Compatibility of Cancer men with women of other signs. Compatibility: Cancer with other signs in love and family life. Love compatibility with an Aries woman

What compatibility of Cancer will be with other zodiac signs will depend only on him. The fact is that Venus, under whose influence he is, makes Cancer the leading link in any relationship. The influence of Jupiter and the Moon also affects the life of this zodiac sign.

With its help, the lunar character of such people is unpredictable; you never know what his reaction will be to a particular situation. IN general outline, the compatibility of Cancer with other signs of the opposite sex will not be perfectly smooth. Let's find out which unions have a future, and where it is better to separate at the very beginning of the development of relations.

General description of the zodiac sign Cancer

Who is this sign? It is important for Cancer to create a positive first impression on the people he meets. He does not tolerate criticism and does not like it when his actions and actions are condemned. Such people become persona non grata; they do not want to continue communicating with them.

Cancer is a person who is not used to trusting people; he always leaves a bit of doubt and hides his true feelings from others. Such people have few acquaintances, not to mention true time-tested friends. It is worth saying that the hot-tempered nature of crayfish is legendary. If they argue or sort things out, they may resort to the use of physical force.

As for positive qualities, this sign also possesses them. Among them are the following:

  • Love for work
  • Purity of mind
  • Intelligence
  • Broad soul
  • Devotion

The ability to make friends needs to be said separately. If Cancer is friends, then it is forever; these relationships last for years, often starting from school. This sign is ready to sacrifice itself if a friend or his loved ones and relatives need it, especially if he was born in the year of the snake, horse, dragon, rabbit or goat.

A man and a woman must take care of someone; without this they cannot imagine their lives. This could be a wife or husband, children or just a pet. A representative of this zodiac sign will be happy to stand at the stove for a long time, carefully iron clothes and walk his beloved pet.

Cancers are open to everything new. They travel with pleasure and love bodies of water, this is explained by the fact that according to the compatibility horoscope, Cancer is a water sign. It is important for him that the person walking next to him through life shares his interests. He is ready to talk for hours about his hobbies, proving that it is interesting and worth trying what he is interested in. Even earth signs, who are usually not influenced by outside influences, are easily swayed by cancer.

If we summarize the qualities of the described zodiac sign, then Cancer can be described as an impulsive, passionate person for whom it is vitally important to always and everywhere achieve the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. With it you will be overwhelmed by a whirlpool of emotions, both positive and negative.

Let's find out in more detail who Cancer is compatible with and how its relationships with other zodiac signs develop, talking about each of them separately.

What do they promise in relationships with other water signs - Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio?

As mentioned earlier, Cancer has a hard time opening up to other people. If anyone can do this, it is only representatives of the water element. Scorpio does not have the simplest character, but despite this, they form a magical connection. Pisces is a sign of mirror opposite character, but with Cancer they will complement each other, like two halves of a puzzle. Two amphibians are not the most successful combination in the Cancer compatibility horoscope, since both partners will pull the blanket over themselves. But, nevertheless, the union has the right to life, since they know their strengths and weaknesses, as well as positive and negative traits.

The problem with such relationships is that the element of water implies that such signs are overly emotional, all three signs are under the influence of impulses and depend on their mood. If we compare the compatibility of Cancer by zodiac signs, then the amphibian will be most comfortable with Scorpio; in their relationship he will be the head of the family. This will not work with Pisces; partners will be compatible only if the entire life is on the shoulders of Pisces; Cancer does not need to interfere there. Two cancers - most likely, it makes sense to refuse such an alliance, partner compatibility is more than 20%, it will be difficult for them to get along with each other.

The signs of the water element form many combinations in love, but the following are considered the most successful, which are listed in the table for convenience:

Let's learn about compatibility with earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

This element is closest to cancer. Someone must pacify his wayward character, who will this sign be? Taurus is a zodiac sign, which is characterized as a gentle and sensual person, this is exactly what the representative of water needs, their compatibility is 100%. Cancer and Virgo are a good union, but besides love, something else should hold them together - friendship, business, or just a common hobby. In an alliance, Cancer and Virgo interact well with each other. The positive side of such a marriage is that a virgin, accustomed to pedantry and order in everything, will be able to accustom representatives of the sign being described to this. Their feelings will not be passionate, although on the other hand, this is not bad. Such relationships are usually called platonic love, where there is no compatibility in sex, and it will be cold and boring in bed.

As for Capricorn, they most likely do not have a common future with Cancer, like with anyone from the starry Albion. The explanation for everything is that these signs are the complete opposite of each other. They can be together only as long as there is no talk of marriage and the question of having children arises. If it comes to this, the couple will face problems, quarrels and constant conflicts that cannot be avoided.

Among the representatives of the earth element, there are several couples with cancer that turn out better than the rest:

  • Cancer woman (born in July) and Capricorn man
  • Taurus woman and man
  • Cancer man and Virgo woman

What happens to cancer with representatives of the elements of fire and air?

Fire and air do not go well with a representative of the water element. In such unions, unhealthy rivalry and struggle for leading positions appear. Of course, this should not happen in love, thus, love and intimate relationships turn into a battlefield where no one will be victorious. This is explained by the fact that fire and air cannot interact; they will oppress each other. In the relationship between fire and air, development can go in two ways - either they will develop the lack of mutual understanding to the maximum and go their separate ways, or, if the wind blows in the right direction, their life together will succeed.

Romantic Cancer and Aries, who cannot sit still for a day, will under no circumstances be able to get along. Even if at the very beginning it may seem that they are interested in each other, the first impression can be deceiving. They have no future. Gemini, due to their duplicity, will never be compatible in love with Cancer. The latter will not tolerate being treated inappropriately and wear masks in certain situations. With the lions, everything goes well at first. Leo is the sign that the whole world obeys; in his opinion, he will tolerate the antics of Cancer and his bad character, but this union is not destined to last long. It is important for him to feel like a free and unburdened person; he is used to deciding what and when and for whom he will do.

Libra will not be bad for Cancer; their relationship can last a long time. However, over the years, the passion will subside, only habit and craving for each other will remain. Libra will be flattered by Cancer's intelligence, they will want to learn from him and be led. Sagittarius and Cancer have different goals in life, their paths will diverge a few weeks or months after they meet. Sagittarius will show signs of attention to Cancer and, perhaps, a little intrigue will begin, a relationship without obligations. Neither one nor the other participant in the relationship will be satisfied with such a development in the end. Cancer and Aquarius are a couple that could have worked out successfully if not for the excessive daydreaming and detachment from the life of Aquarius. In addition, Aquarians often cannot keep their mouths shut, which Cancer will not like, because he is used to doing the same thing.

