Elena Krasovskaya biography. Krasovskaya. Topic of the candidate's dissertation

Made with our own hands, we have prepared a mini-questionnaire that will help you find out a little more about them.

Meet Elena Krasovskaya

How many years have you been sewing (at what age did you start sewing)?

At the age of 12, I sewed myself a dress from staples, with large colored polka dots, based on a magazine. Since then, I have been sewing with pleasure for more than 20 years. If you count doll dresses, then my sewing experience is even greater))

Are you trained in sewing or are you self-taught??

At first I studied on my own, relying on the experience of sewing relatives.
After school, she entered and graduated from the South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk, majoring in “Sewing Production Technological Engineer.”

Sewing is your hobby or work?

If we take it deeply, sewing is a lifestyle. It permeates many areas of my life and helps in various matters. I believe that the ability to sew develops taste, develops imagination, patience, improves the eye and even increases self-esteem. And there’s no need to talk about the pleasure of a well-made item.

What do you most often need to sew??

I used to sew women's, men's, light and outerwear etc.
Now, most often women's, children's clothing and various household items.

What do you consider the most difficult/simple part of sewing??

In the beginning, it is difficult for any beginner to believe in his abilities and not give up at the first failure.
Just? It depends on what level you are at. With experience, many processes that previously seemed complex become simple. Therefore, everything is relative. :)

Regarding the choice of patterns and fabrics, everything is also relative. It is best to choose a proven construction method and learn how to build patterns yourself. Even if you use it later ready-made solutions, there will be an understanding of the model and you can model what you like.

Fabrics. Nowadays there is a huge range of fabrics, but natural materials are always a priority. Here the decisive factors when choosing are sewing skills, imagination, taste preferences and model features.

What pages, blogs or groups do you maintain on the Internet??

Master's works

Postgraduate School of Moscow Pedagogical state university, 1997, specialty Theory and methodology of teaching music.
Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenin, 1989.
Rostov School of Arts (piano department), 1983.

Topic of the candidate's dissertation

The sense of musical form (“architectonic sense”) and its development in the process of musical lessons (based on the material of instrumental training of students at a pedagogical university) (1997)

Courses for the current academic year

Lecture courses for the current academic year:
“Theory and methodology of teaching musical and instrumental disciplines” - lecture course for a master’s degree in the direction 44.04.01 “Pedagogical Education”, Master’s program “ Musical culture and art."

Conducts classes in the disciplines of the undergraduate curriculum:
1. “Solo musical and instrumental performance.”
2. “Ensemble instrumental music-making in music education.”
3. “Solo and ensemble musical and instrumental art in additional music education.”
4. “Workshop on working with an instrumental ensemble.”
5. “Piano Ensemble”.
6. “Chamber Ensemble”.
7. “Specialty” (piano).

Conducts classes in the master's curriculum disciplines:
1. “Solo instrumental performance.”
2. “Instrumental ensemble”.

Supervises coursework and dissertations (WCR)


1. Krasovskaya E.P. Integrative pedagogy in the practice of instrumental training of student musicians // Artistic culture and education in the 21st century: historical aspect of the study of domestic musical and fine arts: Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical. Conf., Kostroma, March 20 – 21, 2012 / comp., rep. Ed. I.A. Adoevtseva, O.V. Lebedeva. – Kostroma: KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2012. – P. 92 – 99.

2. Krasovskaya E.P. Using the idea of ​​interaction of arts in the modern practice of instrumental training of students of pedagogical universities // Questions of methodology for teaching musical performing disciplines: Interuniversity collection of scientific works.

Dov. Issue 11. / Ed. A.P. Yudina, S.N. Baidalinova. – M.: Bely Veter LLC, 2013. – P. 11 – 19.

3. Krasovskaya E.P. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline of the student’s choice “Music in Cinema” (for specialties and areas of pedagogical profile). – M.: “APART”, 2013. – 24 p.

4. Krasovskaya E.P. Features of the application of the artistic-associative method in the content of instrumental training of future music teachers // Journal “Musical Art and Education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogical State University.” – 2013. – No. 4. – P. 104-117.

