Chicken soufflé without eggs recipes. Step-by-step recipe for making chicken soufflé with photos. With added rice

Chicken breast fillet soufflé is a very tender, dietary, healthy and tasty dish. Suitable for baby food and for anyone suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

To prepare this soufflé, we take the following products: chicken breast fillet, egg, garlic, cream, salt, pepper, pumpkin, green peas and corn.

Wash the fillet and cut it as desired. Add chopped garlic.

Beat with a blender and add a raw egg.

Salt and pepper to taste. Pour in the cream. Add basil or any dry herbs.

Beat all ingredients with a blender or food processor. By the way, without a blender the soufflé will not work: a meat grinder will not replace it. The minced meat should be homogeneous, fluffy and slightly viscous.

Add finely diced pumpkin, green peas and corn to the minced meat. Boil or bake pumpkin. Peas and carrots can also be canned. But if, like me, there are ice creams, but first boil them until soft.

Mix vegetables with minced meat.

Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread the minced meat.

The soufflé can be baked in the oven, but I did it simpler: I put it in the microwave and baked for 6 minutes at maximum power.

Chicken soufflé with vegetables is ready. Slice and serve as an appetizer or main course with a side dish.

The dish is tender and juicy. A great alternative to sausage. Delicious warm or cold.

Soufflé is not only a sweet dessert, as we are used to, but also a completely independent dietary dish, which you can enjoy even late at night. From such a seemingly small amount of ingredients you get as many as 4 servings of a wonderful, healthy and nutritious soufflé!


Dietary chicken soufflé recipe

  1. Peel the chicken breasts, rinse under cold water, cut into small pieces and pass them through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into small pieces. Separate egg whites from yolks.
  2. Beat the resulting minced breast meat, as well as chopped onions, yolks, milk or cream (whatever you like), butter, salt and spices in a blender until smooth.
  3. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt separately using a mixer, guided by the following rules: the dishes should be clean and dry, and the whites should be chilled, without any admixtures of yolks (otherwise they will not beat). Carefully add the resulting protein mass to the chicken pate.
  4. Place the soufflé in pre-prepared molds, greased with butter, and place in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes. The oven cannot be opened all this time, otherwise the mixture will fall off.
  5. Remove the finished soufflé from the oven and let it cool slightly. Carefully remove the mass from the mold and place it on a plate decorated with herbs and fresh vegetables. A delicious dietary dish is ready to eat!

Tip: the soufflé can also be eaten completely cold, using it as a pate for bread.

Tender chicken soufflé... Every housewife would like to prepare it so that everyone will lick their fingers. Many housewives have repeatedly tried to make such a chicken casserole, the recipe and taste of which would be like in kindergarten, but most often they did not succeed. So how do kindergarten cooks manage to make such a delicious dish? What's their secret? The article describes in detail the process of preparing such a meat casserole, which is served in kindergarten.

This dietary recipe is suitable for both children and adults. The most popular methods of preparing it are steamed chicken soufflé and in the oven. They taste virtually the same, so choose the cooking method that is most convenient for you.

Step-by-step recipe for making tender chicken soufflé

There are a huge number of different ways to prepare airy meat soufflé. But chicken soufflé (a recipe like in kindergarten) is the most delicious and healthy, and its preparation does not take much time, unlike other similar dishes. This culinary masterpiece will take you back to carefree years and help you remember the taste of childhood. It is also worth noting the great health benefits of this method of preparing puffed casserole, because only natural and environmentally friendly products are used in the cooking process. Now let’s move on directly to how to prepare a tender chicken soufflé.

First you need to purchase all the necessary ingredients. Here is a list of everything you need to make a fluffy meat casserole:

  • young chicken fillet (about 300-400 grams);
  • medium-sized raw chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • medium fat milk - 100 ml;
  • premium flour - 3 heaped tablespoons;
  • butter - 100 grams.

How to properly process meat?

How to cook chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, requires the right choice of meat. Make sure you buy fillet chicken and not old chicken. If you buy a product from old chickens, then the chicken soufflé for children in the oven will not be as tasty, tender and airy.

To begin, rinse the chicken meat thoroughly under running water, then place it in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Next, it is recommended to drain the water and fill the fillet with new water, which will need to be salted after boiling. Young poultry meat should be cooked in this way for at least half an hour (preferably 40 minutes), and the pan should be covered with a lid.

After the specified time has passed, the chicken fillet can be removed from the water onto a plate, while it needs to rest and cool (about an hour). Disassemble the cooled meat into small pieces to make it more convenient for the housewife to beat it in a blender or mixer. There should be no bones in the fillet, but if there is any small cartilage, it must be removed.

Making sauce from milk

What else helps chefs make tasty and tender chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, involves the use of a special milk sauce based on milk, butter and flour. To prepare such a liquid seasoning, you first need to melt the butter over low heat, stirring constantly. Under no circumstances should the oil boil or burn, otherwise the taste of the sauce will be less rich and bright. After you melt the butter, you will need to put it somewhere nearby to cool. Pour flour into the cooled butter slowly, in small portions and stirring constantly so that the flour does not overcook and lumps do not form. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass.

