Earning money from fairy tales and non-fairy tale income. Modern earnings on children's fairy tales Writing fairy tales and stories for money

Everything that has been said about the prospects for selling original stories has absolutely nothing to do with fairy tales. To the copyright, first of all. This means that we won’t be talking about how to sell a fairy tale with those who write endless sequels or variations of existing stories or write fan fiction. I will sell a fairy tale that you wrote only if it initially meets the following criteria:

1. In a fairy tale, on the one hand, they are not similar to anyone who has already existed in children's literature. On the other hand, they are understandable for the baby’s perception. I will not refer you to works on child psychology. But I still strongly advise everyone who wants to become a professional storyteller to remember that mastering this profession should begin not with answers to questions: how to write a fairy tale and how to sell a fairy tale of your own composition, but with an understanding of what children like, what captivates them, what scares them , and what captivates and makes you dream.

And any children's fairy tale, first of all, is an opportunity for a child to immerse himself in a dream world in which he will be interested and comfortable.

It looks like I won’t be able to create a list in its classic form, because I have a lot to tell those who came to this page with the request “I dream of selling a fairy tale.” The first thing to say is this: Today you can only sell fairy tales for children under the age of 5-7 years. Parents buy books for them. Whereas slightly older children either don’t read at all, turning their attention to game consoles, or are completely satisfied with reading from tablets.

Therefore, if you really want to sell a fairy tale, definitely decide on your age category. And it is limited for you, like no other book author.

2. Is there a word in your fairy tale? It is he who is the basis of the real fairy tale, not the history, plot or description of witchcraft. Children just need to read: the evil wizard said “Rex-pex-fex” and the princess turned into a frog, and they themselves will imagine (sometimes even better than you) how it all happened.

Remember the Moomins or the Smurfs or Alice. There are no particularly original plots, no breathtaking adventures, no unexpected endings or unpredictable moves. They are known and popular only thanks to the worlds in which their heroes live.

And if you didn’t invent a world, and your characters live under the sofa in an ordinary kid’s room, then you wrote garbage. Selling such a fairy tale in modern conditions is almost impossible!!!

3. Probably the most important thing is that what makes a modern fairy tale is illustrative. And here’s a secret from an expert in book publishing: the formula I want to sell a fairy tale that I wrote so that the publishing house will take care of the illustrations, practically doesn't work.

Professional storytellers around the world have long understood the main secret of successful sales: What makes a modern fairy tale is not so much the story as the unusual and interesting illustration. That’s why so many “artist-storyteller” connections are formed every day all over the world.

And one more bad news for those who are obsessed with the idea of ​​selling a fairy tale and becoming rich: it is much easier for any publishing house to buy a fairy tale from foreign authors, for which pictures have already been made. Text for 10-20 printed sheets (and it’s difficult to sell a children’s fairy tale today large sizes) is easy to translate. But creating truly compelling illustrations is incredibly difficult.

Today it is not difficult to find. They have their own exchanges where they look for orders. The bad thing is that if you are not familiar with one of them, and could not infect him with the idea of ​​​​selling a fairy tale of your own composition by drawing pictures for it, you will have to become not only a storyteller, but also a producer - find money to pay the illustrator, and buy it from He holds the copyright to the pictures he drew. But then you get the opportunity to tell him what, who and where to draw.

But in this case, you will not have problems with either where to sell the fairy tale, or with whom to sell the fairy tale to: 98% of modern publishers will be happy to buy both a fairy tale and illustrations for it from you, if they deserve it.

In the Altai village of Nalobikha, they know better than Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin how to make money from Russian fairy tales and epics. Having several fairy-tale characters on staff, for example, two Baba Yagas at once, they created the most successful national enterprise of the newest Russian history. Don't believe me? The participants of the last Stolypin conference, without the slightest doubt, gave first place to entrepreneurs from the Siberian hinterland for the best project for the village.

