What does the name Sophia mean in Greek? Female name Sofia - meaning: name description. The girl's name Sofia: secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality. Love

In childhood, meaning of the name Sofia, characterizes the girl as an active, lively child, capable of coming to the aid of any person. Often there are many stray cats and dogs under the care of a little lady.

He has a good memory and studies diligently. Not all subjects are easy for the baby, however, thanks to her perseverance, even in the most difficult topics trying to get to the point.

He is interested in music and theater, feels a great need to realize himself and devotes himself to this great importance. She is very athletic and willingly performs at school, district and regional sports competitions.

Relatives and close people are of considerable importance to a girl. Throughout her life, the girl tries to maintain close relationships with her relatives. She takes care of and protects her parents, usually taking them in as soon as she feels that she is “steadily on her feet.”

In youth, the meaning of the name Sofia for a child becomes more extensive and acquires new character traits. The girl is non-conflict, tries to listen to the voice of reason, thinks objectively, clearly presenting the picture.

The young lady does not like bad humor, disdainful attitude towards herself and loved ones, laxity and tactlessness. Despite her flexibility and sociability, the young lady is very vulnerable and tends to worry greatly about the insults or failures caused to her. However, he leaves as soon as the culprit sincerely apologizes for the insults caused.

He has excellent taste, dresses stylishly, trying to suit the situation. Strives to look impeccable and takes care of himself.

The origin of the name Sofia is directly related to history Ancient Rome. During the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who worshiped the goddess Artemis, Sophia, along with her three daughters (Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov), openly preached the Christian faith.

For their unwavering faith, the woman’s daughters were subjected to severe torture, but remained faithful to Christ. Three days after burying her daughters, Sofia was found dead next to their graves.

Sophia, whose name theologians endowed with three virtues that her daughters Nadezhda, Faith and Love possessed, in etymological translation from Greek sounds like “wisdom”. Considering the place where this naming originated, the secret of the name has a rather subtle decoding, indicating the versatile personality of its owner.

Character of Sofia

She is tactful and delicate, trying not to offend anyone. It is useful to take advantage of her practical advice. It is in her character to take pity on a lonely, unhappy man and adopt an orphan. Sophia's life passes calmly and measuredly, but there is something of a smoldering coal in it. A sudden flash of passion can take possession of her, and she will rush, contrary to the rules of decency, into the pool...

“Winter” Sophia is strict and serious. Becomes an investigator at the prosecutor's office, an economist, a mathematics teacher, a director of a perfume factory, and a cutter.

“Autumn” is specific, calculating, and quickly calculates in the mind. It is better for her to become an accountant, tax inspector, pharmacist, biologist, defectologist, flight attendant, or trade worker.

“Spring” is scrupulous in business, obligatory. Can work as a passport holder, salesperson, notary, make-up artist, draftswoman, cashier.

“Summer” is very impressionable, capable of empathy. She achieves success working as a gynecologist, a teacher in a boarding school, an insurance agent, a theater designer, an art critic, and the head of an orphanage.

The interpretation of a woman's name in love has its own characteristics. This is a very sensual nature, for which sensations are of great importance. She is selective in sex, has no embarrassment and chooses a partner who will accept her for who she is.

People often enter into a first marriage because of a feeling of loneliness. Does not tolerate neglect from a partner, this means a tendency to break off the relationship at any feeling of uselessness. Often in a state of love.


In marriage, she tries not to take a leading position, preferring that her husband dominate. In a family, the meaning of the name Sofia for a girl has its own nuances. A woman strives to create comfort and coziness in her own home.

She adores children, protects them, and has been following their successes and achievements since childhood. Prefers to monitor the internal routine in the house, without much pettiness. Knows how to save money. This means that it does not allow senseless spending.

Business and career

In her career, a woman tries to realize her innate talents and goals, to which she attaches great importance. He can be an excellent teacher, adviser, lawyer, financier, prosecutor, musician. He easily copes with leadership positions, which means he can easily become a director.

Sexuality of the name Sofia

Sophia is temperamental, excitable, craves voluptuousness in sex, and is ready to indulge in love games indefinitely. She demands complete commitment from her partner, painfully endures even a momentary physical separation; during intimacy, she wants to merge with her partner, dissolve in him, and prolong physical contact.

