New magical transformations of boys into girls stories. Stories about forced dressing in girls' clothes. Either a girl or a vision

You won't even need Magic wand!
Those who wish, of course, can turn into a boy. :)
Under the cut, in fact, there is a lot of boring stuff, and only a little bit of magic.

I continue reading Lenses of Gender. In the chapter " Development of masculinity - femininity in “normal” children"Sandra Bem retells the contents of the work Lawrence Kohlberg ( Lawrence Kohlberg ), where he writes about the “pre-operational stage of development of intelligence” (the most important thoughts for my further discussions are highlighted):

“... the pre-operational stage of intelligence development... lasts, according to Piaget, from approximately eighteen months to seven years. This stage has some intellectual limitations, of which only two are relevant to this discussion.

Firstly, a child at the stage of pre-operational intelligence is a self-centered “moral realist” ( Piaget 1932), inclined to consider all rules and patterns as absolute and universal. No distinction is made between the physical, the social-normative and the moral. Every rule is a moral obligation; every pattern is an immutable moral law. Kohlberg describes the connection between egocentric moral realism and rigid gender traditionalism, noting that the "physical constants" underlying gender "tend to be identified with divine or moral law, and the need to adapt to the physical regularities of one's identity is identified as a moral duty." Children believe that same-sex behavior is “morally necessary” and express “their dissatisfaction with children who deviate from sex-determined behavior” (1966, p. 122).

Secondly, the child who is at the pre-operational stage intellectual development, is not yet able to mentally “transform”, that is, transform any object of the real world perceived by him. From here inability to “keep unchanged”- understand that the basic identity of an object remains the same, even after a number of changes in different impressions about this object. Thus, the child at the preoperational stage is limited by perception , that is, focused on the surface features of objects and tends to perceive them as defining, even when they are not. This second limitation, characteristic of preoperational thinking, makes it difficult for the child to understand that even when a person's appearance changes dramatically, his or her gender remains the same. This forces the child to conform to gender even more rigidly than in other areas of cognition, since, from the point of view of the child at the stage of pre-operational intelligence, a person must look and act like a man or a woman in order to truly be a man or a woman.”

So, what happens is that in the child’s mind there is a strict connection between superficial signs (clothing, hairstyle, behavior) and the inner essence (gender), that is, a boy should look and behave like a boy, and a girl like a girl. But if there is a direct relationship, then why not the reverse? That is, someone who looks like a boy is a boy, and someone who looks like a girl is a girl. And there is such a connection too - then Sandra Bem writes about an experiment with photographs that revealed such a correspondence.

Well, now the actual “transformation” - if I, being a boy, want for some reason to become a girl, then what should I do? Well, of course - wear women's clothing and behave accordingly.

Moreover, since at this age children usually have little knowledge of the biological differences between boys and girls (Sandra Boehm writes: “... only about half of the three- and four-year-old children I tested, as well as children who recently turned five years old, had knowledge about the genitals sufficient to correctly determining (from color photographs) the gender of four small children, naked at least from the waist down.), a child in disguise can actually believe in his transformation.

Let us now remember the cases of “innocent fun” when mothers dress their sons as daughters, or encourage the “transgender” appearance and behavior of their children.

In the current, strictly gender-polarized society, they pave the way for their children to join the ranks of the “not like that.” If a child is not sufficiently aware of the fundamental differences between the sexes, and, even more so, if he has some dissatisfaction with his sex, he may truly believe in “transformation.” Moreover, such faith can be internal, not flaunted.

So decide which is the lesser evil - to rigidly direct the child into the “correct” gender, thereby suppressing some part of his personality, to allow “liberty”, for which you may later have to pay, or to initiate the child into “adults” details of sexual dimorphism.

And if the pre-operational stage lasts up to seven years...

Well, do you now understand where all these MTF revelations come from in the spirit of: “I always, from early childhood, felt like a woman”? Yes, of course I felt that if all there was to do at this age was to put on a dress...

Children believe in miracles - a fact. My seven-year-old daughter, for example, seriously believes that there is a real magic wand, and even wanted to order it for Santa Claus as a gift for the Christmas tree. Just a year ago, a sweet child was shedding tears in three streams, experiencing the collapse of her cherished dream - it turned out that she would not be able to become either a fairy-tale princess or a fairy, unfortunately... A fairy! So what can we say about such a “trifle” as the transformation from a boy to a girl, or vice versa? Another thing is that the vast majority of children do not want this. But not everyone is the same...

What does every lady do? each TV for its own “transformation”?

Remembers recipes from childhood.

When Jeff and Hillary Whittington of San Diego received news that they had a daughter in 2007, the couple had no idea that a few years later they would be raising a son instead of a daughter.

Last Thursday, the Whittington family attended an equality event and received an award for presenting a video showing their 6-year-old daughter Ryland growing into a boy.Ryland, dressed in a men's suit and tie, stood on stage and read his prepared speech, announcing to the audience: "My name is Ryland Whittington. I am a transgender child."

Ryland was originally born with severe hearing impairment, but thanks to cochlear implants, the child was able to communicate. Soon after the little girl learned to speak, she announced to her parents, “I am a boy.”

Even though the baby lived in a room whose walls were painted pink color, wore long blonde hair and girly outfits, she gravitated towards everything masculine.

At first, Jeff Whittington, a former firefighter turned real estate agent, and his wife ignored the signs, thinking the phase would soon pass.

But by the time Ryland was five years old, she began to actively deny everything feminine and suffered greatly from this. One day Ryland told her parents: “When you die, I will cut off my hair so I can become a boy.” Another time, a child exclaimed, “Why did God make me like this?”

The girl's parents began looking for professional help and began to explore the topic of children's gender identity on their own. There was only one obvious answer: their child was transgender.

Jeff and Hillary, who have a younger daughter, were horrified that 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide due to lack of social acceptance.To prevent their child from joining this statistic, the Whittington family decided to meet Ryland's true identity.

Ryland's parents gave Ryland a masculine haircut, bought a new masculine wardrobe, and began referring to their child as masculine. They also redecorated his room to make Ryland feel more comfortable.

Jeff and Hillary continued to study transgender issues and learned that children's gender identity emerges between the ages of 3 and 5.

(5 votes: 5.0 out of 5)

Adrian Patruschă

In this story, all the characters are real people, and this story is widely known in the West. It was even included as a textbook example in textbooks on sexology and was intensively exploited as proof that gender, they say, is nothing and can be freely changed at one’s discretion. But here’s what’s surprising: as soon as the boy resolutely and irrevocably refused to add grist to the mill of gender theory, they unanimously turned away from him! The Western world needed him when he wore dresses, and when he became normal person, they lost interest in him. But what about the scientists who studied it so carefully? Where is their intellectual honesty? Why don't they care about the result of their own experiment? But it is the end of this story, and not its middle, that is the result of such a cruel outrage against human nature.

One of the absurd norms of political correctness is gender theory. She claims that a child is not born a boy or a girl and the biological sex of the newborn does not matter. However, it is based on the ideas of a mad doctor who made people unhappy by imagining that he was curing them.

A child will have a gender (not sex!), formed by how he is raised in his family, how classmates and teachers he meets at school treat him, and what demands his career will make on him. Gender (unlike sex) you are free to choose yourself - and why not? – and change it depending on the stage of your life and the experiences you go through. Thus, in childhood you can be a boy, in youth - a woman, so that in old age you can come to the conclusion that transsexuality suits you best.