Friends since childhood

While ordinary businessmen and entire battalions, regiments, armies of amusing promotion specialists are pushing on us goods with a “taste familiar from childhood,” in Nalobikha they are 120 percent using Ivan the Fool, Marya the Artisan, Zmey Gorynych, Baba, who were familiar to us from the cradle. yaga and epic heroes. It works like the 25th frame in television! It’s hard to believe, but you need to make an appointment with the same Grandmother Yagusa to prepare a culinary miracle - heroic porridge in advance. As well as for weaving a tiny amulet doll from birch bark - “Plantain” for car travelers or for a sword fight with the Serpent Gorynych.

Children are transported to them by buses from the Barnaul travel agency, often 90 people at a time. And this despite the relative high cost of the ticket - 250 rubles. “There are never fewer than 50 people a day,” says Vlada Manaeva, a real Marya the artist, a graduate of AltGAKI (formerly the Institute of Culture) 15 years ago.

What is the hook? As in any Russian fairy tale, you or your child of any gender, as an epic hero, must pass several tests. In a costume appropriate to the fairy-tale era, defeat Gorynych, shoot with a bow or crossbow, quickly show up in chain mail and a helmet for Odnoklassniki or Facebook, pleasantly surprise Baba Yaga so as not to get into trouble. And only after that you will plunge into the distant photo kingdom, into a chain mail weaving workshop, a doll factory or a weaving workshop.

A child never leaves us with less than four crafts,” says Anton Zvyagin, a graduate of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow). - Half the ticket price is spent on consumables (sighs like Princess Nesmeyana).

Once they brought a whole class to us from Barnaul. We look, and the teachers of only one little boy are constantly photographing him. Then they admitted: for the first time in their life they saw that he was interested in the classes,” says Vlada Manaeva.

Chinese fairy tale

Born in one of the Chinese provinces, now billionaire Jack Ma, founder of the online store Alibaba, once said: “The poor people are the hardest to satisfy. Give them something for free, they will think it is a trap. Tell them it's just a small investment, they'll say you won't earn much. Advise them to invest big, they will say that they have no money. Invite them to try new topics, they will shrug it off - they have no experience. Tell them it's a traditional business, they'll say it's hard. Describe to them a new business model, they will say - a pyramid. Tell them how to open a store, they will refuse - there is no freedom. Invite them to start a new business, they will doubt it - there is no evidence that the new business will work.

They have something in common: they like to search Google, listen to friends who are as hopeless as themselves, they think more than a university professor and do less than a blind man. Poor people fail because of one thing common feature: their whole life is spent waiting.”

The story of the frosty spark

Back in 2014, Vlada Manaeva worked in the employment service and dreamed, in her words, of shaking up the Kosikhinsky district. We found like-minded people - Marina Filonenko and Irina Dremina, women with a twist. They could cheer up any company, cook food, weave a rug, make dolls - any dad Carlo would be jealous. And active ones - they themselves came to Vlada with ideas, they agitated their friends.

Economist Anton Zvyagin gave a facet to the ideas of rural dreamers.

We have established the supply of souvenirs to retail chains and salons. We figured out how to organize master classes. We created a workshop for a fairy tale museum in the regional center. Not a single significant holiday was missed in Barnaul, Biysk, Belokurikha and their surroundings. 50 people were ordained heroes at a time. Their storyteller cats, ore miners from the Silver City, or cheerful big guys were eagerly taken by those who came to Altai for health.

You will be surprised, but the raw material for the most popular souvenir - a talisman doll - is not overseas silks and velvets, yachts and pearls, but... birch bark - yes, birch bark. The presentation of birch trees, bringing joy to people, took place at the X Christmas readings in the Kosikhinsky district, and Governor Alexander Karlin and his wife were happy to purchase the first pair.

What do we have now? “We don’t have time to make souvenirs!” - admitted the leader of the Altai Museum of epics and fairy tales, Vlad Manaev. There are several people on staff, Baba Yagis are already on a normal salary, and they receive bonuses. At home, at their sewing machines and workbenches, villagers earn their living - suppliers of original and memorable souvenirs.