To summarize, we can say that astrology does not promise a happy relationship with any representative of the elements of fire and air. But there are exceptions to any rule, so it’s worth trying to build strong and long-term relationships.

Compatibility of the zodiac sign Cancer with each zodiac sign

Let's find out more about the possible love relationships zodiac sign and who is most compatible with Cancer.

Union with Aries

According to the compatibility horoscope, Cancer and Aries can be together. Aries becomes more self-confident and also gains peace of mind. The representative of water should be the main one in the union in order to guide the partner in the right direction. However, after some time, both partners will get tired of this and the union will most likely fall apart like a house of cards.

Union with Taurus

According to the compatibility horoscope, Cancer and Taurus are more friends than lovers. However, if both partners make every effort, then the union is likely to be successful. But Cancer needs to understand that he will have to shoulder everything that concerns the family - earnings, children and responsibility for the actions of the Taurus.

Union with Gemini

The only thing that unites these representatives of the zodiac signs is their character, which is why Cancer and Gemini are compatible in the horoscope. When zodiac signs find themselves in a profession, the likelihood of meeting becomes minimal, since everyone will be passionate about work. As was said earlier, the Gemini’s attitude to life is unacceptable for the sign being described; he does not understand his duplicity and lack of sincerity and does not intend to put up with this.

Union with Cancer

To describe the union briefly, it is life with its own mirror image; two cancers according to the compatibility horoscope are a bad combination. We all know that equally charged charges repel, this law of physics also works here. You should not waste your time, energy, life and sexual energy on developing such relationships, they are doomed to failure.

Union with Leo

Partners can learn a lot from each other; their life experiences are interesting and multifaceted. Cancer will most likely be uncomfortable, since Leo may be superior to him in many ways. According to the horoscope, Cancer and Leo compatibility is about 60 percent.

Union with Virgo

This combination is rare. But if it does happen, then the union is most likely successful. The problem will be that each of their partners will strive to take control of the relationship into their own hands. If cancer establishes its dominance, the marriage will last long and be successful, and sex life will work out in the best possible way.

Alliance with Libra

In such a relationship there will be no sincere relationship and love; most likely, it is platonic love and nothing more. Although in such a marriage children can be born and more than one wedding anniversary can be celebrated.

Union with Scorpio

Scorpio will need constant support from Cancer, like small child. Although, despite this, Cancer will every day be faced with a sea of ​​emotions that Scorpio will bestow on him. If both partners try to maintain harmony in the relationship, life will turn out well.

Union with Sagittarius

Cancer is able to subjugate a Sagittarius, make him fall in love and not leave him for a minute. Over time, this feeling will become stronger if the cancer needs it.

Union with Capricorn

One of the most striking and ideal unions, Cancer and Capricorn are a good match according to the compatibility horoscope. Of course, partners will encounter problems, but they will be so insignificant that they will in no way affect the development of their relationship.

Union with Aquarius

Aquarius in this relationship will play the role of an insensitive dictator, whose words and actions will more than once hurt the vulnerable Cancer. Aquarius has high intellectual abilities, which will greatly appeal to Cancer. Whether or not it is worth continuing such a relationship is up to cancer to decide.

Union with Pisces

Not a bad combination for both signs. Here each partner can truly open up and show their “I”. Both participants in the relationship are romantic, gentle and caring, and interact well with each other in the field of creativity.

Let's sum it up

Concluding the characteristics of the Cancer zodiac sign, compatibility with other signs will depend only on him; in many ways, he himself decides how they will develop and what the outcome will be. He may not get along with anyone if that is his will. He is used to holding leadership positions and taking leading positions. In order for a love relationship to develop as best as possible, he should choose as a partner someone who can voluntarily obey him and listen to his advice.

A person born under the Zodiac sign Cancer (June 22 - July 22) is a mystery. He was created this way, and remains this way throughout his life, because he follows his planetary ruler - the Moon. Cancer is the house of the Moon, this nocturnal female planet rules here limitlessly, and endows men and women of the Cancer sign with its own traits. Its astrological principle is cold and moisture. Therefore, people of this sign often seem cold and categorical. In alliance with this zodiac sign, successful horoscope compatibility, which will help partners become truly happy. The Moon rules the vitality of women and the feelings of men, which is why everyone born in this sign, and especially men, go through life with the motto: “I feel.” Successful love compatibility very important, because love is all he needs. The moon symbolizes the soul and subconscious, it is a conductor of feelings and sensations, and it is she who controls a person’s reaction to the world. The zodiac sign is characterized by such characteristics as sensitivity, heightened receptivity, and impressionability. The moon is not a creator, she is a guardian who simultaneously teaches and protects. External callousness and indifference to others is more of a shell than its essence. Every creature has a defensive reaction, and under its shell hides a vulnerable and sensitive heart.

I would say that love and relationships with loved ones are the essence and meaning of the entire life of men and women of this zodiac sign. He takes his deepest inner experiences seriously; by and large, this is life itself, its quintessence. Left without the one he loved, the Cancer man worries like no one else. The Cancer woman is seductive and desirable for other zodiac signs, but, unfortunately, erotic attractiveness is not the key to happiness family life.

Cancer woman - characteristics of sign compatibility

Family compatibility with an Aries man

A water sign of the zodiac and a fire sign are unlikely to be able to create a harmonious couple. The Aries man always strives to take a leading position, but in marriage he encounters a blank wall of resistance from the woman of the Cancer zodiac sign. She is jealous and seeks to tie her husband to her. This union is not capable of existing for long.

Compatibility for love of a Cancer woman with a Taurus man

The compatibility horoscope of these signs is typical. Both partners jealously care about their home and the wealth in it. The union is strong, materialistic and mercantile - the influence of the down-to-earth Taurus man is felt.

Compatibility of a Cancer woman with a Gemini man according to the horoscope

Negative horoscope compatibility, unsuccessful love union between a Cancer woman and a Gemini woman, stillborn marriage. However, it occurs quite often. Two people who have nothing in common with each other live under the same roof and call it family. Such unions reveal the paradox of human nature.

Astrological compatibility of women of the Cancer sign with a man of the Cancer sign

Such unions arise infrequently. Partners get tired of each other, it’s not easy for them to be around all the time. The fate of this union depends solely on the patience of the spouses; it can either break up or continue to exist for many years.

Love compatibility with a Leo man

For the Leo guy, this marriage is not easy, and it cannot be called fruitful either. A classic man of the Leo sign is unlikely to be carried away by a woman of the Cancer sign, and yet the gambling Leo may be attracted by her mystery. It will cost him dearly.

