Read interesting articles about animals. Category Archives: Animals. Video: Red Book of Russia

Every day, reading a poem, a story, a fairy tale, showing pictures, the mother introduces the child to the diverse animal world! This is an elephant - it is big, and the tallest is a giraffe, a very beautiful bird, a parrot, can learn up to a hundred words.

To stories about animals have become more diverse and interesting, so that a child can not only distinguish a panther from a domestic cat, but also make up interesting stories about the unusual capabilities of animals and thereby amaze peers and teachers, the administration of the “Your Child” website will introduce you to the animals of our planet for several months. Will be published every week new topic series of stories "Interesting about animals". The articles will contain interesting information about the animal world, interesting facts about animals.

/ Animals of the Arctic


It seems incredible that where the temperature does not rise above - 10 o C, Arctic animals can live and reproduce. And yet, even the coldest and most inhospitable parts of the Earth are inhabited. The fact is that some animals have adapted to retain heat in a special way. own body. For example, the body of penguins under their plumage is thickly covered with warm down, and the skin of polar bears is very thick and waterproof. In addition, all polar animals have a dense layer of fat under their skin.

Life for animals in Antarctica is possible only on the coast. The interior of the continent is uninhabited.

Polar bear.

At the end of autumn, a female polar bear digs a den in the snow. In December - January, as a rule, two bear cubs are born, but only in the spring will they leave the den for the first time.

A polar bear cub is born very small, blind, deaf and completely defenseless. Therefore, he lives with his mother for two years. The skin of this bear is very dense, waterproof and absolutely white, thanks to which he easily finds refuge among the whiteness of the ice surrounding him. He swims remarkably well - this is facilitated by the membrane that connects the pads of his paws. The polar bear is the largest predator in the world.

A polar bear usually weighs between 150 and 500 kilograms. The mass of some representatives exceeds 700 kilograms.


On the cold earth and endless ice floes drifting in the Arctic, they live different kinds pinnipeds; these include fur seals, seals and walruses. By origin, these are terrestrial animals that have mastered the marine environment: in the course of evolution, their body has adapted to life in water. Unlike cetaceans, pinnipeds were only partially modified by this adaptation. So the front paws of fur seals turned into flippers, on which they can lean on land to raise the upper body; seals learned to move on the ground by crawling on their bellies.

Pinnipeds have huge nostrils, and in a short time they can inhale the amount of air needed to stay underwater for about 10 minutes.

Pinnipeds feed not only on fish, but also on crustaceans, mollusks and krill, which consists of tiny shrimp.

Fur seal similar to a sea lion, but has a thicker skin and a shorter and sharper snout. The male is much larger than the female and can weigh four times as much.

Sea Elephant. The largest pinniped species in the world: the weight of a male can reach 3,500 kilograms. It is easily distinguished from the female by the swelling on its head, similar to a short trunk, from which it gets its name.

Sea leopard. With its spotted skin, this seal resembles the predator of the cat family, from which it borrowed its name. The leopard seal is very aggressive and can sometimes even eat a fellow seal if it is smaller.


This long-tusked mammal lives in the Arctic seas, making short seasonal migrations. A male walrus is huge: it can weigh 1,500 kilograms, while a female's weight rarely reaches 1,000 kilograms. The walrus has a massive, wrinkled body covered with sparse bristles.

The strong voice of the walrus resembles both the roar of a lion and the lowing of a bull; while sleeping, on ice or in water, he snores loudly. He can relax for hours, lounging in the sun. The walrus is irritable and obstinate, but he will not hesitate to come to the aid of his brother, who is being attacked by hunters.

Long tusks are indispensable in the life of a walrus: he uses them to defend himself from enemies and to drill into the seabed; With the help of tusks, the walrus climbs onto the shore and moves along the ice floe or ground. The length of the fangs of larger representatives reaches one meter!

Little walruses are nursed by their mother for two years, and for the next two years they remain under her protection.

Under the skin of the walrus there is a thick layer of fat, which serves as both protection from the cold and a reserve reserve in case of hunger.


