The meaning of human life in Christianity. The meaning of life in Christianity and other religions. Can you trust dreams?

What is a sense of life? Almost everyone asked themselves this question. A believer finds the answer in the fundamental principles on which his religion is based. A Christian sees the meaning of life in Christ, that is, in God. A righteous life according to the commandments of the Lord will lead him to eternal life, to salvation. In other words, salvation means that the earthly life that a person is currently living has only transitory value, but at the same time is a prerequisite for achieving life after death.

The great Saint Seraphim of Sarov defines the meaning of life approximately this way:

The meaning of a Christian’s life is not in performing godly deeds, although they contribute to the acquisition of it. The only goal is to obtain the Holy Spirit

The word acquisition here is used in the sense of “acquisition.”

The main Christian commandments, which many people know, read: “Do not steal, do not kill, do not commit adultery...” Compliance with these instructions presupposes that a person realizes the harmfulness of his negative actions, and this in turn means that such a person acquires spirituality. The concept of Christianity is the acquisition of eternal life, subject to the obligatory condition of believing in God.

The main meaning is to set a person on the righteous path, that is, to discover spiritual truth to him.

Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord!” Lord!“, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Heavenly Father. Many will tell Me on that day

- the words of Jesus Christ when he preached Christianity.

That is, persistent faith in the Creator, trusting him completely in your life, observing the commandments - these are the fundamental foundations on which this religion stands. The behavior of a Christian should show people that God's will is manifested on earth through good works and right actions. By voluntarily renouncing a sinful life, a person already on earth enters eternal life and gains salvation from death. According to the Bible, God calls people his sons, his creation, and every parent loves his child, and therefore if a believer selflessly fulfills the will of the Creator and strives for humility, then all his sins in a past life are forgiven.

Words of the Apostle Paul:

And it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

This means that by recklessly trusting himself and his life to the will of the Creator, a person, as it were, becomes a haven of the Holy Spirit, and can no longer lead his previous meaningless life. Having realized that he is a particle of divine providence, he forever finds the meaning of life in serving Him.


At all times, people have wondered what truth is and what its essence is. Many philosophers have expressed the opinion that truth, as such, does not exist, that only its search is important. Each person has his own path to searching for truth. For some it has a philosophical origin, for others it has a spiritual origin, for others it has a material origin. The foundations of world religion also direct people in their teachings and commandments to one path or another.

It is in the search for spiritual truth that the meaning of life lies, in particular, according to a religion such as Christianity. If we take into account the fact that in Christianity the central idea is the concept of eternal life subject to belief in a higher power, then the meaning of human life, according to this idea, will be the desire for reunification with God. Having chosen the spiritual path, an Orthodox person devotes his life to faith in God and sees the meaning of his life in becoming like Christ.

This idea is based on the belief of people of the Christian religion that a life dedicated to God is endless, eternal. It is this position that forces one to draw the conclusion that, having given himself entirely to this religion, a person will not waste his allotted time on Earth. According to Christianity, only the spiritual path will lead to the salvation of the soul.

What are the beliefs of Christianity based on?

For any religion to be practiced by people, it needs to have a basis for its beliefs. What justifications does Christianity put forward as the main ones that prove the authenticity of its idea? Indeed, in order for a person to see perspective in this, the explanation of a religious idea must be as specific as possible, justified and include a number of facts.

The first proof of the Orthodox idea, according to Christianity, is that by dedicating his life to God, a person loses absolutely nothing, but at the same time acquires spiritual values, gains the opportunity to save his soul and live forever in unity with God. From this conviction it follows that it is extremely unreasonable to reject the Christian meaning of life.

The next thing Christianity offers is the ability to love unselfishly. This love is pure and sincere. According to the Orthodox, this is the highest state of good for each of us.

Thus, by presenting such arguments, this religion explains to us its point of view regarding the answer to the question about the meaning of life.

I think every person in this life has encountered a situation when, while doing something very important, they were faced with the fact that everything was useless, in vain, all the work, all the effort, all the time was wasted. At this moment a person experiences suffering, disappointment, meaninglessness, a huge amount of work has been done. We all understand from this example that earthly life is a certain image of that eternal thing that we will all face. And indeed, horror seizes - to spend time here in vain, to waste a lot of strength, to put in a lot of work, to cause a lot of evil. And how much envy, hatred, deceit and in one moment all these passions with which we lived here are revealed after death. This is truly horror.