Like any norm of political correctness, gender theory is something given, it is a dogma, the challenge of which causes anger and repressive measures from the establishment. You are immediately labeled with the shameful label of “discriminator,” and you risk being isolated from society.

However, not the entire Western world accepts brainwashing. There are also manifestations of Frond. One of them is the book "Bruce, Brenda and David: The Story of a Boy Who Was Turned into a Girl" by journalist John Colapinto - a testament to the cruel suffering that gender theory can lead to, as well as the madness of the doctor who invented it.

Doctor Money, half-educated wizard

At the age of 8 months, Bruce Reimer, a sweet Canadian baby, became a guinea pig in a famous experiment on gender identity that turned out to be a complete failure and resulted in a terrible drama.

It all started with a banal surgical intervention. In 1965, the Reimer family brought their twins Bruce and Brian to the hospital to be circumcised because they were suffering from phimosis. However, due to a medical error, Bruce lost his male organ.

The parents, in desperation, consulted many doctors, but no one could offer them a satisfactory solution. And then one day they saw on TV an interview with Dr. John Money, an authority in the field of sexology, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Dr. Money outlined his theory: the gender identity of a newborn is not determined by the sex with which he comes into the world, chromosomes or hormones; it is determined by how he is raised by his parents, the social environment in which he lives, and the examples he encounters. That is, it was precisely the gender theory that is making a splash in the Western world these days and has become the norm of political correctness.

Dr. Money convinced Bruce's parents to turn their crippled boy into a girl. Castration, followed by reconstruction of the female genital organs, must be done before the age of 2.5 years, the doctor explained to them, and parents should never again question the child's female sexual identity. From this moment on, Bruce becomes Brenda, wears a dress, and adolescence he is given injections with estrogen.

For many years, Dr. Money, a character smug and arrogant to the point of aggressiveness, would cite this incident as an example in his countless lectures and writings. By claiming that the former boy has become a perfectly balanced girl who feels good in this role, he will prove his medical theory. The story of Bruce/Brand, as a textbook example, will be included in medical textbooks and will have an extraordinary influence on numerous sexologists, who will begin to apply Dr. Money’s theories to their patients. He himself will become one of the idols of the feminist movement, which denies differences between the sexes.

However, John Money simply did not take into account the reality, which turned out to be completely different from his theory. The magical metamorphosis he predicted did not happen. Even at a tender age, Brenda began to show signs of anxiety. She was aggressive, repressed in behavior, she had no friends, she did not want to play with dolls and told everyone that she was a boy.

Annual visits to Dr. Money turned into a nightmare. However, his methods were questionable to say the least: he showed the twins pornographic photographs, forced them to imitate sexual intercourse, and pestered them with his questions...

As she grew older, Brenda became increasingly unhappy, lonely, and experienced violent outbursts and suicidal impulses. Her body became more and more masculine, as did her voice. Although her mother managed to force her to wear dresses, the girl was rejected by the school she attended and became the target of bullying among her peers.

Numerous psychiatrists who worked on her realized that the experiment had failed, and Bruce/Brenda was the victim of a fatal mistake. No one, however, dared to question the famous Dr. Money's methods except the biologist Milton Diamond, who unsuccessfully criticized his improvisations.


Brenda's constant crises had a devastating effect on the family. The father began to drink, the depressed mother tried to commit suicide, and the twin brother also suffered greatly. Traumatized, Brenda at one point refused to see Dr. Money and endure new surgical interventions. Finally, when she turned 14, a psychiatrist advised her parents to tell her the truth.

Brenda immediately asked to be made a boy again and underwent a series of painful surgeries that restored male organs and allowed her to sex life. David - he now preferred to call himself by the name of a biblical character - found a job at a slaughterhouse, got married and began raising his wife’s children from a previous marriage, because he himself could not produce offspring. But mentally he remained a pronounced man.

“It was like brainwashing. I would give everything if I could go to a hypnotist, and he would put me to sleep and make me forget the whole past, the memories of which torment me. What they did to me on a physical level is not nearly as bad as what they did to me on a mental level.”

In 1997, David agreed for the first time to talk about the horror of living in a body other than his own with one journalist, John Colapinto, who would later write the book “Bruce, Brenda and David: The Story of a Boy Who Was Turned into a Girl.” Colapinto's article became a huge sensation, especially since at the same time Dr. Diamond published his research categorically refuting Dr. Money's theory.

However, despite all the evidence, John Money blatantly refuses to admit his failure.

But in any case, it was already too late for the twins. Brian also suffered a number of severe disorders, caused primarily by the fact that he was always neglected and all the family's interest was focused on Brenda. Brian would die of a drug overdose in 2002 - another blow for David, who was not going well family life and financial problems will arise. He also committed suicide in 2004.

John Colapinto. As nature made him: The boy who was raised as a girl. 2001.
Phimosis– congenital abnormal narrowness of the foreskin.
Estrogen is the main sex hormone in women, which is produced from the onset of puberty until menopause.

Foreword and text by Adrian Patruschă
Translated from Romanian by Rodion Shishkov

Evenimentul zilei

The rain beat on the ground. The summer sunset was beautiful. Sergei was reluctant to go to training. He was swimming in the pool, but did not want to go because of the girls who always pestered him. They were simply, so to speak, making fun of him: either one would come up and say: “Seryoga, I love you,” he would turn away, and then a girlish laugh would be heard behind him, then they would run up to him and start either making faces or stroking him on the head or pulled into the women's locker room by the hands. Since Sergei was a touchy person, although he was 16 years old, he could not quickly forget this appeal. Coming from training, he went to bed after a shower and thought for a long time about every detail of what was happening.

Sergei’s parents went to the resort for 3 months, that is, for the whole summer. And here are the next days with training and annoying girls. Honestly, in Sergei’s opinion, some of them were quite beautiful and he liked them not only because of their female forms, but also in terms of pure love, he had feelings for them. And the last training changed him...

As usual, he went to class in the evening. There was no one in the waiting room, because he was the last one to go, but, unfortunately for him, he had to go with the girls he hated, and he could not change the class time, since all the early ones were taken. Sitting down on the seat, he began to wait for his time to enter. He had another 15 minutes to wait. Suddenly he noticed his enemies through the windows. The girls, who were his age, greeted him more pleasantly than usual, came up and sat down on the chairs next to him. They sat and smiled, looking at him. A girl named Sveta asked Sergei: “How are you doing?” “Fine,” he replied.

Nothing hurts?


Nothing, but nothing bothers you?

No,” he continued to answer.

Sveta turned to her friends and, as Sergei felt, smiled. He was wary of their strange behavior, preparing for their previous behavior, but they continued to sit and wait for time, sometimes looking at him with a strangely affectionate gaze. The time for entry came, they went up to the second floor and went in different directions, to different locker rooms.

Sergei undressed and went to the shower in front of the pool. While washing, he felt a strange trembling sweep through his entire body. Usually such trembling from the cold goes away quickly, but not this one, it lasted about 60 seconds, then abruptly disappeared. He turned the water hotter and continued to wash. The shower was usually given 15 minutes, which included changing clothes before it. Having lathered his hair, he began to carefully loosen his short hair, rubbing shampoo into it. Suddenly he again felt a strange sensation throughout his body, it was similar to excitement, but not exactly it, because at the same time his dignity, as usual, would begin to rise up. But this did not happen. The sensation began to be accompanied by slight pain in the chest, stomach and between the legs. Sergei quickly began to wash away the foam from his eyes in order to understand what was happening. Having washed off the foam, he paid attention to his chest, it was no different from his previous chest, but he still noticed a small difference, his nipples stuck out a little and became larger, he touched them, his nipples became quite sensitive. “It’s strange,” he thought, maybe adolescence continues like this. Lowering his eyes below his chest, he took a closer look at his penis, it seemed to have shrunk a little, become smaller, and even for this Sergei had an excuse: “probably shrank from the cold,” the hair in the groin also became a little different, and grew in accordance with a small triangle, but he no longer noticed this, because, looking at his watch, he moved along the corridor to the pool.