Penguins- these are birds, but their wings are not suitable for flight: they are too short. With the help of wings, penguins swim, like fish with the help of fins. Penguins are found only in the southern hemisphere. They live in large colonies on land, but some species can make long migrations in the open sea.

As a rule, penguins lay only one egg. Baby penguins find refuge from the cold in the lower folds of their parent's abdomen. The plumage of penguin chicks is usually dark brown; over time, they acquire the characteristic black and white coloration of adults.

Emperor penguin colonies sometimes number 300 thousand individuals.

/ Interesting Facts about animals of savannas and prairies

Among the grasses of the savannah. In the savannah there are periods of drought when there is a shortage of food. Then numerous herds of animals go in search of more favorable conditions. These migrations can last for weeks, and only the hardiest animals manage to reach their goal. The weaker ones are doomed to die.

The savannah climate favors the growth of tall and lush grass. Trees, on the contrary, are rare here.

The baobab is not a very tall tree, but its trunk diameter can reach 8 meters.


The African buffalo, along with the hippopotamus, is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Indeed, if a buffalo is wounded or feels danger to itself or its cubs, it does not hesitate to attack the aggressor and kill him with its powerful horns. Even the lion tries to avoid meeting him, as he is not sure of the outcome of the battle. Therefore, only buffaloes that have strayed from the herd, or old and sick animals that are unable to defend themselves, are attacked by predators.


The zebra skin is original and easily recognizable. At first glance, all zebras seem the same, but in fact, each animal has its own stripe pattern, like human fingerprints. Countless attempts have been made to domesticate zebras (domesticate them like horses), but they always end in failure. The zebra does not tolerate riders or other loads on its rump. She is very shy and difficult to approach even in nature reserves.

Zebras lack horns and other means of defense and flee from predators. Once surrounded, they defend themselves with their teeth and hooves.

How to spot predators? Zebras' vision is not very sharp, so they often graze next to other animals, such as giraffes or ostriches, which are able to notice the approach of predators earlier.

A pursued zebra can travel at speeds of 80 kilometers per hour, but not for long.

The stripes on a zebra's skin can be used to identify different types of zebra. The stripes on the croup are especially significant in this sense.

Leo prefers open spaces, where he finds coolness in the shade of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide view in order to notice herds of grazing herbivores from afar and develop a strategy on how best to approach them unnoticed. Outwardly, it is a lazy beast that dozes and sits around for a long time. Only when the lion is hungry and forced to pursue herds of herbivores or when he must defend his territory does he emerge from his stupor.

Lions do not hunt alone, unlike cheetahs and tigers. As a result, all members of the lion family live together for a long time and the grown lion cubs are not expelled from it, unless the conditions in the hunting territory become critical.

Usually a group of females goes hunting, but males rarely join them. The hunters surround the prey, hiding in the tall grass. When the animal notices the danger, it panics and tries to escape at a gallop, but most often falls into the clutches of other hidden lionesses that it has not noticed.

A characteristic feature of a lion is a thick mane in males, which is not found in other representatives of the cat family.

A lioness usually gives birth to two cubs. To become adults, they need about two years - all this time they adopt the experience of their parents.

A lion's claws can reach 7 cm.


In an effort to survive, all animals have evolved to provide their species with sufficient food. The giraffe can feed on tree leaves that other herbivores cannot reach: thanks to its six-meter height, it is taller than all other animals. A giraffe can take food from the ground, as well as drink water, but to do this, it must spread its front legs wide apart in order to bend over. In this position, he is very vulnerable to predators, because he cannot immediately rush to flight.

The giraffe has a very long, thin and soft tongue, adapted for plucking acacia leaves. The lips, especially the upper ones, also serve this purpose. The giraffe picks off leaves growing at a height of two to six meters.

The most favorite food of giraffes is tree leaves, especially acacia; its thorns apparently do not bother the animal.

Giraffes live in herds, divided into two groups: one contains females with cubs, the other contains males. To win the right to become leaders of the herd, males fight by striking their heads with their necks.

When running, the giraffe is not very fast or agile. When running away from an enemy, he can only count on a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.


