Cancer zodiac sign love compatibility with other signs. Compatibility of the Cancer sign in love and marriage With whom are Cancers most compatible?

Children of the Moon, sensitive and vulnerable, emotionally reacting to the reality around them and timid in communication, this is all about Cancers. In addition to the listed qualities, the mysterious moon has endowed them with amazing intuition, which affects the compatibility of Cancers - they feel suitable partners on a subconscious level. The element of Cancer is water, but who said that it is always calm, water can be indomitable and energetic. At the same time, water is the soul of the world; it is closely connected with emotions and feelings. The Moon and water are surprisingly combined in Cancer, making them a mystery to others.

They tend to hide their talents and remain in the shadows; they are as mysterious as their patroness.

Characteristics of the sign

The best partners for Cancers will be representatives of their own element. Those whose element is earth can form an ideal union with Cancer, the earth is an excellent container for water, in turn, the water will nourish the earth. Scorpios and Pisces will get along with Cancers, but, as in any relationship, you will have to put in a little effort.

Two Cancers? Perhaps, but not immediately, they will have to earn their happiness. Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos are very practical people; they will make a wonderful match for Cancers if they can understand each other. Caution must be exercised with Aries, Sagittarius and Leo; fiery signs can simply dry out Cancers. With air signs everything is very individual, you will have to act by trial and error. You just need to remember that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not particularly patient, which means they will not wait for Cancer if he thinks too long.

Approaching Cancers is not so easy; only those who sincerely sympathize with them recognize them at their best; others may consider them gloomy and withdrawn. Wards of the Moon do not tolerate deception in any of its manifestations, they are irritated by flattery and duplicity in relationships, they intuitively sense the falsehood of their interlocutor. It may seem that they can read minds. Perhaps this is true.

Compatibility of Cancer with other zodiac signs

Cancer and Aries

Aries are fast and restless. The domineering character of Aries simply requires subjugating Cancer. The patience of Cancers will allow them to get along with Aries for some time, but not all their lives; no one will be pleased to break themselves even for the sake of love. This union is good for romantic relationships, light flirting and passionate dates. It is better for the wards of Mars and the Moon to remain friends and walk past the registry office, they have nothing to do there.

Cancer and Taurus

Such a union is possible if the couple wants it. Cancers are calm, Taurus are good-natured and patient. Venus and the Moon will take care of a strong marriage for their wards. These two will be able to live a long life together without storms and passions. An even, smooth relationship, without excessive emotionality and passion, everything was just as these guys wanted. It will seem very boring, believe me, this couple will always find something to do.

Cancer and Gemini

Geminis are too impulsive and restless, Cancers simply will not keep up with them, and in general the union of air and water promises to be difficult. Gemini can lightly offend sensitive Cancers and will not even notice their offense. Representatives of the water element must be treated delicately, they are very vulnerable and sensitive, but Gemini will not be able to follow these rules. But the couple has excellent intimate compatibility; a tender romance awaits them, which will give both a lot of impressions. But you shouldn’t rush with your family, if you really want to go to the registry office, you should make sure that this is the same love.

Cancer and Cancer

Two Cancers are a kinship of souls and mutual attraction. This couple knows how to spend time, there is a high probability that they have similar tastes and interests. But to create a strong union, you will have to work and stop being selfish. The Moon's wards will understand each other without words, their intuition borders on mysticism, in these relationships it is impossible to hide anything. Perhaps Cancers know better than astrologers what the future awaits them. This will be an interesting and mysterious union; their compatibility, although not ideal, is enough for a strong marriage.

Cancer and Leo

The radiance of Leo can conquer anyone, so dear Cancers will fall under this charm. Only different elements will complicate the relationship in this union as much as possible. Daily battles for various reasons will simply exhaust the calm Cancer. And Leos are not used to proving that they are the best; they are sure that this is already obvious to others. It will be difficult to combine these two signs. But opposites attract, and true love works wonders.

Cancer and Virgo

Virgos, out of old habit, will try to find faults in Cancers. At first they will seem secretive and too mysterious. When will they realize that there is no catch? Earthly Virgos will decide that a harmonious relationship can be built with Cancer, and minor shortcomings can be corrected gradually. But Cancers don’t think so; their plans do not include meeting someone’s inflated demands. They are accustomed to relying on their intuition, and not on the clear plans that Virgo makes. But anything can happen, and love can turn out to be evil.