The fame of them spread throughout Great Rus' - it’s not messengers or carrier pigeons who are trying, but social networks. Our “storytellers” now have wealthy clients. On last New Year The Altai-West sanatorium from Belokurikha ordered 12 life-size portrait dolls of all its department heads. There are already several legends about such an unusual gift in the resort city. In other words, serious business recognized our rural “storytellers” as colleagues.

English finale with stomp

Personally, in this story with a fairytale ending, I was surprised by the enchanting success of the Nalobikha grandmothers. Well, tell me, how can you gain popularity by putting children in the oven?!

Not so simple. It turns out that the way you treat Baba Yaga is the same way she treats you. If it's good, she will transform into Yagusya. And the children, lo and behold, were coated with dough and put in the oven for a reason, but for treatment. This is where the word “newly minted” came from around the world.

This has never even been heard of in any overseas countries. This year, the descendants of the English artist Thomas Atkinson came to the neighboring regions, who in the middle of the 19th century traveled with his wife in Eastern Kazakhstan for seven years and spent two whole years in Barnaul. For a century and a half, there has been a legend among their descendants about how Atkinson Jr., born in the Kazakh steppes, was healed in a hot oven in a dough shell. In Kazakhstan, they were no longer able to clarify the essence of such an original medical procedure - the locals had never heard of anything like this.

Why didn’t they come to us in Nalobikha?! - our heroes clasped their hands. - We would tell them everything in detail. Even Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, being a frail boy in childhood, went through this procedure and became such a brave, persistent and invincible commander!

The story of Pavel Parfin about how he and his family made their project, which allows him to make money from fairy tales.

Our family project is called “Pavel Parfin. Fairy tales to order", address http://pavelparfin.com

How did you find the idea?

The idea was “given” to me by my granddaughter Nastya. Before she was born, I wrote various stories in the genres of fantasy, non-science fiction and ironic prose and did not think about anything else. This does not mean that I was far from writing fairy tales - on the contrary, I told bedtime stories to my two children (son and daughter) until almost their sixteenth birthday. You can skeptically tell me that this is hardly possible.

I answer: it’s very possible. When the children were little, I told them about the little Bunny and the Hedgehog, and when my children, thank God, turned 15, the fairy tales began to have a clearly detective-erotic character. There was a lot of humor in the stories, so instead of putting the children to sleep, I gave them a long, uncontrollable “haha”... In short, it was a fun time.

However, soon the fabulous “source” dried up... The children grew up, entered and graduated from universities on time, and the son, in addition, got married. And after a while he gave me a granddaughter - Nastya. And that’s when I felt like I wasn’t a child: I started writing fairy tales again. Less than a year has passed since I wrote the book “Nastya’s Fairy Tales.” This is where I had a blast! I “resurrected” my Bunny and Hedgehog, Hoku and Babayka, and added a lot of other fairy-tale characters to them...

It seemed that success was obvious!.. However, the book did not take off: none of the fifty publishing houses that I approached took it, and not a single local money “fat man” wanted to finance my book. “Well, to hell with you!” - I thought in my heart... and decided to write fairy tales to order. The calculation was simple: the customer of the fairy tale will finance it and will certainly read it.

It was my son, my granddaughter’s dad, who brought me to this idea - writing fairy tales to order. He does SEO and develops websites. At the beginning of 2011, he gave me the website pavelparfin.com (Pavel Parfin is my creative pseudonym). Anton—that’s my son’s name—told me: “Dad, here’s a website for you. You can post your opuses on it.” Well, you don’t need to ask me for long. A lot of literary “junk” has accumulated, so the site turned out to be very useful.