Marriage and love compatibility of Cancer woman with Virgo man

The union is quite viable and stable. Even despite the difference in temperament. It is not easy for the sensual Cancer girl to listen to the teachings and lectures of the scrupulous man of the Virgo zodiac sign. But this is compensated by the fact that the Cancer woman will find a lover in the Virgo man who will take care of the children and the house.

Compatibility of a woman according to the horoscope Cancer with a Libra man

An abundance of conflicts and deep internal disunity characterizes this union. The Libra man with his evaluative attitude towards the world is not interesting to the subtle, sensitive Cancer woman. The Libra guy, in turn, does not tolerate the dissatisfaction of his companion.

Astrological compatibility with a Scorpio man

The best compatibility in intimate terms. Almost everything is perfect here, unlike other areas where relationships are based on the Cancer woman’s fear of the Scorpio man. This marriage can exist for many years, the spouses do not let each other go, they take revenge quietly and for a long time.

Marital compatibility with a Sagittarius man

This union is more successful than the option when the man is Cancer and the woman is Sagittarius, more accurate compatibility according to the horoscope. The Cancer woman is attractive to the Sagittarius guy with her femininity and natural softness. He even likes her delicacy. Treason is not excluded. But the marriage will break up not because of the spouses’ hobbies with other partners, but because of disunity of interests and mercantile aspirations.

Compatibility for marriage with a Capricorn man

Every now and then the union of a Cancer girl and a Capricorn man is unfavorable from an astrological point of view. The compatibility horoscope shows that both spouses need other partners, despite mutual erotic attraction. In a union, each spouse is pulled in his own direction, and private and deep conflicts create unbearable living conditions.

Compatibility of women of the Cancer sign for starting a family with an Aquarius man

This is a difficult marriage for both spouses. There is too little in common, too much rivalry and confrontation. When children are born, parents begin to fight for them, which is why the children suffer madly. And so, in the struggle, the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man are able to live for many years.

Compatibility horoscope with a Pisces man

The Cancer woman, with her phenomenal jealousy, is not at all jealous of the Pisces man. This is a happy union, the best compatibility in the astrological aspect. Their home is cozy, hospitable, and has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Spouses float on the waves of their fantasies and do not demand anything from each other.

Cancer man - characteristics of love compatibility with other signs

Love compatibility with an Aries woman

These sensual lovers are unlikely to create a harmonious and stable family union. Not the best compatibility according to the horoscope; marriage, as a rule, is difficult for both spouses. How long it will last depends on the patience of the partners.

Compatibility of a Cancer man for love with a Taurus woman

This union is convenient for the Cancer man. The Taurus woman is able to take on all the worries and carry the family, while the Cancer man feels light and free. From time to time, serious quarrels arise because of this. But the Taurus woman is patient, and the marriage can last for many years.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Gemini woman according to the horoscope

This union cannot be called successful, but also unsuccessful. This is the golden mean, spouses can maintain their relationship for a long time, the zodiac compatibility of the signs allows this. The Gemini woman tries to meet her husband halfway, so no serious conflicts arise in the marriage.

Compatibility of a man of the zodiac sign Cancer with a Cancer woman

I call this marriage unsuccessful. This is a difficult, unfruitful union. Spiritually, partners cannot give each other anything, but deep conflicts will not arise.

Compatibility for love with a Leo woman

The Leo woman is a strong personality, the Cancer man, seeing this, strives for her, and it is she who makes the decision and takes the Cancer man as her wife, and not vice versa. Love compatibility not bad, outwardly the marriage is respectable and successful. There are also disadvantages: the soul of a Cancer man is oppressed by persistent anxiety, and the Leo girl is obsessed with pride.

Love and marriage compatibility of a Cancer guy with a Virgo woman

This compatibility of signs gives marriage a chance for longevity. Despite everything, the Virgo woman torments her husband with reproaches, and the Cancer man cheats on her in revenge. Although everything looks good from the outside. Spouses can keep money; if there is not enough money, the marriage will break up.

Horoscope compatibility of the Cancer sign with the Libra woman

This union is quite difficult, but possible. The Libra woman attracts the Cancer man with her openness. They are great lovers. However, for the companion of a Cancer man, it is important how her husband behaves in society, how respectable he is. The Cancer guy cannot stand this test, and his wife rejects him.

Love compatibility with a Scorpio woman

The complex love compatibility of these zodiac signs in the erotic aspect is seen as a wonderful relationship. Subconsciously, the Cancer man experiences fear of his other half, this is true. It is also true that only a Scorpio woman is able to see a real man in him. The gentle Cancer man is grateful to her for this, but it is still difficult for them to live together.

Family compatibility of a Cancer man with a Sagittarius woman

This union is difficult for the Cancer man. The energy of his beloved is capable of burning him. True, he endures the pain from the burns for a long time, but at one point he breaks off the relationship.

Marital compatibility of a guy of the zodiac sign Cancer with a Capricorn woman

Such love compatibility occurs only between very young partners. These zodiac signs are not suitable for each other: the Capricorn girl looks at the Cancer man as household equipment. The understanding that they live in different universes comes over the years.

Compatibility for love with an Aquarius woman

This is a union of lovers, but not spouses. The Aquarius woman understands how pampering her chosen one is. Perhaps she would like to see a brutal man next to her, but the Cancer guy is not like that. The wise Aquarius girl forgives him for this, because you can’t judge a person for not being someone.

Compatibility of love horoscopes for men of the astrological sign Cancer with a Pisces woman

This is a good union of two people who will never know disunity. In terms of marriage, they are made for each other. Zodiac signs Cancer man and Pisces woman have maintained understatement, a kind of illusory secret, for many years.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, you saw a romantic nature and a tender, vulnerable soul?

Previously, it seemed to you that she was all calmness, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, it’s just that few people are like her: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers.

When you first meet a Cancer woman, you will find that she can be flirty, but there is nothing flashy or flashy about her. Tender, feminine, sympathetic, seductive - she will be a good life partner and an excellent wife.

Behind the outward timidity and shyness of the Cancer woman lies a storm of passions that only needs to be awakened. Don't expect decisive actions from her - she is incapable of them. You must catch the subtle hint, the unspoken invitation. If you miss this chance, your luck will run out because the Cancer woman is too vulnerable to make another attempt at seduction.

That is why if a relationship with a Cancer woman is dear to you, the worst thing you can do is start to pull her back and criticize her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is capable of falling into dull melancholy if they are voiced openly to her. And this is only half the problem: in the end, the Cancer woman’s melancholy will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply withdraw, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

Nevertheless, a relationship with a Cancer woman is worth learning to avoid rough edges for. Cancer is so feminine, so charming, such an amazing cook and such a wonderful housewife that she can make any man happy who dreams of a family home.

