Russian male names starting with the letter p. Male names starting with P. Fateful decision of parents

Female names:

Male names starting with the letter "P"

PAUL . Small, small and Roman cognate name.

January 5 (December 23)- Saint Paul, Bishop of Neocaesarea and Righteous Paul, colleague of the Slovenian teachers.

March 20 (March 7) - St. Paul, Confessor, Bishop of Prussiad and St. Paul the Most Simple.

April 19 (April 6)- Martyr Paul the Russian and Venerable Paul, first abbot of Studium.

July 12 (June 29) - Apostle Paul (and Apostle Peter).

September 12 (August 30)- Saint Paul the New, Patriarch of Constantinople.

September 23 (September 10)- Saint Paul, Bishop of Nicea and Saint Paul the Obedient, Pechersk.

November 19 (November 6)- St. Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople and Blessed Paul of Corinth.

PEACOCK. Possessive of Paul.

PAUSIKAKIY. Preventing vice, evil.



PAISY. Child, child.

March 13 leap year(February 29) and June 4 (May 22)- Venerable Paisius the hermit.

PACT. Strengthening, preserving life.


PALLADIUM. The name of the Greek armed deity, most often - Athens (Pallas), allegorically - a stronghold, protection.


PAMWA. Shepherd of all.


PAMPHALON. From all clans, diverse.

PAMFAMIR. Deprived of everything.

PAMPHIL. PANFIL, PANFIL. Everyone's favorite or perhaps from Pamphylia (region of Asia Minor).

PANAGIOT. "All Holy"


PANKRATIY. PANKRAT. Almighty (one of the epithets of the Lord God).

February 22 (February 9)- Hieromartyr Pankraty, Bishop of Tauromenia and Venerable Pankraty of Pechora.



September 2 (August 20)- Martyr Pansthenes of Philippopolis (known under the name Parthopius).


August 9 (July 27)- Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

PANPHYRIUS. Possibly a variant of the name Pamphilus.

PANCHARIA. Pleasant to everyone, “all-beautiful.”

PAPIUS. (PAPA, PAPPA, PAPPIUS). Father (priest).

PAPILA. Father (priest).




PARAMON. Constant, firm, faithful.

PARD. Leopard.

PARIGORIUS. Comforter.


PAROD. A road, a path, or perhaps a variant of the name Pard.



September 2 (August 20)- Martyr Parthenius of Philippopolis (also known as Pansthenes).

PASIKRAT. Omnipotent.



PATAPIUS. PATAP, POTAP, POTAPY. Perhaps the Most High.


PATRICK. PATRICKEY. Noble, noble, cf. patrician.

April 2 (March 20)- Reverend Martyr Patrick, killed in the monastery of St. Sava,

PATROV. Paternal.

PATROCLUS. The glory of the father and the name of the Greek mythical hero, participant in the Trojan War.


PAPHNUTIUS. PANFUTIUS. Perhaps belonging to God.

February 28 (February 15)- Venerable Paphnutius and Venerable Paphnutius of Pechersk.

PACHOMIUS. GRIND. Perhaps broad-shouldered.

Saturday after Epiphany (movable celebration)- Venerable Pachomius of Kensky.

PELIUS. PELEUS. Clay or perhaps a variant of the Name Apellius.

PEON. Healer, doctor.


PEREGRINE. PELEGRIN. Wanderer, pilgrim.

PERSIDE. Persian.

PETER. Stone.

January 3 (December 21)- Saint Peter, Wonderworker of Moscow and All Russia (repose).

January 29 (January 16)- Apostle Peter (worship of honest chains).

July 8 (June 25) - Righteous Prince Peter of Murom, monastically David.

July 12 (June 29) - Apostle Peter (and Apostle Paul) and martyr Peter of Sipop.

September 6 (August 24)- Saint Peter, Wonderworker of Moscow and All Russia (transfer of relics).

December 5 (November 22)- Righteous Prince Yaropolk, in holy baptism Peter, Vladimir-Volynsky.

PIGASIUS. Blowing water, cf. Pegasus, myth. a horse that created a magical spring with a kick of its hoof.


PIMEN. Shepherd, shepherd.

August 20 (August 7)- Reverend Pimen has many illnesses. Pechersky and the Venerable Pimen the Faster, Pechersky (in the Far Caves).

September 9 (August 27)- Venerable Pimen the Great; Venerable Pimen of Palestine and Venerable Pimen the Faster of Pechersk (in the Near Caves).

September 10 (August 28)- Venerable Pimen the faster, Pechersk (in the Far Caves).

October 11 (September 28)- Venerable Pimen the Many-Sick, Pechersk and Venerable Pimen the Faster, Pechersk (in the Near Caves).

PINNA. Nacre.


PIONIUM. Abundant, corpulent.


PIRR. The name of a Greek mythical hero who took part in the Trojan War.



February 11 (January 29)

September 1 (August 19)- Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Velikoperm, Ustvym.


On Saturday of Cheese Week (movable celebration)- Venerable Pitirun, disciple of Venerable Anthony the Great.


PLATO. Wide (broad-shouldered).


PLUTODOROUS. Possibly a gift from Pluto, the Greek deity of the underworld.


POLYENE. Much praised.


