, but with good care reach 600-700 g. They ripen in 125-135 days. The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium-sized, five-lobed, with large sharp teeth on the edges of the lobes. Bushes have moderate growth. Pruning for 6-8 eyes. The optimal load is 30-35 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -26 ᵒС. Shoots ripen satisfactorily. Shelter is needed for the winter. After freezing, it is difficult to recover. Resistance to diseases and pests is below average.

Berries are consumed fresh.

In the photo, the Delight grape variety
Grape berry Delight in the photo

Delight- a table variety with a very early ripening period. The berries are white, slightly elongated, large and very large, weighing 6-7 g, with a relatively thin skin. The pulp is juicy, crispy, with a high sugar content. The taste is very good.

This grape variety for central Russia has moderately dense clusters, usually conical in shape, with an average weight of 500-600 g, some can reach 2 kg. Ripen in 110-120 days. The variety is productive.

The leaves are medium in size, heart-shaped, with shallowly dissected lobes. The bush is vigorous. Pruning short, 2-4 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 35-45 eyes. To obtain very large clusters, the load on the bush is reduced to 25-30 eyes. Very responsive to good care.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen very well. Requires shelter for the winter. The variety rarely suffers from fungal diseases.

The berries are mostly consumed fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Delight Muscat
Grape berry Delight nutmeg in the photo

Muscat Delight- table grade of very early term of maturing. The berries are white, oval, large, 4.5-5.5 g. The pulp is dense, fleshy with a pronounced nutmeg taste. The clusters are cylindric, medium density, rather large, 350-500 g, with good care they can reach 700 g. They ripen in 110-115 days. The variety is productive.

The leaves are medium in size, rounded with pronounced lobes. Bushes vigorous. Both medium (for 6-8 eyes) and short (for 2-4 eyes) pruning are allowed. Optimal load: 20-25 eyes. On grafted bushes - up to 35 eyes. With a high load, the quality of the crop deteriorates.

This one of the best grape varieties, suitable for the middle lane, is characterized by increased frost resistance: up to -27 ° C. In sheltered areas it can be cultivated as a non-covering crop. Shoots ripen well. In general, it is resistant to fungal diseases, but can be affected by oidium.

Berries are consumed fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Dvietes zila
Dvietes zila grape berry in the photo

Dvietes zila- universal grade of sredneranny term of maturing. The berries are blue, round, small, weighing about 2-2.5 g. The pulp is slimy, with a pronounced strawberry flavor. The clusters are cylindric, rather dense, small, weighing 140-150 g. It matures in an average of 120 days.

Flowers bisexual. The variety is a good pollinator of plants of the species V. labrusca with functionally female flowers. The leaves are medium in size, rounded. The bush is vigorous.

The variety is very frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to -40 ° C.

Shoots ripen very well. Little is affected by pests and diseases.

Pay attention to the photo - this grape variety for central Russia is ideal for decorating, arches, walls:

In the photo, the grape variety December
December grape berry in the photo

December- table variety late deadline maturation. The berries are black with a thick wax coating, elongated-oval, large, weighing about 3-3.5 g. The skin is dense. The pulp is juicy, crispy, pleasant harmonious taste. Clusters of medium density, cylindric, with an average weight of 220 g. The variety is productive. Ripens in 160 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, rounded or slightly oval, entire or with three slightly pronounced lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning short, 3-5 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 45-50 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -27 °С. Shoot maturation is very good. Requires shelter for the winter. Resistant to major pests and diseases of grapes.

Berries are consumed fresh.

Children's early
Children's early in the photo

Children's early- universal grade of early term of maturing. The berries are oval, medium in size, dark blue with a thick wax coating. Clusters of conical shape, medium density, medium and large size, weighing 500 - 700 g.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, rounded, with five well-defined lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning is carried out on 6-8 eyes.

The variety is relatively hardy, but requires shelter for the winter. Medium resistance to pests and diseases.

Berries can be eaten fresh or used to make wines, jams, compotes.

Here you can see photos of grape varieties for the middle band, the description of which is presented above:

Zilga- one of the earliest ripe varieties of universal purpose. The berries are blue with a thick wax coating, round, slightly elongated, large, weighing 4-4.5 g. The pulp is slimy with a slight strawberry aroma. Clusters are quite dense, cylindrical with a wing, of medium size, weighing 300-400 g. It matures in 105-110 days. The variety is high yielding.