Sophia needs admiration, outpourings of love, she literally bathes in the hot words of her partner. For her, they are an integral part of erotic caresses.

To no lesser extent, she also needs final caresses; Sophia almost perceives it as an insult if, after intimacy, her partner quickly falls asleep. She wants to stay in the arms of her lover for a while longer, until the excitement from the feelings she experienced subsides.

Unfortunately, not all men are capable of such exceptional sensitivity and patience. To the same partner who is able to give her all this, she will give unforgettable moments of bliss.

Sophia is good in love and knows how to reward her lover with affection, warmth and tenderness. She is ideal in sex, gives herself entirely to her partner, there are no forbidden caresses or poses that cause a negative reaction for her. Sophia experiences happiness, feeling like a woman who is desired and enjoyed.

With her sexual behavior, if she wants, she can tie any man to her. It's easy to fall in love with Sophia, but leaving her is not at all easy.

She does not burden with excessive demands, does not arrange scenes of jealousy, does not pray for eternal love, but perhaps that is why she attracts men so much? Sophia is generous in everything - this is one of her most amazing qualities.

Sofia is the female aspect of the male name Vasily. Being deeply intuitive, Sophia has her intellect as a service organ of the spirit and therefore does not experience acute conflicts between intuition and reason. She has a will to orderliness and a centripetal spirit, due to which she tends to orient herself towards what is closest to her, organized and arranged.

Sophia is powerful and believes that power, by nature, by the make-up of her personality, of course, should belong to her. Sofia is managerial, organized, has the ability to live and organize life, into such ordering of life she brings both art and science, which she is busy with and of which she is capable.

The honesty characteristic of Sofia is manifested by the definiteness of expressions and their completeness. This directness can turn into harshness if it were not softened by treatment.

Characteristics of Sofia according to P. Rouget

Character: 90%

Radiation: 90%

Vibration: 100,000 oscillations/s

Color: green.

Main features: sexuality - receptivity - sociability - activity.

Type: Women named Sofia (Sofia) set the family an extraordinary pace of life from childhood. They are both active and phlegmatic, their main feature is the ability to solve any problem in a few minutes. Very mobile, cannot sit still. They love the sun and love traveling.

Psyche: they want to know everything and experience everything, they don’t like to be in the shadows. They are prone to emotional striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, you will strike them in the heart.

Will: Is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this question.

Excitability: often caused artificially, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and believe in them themselves.

Speed ​​reaction: they don’t like it when something is done without their knowledge and participation; they need to play an important, or even the main role in the comedy called life. These are the kind of women who like to be surrounded by cheerful company friends, failures do not unsettle them.

Activity: these women have enormous opportunities.

Intuition: They often use their own conclusions rather than intuition.

Intelligence: smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least that’s what they themselves say.

Susceptibility: these women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

Moral: They are firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand the weaknesses of others, but are intolerant of their own mistakes.

Health: gourmets, and hence all their problems. From childhood it is necessary to monitor your diet.

Sexuality: They do not refuse anything to those they love, they have a loving heart.

Field of work: It’s not like they enjoy learning, they learn as they go. They make reporters, travelers, and their profession should be related to travel.

Sociability: they love to receive guests, they love their family, they are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but they understand the role of a wife in a somewhat unusual way. Their husbands need a large dose of stoicism.

Additionally: these are charming devils who will angelically persuade you to marry.

Translated from Greek - “wise”. Synonym of Sophia.
Sofia is a gentle, sophisticated girl. Not a crybaby, not a weakling. Good, in her house you can often find a dog or cat in trouble. He behaves shyly and distrustfully with strangers.

Although she is also not very frank with her family and friends, they know that they can always rely on Sofia, and if necessary, she will share the latest. She is diligent and pedantic, which contributes to her academic success.

She is principled and always ready to stand up for her ideas. She values ​​good relationships with relatives, who always occupy an important place in her life. She is a needlewoman, loves painstaking small work, is often endowed with musical abilities, and is fond of theater.

Wherever Sofia works, she is always noticed and appreciated for her conscientiousness and agreeableness. He is quickly promoted in his specialty. Life arranges itself, without looking back at anyone, without trying to keep up with someone or surpass someone.