Cancer and Libra

The positive qualities of Libra and their charm will definitely attract Cancers to them, who will be conquered by the sincerity and sociability of Libra. The Moon and Venus can help their wards get together; their compatibility is quite possible. The main thing is that Cancers understand in time that they have met their person; Libra is not going to wait forever. This marriage does not promise to be smooth, there will be quarrels, perhaps scandals, but the spouses will easily step over this and move on hand in hand.

Cancer and Scorpio

Scorpios love to set their own rules and lead in a couple. Cancers will allow them to do this, of course, if they truly love their other half. Despite the fact that Scorpios and Cancers are very different, the common element of water will help them get closer and understand each other. The relationship between the wards of the Moon and Pluto promises to be difficult, but all the more interesting. Scorpios will thank fate more than once for Cancers; it is difficult to find a more reliable companion and faithful spouse. And in the intimate sphere, everything is fine with the couple.

Cancer and Sagittarius

The bright character of Sagittarius, their honesty and good nature will conquer Cancer. The stars warn that it is better to avoid this union; fire and water are completely incompatible. Most likely, Jupiter's amorous ward will break Cancer's heart. He will run away from the relationship as soon as he decides that it has exhausted itself. Cancers can experience a breakup very emotionally, viewing it as a betrayal. Cancers should think carefully before diving into this relationship.

Cancer and Capricorn

This alliance will be built on trust. Capricorns are thorough and practical; these thoughtful guys are a clear match for modest Cancers. A calm future and a measured life await them, where everything is planned in advance; Capricorns will take care of this. These relationships may seem dreary and insipid to others, but Capricorn and Cancer don’t care about other people’s opinions, they feel good, and that’s the main thing.

Cancer and Aquarius

This is a very interesting union, the basis for it will be mutual respect, which is already good for marriage. It will not bring dizzying passion, but Cancers will not suffer from it. As for Aquarius, their attraction to their soul mate will be so strong that it will simply not be possible to break off the relationship. In addition, Aquarians love everything unusual, and it is difficult to imagine a more mysterious life partner.

Cancer and Pisces

The compatibility of this couple is ideal; they can be demonstrated to society as an exemplary family to follow. Not only will they understand each other, they will be able to feel the desires of their partner, and believe me, they will also fulfill them. Their relationship will be ideal in all areas - true friends, reliable partners and ideal lovers. The couple will not cause envy among others, they simply will not give a reason for it and will not flaunt their happiness.

The cold Moon with a gentle tint will always tell you where to go correctly for the mysterious Cancers, and Leos are followers of the hot Sun, which gives them greatness and individual personality, creating brilliance around them. Leo and Cancer: compatibility in love and loved ones...

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Two zodiac signs of the earth and water elements. Capricorn and Cancer: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. Saturn's children get along well with a minimum of emotions and in everything...

Cancer is the most homely, warm and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Despite their family and thriftiness, the marriage of such people cannot always be called happy and ideal. Indeed, in the interaction of partners, not only their personal qualities play a big role, but also their compatibility and ability to get used to each other. How does it affect the sensual, family and intimate life with other signs will give us the answer.

Active fidget

Cancer and Aries complement well. Oddly enough, there is mutual understanding and support between these two zodiac signs. Here Aries plays the leading role of the breadwinner in the family; the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer takes on household duties and chores. Compatibility with other signs may be more favorable, but in general such an alliance can work out quite well if the partners do not cheat on each other.

Stable stubborn

Taurus and Cancer are those representatives of the zodiac for whom family comes first. Having common goals, they will achieve immeasurable happiness. If at least one of the partners begins to pay more attention to other areas of life, the union may be upset.

Talkative intellectual

It is unlikely that Gemini and Cancer will find mutual understanding. For the first, the second may seem too boring and uninteresting. Gemini is a sign of wandering and searching, so he does not like his partner’s domesticity. Cancer may consider the lover too superficial.

Economic romantic

The union of two Cancers will be filled with mutual understanding, because such people have much in common in character and outlook on life. But they may get bored together. Their couple will develop one-sidedly, which means that the partners themselves will not grow in this relationship. If solar Cancers have other planets in other signs, then together they will be much more interesting.

