Which Scorpio man is in the year of the rooster? Year of the rooster zodiac sign Scorpio. Characteristics of people born under the combination Rooster - Scorpio

Natalia Boychenko

These are interesting natures with complex characters who achieve their goals through perseverance and communication. Scorpio endows his “wards” with willpower and the ability to achieve their own goals, and from the Rooster, men and women receive a bright and charming appearance.

Scorpio-Roosters know how to work; they go to great lengths to achieve their goals. The result of their activities brings amazing results. Representatives of these signs, regardless of gender, endowed with the gift of persuasion. This is because they have inner confidence that they are right.

Scorpio-Roosters depend on the opinions of others. They know how and love to communicate with people, so they often choose professions that are related to communication. Thanks to success in their careers, these people do not have financial problems.

The combination of this sign and the year of birth gives rise to a person with a very strong character

They love to compete and get their way. At the same time, they use everything: from the gift of persuasion to imposing their own opinion. Scorpios born in the year of the Rooster quickly climb the career ladder and create a pleasant opinion of themselves among others.

In the love sphere, these are stubborn individuals who seek a partner to the last. They know how to captivate with interesting stories and funny stories: Scorpio Roosters are truly excellent storytellers and conversationalists!

They treat relatives and loved ones with respect, but from time to time they can flare up or behave distantly, but those close to them quickly get used to this. And in the personal life of Scorpio-Roosters, not everything works out as they would like. Conflicts arise due to the uncompromising nature of Scorpio-Roosters. Although family is important , in controversial situations they are rude, assertive and straightforward.

Characteristics of Scorpio-Rooster men

These are pedantic individuals who themselves strive to live in accordance with moral standards and bring others under the same line of behavior. The pedantic Scorpio-Rooster even perfects his appearance, always looking great. And he uses this advantage for his insidious purposes: to be the center of attention.

Around himself, the Scorpio guy of the year of the Rooster gathers a circle of followers or friends whom he can influence with words. He knows how to persuade and uses it. His life is filled with different situations, like stripes on a zebra. At the same time, they can achieve career success, then start all over again. They do not care about power and material values. For Scorpio-Rooster men, it is more important to receive moral satisfaction.

Representatives of this union are awarded by nature itself with many talents that lead to success. To achieve a high position at work, they develop in a serious area. Communication skills help achieve excellent results.

The pedantic Scorpio-Rooster even perfects his appearance

In love relationships, Scorpio-Roosters are polygamous. They can have several novels at the same time. Their sociable character and pleasant disposition help them in this. They take their partner seriously only if the relationship has value. They are amorous and can start dating a girl only because of the beauty of their partner. But quickly falling in love gives way to a search for something deeper than just beauty.

Real strong relationships develop into family relationships only when a Scorpio man, born in the year of the Rooster, reaches adulthood. The fact is that representatives of these signs are interested in different areas, have many hobbies and this trait accompanies them until old age. Only in older age does one realize that loved ones need care and attention.

Disadvantages of the sign

From Scorpio, representatives of these signs received one negative character trait - weakness of emotional development. They can put material things above everything, even above relationships with loved ones.

They are often afraid that attachment may become an addiction, which they are very afraid of

It should be remembered that relatives, spouse, children can become support in the most difficult situation.

Girls and women born during the period of the constellation Scorpio in the year of the Rooster are contradictory personalities who find it difficult to understand what they want from life. Throughout life they are engaged in self-discovery, since it is difficult for them to determine their purpose of existence.

Astrologers advise embodying the principles of mercy and kindness. This is what will ensure a comfortable life. If you go the other way, negative thoughts will take over the heart and lead to ruin.

Scorpio girls of the year of the Rooster are contradictory personalities who do not know what they want from life

The Scorpio girl, born in the year of the Rooster, has a complex character. They are accustomed to erecting various obstacles and heroically overcoming them. This is their essence - to test how strong they are morally. The Rooster gives its charges an incredible ability to be interested in knowledge in various fields. Excessive modesty prevents the development of communication abilities.