In the photo, the Zilga grape variety
Zilga grape berry in the photo

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium-sized, rounded, with well-defined lobes. Bushes vigorous. Medium pruning, 6-8 eyes. The first two eyes usually carry only one small bunch. The optimal load on the bush is 30-40 eyes. It bears fruit well even with insufficient care.

This is one of the most frost-resistant grape varieties, withstands colds down to -30 ° C. Shoots ripen very well. Can be used to decorate gazebos, arches, walls. Pests and diseases are extremely rare.

Berries are consumed fresh, and are also used to make wine, compotes and other processed products.

The most frost-resistant grape varieties for central Russia

Pictured grape variety Kazachka
Cossack grape berry in the photo

Cossack- a wine variety of early ripening. The berries are dark blue with a wax coating, rounded, of medium size. The pulp is juicy with a nutmeg flavor. The clusters are dense, cylindric, small in size, with an average weight of about 110 g. It ripens in 125 days. The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, three or five lobed, medium dissected with an elongated middle lobe. Bushes are medium. The cut is medium.

Frost resistance up to -29 °С. Shoots ripen well. In sheltered areas it can be grown as a non-covering crop. The variety is not resistant to gray rot, oidium.

Berries are used to make dessert wines.

In the photo, the grape variety Krasa Severa
Grape berry Beauty of the North in the photo

Beauty of the North- table variety of grapes of very early term of maturing. The berries are white with a pinkish tint, round or slightly oval, with an average weight of 3 g. The skin is thin, translucent. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, deliquescent, of good dessert taste with a slight grassy aftertaste. The clusters are rather loose, conical, branched, large, with an average weight of 250 g, they can reach a maximum of 380 g. They ripen in 110 days. This is one of the best grape varieties for central Russia with a very high yield.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are large, kidney-shaped, three-lobed. Bushes vigorous. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 40-45 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shelter needed for the winter. Shoots ripen well. The variety is not resistant to mildew and oidium. Weakly affected by gray rot.

Berries are consumed fresh.

Pictured grape variety Crystal
Crystal grape berry in the photo

Crystal is a grape variety for the middle lane of technical use with a very early ripening period. The berries are white or yellow-green with a wax coating, oval, medium in size, weighing 1.5-2 g. The skin is strong.

The pulp is juicy, the taste is pleasant, harmonious. Clusters of cylindrical-conical shape, medium density, medium-sized, weighing 170-200 g. The variety is high-yielding.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, strongly dissected. Bushes are medium. Pruning for 3-4 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 60 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -29°С. The variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness. Suitable for non-covering culture. Shoot maturation is very good. Fungal diseases are almost not affected.

In the photo, the grape variety Kodryanka
Grape berry Kodryanka in the photo

Kodryanka- one of the best grape varieties for the middle strip of table destination with a very early ripening period. The berries are dark purple with a wax coating, elongated, large, weighing 6-8 g. The skin is tender. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, good taste. Clusters of medium density, conical shape, large, weighing 500-600 g, can often reach 1.5 kg. The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are quite large, rounded, five-lobed. Bushes vigorous. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 40-50 eyes. The variety adapts well to various conditions. Responsive to good care. In years unfavorable for pollination, it is prone to pea, that is, to the formation of very small berries without seeds.

Frost resistance up to -24 °С. Shelter needed for the winter. Shoots ripen well. The variety has increased resistance to diseases and pests.

Berries are consumed fresh.

Pictured grape variety Cosmonaut
Grape berry Cosmonaut in the photo

Astronaut- table grade of superearly term of maturing. The berries are dark purple, round, large, up to 4 g. The skin is of medium density. The pulp is fleshy-juicy, pleasant simple taste. Clusters of medium density, conical shape, medium-sized, with an average weight of about 165 g, maximum up to 200 g. Ripen in 100-105 days. The variety is relatively productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are large, weakly ovate, deeply dissected. Bushes vigorous. Pruning for 5-8 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 40-45 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -23 °С. Shelter needed for the winter. Shoots ripen satisfactorily. Resistance to gray rot is high. It is affected by mildew and oidium.

