Can he change? Do men change: how to remake your loved one so that he becomes ideal Does a man change psychology with another woman

When trying to resolve the question of whether a man can change for the better for the sake of the woman he loves, one should proceed from this postulate. At the age of 20-25, each person is already a fully formed personality with his own worldview and goals in life, needs and habits. And any direct attempt to change this personality will be met with one thought: “She doesn’t like me the way I am!” And this may be followed by the question: “Is it worth continuing the relationship then?”

Therefore, just going on the attack with the hope of changing some qualities and habits in a man is a path to nowhere.

Still, if you want to maintain the relationship, there will be a need to change the man at least a little. But a man simply won’t want to change and in the end he will either refuse to continue the relationship and leave your life, or you will leave your zone of trust, which will also not help strengthen the union.

What to do?

It is important to initially try not to turn off your brain while falling in love and be able to notice not only the good in your loved one, but also obvious shortcomings. And immediately determine for yourself whether there are any shortcomings in these that you will never be able to accept. So maybe this is just not your ideal and decision about life together is this an obvious mistake?

Please note that an ordinary slacker is unlikely to turn into a workaholic. Someone who always makes you feel guilty will not stop being offended over trifles. And a clearly irresponsible person will be capable of only promises. Such and similar cases just need to be accepted or not, the man will never change.

But it’s quite possible to overcome other everyday habits that you don’t like. Let's say smoking excess weight, untidiness, etc. These little things can be easily fixed.

  • When expressing your wishes, be specific and laconic. Don't nag the man.
  • In casual conversations, try to clarify that he is your support and hope, that you need his support in life. He will be pleased to be in such a role as a defender who has to be at his best.
  • If a man also expresses dissatisfaction with you about some minor habits, then also try to wisely accept his requests and eradicate your shortcomings forever.
  • By showing how much you love and appreciate a man, a man will form an inner conviction and motives for changes for the better.
  • Always be sensitive, tolerant and tactful. Don't rush things. Think more about the qualities of a man that you like. Maybe his shortcomings are actually “little things in life”?
  • Find practical solutions to change a man. For example, he is fat and smokes. So talk to him and accept joint decision about purchasing a membership to a fitness club. Such general training will clearly benefit both of you. You yourself want to have a beautiful sexy body.
  • Every time you notice that a man fulfills a request, reward him in some way. Such positive reinforcement will help develop a reflex to change. And what difference does it make how you achieved it?
  • It is important to create a desire in a man himself

In this article, I want to tell you, woman, why men cheat or can cheat on you.

This article is very closely related to this one: Be sure to read that too! Study it. Be aware. Take this advice and put it into practice.

REASON #1. Lack of quality regular sex

The very first, most basic reason why a man can cheat is the lack of quality, regular sex. Woman, understand, realize that the harmonious development of relationships is possible provided that you have constant, high-quality sex. Without sex - 100% no.

Sex for us men is a basic need. We are men - that’s how we are made. We are created this way. We are animals. Wild animals. It's built into us. Lust, debauchery, mating, etc. It's inside us. In short, I'm telling you, as a man, sex is important. Sex is needed all the time. And the sex must be awesome (cool), so that the roof is blown away, so that the man gets high and gets maximum pleasure.

You must satisfy your beast, your man - 100%. Not 50% or even 99%, 100% - this is something you must learn once and for all. You understand, if you don’t give something to your man, your beast, what he really wants, he will find it on the side. Another woman will give it to him. He will give you what you did not give. Do you need it? No, so please satisfy me 100%.

A man must always want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You must excite him. Excite. He should blow your mind. If this does not happen, and there is no regular quality sex, there will be no relationship with this man. Dot. Therefore, either you solve this problem, or wait for separation/betrayal/quarrels, etc. and so on. 100% guarantee for you.

IMPORTANT: at the very beginning of a relationship, everything is new - sex, kissing, touching, spoken words, etc. and so on. but, over time, it all loses its charm and its colors and you will become bored with each other (even in terms of sex). So, it is very important to avoid this boredom. It is important not to be idle.

It is important to urgently get rid of it (boredom, monotony, etc.). Relationships are constant work, both on the part of the man and on the part of the woman. Understand? If you don’t have this constant work, you won’t be able to maintain a harmonious, full-fledged relationship.

If the sex is not good...

Woman, I have a question for you. Do you consider yourself sexy? That's right, a real sexy girl?! Look, here's your task, go to the mirror, undress completely naked and look at yourself.