The cheetah's "secret weapon" is its flexible body with a strong spine, curved like the arch of a bridge, and powerful clawed paws that allow it to rest firmly on the ground. This is the fastest-footed animal of the African savannah. No one can imagine an animal running faster than a cheetah. In short moments, it reaches speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour, and if it didn’t get tired quickly, it would be the most feared predator in Africa.

The cheetah prefers to live in small groups of two to eight to nine individuals. Typically such a group consists of one family.

Unlike other members of the cat family, the cheetah's claws never retract, just like dogs. This feature allows the animal not to slip on the ground when running; Only the claw of the thumb does not touch the ground.

The cheetah climbs trees and surveys the savanna from above to discover herds of grazing herbivores that could become its prey.

The skin of a cheetah is not always covered with spots; sometimes they merge, forming stripes, like the king cheetah.

A long tail serves as a steering wheel - they can quickly change the direction of running, which is sometimes necessary when pursuing a victim.


The African elephant was threatened with extinction both because of hunting, to which it became a victim at the beginning of the 20th century, since there was a great demand for ivory products (from tusks), and because of important changes made by man in its habitat. Now elephants live mainly in giant national parks, where they are studied by zoologists and protected by security guards. Unfortunately, this is not enough to stop elephants from being killed by poachers. The situation is different with the Indian elephant, which has never been in danger because man has used it for various jobs for centuries.

The African elephant is different from the Indian elephant. It is larger, its ears are larger, and its tusks are much longer. In Southeast Asia, elephants are domesticated and used for various jobs. African elephants are resistant to domestication due to their more independent nature.

Like the giraffe, the elephant prefers to eat tree leaves, which it plucks from the branches with its trunk. It happens that he knocks down an entire tree to the ground to get food.

Tusks and trunks are two of the elephants' miraculous survival tools. The elephant uses its tusks to protect itself from predators and uses them during drought to dig up the ground in search of water. With a very mobile trunk, it picks off leaves and collects water, which it then puts into its mouth. The elephant loves water very much and, at the first opportunity, climbs into a pond to freshen up. He swims great.

The elephant willingly hides in the shade because its huge body has difficulty cooling down. Its huge ears serve this purpose, with which it rhythmically fans itself to cool itself.

Just as children hold their mother’s hand, so baby elephants walk holding the elephant’s tail with their proboscis.


The natural environment in which the ostrich lives determined the final adaptability of this bird, the largest of all: the ostrich's mass exceeds 130 kilograms. Long neck increases the ostrich's height to two meters. A flexible neck and excellent vision allow him to notice danger from afar from this height. The long legs give the ostrich the ability to run at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, usually fast enough to escape predators.

The ostrich prefers open spaces where it can see everything from afar and there are no obstacles for running.

Ostriches do not live alone, but in groups of varying numbers. While the birds are looking for food, at least one stands guard and looks around the area to spot enemies, primarily cheetahs and lions.

The ostrich's eyes are surrounded by long eyelashes, which protect them from both the African sun and dust raised by the wind.

Ostriches build a nest in a small depression, digging it in sandy soil and covering it with something soft. The female incubates the eggs during the day because her gray color blends well with environment; the male, with predominantly black feathers, incubates at night.

Females lay from three to eight eggs in a common nest, and each of them takes turns incubating the eggs in turn. One egg weighs more than one and a half kilograms and has a very strong shell. Sometimes it takes a baby ostrich a whole day to break the shell and hatch from the egg.

The ostrich's beak is short, flat and very strong. It is not specialized for any particular food, but serves to pluck grass and other vegetation and grab insects, small mammals and snakes.


This huge pachyderm lives in both Africa and South and Southeast Asia. There are two species of rhinoceroses in Africa, distinct from the Asian ones. African rhinoceroses have two horns and are adapted to habitats characterized by large spaces with very few trees. The Asian rhinoceros has only one horn and prefers to live in forest thickets. These animals are on the verge of extinction because they are ruthlessly hunted by poachers for their horns, which are in high demand in some countries.

Despite its mass, the African rhinoceros is very mobile and can make sharp turns while running.