The berries are mostly consumed fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Crimean Pearl
Berry grapes Crimean pearl in the photo

Crimean pearl- table grade of superearly term of maturing. The berries are greenish-yellow, oval, very large, weighing up to 3.9 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, very good taste with nutmeg aroma. Clusters loose, conical, average weight 260-290 g. Ripening period 95-100 days. The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are very large, rounded, five-lobed, deeply dissected. The bush is medium. Able to bear fruit from replacement buds. Medium pruning, 5-8 buds. The optimal load on the bush is 25-30 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -24 °С. Shoot maturation is good. Plant only in warm, protected corners of the garden. Shelter is needed for the winter. To the main diseases it is unstable. Recommended for the southern regions.

Berries are consumed fresh.

Pictured grape variety Muromets
Muromets grape berry in the photo

Muromets- table grade of very early term of maturing. The berries are dark purple with a thick wax coating, elongated, large, weighing up to 5 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, crispy, sweet taste. Clusters of medium density, conical shape, weighing up to 400 g. It ripens in 105-115 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium to large in size, with pronounced three or five lobes. Bushes vigorous. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 40-45 eyes. In years unfavorable for flowering and when the crop is overloaded, hummocking is observed.

Frost resistance up to -26 °С. Shoot maturation is very good. Light shelter is recommended for the winter. In general, resistance to pests and diseases is quite high, but can be affected by oidium.

Berries are consumed fresh and for making compotes and jams, suitable for making raisins.

In the photo, the grape variety Muscat Nina
Nina's Muscat grape berry in the photo

Muscat Nina- table grade of very early term of maturing. The berries are greenish-golden, rounded, weighing up to 2 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. Clusters are rather loose, cylindric, small, weighing from 70 to 240 g. It matures in 105-115 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are large, rounded, slightly dissected with pronounced five lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning is medium and long for 8-12 eyes. The optimal load is 40-50 eyes. Demanding on soil fertility and a high level of agricultural technology. When overripe, the quality of the crop is sharply reduced.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen well. Shelter is needed for the winter. Resistance to pests and diseases is high.

Berries are consumed fresh.

Pictured is the grape variety Pamyat Dombkowska
Grape berry Memory of Dombkowska in the photo

Memory of Dombkowska- a table variety of a very early ripening period, belonging to the kishmish group. The berries are black, oval, with a slight wax coating, medium size. The skin is thin, tender. The pulp is juicy, pleasant harmonious taste. Clusters of moderate density, cylindric, winged, with an average weight of 280-350 g. It matures in 115 days. The variety is high yielding.

Flowers bisexual. Bushes vigorous. Pruning is long, with maximum buds left (approximately 7-15 buds). The optimal load on the bush is 55-60 eyes. Prone to overload, while the quality of the crop is significantly reduced. Grows well in rich loamy soils.

Frost resistance up to -28 °С. Shoots ripen well. Able to bear fruit from replacement buds. For the winter it is desirable to cover. Disease resistance is average.

In the photo, the Platovsky grape variety
Platovsky grape berry in the photo

Platovsky- one of the best varieties of industrial grapes with an early ripening period. The berries are white with a pink tan, rounded, medium in size, weighing 2-3 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, harmonious taste. Clusters of medium density, cylindric, weighing up to 200 g. Ripen in 110-115 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are rounded, rather large. Bushes are medium. Pruning is short for 3-4 eyes. The optimal load is 60-80 eyes. When describing this variety of technical grapes, it is worth noting its unpretentiousness. It bears fruit well even in adverse years.

Frost resistance up to -29 °С. Shoots ripen quite well. The variety is suitable for growing in non-covering culture. Relatively resistant to diseases and pests.

Berries can be consumed fresh, they are great for making homemade wine, juices and drying.

In the photo, the grape variety Early TSHA
Grape berry Early TSCA in the photo

Early TSCA- a universal variety of very early ripening. The berries are black with a thick wax coating, rounded, weighing about 2 g. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, crispy, of good taste, with a slight pineapple aroma. Clusters of medium density, cylindric, small, weighing up to 90 g. It ripens in 110-115 days. The yield is above average. In wet years, cracking and shedding of berries is possible.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, oval with five distinct lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning is short or medium for 4-8 eyes.

This is one of the most winter-hardy grape varieties, it can withstand temperatures down to -28 °C. Requires light shelter for the winter. Shoots ripen quite well. Medium resistance to pests and diseases.

Berries are consumed fresh and used for processing.

