Top sats earnings bitcoin for surfing. How to earn Bitcoins automatically - bots and programs. Fast Bitcoin collection: automatic earnings using the Anti-Captcha extension

I suggest you earn money from proven services for distributing free BTC per action.These services differ from faucets in that here you will need to complete certain tasks for which you will be awarded cryptocurrency. On the page Bitcoin introduced earn money by surfing sites, browsing pages, reading letters, watching videos for payment in bitcoin. Everything is the same as with regular axle boxes, only payment is in Bitcoins. The page contains the best click sponsors who have proven themselves to be professionals in their field. On some boxes you don’t need to register at all, youridentifier is yours BTC wallet number. This is real income, without investments and cash costs! Collect Bitcoins on Bitcoin Boxes and exchange them for real money! Join and earn money!A Bitcoin wallet is required to register and log in to sites. If you don't have one yet, register it on the page "Bitcoin Wallet"

Earn Bitcoin by viewing advertisements - Bitcoin axle boxes.

BtcClicks- a good site-book, there are a lot of views, it pays from 50 satoshis for viewing one site, if you buy an upgrade, you will pay from 100 satoshis for viewing, by the way, it’s profitable according to calculations. Minimum payout is 10,000 satoshi.

RefBit- New Bitcoin Books. Earn up to 700 satoshi per click. Earn up to 50% per referral click. Minimum payout is 0.00012000 BTC, Withdrawal and withdrawal of earnings to your wallet within 48 hours.

All sites have affiliate referral programs for additional earnings. Invite referrals and increase your earnings! Be active on services - this will increase your income!

In the vast majority of cases, people who want to earn cryptocurrency resort to two methods - mining and trading on exchanges. Both of these methods require an initial financial investment and certain knowledge from a person. Farms of expensive ASICs are set up, and initial capital is required for trading.

If we talk about earning Bitcoins from faucets, then even sitting around the clock on dozens of sites and attracting referrals you won’t earn much. In addition, such an activity gets boring very quickly. In this review we will look at popular methods earning Bitcoins automatically, using which a person can earn a good income without doing practically anything for it.

Bitcoin autosurfing - faucets that award Bitcoins automatically

From the resources in this category, 2 popular platforms can be distinguished:

  1. is a very good site that gives away crypto coins for browsing web pages. On the site, you can manually surf sites, which requires you to follow a link and stay on the page for some time. The fee for each visit can vary from 15 to 40 satoshi (on average). Also on the resource in question there is an option that launches Bitcoin autosurfing. To activate it, just click on the button, which is called autosurfing. Next, you need to click on the “Start” button. Navigation between web pages will occur automatically. After completing the operation, you will immediately receive a reward on your profile balance. The autosurfing function is very convenient, but due to its high popularity, there are too few sites on the platform for such earnings. After one or two attempts, you will have to wait for new pages to appear. As with any faucet, there is a referral program. You can receive 7.5% of the income of invited users and the same percentage of their advertising costs. is associated with a microwallet, so first of all, money can be withdrawn to it (for this, the balance must be more than 5,000 satoshi). In addition, withdrawal to other storages is allowed, but in this case you will have to earn 30,000 coins or more.
  2. faucet connected to the Coinpot platform. To start earning money, you need to register on Coinpot, and then go to the faucet and enter the e-mail specified when registering on the micro-wallet in the appropriate field. After this, the coins will automatically begin to “drip” to the balance of According to the rules of the site, you can transfer funds to Coinpot every 5 minutes, but due to the current high cost of Bitcoin, Satoshis drop in very slowly, so you will need to visit the site 1-2 times a day. For each withdrawal to a micro-wallet, the faucet awards two bonuses (Daily loyalty and Mystery). Naturally, we have our own referral program - 50% of the income of each invited participant. In addition to the described resource, Coinpot is associated with 4 more faucets for the extraction of other cryptocurrencies:,, and Even if you don't plan to earn these digital assets, you're still better off accumulating them. Firstly, for collecting each cryptocurrency you are awarded 3 bonus points (COINPOT TOKENS). They can then be exchanged for satoshi. Moreover, you will be able to exchange other assets for Bitcoins, thanks to which you will quickly reach the minimum amount to transfer money to a full-fledged storage (on Coinpot it is 10,000 satoshi).
As you can see, these sites require much less effort to earn money (compared to other faucets). However, this method of obtaining Satoshi cannot be called completely automatic, because sometimes you still need to access the resources. However, this is still better than regularly visiting the taps at strict time intervals.