To prepare milk sauce, it is recommended to buy low-fat or medium-fat milk. While warm, it is gradually poured into the mixture of butter and flour, stirring constantly to achieve a completely homogeneous consistency.

The finished sauce must be placed on the stove and boiled for several minutes. Boiling helps the milk sauce thicken faster.

Mixing ingredients

How to prepare chicken soufflé so that its taste is similar to the fluffy casserole from kindergarten? To do this, you need to pay special attention to the process of mixing all the ingredients of the dish.

First you need to beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer. Place cooled boiled chicken fillet, milk sauce and egg yolk into a bowl (or pan). Whisk it all for a few minutes until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The next and one of the main steps is the introduction of protein into the mixture, which must first be whipped to a strong foamy state. It is this ingredient that makes the soufflé so tender, soft, and fluffy.

Temperature treatment

A little more effort and you will be able to taste your tender chicken soufflé. You just need to subject it to heat treatment. You can do this in a double boiler, or you can do it in the oven. But it is worth noting that a more delicious soufflé is usually obtained in a double boiler.

The container must first be greased with butter, then pour the prepared mixture into it and leave to bake for about 25-30 minutes.

How to cook chicken soufflé: the final stage

The final stage of preparation is serving and serving the dish.

The dish is laid out on a large plate, cut into portions and served along with tea, jelly or compote. It is also possible to decorate the dish with various herbs and greens.

If you do everything correctly, you will get an amazingly tasty and dietary dish - chicken soufflé. The recipe, like in kindergarten, given in the article, will help the housewife please all family members - both children and adults.

Tender chicken soufflé. Every housewife would like to cook it so that everyone will lick their fingers. Many housewives have repeatedly tried to make such a chicken casserole, the recipe and taste of which would be like in kindergarten, but most often they did not succeed. So how do kindergarten cooks manage to make such a delicious dish? What's their secret? The article describes in detail the process of preparing such a meat casserole, which is served in kindergarten.

This dietary recipe is suitable for both children and adults. The most popular methods of preparing it are steamed chicken soufflé and in the oven. They taste virtually the same, so choose the cooking method that is most convenient for you.

Step-by-step video recipe

There are a huge number of different ways to prepare airy meat soufflé. But chicken soufflé (a recipe like in kindergarten) is the most delicious and healthy, and its preparation does not take much time, unlike other similar dishes. This culinary masterpiece will take you back to carefree years and help you remember the taste of childhood. It is also worth noting the great health benefits of this method of preparing puffed casserole, because only natural and environmentally friendly products are used in the cooking process. Now let’s move on directly to how to prepare a tender chicken soufflé.

First you need to purchase all the necessary ingredients. Here is a list of everything you need to make a fluffy meat casserole:

  • young chicken fillet (about 300-400 grams);
  • medium-sized raw chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • medium fat milk - 100 ml;
  • premium flour - 3 heaped tablespoons;
  • butter - 100 grams.

How to properly process meat?

How to cook chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, requires the right choice of meat. Make sure you buy fillet chicken and not old chicken. If you buy a product from old chickens, then the chicken soufflé for children in the oven will not be as tasty, tender and airy.

To begin, rinse the chicken meat thoroughly under running water, then place it in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Next, it is recommended to drain the water and fill the fillet with new water, which will need to be salted after boiling. Young poultry meat should be cooked in this way for at least half an hour (preferably 40 minutes), and the pan should be covered with a lid.

After the specified time has passed, the chicken fillet can be removed from the water onto a plate, while it needs to rest and cool (about an hour). Disassemble the cooled meat into small pieces to make it more convenient for the housewife to beat it in a blender or mixer. There should be no bones in the fillet, but if there is any small cartilage, it must be removed.

Making sauce from milk

What else helps chefs make tasty and tender chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, involves the use of a special milk sauce based on milk, butter and flour. To prepare such a liquid seasoning, you first need to melt the butter over low heat, stirring constantly. Under no circumstances should the oil boil or burn, otherwise the taste of the sauce will be less rich and bright. After you melt the butter, you will need to put it somewhere nearby to cool. Pour flour into the cooled butter slowly, in small portions and stirring constantly so that the flour does not overcook and lumps do not form. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass.

The finished sauce must be placed on the stove and boiled for several minutes. Boiling helps the milk sauce thicken faster.

Mixing ingredients

How to prepare chicken soufflé so that its taste is similar to the fluffy casserole from kindergarten? To do this, you need to pay special attention to the process of mixing all the ingredients of the dish.

First you need to beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer. Place cooled boiled chicken fillet, milk sauce and egg yolk into a bowl (or pan). Whisk it all for a few minutes until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The next and one of the main steps is the introduction of protein into the mixture, which must first be whipped to a strong foamy state. It is this ingredient that makes the soufflé so tender, soft, and fluffy.