In the photo, the grape variety Early Magarach
Grape berry Early Magarach in the photo

Early Magaracha- table grade of early term of maturing. The berries are dark blue with a thick wax coating, round or slightly elongated, large, with an average weight of 3.5 g. The skin is strong. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, good taste. Clusters are loose, wide-conical, often winged, medium and large in size, weighing 200-500 g. It matures in 115-120 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, five-lobed, deeply dissected. Bushes vigorous. Pruning is average for 5-8 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 35-40 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -17 °С. Shelter needed for the winter. Plant only in well-warmed sheltered places. The variety is able to bear fruit from replacement buds. Shoots ripen very well. The variety is not affected by gray rot. Susceptible to mildew.

Berries are used fresh and for processing.

In the photo, the grape variety Rusbol
Rusbol grape berry in the photo

Rusball- table grade of early term of maturing. Berries are seedless (rudiments are present), golden, oval. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, sweet, pleasant taste. The clusters are moderately dense, conical, large, weighing from 400-600 g to 1 kg, and sometimes up to 1.5 kg. Ripens in 115-125 days. The variety is very productive. It is prone to overload, that is, to the formation of such a rich harvest that the plant does not have enough strength to prepare for winter. In addition, the taste of berries is deteriorating.

The leaves are medium in size, rounded, three-lobed, slightly dissected. Bushes vigorous. Pruning is short for 2-3 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 30-40 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen very well. In protected places, it is possible to grow without shelter for the winter. It is highly disease resistant.

Berries are used fresh and for drying.

In the photo, the grape variety Rusven
Rusven grape berry in the photo

Rusven- table grade of very early term of maturing. The berries are pinkish-green with a wax coating, round, large, weighing up to 5-6 g. The pulp is juicy, of good taste with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. Clusters are dense, cylindric, sometimes with a wing, of medium and large size, weighing 350-550 g. If good, they can reach 1 kg. Ripens in 110-115 days. The variety is productive. However, due to cracking, yield loss can occur.

Leaves are medium sized with three lobes. Bushes are medium or vigorous. Pruning is short (for 3-4 eyes) or medium (for 6-8 eyes). The optimal load is 30 - 40 eyes. The variety adapts well to different types soils.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. It is advisable to cover for the winter. Shoots ripen well. It is weakly affected by diseases and pests.

Berries are used fresh and for making homemade wine, juices, compotes.

In the photo, the Northern early grape variety
Northern early grape berry in the photo

northern early- table grade of very early term of maturing. The berries are yellowish with a pinkish tint on the sunny side, round, slightly elongated, medium in size, weighing 2-3 g. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, of good taste. The clusters are moderately dense, cylindric, weighing 100-150 g. It matures in 110-115 days. The variety is medium-yielding.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, five-lobed, deeply dissected. Bushes are medium. Medium pruning, 5-8 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 30-35 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -27 °С. In sheltered places it can be grown in non-covering culture. Shoots ripen well. Resistant to berry cracking and gray mold, but heavily affected by mildew and oidium.

The berries are mostly consumed fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Skif
Berry grapes Skif in the photo

Scythian- a wine variety with a very late ripening period. The berries are round, white, small, the skin is rough. The pulp is juicy, with a high acid content. Clusters of medium density, cylindric, with an average weight of 130-150 g. It matures in 145-150 days. The variety is relatively productive

Bushes are medium. The cut type is medium.

One of the most frost-resistant grape varieties, it can withstand temperatures down to -29 °C. Shoot maturation is good. Can be grown in a sheltered position in a sheltered position. Disease resistance is below average.

Berries are used to produce white table wines.

Pictured grape variety Stepnyak
Stepnyak grape berry in the photo

Stepnyak- technical grade of late term of maturing. The berries are white, rounded, smaller than average, weighing about 2 g. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, the taste is harmonious. Ripens in 135-140 days.

As shown in the photo, this technical grape variety has clusters of moderately dense, conical, with an average weight of 200 g:

The variety is productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, rounded, three- or five-lobed with deep upper notches. Bushes vigorous. Medium pruning, 5-8 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 60-80 eyes. Requires mandatory removal of excess barren shoots.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Preferably a light shelter for the winter. Able to bear fruit from replacement and dormant buds. Well restored in case of freezing. It is weakly susceptible to major diseases.

The berries are used to make table wines.

In the photo, the Suvorovets grape variety
Suvorovets grape berry in the photo

Suvorovets- technical grade of grapes of early term of maturing. The berries are white, round, small, with an average weight of 1.2 g. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant harmonious taste. Clusters are moderately dense, cylindric, weighing 150-200 g. It matures in 110-115 days. The variety is very productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, transversely oval, with three well-defined lobes. Bushes are medium. Pruning is average for 6 - 8 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Light shelter needed for the winter. Shoots ripen very well. The variety is characterized by increased resistance to major fungal diseases.