This woman is delicate. Even knowing that her husband is about to call her, she cannot always interrupt the telephone monologue with her friend’s offended life. Those who need her help will never be refused. She is able to shelter someone else’s child or a lonely old woman in her house and will take care of them.

Sofia's husband will be able to see that she is a wonderful cook and loves to receive guests. Her life is calm and measured, and yet Sofia is far from a nun - she can be likened to a smoldering coal: true love can easily make her destroy her established life.

Sofia is generous in everything. Treats her husband's parents very well. Follows fashion, but does not like extravagance. In old age, Sofia is often left alone. They complain about their legs and endure surgeries.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • Name days - February 7, April 1, June 4, 17, August 14, September 30, October 1, December 29, 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra, Taurus.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Favorable plant - linden, thistle.
  • Color – blue, blue, green.
  • The totem animal is the lark.

Famous people

  • Sofia Rotaru (1947) - Honored People's Artist of Ukraine (Moldova, and the former USSR). The singer's repertoire includes more than 500 songs.
  • Sophie Marceau (1966) – French theater and film actress, singer, film director. She became famous after the release of the French romantic comedy La Boum. Lives in civil marriage with Christopher Lambert.
  • Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor (1979) – British singer and composer. She has collaborated with famous DJs such as Christiano Spiller and Armin Van Burren. Married to Richard Jones (bass guitarist of the English band The Feeling), she has three sons. Read more:

Name forms

  • Full name: Sofia.
  • Variants of the name are Sophia, Sonya, male form is Sophrony, Sofus.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and shortened form) - Sonya, Sofa, Sofiyka, Sofushka, Sofiechka, Sofiyushka, Sonya, Sonechka, Sofochka, Sofyushka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.
  • The declension of the name is Sofia-Sofie-Sofia.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Sophia.

Female name Sofia appeared in Rus' immediately after the adoption of Orthodoxy. It is of Greek origin and means “wise,” “intelligent,” “knowing.” Initially, the name Sophia was used only in noble families and even among royalty. Gradually, a slightly modified version came into use - Sophia, which is still used today. Let's try to find out whether the beautiful and gentle name Sophia has an impact on the fate of its owner and what character traits it endows her with.

Name in Orthodoxy

Sophia of Rome, Sophia of Egypt, Sophia of Thracia - the names of these great martyrs are listed in the chronicles Orthodox Church. But the most revered is Saint Sophia, the mother of three daughters - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov - who lived in the 2nd century under Emperor Hadrian. Trying to force the woman to renounce Christianity, the cruel tyrant ordered young girls to be tortured and then beheaded. At the time of execution they were only 12, 10 and 9 years old. Having courageously endured the death of her children, Sofia buried them and died herself three days later.

All Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Saint Sophia and her daughters on September 17. In addition, Sophia's name day church calendar Celebrated on February 28, April 1, May 6, June 4 and 17, August 14, October 1, December 29 and 31. At baptism, the girl will be registered as Sofia.

Various forms of name

As mentioned above, Sophia and Sophia are two variants of the same name and there is not much difference between them. Currently, each of them is independent and can be included in documents.

The shortened version of the full names Sofia and Sophia is written and pronounced the same - Sonya. Sometimes a woman may be called Sofa or Sona. The following affectionate and diminutive nicknames are more suitable for a little girl: Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sonyushka, Sofiyka, Sonyusha, Sofochka, Sofonka, Sofenka, etc.

The name Sophia is also found among representatives of other nationalities. Here's what it would sound like in different languages.

The name Sophia also has male analogues - the names Sophrony and Sophos, which translated mean “wise” or “prudent”. They are practically not used in Russian, but they are common among the Scandinavian peoples.

Famous namesakes

The name Sophia was quite common among representatives of the royal Romanov dynasty. This was the name of the sister of Peter I, the daughter of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. It is noteworthy that Catherine II’s real name sounded like Sophia Augusta Frederica.