This is what posthumous suffering is. And not a pitchfork on which someone will put you and torture you. In this life we ​​have the opportunity to correct a mistake, rethink our work and our lives in general. There the soul is deprived of such an opportunity; it arrives there with what it acquired here. You need to understand that human capabilities limited, we can only convey figuratively the state of the soul after death.

To Macarius of Egypt, the angel showed figurative suffering, saying, “everything you saw is the weakest semblance of what is really there.” Meaning of life in Christianity, lies in life, that is, believing in endless life. Speaking about the meaning of life, you need to understand a certain choice of a person, which lies in the conclusion of the existence of God, that there is a soul that awaits eternity. From this it follows that the whole meaning of a person is for what he lives. Thinking about eternity, or living like animals, who by nature do not think about the meaning of life in general. Unfortunately, we observe that a very large number of people do not think about the meaning of life, puzzled only by technical problems.

What evidence is there for the existence of God? Firstly, regarding the facts confirming the existence of God, a huge number of people who went to their death claimed that they not only believed, but knew that he exists. IN Orthodoxy, a host of saints and martyrs who truly experienced the state of inner knowledge of God. For God is a spiritual being. And you can know it directly - through experience, presence, action in a person. But not only saints, but many people claim to have experienced God.

And what is the value of a fact that does not fit into the generally accepted framework, like miracles of the saints, - Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker, John of Kronstadt, Ambrose of Optina, Seraphim of Sarov, Matrona of Moscow, Xenia of St. Petersburg and many others. People who rejected extrasensory perception, calling it demonic.

And the theological instrument, that is, the complex structure of this world, organism, laws. And science claims that there is no law according to which non-living things could form living things. And where does evolution begin? The very emergence of living things from non-living things and its further development, and the transition from animals to humans, where is the evidence? One falsification and ideological speculation, not a single fact.

For more than two thousand years, Christianity calls on every person to test for himself the existence of God, by living in a certain way, in accordance with the commandments, you will be convinced that the Lord exists. And the only proof that God does not exist is that no one has seen him. I would like to ask, have you seen your brain? So, according to your reasoning, it turns out that you don’t have it. Just some kind of anecdote, another proof of discrepancies in the New Testament. And if we take a closer look, all those contradictions, especially in the Gospel, they are a description of one fact or another, that is, different people describe the same fact in different ways. How stupid, sit a hundred children down and put a vase in front of them and ask them what they see and each one will answer differently. Likewise here, all these discrepancies are nothing more than facts of reliability, messages about which we read in the Apostolic Epistles. Any criminologist knows that if all the witnesses say the same thing, there is a criminal conspiracy between them. From this it becomes clear that these minor differences speak of authenticity, and no one has dared to correct them in two thousand years.

Another statement says that if there was a God, there would be no wars, disasters, or accidents. There would be no suffering, innocents, children, etc. We often hear about this, the suffering of humanity is caused by nothing more than a consequence of human violations, law of life, its human nature, Orthodoxy speaks about this directly. We have forgotten the laws of love, and injustice, the lowest bar is moral justice for a person. What kind of justice does a mother think about when she throws herself into the fire to save her child? From this we see that the highest law of human existence is the law of love, not justice. The computing machine "PC" is fair, (a piece of hardware), and not a person. So why do innocent children suffer? We have forgotten, and there is no way to remember, that we are consubstantial. We are one organism that is very sick. That is why these innocent , are healthy cells of this body, through which people have not yet died. And therefore, these sufferings are important both for the sufferer himself and for us, they carry great meaning.

And vice versa, if there is no Creator, all this suffering is in vain, then life, some kind of nonsense. Depending on how we perceive God, so is our spiritual path. Of course, there is one God, but each belief has a certain path and this path determines the understanding of God in each of the beliefs. The Apostle Paul said, “I don’t want you to worship demons.” He spoke about the pagans who had gods. It turns out that every religion has its own image of God, which can be ideally holy, or can be distorted to the point of devil-likeness. This is the whole essence of any belief in the image that is professed. And we Christians We see in the Lord Jesus the true image of God. And the modern world is following the path of shamelessness, mockery, including the image of women, which will lead to the worship of Belial

Christians face a twofold battle: firstly, with things that are visible with this eye, because they irritate, upset and... encourage the soul to become addicted to them and enjoy them, and secondly, with the principles and powers of the terrible world ruler of darkness.