The berries are used to make dry table wines.

Here you can see photos of technical and table grape varieties, the description of which is given above:

Variety Rusvenna photo

Variety Northern early in the photo

Mascot- table grade of sredneranny term of maturing. The berries are white with a wax coating, round or slightly oval, very large, up to 16 g or more. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, very good harmonious taste with a slight nutmeg aroma. Clusters of medium density, conical shape, very large, with an average weight of 800-1100 g. It matures in 125-135 days. The variety is high-yielding, requires normalization.

Pictured grape variety Talisman
Grape berry Talisman in the photo

Flowers are functionally female. Leaves are lobed, deeply dissected. Pollinated by pollinating varieties. In unfavorable years, additional pollination is desirable. Bushes vigorous. The type of pruning is long, for 8-12 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 25-35 eyes. Very responsive to good care.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen well. Requires shelter for the winter. It has increased resistance to major fungal diseases.

In the photo, the grape variety Violet early
Grape berry Purple early in the photo

Purple early- universal grade of sredneranny term of maturing. The berries are purple-blue with a wax coating, rounded, medium in size. The pulp is juicy, pleasant taste with nutmeg aroma. Clusters of medium density, conical, often with a wing, weighing 90-150 g, with good conditions growth up to 200 g. Ripens in 130-135 days.

Flowers bisexual. Leaves of medium and large size, three- or five-lobed, less often whole. Bushes are medium. Pruning is average for 5-6 eyes. The variety adapts well to various growing conditions. Forms a lot of shoots, so it needs mandatory rationing of the number of vines.

Frost resistance up to -27 °С. Shoots ripen satisfactorily. Light shelter needed for the winter. It is characterized by increased resistance to major diseases, but can be affected by oidium and bacterial cancer. Not resistant to grapevine.

Berries can be consumed fresh, as well as for making juice and wine.

In the photo, the grape variety Frumoas albe
Frumoas albe grape berry in the photo

Frumoas albe- table variety of early-medium maturity. The berries are white with an amber-yellow tint and a thick wax coating, round or slightly oval, large, up to 6 g, sometimes larger. The skin is thin. The pulp is moderately juicy, very pleasant harmonious taste with nutmeg aroma. Clusters are quite loose, conical in shape, with an average weight of 300-500 g. It matures in 125-135 days. The variety is very productive.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, oval, deeply dissected. Bushes are medium. Pruning short, 3-5 eyes. The optimal load is 30-35 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoot maturation is good. Plant only in protected areas. Requires mandatory shelter for the winter. The variety is not affected by mildew and gray rot, it is highly resistant to other diseases and pests.

Berries are used fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Flower
Grape berry Flower in the photo

Floral- a grape variety for central Russia for technical purposes of medium ripening. The berries are greenish-yellow with a thick wax coating, rounded, weighing 1-1.8 g. The skin is dense. The pulp is juicy, harmonious taste with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. Clusters are dense, cylindric, medium-sized, with an average weight of 140 g. The variety is productive, characterized by stable fruiting. Ripens in 135 days.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium in size, rounded, five-lobed, deeply dissected. Bushes are small. Pruning short, 3-5 eyes. The optimal load is 25-35 eyes. Demanding on soil moisture, in dry years it is necessary to organize watering. It can grow in areas with close standing groundwater.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen satisfactorily. Requires shelter for the winter. The variety is resistant to mildew, susceptible to oidium and gray rot.

The berries can be consumed fresh, but the main use is for juice and table wines.

In the photo, the grape variety Chassela muscat
Muscat grape Chasselas in the photo

Chasselas nutmeg- table grade of early term of maturing. The berries are golden, oval, large, weighing about 2.2-2.8 g.

There is no phylloxera in central Russia, so here it cannot harm all the listed grape varieties. However, if some of them (Rapture, Muscat Rapture, Cossack, Early Magarach, Stepnyak, Early Purple) are planted in more southern regions, they may be affected by this common pest.

The skin is thin. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, the taste is nutmeg, very good. Clusters of medium density, cylindrical shape, average weight 150-180 g. Ripens in 115-125 days. The yield is average.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are larger than medium, three- or five-lobed. Bushes are medium. Pruning short, 3-5 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 30-35 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -23 °С. It is necessary to select warm, well-protected areas. Requires mandatory shelter for the winter. Shoot maturation is good. Quickly recovers in case of freezing. The variety is disease resistant.