In addition to royalty, the list of famous owners of the name includes:

  1. Sofia Konstantinovna Glyavone (1760-1822) - Greek and Polish beauty, wife of Count Stanislav Pototsky, the famous Sofievka park museum in the city of Uman is named after her.
  2. Sofya Fedorovna Rostopchina (1799-1874) - French writer of Russian origin.
  3. Sofya Lvovna Perovskaya (1853-1881) - Russian revolutionary, organizer of the assassination of Tsar Alexander II.
  4. Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) - the world's first woman professor of mathematics.
  5. Sofya Vladimirovna Giatsintova (1895-1982) - Russian Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Sofia Asgatovna Gubaidulina (born 1931) is a Russian and Soviet composer.
  7. Sofya Stanislavovna Pilyavskaya (1911-2000) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  8. Sofiko Mikhailovna Chiaureli (1937-2008) - Soviet and Georgian actress.
  9. Sofya Afinogenovna Pavlova (1926-1991) - Soviet theater and film actress.
  10. Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (born 1947) is a Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer.

We cannot ignore the foreign namesakes of our heroine. For example, French actresses Sophia Loren and Sophie Marceau, Colombian TV presenter Sofia Vergara, American director Sofia Coppola.

The character and fate of Sophia

Sophia’s determination and wisdom can be kindly envied.

This woman always sets specific goals for herself and does everything possible and impossible to achieve success.


The girl Sonechka is a little leader, she is used to being the center of attention and loves to be admired. Therefore, Sophia is a little spoiled and capricious, especially if her parents refuse her anything.

The girl has an inquisitive mind, she easily masters various knowledge. But in Sonya’s diary you can see not only A’s, but even C’s, since she conscientiously studies only those subjects that she likes.

But as a school organizer, Sonechka has no equal. She takes an active part in preparing evenings and concerts and often performs herself, as she is endowed with many talents.

The girl has the gift of winning over even strangers, so she is always surrounded by friends. She loves big and noisy companies and enjoys taking part in various youth events.


When deciding on her future profession, Sophia will first of all pay attention to those that will be associated with constant travel and changes in impressions. After all, our heroine does not accept any monotony or routine. Therefore, the work of a journalist, flight attendant, guide-translator or art critic is suitable for her.

Having realized your Creative skills, she will become an actress or director, writer or musician. An analytical mind, combined with prudence, composure and calmness, will help Sonya if she chooses a career as a sociologist or psychologist.

By nature, Sophia is insightful and has an excellent understanding of people. Therefore, having decided to start her own business, she skillfully organizes the work process and always finds mutual language with subordinates and partners.

In the character of our heroine, male pragmatism, ambition, assertiveness and determination are combined with female attractiveness, charm and intuition. But it is precisely thanks to this “cocktail” that Sofia will always be on top both in her career and in finances.

Love and family

Temperamental, sensual and uninhibited Sophia was literally created for love. Therefore, in her youth, she is always surrounded by fans who are ready to fulfill her slightest whim. Sofa simply loves it when people give her compliments and shower her with flowers and gifts. Succumbing to emotions, the girl gets married in a very early age, but this marriage often turns out to be short-lived.

A man who is suitable for our heroine as a soul mate must be firm, decisive and serious. But at the same time, he needs not to claim the role of leader, but to cede it to Sofia. In addition, the husband is obliged to provide constant attention to the woman, not only with words, but also with actions.

Unfortunately, energetic and decisive at work, Sophia cannot be called an ideal housewife. Of course, her house is always clean and prepared. tasty food, but the woman does all this coolly, without much zeal, which not every husband will like.

Name compatibility

So that the second marriage does not turn out to be unsuccessful, Sonya needs to be very careful about the candidacy of her future spouse. It is advisable to even seek the services of an astrologer and check the names for compatibility.

Sophia simply adores children, but at the same time she does not spoil them, but tries to raise them in strictness.. She strives to give them better education, therefore, he is sure to get a job in the most prestigious educational institutions.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Sonechka got sick a lot, mostly colds and infectious diseases. With age, she becomes stronger, especially if she takes up sports or dancing. In the future, our heroine may have problems with the musculoskeletal system and heart. Therefore, she should not neglect annual medical examinations.

Sofia loves to travel, not only with her family, but also with a group of friends. She loves to swim, so she tries to travel only to “sea” countries.