Among the stories, novellas and plays there were also fairy tales, including those from the book “Nastya's Fairy Tales”. My son, monitoring traffic to the site, noticed that people were visiting it for the key queries “fairy tales to order” and “books to order,” and created a page on the site where he notified the Internet community that we write fairy tales to order.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

How long did it take from idea to launch?

It was from this moment (from the spring of 2011, when the site was created) that a new era began - our era. By and large, we were not expecting customers - the first of them appeared completely unexpectedly for us. This happened in January 2012: the first customer contacted us - from Kyiv. A young woman decided to give her husband an original gift and, having found our website on the Internet, ordered us a fairy tale book about her precious husband and little son. I still clearly remember how we worked on our first book.

Everything was new: writing the text of a fairy tale to order, and design, and layout in the InDesign program, which my son mastered in the process of completing the order, and printing... Printing, by the way, is still the most “sore” issue in our project. More precisely, not even a print, but the binding of a book. As it turned out, this is - clean water hand-made, because making single copies of a book requires special professional skill and skill. And in our time, finding a person who knows how to do something with his own hands, especially books, is not easy.

What is the current status of the project?

Since the beginning of 2012, we have created—that is, created—five books. These are very different books. “Magic Rally”, “Diamond for Lily”, “Ball named Maradona”, “Crystal Bridge”, “New Year’s visit to the kindergarten”. When I pick them up, I start to think that they were written by five different authors. In them different stories, designed for different ages and destinies, they have a different aura and energy...

They have one thing in common: they cost the customer almost nothing, but cost us a lot of work. But I feel great pleasure from the results of this work. After all, we grew from book to book! The design of the fourth and fifth books was developed by my daughter-in-law Alexandra. When I saw these books coming out of print, I thought that a new talented designer had been born.

Our books are unique and in demand. I can and have the right to say so, because our books are bought: in Kyiv, Kramatorsk, Sumy and Moscow (I am currently working on a story for a customer from Mariupol). I believe that this project - like any project addressed to people - has the future.

We create an individual book culture - for individual, specific people. We are creating a cultural microcosm for them, in which these people are simultaneously stars, planets, and the people who inhabit them. We love our customers very much. As long as there are people like our customers who love books, books are immortal.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Our regular readers often contact us with questions about how to implement this or that idea presented atportal "1000 ideas" . Therefore, we decided to launch a new series of articles that talk about how, in Russian conditions, many projects that successfully work abroad can be implemented.

Experienced entrepreneurs know that selling a product is always easier than selling a service. People are more willing to part with money when they can get something tangible in return (even if it’s not always of high quality or even what they need). Therefore, most companies that operate in the service sector try to provide their clients with a large selection of at least material advertising and promotional materials. For example, travel agencies print colorful brochures with pictures and detailed description offered tours, companies providing educational services publish methodological manuals, even some large beauty salons have their own illustrated magazines.

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About two or three years ago, a relatively the new kind business - personalized fairy tales for children. The main idea of ​​this method of earning money is to sell a single book of fairy tales in a hard cover, the main character of which is the child for whom this book is intended as a gift. At the same time, the texts in the publication practically do not change, and a single template is taken as a basis. Only the name of the character in fairy tales, the photograph on the cover of the book and, in some cases, the illustrations on the book change. internal pages(for this, drawings and photographs of the child and his loved ones are usually used). The idea of ​​personalized fairy tales itself is not new: since ancient times, parents have been telling their children stories in which the kids act as the main characters. Such fairy tales are actively used by professional psychologists in their work in kindergartens and development centers. However, a few years ago, no one would have thought that you could make money from personalized fairy tales. As a rule, companies offering such services actively implement affiliate programs, offering their partners to earn money by selling books with fairy tales. The latter, in turn, look for clients on their own websites and blogs, distribute leaflets and business cards, place them in mailboxes in their areas, post advertisements on the streets, in kindergartens and others public institutions. As an additional service, companies that engage in this type of business offer the creation of a cartoon starring a child.