A female rhinoceros usually gives birth to one calf every two to four years. The baby stays with his mother for a long time, even when he grows up and becomes independent. Within an hour, a newborn calf can follow its mother on its own legs; moreover, it usually walks either in front of her or on the side. It feeds on mother's milk for a year, and during this time its weight increases from 50 to 300 kilograms.

Male rhinoceroses, like many other animals, fight for the right to become the leader. At the same time, they use the horn as a stick, that is, they hit with the side, and not with the tip. It may happen that during a single combat the horn breaks, but then it grows back, albeit very slowly.

A rhinoceros's eyesight is poor; it sees only close up, like a nearsighted person. But he has the finest sense of smell and hearing; he can smell food or an enemy from afar.

Ro / Interesting facts about jungle animals and tropical forests

In the Amazon forest.

Tropical forests are characterized by lush vegetation; under trees with tall trunks, despite the fact that their crowns let in little light, a dense undergrowth grows. It has high humidity - precipitation is frequent here and is conducive to the development of plants of any type. Such an environment is almost ideal for supporting the life of countless animals that find food there in abundance. Naturally, this environment is especially favorable for small and medium-sized animals, which, even more often, can move with dexterity.


This bizarre bird with a distinctive beak is found on all continents and, depending on its habitat, has slight differences in shape and size. Its most typical habitat is sea coasts and lakes. It feeds on aquatic animals, mainly fish. These birds fish in a special way at low tide. They gather in groups and beat the water together with their wings, scaring the fish and forcing it to swim towards the shore, where it is clearly visible and its maneuverability is difficult. The fish become easy prey for the pelicans; they fill their beaks with it, on the lower part of which there are expandable throat sacs. The prey is taken to the nest and calmly eaten there.

Pelican- a very large bird, reaching 1.8 meters in length, and its wingspan is up to 3 meters. In search of food they are able to dive to depths.

Pelicans- birds are social, live in numerous colonies, get food together and build nests.

The American white pelican lives most of the year in the southern United States, Mexico and Central America. During the breeding season, birds living in more northern areas move to the south, where the climate is milder and more favorable for the development of chicks. The plumage of pelicans is almost completely white, with only light yellow spots on the chest and wings.

The pelican's nest is a bulky structure made of reeds, dead wood and feathers. When adult birds bring food to the nest for their chicks, they pull it out of the parents’ throats with their beaks, already half-digested, which makes it easier for them to digest the food.

The female lays two or three bluish or yellowish eggs and incubates them for about 30 days. The chicks are born completely naked. The plumage grows over the next 10 days. The female is slightly smaller in size than the male.

Sloths so named for the extreme slowness of their movements, reminiscent of movements in slow motion filming. The constantly wet skin of sloths serves as a breeding ground for microscopic algae, which is why the animals' fur acquires a greenish tint, making them almost invisible among the foliage.


An animal similar to a leopard, but larger; It is also distinguished by a special pattern on the skin: ring-shaped dark spots, inside of which there are smaller specks. Jaguars hunt alone and mainly on the ground, although they crawl well in trees and swim. Having caught prey, the predator usually hides it somewhere in a secret place and then eats it piece by piece.

Jaguars give birth to two or three young. Like all predators, they teach their growing babies to hunt.


The most common South American species is land tapir, lives near bodies of water. It swims well and can cross fairly wide rivers; Sometimes tapirs even dive to get the stems of aquatic plants that serve as food for them.

The dense foliage of the Amazon forest is home to a wide variety of wild birds. Here stroll the red-brown hoatzin and the crested serima, whose legs are better suited for running than wings for flying. Quezal builds a nest inside a termite mound and the termites do not cause him any disturbance. The eagle owl, a nocturnal predator with a long crest on its head, lives in the most impassable places, and therefore ornithologists have not yet been able to figure out its habits.
This tiny bird (size from 5.7 to 21.6 cm; weight from 1.6 to 20 g) with a long curved beak is capable of flapping its wings so often that it manages to hang almost motionless in the air, sucking nectar from a flower. This is the only bird in the world that can fly backwards.