5. Krasovskaya E.P. The idea of ​​the interaction of arts in the compositional, performing and pedagogical work of Franz Liszt // Magazine " Musical art and education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogical State University.” – 2014. – No. 1. – P. 114-127.

6. Krasovskaya E.P. Mastering the piano cycle “24 Preludes” by D.B. Kabalevsky by student musicians using the artistic-associative method // Journal “Musical Art and Education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogical State University.” – 2014. – No. 4. – P. 96-109.

7. Krasovskaya E.P. Visual images as a means of activating instrumental training of student musicians // Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference / Under scientific. ed. V.A. Esakova, L.S. Maikovskaya – M.: MGUKI, 2014. – P. 140 – 146.

8. Krasovskaya E.P. Using the artistic-associative method to develop the ability to grasp the form of instrumental students // Spiritual and moral education: Education. Culture. Art: Sat. scientific Art. V All-Russian scientific - practical conf. from international participation (Penza, November 13-15, 2014) [dedicated. 75th anniversary of the Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Belinsky Penza State University and the 110th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky]. – Penza: PSU Publishing House, 2014. – P. 54-66.

9. Krasovskaya E.P. Preparing students for independent work over interpretation in the process of development academic discipline“Interaction of arts in instrumental and performing activities” // Traditions and innovations in the modern cultural and educational space: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, March 12, 2015) / resp. ed. L.A. Rapatskaya. – Moscow: RIC MGGU im. M.A. Sholokhova, 2015. – P. 161-166.

10. Krasovskaya E.P. Artistic-associative method in the practice of performing students' mastery of piano works by D.B. Kabalevsky // “Creativity of modern composers in domestic musical culture and education”, All-Russian International. participation of scientific and practical conference. (2015; Saransk). All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Creativity of Contemporary Composers in Russian Musical Culture and Education”, April 23, 2015: [materials] / editorial board: I. S. Kobozeva (responsible editor) [etc.] ; Mordov. state ped. int. – Saransk, 2015. – P.112-121.

11. Krasovskaya E. P. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of training student musicians to manage stage excitement // Development modern education: theory, methodology and practice: materials of the VI International. scientific-practical conf. (Cheboksary, November 13, 2015) / editorial board: O. N. Shirokov [et al.]. – Cheboksary: ​​CNS “Interactive Plus”, 2015. – No. 4 (6). – pp. 201–211. – ISSN 2413-4007.

12. Krasovskaya E. P. “Arabic tune” M.I. Roiterstein as an incentive to search for new techniques in piano pedagogy // Scientific journal “Musical art and education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow State Pedagogical University”, included in the “List of leading peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation”. – 2015. – No. 4. – P. 140-151.

13. Krasovskaya E. P. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of the artistic-associative method in the instrumental training of students of pedagogical universities // Scientific journal “Bulletin of MGUKI”, included in the “List of leading peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation”. – January-February 2016. – No. 1 (69). – pp. 231-238.

14. Krasovskaya E. P. Programming as the embodiment of the idea of ​​​​interaction of arts in the work of Franz Liszt: theoretical and methodological aspect // International scientific journal “World of Science, Culture, Education”, included in the “List of leading peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission RF". – February 2016. – No. 1 (56). – pp. 89-94.

15. Krasovskaya Elena P., Idea of ​​Arts Interaction in Composer, Performance and Pedagogical Creative Work of Ferencz List // Selected Articles about the World of Music Arts and Education. Vol. 2/E.V. Nikolaeva (editor-in-chief), E.B. Abdullin, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, M.S. Osenneva, A.V. Toropova. – Moscow: MSPU, UNESCO Chair in Musical Arts and Education in Life-Long Learning, 2016. – P. 170-184.

16. Krasovskaya Elena P., “The Arab Tune” of M.I. Royterstain as Incentive for Search of New Technologies in Piano Pedagogi // Selected Articles about the World of Music Arts and Education. Vol. III/E.V. Nikolaeva (editor-in-chief), E.B. Abdullin, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, M.S. Osenneva, A.V. Toropova. – Moscow: MSPU, UNESCO Chair in Musical Arts and Education in Life-Long Learning, 2016. – P. 212-224.