This type of business certainly deserves attention. However, it is worth recognizing that parents are already tired of the same type of books with not the best layout and questionable quality of illustrations and texts. And initially, such publications were used more as commemorative photo albums, rather than as therapeutic stories for children. But the potential of this niche is still quite high: parents need high-quality fairy tales that would not only entertain and occupy the child, but also have additional educational functions. For example, sets of fairy tales collected according to themes and principles of their action are in high demand. There are collections of fairy tales to combat children's fears, fairy tales for reading before bed, fairy tales for shy children, etc. Such a set of several thin books and a soft toy that fits on the hand is not cheap. But this does not stop parents who want fairy tales to not only entertain, but also be useful.

And recently another format of “fairytale” business has appeared - fairy tales by subscription. Subscription products are in high demand overseas, where people value their free time and are even willing to overpay for goods that they could easily buy in the nearest store (and even at a lower price). In our country, the situation is exactly the opposite, so most experts are confident that this business format will not be popular among Russian consumers in the next few years. Familiar traditional newspapers and magazines, which were previously actively sold by subscription, have long faded into the background due to the spread of the Internet. The few fans of the printed press can easily purchase even publications that are published in small editions in numerous retail stores, super- and hypermarkets.

But some domestic entrepreneurs are trying to revive a long-forgotten tradition, inviting parents to subscribe to... illustrated psychotherapeutic fairy tales for their children. An unusual project belongs to a psychologist couple who live in the Moscow region. They specialize in fairy tale therapy and actively use drawing techniques in their work. Accordingly, in the process of work they are left with a huge amount of methodological and incentive materials, which the spouses decided to use to create their own business. They use fairy tales created by themselves and in collaboration with clients (of course, with the consent of the latter). Each fairy tale and illustration is carefully selected, finalized, edited and sorted, depending on its purpose (for example, fairy tales for depression, fairy tales that play out various conflict situations, fairy tales to combat fears, etc.). Initially the project was non-profit. Its authors sent out one fairy tale every two weeks to children from single-parent and disadvantaged families, children undergoing long-term treatment in hospitals, and children from orphanages. But, later, the couple saw the potential for turning this idea into a full-fledged and profitable business. As we wrote above, for a service to be in high demand, it must have some kind of “material component”.

Of course, a therapeutic fairy tale is valuable in itself. However, for a child great importance has not only content, but also form. “Subscription Tales” are sent to recipients in a beautiful envelope. The fairy tale itself is printed in the form of a small colorful A4 brochure. The text is printed in large font so that the child can read the story independently. Initially, envelopes were delivered by special “postmen” in a recognizable form. These were volunteers – students of psychological faculties. Of course, when it came to commercializing the project, envelopes with fairy tales began to be sent out by mail.

To implement such an idea does not require large investments, especially if you yourself have a psychological education and write therapeutic fairy tales. Otherwise, you will need employees dedicated to creating fabulous “functional” stories. Ideally, they should be practicing psychologists and have extensive experience working with children. If you are unable to find such specialists, you will have to use the services of professional copywriters who specialize in texts for children. The plot of the fairy tale is developed with the help of a psychologist (information about this must be indicated on the publication itself, on the website and in advertising materials). He also evaluates the resulting work and, if necessary, makes adjustments. In addition, you will need the services of an editor, proofreader and layout designer (in most cases, these duties can be performed by one freelance specialist at the first stage). Don’t neglect proofreading and proofreading your manuscript. Errors in any text indicate its low level. And they are even more unacceptable if we are talking about works intended for children.

Ready ideas for your business

The psychologist evaluates not only the fairy tale itself, but also the illustrations to it. If you do not have the opportunity to use clients’ drawings, as domestic entrepreneurs – psychologists – do, then you cannot do without the services of illustrators. For one a little fairy tale 2-3 A4 pages will require at least two colorful illustrations. Of course, experienced artists value their work highly. But you can turn to students of specialized universities for help, many of whom are very talented and are not yet spoiled by large fees. Such cooperation will be useful for both parties: you will receive high-quality and unusual illustrations, and your artists will be able to create a portfolio with their own works and have the opportunity to earn extra money.