Their character has such traits as meticulousness and hard work. Thanks to perseverance, Scorpio-Rooster women are able to achieve great success in their careers. If they become really interested in something, they will definitely achieve their goals.

Women work more often in order to gain moral satisfaction from the ongoing process. Career takes a backseat

Real, strong relationships begin only in adulthood, when they overcome natural shyness. But this coin has another side - big demands. They set high goals for themselves and demand the same from their partner. They choose a person and can wait for him for years.

They have high demands on their family members. They are capable of criticizing, demanding, and being cruel. Possessing a dual nature, they are capable of going to the other extreme - they begin to be too loyal to children, show excessive care and tenderness.

Disadvantages of the sign

Giving up some moral principles will help them become happier. Eliminating restrictions will allow them to relax and become happy. A small disadvantage is the lack of endurance.

To achieve success, Scorpio women born in the year of the Rooster should be more determined in achieving their goals. This is a weak person who needs to train both moral endurance and physical strength.

It is worth remembering that you cannot go ahead all the time. Sometimes victory can be won with “little bloodshed.” Compromises play an important role in this

Love compatibility of Scorpio in the year of the Rooster

On a personal level, things are complicated for representatives of this sign. In the Scorpio-Rooster horoscope there is such a negative quality as vindictiveness. They practically do not forgive minor shortcomings and weaknesses.

The Rooster has the best love compatibility with people born in the year of the Monkey, Horse, Rat, and Tiger. With the Goat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig and Rooster, love relationships are unlikely, although possible, but it is quite possible to make friends with them.

In the Scorpio-Rooster horoscope there is such a negative quality as vindictiveness

The minimum suitable for him would be Dragon, Snake, Dog, Ox. Representatives born in the year of the Rooster have the gift of determining life priorities and intuitively choosing partners, which best suit them.

From the point of view of the Western horoscope, the best relationships in the family develop with Aquarius and Gemini. Friendships last for years with Scorpios, Sagittarius and Capricorns. But for building a joint business, the best work partners will be representatives of the signs Pisces, Libra, Taurus. With fiery Aries and Leos, both love and business are possible, but only under the condition of humble fieryness.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Monkey, Horse, Rat, TigerGoat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig, RoosterDragon, Snake, Dog, Bull
According to the Western calendar Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini, AquariusPisces, Libra, Taurus, Aries, LeoCancer, Virgo

Full characteristics of a Scorpio child born in the year of the Rooster

In the year of the Rooster, children are born who are endowed with an insightful and deep mind. In the future, they become excellent workers in creative professions. They become musicians, engineers, directors, inventors, architects and other representatives of creative professions.

The Scorpio boy (in the year of the Rooster) likes to insist on his own. It is almost impossible to convince him of anything or argue with him. He is energetic and emotional. He is unable to preserve his inner experiences. A Scorpio girl and boy born in the year of the Rooster rarely deceive. They know how to parry and love to have conversations. These are children who have a developed sense of humor from an early age. Parents should remember to give more love and affection. Then children grow up in harmony with themselves, not angry at this world, and as adults they are able to control their emotions.

21 February 2018, 16:01

Happy are only those men and women who were able to find their true soul mate. Using a horoscope, you can determine which zodiac signs are suitable for each other. Stars know about compatibility in love.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Rooster man

Scorpio Rooster man loves to delve into details. Some people consider him petty and pedantic. They have everything in order. This applies not only to their housing, but also to their work and personal life. Sometimes it seems very boring. But such people always react quickly to innovation. They immediately know where to get what to solve the problem.

The Scorpio-Rooster man appreciates beauty. But he sees it only in material things. Such guys like to dress beautifully and eat delicious food in an expensive restaurant. By doing this, they want to impress the people around them. They believe that appearance plays a big role in achieving what they dream of. This applies to their personal life and professional development.

The Scorpio-Rooster man will always be in the front row among those who fight for justice, who fiercely prove their truth. In this he always has those who support him. When participating in such debates, a representative of this sign does not aim to achieve any material result. The main thing for him is to get moral satisfaction.