There his acquaintances, whom he could not stand, were already waiting for him. They smiled welcomingly from the water and shouted: “Seryoga, come to us quickly!” They continued to squeal with joyful voices, but Sergei walked past, approached the coach and asked which lane he should go to. The pool was divided into 4 lanes, each 25 meters long and about 4 meters wide. The coach pointed to the last one, while the girls swam on the first one. He warned that, as usual, he was leaving and leaving the pool to us, and forbade us to swim longer than the allotted time (1 hour).

Sergei jumped into the water from the bedside table and swam, the water was warm and felt pleasant on the skin after the shower. Sergei had not even swam to the end of the strip when he felt pain throughout his body, it was not strong, one might even say that it was not pain, but something elusive. He stopped when he noticed the girls' eyes on him, but showed no sign that he had any problems. But there was no usual humor lurking in their gaze; on the contrary, they watched with exquisite interest. He walked slowly in the water further along the strip, and the further he went, the deeper he went until he found himself up to his neck in water. There he stopped and began to listen to indescribable feelings. His body was already beginning to ache; the pain was not severe, but it was felt. The pain began to be felt especially on the breasts and on the back of his fifth point. He squirmed a little from the unpleasant sensation.

Sergei thought that maybe he was sick and needed to warm up. He quickly swam to the other side of the strip, where it was shallow. Once there, he felt that the pain did not go away, but, on the contrary, a strong chill was added to it. “I have a cold,” he thought, quickly got out of the pool and ran into the shower to warm up. He didn't pay attention to the girls.

Sergei stood under the shower. The pain did not go away, he felt nauseous and sat down on the floor. Suddenly, to his amazement, the pain disappeared, but, oh horror... He looked at his chest, it was slowly increasing, as if it was inflating from the inside, the feeling as if he was being inflated spread throughout his body and throughout his body. He stood frozen, looking at his already quite successful breasts in enlargement; they began to hang a little under their own small weight, the nipples also became larger and now protruded from his strange breasts. Sergei’s mind went blank, and now he felt a slight heaviness in his chest. He began to examine his limbs, he was simply not capable of more, his arms became smaller and there was almost no hair on them, only small, barely noticeable ones, which quickly disappeared, as if growing inside, his size 44 legs began to gradually decrease and change , and the shape of the fingers both on his feet and on his hands, after a few tens of seconds his small legs became ideal in structure, and the size now resembled somewhere around 36-37. His backside and shoulders suddenly began to ache, he felt a vice that was squeezing him, his shoulders rapidly began to shorten, approaching his neck. He, in a panic and not understanding anything, continued to look at the change in his body. His hips began to swell in breadth slowly, giving his body the very shapes that he was so enticed by, his butt swelled along with his hips, and soon his swimming trunks were pulled so tight that he began to take them off, although he almost did not succeed, they were so perfect its dimensions. He slowly began to pull off his swimming trunks and, bending down, noticed hemispheres of breasts hanging down and locks of black hair hanging almost to the floor from his head. Finally, he began to get rid of the swimming trunks that tightly pulled his delicate figure, but, to his horror, the transformation was approaching the final phase, his penis, his so-called dignity began to shrink, slowly shrinking and going inside along with the testicles, a clitoris was formed, Sergei from He looked dizzy and fell on his stomach. Meanwhile, his perineum began to slightly deform, making it convenient for the genital organ of the opposite sex to enter there, namely, to stretch to the sides, freeing up the passage into the current vagina. A small layer of fat spread across his body to make his figure even slimmer. Finally, the waist contracted to complete the cycle.

Sergei jumped up, he didn’t lose consciousness, he just lost all his strength from the fall. He examined his new body with wild eyes, not believing what was happening. “I have a woman’s breasts and clitoris,” he did not believe his own thoughts, slowly touching his new forms, he began to realize that this was not a dream. "Hey!" - he heard a voice from the locker room, and thought with fear who it could be, and if it was the watchman, then I would be finished in this form. He quickly ran to close the door to the shower, he himself felt a change in his movements and the bouncing of his new breasts, his small thighs touching each other, and the movement of his hips was now like that of a real girl, the emptiness between his legs did not give him peace, however, like all other changed body parts and new feelings. He closed the door and stepped aside, “Sergey, open the door,” said a girl’s voice. “He’s not there,” he was amazed at his own voice, which sounded so beautiful and unusual. Although his answer was stupid, the girl outside the door did not pay attention and fell silent. Sergei began to watch the castle turn on its own. He wanted to hold it, but he felt something flowing down his leg, he lowered his beautiful eyes down and saw a stream of blood flowing from the perineum...

At that moment, the lock clicked, signaling the last latch. My heart began to beat wildly from the rapid change of circumstances and involvement. The door opened...

Sergei fell from severe dizziness, fortunately, successfully leaning on his weak arm.

“Hello,” a girl named Katya, from that gang of hateful girls, ran up to him, lifting him up, she continued: “Yes, you’re unlucky, you got your period right away, but that’s okay, now you’ll be incredibly happy!” With these words, she completely helped Sergei to his feet, who could not utter a word, he was in shock. Katya, unlike him, was in her beautiful pink and green swimsuit, when he was completely naked, it seemed that he should have been embarrassed, but now he had no time for that, his mind, having experienced this, could only gradually return to normal work . Katya led Sergei through the corridor to the pool. But Sergei himself felt sick and tossed from side to side, it is unknown how Katka dragged him, the feeling did not go away, something was empty between his legs, after so many years he had become accustomed to his genitals, there was still a feeling of slight heaviness in his breasts, his breasts were she was quite beautiful and was ahead in size of many of the witch girls from the pool, she shook a little when she stepped, and this did not give Sergei peace, he looked askance at her with a strange burning gaze. The pool is already visible. “Hey, why did they melt, help me, it’s hard for me,” Katka cried out in a suffering voice.

The girls quickly got out of the pool and helped drag Sergei to the coach's bench. In total there were 4 of our young witches. Svetka is a blue-eyed, black-haired, plump beauty, Katka is a tall girl with an extraordinary figure and brown eyes plus short blond hair, Marina - a charming blonde and, finally, Anya - a charming girl with red hair, a neat face and a slender figure. Anya: “Well, how are you, brat, why did you have to lock the door to the shower?” Sergei had almost completely recovered from the shock and could even say that he did not want to do it. “Come on, leave her alone, she already survived the first transformation, but we ourselves couldn’t stand it,” Marina said in her elegant voice. “Yes, really, let’s leave her alone and let her sit.” Svetka: “Come up with a name for yourself, unwritten beauty, otherwise we won’t call you Sergei.”