Macarius the Great

The conviction brought by the correct study of Christianity, the conviction of the existence of all things invisible, taught by Christianity, is much stronger than the conviction of the existence of the visible, brought by the senses.

Ignatiy Brianchaninov

A Christian has only one misfortune - to offend God, but he does not consider anything else, such as loss of property, deprivation of the fatherland, the most extreme danger, as a disaster; even the very thing that everyone fears: the transition from here to there is more pleasant for him than life.

John Chrysostom

This is how a zealous and watchful Christian should be, should do good not once, not twice or thrice, but throughout his entire life. Just as our body is not once nourished to support itself throughout life, but has a need for daily nutrition, so here, in piety, we daily need help from good deeds.

John Chrysostom

Who will save me at the coming of the Judge who judges according to truth? He did not force me to work in His vineyard; I voluntarily stayed there all day to receive a reward; but for his laziness he was deprived of it.
So, with my own words, He will judge me, because I myself have proclaimed and called myself His workman.

Ephraim Sirin

March through all the ages and powers of Christ. As a disciple of Christ, cleanse yourself, free yourself from the veil that has been placed on you since birth.<ветхого человека>... Suffer, if necessary, stoning; I know well that you will hide in the midst of them, like God, because the word is not stoned. If you are brought to Herod, do not answer him. Your silence is more worthy than the long speeches of others. Whether you will be whipped, expect and other things, taste the bile for the first taste of the forbidden fruit, drink vinegar, look for spitting, accept the emphasis on the cheek and the blows. Be crowned with thorns - the severity of life according to God; put on a scarlet robe, take up a reed; Let them bow down, mocking you, insulting the truth. Finally, willingly be crucified, die and accept burial with Christ, so that with Him you may be resurrected, and glorified, and reign, seeing God in all His greatness and visible to Him.

Gregory the Theologian

Great strength is needed to bear the name of Christ. Anyone who says, or does, or has anything unworthy in his thoughts does not bear His name and does not have Christ in him. Meanwhile, the one who wears<это имя>, solemnly marches not through the marketplace, but through heaven;<при виде его>Everyone is in awe, Angels accompany him and are surprised.

John Chrysostom

Christian customs and laws are peculiar only to Christians, so that it is impossible for anyone else who would like to imitate us to adopt them, and this is because they were established not by human considerations, but by the power of God and long-term constancy.

Gregory the Theologian

Just as in the Old Testament no one was allowed to perform priesthood, except for some priests, but during Easter everyone was in some way awarded the rank of priesthood<ибо каждый закапал агнца>, so in the New and continuous Testament, although the sacred rite of the Bloodless Sacrifice is carried out primarily by those who are allowed to offer this Sacrifice, but everyone is appointed priest of his own body, not so that the unordained would arrogate to himself the right of authority over his subordinates, but in order Having subjugated vice to his power, he prepared his body for the temple, or sanctuary of purity.

Isidore Pelusiot

Who does not completely give himself up to the cross in humble wisdom and self-humiliation, and does not expose himself in front of everyone to trampling, humiliation, contempt, untruthfulness, ridicule and desecration, in order to endure all this with the joy of the Lord for the sake of, not seeking anything human, neither glory nor honor, no praise, no sweet food and drink, no<красных>clothes, he cannot be a true Christian.

Mark the Ascetic

The believer must be seen not only by the gift, but also by the new life. A believer must be a lamp to the world and salt. And if you don’t shine for yourself, don’t prevent your own rottenness, then why should we recognize you?.. A believer should shine not only with what he received from God, but also with what actually belongs to him; it is necessary that he be visible in everything - both in his step, and in his gaze, and in his appearance, and in his voice. I am talking about this so that we can observe decency, not for show, but for the benefit of those who look at us.