The Scorpio-Rooster man is drawn to material wealth. Therefore, it is very important for him to earn a lot of money. They are a means to achieve a dream. The talents that nature gave him help him achieve success in his professional field. This guy usually chooses a profession that touches a serious form of people's lives. For example, he can become a doctor - a surgeon, a fireman, etc.

Compatibility in love between Scorpio and Rooster men

The Scorpio-Rooster man puts material wealth first. Therefore, relationships with girls are not as important for him as making money and professional growth. A representative of this zodiac sign always dates not one girl, but several. For him, it is not important to develop connections and lead to the final result. He is only interested in intimate relationships with women as a means of obtaining pleasure. Only with age do these guys begin to take marriage and starting a family more seriously.

Compatible in love with a Scorpio-Rooster man are women who were born in the year of the Snake, Ox and Rooster. And girls who belong to the year of the Sheep, Pig, and Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope do not suit them according to any parameters.

Family relationships for the Scorpio-Rooster man are a little boring. This guy needs variety. He cannot do household chores. He should always have free time that he could devote to his hobbies. Without this, he will simply leave the family when he gets bored. It would be ideal if his wife shared his interests and was full of vital energy. Then the representative of this sign will never be bored and his idea will always have an ally. It is much more pleasant to pursue your hobby with the woman you love than to do it alone.

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The sea attracts all Scorpios without exception. They are also military men, inventors, innovators, practitioners and heroes. Alexander Kolchak received a comprehensive education, was a good scientist, a brave traveler, a good admiral and commander of the Black Sea Fleet, but a useless Supreme Ruler of Russia. The nobility and honor of an officer are bad helpers in political games. Vladimir Dal - naval officer, doctor, ethnographer. He wrote fairy tales, stories and became the author of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.” Honesty, nobility, hard work, self-esteem were the constant traits of his character (“Whoever thinks in what language belongs to that people”).

Igor Sorin, lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”. Sorin is a mysterious figure. As people who knew him closely say, he was “a dreamer, an eccentric, a Clown with a capital C, he amused his friends and painted the gray world with the bright colors of dreams.” “The Minion of Fate”, an inexhaustible lover of life, composer, violinist and conductor Johann Strauss son (“Die Fledermaus”, “The Gypsy Baron”, “Tales of the Vienna Woods”, waltz “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”) carried his love for operetta throughout his life, women and waltzes and turned the Viennese waltz into a cultural phenomenon.

Politicians in this astrological combination are below average - all sorts of revolutionaries: the leader of the French Huguenots, Philippe de Mornay; Chairman and Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Georgy Lvov; ataman, war hero Alexei Kaledin; revolutionary, Mexican President Francisco Madero; revolutionary, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega; Secretary of the Security Council Andrei Kokoshin; Field Marshal, commander of the Nazi Air Force, war criminal Albert Kesselring.

The actors are also so-so: Andrei Martynov (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet”), Vladimir Zemlyanikin (“The House Where I Live”), Nikolai Plotnikov (“The Lonely Sail Whitens”), superman, defender of the weak and fighter against injustice Charles Bronson ( "Once Upon a Time in the West")

But among the Scorpio-Roosters there are many people of art of a non-acting nature: opera composer Vincenzo Bellini (“Somnambula”, “Norma”, “The Puritans”); writer, screenwriter of Ryazanov's films Emil Braginsky; sculptors Emil Burdel (“Hercules shooting from a bow”), Mikhail Kozlovsky (monument to Suvorov in St. Petersburg, cascade “Samson tearing the mouth of a lion” in Peterhof), Nikolai Andreev (monuments to Gogol, Herzen and Ogarev in Moskai); artist Andrey Ryabushkin (“Wedding Train in Moscow”). We have already noted that Roosters feel material,

Among the Scorpio-Roosters you will definitely find theologian thinkers: the position obliges. Philosopher, founder of neorealism George Moore (“Refutation of Idealism”); theologian, founder of the Jansenism reform movement Cornelius Jansenius; philosopher-encyclopedist, mathematician, writer, editor of the Encyclopedia Jean d'Alembert; Clement XIV is the Pope who dissolved the Jesuit order.