What do you see there? Do you consider yourself awesome? Sexy? Are you enjoying yourself? From your body? Just let’s adequately assess the situation, honestly, because this is important for you in the first place.

In case you are shy about something, you are embarrassed about your body, you think that you have some kind of shortcomings, etc. and so on. - We men will immediately feel this during sex.

Do you know why we will feel this? Because you convey it with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you’re not one hundred percent happy with yourself, if you’re shy about something, etc. you will not be completely relaxed during sex, you will not be able to completely relax and get maximum pleasure from sex.

Because of this, the man will also not be able to enjoy it. A man will see this in you, he will feel that something is wrong, in general, this atmosphere is transferred to him. Understand? As a result, there will be no quality sex. And if there is no sex and quality sex, there is no relationship.

Lack of sex or poor quality sex is one of the first reasons for cheating. A man will go to someone who will give him cool, awesome sex. The kind of sex where his tower will be demolished. And great sex will be given by the one who gets high on herself, who is liberated, open to one hundred percent. Who is feminine and sexy.

This is what I want to convey to you:

  • If you don't love yourself, then how can a man love you?
  • If you don't respect yourself, how will someone (a man) respect you?
  • If you don't value yourself, how will someone (a man) value you?

Do you understand what I want to convey to you? If you don't like something about yourself, how should a man like you? Correct it. Instantly. A man must want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You must excite him. The man is a beast. Animal. He needs a woman! Female.

You shouldn't be ashamed of anything, yourself, positions, the process, sex itself, etc. and so on. otherwise don't expect anything good. 100% guarantee for you. In many ways, a woman should feel her man, what he likes, how he wants, what is best for him, etc. and so on. and take initiative.

There must be variety. Necessarily. IN different places. In different poses. At different times. Clothes, stockings, underwear, etc. also plays a role. In short, there should be no monotony. Something new and different with new colors. Surprises, romance. On everything everything and everything again.

Don't forget, relationships are constant work. At both sides. There will be no work - the end.

REASON #2. You act like a MAN 🙁

Now this is very fashionable and popular, all these strong independent women, careerists, work, I do everything myself, I don’t need anything, I don’t need help, I decide everything myself, I control everything, well, in general, in many ways dominant behavior, behavior man. Only you are not a man, you are a woman. And in the end, it turns out that you are a hybrid, woman-man. Do you think this is normal? Not at all.

Strong independent women = not happy. What is the use of the fact that she (or you) has achieved everything there herself or will achieve it when she (or you) will be unhappy in the end?

What's the point of everything if you're not happy? A? Woman. Answer my question. What's the point? You were born a girl. You're not a man. Understand. Your strength is in your femininity. Understand and realize this.

When you behave like a man, you lose yourself as a woman, your femininity. Understand? You're only making it worse. Be yourself. Be a woman. Allow yourself to be happy. It is most important.

We men don't like hybrids (women-men). It's horrible. A man needs a woman. Understand? A man doesn’t need a man (ugh, blah), a man needs you as a woman. A woman is inspiration, strength, energy for a man. And you need to pump up the femininity in yourself!

You women are a huge motivation for us. For your sake, I want to move mountains, achieve success in life, give gifts, make surprises, etc. and so on. everything is largely for your sake. For everything to go well for you, you must be a woman for your man. A source of energy. His inspiration. The rear. By force. Understand that. Understand. A high-ranking man will achieve everything in life (and with the help of your help, your femininity), if he has not already achieved it. Understand? The main thing is the result, you are happy and he is happy. Why do you need to be a man if there is no happiness? Think about it...

When you're on man, you don't let your man feel like a man. In addition, you lose your femininity. Quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, problems in sex, etc. begin. you're only making things worse. Understand? Only worse! You are a woman and your strength is in your femininity. Understand and you will be happy. Pump up your femininity! Pump up the woman in you. Upgrade!

Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine, boredom...

The same is one of the most important reasons. Monotony in everything. Got used to it. Bored. We're tired of each other. Boredom. Yearning. Nothing new and nothing like this happens in new colors. This puts an end to it. Relationships are constant work on both sides. And men. And women. You cannot forget about this. Dot. Even if the man is already yours, or vice versa, the man is your woman, you need to work. In a relationship, everything should not be boring, everything banal and everything predictable, otherwise failure, separation, quarrels. betrayal, etc. end.