The girls ran to swim, and Sergei began to get into the swing of things. He began to examine his body. The skin was light and soft, everything was natural. the features, in his opinion, were precise and beautiful. He pressed on his chest, which, in turn, quickly took on its previous shape, at that moment he felt new feelings, feminine feelings, similar to what pleased him. The nails on his hands became long and incredibly manicured. He stood up and again felt emptiness in his crotch. He was a little unsteady. Sergei walked along the pool, feeling his hips moving somehow incomprehensibly; being a guy, he did not feel this. The girls sometimes looked at him, saying, let him get used to it. Almost completely accustomed to the new body, Sergei began to feel a little dissatisfaction with the fact that he was undressed. His current best friends climbed out of the pool and ran up to him. Their reasoning concerned his clothes. Anya: “So... Marina, did you take it, what I asked for?” Marina: “Of course, everything is in my bag, I’ll grab a swimsuit now.” Katya: “Why, the sailing time is already over.” Anya: “Yes, exactly, let’s take a shower.” Sveta, turning to Sergei: “Well, have you come up with a name for yourself, huh, darling?” Sergei hesitated, he suddenly had a strong desire not to call himself by name. He thought a little and said: “Natasha,” although he was disgusted by female name, But...

Sveta: “You, Natasha, have excellent taste in names, well, let’s run to wash ourselves and go home.” Sergei had strange thoughts about the women's locker room and shower; he was either scared or interested, because he had never been there in his life. He slowly trudged after the witches. In the shower, all the girls undressed, exposing their fantastic charms.

(From now on, I refer to Sergei in the story as Natasha S., to make it easier to perceive that Natasha means Sergei.)

NatashaS. looked at women's bodies out of male habit, but they no longer evoked such sensations and feelings; one might say, on the contrary, he was a little embarrassed to look at them. Katya: “Girls, look at how Natasha S. is staring at us, you yourself have everything the best, so don’t worry.” Marina: “You’re stupid, Katya, she’s staring out of habit, right?” NatashaS. remained silent, continuing to look at the breasts and hips. Thoughts about sex and so on were spinning in her head. She shook her head and went into the shower, the sight of dried blood frightening her a little. Water flowed over the new body, new feelings of pleasure flowed through the entire body and shook it. Incredibly, Natasha S. for some reason I liked all of this. The only thought tormented him about the presence of a vagina, will she really mate with a man now, and his penis... Phew, no matter what, but I’m still young and... Damn, what kind of thoughts, Natasha S shook herself. Am I really becoming a woman in my mind? No, it’s just like physiology. They finished washing and went to change clothes.

Anya: “Well, Marinka, take out her things for our princess.”

Marina quickly took her bag out of the booth and took out blue panties, a bra of the same color, a T-shirt, jeans, socks, sneakers and a light windbreaker.

Anya: “Well, Natasha S., get dressed, you will like our life.” NatashaS: “Why and how did you do this to me, because you didn’t love me?” Silence of the girls...

Anya was in charge in the girl’s company, as Natasha S. later realized, because she always answered and asked important questions and everything like that. Anya: “Why? Hmm... we just wanted you to be friends with us, and we wanted to show you the delights of our life, that’s all, actually.” NatashaS. This answer was alarming, maybe it was true, but they didn’t say anything about the reason. NatashaS: “How did you do it?” Anya: “Well... we are witches, actually, and we can do more than just such tricks.” Katya, turning to Natasha S.: “Well, are you happy with the answer?” Natasha S.: "Yes."

Katya: “Then let’s go to the locker room, what about the girls?” Svetka: “Yes, exactly, let’s go, let Nata try on things.” They left the shower and headed down the long corridor to the locker room, NatashaS. I walked last, continuing to explore my body along the way. She pressed her breasts, they were firm and the nipples were hard. It’s strange, Natasha S. thought, when I was a boy, it gave me pleasure and excitement to touch a woman’s breast, but now I don’t feel anything like that. Breasts trembled wonderfully when walking and she felt it. Then things got more difficult, she was given lingerie and sent to her cubicle. NatashaS. I looked at the panties and bra for a long time, then I thought that it would be better to wear it, otherwise some other maniac would attack my body and... The panties fit and the bra, which she easily put on, turned out to be the second size. Standing in front of the mirror that was in each booth, Natasha S. For some unknown reason, she began to spin around in front of the mirror, running her hands from the crotch over the breasts and further, she felt pleasure, feminine pleasure from wearing soft, delicate, pleasant-to-the-touch underwear. She felt these feelings for the first time from ordinary clothes, but still. “Ugh, I’m a fool,” said Natasha S., “I’m spinning around here, completely crazy...” Reality returned, the rest of the outer clothing lay in the booth. The socks quickly fit on the lovely female feet. NatashaS. she ran her palm over them, they were tender and smooth, his former legs were covered with dark, rough hair, but men should be at least a little hairy, and this is already the female gender, she thought then. The jeans also easily accommodated his curves and engulfed his hips, forming a tight fit that only emphasized her features. The T-shirt and windbreaker served the same purpose. NatashaS. left the booth. The girls sparkled their eyes at her. Marina: “Yes, you’re lucky, all the guys will be jealous.” Sveta: "Yessss." Everyone moved towards the exit, Anya distracted the watchman while Natasha S. went outside. Then she walked almost silently, unlike the girls, who kept chatting about the incredible life of a girl. Still getting used to new sensations, NatashaS. I hardly listened to them.

Marina, addressing Natasha S.: “Tomorrow we will introduce you to our friends and girlfriends.” Katya: “In the meantime, enjoy your body, it will bring you a lot of joy.” Anya: “There is a textbook on the secretary, be sure to read it.” The girls saw off NatashaS. home and said goodbye with a squeal, promising to come pick her up tomorrow. NatashaS. I went home and thought how good it was that my parents were not at home. First of all, she stripped down to her underwear and stood in front of the mirror again, checking whether it was a dream, she again began to feel herself. She even managed to bend over hard to look at her genitals. She was constantly bothered by long hair that got into her eyes and mouth. Having completed the check, she still didn’t believe what was happening, but the presence of female organs was slowly convincing him. NatashaS. I remembered Anya’s words about the book on the secretary. She walked over and took it. The book was a small volume, however, similar to an ordinary book, but on it in capital letters it was written: A MANUAL FOR SORCERESSES AND WITCHES.

At the beginning they talked about some powers of magic, etc., most of it NatashaS. I didn't understand. Now the table of contents has passed and the most interesting part has begun, NatashaS. read aloud: “You are a girl or woman, in order to become a witch you need:

1. For complex spells, you need to know a man's love and remain a virgin.

2. For small spells, you only need to believe that you are a girl or woman.

1. Telekinesis

2. Illusion

Next came the instructions: “You need to sleep with a man.” Natasha S immediately threw the book away, this thought sent her into hysterics. “It’s strange, of course, it seems like simple spells, but you have to do such stupid things, damn it,” she thought. The book was lying on the floor, Natasha S picked it up and carefully placed it on the trellis. The glance involuntarily fell on the clock, WHAT time it was 2 o’clock in the morning. We need to sleep quickly, Natasha S undressed, in an unusual way, she closed the curtains so that they wouldn’t see her. The lights were off and the door was locked with three locks.

Natasha's head was spinning with thoughts such that the most natural psycho would go crazy. All of them were directed to today's incident. “Yes, it seems that today my life partner will not be with me.” She was afraid of her own body, she was afraid that someone would see her and say that this was a transformed guy, or worse, some kind of transvestite. Our heroine fell asleep, forgetting about the pain of her internal organs.

The rested mind began to awaken the next morning five days later. As usual, Natasha S jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet. She stopped when she took off her panties and saw nothing there; she had to relieve herself while sitting. Natasha S stood at a loss in front of all the jewelry, lipsticks, eye shadow in the bathroom, she couldn’t understand the drain of everything and what to do with it. The doorbell rang made the girl's heart clench to the point of impossibility. “It’s probably the neighbors or someone else, but right now I’m completely done for, they’ll kill me or put me in jail...” Running up to the door, she looked through the peephole, in the peephole you could see a plump head, with a sweet face and black hair - Sveta, her current friend .