The main character traits of Sophia

The owner of this name gives the impression of a strong woman. But she also has a little secret: Sofia really does not like loneliness and tries to organize her life in order to constantly be among people. What other qualities are inherent in it can be seen from the table.

In general, Sophia’s characterization fully justifies the meaning of her name. She truly has enormous worldly wisdom, which is why she achieves the fulfillment of all her desires.

This name is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “wisdom”, “wise” or “wisdom”. According to another version, it means “science” and “reasonableness.”

Sofia is a name whose meaning completely determines the character of its owner. She grows up to be a kind, beautiful, obedient, quiet and flexible girl. She is not particularly trusting of strangers, but is always ready to help in someone else's grief.

You can always rely on little Sonya. She will definitely shelter a stray cat and dog at home. From early childhood she tries to be independent and useful in everything. Sofia grows up with a gentle and refined nature. A wise attitude to any circumstances from childhood to old age allows her to live an interesting and informative life.

Sophia grows into a confident girl who knows exactly what she wants in this life. With age, she becomes an intelligent woman with a strong character.

Sofia is a name whose meaning also characterizes its owner as a person capable of doing good career. As a rule, she always achieves the goals that this woman sets for herself quite quickly. At the same time, she chooses the simplest path to her dream, using her character. Sofia is sociable and easily fits into any team. She performs her work conscientiously and is highly valued as a specialist.

Sofia is a name whose meaning largely determines the relationship of its owner with the people around her. She always knows what she is saying and will never say too much. However, it is also very important for Sofia to be listened to herself.

She can easily find a common language with almost any person. Sofia will help resolve disputes and disagreements between people. She can always give good advice.

Sofia is a name whose meaning characterizes its owner as well as a good housewife. She takes good care of her home and family. Sofia is an excellent cook, and hosting a fun feast will not be difficult for her. She dresses well, her clothes are always chosen with taste. She takes care of her man as well as she takes care of herself.

But, on the other hand, she does not always succeed in the role of a wife, since Sofia perceives her husband not as an object of adoration, but as an addition to her image. The main role in the family always goes to the woman named Sophia.

The meaning of horoscopes, of course, does not always coincide with reality, but in the case of names everything is different. The facts speak for themselves: this name was borne by the one who held Rus' with a firm hand during her reign. It is also the name of a scientist and mathematician, whose works brought a lot of benefit to science. Big influence her character was influenced by the meaning of her name. Sofya Sergeevna Ignatova, a famous actress, TV presenter and singer, also achieved fame thanks to her character and stubbornness.

One of the negative aspects of the owner of this name is excessive amorousness. For the sake of new feelings, she is capable of leaving everything, even her family. In sex, Sophia is temperamental and easily excitable. He prefers long foreplay and complete dedication to his partner to the art of love, but demands the same in return. After sex, she will expect admiration and adoration. Sophia is easily offended by simple inattention; she must certainly feel needed. Sometimes a few gentle words and kisses are enough for this.

In translation- wise (Greek).

Patron planet of Sofia: Venus, Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Sophia: silver, purple.

Sofia's favorite color: white.

Sophia's talisman stones: marble, agates.

The meaning of the name Sophia

The name of a person who is impulsive, deep and quite serious.

Sofia's character is purposeful, hardworking, very careful, modest, scrupulous, distrustful, power-hungry, suspicious, overly jealous, calculating. Sofia is prone to loneliness and melancholy. Fate is not kind to Sofia; as a rule, she has a hard life. But Sofia is a very pretty and strong-willed woman. And this helps her survive in difficult conditions.

IN family life she will strive for leadership, her strong will is capable of subjugating a man, but she will do it all quietly, without unnecessary shouting, although very persistently. Sofia is very emotional, and you shouldn’t trust her restraint too much. Take a closer look: behind Sofia’s external calm lies a volcano of passions. Sofia is extremely cunning and you can expect anything from her.

Sophia's behavior is the behavior of a person who has good strong-willed qualities and tries to drive emotions into the depths. But feelings cannot be completely drowned out - sooner or later they will burst out, like steam escaping from a cauldron, or they will gradually poison a person’s life, manifesting themselves in strange actions or a gloomy mood.

However, despite all her negative qualities, Sofia is a talented and wise person, which fully corresponds to the meaning of her name.