However, no matter what relationship you have with your contractors (even if they are people you know well), take care in advance of the legal registration of rights to the works of their work - texts and illustrations. In the future, you may decide to publish all your fairy tales in the form of a separate collection. In this case, you must have full rights to use the materials. Of course, you must be registered as individual entrepreneur or entity and formalize all your relationships with contractors in the form of contracts.

Ready ideas for your business

If you yourself are a practicing psychologist, then most likely you already have your own office or place where you receive clients. If there is no such room, then at first you can work in home office mode. All your contractors will also work remotely, so you won't need an office for a long time. However, when drawing up a business plan, include in advance the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment. You will need at least one computer (a laptop will do), a good printer, a cutter, and binding and laminating equipment. Since high-quality equipment is not cheap, at first you can order the printing of the fairy-tale stories themselves and the envelopes for them from a printing house. In this case, the cost of one copy of printed products will be higher, but, on the other hand, your initial costs for organizing a business will be much lower. If you are making brochures yourself, when calculating expenses, take into account the costs of paper, printing and binding materials, and office supplies.

In addition to the costs of wages your employees and the printing of the fairy tales themselves, you will need money to promote and advertise your services. Since this is a new offering on the market, potential clients are likely to be wary of it. Your job is to convince people that your offer is worth considering. If you manage to do this, each client will bring new subscribers with them through word of mouth. First of all, you will need your own website. It should be clear and visual. It is advisable to post examples of fairy tales and provide additional free bonuses for users and/or subscribers. It is worth considering the idea of ​​​​creating an electronic version of a series of therapeutic fairy tales. Our mail service leaves much to be desired. In addition, your proposal may be of interest to Russian-speaking residents of near and far abroad, for whom it is much more convenient and profitable to receive another fairy tale at email, and not the usual Mailbox. In this case, the cost of your subscription will be lower since you do not incur additional costs for printing and mailing the brochure.

The site can not only pursue advertising purposes. For example, in Argentina there is a whole resource for children called StickieStory. Its users can select the section they are interested in - for example, “Space Adventures” or “Superheroes” and upload photos, selecting the names of the main character and two minor characters in the story. Using this data, StickieStory staff prints a small 12-page, 8.5-by-11-inch book and three sets of stickers—one for the cover and two stickers for the contents. This entire set is sent by mail to the customer anywhere in the world. The child can not only read the work with himself as the main character, but also stick on stickers. One book with a personalized story costs about $20. The advantage of this idea is that it can be constantly developed and refined. For example, you can publish books written by children themselves (what child doesn’t dream of holding a book with their own works in their hands?!). In addition to the book itself, envelopes and stickers, you can make custom toys depicting the characters of the work.

The minimum cost of creating a simple website is up to 10 thousand rubles. Moreover, most of this amount is payment for designer services. You can install and configure the engine yourself. Create groups immediately in the largest in social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook) and start promoting them. Post information about your services on thematic forums where your potential clients – mothers of preschool children – sit. Develop an affiliate program and Special offers for children's institutions. Take part in specialized exhibitions, actively interact with officials. Your marketing campaign should include not only traditional advertising tools, but also, above all, PR tools. Position your project as socially significant and actively collaborate with public institutions.

Ready ideas for your business

Offer your customers multiple subscription options. For example, a trial (for a month with the frequency of sending out a fairy tale once every two weeks), for a quarter, for six months and for a year (the last option can be positioned as a gift). Fairy tales should be aimed at children different ages. Of course, fairy tales for children aged 1.5-3 years will differ in content and form from works for older preschoolers. Prepare several thematic kits for your first mailings in advance.