John Chrysostom

God sent us to testify about Him. Let us testify and convince those who think this way,<что Он не есть Бог>; If we do not testify, then we ourselves will be guilty of their error. If a witness full of numerous atrocities is not accepted at the court of justice, where everyday matters are examined, then even more so here, where matters of such lofty matters are being dealt with. We say that we have heard Christ and believe His promises; and they<неверные>they will say: show it with your actions; your life, on the contrary, testifies that you do not believe.

John Chrysostom

Christians are the dwellings of God, as Holy Scripture testifies to. “Whoever loves Me will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our abode with him,” says Christ (John 14:23). And the apostle: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16). And again: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?” (1 Cor. b. 19). And again: “You are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell in them and walk in them: and I will be their God, and they will be My people” (2 Cor. 6:16). And this is evidenced in other places. Oh, how great is this advantage of Christians, that they are the dwellings of the Most Holy Trinity and the temple of the living God!.. This is nothing less than the Kingdom of God to have within oneself (Luke 17:27). Blessed and blessed is the heart that has been deemed worthy to acquire this heavenly treasure!

Tikhon Zadonsky

Life is the power to act. Spiritual life is the power to act spiritually, or according to the will of God. Such power has been lost by man, and until it is given to him again, he cannot live spiritually, no matter how much he intends to do so. This is why the outpouring of grace-filled power into the soul of a believer is essential for a truly Christian life. A truly Christian life is a life of grace. A person is elevated to holy determination, but in order for him to act on it, it is necessary that grace be combined with his spirit. With this combination, moral strength, signified only by the first inspiration, is imprinted in the spirit and remains with it forever. It is this restoration of the moral strength of the spirit that consists of the action of regeneration accomplished in Baptism, where both justification and the power to act “according to God,” in the righteousness and holiness of the truth are sent down to man” (Eph. 4:24).

Feofan the Recluse

God is light and communicates His lordship to those with whom He unites as they are purified. And then the extinguished lamp of the soul, that is, the darkened mind, recognizes that it has been lit and illuminated because the Divine fire has embraced it. Oh miracle! A person is united with God spiritually and physically, because his soul is not separated from his mind, nor his body from his soul. Since God enters into unity with the whole person, that is, with his soul and body, then he also becomes threefold, as if trinitarian by grace - from body, soul and the Divine Spirit, from Whom he received grace. Then what was said by the king and prophet David is fulfilled: “I said: you are gods and sons of the Most High” (Ps. 81:6). Sons of the Most High in the image, that is, sons of the Most High and in the likeness, since they were deemed worthy to be the offspring of God from the Divine Spirit. To such Christ said and always says: “Abide in Me” and bear much fruit (John 15:4), with much fruit naming the multitudes who find salvation through them. And he also says: if the branch is not on the vine, it will wither and be thrown into the fire. “Abide in Me, and I in you” (John 15:4). And that Christ abides in us and we in Him, He himself teaches this when he says: “As You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21). And, wanting to present this more fully, he again takes the floor and says: “I am in them, and You are in Me; that they may be perfect in one” (John 17:23). To further convince those listening, he also says this: “And the glory that You gave Me, I have given them: that they may be one, even as We are one... and that the world may know that You... loved them, even as You loved Me.” (John 17, 22, 23). It is now obvious that just as the Father by nature abides in the Son and the Son in the Father, so those who, having believed, were born again of the Holy Spirit and became brothers of Christ and God by His gift and sons of God, abide in God and God in them, by grace. Those who have not become such and have not been completely changed in action, in mind and in contemplation - those who are not ashamed to say that they are Christians? How dare they open their mouths and proclaim the hidden secrets of God without shame? How are they not ashamed to put themselves among the number of true Christians and spirit-bearing men, having nothing spiritual in themselves and not only zeal, but also having no thought about it? How do some of these not tremble to enter the ranks of diaconate and priesthood and minister to the Most Pure Body and Blood of the Lord? I'm truly perplexed. Of course, blindness of mind and the accompanying insensibility, and ignorance, and the conceit born from them cause such people to trample underfoot, like dust, true gold and a valuable stone - our Lord Jesus Christ. But woe to them for this terrible audacity of theirs, by which they dare to ascend to such levels, with such great fearlessness before God and neglect of divine things, as if small and insignificant, and this only in order to appear superior to others. And who will call them Christians after this?

