Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich personal life. Father of many children, workaholic, millionaire: what do we know about the new head of the Kama region

The site's correspondent talked with classmates and teachers of Maxim Reshetnikov, the elected governor of the Kama region. We found out who was his best friend at the university where he met his love and how he managed to study at two faculties with excellent marks and work at the same time.

A classmate at the gymnasium, Natalya Fedorova, said that she studied very well and graduated educational institution with a medal

Maxim devoted all his time to his studies, knew how to set and achieve goals, says Natalya. - I was never late or missed classes. He was always serious, purposeful, smart, neat. I think that he is a great guy, he achieved everything on his own, through his own work and thanks to his character. I'm glad for him. I wish him further success.

School photo of Maxim Reshetnikov

Lev Tailor was scientific supervisor future governor at the university. He recalls that when Maxim Gennadievich was a student, he did not know rest. And their first meeting took place at a scientific conference, when Maxim was in ninth grade.

But this meeting was short and not memorable,” says Lev Solomonovich. - Fate brought us together again a few years later. The company "Prognoz" ordered me to work on the topic regional economy, and Maxim worked there. We got the job done with ease. So we resumed our communication, and I realized that I was dealing with a smart guy. In the process of work, I learned that Maxim entered our university to study two specialties: “linguist-translator” and “economist-mathematician”.

Lev Portnoy says that in his third year at the Faculty of Economics, Maxim Reshetnikov chose him as his supervisor. I studied with straight A's. The teacher was amazed at how he copes while studying in two faculties and working.

He's an incredibly hard worker. I constantly told him: “Maxim, stop, look at this world, in the end.” Over time, I became for him not only a scientific supervisor, but also a senior friend,” recalls the former teacher. - He often came to my house. We talked about work, about the city, about life and much more.

Lev Solomonovich recalls that Maxim Reshetnikov’s closest friend at the university was Yuri Safronov. They were very friendly. There, his student met his future wife, with whom they often visited the teacher.

Recently his assistant called me and said that Maxim wants to meet me and invites me to the performance,” says Lev. - But, unfortunately, for health reasons I could not come. I hope we can meet him again. I want to wish success to our region under the leadership of Maxim. I would like the city to become brighter, to be recognized and to be written about.

The director of gymnasium No. 17, Eleonora Paday, says that Maxim was always active, consistent, with a good sense of humor and knew how to stand up for girls.

Maxim came to us in high school,” recalls Eleonora Nikolaevna. - He is an incredible hard worker, never deviated from his goal, never complained about anything, and always strived to gain new knowledge. Participated in the Olympics. And at the graduation party, in his class teacher’s album, he wrote words of gratitude to his teacher with the caption: “From the future prime minister.” We all love him very much and believe in him.

Eleonora Nikolaevna wished the children of Maxim Reshetnikov health and happiness. And he asks Maxim himself to take care of himself. She noticed that Lately he looks very tired. He can work his ass off and never say he’s tired.

By the way!

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Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich


On February 6, 2017, Russia changed its governor: instead of Viktor Basargin, Maxim Reshetnikov, a 37-year-old native of Perm, who has worked in the Moscow government for the last few years, was appointed acting governor of the Perm Territory.

The acting governor was born in July 1979, graduated with honors from one of the local gymnasiums, and then from Perm State University with two specialties: “economist-mathematician” and “linguist-translator”.

While still a student, Reshetnikov began working for the IT company Prognoz, which developed technological solutions for government agencies. There he was noticed by the then governor of the Kama region, Oleg Chirkunov, and at the age of 22, Reshetnikov ended up in the administration of the Perm region.

In the first half of the 2000s, Reshetnikov worked in the economic departments of the administration of the Perm region- was involved in budget planning and investments; was deputy head of the main regional department of economics. In 2005, Chirkunov announced the need to increase the efficiency of government agencies - and appointed Reshetnikov as head of the system development committee government controlled. The young official was supposed to implement the governor’s ambitious plan to transform the Perm region into an experimental platform for testing federal ideas. Over the next two years, Reshetnikov changed several more positions, rising to the rank of first deputy head of the governor’s administration, and in 2007 he moved to Moscow for a promotion: he oversaw the assessment of the effectiveness of regions in the Ministry regional development.

In 2009, Reshetnikov was the head of the administration of the governor of the Perm region for six months. In his own words, he only managed to “get started on solving some issues.” The most memorable decision was the resignation in July 2009 of the head of the Chaikovsky district, Yuri Vostrikov, organized by Reshetnikov at the command of the governor. The dismissal of the mayor on the initiative of the regional authorities was a notable precedent. Reshetnikov himself, commenting on it, stated that control over the activities of municipalities needs to be strengthened - and that “giving heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to initiate the dismissal of mayors is not interference in the activities of municipalities.”