March 8 (February 23)- Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna and Venerable Polycarp of Bryansk.

POLYCHRONIUM. Perennial, allegorically - long-lived.

POLUVIY. POLYVIUS. "Multi-lived."

POMPIUS. (POMPEY), POMPIUS. Participant in the Pomp, Greek solemn religious procession: Roman cognate name.

POMPION. Variant of the name Pompius.

PONTIUS. Marine, Wed. Pont. Greek deity of the sea.

PONTIN. Variant of the name Pontius.

POPLIUS. (PUBLIUS, PUPLIUS). Vernacular: Roman personal name.

POPLION. Variant of the name Poplius.

PORPHYRIUS. PORPHYR, PERPHYL, PERPHYL. Purple, crimson, cf. porphyry (purple).


On this page: Oleg, Oliver, Olympus (Olympius), Onisim (Anisim), Onufriy (Anufriy), Osip (Joseph), Hosea (Asey), Oscar, Ostap (Eustathius), Otto // Pavel, Palladium, Pamphilus (Panfil ), Pankrat, Panteley, Panteleimon, Paramon, Parmen (Parmen), Parfen (Panfer), Parthenius (Parfenty), Patrick (Patricey), Pakhom, Perfil, Peter, Pimen, Pitirim, Plato, Polivan (Poluyan), Polycarp, Poluekt , Porfiry, Potap, Prov (Proviy), Proclus, Prokofy (Procopius, Prokop), Protas, Prokhor, Pud

Ol e g
Godfather Orthodox name: Oleg
: Slavic name of Scandinavian origin
(Helgi, Helge), came with the Varangians, means “holy”, “sacred” (from heilagr).
Female name Olga has the same origin
Middle name formation: Olegovich, Olegovna
Conversational options: Olezhka, Olezhek, Olezhik, Olezhenka, Olezhechka, Oleg,
Olegushka, Lega, Olik, Olesha, Oleshka, Olchik, Oles, Oleska, Olesik, Les, Lesik,
Alinka, Alenka, Alechka, Alka, Alik, Alya, Leka, Lyosha
- Rev. Oleg Bryansky (also known as the blessed prince Oleg Romanovich), September 20 / October 3
: Oleg
The name Oleg is in 48th place in the popularity ranking of male names (51 per 10,000
newborn boys)

Oh liver
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Oliver was brought to England by the Normans,
it comes from the ancient Scandinavian name Oleifr (Aleifr, Anleifr), meaning
“heir, successor + grandfather, ancestor, clan.” That is, the name Oliver (Oliver) can be
interpreted as follows: “continuator of his kind”, “heir to his
ancestors." The name spread throughout Europe. In Germany, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary - Oliver, in France - Olivier, in Italy - Oliviero, in Poland
- Oliwier, in Scandinavian countries - Olaf, Oluf, Olav
Middle name formation: Oliverovich, Oliverovna
Conversational options: Oliverka, Oliverchik, Olive, Ollie, Ollie, Alik, Ole, Olchik,
Verchik, Olav, Olaf (consonant Russian names Valera, Oleg)
: Oliver // Ollie, Olli, Olly, Oli, Olaf, Iver, Ive, Ivy, Vero,
Liv, Levi, Levy
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Oliver is a borrowed European name, in Russia it is very rare, less than 1
per 10,000 newborn boys

Ol and mp, Olimpiy
Godfather Orthodox name: Olymp, Olympy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Olympic”, “located on Olympus” (Greek) -
epithet greek gods who lived on the sacred Mount Olympus
Middle name formation: Olimpovich, Olimpovna; Olimpievich, Olimpievna
Conversational options: Olympus, Olim, Olik, Olchik, Olka, Olenka, Alim, Alip,
Alipiy, Alya, Alenka, Alka, Alyusha, Alik, Lipa, Lipochka, Lipanya, Lipka, Lima,
Limca, Panya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Holy Apostle Olympus, November 10/23
- Martyr Olympius Persus, July 30 / August 12
Godname in foreign countries Orthodox churches : Olimpas (Olympus), Olympius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Olympus and Olympius - very rare names

He and sim, Ani sim
Godfather Orthodox name: They are this, They are this
Meaning, origin of the name: "Useful", "benefit" (from Greek onesimos,
onesis). From the canonical names Onisim and Onisiy in the Russian language two are formed
equivalent literary (passport) options - Onisim and Anisim, possible
is also a variant of Anisiy
Middle name formation: Onisimovich, Onisimovna; Anisimovich, Anisimovna
Conversational options: Anis, Anisa, Anisya, Anisik, Aniska, Anisiy, Onisya, Onya,
Onka, Osya, Sim, Sima, Simka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Holy Apostle Onesimus, February 15/28
- Venerable Onesimus of Magnesia, July 14/27
- Martyr Onisiy Usurovsky (Isaurian), March 5/18
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Onesimus
Modern English analogues: Onesimus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Onisim and Anisim are very rare names