The amount that will be required to implement this business idea directly depends on what resources you initially have. If you yourself are a psychologist, have extensive experience working with children (and, accordingly, your own experience in the field of fairy tale therapy), if you have an excellent command of the language, have editing and proofreading skills, then you will be able to save on the services of individual specialists at first. Already at the stage of drawing up a business plan and searching for an investor (if necessary), think about how you can develop your business in the future (publish books, conduct trainings, organize seminars for parents, etc.). Such a business, like any other in the service sector, is highly profitable, but its payback period directly depends on the quality of the product and your talents in the field of promotion and sales. By preliminary estimates The minimum starting capital is about 30 thousand rubles. The payback period, depending on the initial investment, is from six months. There is virtually no competition in this segment, so you still have a chance to carve out your own niche in this market.

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All directions for making money on the Internet need to be considered, especially if they are already bringing good money to other users.

Exclusive customized products have always been in great demand. Especially if this applies to children, because none of the parents save on them.

It is possible to earn money from fairy tales and non-fairy tale income through one affiliate program. In addition to selling other people's goods, you can show your talents and write your own fairy tales for sale.

Earn money from fairy tales from 60,000 rubles per month with the SkazkiPro website

4. Offline work

There are plenty of clients outside the Internet. Start with your friends, for different holidays and birthdays, a unique fairy tale is a great gift. When accepting orders offline, you can also make your own markup. Here are a few ways that are suitable for this:

  • use retail outlets for advertising;
  • offer books to kindergartens and schools;
  • distribute business cards and flyers;
  • order advertising on radio or television.

In fact, it will turn into a small business with serious prospects. Alternatively, offer a 50% discount only for bulk orders. For example, a discount for paying for books as a whole group kindergarten. This will motivate your customers and bring you more profit.

5. Paid advertising

  • Orders for placing links via social media are available. networks and blogs;
  • advertising in social groups is ordered. networks;
  • do not offer the cheapest in-browser advertising;
  • through ordering advertising on other people's sites;
  • buy space on websites for a month at once;
  • in the system of advertising lines, payment for views;
  • the social media advertising exchange offers humane prices.

Even for a couple of thousand rubles it is possible to carry out a powerful advertising campaign. There are really a lot of clients on the Internet, and in order to effectively use advertising networks, it is advisable to launch your own website.

It’s always difficult to start, fairy tales are not the most popular product, but the royalties here are substantial. Plus, subsequent purchases by customers you attract will also earn interest.

Earning money from short author's fairy tales

The main idea of ​​this article is presented, but I would like to briefly talk about other options for making money from fairy tales. Copywriting is available to creative people who know how to write short stories. This type of income involves selling text content to website owners.

There are so many websites created that any content is in demand. Your clients can be the owners of websites for children, blogs for mothers and many others. Are fairy tales sold on article exchanges? Of course, the authors add new materials constantly:

In addition, copywriters often receive offers for permanent work. This is a good part-time job for talented dreamers.

Even though fairy tales are not the most popular commodity on the stock exchanges, everything is simple here. I wrote a story, put it up for sale and are waiting for payment. It is important that buyers do not see the full text until they pay money. They make a purchasing decision based only on the title and description compiled by the author.

How can a writer and storyteller make money?

Fairy tale authors also have a more interesting way to develop their careers. Why not repeat the success of JK Rowling, who came up with the story of Harry Potter? Her “fairy tale” was not taken seriously by publishing houses at first; no one wanted to collaborate with her, but now she is a millionaire.

Just for creative people, on our blog there is interesting article— . This option for making money from fairy tales is the most difficult, but the prospects here are the most solid. It’s hard to break through, you need to be a real professional, look for proofreaders, and promote yourself.

Therefore, not many people decide to take such a serious step. On the other hand, there is no more interesting way to use your talent. This is the best path for a writer, opening up great opportunities.

Make money by selling exclusive fairy tales, work with copywriting exchanges, or use your talents for a serious business? You will have to answer this question yourself.

No one but you knows what you are capable of and which option is best for you.

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