Berries are used fresh.

In the photo, the Chasselas northern grape variety
Northern Chasselas grape berry in the photo

Shasla northern- a table variety of grapes of early ripening. The berries are medium, round, pink. The skin is dense. The pulp is juicy. The taste is harmonious. The cluster is medium, weighing 116-125 g, cylindric, medium density.

Pruning for 6-8 eyes. Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium and deeply dissected, five-lobed.

Winter hardiness is average, shelter for the winter is necessary. Medium resistance to mildew and oidium, relative resistance to gray mold.

Grapes are used for fresh consumption and storage.

And now find out what varieties of grapes are planted in the suburbs.

In the photo, the Moscow white grape variety
Grape berry Moscow white in the photo

Moscow White- a universal grape variety for the Moscow region of early ripening. The berries are white, round or slightly oval, of medium size. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, good harmonious taste. Ripens in 125 days, relatively productive.

Look at the photo - this grape variety for the Moscow region has clusters of medium density, cylindrical shape, medium size, weighing 220-330 g:

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are medium to large in size, lobed, deeply dissected. Bushes are medium. Pruning for 5-8 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -26 °С. Shoots ripen well. Requires light shelter for the winter. Disease resistance is average.

Berries are used fresh and for processing.

A good grape seedling should have several normally developed heel roots.

In the photo, the grape variety Moscow early
Grape berry Moscow early on the photo

Moscow early- a grade of table appointment, very early term of maturing. When describing this grape variety for the Moscow region, it is especially worth noting the medium-sized berries - they are white, rounded or slightly elongated. The pulp is juicy, dense, pleasant taste. Clusters of medium size, moderately dense, cylindrical-conical shape, weighing about 200 g. The variety is productive.

The leaves are quite large, rounded, slightly dissected. Bushes are medium. Pruning is average for 6-8 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -25°С. Shoots ripen well. Requires light shelter for the winter. Medium resistance to diseases and pests.

Berries are consumed fresh and processed.

In the photo, the grape variety Moscow pink
Berry grapes Moscow pink in the photo

Moscow pink- grade of table appointment of average late term of maturing. The berries are pink, oblong, large, weighing about 4-5 g. The skin is dense. The pulp is juicy, good harmonious taste. The clusters are loose, conical in shape, large and very large in size, with an average weight of 420 g, maximum up to 900 g. It ripens in 135-140 days. The variety is high yielding.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are quite large, lobed, deeply dissected. Bushes vigorous. Medium pruning, 5-8 eyes.

Winter hardiness up to -25 °С. Shoots have time to ripen. Requires mandatory shelter for the winter. Recommended for protected ground. Disease resistance is high.

Berries are used fresh.

In the photo, the grape variety Moscow is stable
Grape berry Moscow steady in the photo

Moscow sustainable- This is one of the best grape varieties for the Moscow region, versatile, medium early ripening. The berries are white with a golden tint, rounded, small, weighing 2.5-3 g. The pulp is juicy, good taste with nutmeg-pineapple aroma. Clusters are small, with a maximum weight of up to 120 g, loose, conical or cylindrical, very numerous. Ripens in 130-135 days.

Bushes vigorous. Pruning is medium, by 6-8, or long by 12 eyes. The optimal load on the bush is 70-120 eyes.

Frost resistance up to -28 °С. Shoots ripen well. The variety can be grown without shelter. Ideal for decorating arbors, arches, walls. It has increased resistance to diseases and pests.

Berries are consumed fresh and used for processing.

In the photo, the Moscow black grape variety
Grape berry Moscow black in the photo

Moscow black- table grade of sredneranny term of maturing. The berries are large, ovoid, black. The skin is dense. The pulp is juicy, good taste. There are few seeds. Clusters are moderately dense, medium-sized, conical, winged, weighing about 250 g. It matures in 115-125 days. Speaking about which varieties are suitable for the Moscow region, it is worth noting the high yield of this form.

Flowers bisexual. The leaves are large, rounded, three-lobed. Bushes vigorous. The cut type is medium.

Frost resistance up to -25 °С. Shoots ripen well. Requires light shelter for the winter. Resistance to major diseases and pests is average.

The berries are mostly consumed fresh.

These photos show grape varieties for the Moscow region, which are described above: