Amina as translated. The meaning of the name is Amina. What does the name Amina mean?

The origin of the rare, beautiful, sonorous and short named after Amina has Arabic roots, it means “guardian”, “safe”. This was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, who died at a young age.

Amina's character

The main traits inherent in the owners of this name are reliability, caring, responsiveness, efficiency and vulnerability.

The character of Amin is influenced by the time of year when they were born.

Aminas born in winter are very persistent and strong in spirit. “Winter” Amina is characterized by a masculine character. They are uncompromising and at times even selfish.

Owners of the name Amina, born in the fall, are independent, prudent, and collected.

What kind of character can the girl Amina have?

The character of a child named Amina is responsive, trusting and friendly. She knows how to work on a problem or matter until it is completely completed.

At the same time, she is vulnerable, touchy and quick-tempered, and is characterized by fickle behavior: she can give in here, but immediately refuses to compromise. He likes to be surrounded by friends, but when communicating with them he may become petty or capricious.

The period of the year when the girl named Amina was born also influences her character:

  • Those born in winter are distinguished by perseverance, conscientiousness, commercialism, strong will, masculine toughness, in autumn - by strong intuition, understanding of the attitude of relatives and friends towards themselves, ability to manage a home and family relationships.
  • Those born in spring and summer are successful in all their undertakings, they know exactly how to solve a problem correctly and easily overcome them, which is why they have a career and family life line up better.

Amina's sensitivity attracts people to her. Thanks to her sociability, sincerity, and developed sense of humor, she wins the favor and trust of her interlocutors, including strangers, she has excellent organizational skills, takes a serious approach to solving problems and tasks, but is capable of losing patience.

She has a research mindset, calculates actions and their consequences, showing independence. Focused, aware of the situation and behave in accordance with it.

  • Amina loves family and quickly becomes attached to people. The meaning of the name characterizes its bearer as an excellent housewife and caring mother, organizing everything that is needed for her children and, first of all, an atmosphere of love, harmony and safety.
  • She is a loving, attentive daughter, a loyal friend, and a reliable employee. A woman named Amina puts the comfort, health and mood of her family members at the forefront.
  • In everyday life she loves and maintains cleanliness and neatness, she is hospitable, adores guests and she manages to receive them very well.
  • She loves animals, but when she takes them into her home, she doesn’t give them the attention they need because she’s always at work.

Family and marriage

  • If the marriage is successful, the housewife woman becomes even more attractive and self-confident.
  • But if Amina failed in this, a happy family did not turn out, then a long period of time must pass before she dares to do this a second time.
  • And throughout this entire period, all her attention and energy that she wanted to devote to her family will be spent on career advancement, on career development, in which she is helped by efficiency and the ability to present herself from the best side.

Work and career

  • Well-read, devoted to her chosen occupation, persistently pursuing her chosen goal, Amina manages to successfully conduct business, causing a positive effect and receiving high praise for her work from colleagues and superiors.
  • A hard worker, practically a workaholic, she will limit herself, but will not allow herself to quit the job she has started. A woman’s extreme sociability, complaisance and artistry helps achieve positive effect even when solving problematic problems.
  • But all of the above concerns the profession and work that she likes: colorful, exciting, requiring creativity. Otherwise, there may be a reason for depression.
  • Great success is guaranteed to Amina in almost every field, wherever she wants, and for this she has all the opportunities and abilities.

But Amina’s destiny is not only work. She should not lose sight of her personal life, because she so needs love and mutual understanding.

Her chosen one must have understanding, tact, and take into account her sensitivity and vulnerability. Having met her only, beloved man, a woman will be able to completely change her priorities.

The name Amina determines whether a child has a rapidly forming attachment: the girl keeps her favorite toys for a long time, not daring to throw them away; her attachment to almost everything is amazing.

Children's character traits

  • In the family, the girl is obedient, honors and respects her parents all her life.
  • In a circle of peers, she can be capricious, be capricious and show off a little, even sometimes she is perceived as arrogant, but surrounded by older people she behaves calmly and shyly.
  • Amina studies diligently, diligently, loves books, reading is her favorite pastime. As a result, the child develops his own understanding of life.
  • Already with early age the girl is able to express her own opinions and has good oratory skills.
  • For her, expressing her ideas and the opportunity to improve plays a significant role. Amina considers self-improvement classes very important, which certainly leads to success.
  • Conviction, determination, reliability, and devotion help Amina find a response in the hearts of the people around her.
  • But spiritual sensitivity and excessive trust in people often allow cunning, crafty people to use Amina’s help and friendly attitude for their own mercantile purposes.
  • And yet she does not harbor anger or resentment, does not hatch a plan for revenge, it’s just that such people will forever lose the opportunity to communicate with her and be called friends.
  • Amina's gentleness and easy-going nature give her the opportunity not to focus on such incidents.

To summarize all of the above, let's say: imperceptibly, as often happens, a quiet and sometimes inconspicuous girl named Amina turns into an attractive, intelligent woman, at the same time gentle and beautiful, reliable and decent, with whom it is a great success to walk next to her in life.

Health and talents named after Amin

Amina quickly and easily remembers foreign languages, customs and traditions of other countries. At the same time, she is capable of rash, unpredictable actions.

But often she manages to get away with it, thanks to her cheerfulness, resourcefulness and wit. Amina loves change, and therefore, on the one hand, it makes her life more diverse, and on the other, it prevents her from understanding real prospects and focusing on the present.

She is directed only forward, lives exclusively for tomorrow. Even in childhood, one can note Amina’s mobility and composure.

She is persistent and almost never compromises, she is vulnerable and touchy. An analytical mind helps Amina calculate every step. From the outside she seems unapproachable, but at the same time she is distinguished by her sociability - she will find no problem mutual language even with strangers.

At the same time, it is important to know that a girl named Amina is characterized by mood swings, which is why she can sharply withdraw into herself, even if she recently had fun and laughed. Although, with age, Amina still learns to control her emotions, eradicating her instability in behavior.

By the way, Amina has a masculine character, and therefore she has such qualities as selfishness, fortitude, and directness. The name Amina thoroughly approaches the solution of any problem, and can flare up if something does not go as planned.

This is especially true for Amin, born in winter. “Autumn” Amins are prudent and collected, they value their time. They do not have developed intuition, but often rely on it and fail.

But with some effort, Amina manages to develop a pragmatic approach to building relationships and overcoming life’s difficulties, due to which she will be able to behave correctly in any situation, achieving success not only in her profession, but also in family life.

Characteristics of the name Amina by letter

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience.

They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path.

The native element of the “fives” is bargaining, in any trade affairs Few can compare with the A's. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Sexuality of the name Amina

Amins, being very easily wounded and touchy people, are unhappy in love, it is difficult for them to decide on a new relationship after a failure in love.

In a man, Amina seeks understanding and loyalty. She herself is able to forgive her loved one for betrayal, if only she is confident in his sincere repentance.

Amina rarely succeeds in combining her personal life and her favorite work.

Characteristics of Amina according to B. Higir

Translated from Arabic it means “safe.”

These women seem to strive throughout their lives to justify the meaning own name. If you had to define their character in one phrase, it would be this: people you can rely on.

They are loyal friends, caring daughters, reliable workers. They are responsive to the grief of others and are always ready to be the first to rush to the rescue, without caring about the consequences.

She is also distinguished by her extraordinary efficiency and selfless dedication to her work. She is not devoid of ambition, but she makes her career solely thanks to her own abilities, perseverance and hard work.

Dedicating herself completely to the task, she forgets about her personal life, which as a result may not work out.

These women, like no one else, need love and understanding. They are quick-tempered, extremely vulnerable and touchy, but are not at all vindictive and know how to forgive.

They are very attached to family, friends and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. They are sociable, cordial and simple in society.

There are many beautiful and unusual names that can be given at birth. Amina is considered one of the most unusual. Everyone knows that choosing a name necessarily affects your future life.

And about what it will be like, what it means and what secret is hidden in Amin - about this for everyone and others interesting secrets you will read below.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

For the first time the name Amina appeared in Muslim countries. There are several options for its origin and meaning, but most people believe that this was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. In itself, according to its origin, it denotes loyalty, reliability and honesty.

According to another interpretation, Amina is translated as “a girl with a quiet and calm disposition.” There is another meaning - one who is safe and at peace. According to the third version, there is also a male version of a similar name. In any case, Amina means, first of all, fidelity.

Day Angel

Since the name comes from Arabic, in church calendars, neither Orthodox nor Catholic, there is no date for celebrating the day of the bearer angel.

Diminutive form

You can find such affectionate variations: Mina, Minochka and even Musya. Aminochka or Aminka, which are the most popular, are also often used. The girl can also be called Aminusya or Amishka.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

In some languages ​​it is written and sounds like Aminat, which also often acts as a free independent name. In Arabic, Amina sounds like Emina or Emine. And in Dagestan and the Caucasian countries the girl will be called Aminat, sometimes Eminat. The male version sounds like Amin or Emin.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

A girl with this name will always value experience more than advice, because it is always better - created and filled with her own bumps. She loves adventure and risk very much, and cannot sit in one place for a long time. These are enthusiasts who appreciate the unusual and energetic. Therefore, they must always be gently guided in a peaceful direction, especially in the professional field.

Amina always grows up collected and active, which has a very good effect on character development. The meaning of the name is also reflected in her desire for will. Fate had prepared for her the temperament of a person who always appreciates the details, with an analytical mind and sees the big picture.

Sometimes the girl may seem unapproachable, but at times she is very accommodating and sociable. She is persistent, always goes to the goal and does not value compromises. The nature is subtle, sensitive and gentle, so mood swings are not uncommon.
At the same time, a girl born in winter will be more susceptible to mood swings and changes than a girl born in summer. She is more selfish than confident. She is usually very hot-tempered and always takes the initiative. But summer Aminas are always more prudent than their winter namesakes. They try to be collected and thorough in solving all problems.

Amina always comes to the rescue and does not abandon her loved ones in trouble. He is a caring person, a devoted colleague and a good, reliable worker. This is her weakness - many take advantage of such dedication.

Study, professions and career

The girl strives to get a good, thorough education. She is very multifaceted, so in her youth she is interested in many things. From reading books to doing nuclear physics.

Important! The girl grows up with a great thirst for knowledge, so she often reads books. ButSohow fragile the inner world, especially in childhood, is subject to great influence, parents need to pay attention to what their daughter is reading, and sometimes make some corrections or help with the choice of literature.

In work and study they show themselves to be equally collected. They are not careerists, but they love and devote a lot of effort to their work. They always appreciate and try to calculate their time optimally so that it is enough for all tasks. And the owner of the name has well-developed intuition, which helps her feel people and integrate well into the team. Usually she very soon understands who treats her and how, and this helps in relationships with colleagues and management.
Such a woman will always achieve success and will go towards it with measured and measured steps, so she moves up the career ladder very quickly. Amina is suitable for solid professions in which she can fully realize her potential: lawyer, politician, teacher, businessman.

Health and hobbies

The love for foreign languages, customs and traditions manifests itself almost from childhood. The girl learns new things very quickly. Thanks to these traits, she very often gets into trouble, but gets out of the water unscathed. The secret in the name Amina is hidden in a special cheerfulness and wit, which allows the owner to do many things at once and enjoy all of them. But this often makes it difficult to concentrate and understand what she really wants. The girl always strives forward and lives only for tomorrow.

The girl's health is excellent. She has been active since childhood, always disappears on the street and plays until she drops. Throughout her life, she is rarely bothered by illness or disease.

Love relationships and family

Girls born in summer are much luckier than girls born in winter. They always have a strong and happy family. But winter Aminas are strong in spirit, stubborn and unyielding, just like the winter in which they were born.

When Aminka decides that she needs a man in her life, he must be confident, value freedom and be able to make compromises. However, she will defend her point of view to the last. At the same time, this is a very gentle nature that needs tenderness, mutual understanding and protection. Her vulnerability can poison life. He loves his loved ones very much and quickly becomes attached to new people, making many acquaintances.

At the same time, the future husband will have to put up with a large number of his wife’s friends, with whom she will always support a good relationship. Usually such girlfriends appear since childhood.

As a mother, Amina is demanding but fair. He devotes a lot of effort to raising and teaching children, cultivating in them the qualities that he considers necessary in modern life. She also loves animals, so often the family is supplemented by several furry pets.

Important! A woman with this name always tries to achieve her goals. And very often on this path he can forget about personal relationships, family ties and even hurt loved ones. Often such individuals fall into selfishness and pedantry. Therefore, you need to carefully select your approach to them.

The meaning of the letters in the name and numerology

The location of the letters leaves a big imprint on a person’s character. They endow Amina with the following qualities:

  • A in the name it stands for power and strength, especially if it is at the beginning;
  • Letter M reflects hard work and concern for others and affairs in a person’s character;
  • AND denotes the impressionability of the soul, tenderness towards the environment and love for the world;
  • N denotes self-criticism, high demands both on oneself and on others, great ambitions of the owner and a sharp mind;
  • Last letter A means the same as capital, but to a lesser extent.

If we talk about numerology, then such a name is placed under the five, which always means independence of spirit, actions and complete unlimited free will. This number endows the owner with intelligence, hard work, perseverance and responsibility. The letters of the name favor precision, often pedantry and punctuality. But Amina always soberly assesses her abilities and carries high moral qualities throughout her life.

Patrons of the name

Like any other name, it has its patrons who accompany it throughout its life.

  • Zodiac signs - Taurus or Libra. According to other sources, the accompanying signs are Pisces, Cancer and Virgo.
  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Flower - iris.

Did you know? Iris - flower underworld. The patron gives the girl great energy, but bears the imprint of loneliness.

  • The name stone is aquamarine.
  • Color - green, yellow and pink.
  • Amina's metal is red copper.
  • Animals and totems - rabbit and cat.

Name in history

History has also not been without interesting, significant and truly talented personalities with the name Amina.

  • Amina Wadud- Professor of Islamic Studies, a woman who challenged the foundations of Muslim society. She is the first woman in history who dared to lead the Juma prayer as an imam. This happened in March 2005; the ceremony itself took place in New York, although it was accompanied by violent protests and demonstrations. Three mosques refused to hold this ceremony, as it was against the rules and was accompanied by threats.
  • Amina Zaripova- world champion in rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Amina Figarova- pianist, one of the talented composers in Europe.
  • Amina Umurzakova, who became famous in cinema and as a theater actress.

The name Amina suits stubborn and persistent people who always go towards their intended goal. But at the same time, it reflects the gentle and vulnerable nature of the owner, for whom family and relationships with loved ones will always come first.

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Aminat, manifestation in love

Aminat, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

The proposed material provides information about the nationality of the name Aminat. Its signs are also considered. The fate of the girl bearing the name in question is analyzed: character in childhood, personal life and career success, sex life. From the article you can find out what the name Aminat means and in which countries it is common. As an example, information will also be given about famous personalities who wear or have worn it.

The name Aminat is Muslim in origin. It is in such states that it is used most often. It is common in countries such as Russia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia.

The meaning of the name Aminat in Islam is “honest”, “faithful”. It was worn by the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. Very often, the abbreviation of the full name Aminat is a variant of Amina. Although they can be used without reference to each other. In Russia, it is common in Chechnya and Dagestan. It is impossible to say for sure what nationality the name Aminat is. First of all, due to its wide distribution in different countries.

The name has the following abbreviations: Amisha, Aminochka, Aminyusik, Musya, Amishka, Aminka. Paired male name is Emin or Amin.

In childhood

As a child, Amina was a fairly collected, but at the same time active girl. It is not uncommon for her to be persistent and persistent. Amina rarely compromises. The girl also has an analytical mind. Quite sociable. In general, we can say that Aminat easily finds a common language with peers and older people. But at the same time, the girl has a very vulnerable soul. Although he always tries to control his emotions.

She is very diligent in her studies. The meaning of the name Aminat gives the girl a love of books, art, and music. She often gets so read that she forgets about the real world. Amina is also a polyglot, she finds it easy to study foreign languages. In addition to languages ​​itself, Amina is interested in culture and traditions various peoples and countries.

Amina is excellent at both exact sciences and the humanities. She can choose absolutely any specialty at the university and achieve success. Aminat passes all exams with “excellent” marks, since there is no other grade for her.

Character depending on the time of year

Amina, born in winter, is characterized by unstable behavior. Sometimes she is stubborn and not ready to compromise, but there are times when the girl agrees to give in. She has a masculine character, is strong in spirit, and knows how to take responsibility. At the same time, Amina is responsive, people are drawn to her. He has organizational skills, so he can occupy a leadership position or create a successful business. After all, Amina is also quite independent.