And of course, there are inventors in this group: engineer, steamboat inventor Robert Fulton; helicopter designer Mikhail Mill.

The group also included: physiognomist Johann Lavater; footballer Garrincha; musician Neil Young; artist Jean-Baptiste Chardin (“The Laundress”); Imagist theorist, avant-garde poet, founder of modernism (“Masques”, “Les Cantos of Pisa”) Ezra Pound; circumnavigator, admiral, senator Louis de Bougainville; singer Viktor Saltykov (“Forum”, “Electroclub”); businessman, inventor of condensed milk Gail Borden.

Horoscope of Scorpio-Rooster woman

Actress Goldie Hawn (“Death Becomes Her,” “Bird on a Wire,” “Overboard”), wife of actor Kurt Russell. Goldie values ​​honor, independence, and self-esteem. Goldie is one of the most influential women in Hollywood. They first met Kurt back in 1968, lived together for 15 years... and then were legally married. They have a son and two children from a previous life. Goldie: “I love watching Kurt around women... I'm not jealous. I know that if he had to make a choice, he would prefer me..."

Anni-Frid Lyngstad, a member of the famous Swedish quartet ABBA, was born on November 15, 1945 in Norway. Her father was a German soldier, and the girl, who lost her mother at age 3, was raised by her grandmother. Since childhood, the future star showed an unprecedented interest in music: she listened to folk songs, sang them herself and collected records. Annie's first performance on stage took place at the age of 11, and as part of various groups - from the age of 13.

But her first success came at the age of 22, in 1967, when she took first place at a competition for young performers in Stockholm. At that time, Anni-Frid sang jazz and was married, but when the Swedish branch of EMI offered her a contract, she, without hesitation, left her husband and children and went to Stockholm. At first there was no sense in moving, but in 1969 she met Benny Andersson, who became her producer, and then her colleague and lover during her participation in ABBA, and at the end of her career even her husband.

In the group, the diligent and efficient Frida received an honorable fourth place. She did not have a solo career and her acting debut was not successful. But rare vocal abilities, coupled with many hours of rehearsals, made the sound original and unforgettable. Anni-Frid is called an experienced lady in life's conflicts and a very practical lady. She is a little envious and a little on her own mind, her principles were very different from the views of other members of the group - to live to the fullest. Frida sang: “It’s never too late to change everything.”

After the final collapse of the group, she again tried to work solo, and again without much success. Now she lives most of the time in Switzerland, and her third husband is a real prince.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs



The complex of nobility, devotion to ideals, constancy in everything should create in the Knight a certain detachment from time, a certain glassiness. The Knight’s love and care, his ability and desire to show his teaching talent are also part of the image. So there is strict demand from everyone, but at the same time care for everyone. Some pettiness and detail, no grand gestures. There is also the ability to go into all the details. Do not forget also that every Knight is always a little eccentric, and therefore do not be afraid to look strange.

Charles Bronson (11/3/1921). Always a real man and almost always a lone fighter. These are the rules of the game. Narrow, slanted eyes, wide cheekbones, prickly gaze. Confidence and strength literally emanate from him. But there is also a drawback - all the images he played are practically indistinguishable from each other.

Andrey Martynov (10/24/1945). Sergeant Major Vaskov in the classic film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” This is truly a “dear father” - caring, attentive, very detailed. There are no slogans, but the deepest pathos is noticeable. A real Knight, unbending, steely and, at the same time, very warm and loving. The reference image is exactly what you should look up to.


For different peoples, the dream of him (her) has lived, lives and will live. He will come, he will warm everyone, he will feed everyone, he will take pity on them, he will press them to his heart, he will protect them from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardships. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Pope Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and beloved.