Sofia receives a good education. She can work as an editor, doctor, artist, engineer. Sophia is assiduous and pedantic; she is always respected in her service. If she chooses a profession in the field of exact sciences, medicine, chemistry, she will definitely achieve success. A career in the field of financier or manager will also work out well. She has an excellent memory, great efficiency, and an iron will.

Sofia has no real friends. She does not know how to be completely sincere, and her friends feel this. Sofia can come to the rescue, but not always. In other words, Sofia cannot be a pure, sincere, simple-minded friend, which is why she has no friends.

Numerology of the name Sophia corresponds to the number 3, symbolizing versatility, cheerfulness, a penchant for science and art.

Famous in the history of Sophia

The day of September 30 is revered by the people as “all-world women's name days” in memory of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, who lived in Italy in 137 and openly professed faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young virgins endured severe torture without betraying the Christian faith. Sophia, having buried her daughters, died 3 days later at their grave, and the believers buried her in the same place.

Sophia has an innate sense of superiority over others, which is not justified by her personal qualities; she feels superior simply because she exists. The name Sophia was borne by crowned persons who received superiority over other people from the moment of birth. In the history of Rus', the name of Sophia (Zoe) Palaeologus has been preserved - the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI, the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. As the husband of the last Byzantine princess, the Grand Duke of Moscow became the successor of the Byzantine emperor, who was considered the head of the entire Orthodox East, and Moscow, as the heir of Constantinople, became the Third Rome, the last and eternal kingdom of the entire Orthodox world.

Another crowned person named by this name is Sofya Alekseevna, an energetic and ambitious princess, ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Sophia achieved the proclamation of both young brothers as kings, and she herself began to rule as “the blessed empress Princess Sofya Alekseevna.” She managed to suppress the unrest raised by the “schismatics” in Moscow, restore discipline in the Streltsy regiments, and make peace with Poland. But when the boyars, “amusing” regiments, serving foreigners and part of the archers took the side of the matured Peter, Sophia gave up the fight and was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

A woman named Sophia feels a great need to devote herself entirely to some matter, be it caring for the welfare of her family or social activity. She is managerial, has the ability to live and organize life. At the same time, it seems to her that disobedience to her will is disobedience to what is right and proper. An example of this is Sophia Tolstaya, the wife of the great writer, the mistress of a “glass” house, “open to all who pass by,” the mother of thirteen children and the grandmother of twenty-five grandchildren. Sofia Berge, a beautiful, slender brunette, got married at the age of 18. Leo Tolstoy, soon after the wedding, would write in his diary: “She is so impossibly pure and good, and whole for me...” The young wife, for her part, constantly strived to reach the level at which her husband stood in her eyes. “Feeling,” she wrote, “the overwhelming superiority of Lev Nikolaevich in everything: age, education, intelligence, life experience, not to mention his genius, I tried with all my might to get spiritually closer to him... I felt my powerlessness.” . Even during working hours, Tolstoy did not part with his wife. She sat silently on the sofa with her needlework while he wrote, and in the evening she began to completely rewrite the sheets of paper he had written during the day. She never missed this work and considered it one of her main responsibilities. Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstaya wrote this about her mother, explaining the reasons for the subsequent family tragedy: “The first great grief in her life was the discovery of her husband’s past single life. Until her death, she could not come to terms with the idea that she had given him all her love, while he had loved other women before her.<...>And she is jealous of everything and everyone: “I read the beginnings of his works, and wherever there is love, where women are, it’s disgusting to me, it’s hard, I would burn everything, everything... And I didn’t feel sorry for his works, because out of jealousy I’m becoming a terrible egoist.”

The writer's spiritual interests changed over time. He decides to start new life, give up property, give away property and live by the labor of your hands, like peasants live. Sofya Andreevna did not understand why it was necessary to destroy the happy, calm life of the family, but she did not agree to leave, because the family and the well-being of the children had always been something sacred to her. In addition to caring for the children, Sofia Andreevna’s responsibility was to manage the Yasnaya Polyana household; she also did business with publishers and booksellers, and answered a huge number of letters. All of Russia read her appeals to public opinion during the famine of 1891-1893.