Reason 4. The guy didn’t have enough fun (not related to you)

Woman, understand. The man is an animal. Wild animal. Animal. You can be the best for him, in everything, but he just hasn’t worked up yet and wants other women, wants quantity, i.e. wants to fuck to his heart's content, to fuck as many females as possible. Understand? This has nothing to do with you.

I’m telling you, you can be just perfect in everything, but if the man hasn’t worked up, nothing will come of it. You just chose the wrong partner, there’s nothing you can do about him. This is why it is very important (for you women) to choose the right partner for yourself. Not to be another one on the list...

For a relationship you need to take a man. Ideally, a finished product. Wealthy, with money, etc. so that the risk in life is minimal. A man without money is not a man. Dot. The main function of a man is to get money. That's all. If a man cannot get money, what kind of man is he?

There is a lot more that needs to be explored about a man in order to understand what he is. A man (high-ranking) has the following qualities: courage, responsibility, powerful/strong inner state, courage, leadership, and much more.

Remember: a high-ranking man needs an equally high-ranking woman. You must match him. For example, if a man strives for success, develops in everything, works, etc. but you are a woman, no, you don’t develop in any way - this is the end. One hundred percent. You understand, a man and a woman must correspond to each other. Therefore, when choosing a partner, common interests, outlook on life, level of intelligence, etc. are important; in general, each person is in many ways looking for something similar to himself.

Do you play sports? healthy eating, and in general healthy lifestyle = but your man doesn’t, he only has a beer, a cigarette, etc. (or vice versa) = no relationship here is possible in principle. You can’t agree when you have different values ​​and everything is different. It is forbidden.

Well, I’ll tell you this, you will feel a real worthy man (a high-ranking man).

In the vast majority of cases, women choose women with balls between their legs. Boys, guys, lads, etc. but not like a man. This is one of the most common mistakes. Because a decent man is hard to find. It's very difficult. Well, really, seriously.

High-ranking men = very few. These are in huge short supply. Low-ranking ones are a dime a dozen, which is why most people come across them. If you want a high-ranking man, you become a high-ranking woman yourself. And so, each creature has a pair, and they receive what they are.

In addition, I want to say that all women are too emotional. Especially the young ones. Oh my god. For you, emotions, feelings, that's just everything. Give you emotions (feelings), feed you with promises and that’s it, you naive fuck. Beauty, feelings (emotions) are cool. I understand, but all these feelings and emotions end over time, sooner or later, a year will pass, for example, and that’s it. And you just wow how you were with this ragamuffin imbecile, who no one can even call him, but fucked you for a whole year.

You need to choose a man very carefully. Not in the way that the absolute majority of women choose, because the absolute majority themselves are low-ranking females and receive the same males.

Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man

If you forget about your man, don’t expect anything good.

That's all there is to it. A man should feel that you need him. That without him, you can’t do it in any way and you can’t do it at all. Not a fucking day. That he is the main one among you among everyone. Number 1.

You can go about your business, you have friends there, hobbies, entertainment, in general, you live life to the fullest as a person, but at the same time a man should feel that you need him. If a man feels that he is not so needed or not needed at all, I’m telling you - don’t expect anything good.

There will be scandals, quarrels, betrayal - and there will be someone who will warm him up, who will be there, give what you did not give, give this affection, tenderness, attention, care, support, faith, will be nearby, etc. understand?

Do you need this? Do you need cheating? You don't need it, so don't let this crap happen.

A nuance: here it is also important to observe the measure (limit).

There should not be your oversaturation (excess), where you are always like a dog on its hind legs, and vice versa, there should not be a lack (deficit) where you are neither present nor present. There must be a golden mean. It is important.

Reason 6. You stopped taking care of yourself, “you scored a bolt”

You are a woman. And your strength is in your femininity. Your beauty, external, your bodily forms, etc. = very important to us. You should be forever desirable and sexy for your man.

This point is related to point #1. (sex). If you don't excite your man = it's over.

You can't stop looking after yourself. Care. Take care of your beauty. It is forbidden. You are a woman. Do not forget about it. And don’t think that if the man is yours, then you can relax and that’s it, hammer in the bolt. No!

And none of your excuses will help you, watch yourself constantly, this is only in your interests. This relationship is a constant effort on the part of both. Never, never forget this.

A man, by the way, should do the same (on a regular basis), but the article is for women...