He u friy, Anu friy
Godfather Orthodox name: He at freey
Meaning, origin of the name: This is one of the names of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris,
meaning "one who is always happy." From the Coptic language it came in the form of Unnufer,
Middle name formation: Onufrievich, Onufrievna; Anufrievich, Anufrievna
Conversational options: Onya, Onka, Anusha, Anosha, Anoshka, Anokha, Anurey, Anurya,
Nurka, Nurik, Anoshenka, Onechka, Onyushka, Onosha, Onoshka, Onokha, Onusha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Onuphrius the Great, June 12/25
- Rev. Onufriy Pertsovsky, Vologda, June 12/25
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Onuphrius, Onuphry
Modern English analogues: Humphry, Humphrey, Onuphrius, Onuphry // Humph
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Onufriy and Anufriy are very rare names

Oh vulture(see Joseph)

OS and I(see Ase th)

Osk a p
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: In Russian the stress falls on the second syllable, and
in most European countries the first one is Oscar. The name means "god's spear"
"divine spear", it comes from the Old Norse name Asgeirr,
which gradually changed along the chain: Asgeirr - Ansgar - Anskar - Osgar -
Oskar - Oscar. The name is based on two components: as, os, ans - “god” and gar, geirr - “spear”
(among the Scandinavians as, among the Germans ans, among the Anglo-Saxons os; aces are the highest gods of the ancients
Scandinavians and Germans, their leader was Odin). In the Catholic world this is the name
gained great popularity thanks to the Bishop of Hamburg and Bremen, Saint
Oscar (Ansgar), who lived in 801-865. He was awarded the title Apostle of the North,
thanks to his missionary activity in Northern Germany, Denmark and Sweden
Middle name formation: Oskarovich, Oskarovna
Conversational options: Oskarik, Oskarchik, Osya, Osik, Oska, Misfire, Osenka,
Oskarenka, Oskarechka, Oskarushka, Osyukha, Oskarishche, Oskarenok, Ossie, Os, Karusya,
Karus, Askarik, Asik
: Oscar, Oskar // Os, Ossie, Ossy, Ocky
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Oscar is a borrowed European name, in Russia it is rare, about 2-5 per
10,000 newborn boys

Ost a p(see Evstafiy, Astafiy, Asta x)

Oh that
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: From the Old Germanic root aud (odo), meaning
“happiness, luck”, “prosperity”, it corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon root ead
(occurring in names Edward, Edgar, Edmund). In Germany it was the name of kings,
dukes, emperors, in particular the first Holy Roman Emperor
empire was Otto I (912-973), also known as Otto the Great (Otto I der Grosse)
Middle name formation: Ottovich, Ottovna
Conversational options: Otik, Otichek, Edema, Otka, Otushka, Oti, Ot, Otan
Modern European analogues: Otto // Oto, Ot, Otti, Ottie, Otek, Odo, Oddie
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Otto is a borrowed European name, but is very rare in Russia; among
famous bearers named after Otto Yulievich Schmidt (1891-1956), Soviet geographer,
astronomer, mathematician, northern explorer; Otto Vasilievich Struve (1819-1905),
Russian astronomer, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; Nikolai Ottovich Essen
(1860-1915), Russian admiral, participant in the defense of Port Arthur, commander
Baltic Fleet

P and drove
Godfather Orthodox name: Paul
Meaning, origin of the name: Paul is a Roman generic name based on
lies the word paulus - “small”, “small” (Latin). Widespread throughout
in the Christian world this name received thanks to the enormous authority of the Apostle Paul
among believers
Middle name formation: Pavlovich, Pavlovna
Conversational options: Pavlusha, Pavlushka, Pavlushka, Pavlukha, Pavsha, Pasha,
Pashenka, Pashechka, Pashuta, Pashutka, Pashka, Pashik, Pashko, Pashanya, Pashunya,
Pava, Pavka, Pavlonka, Pavlunya, Pavlusya, Pavlukha, Pavlya, Pavlik, Pavlishka, Palya,
Palenka, Palyunya, Palka, Panya, Panyusha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Holy Supreme Apostle Paul, June 29 / July 12
- Rev. Paul of Xiropotamia, July 28 / August 10
- Rev. Paul of Latria, December 15/28
- St. Paul, Bishop of Nicaea, September 10/23
- St. Paul the New, Patriarch of Constantinople, August 30 / September 12
- St. Paul, Bishop of Prussiad, March 7/20
- Martyr Paul of Ptolemais, March 4/17; August 17/30
- Rev. Paul of Thebes, January 15/28
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches:Paul
Modern English analogues: Paul (Paul, Paul, Paul) // Paulie, Pauly, Po, Polo, Pablo,
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Pavel is in 23rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 130
per 10,000 newborn boys)

Pall a diy
Godfather Orthodox name: Palla diy
Meaning, origin of the name: "Heir to Pallas Athena." Pallas is one of the names
Athena (ancient Greek goddess of war and victory, wisdom, arts and crafts)
Middle name formation: Palladievich, Palladievna or Palladievich, Palladievna
Conversational options: Paladya, Paladka, Paladik, Ladya, Lada, Ladenka, Ladechka,
Ladka, Ladyka, Palya, Palenka, Palechka, Palka, Palushka, Broadsword, Pasha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Palladius of Alexandria, November 27 / December 10
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Palladius

Palladium is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 male births)

Pamph and l(see Panfil l)