Temperature treatment

A little more effort and you will be able to taste your tender chicken soufflé. You just need to subject it to heat treatment. You can do this in a double boiler, or you can do it in the oven. But it is worth noting that a more delicious soufflé is usually obtained in a double boiler.

Chicken breast is an indispensable component of many diets, from medicinal to diets for weight loss. White chicken meat contains the optimal ratio of proteins (23%) and fats (4%) for human nutrition, and there are no carbohydrates at all. Brisket is also rich in vitamins B, PP, A, as well as minerals and enzymes that help improve blood circulation, improve the nervous system and skeleton, skin and hair.
From a culinary point of view, chicken breast is a common and very popular product. Brisket cooks quickly and can be adapted to many meat recipes.

The diet menu is often not very diverse, but instead of the usual diet stewed or boiled chicken, you can prepare a dish such as chicken breast soufflé. Dietary chicken soufflé is a tender and tasty dish, and preparing it is not so difficult.

Chicken soufflé - recipe for cooking in the oven

Chicken soufflé can be baked in the oven, and it will be delicious either hot or cold. To prepare chicken soufflé in the oven we will need:

  • chicken fillet, 400 gr
  • 1 whole egg or two egg whites
  • half a glass of low-fat milk
  • 1 tbsp flour or cornstarch
  • 200 g carrots
  • 1 small onion

Chicken soufflé should have a smooth, tender texture, and this can only be achieved using a blender. The chicken fillet should be cut into small pieces, cleared of films, and blended in a blender with also prepared vegetables. You can beat gradually, achieving uniform chopping of the products, adding flour and milk as you beat, so that the mixture acquires the consistency of puree. It is not necessary to make a homogeneous puree; pieces of vegetables, for example, will even make it more interesting.

Spices and salt are also added at this stage of cooking. Many people add an egg at the beating stage, but if only egg white is taken, then it is better to beat it separately with salt until a strong foam and mix with chicken and vegetable puree before putting the mixture in the oven. The chicken soufflé will then rise well and be airy.

A chicken soufflé mold can be lined with baking paper, or greased with butter and chicken puree placed in it. You can make chicken soufflé in a large mold, or you can take cupcake molds and get portioned chicken cupcakes. In the oven, chicken soufflé should be baked at 180 degrees Celsius for 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the molds.

It is not recommended to check chicken soufflé for doneness with a skewer; it is better not to disturb it at all during cooking and not to open the oven, otherwise it will fall, so you need to focus on the time. Small muffins are baked for 12-15 minutes, and large casseroles from 20 to 30 minutes, taking into account that the dish was placed in an already preheated oven.

You can add other vegetables to the dish, for example, broccoli, pumpkin, white cabbage - it will also be very tasty. It is also not necessary to chop the vegetables with a blender; you can add them into pieces or cut into strips using a vegetable peeler and lay the chicken soufflé in layers. It will not only be tasty, but also beautiful when cut.

By the way, chicken soufflé can be done without eggs, just add cornstarch. The chicken souffle will not be as fluffy as with beaten egg whites, but it will still be very tender and pleasant in texture.

Chicken soufflé recipe in the microwave

If you don’t have the time or desire to cook chicken soufflé in the oven, you can use the microwave. At the same time, the chicken souffle will be even more tender than in the oven, since less moisture will evaporate from it, because the microwave significantly reduces the cooking time.

Ingredients for dietary chicken soufflé with pumpkin in the microwave:

  • chicken fillet 300g
  • 1 egg
  • pumpkin 200g
  • half a glass of low-fat milk
  • 1 tbsp flour (or starch)
  • salt, spices

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare chicken fillet and pumpkin as in the first recipe: cut into pieces and place in a blender for blending.
  2. Add salt and spices, egg and milk. It is no longer necessary to beat, just mix the mass well. As spices, in addition to ground black pepper, nutmeg, curry spice mixtures, smoked sweet paprika, and turmeric are good options. They will not only give the chicken soufflé a spicy taste, but also a pleasant color.
  3. Add flour or starch. It is better not to add all the flour at once; it is quite possible that you will need less, this will be visible from the consistency of the resulting puree. Too thick a puree will not allow the soufflé to rise and become airy, so it is best for the puree to be approximately the same density as pancake batter.
  4. Place the whipped mass in a greased microwave oven dish and bake for 5-6 minutes at 750W.

Chicken breast soufflé - video recipe:

It is not necessary to use special molds for the microwave; you can prepare chicken muffins in ordinary earthenware mugs. These cupcakes will look funny and unusual and are suitable not only for a diet dinner, but also for serving to guests.

This dish is good for baby food, of course, if you don’t get carried away with spices, and is also good for people who have gastrointestinal problems. It is very close to such a well-known dietary dish as steamed cutlets and its composition is approximately the same, but it definitely wins in taste.