Complete translator from German to Russian. German-Russian dictionary. Specialized German dictionaries

With any online translation into German, speed in obtaining the final content is extremely important. What makes a good Russian-German translator the best? Of course, this is working with large texts, individual sentences and words. Also proximity to users, constant updates of databases and website design. The faster a person solves his problem, the better the service can be considered.

Hidden Features

Many services offer online translation into German, but their capabilities are often limited. In most cases, these limits are related to the focus: only a translator or only a dictionary, or to the number of languages ​​offered. Our online translator into German combines absolutely everything: 104 languages; more than 10,000 destinations; including the most popular - in German; auto language detection, user-friendly interface.

Availability of service from anywhere

Translate into German from any location: at work, in a cafe, in training. The translator works from any device, without any restrictions. With phones, tablets, laptops, phablets, watches and desktop PCs: Russian-German translator works online and 100% free. Many years of work on its creation are intended to simplify the lives of people looking for translations into German and other languages, to erase the barrier of misunderstanding between the cultures of different countries, and to make life understandable.

- (Greek λεξικόν, Latin dictionarium, glossarium, vocabularium, German Wörterbuch) a collection of words belonging to a language, arranged for more convenient use in one or another systematic order, most often in a purely external, ... ...

German-Platan dialect- Self-name: Plautdietsch Countries: common in Latin and North America... Wikipedia

Phrasebook- type of philological dictionary, in which phraseological units are collected and explained. There are many F.S., one of the most. complete and authoritative Phraseological. Russian dictionary language edited by A. I. Molotkova (4th ed. M., 1986). In the dictionary of St. 4000 vocabulary items, in... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Russia. Russian science: Russian language and comparative linguistics- Linguistics in ancient Rus' had a very definite imitative character. Works of grammatical content, whose subject was mainly the Church Slavonic language and compiled according to Byzantine models, came to us first from the south... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Grove's Dictionary of Music- Volumes of the second edition of the dictionary Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (English Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians) musical encyclopedia ... Wikipedia

Multitran- Multitran automatic dictionary, CD offline version, 2004 Type ... Wikipedia

Little Russian dialect- Grammar of the Little Russian dialect Al. Pavlovsky St. Petersburg. In the printing house of V. Plavilshchikov, 1818 Little Russian (Little Russian) dialect, common in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the name of the East Slavic group ... Wikipedia

Little Russian dialect

Little Russian language- Little Russian dialect, widespread in the 19th and early 20th centuries, is the name of a set of East Slavic dialects in most of modern Ukraine and the literary language formed on their basis, which are currently considered in science ... ... Wikipedia

Little Russian dialect- Russian language Some scientists consider it an independent Slavic language. With the exception of Miklosic (see his Comparative grammar of the Slavic languages), a similar view is usually found among Little Russian writers, for example. at Naumenok, carefully... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


  • Foreign for schoolchildren English-Russian dictionary French-Russian dictionary German-Russian dictionary set of 3 books, Reference and educational dictionaries. 3 dictionaries in one set. Foreign for schoolchildren. 3 dictionaries in one set: English-Russian, German-Russian, French-Russian. Over 10,000 words in… Category: English Buy for 277 RUR
  • Insurance. Dictionary German-Russian, Russian-German, I. V. Fagradyants, I. E. Lawyer, The proposed dictionary contains about 3.5 thousand terms on insurance topics in both parts... Category:
  1. To use the program, first select the desired direction of translation.
  2. Indicate that you would like to use the services for free, click the “Get Started” button.
  3. Enter the text in one of the boxes that you will see and click “Translate”. You can use several services at the same time, which is very convenient for obtaining the most accurate result. Some of them allow you to choose the type of vocabulary used, which significantly increases efficiency.
  4. If necessary, you can click on the microphone above the translated material to voice it. Several text speeds are provided.

What are the advantages of this site?

As practice shows, it is this service that allows you to achieve maximum quality of translated material. One program combines the advantages of Promt, Google and Microsoft. The main advantage is the ability to compare several results and choose the optimal one. This is especially attractive for people who are just starting to learn foreign vocabulary. There are no more similar resources in RuNet.

Free translator from German to Russian from Google

German-Russian translation from Google - fast translation of texts with fairly good quality results.

This system is very popular among students of foreign vocabulary. The service uses its own statistical machine translation technologies. An obvious advantage: if desired, the program allows you to work with entire Internet pages in real time. To achieve the desired result, it is best to enter text in small passages. In general, the meaning of the material immediately becomes clear: all that remains is to independently correct some details.

How to use Google Translator?

  1. Determine the language of the source and the resulting result. You can skip the first step: the program will independently find out the necessary information.
  2. Start writing text/sentences/phrases on the left line. You can simply paste the copied material. Handwriting can be used if desired.
  3. On the right side you will instantly see the desired result.
  4. Do you want to reproduce a foreign word or sentence? Click on the corresponding icon in the lower left corner. The same can be done with translation.
  5. Authorized users can save their results. This is useful if you regularly process large volumes.

Free translator from German to Russian from Yandex. Translation"

Translation from Yandex - fast translation of texts with fairly good quality results.

The principle of using the program is similar to the Google system, but it has its own characteristics. In addition to a different user interface, there is a unique machine translation system. The function of listening to text is also present.

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages ​​are added. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to provide high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

Interpreter services

In Moscow and the Moscow region we provide interpreters for various events, work in any format

More details

German interpreters

German is the second most popular European language in the world after English. Several states use it as their official state language. Germany is the most technologically advanced country in the European Union, exporting high-tech goods and services to other countries.

And this process is inextricably linked with the localization of these products in new markets, including high-quality translation services from German into the languages ​​of the importing countries. Regarding the services of German language interpreters, these services are necessary when contacting and working with counterparties from German-speaking countries.

Our translation agency Trans-Universal +7-495-720-40-23 provides interpretation services and provides German translators for various projects and events with different durations of employment. The minimum order for German language translator services is 2 hours. There is no maximum period. A German interpreter will work on your project for as long as you need. If necessary, we involve several performers.

German translator The person we provide for projects is always a professional with many years of specialized experience, education, and skills in the desired topic.

We work not only in Moscow and the region. Our German interpreters have worked from the south of Russia to the Urals and always with consistently high quality.

Written translations

Written translations

Written translation of any volume and any subject. Instructions, contracts, presentations, commercial and statutory documents, etc.

More details

Written translation of the German language.

Translation agency Trans-Universal +7-495-720-40-23 will provide high-quality and fast written translation of the German language. We have been working for a long time, we know a lot, we have accumulated enormous experience. Writing translation into German and from German in a variety of topics, including complex highly specialized ones, is performed by our permanent translators. Once customers contact us, they stay with us forever. Attention to detail, attitude to work, pleasant bonuses for regular customers set us apart from other performers.

The nature of translated documents is very diverse. The most frequently ordered personal documents are diplomas, birth certificates, marriage certificates, powers of attorney. Such translations are required for consulates. All of them are notarized, we also do this.

If you are a legal entity, you can order a translation into German of documents such as the Charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, INN, OGRN, Decision, contract. Along with these documents, legal entities often order translation from German of various instructions, agreements, bank statements, presentations and any other texts related to their type of activity.

We are ready to provide you with professional translation services on time, at an affordable cost and with guaranteed quality. Contact us, we will answer any questions.

Cost of German interpreter services.

Interpreter services are assessed based on the duration of employment, subject matter, remoteness of the place of work from “civilization” (sometimes you need to work in an open field for a long period of time), work on holidays and weekends, the need to live in the area during the work and etc. Basic prices are listed below, you need to start from them when discussing the cost.