In October 2009, Reshetnikov returned to work for the Russian government, and a year later he went to work at the Moscow City Hall. Anastasia Rakova called him there, former head the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration Sergei Sobyanin, who worked with Reshetnikov when he worked at the Ministry of Regional Development, and left with the chief when he was appointed instead of Yuri Luzhkov. In April 2012, Reshetnikov became - and until now remained - the head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow.

Reshetnikov is one of the main reasons for the departure of Andrei Sharonov, a former assistant to German Gref, from the Moscow government. Sharonov headed the economic block of the city administration as deputy mayor. As sources in the mayor's office said then, the liberal Sharonov proposed developing rules for regulating business together with entrepreneurs, and not confronting them with a fact. Reshetnikov and Rakova believed that business lobbyists would only interfere with the work of regulators. Sharonov's vacant position was assigned to Reshetnikov, but in the end Sergei Sobyanin decided to add powers to his deputy Natalya Sergunina, and Reshetnikov remained the head of the department.

As the head of the Moscow department of economic policy and development, Reshetnikov, in particular, was responsible for the reform of street trading: if previously the city leased land to entrepreneurs for installing kiosks, now it has installed its own kiosks, which it rents out through auctions. In addition, under Reshetnikov, trade fees and a patent system were introduced in Moscow for individual entrepreneurs, as well as increased property taxes for owners of luxury apartments.

With the transfer of Maxim Reshetnikov to the Moscow government, the company "Prognoz", in which he once worked, became one of the key contractors of the capital's mayor's office for the creation information systems and electronic services for citizens- in particular, the project “Our City”, “ Electronic diary"and others. The implementation of these projects is overseen by Reshetnikov’s former subordinate, Deputy Chief of Staff of the City Hall Natalya Kataeva.

People who have known Maxim since his school years note that even then he could be called a workaholic.

After graduating from high school, he continued his education in Perm state university to the Department of Economic Cybernetics. In 2000, Reshetnikov received a diploma in economics and mathematics. After his defense, the young economist enters the service of the administration of the Perm region, where he makes a rapid career from a planner to the head of the administration of the governor of the Perm region. At the same time, he continues to study and in 2002 received a second higher education majoring in linguist-translator, and in 2003 successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Career in Moscow, again in Perm and again in Moscow

In 2007, a young but successful Perm official, Maxim Reshetnikov, received an invitation to work in Moscow. There he works at the Ministry of Regional Development. And again - a quick climb up the career ladder.

In 2009, the 30-year-old official entered the personnel reserve of the President of Russia, formed by Dmitry Medvedev. After this, he returns to his homeland and a month later becomes the head of the governor’s administration. Another six months later, he receives an invitation to return to work in Moscow. This time in the capital, Maxim Gennadievich works as director of the department, Director of the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government in the Office of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In October 2010, Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergei Sobyanin was appointed mayor of Moscow. Maxim Reshetnikov is also moving to a new place of work together with Sobyanin. In the capital's government, Reshetnikov worked for a year and a half as deputy chief of staff of the mayor, and in 2012 he headed the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow with the rank of minister of the city government.

Working as a governor

On February 6, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov as acting governor of the Perm Territory.

Immediately upon returning to Perm, Reshetnikov made changes in the regional government. The first changes affected the chief of staff of the governor, the minister of finance and the minister of information technology and communications. Subsequently, the reshuffle continued, and the acting governor assumed the duties of the chairman of the regional government.

On September 10, 2017, Reshetnikov wins a landslide victory in the regional elections and takes office as governor. In the months leading up to the elections, the official, known as a technocratic governor, managed to study local problems and outline the main areas of effort: healthcare, construction, informatization and openness of the government.

Personal life of Maxim Reshetnikov

Maxim Gennadievich does not seek to disclose details of his personal life. It is known that the governor of the Perm Territory has a strong and friendly family. His wife Anna bore him a son and two daughters. IN free time Reshetnikov likes to play tennis and ride a bicycle. With the encouragement and help of his children, he masters skateboarding. In a conversation with journalists, he mentioned that he remembers walks around Moscow with pleasure. Some see a hint in these words, especially since rumors about Reshetnikov’s next return to Moscow have not subsided since the very beginning of his governorship.