How to earn Bitcoins automatically from games?

Undoubtedly, the main disadvantage of getting Satoshi on regular faucets is the systematic entry of captcha, which quickly tires. However, you can also earn money through play. That is, you literally play through some kind of toy, and you also get paid for it. Anyone interested in this method is recommended to use the website To start receiving money on this resource, you need to perform a few simple steps:
  1. We create an account on the Coinpot service mentioned above (yes, this gaming site is also associated with this micro-wallet).
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the Register button.
  4. We enter the e-mail (the same as on Coinpot) and come up with a password.
  5. We go into the account.
  6. We choose a game and start playing through it.
At the time of writing (08/04/2018), 650 gaming applications are available on the site, including the famous hit CUT THE ROPE. The best part is that you don't even have to play them to get rewards. In any case, Satoshi will “drip” onto your profile balance, after which they can be withdrawn to Coinpot. However, going through the levels of the provided applications will speed up this process, and you will be able to transfer larger amounts to the microwallet.

As with the faucets described above, the user does not need to access the resource at specific time intervals. If you are not playing, you can visit the site 1-3 times a day. The money transfer is carried out by clicking on the Claim now button, after which you need to enter the captcha and click on the Claim button again. By the way, for each transfer to a microwallet you are also awarded 3 points, which can then be exchanged for accumulated satoshi.

How to collect Bitcoins on a machine: extensions and bots

So we got to the most important thing - fully automatic receipt of Satoshi without entering a captcha. The main thing is to configure the programs correctly and select the right sites for collecting Satoshi.

Fast Bitcoin collection: automatic earnings using the Anti-Captcha extension

To start using this extension, you need to do the following:
  1. Go to the website
  2. Click on the “Register” button.
  3. We come up with a login and enter the e-mail.
  4. Click on the “Registration” button.
  5. We go to the email address specified during registration and copy the password sent by the system.
  6. Enter your username and password, and then go to the site.
  7. Immediately go to the settings and select the section “ Account».
  8. Select the “Change password” option and enter the code that we like best in the fields. This must be done in any case, since the password provided by the system is valid for only a month.
  9. Next, select the “Finance” section and click on the “Top up account” button. Yes, the extension in question is paid, but there is no need to be afraid of that. To get started, just add 1 dollar to your profile balance. This board is enough for the system to solve the captcha 1,000 times. More than a dozen replenishment methods are available for residents of Russia: through a bank card, WebMoney, PayPal, Exmo exchange, QIWI wallet, mobile operators Beeline, MTS and MegaFon.
  10. After replenishing the balance, go to the main profile page and launch the application.
The peculiarity of this program is that it catches the captcha on the page, after which it sends the task to network operators. That is, solving captchas is carried out by real people, to whom you, in fact, pay money for services. Thanks to this operating principle, the system is absolutely safe when used on cranes. As you know, many resources that distribute free Satoshi have a very negative attitude towards any manifestations of automated collection. This is equivalent to cheating, which is why accounts are blocked (the same Coinpot issues a lifetime ban). This will not happen in the case of the Anti-Captcha application. Protection from bots will be solved in any case (and even a transition to advertising links will occur), it’s just not you who will do it. Moreover, Anti-Captcha can solve problems of any kind - from checking a box to solving mathematical expressions.