Pankr a t
Godfather Orthodox name: Pankratiy
Meaning, origin of the name: From the Greek pankratios - “all-powerful”,
“all-powerful”, “strongest of all” (ancient Greek pan “all” + kratos “power”)
Middle name formation: Pankratovich, Pankratovna
Conversational options: Pankrasha, Panya, Pankrashenka, Pankrashka, Pankrakha,
Pankrusha, Pankrush, Pankraty, Pankratka, Pankrakha, Panechka, Panichka, Panyusha,
Panyushka, Panchisha, Pansha, Pasha, Panka, Panko, Pankey, Kratya, Kratushka,
Kratenka, Kratenka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Pankraty of Pechersk, hieromonk, February 9/22
- Hieromartyr Pankratius of Tauromenia, bishop, July 9/22
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pancratius, Pankratii
Modern English analogues: Pancras, Pancratius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Pankrat is a rare name, approximately 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

Pantel e, Panteleimon
Godfather Orthodox name: Panteleimo n
Meaning, origin of the name: “Responsive”, “merciful”, “merciful” (pantes -
“everything, with everyone”, eleemon - “to pity, sympathize, be responsive”, Greek)
Middle name formation: Panteleevich, Panteleevna; Panteleimonovich, Panteleimonovna
Conversational options: Panteleyka, Pantyusha, Pantyosha, Pantosha, Pantyushka, Pantya,
Panya, Panyasha, Panyusha, Pansha, Pansha, Pasha, Panechka, Panichka, Panka, Panay,
Paley, Palya, Pontya, Pontechka, Ponka, Lyova, Monya, Pantelesha, Pantelyusha, Panteleukha,
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer, July 27 / August 9 (note:
the fourth vowel in the name is “and”, not “th”)
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Panteleimon
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Panteley is a rare name, approximately 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys. Name
Panteleimon is very difficult to meet these days

Panfer (see Parfion)

Panf i l, Pamfi l
Godfather Orthodox name: Pamfi l
Meaning, origin of the name: “Mutual friend”, “beloved by all” (pan - “everyone”, philosopher
- “friend”, Greek). In a number of countries, the third letter in the name is “ n": Panfilo (Italy, Spain,
Portugal), and in a number of others - “ m": Pamphilos (Greece, Germany), Pamphile (France),
Pamfilos (Poland). In Russia, both options are equivalent: Panfil and Pamfil
Middle name formation: Panfilovich, Panfilovna; Pamfilovich, Pamfilovna
Conversational options: Panfilka, Panya, Panyasha, Panyusha, Panyushka, Panechka, Panichka,
Panchishka, Panka, Panko, Pansha, Panay, Pama, Pamka, Pasha, Filya, Phil, Filechka,
Filyusha, Filenka, Pamfilka, Panfusha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Pamphilus of Caesarea, presbyter, February 16 / March 1
- Martyr Pamphilus of Olivria, August 12/25
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pamphilius
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
The old Russian names Panfil and Pamfil are not found these days.

Param He
Godfather Orthodox name: Paramo n
Meaning, origin of the name: From paramonos, parmenos- “faithful, reliable,
durable" (Greek). Sometimes translated as “steadfastly holding”, “standing firmly”
Middle name formation: Paramonovich, Paramonovna
Conversational options: Paramosha, Paramoshka, Paramoshenka, Paramokha, Paramonya,
Paramonka, Paramonechka, Parya, Parmen, Parmen, Panya, Scab, Parshutka, Mosha,
Moshenka, Moshka, Moshko, Monya, Monechka, Parmenya, Parmenka, Parmesha,
Parmenushka, Parmyosha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Paramon of Bithynia, November 29 / December 12
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Paramon
Modern English analogues: Paramonos
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Paramon is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Parm e n, Parmyeon
Godfather Orthodox name: Parmen, and also Parmenium
Meaning, origin of the name: The name means the same as Paramo n - “faithful, reliable,
durable" (Greek), or "firmly holding", "firmly standing"
Middle name formation: Parmenovich, Parmenovna; Parmenovich, Parmenovna
Conversational options: Parmenya, Parmenka, Parmesha, Parmeshka, Parmeshenka,
Parmyon, Parmyonushka, Parmyosha, Parmyoshka, Me, Menechka, Menyushka, Paramon,
Paramosha, Parshutka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Saint Apostle Parmen, July 28 / August 10
- Martyr Parmenius of Babylon, presbyter, July 30 / August 12
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Parmenas (Parmen), Parmenius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Parmen, Parmyon - very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Parfyon, Panfer
Godfather Orthodox name: Parthenium
Meaning, origin of the name: “Chaste, pure, virgin”, from
parthenos (Greek), epithet of the Greek gods Zeus, Artemis, Athena. Hence the name
Parthenon temple. The names Parfyon and Panfer are equal Russian
spelling (passport) variants of the church canonical name
Parthenius. Possible literary (passport) variants of the name are also
are Parfeniy and Parfenty
Middle name formation: Parfyonovich, Parfenovna; Panferovich, Panferovna
Conversational options: Panferka, Panferonka, Panferochka, Panfusha, Parfesha,
Parfyonushka, Parfenya, Parfusha, Parhom, Panya, Panyushka, Panechka, Panka, Pansha,
Pansha, Pasha, Parsha, Parshutka, Fenya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Parthenius of Gortyn, July 10/23
- Venerable Parthenius of Lampsaki, February 7/20
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Parthenius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Parfyon, Panfer, Parfeny and Parfenty are very rare names today. They used to be
quite common, as evidenced by the many Russian surnames - Panferov,
Parfyonov, Parfentiev, Parfutin, Parkhomenko, Panshin, Parshin, Panin, etc.