Very often women lie to themselves. But everything is ok with me. I don't need to change anything, etc. woman, evaluate yourself truthfully. If it’s really ok, you plow, work, watch, etc. - you’re smart, well done, if not, work hard, don’t let it go, never. And remember: there is no limit to perfection.

Reason 7. Frequent quarrels

Quarrels kill relationships. It is a fact. To relieve stress, a man can easily go to his mistress. Do you need it? You don’t need it, so less brain, drink less, have more mutual understanding, trust, work on your relationships, meet each other’s needs and work in general.

Reason 8. Long separation

A relationship is when you are close to each other, figuratively speaking, “all the time.”

Long distance is not a relationship. There can be no long distance relationship. This is bullshit. Next to a high-ranking male = many women. Competition (struggle) for him. If a woman is not around for long enough, cheating is very, very likely. The man is a beast. Animal. He won’t last long with unmet needs. And in general, betrayal at this point is also possible on the part of a woman, so no long separations on anyone’s part. Relationships are together, side by side.

Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife.

Many women have the scourge of raising a man.

Woman, understand, you are not a mother, you are a wife! YOU are his woman. You don't need to educate a man. If you try to educate him, there will be quarrels, scandals, etc. And quarrels are not good because betrayal is possible. Comprendo? And in order not to educate - take a man right away, a finished product, and not a mother’s sniffle or a goofball. Take a ready, worthy man, and for this you need to think with your head and choose carefully.

Reason 10. Constant jealousy

Woman, remember: if a high-ranking male is next to you = he is with you, rejoice.

Because he chose you! Or he could have chosen any other one. Understand? Therefore, there is no need for jealousy, as you will only show your lack of self-confidence (your low-ranking status). And a high-ranking one needs a corresponding female. Have no doubt, a man will always look at other women. But he sleeps with you. He's fucking you. Builds a relationship with you. Lives with you. Etc.

Don’t beat yourself up and don’t throw tantrums and quarrels over nothing. This won't end well.

This doesn’t mean that you can relax your buns and that’s it, he will be with you forever, no! Relationships are constant work, constant. Watch yourself. Develop yourself. Constantly. Be a woman. Feminine. Develop as a person. Meet a man's needs to the fullest. Etc. and there will be happiness.

There is another 11th reason: drunk, but I won’t even consider that. A high-ranking male either does not drink at all or in very small quantities. And with low-ranking ones (by the way) this can be a reality.

Making a conclusion

  • Reason 1. Lack of quality regular sex
  • Reason 2. You act like a man (no femininity)
  • Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine
  • Reason 4. The man didn’t have enough fun (the woman is with you, this has nothing to do with it)
  • Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man
  • Reason 6. You stopped constantly looking after yourself, “you’ve hammered the screw.”
  • Reason 7. Frequent quarrels
  • Reason 8. Long separation
  • Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife.
  • Reason 10. Constant jealousy

I'm sure now you know why men cheat or can cheat. Take the information into account, and the chances of prospering long-lasting, harmonious and happy relationships are high. Good luck to you! Bye.

Best regards, administrator.