Royal joker

The union of our hero with Leo is of great interest, especially if both of them were born in the same month - July. The zodiac sign Cancer gives the world family and modest people who cannot understand the lion's desire for fame and splendor. In turn, Leo will get bored, constantly sitting at home. Such a union is unfavorable.

Humble worker

Virgo and Cancer seem to be made for each other. Despite differences in character, both partners show mutual respect and understanding. The union will be more favorable if the person whose zodiac sign is Cancer is a girl. Then this couple will have complete mutual understanding, because the wife will take care of the home, and the husband will become the breadwinner in the family.

Charming diplomat

Cancer and Libra are those zodiac signs that know how to adapt and compromise. Therefore, in such an alliance it will be possible to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings. If partners are truly interested in each other, then they will be together, despite their dissimilarity and differences.

Passionate warrior

Scorpio and Cancer have a lot in common. Both of them crave passionate feelings and unforgettable emotions. They will be able to get what they want from each other. The only obstacle to their happiness may be a reluctance to reconcile, resentment and intolerance for the shortcomings of another. A couple may break up if the rough edges in the relationship are not smoothed out by the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other signs is unlikely to be characterized by greater electricity and sensuality.

Carefree Optimist

Cancer will never be able to find mutual understanding with Sagittarius. Our hero is jealous and strives for complete possession of his partner. But Sagittarius cannot completely devote himself to one business or person. In turn, it is difficult for him to understand the complex nature of his partner, whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other signs will be more favorable.

Solid materialist

Cancer and Capricorn are two opposites. Their union will be successful if both partners have already acquired life wisdom and can accept another person who is different from them without trying to change him. Otherwise, the couple will face insurmountable difficulties.

Free rebel

It would be better for Aquarius and Cancer to interact in creativity, work or friendship, but not in love. These people are too different to build a happy family.

Distant romantic

Cancer and Pisces are the most romantic signs of the zodiac. Together they will soar above the clouds and dream. But problems may await them in everyday life. They have different views on the general economy, money and place of residence. This can lead to a breakup in the couple.

Cancers of different sexes have high psychological compatibility; they have very developed intuition, so they are able to feel each other’s mood even at a distance. Any business this couple undertakes will be successfully completed. When Cancers are together, they are focused on each other and the world they are not interested. They have their own space, separate from everyone else, where they both feel calm and comfortable. If these people are connected by working in a team, then they give the impression of two silent people who have found each other. Cancers do not have the habit of being frank with strangers, and work for them is not the place where they look for friends. The Cancer man is responsible, and the Cancer woman is caring and responsive. They correspond to each other's ideas about ideal people of the opposite sex, so they will become close very soon. If they love each other, this union will become invulnerable.

♋ + ♋: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR— Mistrustful Cancers have a very difficult time getting close to people, but they are open to each other. The girl and guy of this sign do not need to have confidential conversations - each of them sees right through the other. Their spiritual closeness is so high that even words are not necessary. It is unlikely that a Cancer guy will have to court a girl of the same sign for a long time, and she will have to rack her brains on how to seduce her beloved. It’s just that at one moment they will find themselves together and will never separate.

Conduct free time this couple prefers in quiet and secluded places, away from the hustle and bustle and strangers. If a boy or girl’s parents asked him to look after his younger brother or sister, this will not ruin the couple’s date. Cancers greatly respect family ties, so they will be happy to take their child with them for a walk.

The relationship between a Cancer guy and his girlfriend will be respectful and conflict-free. They do not like loud quarrels, and there are no significant reasons for sorting things out. More often love relationship two cancers lead to the creation of a family. If they break up, it will be the biggest exception to the rule.

♋ + ♋: Married

PERFECT PAIR— The spouses will be satisfied with their family life. The everyday side of life will suit both of them very much. A Cancer man will appreciate the cozy atmosphere and his wife’s culinary skills, and she will only be happy to please him. Cancers are not at all burdened by household responsibilities and often share them out of a desire to help each other.