According to the compatibility of the Cancer woman, she is not attracted by holiday romances, because in a relationship she is not looking for a fleeting riot of feelings, but real values: love, fidelity, care, attention. Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, but for her part she is simply not capable of them.

Trust is very important to her in relationships. The Cancer woman gives her heart extremely carefully; more than anything else, she needs love and security. She is ready to grab hold of someone who will give her reliability and peace of mind.

Having become the chosen one and even the life partner of a Cancer woman, always remember that, despite all her love for you, many of her thoughts and memories will remain inaccessible to you. Take for granted the fact that there is a place in her soul for little secrets, but if she shares with you her doubts and fears (of which she has many), support her with words of encouragement. The fact is that many people, and you will have to try, to instill in her faith in her abilities.

In terms of compatibility in love and marriage, the Cancer woman, with all her fragility and romance, can hardly be called a creature with her head in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, knows how to run a household, handle money, make provisions for a rainy day and raise children.

By the way, in the latter respect, Cancer has no equal at all, to the point that she is able to sit by the crib all night long, listening to the child’s breathing: is it even, is he sleeping well? Such excessive guardianship leads to the fact that it is difficult for the children of a Cancer woman to learn independence - their mother does everything for them almost before the wedding. However, what they definitely do not lack is attention, care and high self-esteem raised by their mother.

In relation to difficulties, the Cancer woman usually does not show much resilience, preferring to wait patiently for the bad streak to end. However, this does not apply to cases where someone close to her is at risk. Having stood up to protect her loved one, the usually calm and affectionate Cancer woman is ready to fight like a lion! Having become her husband, you will never doubt her devotion, and yet even at the golden wedding, looking at her surrounded by children and grandchildren, you will think that you have never unraveled many of her secrets, and first of all, the secret of her unique charm.

Compatibility of a Cancer woman - the image of a Beloved

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman - her ideal man must be intelligent, decent, good-natured and flexible, because this lady is used to taking control of the situation. But she will never allow herself to start a quarrel with her partner or pay attention to a stranger.

Compatibility of Cancer woman with zodiac signs

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aries man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and an Aries man, this union is not often found, since the partners live practically in parallel worlds. Self-confident Aries does not recognize any boundaries, while the cautious Cancer woman, on the contrary, builds her life according to clear laws.

On the other hand, in living together, such dissimilarity has its advantages: the ambitious Aries calmly deals with work and career, while his fair half is busy with home and family. True, sometimes Aries puts too much pressure on Cancer, which is why she can become offended and withdraw into herself.

There is always a strong sexual attraction between Cancer and Aries, but a long-term union is very problematic. ..

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Taurus man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, excellent relationships can form and exist between them; full understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for the marriage union itself, and for marital relations and family life. They have a lot in common. Both love the hearth and dream of their own home - cozy and comfortable, a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If Cancer and Taurus take stricter control over the negative traits of their character and disposition, and impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marital relationship can become a strong union “for centuries”, in which both partners truly love each other...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Gemini man

These signs have poor compatibility, but such pairs are common.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Gemini man, their relationship is based either on great love, or on the benefits that each receives from the other partner. In the first case, the couple is able to organize their small world for two, in the second they live in parallel with each other, not intersecting anywhere except in everyday life.

The restless Gemini man and the thorough Cancer woman don't have much in common, but they can complement each other. As a rule, the Cancer woman takes care of the house and the family budget for two, while the Gemini man, also for two, lives a rich, fairly free life...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Cancer man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Cancer man- this is not as good an alliance as it might seem at first. Two Cancers understand each other well, but their mutual stubbornness and resentment spoil their lives.

A long-term relationship between two Cancers is possible only if they are both very successful: wealthy, with reliable friends and a good profession. Otherwise, they will stop their communication with mutual reproaches and insults.

The common denominator in Cancer-Cancer compatibility is a clear predominance of feelings, constant changes in mood, submission to rhythms lunar phases. Their life is more or less tolerable until their mood swings coincide. Then one of the partners needs to go for a walk to “get some air,” at least for a few hours. They must categorically avoid outbursts of emotions, scandals, and tears...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Leo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Leo man- these people are opposite to each other, they will never be able to change each other or influence their partner. But between them there will be the most fruitful and harmonious union imaginable. After all, they are the embodiment of the energy of two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. Like their cosmic counterparts, they do not overlap in character, but need each other for harmony.

Even if at the moment neither the Leo man nor the Cancer woman thinks about family ties, nevertheless, both of them, as a rule, strive for them all their lives. Although a Cancer woman and a Leo man can hardly be called similar, they are united not only by their views on marriage, practicality and love of thoroughness...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Virgo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Virgo man- in this union, partners have every chance of finding their soul mate. True, this relationship cannot be called too passionate, but the practical Virgo man and Cancer woman are united by similar views on life, thoroughness, frugality and the desire to create a strong family. This union, somewhat boring from the outside, but more than satisfactory and Cancer and Virgo.

They are similar in many ways, but with their differing features they complement each other well. Therefore, there are almost no quarrels in the couple and mutual understanding reigns. If they quarrel, it is rarely and unnoticed by others: both are not supporters of “Spanish passions”...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Libra man

The relationship in this couple is not easy, but interesting: at first, the partners take a long and painful time to learn to understand each other, which is not as easy as it seems. Then their union acquires amazing harmony.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Libra men, in this union the partners are similar in many ways, and this is both its advantage and its disadvantage. Libra man and Cancer woman are emotional and thoughtful natures, and can beat around the bush for a long time before making any important decision. That is why the courtship period in this couple can drag on for months, if not years.

In the life together of a Cancer-Libra couple, everything usually moves at the same snail’s pace, but thoroughly: first they can date for a long time, then live with their parents for a long time...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Scorpio man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Scorpio man- this is a good and interesting combination. A Scorpio man and a Cancer woman, as a rule, are drawn to each other, they feel good together, and the feeling of novelty may not go away even after a year of close relationships. They are interested in being together, because no one will ever understand them the way their partner understands them.

A Scorpio man, having met a Cancer woman and feeling the arrow of Cupid in his heart, immediately rushes to legal marriage. And if the partner is already busy, then he will quietly and calmly, humbly wait for “his time.”