Natasha S opened the door, standing behind it so that her head could be seen. Sveta - Hello Natasha, good afternoon, sorry that you didn’t come in as promised the next day, but you needed a rest. NatashaS - we didn’t come in, but today... Sveta - You slept for five days and five nights, dear. Natasha S remained silent, mulling over what was said. Sveta - I was sent to help you get ready and put on your makeup, today we are going for a walk, come on, sit down, I’ll put on your makeup, and you can watch.

The painting took about 20-30 minutes. Although Natasha S did not catch much, she still remembered something. There was also a problem with underwear and clothes, Natasha S dressed in a delicate dress, wonderful shoes, which she hated, although she had to dress, she was transformed into a poet’s dream, one might say. She liked herself in the mirror. They left an hour and a half after all the preparations. The sun was slowly starting to set; it was evening, around 6 pm.

Natasha S followed Sveta, who led her to a new company. They went out to a summer cafe, which Natasha S had never visited as a guy. The rest of the girls were waiting for them at the entrance, they were also beautifully dressed, their company, so to speak, blinded the eyes. The girls' dazzling smiles and greetings, then they entered the cafe. There weren't many people inside, mostly everyone was dancing. The girls sat on chairs at the counter. Everyone ordered wine. Natasha S sharply refused to drink, she was always decent even as a man. Anya - come on, come on, this will help you relax before you start. NatashaS - what else? Anya - the beginning of a girl’s life, of course, you’re a beauty with us and the guys will never end. Katya - maybe that one over there will come up, pointing to a decent guy sitting at a table and drinking coffee or tea along the way. Anya - maybe it will do, now, wait a minute, Natasha. NatashaS - what do you want, I won’t go to him, I’m gay, that is, a lesbian, but in short, no... Anya - you don’t have to, look. Anya made a small gesture with her hand. The guy at the table moved a little, then slowly stood up and leisurely approached the girls. Hello, I'm Anton. All the girls introduced themselves, still smiling strangely. Anton - I can dance with you, Natasha. Natasha's insides sank, she even wanted to cry, but her body wanted to dance.

The famous song was played - Reflex sang. They spun in a dance, Natasha S was covered in paint, that is, she blushed and felt hot. “I’m dancing with the boy, Khan, I’m a fool.” Natasha S noticed how Anton looked at her forms, this frightened her even more.

The light dimmed a little in the cafe, it became a little dark. Natasha S felt the dancing guy’s hand go down below her waist and squeeze her thigh a little.

The sensations were new and pleasant, and at the same time she felt scared. Natasha S seemed to reflexively pull back, leaving the dance and, pushing the guy away from her, ran to the toilet. Her friends saw her off with joyful glances. Jumping into the toilet, she came across an adult man, he looked at her in no less surprise and said:

Girl, are you by any chance making a mistake?

“Men’s toilet,” flashed through Natasha’s head. She left the toilet and went to the counter, to her friends. Anton was nowhere to be seen, it seemed that he was upset that he had scared the girl or, conversely, that he had failed to achieve the desired result. Marina - how do you like the first guy? Katya – I’m just blown away by such antics. Anya - yeah, you yourself, Natasha, by the way, you would have done this if such a beauty as you are now had been next to you. Natasha S thought about it and looked at her breasts, then back at the girls. They spent a couple of hours in the bar, or maybe as much as 5, Natasha S didn’t remember anything, she was a little drunk after two bottles of beer and two glasses of wine. The girls began to get ready to go somewhere. Anya - Nata, why are you so upset, you drank a gram and became sour, let's go, we have something special prepared for the night. A strange picture and dangerous too. At three o'clock in the morning, five seductively charming girls walk along an empty street, any maniac can get attached, but no one knows that they are witches...

They were walking, as Natasha S understood from conversations, to Sveta’s home. She didn’t understand what could be special there, maybe it was a cake. The apartment was well furnished, a woman’s hand is present in these rooms, our heroine noted. She liked the situation herself. Pinkish wallpaper, transparent curtains, soft fluffy stripes, furniture, in each of the four rooms there were large beds, which looked very soft, and televisions with VCRs. NatashaS – looks like a hotel. Sveta is our place for pleasure and entertainment, now let’s turn on something and settle down.

Imagine Natasha’s surprise when Sveta took out cassettes with porn, speaking from a male point of view.

NatashaS watched as on the screen a girl and a guy began, so to speak, to make love. Naked bodies were not so exciting, but for some reason she felt somehow warm inside, and it also felt somehow different between her legs. Meanwhile, the girls have already begun sexual transformations in bed. The bed easily accommodated them all and there was still plenty of room left. The girls slowly undressed, completely naked. Natasha S, without taking her eyes off, looked at women's bodies out of habit. Yes, they were truly beautiful. The girls licked each other, kissed so tenderly and lovingly that Natasha S, as she felt, became wet between her legs and wanted it too, that she simply could not overcome herself and began to slowly undress. Now the bra flew off her wonderful breasts, and the young witches had been squeezing each other’s thighs and everything else for a long time. Natasha really wanted a little of the affection that they gave each other, but she did not dare to get into their bed. Suddenly, someone gently took her by the waist with both hands, turning around, she noticed Anya, she began to gently kiss Natasha’s neck, who was scared, because a completely naked 17-year-old girl was hugging her. At first she resisted a little, but the feelings flared up more and more, the nipples became hard and the bliss was unbearable. Natasha S didn’t even notice how she found herself completely naked on the bed together with Anya. Anya continued to caress her friend’s chest and stomach, going lower and lower, to the mound of delicate hair and stroking it. Natasha S involuntarily began to stroke her breasts and knead them, lightly pressing on her nipples. Her feminine feelings suppressed at that moment everything masculine that remained in her. A sharp, mild pain forced Natasha to look at what Anya had come to; she stroked the entrance to the vagina with her perfect fingers, either slightly pushing it apart or simply massaging it. Then she reached up to Natasha’s face and kissed her. The kiss was so airy and pleasant that Natasha could barely contain her admiration.

The entertainment lasted a long time, at eight o'clock in the morning all the girls were also sleeping naked on their beds. The movie ended a long time ago and the TV automatically turned off.

The daytime rays of the sun fell on the body, pleasantly warming it. Natasha S woke up, so to speak, after a stormy night. The voices of girls were heard from the kitchen; they seemed to have woken up a long time ago. Natasha S checked her body a little to see if everything was in place. A thought flashed through my head: I’m a guy, not a girl. For some reason I felt scared again, I had some unpleasant thoughts about the loss of my manhood. Yes. now the excitement was different, yesterday's sensations gave new life, one might even say that now she, NatashaS, the current girl is also getting an erection, it’s so nice when the clitoris gets tense. Thoughts were spinning in my head and they made my heart feel heavy. Sveta entered the room. Sveta - you are a beauty, my dear.