The financial situation of such families is always stable. Even if both earn little, they still know how to properly distribute money in order to survive until the next salary. Spouses are thrifty and almost always have a cash reserve. Relatives often ask for a loan from this family because they know that they will not be refused. For Cancers, close people are sacred, but unfamiliar or distant friends, one might say, do not exist for them with their problems. This couple has few friends, but they are reliable and time-tested.

Sexual compatibility is good due to the ability of partners to feel each other’s desires. The only negative is that there is not enough light. Each of this couple could open up much more and become more active next to a more passionate partner. On the other hand, agreement in other areas of life will outweigh this small drawback, so husband and wife will value each other in any case.

♋ + ♋: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- If a Cancer guy and a girl of the same sign have known each other since childhood or are brother and sister, the likelihood of their friendship increases, because interest due to gender differences is excluded. Friends will understand each other perfectly, share secrets, and help when necessary. Even if some difficulties arise in their relationship, neither of them will ever allow themselves to speak badly about the other. After the misunderstanding, the crayfish will definitely make peace, because they value friendly connections and have few close people.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, you saw a romantic nature and a tender, vulnerable soul?

Previously, it seemed to you that she was all calmness, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, it’s just that few people are like her: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers.

When you first meet a Cancer woman, you will find that she can be flirty, but there is nothing flashy or flashy about her. Tender, feminine, sympathetic, seductive - she will be a good life partner and an excellent wife.

Behind the outward timidity and shyness of the Cancer woman lies a storm of passions that only needs to be awakened. Don't expect decisive actions from her - she is incapable of them. You must catch the subtle hint, the unspoken invitation. If you miss this chance, your luck will run out because the Cancer woman is too vulnerable to make another attempt at seduction.

That is why if a relationship with a Cancer woman is dear to you, the worst thing you can do is start to pull her back and criticize her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is capable of falling into dull melancholy if they are voiced openly to her. And this is only half the problem: in the end, the Cancer woman’s melancholy will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply withdraw, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

Nevertheless, a relationship with a Cancer woman is worth learning to avoid rough edges for. Cancer is so feminine, so charming, such an amazing cook and such a wonderful housewife that she can make any man happy who dreams of a family home.

According to the compatibility of the Cancer woman, she is not attracted by holiday romances, because in a relationship she is not looking for a fleeting riot of feelings, but real values: love, fidelity, care, attention. Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, but for her part she is simply not capable of them.

Trust is very important to her in relationships. The Cancer woman gives her heart extremely carefully; more than anything else, she needs love and security. She is ready to grab hold of someone who will give her reliability and peace of mind.

Having become the chosen one and even the life partner of a Cancer woman, always remember that, despite all her love for you, many of her thoughts and memories will remain inaccessible to you. Take for granted the fact that there is a place in her soul for little secrets, but if she shares with you her doubts and fears (of which she has many), support her with words of encouragement. The fact is that many people, and you will have to try, to instill in her faith in her abilities.

In terms of compatibility in love and marriage, the Cancer woman, with all her fragility and romance, can hardly be called a creature with her head in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, knows how to run a household, handle money, make provisions for a rainy day and raise children.

By the way, in the latter respect, Cancer has no equal at all, to the point that she is able to sit by the crib all night long, listening to the child’s breathing: is it even, is he sleeping well? Such excessive guardianship leads to the fact that it is difficult for the children of a Cancer woman to learn independence - their mother does everything for them almost before the wedding. However, what they definitely do not lack is attention, care and high self-esteem raised by their mother.

In relation to difficulties, the Cancer woman usually does not show much resilience, preferring to wait patiently for the bad streak to end. However, this does not apply to cases where someone close to her is at risk. Having stood up to protect her loved one, the usually calm and affectionate Cancer woman is ready to fight like a lion! Having become her husband, you will never doubt her devotion, and yet even at the golden wedding, looking at her surrounded by children and grandchildren, you will think that you have never unraveled many of her secrets, and first of all, the secret of her unique charm.

Compatibility of a Cancer woman - the image of a Beloved

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman - her ideal man must be intelligent, decent, good-natured and flexible, because this lady is used to taking control of the situation. But she will never allow herself to start a quarrel with her partner or pay attention to a stranger.