17. Krasovskaya E. P. Studying film music as a means of forming the artistic and associative thinking of future music teachers // Problems and prospects of modern music education: Materials of the International scientific and practical conference within the framework of the International festival-competition “Sing about Russia...”, dedicated to the year of Russian cinema (December 19, 2016). – M.: Publishing House “Rhythm”, 2016. – P.103-112.

18. Krasovskaya E.P., Isaeva V.S. On the experience of using visual images in the process of training student pianists in children's music schools // Music and education in the modern world: collection. scientific Art. Intl. symp. (Penza, February 7-9, 2017). – Penza: PSU Publishing House, 2017. – P. 72-79.

19. Krasovskaya E.P., Isaeva V.S., The use of artistic associations in the practice of piano training for students of children's music schools // Traditions and innovations in the modern cultural and educational space: materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, 19 April 2017) / rep. ed. L.A. Rapatskaya. – Moscow: RIC MPGU, 2017. – P. 161-166.

20. Li Zheng, Krasovskaya E.P. On the problem of performing mastery of European program music by students of the People's Republic of China during piano lessons [Text] / E.P. Krasovskaya // Bulletin of the UNESCO Department “Musical Art and Education”. – 2017. – No. 1 (17). – pp. 115-125.

Readers, textbooks, teaching aids, work programs of academic disciplines:

– Reader for the regional curriculum of the subject “Music”. First class / Ministry of Education Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), UNESCO Department of Musical Art and Lifelong Education at Moscow. ped. state university; [author – comp.: E.B. Abdullin, A.V. Varlamova, B.R. Ioffis, E.P. Krasovskaya, E.V. Nikolaev]. – Yakutsk – Moscow: Publishing House “RITM”, 2015. – 196 p.

– Reader for the regional curriculum of the subject “Music”. Second grade / Ministry of Education Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), UNESCO Department of Musical Art and Lifelong Education at Moscow. ped. state university; [author – comp.: E.B. Abdullin, A.V. Varlamova, B.R. Ioffis, E.P. Krasovskaya, E.V. Nikolaev]. – Yakutsk – Moscow: Publishing house “RITM”, 2015. – 309 p.

– Krasovskaya E.P. Musical rhythm // Theory and methodology of teaching piano: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / Under general ed. A.G. Kauzova, A.I. Nikolaeva. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS Center, 2001. – P. 91 – 103.

– Krasovskaya E.P. Coverage of the form of a musical work // Theory and methodology of teaching piano playing: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / Under general ed. A.G. Kauzova, A.I. Nikolaeva. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS Center, 2001. – P. 141 – 171.

– Krasovskaya E.P. Problems of formation in musical performing activities: Educational and methodological manual. M., 2003. – 87 p.

– Krasovskaya E.P. Work program of the academic discipline “Theory and methods of teaching musical and instrumental disciplines.” Code and direction of training – 44.04.01 – Pedagogical education Master Program– “Musical culture and art”, 2016

– Krasovskaya E.P. Work program for the academic discipline “Development of musical thinking in the musical instrument class.” Code and direction of training – 53.03.02 – Musical and instrumental art, profile “Piano” (full-time study), 2014.

– Krasovskaya E.P., Nikolaeva A.I. Work program of the academic discipline “Style approach in performing interpretation.” Code and direction of training – 53.03.02 – Musical and instrumental art, profile “Piano” (full-time and part-time study), 2014.


Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University" under the program "Implementation educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education" (Moscow, March 15-June 28, 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1542 - 12).
- Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University" under the program "Development and use of multimedia products in education" (Moscow, May 11-June 21, 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1417 - 12).
- Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University" under the program "Automated preparation of curricula in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education" (Moscow, September 10-12, 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1574 - 12).
- Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Pedagogical State University" under the program "Improving educational programs through their integration in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" (Moscow, March 19-June 28, 2013) - 72 hours (No. 2894).
- Short-term professional development within the framework of the All-Russian Pedagogical MARATHON of educational subjects, conducted by the Publishing House “First of September” (Moscow, 2014) – 6 hours.
- Advanced training within the framework of the Forum of the Russian Musical Union “Music Education. Problems and challenges of the 21st century" (Moscow, 2015) - 18 hours.
- Advanced training at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education in Moscow "Moscow Institute of Open Education" on the topic "Development and examination of additional professional programs in accordance with the modern regulatory framework" (Moscow, April 1-8, 2015) - 36 hours (14B11/ 5-06).
- Advanced training within the framework of the II International Congress “Project “Music for All”: International Master Class” (Yakutsk, August 24-30, 2015) – 72 hours.
- Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University" (MPGU) on the topic "Planning and implementation educational process taking into account changes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education" (Moscow, February 19-21, 2015).
- Advanced training on the topic “Problems and prospects of modern music education” within the framework of the International festival-competition “Singing about Russia...”, dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema (Moscow, December 16-20, 2016) – 36 hours.
- Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Pedagogical State University”, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “The Spiritual Society” Association, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Russian Center for Brass Music under the program “Problems and Prospects of Contemporary Music Education and Art” within the framework of the International Festival-Competition “GRAND BAND” SHOW" (Moscow, September 14-21, 2017) – 36 hours.

Achievements and awards

Title of 1st Prize Laureate at the VII All-Union Piano Competition. D.B. Kabalevsky.
- Gratitude from the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation for its contribution to the preparation of Chinese candidates of science in Russia (2015, 2016).
- Letter of gratitude from the Administration of the Northeast Normal University of the People's Republic of China (Changchun, 2016).
- Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2015).
- Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2014).
- Gratitude from the Academic Council of Moscow State Pedagogical University (2014).
- Certificate from the Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University for organizing and conducting events of the “University Saturdays” Project in the 2015/2016 academic year.
- Letter of gratitude for the implementation of the activities of the Project “Immersion in the New Pedagogy of MPGU” (Moscow, 2016).
- Letter of gratitude from the Central District Education Directorate of the Moscow Department of Education (2014).
- Letter of gratitude from the City Methodological Center (Moscow, 2015).
- Gratitude from the administration of the Tushino exhibition hall (Moscow, 2016).
- Gratitude to the administration of the Children's Art School named after. V.S. Kalinikova (Moscow, 2016).
- Gratitude from the Creative Company “Prima” International Art Festival “Dove of Peace” (2014).
- Gratitude from the Director of the Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Belinsky Penza State University (2015).
- Gratitude from the Rector of Penza State University (2014, 2016).
- Letter of gratitude from the Organizing Committee and the Directorate of the International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Light Your Star” (2015).
- Letter of gratitude from the administration of the Municipal Educational Establishment of Children's Children's Art School in Fryazino (2015).
- Gratitude from the directorate of the Istra Children's Music School (Istra, 2015).
- Letters of gratitude from the administration of the State Budgetary Institution Central District “On Vadkovsky” of the Department of Labor and social protection population of Moscow (2014, 2015, 2016).
- Gratitude from GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1311 “Tkhiya” (2013 and 2014).

Professional activity

Certificates for conducting master classes:

– Master class on the topic “Pedagogical aspects of preparing a student musician for public performance” at the Music Institute of the Northeast Normal University of the People's Republic of China (Changchun, March 20, 2016).

– Master class on the topic “Working on an artistic image in piano pedagogy” as part of the International Competition-Festival of Musical Performance “Silver Lyre” (Penza, February 3-5, 2016).

– Master class on the topic “Preparation of student musicians for competitive performance” within the framework of the Open festival of instrumental performing skills of children, parents, teachers and accompanists “Music of the 20th century”, organized by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Central Children's Theater “On Vadkovsky” in Moscow (2014, 2015 , 2016).

– Master class on the topic “The ability to embrace form (“Architectonic sense”) and its development in the process of a student’s piano training” as part of the International Competition-Festival of Musical Performance “Silver Lyre” (Penza, February 10-12, 2014).