NatashaS - why are you doing this, it’s too early for us at this age. Sveta - well, for starters, it’s incredibly pleasant, by the way, you yourself felt it yesterday, and secondly, it gives us new opportunities in the book of spells, you can read it yourself. Yes she was right new chapter, for which it was necessary to feel only an orgasm real woman, gave the opportunity for new witchcraft spells, such as conjuring an object. Now it’s clear, Natasha thought, where they got the money for the cafe, etc. Throwing on a robe, she went into the bathroom and washed herself, to be honest, she no longer experienced those first sensations when she first climbed into the bathroom and washed her new body, I guess this is called - FEELING LIKE A GIRL. BUT one thing was clear, as soon as I thought about sex, my nipples tensed, and my crotch became warm, contentment spread throughout my body, Natasha S tried to get aroused several times. (By the way, it was at those moments that she had a desire, it was small, but it sat near her very heart, she wanted to turn back and return to normal life, all this is somehow unnatural).

It turned out that Marina bought her new underwear, who ran to the store in the morning for herself and grabbed some for her new friend. Katya - how did you like last night (addressing NatashaS). NatashaS - I... well... uh. Katya took out a dildo from somewhere below and showed it to Natasha, you see how grown up you are now. For Natasha, it immediately dawned on her whether they really had this thing in her yesterday... The hysteria made itself felt in her altered psyche. Natasha S rushed to the front door, put on her shoes and ran home. Tears slightly welled up in her eyes, and to be honest, she probably poured a liter of tears from her little eyes before she got home. How she wanted to end this nightmare.

Lying on the bed, she leafed through the witchcraft book, looking for something that she could guess, she was looking for a spell about reverse transformation. Her head hurt, especially when she thought about her new body; as soon as she moved, her new breasts moved, giving her new sensations that irritated her even more and accelerated the movement of her thin fingers flipping through the pages of the book. And then what she wanted appeared before Natasha’s eyes. Page 1945, Contraindicated transformation, a transformation that can change the life of a girl, turning her into a man, the red inscription read: THE GIRL IS REQUIRED TO BECOME A WOMAN A WEEK BEFORE THE TRANSFORMATION. Her mind was clouded, Natasha S met these demands, but she did not think of meeting them here. She became so scared that she started crying again, wondering if she would have to remain a whiny girl for the rest of her life, wear this underwear, and not even have anything to touch between her legs. She sobbed terribly. She made the final decision.


thunder hammered across the sky like a talented drummer, striking fear not only at individual people, but at everyone without exception. The apartment was dark, only occasional lightning illuminated the rooms for a moment. The Scarlet kettle turned on by itself. A few minutes and the tea boiled. The cup, which looked silver, was filled with still boiling water. Tea leaves and sugar followed in the right proportions. NatashaS went into the kitchen. The robe is too short for an ordinary home robe, revealing almost all the legs. She wasn’t wearing slippers, but who cares, it’s summer outside after all. She sat down at the table, took a spoon and stirred the contents of the mug. Then she put her hand on the table, no one nearby would have noticed how she quickly cast a light spell and an mp3 player appeared on the table. For some time now, Natasha S has fallen in love with very, very expensive things. The hand, which strangely turned out to be without long nails, put one earphone in the right ear and pressed the random selection button on the player. A song by Mr. Credo called Medlyak started playing in Natasha’s ear. “That’s great,” she said dully. Footsteps were heard outside the door.

Seryozha, are you still awake?
- Mom, how can you sleep, there’s such thunder, my knees are already shaking.
- You're a guy, I can still be afraid.
Mom closed the kitchen door and went on to sleep. It’s hard to imagine how much affection Natasha S needed, etc., to be able to hide her personality and things from her parents and friends. Magic is endless in the hands of a girl who wields pure love. It turned out that magic book was the property of a witch. She never knew love and put all her omnipotence and passion into this book. The result of this alloy was known to Natasha. She may have liked magic, she may have been blind to the fact that she was a lesbian, but she wasn't blind to her past. The only thing that was impossible for the witch's power was to return the initial gender. Natasha S remembered the headline of last year's newspaper. “Yesterday there was the bloodiest and most brutal murder of four young girls, as it turned out the apartment belonged to one of them. Surgeons found that all the girls were deflowered almost simultaneously and then died. Children should refrain from watching the video material, as the recording contains copious amounts of blood and mutilated bodies, young girls."
Natasha closed her eyes and took a sip of tea. Then again, imperceptibly, she whispered something and disappeared along with the player...
“Natasha, what are you doing here so late?” Tanya asked, opening the door, to a girl with an umbrella and a leather coat.
- Yes, this thunder got to me, I can’t sleep.
-Well, come in, don’t stand on the threshold.
- I captured it here.
Natasha S, raised her hand behind her back, on the way back there was a bottle of champagne in her hand, you don’t even have to ask how much it would cost in the store.
The girls came closer and began to kiss tenderly. Tanya had already gotten ready to put her hand under her coat, but a light sweater was hidden there.
The door was one touched it.

My cousin was unlucky with his sister. Personally, I don't think so. In fact, I'm not evil, I'm very pretty, boys like me. Valera was unlucky in another way, he is five years younger than me, but we are the same height and we have always had the same size. Can you imagine what it's like? My mother, buying clothes or shoes as a gift for Valera, took me to the store as a sample. Aunt Galya, Valera’s mother, did the same thing every year, buying me school dresses. The evening dress for my prom was also made for him.

When they came to visit us, I wanted to see Valera at least once in my dress or at least in a skirt, but he categorically refused. This always amused me and my younger sister, his age. Lena was still that tomboy. If Valera was a calm boy, then Lena fought with the neighboring boys every day. I always wanted to swap them and see how it would work out. I think Valera would make a good sister.

After school, I went to college, so I moved to live with Aunt Gala. Valera was in fifth grade.

On the 8th of March, Valerina's class teacher, Antonina Vasilierna, invited the boys of the class to hold a fashion show and a beauty contest for the girls, in which the boys themselves, dressed as girls, should participate. Participation in this event was optional, so Valera hoped to remain silent. Aunt Galya came to me with a request to help my brother, who was asked by Antonina Vasilievna.

What about me? I'm always here to help. I had a blast over the poor thing, forcing her to try on all her dresses and shoes. Finally, I chose a pink evening dress that I only wore to prom. The shoes that went with this dress were not the very high heels that I liked. In general, an ideal option, but sophisticated. The highlight was that under the dress it was necessary to wear underwear that was visible through light silk. My brother walked around like this, getting used to it, until Aunt Galya came home. She liked it. I offered to lightly tint the boy’s lips and eyelashes, but she refused, since this was prohibited for girls at school.

At the rehearsal for the holiday, Valera turned out to be “the most beautiful” among the other boys in his sisters’ children’s dresses. Antonina Vasilievna chose him to play the role of host, or rather host, of the entire evening. This meant that other boys wore dresses for only one performance, but Valera had to portray a girl, or rather a girl, constantly. At home he attacked me with his fists. What do I have to do with this? Well, it’s okay, I’ll remind him of that.

They invited me to the evening to help. Antonina Vasilievna, for the sake of the holiday, allowed the girls to do makeup. And where did the cosmetics come from? The teacher, someone’s mother and I quickly made the girls beautiful, and I didn’t forget about Valera.

Overall, the evening was quite fun. In Valera he was always hiding and in right time artistic talent was evident. He was great. He turned out to be a cool girl.

One day at the end of April, my brother came home from school in tears. He was wearing a girl's school dress and tights. As it turned out, after March 8th, the girls in the class, and some boys, began to tease him. He knew how to deal with boys, but he never fought with girls. The last lesson that day was physical education. The girls stole Valerina's clothes from the boys' locker room and invited him into their locker room. Valera’s things weren’t there either, but the strength of seven girls was enough to pull off Valera’s sports uniform and dress her as a girl. They even tied a bow to him. It was easy to guess who started this - Olga, the great Valerina, the spiteful critic. In my opinion, she just fell in love with him, and he, such a bastard, pays zero attention to her. Feeling sorry for my brother, I took the dress to the hostess and took Valera’s uniform from her. If Aunt Galya had gone, she would have caused a scandal at school.