P a trick, Patrick
Godfather Orthodox name: Patry cue
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Patricius (Patricius) appeared in Ancient Rome,
it means "patrician", "noble", "son of a noble father" (in Latin),
those. reflects belonging to the upper class, to the Roman aristocracy - in contrast
from the plebeians. The root of this word is pater (“father”). Even under Romulus there were 100 people
were appointed senators of Rome, they were called patres (“fathers”). Descendants of these "fathers"
and formed the class of Roman patricians. This name looks like this in different languages ​​- in
in Greek Πατρίκιος (Patrikios), in Italian Patrizio (Patricio), in Spanish and
Portuguese Patricio (Patricio), in French Patrice (Patrice), in most
European languages ​​Patrik, Patrick, Patryk (Patrick, Patrick). In Russia before the revolution of 1917
those baptized with this name were called Patrika
Middle name formation: Patrikovich, Patrikovna; Patrikeevich, Patrikeevna
Conversational options: Pat, Patrykey, Patrichek, Patrenka, Patrichka, Patrya, Patryusha,
Patya, Patek, Patik, Patka, Patechka, Patrice, Patrice, Pater, Patrikusha, Patrikesha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Hieromartyr Patrick of Prussia, bishop (lived in the 1st century AD), May 19 / June 1
- Venerable Patrick Savvait (lived in the 8th century AD), March 20 / April 2
Note: Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, on
in Irish and Scots his name is spelled Padraig) is a Catholic saint,
who lived in 385-461 AD. His memorial day (March 17, new style) is widely
celebrated in Ireland and by the Irish diaspora around the world
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Patrick
Modern European analogues: Patrick // Pat, Paddy, Patsy, Patty, Patch, Padds, Rick,
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
In Russia these are very rare names. As for foreign countries, in 2013 the name
Patrick was ranked 25th in Poland, 42nd in Australia, 154th in the USA

Groin o m
Godfather Orthodox name: Paho miy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Broad-shouldered, wide” - from the Greek pachomios
(pachys - “strong, thick”, omos - “shoulder”)
Middle name formation: Pakhomovich, Pakhomovna
Conversational options: Pakhomushka, Pakhomochka, Pakhomka, Pakha, Pasha, Pashenka,
Pashenya, Pashechka, Pashka, Pashuta, Pashutka, Pashukha, Pama, Pamonka, Pamochka,
Pamka, Panya, Khoma, Khomka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Pachomius the Great, May 15/28
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pachomius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Pakhom is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Perf and l(see Porfiry)

Godfather Orthodox name: Peter
Meaning, origin of the name: Name means “stone”, “rock” (Greek)
Middle name formation: Petrovich, Petrovna
Conversational options: Petya, Petenka, Petechka, Petyusha, Petyushka, Petyushka, Petyunya,
Petunya, Petyasha, Petyanya, Petka, Petrya, Petryai, Petrenka, Petrechka, Petryanya,
Petryanka, Petryasha, Petrik, Petrusha, Parsley, Petrunya, Petrunka, Petrusya,
Petrus, Petrusik, Petruska, Petrukha, Petyosha, Petyokha, Petrash, Petryash, Peka, Pekha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Hieromartyr Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, November 25 / December 8
- Venerable Peter, Bishop of Argos, May 3/16
- Righteous Peter the African, former publican, September 22 / October 5
- Saint Peter, Tsar of Bulgaria, January 30 / February 12
- Venerable Peter Patrick, Constantinople, July 1/14
- Saint Peter of Moscow, Metropolitan, August 24 / September 6; December 21 / January 3
- St. Peter of Nicaea, bishop, September 10/23
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Peter
Modern English analogues: Peter, Pierce, Piers // Pete, Petey, Pita, Perrin, Perry,
Perrot, Pero, Perkin
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Peter is in 51st place in the popularity ranking of male names (46 per 10,000
newborn boys). Peter is usually listed on birth certificates, but
in approximately one case out of seven or eight it is written Peter

P and me
Godfather Orthodox name: Pi men
Meaning, origin of the name: The name comes from the Greek poimen - “shepherd”. IN
figuratively - “shepherd, mentor, leader”
Middle name formation: Pimenovich, Pimenovna
Conversational options: Pima, Pim, Pimonka, Pimochka, Pimka, Pimasha, Pimushka,
Pimsha, Pisha, Pishka, Pimakha, Pimanya, Pimanka, Pimenka, Me, Menechka, Menka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Pimen the Great, August 27 / September 9
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pimen, Poemen
Modern English analogues: Poemen
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Pimen is a very rare name today (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys). But
Previously, it was quite widespread, as evidenced by a considerable number of
such names as Pimenov, Pimanov, Pimshin, Pimushkin, etc.