In a Cancer-Scorpio pair, any everyday problems disappear by themselves. The only thing Cancer must always and constantly reckon with is Scorpio’s jealousy...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man, as a rule, avoids family ties to the last, while the Cancer woman is very careful about choosing a partner, so cases when fate brings them together are rare.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man, these people may become interested in each other when they first meet. But the Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man have too different views on life to create a truly strong family. Therefore, for a partnership, they will both have to come to terms with a lot, give up a lot and work hard on themselves. Everyone decides for himself whether he can cope with this, or whether he will have to leave...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Capricorn man

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on their successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps, from the outside, this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they suit each other so well” more than once or twice in their lives. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises through the ranks, while Cancer takes excellent care of the home and children...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Aquarius man- this is one of the complex unions. The life goals of a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man are different.

The unpredictable, freedom-loving Aquarius man and the cautious Cancer woman are as different as heaven and earth, however, they are drawn to each other. They have good sexual compatibility, but in everyday life it can be difficult for a conservative Cancer woman to understand the creative, contradictory nature of an Aquarius man. Usually he is not ready to provide her with the stability that she strives for with all her soul, and is generally not in the mood for marriage. Aquarius is not satisfied with Cancer's measured lifestyle and inability to share with him his many interests and hobbies.

Over time, these contradictions, as a rule, deepen, and the Cancer-Aquarius union may fall apart, unless the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man learn to live in each other’s interests...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Pisces man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Pisces man- between this couple there can be not only harmonious friendship or favorable cooperation, but also deep, mutual love, a happy marriage. And love often breaks out here even “at first sight.” Both Cancer and Pisces feel good in this union.

A Cancer woman may initially think that she would be happier with a stronger man. But the longer she lives with a Pisces man, the more clearly she understands that she would hardly get along with someone who was stronger than her as well as with soft, dreamy Pisces.

The Pisces man and the Cancer woman are very similar and therefore understand each other very well. In their life together, there is usually no place for scandals and quarrels, although their relationship cannot be called dry: they are wonderful lovers, together it is easy and good for them. The Cancer-Pisces pair is a union of two dreamers and visionaries with a rich inner world...

Mysterious and a little aloof on the outside, sensitive and vulnerable on the inside, the Cancer girl is a difficult choice for men. The meaning of her life is emotional unrest, empathy, complex mood swings. On the other hand, Cancer is a constant zodiac, integral within itself, covered with a shell, and does not tolerate pressure. People are born under this sign between June 22 and July 22.

Cancer: characteristics of the sign

Cancer's intuition is like water - it leads its ward along the path of least emotional disturbance. Cancer is a zodiac sign, compatibility with which should be based on intra-family relationships. If this condition is met, there is an object of love and adoration at home - Cancer can become possessive, tyrant, corrosive and constantly demanding maximum performance from a partner. This is what Cancer is all about.

The characterization of the sign exaggerates, often giving an erroneous idea about the person. In fact, those born under the influence of the Moon and the sign of water very sensitively feel the world around them, which they themselves create. Their world is calm, without sudden surges of emotions and intense passions. Cancer is very dependent on the inside family relations and from one’s own memory, in which everything is recorded by scarring: once and for all. And here it doesn’t matter what exactly Cancer will remember: a quote from a movie, his mother’s favorite juice, the smell of a neighbor’s dog, or a brooch given to a friend.

Cancer. Horoscope. Young woman

In the head of a woman born under the sign of the Moon and water, thoughts are constantly spinning about how one could survive this or that event. Constantly thinking, going over moments, a Cancer woman can drive herself into a psychological trap, which, firstly, she will not tell anyone about, secondly, she will wait for her loved ones to guess it themselves, and thirdly, pull her out of her own depressing thoughts almost impossible. Here, as they say, you have to wait until it goes away. Yes, Cancer is a zodiac prone to long soul-searching, which, as a rule, leads to nothing.

Thought is the basis of Cancer's life. There, in his head, the maximum of their life passes, but if there is a person nearby with whom it is interesting to communicate, who knows how to listen and knows how to speak, Cancer will gladly linger and devote himself completely to the conversation. In addition, as we remember, he has a good memory, which means he is an excellent interlocutor with us. True, getting a Cancer woman to talk will not be so easy.

Compatibility with other signs

Cancer is a zodiac sign, compatibility with which either gives freedom or puts on shackles. Why? Because regardless of gender, Cancers are either leaders or martyrs. Either affectionate or a little hysterical. Either they love quietly and tenderly, or they oppress both themselves and their partner.

Cancer woman - Aries man

The initial stage of a relationship is boundless romance. She is delighted with his reliability and impulses, he is delighted with how caring and understanding she is. True, this relationship is not the best union, since Cancer often goes too far with care and homeliness, while Aries loves a change of scenery and strives for freedom. A good union here is possible through patience, compromise and respect for each other's interests.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

Cancer is a sensitive and empathetic zodiac. Taurus appreciates this. Such a union is almost ideal: Taurus performs purely masculine functions, the Cancer girl purely feminine; he receives maximum care and affection with her, while she gets the opportunity to sit at home and not worry about the outside world. The only advice: a Cancer woman should give in to her Taurus more often. Even if his thirst for activity is incomprehensible and unfounded.

Cancer woman - Gemini man

This couple will not be unambiguous: on the one hand there is great love, on the other there is a lot of disagreement. She wants peace and to always be with him, but he wants to go for a walk, a new car, become a Buddhist, drink lemonade and all at the same time, or better yet, go to a monastery. Or eat some pie. The inconstancy of Gemini will one day drive even a calm Cancer woman into hysterics.

Cancer woman - Cancer man

This union is similar to communication with a mirror: similarity in everything, the same aspirations and goals, equal strength and an equal degree of perseverance in creating everyday life. But it’s hard to live with a reflection: everything is predictable to such an extent that it hurts your teeth. A Cancer girl and a Cancer guy will often come to quarrels. Moreover, these quarrels will be with the same arguments, but in complete silence. Because the Cancer girl and the Cancer guy are silent creatures.

Cancer Woman - Leo Man

The sociable Leo will often disappear in groups, telling everyone his love story, tormenting his withdrawn friend. Cancer will be offended and silent, bringing Leo to the boil. If in this couple everyone defends their interests and thinks about themselves, separation will come quickly. If they both sincerely admire each other, the relationship will be long-lasting and productive, despite the fundamental differences.

Cancer woman - Virgo man

This is a sweet, quiet couple who loves their family and has common views on life in general, on comfort, on the family budget and on handling things. Yes, the relationship will take a long time to develop: the partners are very careful, but after a long build-up and grinding in, they are unlikely to want to break up.

Such a union will be very gray and dull in appearance, but cozy inside. The downside may be the excessive pickiness of Virgo and the vulnerability of Cancer.