I met the child’s father 2 years ago and things started to get better and worse for us. During all this time, the relationship developed very rapidly, of course. He broke up with his girlfriend, whom he had been dating for 7 years, and started being with me. What is he like in a relationship: at first he was not stingy with compliments, he loved to spend a lot of time with me, he loved to make promises, but he rarely kept them, if you ask for help, he will help (but it depends on his mood), he looked with loving eyes. Over time, I realized that I spend most of the money. He didn’t really want to work, and if he found a job, he worked so hard that in the end he wasn’t paid and was fired. He smokes weed and drinks, but sometimes he drinks so much that he hits my car, or me. After a year of relationship, he began to raise his hand against me. He began to insult me ​​and be very jealous out of nowhere. He didn’t respect my work as a singer (the earnings were good and we lived on it), saying that my profession was a cover, and that I was a prostitute. We swear, and therefore we make up, and he is again, as at the beginning of the relationship, white and fluffy. He says how much he loves him. Then they started living with his mother. The family is Kazakh, traditions have been preserved. I am Kelin (but we are still not scheduled). I had to be the only one in a huge apartment who cleans, cooks, and does laundry for 4 people. Wait for his mother to wake up, give him tea, and often don’t care about his own business. And in the evenings my boyfriend forced me to run home to meet her and feed her. I did everything, but not as perfectly as they wanted, dissatisfaction poured in on their part. Well, they somehow dressed me for the season, they gave me gold earrings. My friend still doesn’t work, he often began to disappear for a long time, and he forced me to sit at home. I didn’t always hear and got paid for it. I won’t say that I was absolutely ideal, but I tried, because I loved this man very much. I became pregnant, there was little care, a lot of things got on my nerves. Then I finally got a job and started working. I got a day job with good earnings he and his mother. They wanted to save up for a car, but he liked to spend all the money he received safely. So we didn’t save anything, I barely saved my last salary by lying to myself. At the same time, I helped pay for my twin sister’s apartment with my earnings. We were very close before meeting my friend and were always together with her. This didn’t suit him, he started throwing tantrums and forcing him to give his entire salary to his mother. I barely agreed, but then still refused. And because of this, there were quarrels again. We had a big fight, he again raised his hand against me, who was pregnant. There were fists and kicks, he was drunk. Then behind my back he tried to hit on a girl, but I stopped it, and she didn’t intend to (Now we communicate well) then we had a big fight again, he constantly blamed me for everything, just like his mother (she rules there and he listens to her ) she doesn’t love me, I’m not ideal, my family is not ideal for her and her son. We separated, after a while we started dating again, love. But he broke off the relationship from his mother. Then I told him, let’s live separately (he has a 1-room apartment), he exploded and sent me. And he successfully started a relationship with another girl right away. I met her for two months, lived in that 1-room apartment, introduced her to my mother and relatives. I asked to give me money for fruits, vitamins (on purpose, although I always have money) in response to refusals and threats so that I would forget and not expect anything. Then after a while he began to appear, bought fruit, meat, and other products and returned to his new one. Then he argued with her again, then again to me. Now he asks to return, for the sake of the child. But he promised to marry that girl, he told her that he didn’t love me. I know her parents. They had a fight with her and asks me to come back and be together. I am confused. For me this is betrayal and treason. Inside I want to go back, there are feelings, some kind of connection, but on the other hand my mind says it’s not worth it! It won’t be better, he doesn’t respect me. That's the whole story. What do you think?

People can change, although this happens extremely rarely. However, by and large, a person is not inclined to change unless he seriously thinks about it. Many of us are unable to accept a man as he is. A woman stays in a relationship with a man, hoping that he will change. Often it is hope that keeps a woman and a man together. Can expectations be justified?

This is a question my clients often ask me. Faced with betrayal, humiliation, rudeness, a woman does not know what to do. And when she finally decides to break up, the man comes to her with apologies and promises to improve. And then a natural question arises: is it worth giving him a second chance?

Client story

One young woman described her situation this way. The man humiliated her, sometimes beat her, scolded her and generally treated her quite badly. She lived with him for 7 years. And after 7 years she realized that she was very tired of all this. He went on another voyage (he was a sailor - that is, he left periodically). And she suddenly realized that she no longer wanted to remain in such a relationship. She's tired of being humiliated. She felt an inner emptiness and realized that the feelings had passed. And having survived all this, woman started paying attention to other men, she even started a new relationship, and she decided that she no longer wanted to live as before and did not want to be with this person.

I would like to note that the couple lived in a civil marriage, and the man never proposed to my client, which also darkened her life with him. And so, after she stopped clinging to the relationship, he, returning from the flight, asked her to marry him, begged her on his knees to forgive him and promised to treat her differently - they say, he realized everything:

- Forgive me, please, I understand everything, I don’t want to lose you, you are very dear to me, I really need you, marry me. I only see you as my wife, I don’t need anyone else! I ask you to forgive me...

Should you give a man a chance? Will he change?

Influencing change in another person

People can change, although this happens extremely rarely. However, by and large, people are not inclined to change. But something very impressive, shocking, stressful should happen: for example, a person falls into a coma, and when he comes out of it, he really changes a lot. His values, outlook on life, priorities, etc. change. That is, very strong stress can force a person to do enormous internal work, when a rethinking of life actually occurs, and the psyche, the structure of the “I” are transformed. And the person really begins to behave differently, to treat people completely differently. By the way, in general, with old age there is a rethinking of values ​​and priorities.

In this example, it is very difficult to say whether the man will change or not. The process is unpredictable. Maybe he actually loves the woman so much that he doesn't want to lose her. When he realized the possibility of complete rupture, something clicked inside him and a transformation took place. Or perhaps this is an ordinary desire to hold on to what is leaving, and this desire is momentary, and when everything returns to normal, then the changes will end there.