Pitir them
Godfather Orthodox name: Pitiri m
Meaning, origin of the name: The origin of the name is not clear, for the first time it
mentioned in documents in the 15th century
Middle name formation: Pitirimovich, Pitirimovna
Conversational options: Pitirisha, Pitirimka, Pitima, Pitimka, Pit, Pita, Pitya,
Pitechka, Pitka, Drink, Petya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Saint Pitirim of Great Perm (1455), January 29 / February 11; August 19/
September 1
- Saint Pitirim of Tambov (1698), July 28 / August 10
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pitirim
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Pitirim is a very rare name, mainly used as a monastic name

Plat He
Godfather Orthodox name: Plateau n
Meaning, origin of the name: From the Greek platys - “broad-shouldered”, “shouldered”
(the meaning is the same as the name Pakhom). A famous bearer of the name was the ancient Greek
philosopher Plato
Middle name formation: Platonovich, Platonovna
Conversational options: Platosha, Tosha, Platoshenka, Platoshka, Platonya, Platonist,
Platonka, Platonka, Platonchik, Platokha, Tokha, Toshenka, Toshik, Tonya, Tonka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Platon of Ancyra, November 18 / December 1
- Venerable Plato of Studium, April 5/18
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Plato
Modern English analogues: Plato, Plato
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Plato is in 61st place in the popularity ranking of male names (24 per 10,000
newborn boys)

Watering a n, Poluya n
Godfather Orthodox name: Polye n
Meaning, origin of the name: Both names come from the church name Polien,
of Greek origin: Polyaenus, Polyainos, Polyenus (poly - “many” and aine -
"praise, glory") The general meaning of the name is “much-praised, much-glorified, praiseworthy”
Middle name formation: Polivanovic, Polivanovna; Poluyanovich, Poluyanovna
Conversational options: Polivasha, Polya, Polenka, Polechka, Polyushka, Polik, Jan,
Yanechka, Yanochka, Yanka, Polyen, Polienka, Ena, Enya, Enechka, Yenik, Enka, Enka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Polyenus of Rome, August 18/31
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Polyenus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Very rare and almost forgotten names. As a reminder of them, the following have come down to us:
Russian surnames like Poluyanov, Polivanov

Polik a rp
Godfather Orthodox name: Polika rp
Meaning, origin of the name: “Fertile”, “abundant with fruits” (poly - “many”,
karpos - “fruit”, Greek)
Middle name formation: Polikarpovich, Polikarpovna
Conversational options: Fields, Pol, Polik, Polikar, Polikanya, Polikan, Polikash,
Polikasha, Polenka, Polikakha, Likasha, Likanya, Polechka, Polenka, Karik, Karka,
Carp, carp, carp
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Polycarp of Alexandria, April 2/15
- Venerable Polycarp of Pechersk, July 24 / August 6
- Hieromartyr Polycarp of Smyrna, February 23 / March 8
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Polycarp
Modern English analogues: Polycarp
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Polycarp is a very rare name

Semi e ct
Godfather Orthodox name: Polye vkt
Meaning, origin of the name: “Long-awaited”, “long-awaited”, “desired”
(polyeuktos, Greek). The third vowel in the orthographic (passport) version
name is clearly " uh": all surnames derived from him - Poluektov, letter
« e» never occurs
Middle name formation: Poluektovich, Poluektovna
Conversational options: Fields, Polik, Polunya, Polenka, Polechka, Polichka, Polyushka,
Porlyushka, Polka, Pol, Polyukha, Polueshka, Polushka, Polusha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Polievkt Melitinsky, January 9/22
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Polyeuctus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Poluekt is a very rare, almost forgotten name

Semi I n(see Watering n)

Porf and riy, Perfi l
Godfather Orthodox name: Porphyry
Meaning, origin of the name: “crimson, purple, dark red”, “dressed in
purple" (porfureos, Greek). This refers to the purple mantle, i.e. a sign of power and
at the same time a sign of a special celebration
Middle name formation: Porfirievich, Porfiryevna; Perfilovich, Perfilovna
Conversational options: Porfisha, Porfiry, Porfishenka, Porfiryka, Fir, Firya, Fira,
Firka, Fironya, Firon, Fironka, Firushka, Perfisha, Perfishka, Perfil, Perfilya,
Perfilka, Phil, Filya, Perkhur, Perhusha, Perkhushka, Persha, Pershanya, Pershutka, Pesha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- St. Porphyry of Gaza, Archbishop, February 26 / March 11
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Porphyrius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Porfiry, Perfil - very rare names

Sweat a p
Godfather Orthodox name: Pata Pius
Meaning, origin of the name: There is no reliable information about the origin of the name, but
it is believed that the name comes from the Greek potapios - wanderer, or patao - to trample,
Middle name formation: Potapovich, Potapovna
Conversational options: Potapka, Potasha, Potash, Potapochka, Potapushka, Potapchik,
Potanya, Patanya, Potanka, Potya, Potenka, Potka, Potik, Patya, Potakha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Patapius of Thebes, December 8/21
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Patapius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Potap is a rare name, approximately 2-6 per 10,000 newborn boys. In the old days it was
quite popular, it was formed from him big number surnames like Potapov,
Potapev, Potanin, Potashov, Potapenko, etc.