Compatibility of Cancer woman with zodiac signs

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aries man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and an Aries man, this union is not often found, since the partners live practically in parallel worlds. Self-confident Aries does not recognize any boundaries, while the cautious Cancer woman, on the contrary, builds her life according to clear laws.

On the other hand, in life together such dissimilarity has its advantages: the ambitious Aries calmly deals with work and career, while his fair half is busy with home and family. True, sometimes Aries puts too much pressure on Cancer, which is why she can become offended and withdraw into herself.

There is always a strong sexual attraction between Cancer and Aries, but a long-term union is very problematic. ..

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Taurus man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, excellent relationships can form and exist between them; complete understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for the marriage union itself and for marital relations and family life. They have a lot in common. Both love the hearth and dream of their own home - cozy and comfortable, a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If Cancer and Taurus take stricter control over the negative traits of their character and disposition, and impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marital relationship can become a strong union “for centuries”, in which both partners truly love each other...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Gemini man

These signs have poor compatibility, but such pairs are common.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Gemini man, their relationship is based either on great love, or on the benefits that each receives from the other partner. In the first case, the couple is able to organize their small world for two, in the second they live in parallel with each other, not intersecting anywhere except in everyday life.

The restless Gemini man and the thorough Cancer woman don't have much in common, but they can complement each other. As a rule, the Cancer woman takes care of the house and the family budget for two, while the Gemini man, also for two, lives a rich, fairly free life...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Cancer man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Cancer man- this is not as good an alliance as it might seem at first. Two Cancers understand each other well, but their mutual stubbornness and resentment spoil their lives.

A long-term relationship between two Cancers is possible only if they are both very successful: wealthy, with reliable friends and a good profession. Otherwise, they will stop their communication with mutual reproaches and insults.

The common denominator in Cancer-Cancer compatibility is a clear predominance of feelings, constant changes in mood, submission to rhythms lunar phases. Their life is more or less tolerable until their mood swings coincide. Then one of the partners needs to go for a walk to “get some air,” at least for a few hours. They must categorically avoid outbursts of emotions, scandals, and tears...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Leo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Leo man- these people are opposite to each other, they will never be able to change each other or influence their partner. But between them there will be the most fruitful and harmonious union imaginable. After all, they are the embodiment of the energy of two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. Like their cosmic counterparts, they do not overlap in character, but need each other for harmony.

Even if at the moment neither the Leo man nor the Cancer woman thinks about family ties, nevertheless, both of them, as a rule, strive for them all their lives. Although a Cancer woman and a Leo man can hardly be called similar, they are united not only by their views on marriage, practicality and love of thoroughness...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Virgo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Virgo man- in this union, partners have every chance of finding their soul mate. True, this relationship cannot be called too passionate, but the practical Virgo man and Cancer woman are united by similar views on life, thoroughness, frugality and the desire to create a strong family. This union, somewhat boring from the outside, but more than satisfactory and Cancer and Virgo.

They are similar in many ways, but with their differing features they complement each other well. Therefore, there are almost no quarrels in the couple and mutual understanding reigns. If they quarrel, it is rarely and unnoticed by others: both are not supporters of “Spanish passions”...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Libra man

The relationship in this couple is not easy, but interesting: at first, the partners take a long and painful time to learn to understand each other, which is not as easy as it seems. Then their union acquires amazing harmony.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Libra men, in this union the partners are similar in many ways, and this is both its advantage and its disadvantage. Libra man and Cancer woman are emotional and thoughtful natures, and can beat around the bush for a long time before making any important decision. That is why the courtship period in this couple can drag on for months, if not years.

In the life together of a Cancer-Libra couple, everything usually moves at the same snail’s pace, but thoroughly: first they can date for a long time, then live with their parents for a long time...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Scorpio man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Scorpio man- this is a good and interesting combination. A Scorpio man and a Cancer woman, as a rule, are drawn to each other, they feel good together, and the feeling of novelty may not go away even after a year of close relationships. They are interested in being together, because no one will ever understand them the way their partner understands them.

A Scorpio man, having met a Cancer woman and feeling the arrow of Cupid in his heart, immediately rushes to legal marriage. And if the partner is already busy, then he will quietly and calmly, humbly wait for “his time.”