There was no ill will or self-interest in Sofya Andreevna’s refusal to follow her husband. She believed that giving up her property rights would deprive her children and grandchildren of their livelihood. After forty-eight years of family life, Tolstoy finally left his home... Sofya Andreevna outlived her husband by nine years, endlessly repenting that she was never able to fully understand and share his beliefs.

Sophia always makes her own decisions. Having set yourself a specific goal, can move mountains to achieve it. Sofya Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician, author of the story “The Nihilist” and the drama “The Struggle for Happiness,” undoubtedly possessed such character traits. She received a comprehensive education and early showed extraordinary mathematical abilities. But women were not allowed access to St. Petersburg University in those days, so she took private mathematics lessons from the famous teacher A.N. Strannolyubsky. In 1868, in order to have the opportunity to engage in science, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage, which later became actual, with the famous paleontologist V.O. Kovalevsky and left for Heidelberg, where she was able to continue her education. Then she moved to Berlin and worked for 4 years with Weirestrass, who agreed to give her lessons, because women were also not allowed at the University of Berlin. Kovalevskaya tried several times to get a place at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, at the Higher Women's Courses in Paris - and everywhere she was refused, but finally, in 1884, she was offered the position of private assistant professor and then professor at Stockholm University.

Over the 8 years of work, Sofya Kovalevskaya taught 12 courses. She became the first woman corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Sofia (Sonechka) Marmeladova is the name of the heroine of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Transgressing the most important moral line for her and saving her father and his family from starvation, she becomes a public woman. But it is she, the “eternal Sonechka Marmeladova”, who opposes in the novel the inhuman theory of the protagonist Rodion Raskolnikov, defending the impossibility of anyone having control over human life, recognizing only one sacrifice - her own happiness and well-being. For Sonya, who seemed so poorly educated and far from philosophical research, every person is valuable. Therefore, she will be able to separate Raskolnikov himself from his theory and help him start a new life. Many women named Sophia have the purity of soul and morality that was characteristic of Sofya Marmeladova.

One of the outstanding actresses of our time is the Italian Sophia Loren. Starting with participation in a beauty contest in Naples in 1949, she then began acting in episodic roles. Her participation in the film “The Gold of Naples” brought her fame. The actress’s appearance was noticed, and she was invited to act in Hollywood. Her versatile talent allowed her to create dramatic and comedic characters with equal success in the films: “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, “The Trip”, “Marriage Italian Style”, “An Unusual Day”, “White, Red and...”, “ Cassandra's Bridge" and others. Many of her works have won Oscars and special awards at international festivals.

She remains to this day one of the popular women in the world and one of the first beauties. Perhaps Sophia Loren's secret is that, unlike others, she does not look young and does not hide her age, and therefore looks natural and attractive.

In life, as many of her friends say, the actress behaves simply, does not suffer from star fever or arrogance - in this she is similar to many women named Sophia. When she was once asked how she managed to stay young, she replied: “All people get old, you just have to take care of yourself, dress with taste, and play sports.”

Sofya Vitovtovna - wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I; in the early childhood of her son Vasily II, she ruled the principality; in 1451 she led the defense of Moscow from the Tatars.

Sofya Perovskaya is a revolutionary, populist, organizer and participant in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

Sofya Smidovich is a figure in the Russian revolutionary movement, a participant in three revolutions.

Sofya Parnok is a poetess and literary critic, the addressee of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem cycle “Girlfriend”.

Sofya Pavlova - actress of the Theater. Ermolova, played Anyuta in the film “Communist”.

Sofiko Chiaureli is a film actress who starred in the films “The Tree of Desire,” “Look for a Woman,” and “Arevik.”

Sofia Rotaru is a pop singer who played the main role in the film “Soul”.

Sofia Magarill is a theater and film actress who starred in the films “Enemies” and “Masquerade”.

IN last years the name Sofia has become very popular. Its other form is also common - Sophia.

At the same time, many have doubts about their use: some think that these are different names, while others think that they are the same thing.

It is worth understanding this issue so that there are no problems due to improper handling. You also need to find out which abbreviated forms should be used in each case.

They are no different in meaning. Both of these translated mean “wise.”