Cancer woman - Libra man

Two neat ones. Two family men. Two economic natures. She will rejoice at a calculating and neat man. He will be glad to have a woman with whom he can find stability. Libra is a man of intelligence who does not like the excessive tenderness that Cancer needs. This will lead the Cancer woman to accumulate grievances, which can be avoided through frank conversations and direct requests. It is also very important to take control of the financial part, as Libra can be wasteful.

Cancer woman - Scorpio man

One of the most successful unions, as he and she become friends, partners, lovers and ideal spouses for each other. There will be practically no quarrels here, since understanding is top level. Outwardly, this is a very calm, chaste union of two spouses who honor family traditions and way of life. And inside there is an intensity of passions and a storm of emotions. True, no one will see this. The main thing is not to give Scorpio a reason to be jealous.

Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The frivolous nature of Sagittarius and the prudence of Cancer. He is a carefree dreamer who loves to tell the truth to his face. She is hardworking, vulnerable and thinks about the future of the family. His criticism can hurt her very painfully, and the man’s constant frivolity will make her wonder: is such a charming but flighty man needed?
boy? Solution: learn to listen to each other, make concessions and avoid sharp corners.

Cancer woman - Capricorn man

In this couple there is a clear distribution of roles: he is the breadwinner, she is the housewife. The union will turn out to be very strong and comfortable for both, because next to each other their best qualities will come to the fore, and feelings will be supported by tender relationships. To strengthen the union, it is important for him to learn to understand her sensitive nature, and for her to remember his calculating mind and inability to scan emotions.

Cancer woman - Aquarius man

When the initial intensity of passions subsides, Cancer's vulnerability and Aquarius's insane craving for freedom will remain. A serious problem will be Aquarius' mockery of Cancer's vulnerability. Such a connection will be fragile and short-lived due to the coldness of Aquarius and his creative nature, looking for something new. A Cancer girl, with whom Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible, is unlikely to be able to attach free man to home and family.

Cancer woman - Pisces man

The union of Cancer and Pisces is built on tenderness, care, and attention to each other. They are frank and love to spend time together, completely understanding and satisfying each other. In addition, the connection between them is established instantly. The conflict level of this couple is zero: there are no quarrels here, since both are ready to make peace. Their life is a solitary existence in harmony with each other. The downside of the relationship will be that both are unable to make a serious decision about anything.

Creating a union is a difficult step for a Cancer girl. She is indecisive by nature and expects her partner to make the decisive first step for her. The manifestation of determination kills Cancer on the spot. A partner who is not able to take care of himself, her, their everyday life and the material component of life will very quickly disappoint her.

If the union was concluded not amicably, but due to a coincidence of circumstances (family decision, unplanned pregnancy, settlement or something else) and there is no way to separate, then in this case we can only advise one thing: be patient and try to find the good sides in the partner, which whatever he is.

It is not necessary to share everything with your partner and idealize him. The lack of heart-to-heart communication can be solved with the help of friends with similar interests, and sentimental communication can be replaced by writing poetry or another hobby. Of course, this will not solve the problems in the relationship, but it will allow the Cancer girl to remain herself and spend time alone with herself, in her shell, where she is best understood - in her own head.

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These are some of the most prudent signs of the Zodiac. Cancers (June 22 – July 22) are purposeful people. When he is directed towards his goal, he never retreats until he reaches it. all thanks to two important qualities: persistence and forethought. But it won’t move directly either. Most likely, he will take the position of a thinker and begin to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of the issue. Whatever he achieves, he will definitely never miss. Cancer is passionate, ardent, and does not spare emotions. The best thing for him is his home. Cancer is too receptive, vulnerable, caring and cautious.

Cancer - Aries

Dangerous connection. At first he likes the fiery character of Aries. But this is only in the first stages. Then comes the conflict period. Aries strives to bind a partner to himself, to impose his opinions and views. He does it sharply and harshly. Cancer doesn't like this. From which secrecy begins to be present in his behavior. Both of them suffer from such qualities of each other.

    Cancer Man + Aries Woman

    When a Cancer man and an Aries woman, the union is very confusing. A man prefers silence, closeness, and does not want to demonstrate or advertise anything. The woman is the exact opposite. Often, under such calmness and secrecy, the qualities of a tyrant are hidden. The woman is very smart and decisive. She loves being the "center of the Earth." The partner, in turn, is slow and indecisive. He does not share her active behavior and is trying to “turn” her in his direction. But if they play along with each other, adjust and adapt, they soon stop feeling dissatisfied with this and then everything gets better.

    Cancer Woman + Aries Man

    If the man is Aries, the woman is Cancer, they are a good match. They have a lot in common. Sometimes they act as teachers for each other. Great for all aspects of life. Aries always wants attention. The Cancer woman has a changeable mood. In the first stages, a man beautifully looks after his beloved, but he does not have enough patience for a long time. They can exist together if they allow one person to lead the relationship. It’s very nice when a woman allows her partner to have personal space and a little freedom. The man does not take advantage of this, but accepts it with gratitude. So that they can live in a strong family, they need to coordinate the relationship first.

Cancer - Taurus

Quite a harmonious union. Such couples can often be found, and they usually live in love and harmony. These are two lovers and guardians of the home. Cancer's nature changes often, like the weather. Therefore, Taurus tries not to part with him for a long time. Children are happy to have such parents. Taurus can be jealous even without reason, the partner knows this and knows how to quickly calm him down. Cancers like the attitude to life that Taurus prefers, which is why they really value their soulmate. Cancer is a bit of a material person. But Taurus is also famous for this, so they get along well in an alliance. They can save money together and enjoy shopping.

    Cancer Man + Taurus Woman

    Both love home comfort. They care about the harmony of relationships. Household. Beautiful lovers. But sometimes a woman can be infuriated by the excessive caution and prudence of a Cancer man. Here one of her qualities is manifested - straightforwardness. She can easily express everything to his face. After which Cancer can be offended by his companion for a long time. And if a woman crosses boundaries, the relationship may fail. But, nevertheless, there are more positive characteristics of these signs than negative ones. Therefore, the union has a chance to exist for a long time, both in the couple will feel happy.

    Cancer Woman + Taurus Man

    Good combination. The girl loves to sit at home, create comfort and harmony. This is exactly what Taurus needs. They are both interested in well-being. If both try, they can be an ideal family. The sexual side of the couple is also well characterized. They have an understanding. They have common desires and goals that concern the family.