Swordbeak Hummingbird. When fluttering, this bird makes more than 50 wing beats per second. So it can freeze motionless in the air or fly at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. The swordbill's beak is very long and straight, whereas other hummingbirds have a curved beak.

g rhinoceros can reach a length of 1.5 meters.

Despite the fact that there are countless educational programs about wildlife, and the Internet is replete with articles that tell about the habits, habitats and food that are preferred by certain representatives of the animal world, we have scanty knowledge about our smaller brothers.
Nobody tells us about positive, amazing and very touching facts about animals, and I decided to correct this unfair pattern. Here is a collection of educational and fun facts about animals that will make you smile!

In Sweden they hold a jumping competition among rabbits, and it is called “Kaninhoppning”.

The furry paws of the fennec fox (miniature fox) act as skis or snowshoes, protecting them from the hot desert sand.

The snow leopard uses its tail as a portable fluffy scarf to keep warm when it's very cold. In addition, its tail allows for better balance and contains fat. When he sleeps, the snow leopard puts his tail on his head to keep him warm.

If you shave a guinea pig, it will look a lot like a hippopotamus.

The red panda's tail can reach a length of 48 cm (the length of a regular domestic cat).

Young macaques can make snowballs for fun. When it snows, these cute creatures start making snowballs just for fun.

Squirrels can adopt an abandoned baby squirrel if its parents have died or are unable to care for it.

Bees communicate with each other through dance. Bees perform a waggle dance when they want to inform their comrades about the location of flowers.

A gentoo penguin proposes to his partner using a pebble.

A pair of seahorses live together for the rest of their lives. When they swim, the skates hold each other's tails.

Bristletooths also form a lifelong alliance. If for some reason they become separated, they float above the coral reef and look for each other.

Chicks that have not yet hatched communicate with each other and with their mother. About a day before it hatches, you can hear the chick squeaking. When mom hears a squeak, she begins to cackle in response, thereby calming the excited chick. There are about 24 sounds that chickens make from eggs when communicating with each other.

Otters hold on to each other while sleeping to prevent them from drifting away from each other.

Because squirrels forget where they hid the nuts they collect, up to several hundred nuts can accumulate in trees.

Polar bears rub their noses together to ask other bears, for example, where they can find food. This gesture is considered good manners and is often shared with those who use it.

Cows are the most best friends, and they spend most of their time with friends.

Dolphins have names for each other.

Crows may play pranks on each other for fun. These creatures are very smart and even know how to play a joke on someone, not only on another crow, but also on another representative of the animal world.

In Japan, macaques know how to use vending machines. They can buy various goods using the coins they match.

During a mock fight, the male puppies allow the girls to “win.” They do this to get to know each other better.

Baby chimpanzees play with sticks and stones in the same way that children play with dolls. They imagine babies to look after.

Rats and mice can laugh. In addition, they are ticklish, which means you can only hear them laugh by tickling them.

Otters have a flap of skin that forms a pocket. In this pocket, the otter can store a favorite pebble, which it uses to get shellfish for food. Some otters carry a pebble with them throughout their lives.

Ants are very polite creatures - they bow to say hello. When one ant passes another, they give each other a slight nod to indicate each other's presence and say hello.

Once in Norway, a penguin was knighted and given the name Colonel Sir Nils Olav.

Goats have accents, just like people.

Dogs sneeze to let other dogs know that they are being friendly. When one dog gets into a friendly fight with another, it sneezes to tell its “rival” that they are just fooling around. This prevents the situation from getting out of control and turning into a real fight.

This baby is called the pig-nosed bat, and this is the smallest bat, and the smallest mammal in the world - body length 2.9 - 3.3 cm, forearm length 22 - 26 mm, weight 1.7 - 2 g.

Some freshwater turtles breathe partially through special anal sacs.

When a cat “butts” a person, it shows its trust so that the person knows that the animal is not dangerous.