In a Cancer-Scorpio pair, any everyday problems disappear by themselves. The only thing Cancer must always and constantly reckon with is Scorpio’s jealousy...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man, as a rule, avoids family ties to the last, while the Cancer woman is very careful about choosing a partner, so cases when fate brings them together are rare.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man, these people may become interested in each other when they first meet. But the Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man have too different views on life to create a truly strong family. Therefore, for a partnership, they will both have to come to terms with a lot, give up a lot and work hard on themselves. Everyone decides for himself whether he can cope with this, or whether he will have to leave...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Capricorn man

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on their successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps, from the outside, this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they suit each other so well” more than once or twice in their lives. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises through the ranks, while Cancer takes excellent care of the home and children...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Aquarius man- this is one of the complex unions. The life goals of a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man are different.

The unpredictable, freedom-loving Aquarius man and the cautious Cancer woman are as different as heaven and earth, however, they are drawn to each other. They have good sexual compatibility, but in everyday life it can be difficult for a conservative Cancer woman to understand the creative, contradictory nature of an Aquarius man. Usually he is not ready to provide her with the stability that she strives for with all her soul, and is generally not in the mood for marriage. Aquarius is not satisfied with Cancer's measured lifestyle and inability to share with him his many interests and hobbies.

Over time, these contradictions, as a rule, deepen, and the Cancer-Aquarius union may fall apart, unless the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man learn to live in each other’s interests...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Pisces man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Pisces man- between this couple there can be not only harmonious friendship or favorable cooperation, but also deep, mutual love, a happy marriage. And love often breaks out here even “at first sight.” Both Cancer and Pisces feel good in this union.

A Cancer woman may initially think that she would be happier with a stronger man. But the longer she lives with a Pisces man, the more clearly she understands that she would hardly get along with someone who was stronger than her as well as with soft, dreamy Pisces.

The Pisces man and the Cancer woman are very similar and therefore understand each other very well. In their life together, there is usually no place for scandals and quarrels, although their relationship cannot be called dry: they are wonderful lovers, together it is easy and good for them. The Cancer-Pisces pair is a union of two dreamers and visionaries with a rich inner world...

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let `s talk about Compatibility of Cancer and Cancer, can their union be long and successful? Cancers are patronized by the Moon, a delightful and mysterious satellite of our planet, responsible for the emotional state of a person. The element of this sign – water – is directly related to feelings. In their case, it takes the form of an indomitable steam, capable of reaching any place thanks to its energy and tirelessness. Cancers are distinguished by a special intuition, which can be called supernatural, similar to a sixth sense. But only the heavenly bodies know about this ability, because people born under the sign of water most often remain in the shadows and are reluctant to demonstrate their unique talents.

Cancers are very easy to hurt; they are perhaps the most impressionable of all signs. The mood of the Moon's ward is completely subordinated to his magical patron, who sharpens sensitivity to the utmost.

People born under the sign of Cancer are summer creatures, but those who celebrate their birthday in June are more active than their July counterparts: the sun of the first month of the hot season did not have time to soften them in its embrace. But those born in the second ten days of the cycle really like to laze around. Water signs will be able to get along well with each other - they have no reason to conflict. Thanks to developed intuition, Cancer will always be able to determine the correctness of their choice, and the patron Moon will help to formulate the thought completely. The only thing that can overshadow the union is jealousy, because water people are big owners. But if representatives of the sign still manage to create strong relationships, this will certainly please everyone, including the stars.

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Cancer man

Strength and independence are the qualities that the Cancer woman develops from childhood. Even having just been born, she, as it seems from the outside, strives to do everything on her own. A strange creature, fraught with mystery, is the water lady, and if she so desires, she will be able to conquer any man who happens to be nearby. But only real love attracts Luna's pet, so she doesn't want to start a short-term relationship at all.

For the sake of her lover, a lady will do anything, trying to dissolve in the object of her desire without a trace. Her husband will be forgiven for any wrongdoing; the only thing that can turn a Cancer spouse against herself is betrayal.

At the moment when the water lady finds out about the betrayal of her beloved, it is better for no one to be near her, especially her ex-lover - a wave of uncontrollable anger can engulf anyone who happens to be near its epicenter.