And all because in childhood people did not receive the warmth of their grandparents, mother's affection and nanny's care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens have spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to bring pristine kindness to the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to depict this kindness and is it permissible to depict kindness? Well, I think there is no problem here. A huge number of overly benign doctrines call on all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone, and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble if we call upon one of the seven signs to be an active bearer of goodness and affection, no matter what devils sit inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, give them tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash actions, for your image is bodyguard, guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsessiveness and importunity are included in the range of the image, although they do not always evoke proper appreciation from people. There is also the Knight’s love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to pettiness of guardianship.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, an abyss opens up, and our eternal good-natured man shows the reverse side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


Called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd; loneliness is their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be alone. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange appearance, and unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like this, unlike anything else. Everyone will find an example to follow (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata...). It won’t hurt to say some strange words and behave on the border between normality and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

A knight is not an Aristocrat; he doesn’t really need people’s love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight bears love for the people, but does not collect tribute of love from the people.

Emphasis on loneliness for the Knight it happens precisely because he himself is not too happy about loneliness and seems to suffer from it. This is the game of this image - to do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Mac Laud suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains lonely, flies away on the sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the person being supervised. The craving for voyeurism is precisely combined with a love for small details and detailed detailing.


There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. The great Knights, real or book, do not allow us to doubt this. Most often we are talking about a feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and you shouldn’t expose these feats too seriously, you shouldn’t laugh at the Knights’ attempts to accomplish these feats. Let them... However, ridicule of the Knight is also included in the conditions of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone, and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other matters, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being fairly average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be sophisticated (like an Aristocrat), or noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so long that it actually leaves the Knight no freedom of action. Maybe that’s why they’re not great actors, there’s nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people’s images, but their own family, knightly ones. You need to hide outbursts of negativism from the right people, you need to hide openly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain your obsession and try not to be too petty in your actions. The list is long. Well, those who came into the world to do good did not receive the most favorable image.


Trapped in the grip of figurative prohibitions, the Knight takes revenge in real affairs. This modest, thorough and obliging sign is an excellent performer, a wonderful boss and a very good teacher. Therefore, despite the modesty of the image, the sign has excellent career prospects. The apparent lack of talent is easily compensated by stability and reliability. The boss shouldn’t be the smartest, he should be the most fair, balanced and caring, in a word, “a father.” |

Character of Rooster-Scorpio men: These men are always focused on the little things. They are pedantic, love order and try to bring everyone under a certain line of behavior. They appreciate beauty and use it for practical purposes. This is how men like to impress other people. To do this, they can use their clothes and unusual accessories. They like to be the center of attention, so they do everything to gain this position.

These are fighters for justice. They are always surrounded by followers and just friends. They are unconditionally trusted because they know how to persuade. There are frequent ups and downs in their lives, which, despite the succession, may not worry them at all. For them, the main thing is moral satisfaction, and not the acquisition of material values. They want to achieve two goals at once - to have fun to the fullest and achieve excellent results in a serious area.

Rooster men - Scorpios in love and relationships: Love relationships are not so important for them. They can have several novels at once, since their open and pleasant nature attracts a large number of followers. However, they do not always take their partners seriously. It is important for them to evaluate the relationship so that it becomes valuable to them. Often relationships arise because of their amorousness and enthusiasm for beauty. However, they quickly get rid of such feelings, trying to find something more mundane.

Rooster men - Scorpios in finance and career: These men are naturally gifted with numerous talents. They can get plenty of chances to achieve their goals. Usually, for career advancement, they choose a serious field in which they can achieve a good position. Often public connections help them achieve results. Financial well-being for them is the basis for a good life, so they strive for this with all their might.

Rooster - Scorpio men in family and marriage: They start a family only in adulthood. The fact is that they are interested in many areas, and something constant can bore them. They should change their hobbies so as not to get bored. Even when becoming family men, these men will not sacrifice their interests. Therefore, their loved ones often do not receive the attention and care they expect. This situation can lead to disappointment on both sides.

Advice for Rooster-Scorpio men: No matter how their life turns out, they should not abandon their family men. Love and devotion will not be the addiction that they so fear. On the contrary, only close men will be able to understand them fully. Spiritual values ​​should come first in their lives. It is worth developing a loyal attitude towards people and being emotionally developed. Otherwise, their line of behavior is considered correct, since it allows them to receive all the benefits of life.