Simeon the New Theologian

“And everyone, seeing this, began to murmur, and said that He had come to a sinful man; Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord: Lord! I will give half of my property to the poor, and if I have offended anyone, I will repay him fourfold” (Luke 19:7-8). Pay attention to the miracle: he has not yet learned - and obeys; he has not yet heard the instructions - and fulfills them, for the Savior has not yet commanded anything about alms and love for the poor, but enlightened him silently. Just as the sun, pouring its rays into a house, brings light, so the Savior, with the rays of truth, drove away the darkness of wickedness. “The light shines in darkness” (John 1:5). That is why Zacchaeus, standing at the door, said: “I will give half of my property to the poor.” Beautiful words! They defeat nature, or better yet, skill, which is another nature. Notice here that Zacchaeus’s wealth was collected not from untruth alone, but also from inherited property. For if it were from untruth alone, how could he return it fourfold?

John Chrysostom

To follow Christ means to live according to His Gospel, demonstrating all virtue and piety; whoever wants to follow Him must deny himself and take up his cross and no longer spare himself if time calls, but be ready for a shameful death for the sake of virtue and the truth of Divine dogmas.

Gregory Palamas

The author of the proverbs said: “A good name is better than great wealth, and a good reputation is better than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1). So Christ commanded: “Let your light shine before men” (Matthew 5:16) - not so that we act out of ambition<да не будет этого! Христос искореняет его, повелевая и молитву и милостыни творить не всенародно, и утаивать от одной руки, что сделано другою>, but so that we do not give anyone a fair reason to be tempted. In this case, even against our will, the light of deeds will illuminate those who see and turn them to the praise of God. For what Christ means by this is clear from the fact that it is not said: “so that you may be glorified,” but: “so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Isidore Pelusiot

By these traits one can be recognized who is trying to be an imitator of God; he is equal in doing good to everyone, both to friends and to those who are hostile, whether he tolerates evil, repays evil with good, and shames those who offend not only by generously enduring insolence, but also by that he does all the good he can to them from the fullness of his heart.

Neil of Sinai

It is impossible to be at peace with God without continuous repentance. The Apostle John sets the following condition for peace with God: “if our heart does not condemn us” (1 John 3:21). If there is nothing on one’s conscience, one can have boldness and access to God in a sense of peace, but if there is, then peace is disturbed. Something happens on the conscience from the consciousness of sin. But, according to the same apostle, we are never without sin, and this is so decisive that he is already a liar who thinks and feels differently (1 John 1:8). Consequently, there is not a moment when someone does not have something on their conscience, whether voluntary or involuntary, and therefore there is not a moment when their peace with God is not disturbed. It follows that it is absolutely necessary to clear your conscience in order to be at peace with God. The conscience is cleansed by repentance; therefore, one must continuously repent. For repentance washes away all filth from the soul and makes it clean (1 John 1:9). This repentance does not consist only in words: forgive. God; have mercy. Lord, but with it all actions that condition the remission of sins are inevitable, that is: consciousness of a certain impurity of a thought, look, word, temptation or something else, consciousness of one’s guilt and irresponsibility without self-justification, prayer for abandonment for the sake of the Lord before repose spirit. As for great sins, you must immediately confess them to your spiritual father and accept permission, because you cannot calm the spirit with daily repentance. Thus, the duty of continuous repentance is the same as the duty to keep the conscience clean and impeccable.

Feofan the Recluse

Be, Christian, not only a right hand that receives, but also a hand that gives. If you have received good from God, do not keep it for yourself, but give it away for the glory of God and for the benefit of your neighbor. If you have received reason from God, do not hide it, but give it to the unreasonable and senseless, and your talent will increase. You have received health and strength - do not hide them, but use them for blessed labors. If you have accepted wealth - do not hide it in the ground, in cages and chests, do not waste it on the whims and luxury of God's goodness, but share it with the poor and wretched people - your brethren... Here is your right hand, Christian! Be not only a receiving, but also a bestowing right hand! If you accept any good from God, give it to the glory of the Benefactor and to the benefit of your brother. So you will be a faithful builder of God’s gifts, and what you receive from God, you will turn back to God, that is, to the glory of God. And for this, God will reward you, as a faithful builder, no longer with earthly, but with heavenly, not with temporary, but with eternal blessings. If you do not do this, then, like an evil and unfaithful servant, you will be tortured by your Lord and hear: “Throw out the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).