Can you imagine worse neighbors than cockroaches? Most likely no. But as it turns out, cockroaches are human symbionts, that is, they are creatures that live with people and bring them certain benefits. Are you surprised? But the benefits really exist: cockroaches eat our leftovers, thereby cleaning our living space. But still, even despite this, there is no...


Washing is the most important and difficult moment in caring for a cat. But it is necessary because it promotes the loss of all dead hair and the growth of new and living hair. Only water procedures can completely remove dust and dirt from a cat’s fur, improving the condition of its skin and cleansing its pores. In this article we will look in more detail at the main recommendations and necessary steps...


Many people believe that the smell of cat urine on the carpet or in shoes is a plague that is simply impossible to get rid of. Why do so many people dislike cats, just because of the smell that accompanies them? The problem of this disgusting smell that appears in the house arises only because the owners of the animal are negligent in cleaning and treating the cat litter. Badly…


They say that you can stare at fire forever. An equally fascinating sight is the fish gliding in the water; you can watch them for hours and never get tired of it. In addition, it is common knowledge that watching the leisurely movements of fish in an aquarium brings peace and tranquility to a person; to put it simply, an aquarium in the house is simply wonderful. Settling the aquarium Before...


In vain, many people believe that turtles living at home are somehow different from other pets; people simply know little about the peculiarities of their maintenance and care, as well as what they feed turtles, these wonderful pets. Domestic Domestic turtle Three species of aquatic turtles are sold in Russian pet stores and markets - red-eared, European swamp and trionics.…


The answer to the question of why the water in an aquarium becomes cloudy is ambiguous. The fact is that this can happen for completely different reasons. But it’s quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, so you definitely need to know possible options the occurrence of a problem in order to eliminate the cause, and only then the effect. Basic rules Caring for an aquarium A properly equipped and well-maintained aquarium will stand…


Do you dream of cozy and quiet evenings cuddling with your beloved cat, who will curl up in a fluffy ball on your lap? But you just can’t decide which breed of cat to choose? Then read the article, it will help clarify some points. The first thing to remember is that the decision to take any animal into your home must be well thought out and...


Many people keep fluffy cats at home. IN Lately Increasingly, people have begun to train cats to relieve themselves in the toilet. Trays with various fillers often do not justify themselves and burden the lives of cat owners. Many of you know that fillers do not perform their functions so well: they do not absorb unpleasant odors, do not form solid lumps or...

We rarely think that another life is in full swing around us. Fluffy, feathered, growling, meowing creatures live their amazing lives. How many interesting facts Scientists have discovered about animals! Here are some of them.


The dog's tail is a mood barometer

Everyone's favorite - dogs don't wag their tail chaotically, as some people think, but quite consciously. Scientists confirmed this by examining 30 dogs. It turns out that the dog, being in a complacent mood, waves its tail to the right. If the dog’s day is “not going well”, if the dog is sad, then the tail swings are more directed to the left.

Cat is a doctor

Scientists have confirmed that the owners of “murkas” live 10 years longer than people who do not have these fluffies at home. A person stroking a cat's pulse decreases and their headache goes away.

Animals of Belarus

Wise hare

The saying “trembles like a hare’s tail” is very far from the truth. The fluffy ball of fur on the long-eared tail is not shaking out of fear. This is a cunning strategic maneuver that a chess player would call a gambit (sacrifice a little to gain an advantage).

The quivering tail distracts the attention of the pursuer, who tries to paw the runner precisely by this white mark. However, along with the skin, the tail fur is easily separated, helping the hare gain such important minutes for salvation.

Badger - designer

Badgers live in large families. There's no room for everyone in a small hole. So smart animals have to build underground burrows-palaces. The underground dwellings of badgers turn into complex labyrinths, which have many “rooms” for different purposes: bedrooms, living rooms, storage rooms.

Beavers are builders

Beavers build their underwater dam houses in the middle of the pond - away from predators and prying eyes. The height of their houses is more than a meter, and the longest beaver dam reached 0.7 m. But no matter how securely the animals hide their shelters, they can be seen from... space! Yes Yes! Beaver dams are the only animal structure visible from space.