One day in June I decided to sew myself a stunning outfit. It’s not just that I was friends with Tolya and wanted to hit him in the heart. Of course, no marriage, at least until I graduate from college. But how long can you remain an innocent girl? The best friends from the group advise not to delay. And I really like Tolechka.

In short, I spent two whole weeks leafing through all available magazines in search of “the one.” Having found it, I went around all the fabric stores, looking for the right color so I could spend all my savings. And I did it. The catch turned out to be my very modest talents as a seamstress. I could ask Aunt Galya, who was a professional dressmaker, but was afraid to even show her the “horror” in which I was going to go on a decisive date with Tolya.

After passing the session, I had a lot of free time to experiment. Aunt Galya and her husband, Uncle Borey, went to the sanatorium, leaving me with Valera. And with my sewing machine. With a trembling hand, I drew the pattern five times. I asked my brother to check the measurements taken. After making sure it was correct, I took up the scissors. The main thing is not to spoil the idea.

Having tried on my rough-sewn creation, I came to the conclusion that something was not as I wanted, but I could not see it on myself. This is where Valera came in handy.

Of course, at first he objected, but I know how to convince him if I use an irresistible argument in the person of my younger sister Lena. She really loved to tease Valera, and the story of the eighth of March and the girls' April prank could be very suitable for her for this. Lenochka would have driven him into my dress, however, one mention of her would have completely dealt with this. What to do? I had to resort to innocent blackmail.

Time was running out, today, after the disco, I was going... It doesn’t matter, I needed a dress and I didn’t stand on ceremony with Valera, making it a mannequin for the whole day. I had to rack my brains to get his shape to match mine. After that, I began to notice minor flaws in the dress and eliminate them. Things got going.

After lunch, Vika came to see me. She was a year younger and had just finished tenth grade. We were best friends and today we were planning to go to a disco together. She had the most incredible effect on Valera. In communication with her, he became a different person. Probably love, but it’s too early for him. Having let Vika in, I sent her to the living room, where Valera was at that moment waiting for the next fitting. The sight of my brother in my robe, with my underwear underneath, brought her into indescribable delight. She came running to me, choking with laughter.

What did you do to him?

I’m just sewing a dress, I need a mannequin.

Great. Will you show me?

It's not ready yet, but I'm going to wear it to the disco. Therefore, don’t interfere yet, wait with Valera. I'll finish soon.

She tried to stop me twice more. Either she needed my cosmetic bag, or she wanted to try on my outfits.

Do whatever you want, just don’t get in the way,” I begged, almost ruining the seam.

Having finished working on the dress, I put it on and, closing my eyes, went to the mirror. After standing for a minute, she looked at herself. Yes, yes, everything is as I wanted. We need to show Vika and Valera.

Entering the room, I discovered an incredible picture. Only Vika could do this. Valera, in an ill-fated evening dress, in a wig, with skillfully done makeup, is learning to dance! I stopped even thinking about my dress.

What a beauty you are! - Vika reminded herself. - Tolik is simply obliged to fall in love with you.

But we love each other.

Oh yes, the squeezing dances. But I had something else in mind,” she glanced sideways at Valera and smiled slyly.

After ten minutes of critical examination of my creation, Vika gave her final conclusion:

Will you let me wear it later?

Necessarily. I'll go take a shower, don't be bored here.

When I returned, I found Vika alone.

Where is Valera?

I asked him to buy me a chocolate bar. Listen, let's take him to the disco?

They won’t let him in, he’s still young.

Well, not so small. And in your dress he is still eighteen. So how?

Listen, did you send it to the store like this?

Certainly. I really love chocolates and brave boys. He could not resist the last argument and, in order not to look like a coward, he took the money from me and ducked out the door.

He likes you.

“I noticed that,” Vika smiled. - Listen, friend, won’t you be offended if I play with him a little?

Just don't overdo it.

My brakes are fine. Finish up with your beauty spruce up soon, otherwise your Tolya won’t wait and will go looking for another girlfriend.

Valera returned out of breath, but happy, proudly carrying the chocolate Vika ordered.

Tolya definitely couldn’t,” I said, without looking up from the mirror.

Why so long? - Vika continued, taking the chocolate bar.

Well,” Valera hesitated, “I was hiding from the boys, then I saw Olya...

Journey, full of adventure, - Vika smiled.

While I was getting ready, Vika was treating my brother. She still managed to persuade him to go to the dance with us. It’s simply incredible, but Valera hardly resisted when Vika hung my old handbag, pre-filled with all the little things a girl needed, on his shoulder and dragged him along with her. I could barely keep up with them.

When I saw Tolya, I forgot about everything. I didn’t care about Vika, or Valera, whom she dragged along with her, promising to take care of him, or anyone else. Before me was He - my Beloved, who was to become the First.

When he kissed me, a pleasant shiver ran through my body. Tolya helped me take off my cloak. I didn’t dare walk down the street in my new clothes and, despite the heat, I put on a raincoat. Returning from the wardrobe, he kissed me again.

I tried so hard, but alas, Tolya didn’t even pay attention to my new dress, saying on duty: “You look great.” No excitement. A bastard, like all men. But I love him. But it's still a shame. Others are looking at me, I noticed it.

Still, he appreciated my dress. During a slow dance, he liked to caress my open back, then he appreciated the bold cut of the skirt, which exposed my right leg almost to the hip.

In the toilet I met Vika and Valera.

How are you? - my friend asked me.

“Aren’t you bored,” I answered, nodding towards Valera, who was updating his makeup in front of the mirror. Let's say he tried. Vika giggled:

We are trying. Take Tolya to your place. Valera will spend the night with me. No one will bother you.

Thank you,” I blushed embarrassedly.

Lera, how do you hold the brush? - Vika was indignant when she saw that Valera was trying to fix her eyelashes. - How did Vika’s mother teach you?

Try to talk to him like that. Clearly, Vika has a talent for persuasion. If only Valera, she knows how to persuade anyone to do what she needs. True, this talent of hers only affects men. In response to my questions, she declares that she masters the art of hypnosis. Maybe so, but she got a C in math, and her teacher is a man. “He’s not a man,” Vika responds to this.

Deciding to follow my friend’s advice, I dragged Tolya away earlier. At home it turned out that he did not have condoms. Well, I was concerned about this, thinking through our first evening alone. Night is better.

Alas, nothing worked out for my beloved. When he saw the blood, he panicked. I was ready to cry, this is not how I imagined the first time. With tears, I begged him to stay. What would Vika and other friends say if they found out that Tolya spent the night at home! I put him to bed in Valera’s room, and I took care of eliminating traces of blood.

I couldn’t sleep, I wanted to cry. I heard someone enter the room.

Anya, are you sleeping? - Tolya asked quietly. I didn’t answer, pretending to be asleep. - I'm sorry it happened like this.

When he leaned down to kiss me, I grabbed him and pulled him down on top of me. We fought for a long time. He tried to kiss me, I fought back. Finally I gave up. This time he succeeded.

After lunch Vika called:

Hi friend. How did it all turn out?

I had to tell her. Not all of it, of course; I excluded the unsuccessful hour and a half from the story. As I talked, I relived what happened at night. The girlfriends were right in advising not to delay.