Research projects and grants

Participant of the “Music for All” project, included in the state program “Development of Education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2012-2016”;
- faculty leader and participant in the project “University Saturdays at MPGU”:
11/15/2014 E.P. Krasovskaya gave a lecture on the topic “Stage anxiety: overcoming ourselves, helping others”;
04/16/2016 E.P. Krasovskaya gave a lecture-concert on the topic “Interaction of arts in the work of Franz Liszt”;
- participant of the MPGU project “Immersion in the Profession” (organization and holding of “Piano Day” on September 9, 2016).
- participant in the project “Preparation and implementation of a joint educational program higher education MPGU - VPU (Weinan, China) – 2017.

From the editor:
Recently we were sitting with friends and talking: what has changed in our lives since 2000? In general, nothing. And here a man managed to be born, grow up, almost finish school and become a world champion in rock climbing. Alena Krasovskaya, 17 years old, international master of sports in rock climbing. Lives and trains in Miass. The only daughter in a large Krasov family, the rest are boys.
A year ago, at her very first “adult” competitions - the World Championships in Paris in the fall of 2016 - she became the world champion in Olympic form, in all-around. She surprised everyone then and surprised herself. We talked with Alena on the topic “Who is this girl, and where does she live?”

That I was born into this family, has already automatically connected my life with sports. My family leads an active lifestyle, so from early childhood my parents introduced me to sports. It never happened that they forced me to do something, go somewhere, go somewhere, except to motivate me. Each time they led by example and tried to interest us so that we ourselves would want to return to this activity again and again. At one time, grandparents did the same. They also had a sports hobby. For example, my grandmother was involved in athletics, and my grandfather was a speed skater, trained with Lidia Skoblikova, competed in regional and Russian competitions, was twice a regional champion, and from 2000 to 2007 he won regional competitions among veterans, and received prizes at Russian ones. In Soviet times, he was a cycling and speed skating coach on a voluntary basis at a defense plant. For many years the whole family skied. During the winter, grandfather walked more than 1000 km.

It so happened that from the age of 5 I started training in the Columbine circus group. The training there is similar to the training of rock climbers: we also did strength training, developed coordination abilities and flexibility. But the most interesting things for me were acrobatics and clownery. The training was always difficult, but fun and interesting. I appreciate all the work that my mentors did, I am very grateful to them, they laid a huge and strong foundation. I also tried my hand at alpine skiing, my older brother took me there, I had good results, but I was freezing during training. At some point in my life, holds and a climbing wall appeared. It turned out that we have the only climbing wall in Miass; “quite by chance” it turned out to be two minutes from my house. “Completely by chance,” my coach became Alevtina Ivanovna Tsvirenko, an honored coach of Russia, who trained several world champions. Rock climbing captivated me, I became “sick” of it.

I myself had not noticed this before, but the trainer at the circus told me that I always loved to compete, I had a great desire to be first, I had passion in training, I wanted to climb higher, faster than everyone else. At first I competed with girls my age, later I trained with older guys, I had to follow them, and my climbing level gradually increased. I would like to say about Alevtina Ivanovna. She is a teacher. This applies not only to sportsmanship, but also to life. This is a person with extensive experience, a mathematician by training, who has completed alpine camps Soviet Union, who climbed the peaks of the Pamirs, trained hundreds of athletes, and dedicated her life to children and sports. Thanks to her for taking care of me. Sometimes she worries about me more than my parents. I see and appreciate this, but sometimes, however, I am mischievous. In general, it’s not easy for her with me.

Honored Trainer of Russia Alevtina Ivanovna Tsvirenko

With Alevtina Ivanovna I achieved all my titles and victories. My first big success on the adult international stage in Paris in 2016 was very unexpected. It was a great joy for me to get to the bouldering finals. Of course, my goal was to reach the semifinals, but it seemed lucky to me that I just got to this world championship, that I was performing together with the girls that I had followed from the very beginning of my climbing life. Getting to the final shocked me. I was happy. And the first place in the all-around was just some kind of wonderful surprise.

Due to the inclusion of rock climbing in Olympic program 2020, competition around the world has increased dramatically. I had to feel the pain and disappointment of defeat. This forces me to analyze and draw conclusions. I think it’s good that I have to feel it now, when I have time to correct mistakes, than later at a crucial moment. Winning the European Championship this year was a small sip for me fresh air, an outlet, so to speak.