As you can see, the described application can become a useful assistant in collecting Satoshi from faucets. However, it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

Availability of a Russian-language interface that simplifies working with the application website.The application works fine only in browsers Google Chrome and Firefox.
Low rates for entering captcha.To start solving the captcha, you need the program to see it. To do this, you constantly need to keep several pages open in order to go to them and point the application to a task. For this reason, the extension is not entirely suitable for sites that distribute Satoshi at short intervals. It is better to use them on faucets like, where distribution occurs hourly, or on automatic services like or
A unique operating principle, thanks to which you will not be banned from the faucets, because the tasks are solved by real people in any case.
You can keep expense statistics on the website. You can also monitor all solved captchas.
You can top up your balance in several ways.In rare cases, the application may not notice the captcha for a long time, which is why you will have to linger on the faucet page.
If Anti-Captcha employees themselves start using bots, they are immediately banned and tasks are sent to other employees.Payment for automatic captcha entry may be higher than the income from faucets.

MiniPoster bot - guaranteed Bitcoin machine without captcha

If you decide to install this program, you can ensure yourself 100% automatic earnings. All you need to do is set up the application and select the faucets from which you want to collect payments. Next we will find out how to do this.

Let’s say right away that for greater convenience, it is better to choose resources that instantly pay to your wallet. Thus, the money will be transferred to one balance, and not accumulate on the accounts of several sites. Faucets paired with FaucetHub will help us here:

  • Hotcoins;
Of course, there are many more faucets of this kind on FaucetHub. We just named the most popular ones.

In general, installation and configuration of the miniPoster bot can be divided into 3 stages. The first stage involves registering on FaucetHub (if you have not already done so) and faucets of the type we are interested in. Everything is simple here:

  1. We go to the microwallet website.
  2. Let's register on it.
  3. We link a valid Bitcoin wallet to the account.
  4. Register on . Be sure to indicate the same data on all resources (as a rule, only is required there). This is necessary so that the bot can enter sites using one identifier.
After this, the second stage will begin, during which we will install and configure the ZennoPoster program (it is needed for the bot to work correctly). We do the following:
  1. Follow the link
  2. Click on the “Download Demo” button and download the installation file to your PC.
  3. Run the installation file and click on the “Next” button several times.
  4. When a window with an e-mail and password appears, click on the “Register a new user” button (located below the password field).
  5. Enter your email. Click on the “Continue” button, and then on the “Own license” option.
  6. We are waiting for the installation to complete. In the last field, uncheck the bottom label.
  7. Let's launch installed program and solve the captcha (connect numbers sequentially from smallest to largest).
  8. Go to settings and select “Use specified IP”. From the proposed options, select the top one.
  9. Next, go to the “Kachpa services” section and uncheck all the lines. This is necessary for the application to solve problems for free.
  10. After completing all these manipulations, close the application.
All! The first program for earning Bitcoins on autopilot is ready for use. Please note that the demo version solves captchas for $1 for free (that's about a thousand problems). It will then require you to purchase the paid version, but you don't have to. Just uninstall it and install it again. In this simple way you will be able to reset the counter.

Well, now let’s start setting up the miniPoster bot itself:

  1. Download the bot from the Internet. For example, the program can be downloaded from the page Also, links to download the application are provided by video bloggers on YouTube who specialize in bots (although to do this, you first need to become their referral).
  2. We unpack the archive with the program (often, it is downloaded already installed in archived form).
  3. Launch miniPoster. Go to the settings and click on the Set global vars button (it is located almost in the center of the window).
  4. We register the login that we used to access the taps.
  5. In the appropriate field, enter the Bitcoin address associated with your FaucetHub account.
  6. We return to the main page of the program and click on the “Add a new task” button.
  7. We enter the faucet address in the field, after which the resource will appear in the list of tasks. We add the remaining sites in the same way.
  8. After that, right-click on one of the taps and select “Start”. In this way we launch the bot on all added platforms. Of course, the program interface has a separate “Start” button, which launches miniPoster on all sites simultaneously. But it can only be used by owners of computers with very powerful hardware. If you try to run the program automatically on all resources, having a mediocre PC, the bot will freeze.
After completing all the specified steps, the bot for earning Bitcoins will automatically start collecting Satoshi. You don't have to do anything. Just wait until Fausethab's total balance reaches the minimum amount for withdrawal (it is 20,000 satoshi).