Shy bison

This huge bull has practically no enemies. But he does not like to graze in open places, for everyone to see. Therefore, he eats hastily, filling his stomach with practically unchewed grass. The bison learned to make chewing gum from it. After grazing, the bull goes to a secluded place, regurgitates hastily swallowed grass and chews it. The herbal chewing gum is swallowed again, but now into a different part of the stomach.

Thrifty mole

A mole hole can have up to 6 floors, which are connected by many storage rooms with different goodies!

Animals of Africa

Rhino is a poor fellow

Rhinos are very unlucky because of their horns. For some reason, it has long been believed that these horns have miraculous powers and are capable of not only healing diseases, but also bringing good luck and wealth. The deepest delusion! A rhinoceros horn is not even a horn at all, but a long tuft of tightly fused hair.

Giraffe - sprinter

The long-necked animal giraffe is completely wrong to be considered clumsy and clumsy. If necessary, it is capable of accelerating to “car” speed - 50 kilometers per hour.

Tiger and lion. Who is stronger?

People consider the lion to be the king of beasts, although this title is more suitable for another representative of the cat - the tiger. It is much larger than a lion: it weighs more than 300 kilograms, while lions weighing over 230 are rare.

In a fight between a tiger and a lion, the striped giant will most likely win: of all predatory animals, it has the most powerful teeth, and it has more experience in hunting alone than a lion accustomed to living in a pack. The tiger rarely misses its prey: thanks to its good camouflage (striped skin) and silent, soft gait, it sneaks up on its prey unnoticed and delivers a crushing blow with lightning speed.

Elephant is a neat guy

The clumsiness and clumsiness of the elephant are greatly exaggerated. If he suddenly happens to wander into a china shop, then, contrary to popular belief, he will not cause the slightest harm to its contents.

A cautious and clumsy elephant by nature, before taking a step, it feels the space in front of it with its sensitive trunk - and only then puts its front leg on the ground. Taking the next step forward, he steps with his back foot exactly in the footprint left by the front. And the giant’s trunk is so flexible and dexterous that it can even accurately lift a pin! What can we say about a porcelain cup or saucer?

More facts

Miracle filter

It was not people who invented drinking purified water. Filter undrinkable salty sea ​​water Seagulls learned much earlier. The tonsils of these birds are designed in such a way that they filter and desalinate sea water, making it quite suitable for drinking.

Fish with legs

There are fish that feel great on land. This is a tropical creeper fish, the Pineapple. If hard times come in its native reservoir (the river becomes shallow or there is too little food), the creeper climbs ashore and goes on a hike to other, more fertile places.

With the help of sharp spines, the fish can not only move quickly on the ground, but even climb tree trunks. And the special structure of the gills allows the persimmon to breathe oxygen from moist air.

Who is the biggest in the world?

The largest land predator is not a tiger at all, but a polar bear. On average, it weighs about 500 kilograms, and large specimens weigh up to 800! Moreover, half of the body weight comes from subcutaneous fat, which, like a warm sheepskin coat, warms the bear in the severe Arctic frosts. Even when the thermometer shows 60 degrees, the animal is not cold. Fat also helps the polar bear swim, keeping it in the water like a life jacket.

Silly butterflies

Contrary to popular belief, butterflies are not attracted to the source of light, but to darkness. They look for the most secluded, darkest corners, but choose them, focusing precisely on the illuminated areas of the surface. According to “butterfly logic,” darkness is located directly behind the light source: so stupid moths fly towards the fire, scorching their delicate wings.

The smartest bird

If the popular TV game "Smartest" were played among birds, the crow would win the top prize. She not only learns quickly, showing miracles of ingenuity in obtaining food, but also... does not mind having fun!

One of the favorite pastimes of crows is riding on the gilded domes of temples. Shiny surfaces attract these birds. After unsuccessful attempts to drag “such beauty” into the nest, the crows find another use for the inclined surface. They use it as a slide for downhill and slide down on their belly to the edge of the dome, braking with sharp claws. Of course, such games cause significant damage to domes. But the crows themselves are absolutely delighted with such an amusement park.


Amazing animals and birds! Watch them, love them and do not offend them.