And we had a lot of fun yesterday too. Valera is simply a miracle. When the beauty contest was announced, I pulled her on stage as a joke. Imagine, she won.

Wait, who won?

Valera, your sister.

I don’t understand anything, which sister?

Yours. We’re at Tanka’s now, and I’m calling from her.

It's clear. But Tanya knows that Valera is my brother.

The boys are with us.

It's clear. Wait, what boys?

Oh, very cute, we just met them today. Really, Kolya?

What are you doing there? Aunt Galya will rip my skin off if something happens to Valera.

Don't worry, everything will be fine. I understand. I guarantee that Valera will remain a girl until she comes of age. Then it's up to her.

Hmmm, this phrase sounded very threatening. The boy is thirteen and will have to remain a girl until adulthood? I burst out laughing.

What are you doing? - Vika was surprised at the other end.

I presented the second meaning of your phrase.

Oh, it’s true,” Vika laughed too. - And this is an idea.

“Don’t even think about it,” I was scared.

By the way, Valera asks to live with me. You dont mind?

But your parents...

It is my problem. I'll persuade you. Do not believe?

I believe.

Here Valera is eager to talk to you.

Hello, Anya? This is Valera. Can I stay with Vicky?

What kind of boys are there?

Kolya and Petya. Kolya with Tanya, Petya with Marina, me with Vika - my heart was relieved. You can expect any trick from Vicky.

So it is possible? Do not worry.

OK then.

Anya! - Vika again took possession of the receiver at the other end of the line. - Have fun there with Tolya. I will take care of Valera. Bye.

Three days later, having decided to clean up the apartment, I went into Valera’s room. It was a terrible mess. While packing his pants, I discovered that the keys had fallen out of his pocket. His keys to the apartment were also in the bunch. This meant that neither Valera nor Vika could come and take Valera’s things without me, as I still thought. After checking my brother’s closet, I came to the conclusion that perhaps I was right and Valera had had no clothes other than my dress for three days. Of course, Vika could come up with something, but it would have been easier to call me and come home than to look for clothes from boys I knew.

I decided to check my suspicion and went to visit Vika.

“She and her friend went to the store,” Vika’s mother answered.

With girlfriend?

Yes, Valeria is such a sweet girl. She came from somewhere far away to go to university, the same place as Vika. Until she was given a room in the dorm, Vika asked me to shelter the girl. I doubted it, but you know my daughter. If she needs something, she gets it.

Yeah. Then I'll go.

Wow jokes! If Aunt Galya finds out, I won’t live. Now I had no time for another date with Tolya.

Returning home, I found Vika waiting for me on the stairs.

Hi friend.

I was too angry to answer and silently ordered Vika to enter the apartment.

Here, I brought your dress and underwear. Sorry for returning it late. I accidentally smeared Valera with cake and he had to wash it all off. Until he learned to do everything correctly, I did not let him take on the dress. Then Tanya asked him to wear it on a date.

Where is Valera?

They are with Tanya and Marina in the park.

Listen, what are you doing with it? I was at your house and talked to your mom.

Clear. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to him.

Nothing? Why is he Valeria?

Otherwise, mom wouldn't have allowed him to stay, not to mention dad.

And what? What does he wear all this time?

Well, some of Tanino’s, some of Marinino’s, some of mine. Don't worry, he even likes it. Listen, how are things going with you and Tolya?

It would be better if I were calm for Valera.

Do you want him to live at home?

Yes, I want it.

Vika agreed, but managed to persuade me not to interfere with her in “raising good manners in the boy.” It was not for nothing that she applied to the Faculty of Psychology. I think she will get there even without exams, if there are only men on the admissions committee. True, now I can’t vouch for women either.

On the same day Valera returned home. This is something, even Aunt Galya would not have recognized her son in the girl to whom I opened the door. Following Valera, Vika, Tanya and Marina appeared. The four of them put things in order in their brother’s room, took out the clothes intended for Valera from the bag they brought and laid out and hung up all this splendor, having previously cleared the closet of “junk things”. The girls loaded all the boy’s things into two bags and took them with them, leaving my brother behind. Or sister?

Well, let's get acquainted? - I smiled. - I think you have something to tell me about and explain what’s going on.

Uh, you see, Anya... The thing is... In general, I liked the game that Vika offered me and I promised her that I could handle everything that she told me to do.

At all?

If I want to experiment with boys, she doesn't mind, but I have to ask your permission.

Oh, this Vika. Well, welcome home, little sister. I hope Aunt Galya and Uncle Borya will not catch this outrage and will never find out about it. Just a nightmare.

I promise,” Valeria chirped.

I must note that Valera was more pleasant as a sister. I didn’t need to clean up after him; on the contrary, he took on half of the household chores around the apartment. I liked it. I should have made him a girl sooner.

In the morning he ran to Vika and spent all the time with her until the evening. I wasn't particularly interested in what they were doing. The main thing is that he returns no later than twelve, but not earlier than eleven, when Tolya left me.

A new problem arose in the form of woman Tony. She sat with her old lady friends in the yard all day long and watched everyone.

Where is Valerochka? What kind of handsome young man comes to you? What kind of girl lives with you?

To be honest, I was afraid that the truth would come out and asked Vika to stop her stupid experiment. She agreed.

Valerina’s parents returned home and never found out about anything. Even about my meetings with Tolya.

Life went on. I studied at the institute. Valera became an excellent student. Vika entered her psychology department. Valera spent every weekend outside the house. I suspect he ran away to Vika and I can even guess what they were doing, since Vika was very interested in some kind of sexual deviation. She herself is a walking deviation, but still we are friends, and even the best. For me she is number two, after Tolya.

Having completed eight classes, Valera insisted on entering a technical school. He categorically refused to continue his studies at school. Where he entered remains a mystery to everyone. He even got himself a place in the dorm and came home only on Sundays.

My parents didn’t see or pretended not to see, but I just felt something was wrong in Valera. Considering his more than close friendship with Vika. He grew his hair long, in keeping with the latest fashion, and wore earrings in his ears, which was also considered super fashionable. He constantly smelled of women's perfume, but Aunt Galya believed that he had a girlfriend and it was her perfume. He remained the same boy and, it seems to me, did not even begin to shave. True, rather for show, he used his father’s razor at home. My suspicions were justified pretty quickly.

My friends and I went to a cafe. We were eating cakes and chatting pleasantly when a group of laughing girls, students of a nearby sewing school, ran into the cafe. At first, I didn’t notice that one of them was looking at me in fear. It turned out... it turned out to be Valera. Totally a girl, in the company of girls. I gestured for him to go outside and went out too.

Interesting meeting,” I said. - What are you doing here?

You see... - he hesitated, - I’m studying at the sewing department.

It seems they only accept girls. Or am I not right? Boy tailors study at a technical school.

Well... I... I study like Valeria.

But how did you do it?

I entered at the age of fifteen. I just corrected the name on all documents.

Just fixed it? - I suffocated.

It was easy. While still studying, I received a passport. Like Valeria Borisovna. Now I'm a girl. Quite officially.

Unbelievable. Have you thought about your parents? How will they react to this?

And they don't need to know. At least until I come of age, when I can open up and they can’t do anything. You won't tell them, will you? For them, I remain a “good son” on Sundays. If it weren’t for this, I could have had a figure no worse than yours long ago. At the moment I am forced to only hold back my puberty with the help of female hormones. Only in a year will I be able to begin full treatment and complete my transformation. Until then we have to hide. Bye. My friends are waiting for me...