Overall, this is a very high-quality bot, thanks to which cryptocurrency will be collected without your participation. However, it has both positive and negative sides. They are presented below:

Easy to set up, no special skills required.The bot cannot be used on faucets with different registration principles. For example, in some places only a login is required, in others both a login and a password are required. You can select only one type of faucet, registering using the same data.
There is support for the Russian language, which simplifies working with the program as much as possible.
You can collect Satoshi from a huge number of faucets at the same time, which will provide a high daily income.The application does not have an official website, so you will have to download it from specialized resources. This increases the risk of downloading a program that contains malware.
The program is not particularly demanding on PC hardware. The main thing is not to activate all sites at once.You need to periodically reinstall the primary ZennoPoster application. Of course, this is done quickly, but it is still inconvenient.
The bot is free to use.

Well, we looked at the most popular ways to earn Bitcoins on a machine. Of course, some of the methods described will still require some participation from the user, but he definitely won’t have to enter captchas and collect payments himself every 10–15 minutes.

Video about the miniPoster bot:

As a rule, those who want to receive income from the circulation of digital coins most often prefer mining or operations on specialized Bitcoin exchanges. However, both of these ways to earn coins involve availability of solid start-up capital. Also, to replenish your BTC wallet, you can buy currency through exchangers by choosing the best price. However, methods of obtaining Satoshi without an initial investment are in particular demand. And in this case we are talking about autosurfing for bitcoins and programs that allow you to navigate to sites automatically.

As evidenced by reviews, along with popular and proven payouts, bookstores offering payments in BTS for surfing allow you to become an active participant in the cryptocurrency community almost free of charge.

Profitable autosurfing sites for bitcoins

Analyzing current statistics and reviews from experienced users, published on many thematic forums, we can conclude that autosurfing for bitcoins in 2018 has become one of the popular ways to start earning the world’s first cryptocurrency. With the growing popularity of virtual coins, the number of services specializing in visiting various sites for a certain reward is increasing. However, of all the proposals, the following projects deserve special attention:

  • MoonBCo.In, which is a reliable faucet, is connected to the CoinPot platform, on which you will have to register to start working. Transferring received funds from a faucet to a micro-wallet is possible every five minutes.
  • AdBTC.Top is a site that distributes bitcoins for viewing electronic pages and has a reputation as a consistently paying resource. The platform rules provide manual transitions to sites. Moreover, for each of them you can get from 15 to 40 satoshi. The automatic surfing option allows you to significantly simplify the entire process of earning money.

In terms of ease of use, the described services compare favorably with most faucets. However, it is worth considering that this method of earning money cannot be called completely automatic. From time to time the user will need to log into Personal Area and control the process.

Automatic earnings of bitcoins by surfing games

The main advantage of collecting BTC coins from a machine is that there is no need to constantly perform any actions. At the same time, in Lately Another way to earn income has become available to users - the so-called gaming autosurfing for bitcoins without investment. Naturally, this is unlikely to work out this way. However, as a start to activity in the world of cryptocurrencies, this option is worth considering.

The essence of the work is to complete games, and its algorithm is as follows:

  • creating an account on CoinPot;
  • transition to a specialized service (for example, Bitfun);
  • registration by entering e-mail;
  • login to your account;
  • selecting a game and starting the game.

As of early August 2018, this site provided its users with access to 650 online games. Moreover, to receive the provided remuneration it is not at all necessary to take direct part in them. It is enough to carry out automatic transition. However, completing levels in these applications allows significantly optimize the process earning satoshi.

If there is no free time in the required amount, it will be enough to log into the service at least 1-3 times a day. To withdraw earned funds, there is an active “Claim Now” button. After entering the captcha, the satoshi will be instantly transferred to the microwallet.

Video: How to mine Bitcoin using autosurfing sites

When they talk about earning cryptocurrencies online, they mean mining or trading. For mining, in most cases you need above average equipment, for trading - start-up capital and knowledge. What should a beginner do with a rather weak computer for mining, without the money and knowledge necessary for trading? He should try Bitcoin surfing.