Etc o in, Proviy
Godfather Orthodox name: Pro in, Pro viy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Honest” (from Latin probus, prob - “honest”). IN
In ancient Rome there was a noble family (Probus), people from which bore the name Probus
Middle name formation: Provic, Provna; Provievich, Provievna
Conversational options: Prova, Provka, Provik, Prosha, Proshka, Pronya, Provushka,
Provonka, Provochka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Prov Egyptian, December 19 / January 1
- Martyr Provius of Sadon, June 23 / July 6
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Probus
Modern English analogues: Probus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Prov, Provius - very rare names

Godfather Orthodox name: Proclus, Proculus
Meaning, origin of the name: “Before glory”, “harbinger of glory” or “former,
past glory" (pro - "before", kleos - "glory", Greek)
Middle name formation: Proklovic, Proklovna
Conversational options: Proksha, Prokusha, Proka, Prokul, Proklushka, Prosha, Pronya, Prokonya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Proclus of Calyptus, July 12/25
- St. Proclus of Constantinople, Patriarch, November 20 / December 3
- Martyr Proculus of Puteoli, April 21 / May 4
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Proclus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Proclus is a very rare name today, but in the old days it was quite popular, from
he created a large number of Russian surnames such as Proklov, Prokulov, Prokshin,
Prokushev, etc.

Prok o fiy, Procopius, Proko p
Godfather Orthodox name: Procopius
Meaning, origin of the name: The Greek name Prokopios means "successful,
successful”, from prokop e (προκοπη - “success, prosperity”, Greek)
Middle name formation: Prokofievich, Prokofievna; Prokopyevich, Prokopyevna;
Prokopovich, Prokopovna
Conversational options: Prokop, Prokosha, Pronya, Prosha, Prokopka, Prokoponka,
Prokopchik, Prokonya, Prokon, Proka, Prokoshka, Prokoshenka, Prokosh, Proksha,
Prokusha, Proshenka, Proshka, Prokha, Proshcha, Pronsha, Pronichka, Ronya, Horse, Prokof,
Prokofenka, Prokofka, Profka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Procopius Dekapolite, February 27 / March 12
- Great Martyr Procopius of Caesarea, July 8/21
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Procopius, Prokopy
Modern English analogues: Prokopios
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Prokofy, Prokopiy, Prokop - very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 births

Prot and with
Godfather Orthodox name: Prota this
Meaning, origin of the name: “Standing in the first ranks”, “advanced, forward”, from
protasso (προτασσω, Greek)
Middle name formation: Protasovich, Protasovna
Conversational options: Protasya, Tasya, Protaska, Protaska, Protasik, Protasha,
Prot, Protya, Protenka, Protushka, Protka, Protka, Tasik, Tasechka, Tasyutka, Tasha,
Tashenka, Pronya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Protasius of Milan, October 14/27
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Protase
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Protas is a very rare name today (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys), but
in the old days was quite popular, which is confirmed by the large number of such
surnames like Protasov, Protasyev, Protchenko, etc.

Etc oh chorus
Godfather Orthodox name: About the choir
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Prokhor is derived from Greek name Prochoros
(Προχορος) - “choir leader”, “one who leads the singers and dancers”
Middle name formation: Prokhorovich, Prokhorovna
Conversational options: Prosha, Proshka, Proshik, Prokha, Prokh, Pronya, Prokhorka,
Prokhosha, Proshenka, Proshunya, Pron, Pronka, Ronya, Ronik, Prokosha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Holy Apostle Prochorus, Bishop of Nicomedia, July 28 / August 10
- Rev. Prokhor of Pshinsky, January 15/28
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Prochorus, Prokhor
Modern English analogues: Prochorus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Prokhor is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9th on
10,000 newborn boys)

Godfather Orthodox name: Pud
Meaning, origin of the name: “Shy, reserved, bashful” (from
Latin pudeo, pudens), in meaning close to the name Modest
Middle name formation: Pudovich, Pudovna
Conversational options: Pudya, Pudechka, Pudanya, Pudasha, Pudashka, Pudok, Pudik, Pudka,
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Holy Apostle Pud, April 15/28
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Pudens
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Pud is a very rare name today, but in the old days it was quite common,
which is confirmed by the large number of “patronymic” surnames Pudovkin, Pudov,
Pudashin, Pudikov, etc.

Each of us is given a name at birth with which we go through life. From time immemorial people skillfully used this knowledge to facilitate life path newborn Every symbol, every detail matters when it comes to a person’s character. Names starting with the letter P will be able to tell a lot about their bearer, reveal all the secrets, revealing the most secret things.

Fateful decision of parents

The arrival of a newborn in a family is always a great happiness. Preparing for the arrival of a baby is always accompanied by pleasant chores. No less important is the choice of name for the baby. The process, at first glance, is simple, but can turn into a real headache. You can understand parents, because you really want to give your child not just beautiful, but unique and meaningful name, which has a beneficial effect on future fate.

Experts were able to prove that people with the same names can have strong similarities in behavior, character and even appearance. Unusual, at first glance, because it is generally accepted that it is the gene pool that provides height, weight, inclinations and abilities, manifested in the individual. And here, a seemingly ordinary name can connect people who can even live on different continental planes. Miracles, and that's all.

After birth, a person who is called by the chosen name, at a subconscious level, the formation of his “I” occurs, completely depending on the characteristics.