Owners of the name, born in autumn, are calculating. They are always collected and value their time, so they do not allow anyone to waste it just like that. Aminu's intuition rarely lets her down. She always knows how to behave in any situation, even critical ones. The girl is an independent person.

Amina is generally considered an excellent housewife. Can achieve success both in family life and at work. She is not deprived of girlfriends and friends who value her very much. Moreover, she will never trade friendship for anything.

Meaning of the name Aminat in love

Amina is a rather vulnerable girl. Her first romantic experience will be unsuccessful. After parting with her first love, Amina will close herself off from everyone for a long time. The girl will focus her energies on building a career. Over time, she will again be ready to let a man approach her.

The girl wants to find a brave, courageous, and most importantly, sincere young man. It is important for her to feel protected.

The meaning of the name Aminat in family relationships

It is very important that Amina’s first marriage is happy. She will be a wonderful wife and mother. Surprisingly, Amina always finds time for all family members, as well as for herself and her friends. She does not skimp on affection and is always happy to help someone who needs it at the moment. Amina is also a wonderful housewife and loves to cook. This fact will be highly appreciated by her husband.

The best names for a spouse: Artem, Andrey, Ilya, Matvey, Denis, Pavel, Stepan, Oleg.

Amina's sexuality

The woman is temperamental and sexy. She doesn’t change partners often - she simply doesn’t have enough time, which she mostly devotes to her favorite job. But when she manages to arrange an intimate meeting with her lover, she can give him many joyful moments. She is a caring and gentle partner and expects reciprocal affection and attention from her man. She does not perceive the showdown at all, since she herself is faithful and does not understand how to change. She doesn't even like to discuss similar situations happening with other people. You can forgive your partner for infidelity if you see his sincere repentance.

Career success

Persistence, an analytical mind, and a calm character help Amina not only in family life, but also in work. She is an executive worker, smart and proactive. All these qualities allow her to easily climb the career ladder quite high. Aminat always leaves a pleasant impression, so it is very easy for her to work with people. This woman handles quite complex negotiations and contracts with ease. Unshakable in matters of principle, she still learns to find compromises where she can afford it. And this quality also helps Amina in her career.

Amina chooses her job to her liking. The profession should inspire her and provide an outlet for creative energy. If Amina has to work without pleasure, she will lose her vitality and become lethargic. At a job she doesn't like, she may even become depressed.


The girl Amina carefully looks after herself. She will never leave the house disheveled and in wrinkled clothes. Aminat has excellent facial features, so he can use minimal amount cosmetics to look flawless. She also has excellent taste and always chooses an outfit with precision.

Famous people

Many celebrities bore this name:

  • Amina Zaripova (born 1976), is an athlete. Is rhythmic gymnastics. She repeatedly became the world champion from Russia.
  • Amina Umurzakova (1919-2006) - film theater actress, was People's Artist of the USSR. She received the honorary title in 1966.
  • Amina Goodwin (1867-1942), renowned pianist.
  • Amina Wadud became the first woman in Islamic history to perform Muslim religious ceremonies as an imam. Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Richmond.

Name signs

The meaning of the name Aminat corresponds to the iris plant. The favorable color is pink. The name Aminat corresponds to the emerald stone. Planet - Venus. The best signs Zodiac signs are Taurus and Libra. Friday is considered a lucky day for Aminat. It is also worth noting that the girl’s patrons are the following animals: rabbit, cat.

Meaning of the letters of the name

The letter "A" is the first letter of a name and the first letter of most alphabets. Its meaning is the beginning, the desire for something new. Also, the letter “A” is characterized by authority and strength. It also gives the owner of the name comfort.

The letter "M" is famous for characteristics such as hard work and consideration for others. People who have the letter "M" in their names always try to take care of their loved ones. They are also completely devoid of laziness. Always ready to work, they can even take on the work of colleagues. If a person is a leader, then, in his opinion, no one will complete the task better than him.

The letter “I” carries such qualities as impressionability and peacefulness. It is always easy to surprise and delight such people. Even a small gift will cheer them up. At the same time, they are always ready to share their joy.