But in this story I would draw your attention to one thing important point: Look, when a woman loved a man for 7 years, she endured everything, endured everything, the thought that she was tired never came to her, she did not pay attention to men. And then suddenly she began to notice other gentlemen, and she had the feeling that she had fallen out of love.

With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

The pursuit of excellence is in our blood. We want to be the best at school, then shine at parties, look the best and raise children. And of course, be proud of your best man in the world.

Ideal man: myths or reality

For the faithful to become an ideal, he needs just a little bit: to pump up (get better), grow (shave) a beard, earn at least as much as Zuckerberg...

In general, to be at the same time a superman, a loving father and a helper at home, the Wolf of Wall Street and Richard Gere from Pretty Woman.

Yes. And so that he could close a tube of toothpaste, loved TV series in the style of “Big Little Lies” and knew how to change diapers. Sound familiar?

But then the man will present you with a counter list for compliance with the rank " ideal woman" And he will be right: after all the ideal man need to match. The result is disappointing.

It is unlikely that anything will be achieved through nagging, reproaches and showdowns.Mistakes of women in relationships with men(among which in the first place are dissatisfaction and complaints) lead to the fact that the relationship ultimately falls apart.

Where does the desire to change a man come from?

The desire to reshape a loved one to suit yourself is fundamentally unconstructive. But it appears in our heads with enviable regularity.

And psychologists know why. If something in someone really irritates you (laziness, irresponsibility, greed, lack of a sense of humor, whatever) - this is something that is in us, we just don’t notice it or don’t want to accept it.

Our loved ones mirror our own shortcomings. So if you often wonder,how to reeducate a man, better start with yourself.

Remember the first rule of transurfing: “Allow yourself to be yourself, and let others be different.”

Should you try to change your loved one?

Don't think about ithow to change a man, because it is meaningless, but abouthow to change your attitude towards menin general and to your loved one in particular.

Ask yourself a question: do you need a beloved man or a comfortable man?

Fulfilling your every whim, anticipating your desires and understanding at a glance, preferring to spend time with your mother instead of fishing with friends, always agreeing with you on everything...

Will you respect such a man?

Every person deserves love, acceptance and respect - both us and our men. If a lot of things in your partner irritate you, sometimes even infuriate you, you don’t share his views on life, you have different goals and priorities - maybe this is just not your man?

Think about it: wouldn't it be better to spend your time searching for your one and only, rather than making pointless attempts? magical transformation not your hero into yours?

Cases when a woman is obliged to intervene

This is about bad habits. If a person is confused or does not have the strength to cope with alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction and other vices. You love him and want to help.

Then it makes sense to use all possible methods, including seeking help from his friends, relatives, and drug addiction specialists.

But for this you need a strong desire, no matter what, to be with this person, and also not to suffer from codependency (but this is a topic for another material).

Still,Is it possible to change a man?

The only way to get a person to do something is to make him want to do it.

In fact, to tell you a secret,change a manCan. But only with your unconditional love, wisdom, acceptance and gratitude, and by your own example, in the end.

If you notice all the good things that a man tries to do for you, praise him, appreciate him, encourage manifestations in him best qualities(initiative, punctuality, household help, etc.), support the good endeavors of your loved one - he will do this more and more.

Celebrating achievements and not focusing on failures is the path to harmonious relationships. And then you won't have to think abouthow to change a man. He will do it himself.

Yes, you cannot force an atheist to become a believer, a rocker and biker to become a hipster, or a hedonist to become a modest person.

But he will strive to become better for you, and will listen to your desires and needs, and in your eyes he will want to become better.There is plenty of evidence of this in cinema (“Hurry to Love”, “How to Get Rid of a Guy in 10 Days”, “It Can’t Be Better”, etc.).

Question for readers!

What cases do you know of when a woman changed a man? Share in the comments!

! Choose and read!

About the relationship between sexual preferences and a man’s character

About the psychology of distance in relationships

About the qualities for which men love women

About what kind of date you can have sex on

How to spot a greedy man

About the restrictions that prevent you from finding love

About the negative consequences of office affairs

About the rules of conduct for a man with a pregnant wife

About features civil marriage for woman

About the qualities of men who are attracted to women

About three types of single men who do not need to be afraid

About inner feminine beauty

About how to get maximum pleasure in bed

About debilitating jealousy, which is worth getting rid of

How to put your baby to sleep

About how not to lose a man