Tikhon Zadonsky

Trofim Gerasimenko

The meaning of life and Orthodoxy

Our every word and deed is subordinated to some purpose and solves certain problems. Are they subordinate to a big plan that leads to an important result, or do they always solve only minor immediate issues? Do they serve such a high purpose as the meaning of life? Are they worth spending your only life on??

Life is a kingdom of meanings

The human mind cannot help but act. Every step and action has its own explanation, its own reason. Any activity of a rational being presupposes the achievement of what is desired. What will be the fruits of life's journey from the point of view of the person himself? And will the ostrich approach, the reluctance to think, help him or, on the contrary, harm him?

Lack of meaning in life does not lead to good results. Some people find themselves at the point where they begin to hear thoughts of suicide from demons. Others, out of fear of death, avoid any thoughts about it until their last day. But this does not make their transition to the afterlife any easier or more joyful. On the contrary, the unpreparedness of the soul turns into torment from unresolved passions, torment over missed opportunities, suffering from feelings of guilt before someone, from experiencing the consequences of revealed unrepentant sins.

Likewise, an erroneous solution to the question of the meaning of life is fraught with sad consequences. Dangers await the seeking soul both in sects and religions that are far from the truth, and in passions for the achievements of science or philosophical constructs.

Scientists and the existence of God

It is no secret that many scientists who created various sciences as knowledge systems were believers. The existence of the Creator, our fantastically complex and harmoniously conceived world, is the foundation for the logic of understanding man and the entire universe in general. The recognition by “science” of the existence of the Creator is the voice of the believing scientists themselves, the creators of science, whose names we call units of measurement in physics: Pascal (wrote in defense of the Christian faith), Newton (author of theological works), Ampere... Among the believing scientists are astronomers Copernicus and Kepler, Lomonosov, Popov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Einstein...

The meaning of life and the religious picture of the world did not contradict the sum of their scientific knowledge. Those few scientists who stubbornly denied the existence of God could not figure out what experiments could prove their atheistic hypothesis.

Scientists come to a dead end when trying to explain the uniqueness of the existence of our life in the Universe: the calculated probability of the emergence of sustainable life from inanimate matter is practically zero. And even more so - the likelihood of the random emergence of an amazingly complex DNA molecule.

And the fundamental physical constants are tuned by the Creator with perfect accuracy to such values ​​that only allow our solar system to exist, as well as unique life on Earth.

Immortality of the soul

The position of biased atheists is further weakened by the facts accumulated by resuscitators who have repeatedly brought their patients back to life. These doctors, far from the problem of the meaning of life, remained scientific skeptics for a long time, but were forced to change their view on the question of the existence of the soul.

They were shocked by the testimonies of their patients: having been in a state of clinical death for a long time, they described in detail everything that they saw and heard, being at a great distance, in completely different rooms. Whereas, according to the logic of the atheists, they could neither see nor hear anything even close to their lifeless body.

Many philosophers have come to the conclusion that the existence of God and the existence of the immortal soul of man are necessary conditions for the possibility of the existence of meaning in life. These same postulates are the basis for the approach to a religious solution to this issue.

Philosophers and thinkers have risen to the concepts of good, living according to conscience. Some become stuck at the level of adherence to the simple selfish pursuit of pleasure.

Love is above all

Personal and universal experience convinces us that there is no higher happiness than love. They sacrifice their lives for her. Her man does not agree to exchange her for anything else. The face of the lover and the beloved glows with pure joy. Love is ready to sacrifice any pleasure.

An example of such love is shown to us only by Christ, preached by the Orthodox Apostolic Church. He sacrificed himself for humanity as much as possible, to the point of death. His love for people and God is limitless. Thanks to divine love, he had no anger even towards his own torturers and murderers. The Savior gave people a revelation in which God is love. AND meaning of life- to achieve unity in eternity with Christ, with the One who loves us infinitely.

It is enough to look closely at the faces of holy people in photographs to notice this heavenly joy that they received already here on earth. Christ compared the acquisition of the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, the King - God, in his soul with how a person finds a treasure, and for the sake of it he is ready to sacrifice absolutely everything he has. He found happiness.

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