The letter “N” is endowed with such characteristics as criticality, ambition, and a sharp mind. These traits are inherent in Amina. She always tries to analyze the situation from all sides and bring all the facts to a logical explanation.

The letter “T” gives a person such characteristics as sensitivity, the desire to search for an ideal. People with the letter "T" in their name are creative individuals. These characteristics in Aminat manifest themselves in the search for a life partner. A man who half fulfills her desires will not be enough for her; she will always strive to find an ideal. At the same time, the girl is very sensitive and does not tolerate insults towards her. She is very vulnerable, so she experiences a breakup with her loved one for a long time.

The name Aminat is an excellent option for a girl. In general, happiness and success accompany her in life. Amina is very vulnerable, but if family life goes well, she will rarely suffer. Career growth is a necessity for her, since a girl cannot live without development. But this will not stop her from starting a family.

Forms of the name Amina

Common name options: Aminochka, Aminushka, Aminka, Amishka, Aminyusik, Amun, Amisha, Mina, Musya, Minka.

Name Amina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿米娜 (Ā mǐ nà). Japanese: アミーナ (Amīna). Korean: 아미나 (amina). Hindi: अमीना (Amīnā). Ukrainian: Amina. Punjabi: ਅਮੀਨਾ (Amīnā). English: Amina (Amina).

Origin of the name Amina

The origin of the rare, beautiful, sonorous and short name Amina is, it means “guardian”, “safe”. This was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, who died at a young age.

Amina's character

The main traits inherent in the owners of this name are reliability, caring, responsiveness, efficiency and vulnerability.

The character of Amin is influenced by the time of year when they were born.

Aminas born in winter are very persistent and strong in spirit. “Winter” Amina is characterized by a masculine character. They are uncompromising and at times even selfish.

Owners of the name Amina, born in the fall, are independent, prudent, and collected.

And the luckiest and happiest owners of this name are those who were born in the summer.

Zodiac sign - , .
Planet- Venus.
Color- Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day- Friday.
Metal- Copper, bronze.
Favorable tree- chestnut.
Zavetnoe plant- Periwinkle.
Patron name Amina- Pigeon.
Stone-mascot And mineral- aquamarine.

Characteristics of the name Amina by letter

M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

What does the name Amina mean in numerology?

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire life journey. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Sexuality of the name Amina

Amins, being very easily wounded and touchy people, are unhappy in love, it is difficult for them to decide on a new relationship after a failure in love.

In a man, Amina seeks understanding and loyalty. She herself is able to forgive her loved one for betrayal, if only she is confident in his sincere repentance.

Amina rarely succeeds in combining her personal life and her favorite work.

Characteristics of Amina according to B. Higir

Translated from Arabic it means “safe”.

These women seem to strive throughout their lives to justify the meaning of their own name. If you had to define their character in one phrase, it would be this: people you can rely on. They are loyal friends, caring daughters, reliable workers. They are responsive to the grief of others and are always ready to be the first to rush to the rescue, without caring about the consequences.

Amina is a kind of lifesaver, and her loved ones often abuse this quality of hers. She has an extraordinary intellect, often European educated woman, well-read, witty, understanding humor. She is also distinguished by her extraordinary efficiency and selfless dedication to her work. She is not devoid of ambition, but she makes her career solely thanks to her own abilities, perseverance and hard work. Dedicating herself completely to the task, she forgets about her personal life, which as a result may not work out.

These women, like no one else, need love and understanding. They are quick-tempered, extremely vulnerable and touchy, but are not at all vindictive and know how to forgive. They are very attached to family, friends and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. They are sociable, cordial and simple in society.

Great and famous Aminas

Amina Wadud ((b. 1952) the first woman in history to conduct Muslim religious ceremonies as an imam, professor of Islamic studies at the University of Virginia in Richmond)
Amina Zaripova ((born 1976) Russian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises, multiple world champion, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics)
Amina Pasha kyzy Dilbazi ((1919 - 2010) Azerbaijani Soviet dancer, choreographer, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1959))
Amina Figarova (jazz pianist and composer, considered one of the most talented composers in Europe)
Amina Goodwin ((1867 - 1942) English pianist)
Amina Umurzakova ((1919 – 2006) theater and film actress, People’s Artist of the USSR (1966))