What is web surfing

Web surfing - viewing advertisements for a fee. Similar tasks can be found on special sites called buxes. Advertisers pay users money to watch ads. Similar services have existed for a long time, but previously payments were made only in fiat money. With the development of cryptocurrencies, you can find axle boxes that pay out bitcoins.

Previously, advertisements ran one after another in automatic mode, now bitcoin autosurfing is almost never found, only manual surfing is used. Before viewing, you usually need to enter a captcha to exclude the possibility of using scripts designed for surfing bitcoins on the machine. Or after viewing, you need to confirm that you are near the computer by selecting a number or picture.

There are rumors on the Internet about some programs that allegedly independently connect to all known axleboxes, but this is unverified information. In addition to viewing advertisements, these services offer other simple tasks: register on the site, repost or like on a social network, install an application on a smartphone, etc.

How profitable is surfing for bitcoins?

Watching advertisements is not intellectual and highly paid work; you should not expect that they will pay a lot of money for it. You will not receive a whole Bitcoin, only a Satoshi (the smallest unit of Bitcoin, equal to 0.00000001 BTC). The number of advertisements available for viewing is limited. It can be received every hour, but not more often. You won't be able to do this all day. There are many similar sites, you can visit others.

Surfing bitcoins does not provide an opportunity to earn money for an apartment or a car, but collecting coins to pay for the Internet, mobile phone, and other little things is quite possible. There is a way to earn more from such services through referral programs. The system will deduct a percentage of the money earned by each participant you invite.

If you collect several thousand referrals, you can earn good passive income. You will have to actively search for new referrals, and constantly. People will leave and quit their jobs, and their numbers will have to be replenished. Thus, it will turn from passive income into active, but the income will be greater. The way to earn money is suitable for sociable and active people who have the gift of persuasion and the ability to motivate other people to action.

Earning money from faucets

Faucets were invented to promote cryptocurrencies. Their principle is designed for people who cannot pass up freebies. These sites are called “faucets” because with their help, receiving cryptocurrency is as easy as opening a water tap.

Here you don’t have to watch ads, just visit the site, click a button, enter your wallet number, and the coins will be transferred. On some you don’t even need to register, payment is made directly to your Bitcoin address. The faucet will remember your wallet, and you won’t need to enter it the next time the button appears. The button can appear at different intervals: 15, 30 minutes, an hour or a day. The number of Satoshi distributed is minimal; you should not expect that they will give you several thousand dollars just like that.

Withdrawal of funds

Faucets dispense amounts so small that they cannot be transferred across the Bitcoin network as a separate transaction. The commission may exceed the amount of the transaction itself. To solve the problem, third-party micro-wallets are often used; faucet payments are received through a micropayment system. When a sufficient amount is accumulated, it is transferred to the user’s real wallet in a single transaction. The axle box itself can act as a storage device. For this reason, withdrawal of funds from axles is possible only starting from a certain amount. Bitcoin surfing boxes come with automatic withdrawal to a wallet or upon request.

Popular services

We bring to your attention several proven sites for surfing for bitcoins:

  • AdBTC is a Russian-language service that supports autosurfing. Withdrawal from 20,000 satoshi to FaucetHub or Bitcoin wallet. Referrals will bring in 7.5% of your income.
  • BtcVic - the service gives a gift of 500 satoshi for registration. The cost of clicks depends on the current cryptocurrency rate and changes. Payments are made from 15,000 satoshi. The affiliate program promises up to 50% of referral income.
  • Ads-Bitcoin - the service supports a Russian-language interface. The cost of one view starts from 5 satoshi, confirming the view is very easy: you just need to select the number of stars in the picture. In addition to surfing, you can perform other tasks. Referral system up to 40%, withdrawal from 500 satoshi on FaucetHub.
  • Freebitcoin - the service awards bitcoins as payment for entering a captcha, which appears every hour. Payments are made once a week in amounts starting from 0.00030000 BTC. For those who want to increase their balance, there is a lottery on the site, but you can both win and lose coins.