Features of letters in the name

Each letter of the alphabet has a separate meaning, and in total it identifies the personality of a representative of society and its main features. As for the letter P, its owner will be gush out all sorts of ideas. Although he himself will have very stable patterns and frameworks of behavior. Characteristic feature there will be self-development in all areas: physical, moral, spiritual. This is the first rule of harmonious existence.

From early childhood, the owner of a name starting with P has a tendency to generalize and a constant thirst for something new, still unconquered and unexplored. At the moment when a goal is found, the person strives to achieve it with all his might.

The presence of the letter P in the name ensures frequent changes for its bearer. Throughout life, he evaluates, labels, but over time he can transform and take a new look at things. Sometimes he may show insecurity, but never an aggressive attitude towards others. In most cases, carriers of the letter P strive to achieve harmony and peace, however, they themselves rarely find themselves in this state.

In order to maintain internal balance, you will have to sacrifice your interests at times, which you will never fully come to terms with. If a person gave in respectfully, it means that he decided to bide his time and did not come up with another option on how to correct the situation. The integrity of such a person is off the charts, and even if he submitted to another, he will never change his inner world and established moral principles.

A visible drawback is the tendency to accumulate energy from the past: memories, events, people. All this can accompany him throughout a long life, burdening him and often getting in his way.

List of male names

If an heir has been born in the family, it’s time to give him given name. If you are familiar with the meaning of the letters in the name, then we suggest you take a closer look at the names themselves. to P:

  1. Paul. Origin of the name: Russian, Orthodox, Catholic. Translated from Latin it means “small”, “baby”. The owner of such a name may show excessive shyness in childhood, however, this is more than compensated for by his responsiveness. He is obedient with his parents, knows about prohibitions and adheres to the rules. He is morally educated and intellectually developed, which ensures his curiosity about the world around him. Sincere, endowed with well-developed intuition. Sometimes he is boastful, but it is simply impossible to remain angry with him for a long time. He is a philosopher by nature, but in business he will look for workarounds rather than go straight ahead;
  2. Peter. Origin: Catholic, Russian, Greek. Peter grows up as a courageous man, but in adulthood he tends to show authority, ruling and subjugating. When he wants, he can be pleasant to talk to, generous, and even cordial. Has an explosive temperament. Strives to inform others about the existence of rules and the need to adhere to them. Unshakable will, a man always achieves his goals. Makes every effort to create his own image in society, which should be different from others;
  3. Prokhor. The name is Orthodox, Russian. Able to show stubbornness and perseverance where it is necessary to defend the truth. He is distinguished by his hard work, although he does not at all look like a careerist. Always shows responsibility, which earns the respect of colleagues and loved ones. Prokhor is extremely jealous, which does not always lead to good results. A good family man, affectionate father, demanding husband. Has high moral principles.
  4. Plato. Origin of the name: Russian, Greek, Orthodox, Catholic. From an inquisitive, early-matured boy, Plato grows into a hardworking man capable of displaying many talents. Active, sociable, extrovert;
  5. Potap. Origin of the name: Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek. Serious, reasonable, consistent in his actions and intentions. Has good organizational skills.

When choosing a name, parents need to listen to their own feelings. You should not name your child based only on the happy symbolism of the name. Wait until the baby is born, then choosing a name will become much easier.

Historical roots

Often, by a person’s name, one can assign him to a particular nationality, country, and therefore cultural affiliation. Our ancestors had “speaking” names:

  • "Keen Eye";
  • "Sharp Fang";
  • "Swift Deer" and the like.

Such “names” were intended to reflect the special skills and abilities of its bearer. Over time, the names acquired simpler outlines and forms. Despite this, they still have individual interpretation. For example:

  • Arthur - "bear";
  • Larisa - “seagull”;
  • Faith, Hope, Love have left their literal meaning.

Currently, boys' names starting with the letter P, as well as girls' names, are in demand. It is also important that any person bears two names at once: full and diminutive. Obviously, a person’s reaction to them when contacted can be completely different. Addressing a person by full name, has a respectful and more strict coloration. Be that as it may, it is worth recognizing that all people are endowed with duality. So to speak, two sides of one “I”.

Bearers of non-declining names (for example, Alisa, Gleb, Denis) have a more “one-sided” worldview, tend to be constant, and are reasonable. Male names on P, whether they are Russian or foreign, they will still be the key to the secrets and mysteries of the human soul.

Influence on human destiny

There are many different kinds of teachings and theories in the world where scientists are trying to determine the influence of stars, otherworldly forces, space, and other things on our lives. What is guided by when it performs certain actions, turns in a certain direction, and does not follow a different path? The answers to these questions have a much deeper meaning than it might seem at first glance.

It is not for nothing that our ancestors paid great attention to choosing a name for a new family member. Most philosophers, scientists and representatives of other professions have tried to study the formation of personality, their actions and life values. Currently, man, despite the large amount of information, remains one of the main mysteries of the universe. Men's names starting with the letter P, Russian and foreign, native and foreign, distant and close - all of them are a reflection of the human soul.

The characteristics of a name can reveal any secrets. The surname and patronymic also play an important role in the fate of every person. Therefore, parents deciding what to name their heir should weigh everything several times.

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