Cancer - Gemini

Gemini is a symbol of constant temptation. This is a strong attraction for Cancer. In the field of intelligence and development, they are very interested and comfortable together. Both of them are capricious, flighty, and childish. The only difference is that Geminis love more freedom. They prefer freedom. It is difficult for Cancer to come to terms with this, since his views on this matter are slightly different. Cancer often wants to tie Gemini to him. But he rarely succeeds.

    Cancer Woman + Gemini Man

    The freedom-loving Gemini and the quiet Cancer woman have little in common. But the relationship still has a chance of success. A woman manages household chores, provides home comfort, and takes care of the family. The Gemini man enjoys the freedom and fullness of life. Therefore, a woman may be offended by her lover. But she tries not to hold grudges in order to avoid a scandal. This makes her very different from other signs. For Gemini this is an extraordinary treasure. Because he hates it when complaints are voiced to him. The relationship can last only as long as the Cancer Woman can tolerate the antics of her loved one.

    Cancer Man + Gemini Woman

    These people are compatible in intimate relationships. They are passionate about each other from the beginning, such feelings do not leave them for a long time. Even after a long time, they can pleasantly surprise each other, just like for the first time. But there are many differences that often prevent people from staying together. They do not have common goals or views. Opinions often differ. They even move through life at different “speeds”. The Gemini woman is more active, the Cancer man is calmer. They also disagree on family issues. For Cancer, family is the most important thing. The Gemini woman will not sacrifice freedom even for the sake of her family.

Cancer - Cancer

These relationships occur frequently. They are usually serious, loving and long-lasting. In a relationship enough emotional outbursts. Cancers can quarrel, make peace, sort things out, take offense and forgive.

    Cancer Woman + Cancer Man

    In this association, partners often find their own piece of themselves. Cancers are cozy and comfortable in the buddy-buddy community. They choose the comfort of home over ordinary pleasures. They have many common interests. Often such absolute independence sometimes leads them to some kind of isolation: happy with life Cancers simply lack incentives to communicate with friends and family. Naturally, if symphony and love reign between a couple, all other difficulties are secondary. It is advisable for Cancers to change own life, namely, intimate, so that their marriage does not turn into a routine.

Cancer - Leo

Relationships are built on great love and sexuality. But all romance lasts, as a rule, only until marriage. As soon as a partner is tied in marriage, difficulties immediately arise. They just can't get used to it and adapt. Cancer wants to take power completely into its own hands, and Leo is not a suitable option for taming. Frequent conflicts begin.

    Cancer Woman + Leo Man

    Usually a Cancer and Leo lady can hardly be called similar; they are united not only by their views on marriage, but by their desire for seriousness.
    A woman does not want to pull the blanket of leadership in the family onto herself. For Leo, in this version, she is a real discovery. Traditionally, in their marriage, responsibilities are clearly divided: Leo is a breadwinner and a careerist, the wife takes pleasure in making the home comfortable. The truth is, Leo is not very happy with his wife's habit of being a housewife, while he himself loves holidays and sparkling in the community. For a good marriage, they have attraction, respect for common values, and respect. The representative of the stronger sex - Leo and the Cancer lady - has a real chance to become a happy family.

    Cancer Man + Leo Woman

    In this difficult association with the Lioness, the neat Cancer is guaranteed a whole whirlpool of emotions. On the one hand, he develops an interest in the flashy Lioness, he has the opportunity to admire her taste and even change his own lifestyle, sometimes appearing in society. But the immoderate waste of the Lioness’s companion is outraged. Often these events turn out to be a prerequisite for separation.
    No matter how hard Cancer tries, it is very difficult for him to keep up with the rhythm of life of the Lioness. Often because of this issue, couples become disappointed in each other. The lioness begins to look for the most autonomous, proactive and generous partner.

Cancer - Virgo

Cancer is a very picky sign. Virgos are the only ones who will endure this unquestioningly, constantly forgive and embrace the situation. Virgos give Cancer complete freedom of action. Cancer can go away and then come back. Virgo will patiently hear the apology, forgive and accept the partner back. Virgo sincerely believes that these are the last tricks of Cancer. He steps on the same rake often. But the union is considered good. Both partners complement each other and compensate for each other's negative qualities.

    Cancer Woman + Virgo Man

    The union has a lot in common. The representative of the stronger sex and the lady are sensual. But the candy-bouquet period can last a very long time.
    At first there are chances to build long connections, but later the situation changes a little for the worse. But if their relationship starts, it lasts for a long time, sometimes even a lifetime. Libras are the most emotional. When they arrive in a bad mood, they can make a woman cry. But she knows to "put out" incidents in full swing.
    They have excellent sexual compatibility, and their home, thanks to the thriftiness of Cancer, is traditionally considered a prototype of home comfort and convenience.

    Cancer Man + Virgo Woman

    It is difficult to imagine that the common life of Cancer and Virgo will be strewn with roses, simply because neither Cancer nor Virgo considers it right to waste money on flowers. Senseless waste does not impress them at all.
    In general, if saving is not a burden to the family, then it will not change life in any way. But despite all of the above, the savings not spent by Cancer and Virgo have every chance of turning into decent household capital. Apart from the issue of money, they have the same thoughts on marriage, knowledge of household chores, and education of children. For the couple, family is everything, and they deeply value loyalty and confidence in the future with each other. Virgo often tries to teach her companion, who at times is ready to bow his head,
    so that there are no scandals in the family. In other words, this pair of like-minded people and friends can be oriented towards a strong and lasting union.

Cancer - Libra

If Libra can learn to be patient, then communication is possible. They must also understand that the role of the mother lies with them. The father in the family is Cancer. But despite all the positive and negative features, the distance between them remains large. Strengthens the union's financial condition and social position.

    Cancer Woman + Libra Man

    The union has a lot in common. The representative of the stronger sex and the lady are sensual people who can rarely make a firm decision. Therefore, the period of courtship in a given couple can drag on for months, even years.
    They tend to develop relationships slowly. Libra is the most sensual, and can often make a lady cry when he is not in the mood. They have excellent intimate comparability, and the house, thanks to the lady, is considered the prototype of home comfort and convenience.

    Cancer Man + Libra Woman

    Cancer is cautious, and the lady sometimes doesn’t know what she wants, and therefore such a connection is formed infrequently. Although, the receptive Cancer and the lady have many common themes.
    The steering wheel in a relationship is held either by the two of them, or by no one, since both want to pull the blanket over themselves. The two of them willingly undertake to implement specific plans, but often all words remain just words. Blaming each other both at home and at work, sometimes it brings them pleasure. Woman and man, if you are determined to life together, have a high chance of living to old age.