They differ in their origin. The original form is Sofia. It originated in Bulgaria and was widespread among the Catholic population. The “Sofya” variant appeared when the name began to be used in Rus' - it was closer to Russian-language phonetics and pronunciation. But his meaning remained the same.

Some suggest that such a difference in pronunciation leaves an imprint on the character of the bearer, on her energy, since there are differences in pronunciation and numerical code. To believe in this or not is a personal matter.

Are these different names?

Based on anthroponymic data, these are the same thing. The original form is considered the main one, and all others are derived from it. Later, Sophia’s version became separate, and they began to include it in documents. The result was two names with similar pronunciation and the same meaning.

They both may appear in official papers. All other forms, including Sofa and Sonya, are abbreviated and are used only in colloquial speech.

In addition to these, other diminutive forms can be used in everyday life:

  • Sofiyka;
  • Sofyushka;
  • Sonechka;
  • Sofushka;
  • Sophie etc.

But in Lately There is a trend towards choosing original names for children. And some people deliberately call their daughters Sonya or Sofa, with entries in the birth certificate.

This is a rare occurrence, but it happens. Addressing them using any full form is a mistake. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is worth asking the woman what her name was, according to the documents.

Among the listed options, one is special - Sophie. This form is usually considered a short form, but in European countries it is often used as a separate name. Now this trend has appeared in Russia.

How to call it correctly

There are no rules regarding this. When deciding what to name their daughter, parents can choose any of the above options, and both will be correct. But it must be taken into account that the chosen form must be included in all documents so that there are no discrepancies and problems.

Sometimes a lot of complications arise due to inconsistencies in spelling, so you need to ensure that everything is accurate.

As for addressing the bearer of the name, it all depends on her preferences. Theoretically, you can use both. Some do not attach importance to such distortions, while for others it is important to use only what is included in the passport. Therefore, it is better to ask the woman which treatment is more convenient for her.

Sonya is an abbreviation of what name?

Since the basic form is Sophia, all derivatives refer to it. Respectively, full name Sonya will be Sofia. Sophia is a separate name with its own abbreviations.

But, since the meaning is the same, and they differ only in pronunciation, then all abbreviated versions are acceptable in both cases. This means that both Sophia and Sophia can be called Sonya.

The same applies to other abbreviations. Sofa, Sophie, Sofiyka, Sofushka, Sofyushka - all this fits both full options. The exception is when the girl was named by one of the abbreviations, and that is how she is written down in official documents.

Which option does the Orthodox Church use?

The word Sophia is of Catholic origin. In Rus' it was simplified due to the peculiarities of local pronunciation. And this name entered the Orthodox lexicon in a modified form. Therefore, in Orthodoxy there is only one option - Sophia.

And it is precisely this that is used at the baptism of a girl, written down in the certificate regardless of the wishes of the parents. This needs to be taken into account.

But at the same time, it is not prohibited to indicate a different form in all other documents if it seems more attractive.

IN catholic church, on the contrary, there is only the Sophia option, and at baptism they will use it. But in other cases it is allowed to use a more convenient form.

Can Sofia be called Sofia and vice versa?

Since they are essentially the same thing, doing so is not prohibited. But there are several important points to consider.

  1. In a conversation or personal correspondence, you can address a woman in a way that is convenient for her and her interlocutor. But in official papers, especially those that require personal identification, you must indicate the option that appears in the passport.
  2. Before using this or that address, you need to check with the woman exactly what she was called. You shouldn’t rush and call Sonya Sofia or Sophia - after all, she may turn out to be Sonya. For some people, such mistakes are unpleasant.
  3. You should also find out how the bearer herself feels about distortions of her name. Some women do not see the difference and do not focus on it, while others perceive this negatively. In order not to offend your interlocutor, it is better to ask which options of address are acceptable for her and which are unacceptable.

It is impossible to say exactly what is correct in this case. You need to focus on knowledge about the person and take into account his wishes.

There is no significant difference between the names Sophia and Sophia. They come from the same root and have the same meaning.

The differences between them are related only to pronunciation: the variant Sofia belongs to the Catholic world and is more often used abroad, and Sophia is a Russian and Orthodox form. But this difference is not fundamental - sometimes they do not pay attention to it, using both options in relation to one person.