The prosecutor's office of the city of Perm expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the administration of the regional center. In particular, the supervisory authority noted that the program for resettlement from dilapidated and dilapidated housing has actually failed. Overcrowding, according to the prosecutor's office, exceeds all reasonable limits. In addition, the local Accounting Chamber revealed the complete failure of the Perm Territory administration’s work to develop physical culture and sports. This is indicated in the report of the regional joint venture for 2017. According to the joint venture, the program for the development of physical education and sports has not been fulfilled under any of the 23 points outlined in it! According to the joint venture, the total amount of violations exceeds 5 billion rubles. Naturally, this message caused discontent in the power circles of the Perm region. They have long disliked impartial statements about their work for the benefit of the region’s population. They even openly harassed MP auditors. A few years ago, deputies of the Perm Legislative Assembly simply obstructed the report prepared by members of the Accounts Chamber. This is what one of those present at that meeting, the chairman of the HOA, said about this. “I was at a meeting of the infrastructure development committee in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. It was unpleasantly surprising that the report, which was justified from the point of view of the law, all calculations, common sense and logic, was not accepted by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly. The discussion was conducted only by those deputies who are interested in developing their business. The Government presented its objections to the PSC report, and no one was interested in the arguments and arguments of the Government, as if their statement was an axiom, as if their position is indisputable. The deputies voted for the PSC to independently resolve all disagreements with the government. And this despite the fact that the Legislative Assembly is the founder of the PSC, gives it instructions. And the deputies must reprimand the government for such “activities”. This is the attitude of the Perm authorities to the work to the structures that are obliged to ensure that officials work honestly, within the framework of, although not the most perfect, Russian legislation. The power in the Perm region has changed, but the order does not change. As it was under the former long-term governor Viktor Basargin, so everything remained under his replacement Maxim Reshetnikov. If they haven't blossomed even more magnificently. Reshetnikov Perm residents have long been tired of Governor Viktor Basargin. They couldn't wait for him to leave his post. We finally got there. A young and outwardly dynamic leader, Maxim Reshetnikov, was appointed to the region. He was enthusiastically chosen as the head of the region. But, as they say, young men have hopes. The arrival of Reshetnikov in no way affected the situation in the Perm region. Or maybe he even made this situation worse.

Maxim Reshetnikov

Maxim Reshetnikov was elected governor in what is called “one wicket”. . After all, the Kremlin itself recommended him! But then everything somehow went wrong. "Ignore" the plenipotentiary The first wake-up call for Reshetnikov was the visit to the Perm Territory of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in Privolzhsky federal district Mikhail Babich. Having arrived in Perm, he did not even bother to meet with the new governor. The visit was officially an inspection one. But Governor Reshetnikov did not take part in this process. Babich limited himself to holding a public meeting...with students of Perm universities. Naturally, without the participation of the governor. Participants in the political process immediately started talking about the fact that this was revenge in terry tones. After all, having barely become head of the region, Reshetnikov allowed himself the phrase that... Construction "failure" of the governor In fact, as they said, Babich came to the Perm region to check why construction was delayed residential complex in the city of Bereznyaki to resettle people from dilapidated and dilapidated housing. At that time, only a few houses were built, and even those started under Basargin. But they were never populated. And the residents of the city continued to live on a powder keg, since their houses could go underground at any moment.

Emergency houses in Bereznyaki

After all, they were located in the undermined areas of a potassium mining quarry. Everyone blames the failure to complete the housing complex on the elementary carelessness of Governor Reshetnikov. He just didn't keep an eye on it. School and Emirates Under Mr. Reshetnikov, a huge scandal on an all-Russian scale occurred. In one of the Perm schools, students carried out a real massacre, bringing knives with them. Several people were seriously injured. Even the Prosecutor General's Office took up the case. But Reshetnikov was not present. At this time he was vacationing in the United Arab Emirates. And not just one, but... Didn’t the governor receive a letter from the plenipotentiary for all this? Moscow "pranks" Before his appointment to the Perm region, Reshetnikov worked as the head of the department of economic policy and development of Moscow, that is, he worked quite successfully in the team of Sergei Sobyanin and Anastasia Rakova. It was the current Perm governor who carried out the scandalous “kiosk reform” in Moscow, and at the same time increased taxes and fees for businessmen. So that they would always be on their toes and not forget who their overseer is. At the same time, Reshetnikov did not forget about his beloved self. Thus, his company “Prognoz” suddenly became the main recipient of government orders for various electronic services. But in the Perm region such liberties apparently do not apply. Here you are fed up with both the prosecutor and the Accounts Chamber. In this regard, will Mr. Reshetnikov leave his governor’s chair ahead of schedule?

Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov
Occupation: Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow
Date of birth: July 11, 1979
Place of birth: Perm
Country Russia

Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov(b. July 11, 1979 (19790711), Perm) - Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.
Work experience Maxim Reshetnikova began while studying at Perm State University. In 1998, together with a group of classmates, he developed a methodology and software for modeling and analyzing the effectiveness of various business processes.
After completing his education, he was invited to the department for planning budget revenues and expenses of the administration of the Perm region, where he was involved in budget planning for the region. In 2002-2005, he headed the department for planning budget revenues and expenses, and then was appointed head of the department of regional finance and investment, deputy head of the Main Department of Economics of the Administration of the Perm Region. In 2005-2007 M. Reshetnikov- First Deputy Chairman of the Planning Department of the Perm Region, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory. In 2009, he headed the administration of the governor of the Perm region.

Job Maxim Reshetnikova in federal executive authorities
Job Maxim Reshetnikova in the region was seen in federal center; in 2007, Maxim Reshetnikov was invited to work as deputy director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2009 - Director of the Department for Monitoring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bodies' Activities state power subjects of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

In 2009-2010 - Director of the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government of the Russian Federation of the Government Office of the Russian Federation.

Work in the Moscow Government
After the appointment of Sergei Sobyanin as Moscow Mayor in 2010, Maxim Reshetnikov went to work in the capital’s Government. Between 2010 and 2012 he held the position of first deputy head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Among the most notable projects of this period:

* simplification of approval procedures for apartment redevelopment. Approvals were canceled for work that accounts for 70% of all redevelopments;
* formation of an economic base for the creation of Multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC);
* opening of the country’s first citywide Internet portal “Our City”, for direct communication of city residents with authorities without queuing and paperwork.

April 23, 2012 By Decree of the Moscow Mayor M. Reshetnikov appointed to the position of Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.
He is a supporter of the balance between urban planning, industrial, financial and other interests of the city and its residents, on the one hand, and business, on the other. He opposes the deindustrialization of the capital's economy, for an increase in high-tech production and the practical implementation of Moscow's scientific potential. The main goal of the implemented economic policy is the creation of high-paying jobs in the city.
As the head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, he is engaged in forecasting the socio-economic development of the city for the medium and long term, as well as modeling a stable budget policy that ensures both the fulfillment of all social obligations of the Government and sustainable economic growth in various macroeconomic conditions. A convinced supporter of program-targeted budget layout. When forming the revenue side of the city budget, he advocates for improving tax administration and increasing the share of property taxes. He is consistently engaged in the development and implementation of mechanisms for optimizing expenses, saving budget funds, reducing expenses through the sale of non-core assets, and improving the existing mechanisms of government contracts. With his direct participation, the information and analytical system “Monitoring of Integrated Development” (IAS MKR) was created and is successfully used as an effective tool for analyzing and monitoring the practical implementation of Moscow’s budget policy.

M. Reshetnikov is one of the leading developers of the Moscow Investment Strategy for the period 2014-2025, as well as the Investment Portal of the City of Moscow, and is actively working to increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian capital, improve its investment climate, and improve the competitive environment.
He advocates changing the structure of urban investments, increasing the share of private as well as contestable (competitive) investments in it.
Advocates for increased participation of the private sector in the fields of education, healthcare, and protection of cultural heritage monuments. The most significant projects implemented under the leadership of M. Reshetnikov in the field of public-private partnership:

* first healthcare concessions
* the first road concession in Moscow - the construction of the Northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt
* long-term contracts for the removal and disposal of household waste
* life cycle contracts for the purchase of rolling stock for the metro
* construction of the small Moscow ring railway and transport hubs

M. Reshetnikov is the ideologist of Moscow’s new tax policy, aimed at creating a civilized fiscal system in the capital, eradicating “gray” tax evasion schemes, creating economic mechanisms to combat corruption and equalize the tax burden on equal business entities, providing tax benefits for socially significant, as well as innovative sectors of the urban economy. Supporter of increasing the share of property taxes in the total volume of Moscow budget revenues and more active tax administration. Consistently implements the principle of providing tax incentives for high-tech and innovative production. Personally oversees projects to popularize the patent taxation system. Systematically deals with the legalization of the housing rental market in Moscow and the introduction of a new system of property taxation in the capital based on the cadastral value of objects.
Maxim Reshetnikov participates in the formation of the tariff policy of the Moscow Government, aimed at reducing the growth rate of tariffs for housing and communal services for the population. He advocates a gradual abandonment of ineffective budget subsidies and subsidies, including for energy generating organizations and management companies, and a transition to targeted social assistance to the least advantaged categories of Muscovites.