Cancer - Scorpio

Scorpio wants to control Cancer in everything. He visibly protests against such relationships. Scorpio can put pressure on a partner. Therefore, relationships are more realistic in the role of lovers than spouses. Cancers do not like to sit still, they are changeable and exciting. Scorpio cannot resist these character traits of a partner. It’s not easy for them, but it’s interesting.

    Cancer Woman + Scorpio Man

    This union is traditionally not very strong. Scorpio and the Cancer lady are pleasant together, but each of them looks at life with different eyes. Scorpio is a fighter, and for a lady the main thing is domestic difficulties and convenience. Scorpio knows how to offend and humiliate his partner, but she knows how to hide her own grievances.
    All further mutual understandings have the right to life if Scorpio softens his own temper, and the receptive lady endures all changes in his mood and attitude.

    Man – Cancer + Woman – Scorpio

    Traditionally, in this difficult association, the leader is considered to be a lady; her energy and strength have an ambiguous effect on the relationship. She inspires her partner to take real action and believe in her strength and knowledge.
    It’s not uncommon for Scorpio to be angry at Cancer’s lethargy and slowness. Without the mood, it can really worsen the life of a susceptible Cancer. In general, Cancer and the Scorpio lady have a chance to reconcile. They also correspond to each other in an intimate way. The main thing for Cancer is not to lose her own position as a leader in the family: a woman must see him as a real man, otherwise her proud disposition will not allow her to fulfill the duties of a wife in the family.

Cancer - Sagittarius

Everything you need is here. They can go crazy with sexual attraction. Sometimes the completely opposite attitude occurs. Sagittarius is trying to gain power over Cancer. But emu rarely succeeds.

    Cancer Woman + Sagittarius Man

    Quite a rare combination of signs. They have polar views on life. Sagittarius often shirks household chores, and the girl treats her future husband with caution.
    In the life of Cancer, Sagittarius's desire to live by common interests is often upsetting. Cancer, after all, takes his care and guardianship as an “attack” on his own freedom. This moment can play a cruel joke on them and become a prerequisite for their separation. If Sagittarius and the Cancer lady want to avoid this, they need to make concessions.

    Cancer Man + Sagittarius Woman

    It is not often that you see these representatives of the zodiac together. People are opposites in everything, but nature sometimes brings opposites together. If they come together to build family relationships, then a difficult struggle awaits them. After all, it is difficult for representatives of such different characters to imagine peace and quiet together.

Cancer - Capricorn

A very complex combination of these signs. They often speak different languages. Couples with representatives of these zodiac constellations can rarely build happy, long-term relationships. Capricorn is very demanding of his partner, trying to “remake” him in everything and adjust him to himself. But Cancer is not an option for retraining; it cannot be “blinded” in a new way.

    Cancer Woman + Capricorn Man

    I just want to greet them with the successful selection of a life partner! From the outside, this union does not look very hot. It has been noticed that between these symbols there is obviously something more serious than feelings: goals, aspirations, views on life, and the inviolability and thoroughness that both are ready to present in their life together.
    In this association, Capricorn guarantees strict order in the family and climbs the professional ladder. Cancer takes great care of housing and future heirs. They have enough sense not to fight for the title of leader. Naturally, no one is immune from incidents, but they do not want to drag their union into seething scandals.

    Man – Cancer + woman – Capricorn

    This union can be found quite often. It’s easy to guess what unites Cancer and the Capricorn lady: in many ways they have identical views on life, home and family. At first, they look at each other for a long time.
    In marriage they understand that they have many chances for happiness. They do not make jealous scenes or violent tests of relationships. Their home is filled with serene love, help and understanding.
    The only thing is that it is difficult for a woman to accept her partner’s careerism.

Cancer - Aquarius

There is no permanence in this relationship. Cancer and Aquarius either move away from each other, then again cannot imagine themselves without each other. The union is not easy, but it is possible. Cancer is ready to do everything for Aquarius to make him feel comfortable and good with his partner. Aquarius initially appreciates this and feels happy. But it soon turns out that nothing can keep Aquarius near you for a long time. In this case, Cancer does not intend to wait forever. The downside of this couple is that Cancer tries to tie his partner to him too much. This is one of the main difficulties of this couple.

    Cancer Woman + Aquarius Man

    A freedom-loving, talkative man and a cautious woman are opposite poles. But still, there is a magnet between them. Their sexual comparability is high, however, in everyday life it is difficult for the conservative Cancer lady to accept the nature of Aquarius. Traditionally, he is in no way ready for marriage, but Cancer strives for this. Aquarius is upset that his partner cannot share his hobbies and desires with him.
    Sometimes, these contradictions deepen noticeably and the union may fall apart if both do not find options for existence.

    Cancer Man + Aquarius Woman

    Traditionally, this union is unlikely to turn out to be very strong: Cancer, who lives by its own rules, has a hard time understanding the freedom-loving partner of Aquarius. In friendly relationships, they are often united by the dissimilarity of morals, which gives the two a feeling of freshness, but sometimes the emotions of novelty are dulled, and misunderstandings only grow.
    Cancer with all his soul strives for an established home life, which Aquarius is in no way capable of providing for him. It is difficult for a woman to understand that it is enough for her husband to stay at home, and in general, their views on the household and family are very contradictory. The lady is very eccentric, and Cancer is very conservative, and in order for their union to be long and strong, they need to master the art of mutual understanding and finding compromises.

Cancer – Pisces

This union is more like a student-teacher relationship. Cancers tend to learn a lot from Pisces. Cancers are more energetic. Pisces have depth and mystery. These relationships have quite a lot in common. They support and understand each other in any situation. If they decide to live together, they must be prepared for the fact that everything will not be very simple. Because Cancer's mood can change several times a day. Therefore, it is difficult for Pisces to get used to this and tolerate it.

    Cancer Woman + Pisces Man

    Both have an interesting inner world and a highly developed imagination. They have many similarities, therefore they complement each other unsurpassedly. They hardly quarrel. At the same time, excellent lovers.
    The representative of the stronger sex is practical. The woman is a diligent housewife, raising children, resulting in their serene home full life can be called ideal.

    Cancer Man + Pisces Woman

    Apparently, a sentimental partner and a dreamy lady are ideally combined, in fact, everything is more serious. Discussion of various issues and joint silence combine perfectly. But silence sometimes grows into the habit of the unsaid.
    So it turns out that this fact hides the catch of this alliance: both will be quicker to hide true indignation than to freely discuss the current situation. Such problems entail insoluble situations where family ties begin to weaken. To save them, they need to peacefully discuss problems, express their opinions, talk soul to soul. It may even be easy to quarrel rather than grudgingly agree with your partner, but remain with your views.

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