The Cancer man is distinguished by honesty and decency. He prefers to build his life according to laws that only he understands, but this does not mean at all that he does not care about the opinions of others. Those who were able to gain the trust of Cancer will be rewarded with extraordinary ease of communication with a water sign. It is difficult for recent acquaintances to gain the favor of Luna’s ward; he will never reveal people like this your soul, but having Cancer as a friend means getting a reliable and faithful companion.

The sign of water is quite capable of charming the head of any girl who takes his fancy: representatives of the fair sex who fall under his truly hypnotic charm literally lose their heads, the past of the lunar seducer is filled with broken hearts. But empty promises the Cancer man never gives and is always honest with his next chosen one, so she simply has nothing to harbor grudges about.

Watch the video. Compatibility Cancer and Cancer.

The other half of this man will have to forget his favorite habits: she will no longer be able to spend much time with her friends, because caring for her life partner will take up all her free time. But this is completely compensated by the pleasures of family life, because Cancer is simply an ideal spouse and a delightful lover.

In love

A distinctive feature of all Cancers is distrust; it is difficult for them to establish relationships with other people, but with each other they will instantly find mutual language. Confidential conversations between them are rare, because even without them they know everything about their partner; there are no secrets between lovers. The kinship of their souls eliminates the need to put thoughts into words. A man will not have to spend a long time trying to find a partner of the same sign; the lady can give up thoughts of seduction - no special courtship is needed to bring two hearts closer together. If they find themselves even for a moment in close proximity, they will no longer be able to live without each other.

The couple prefers to spend their leisure time in secluded places where no one will disturb the peace of the lovers. But children can never ruin their date: relatives are happy to leave their children in the care of two Cancers. Respect for relatives is in the water sign's blood, so they will not be able to refuse family members and will take their younger brother or sister with them for a walk in the park.

Less than 10% of couples break up

In the relationships of water signs, there is no place for conflicts and quarrels, because they have no compelling reasons to quarrel. The relationship of a couple is registered in the registry office soon after meeting; the separation of Cancer lovers is rather an exception to the rule.

In a relationship

What other couples can only dream of, they do purely intuitively - they understand their partner perfectly.

The mutual attraction of Cancers is comparable to the cosmic connection of their patroness, the Moon, with the Earth.

The heavenly bodies give Cancers advice: they definitely need to spend their holidays together in the arms of their element. Traveling to the sea, to a lake or a river walk is suitable. It is quite in the spirit of Luna’s wards to go to a distant holiday village and immerse themselves in the peace and tranquility characteristic of such places. They will spend the evenings in each other's arms, and loved ones will often visit the lovers while they are fast asleep and pamper Cancers with all sorts of goodies. Such magic will make water signs believe in the existence of Cupid, who has taken upon himself the responsibility of guarding their love. And the relatives of the lovers will definitely present a beautiful modern boat as a wedding gift.


The home of married Cancers is a full cup where peace and understanding reign. A Water man is able to appreciate the culinary talents of his other half and her ability to create a very cozy home environment. Moreover, for the latter, household chores are clearly not a burden, because in this way she shows the depth of her love. Cancers take household chores for granted, taking care of the family nest together.

Financial problems will never affect this family - they distribute even limited financial resources so competently that they can easily reach their next salary. Proper planning helps and always has some funds on hand for a rainy day. They are always able to lend some sums to their loved ones, but distant friends and acquaintances should not count on the kindness of the family couple: Cancers are absolutely not interested in their problems. Cancer spouses have few real friends, but absolutely all of them have earned trust over time.

8 out of 9 sex requires a more active partner

In sex, partners are quite compatible, since on an intuitive level they guess about each other’s innermost desires. True, passion in their relationship is often lacking, since Cancer can only fully open up with a sign that is more energetic in bed. But the lack of sparkle in sex is more than compensated for by ideal relationships, so happiness in family life awaits water spouses in any case.

In friendship

Cancers have high demands on life; they want everything to be the best for them. This also applies to friends. From a young age, Luna’s ward shows special attention and care to others, and is distinguished by tact and delicacy. A girl born under the sign of Cancer is much more independent than a water boy; usually it is she who consoles him in kindergarten, when the future man misses his mom and dad, to whom he is very attached.

This sign is characterized by vulnerability, but people often have no idea what is going on in the souls of the mysterious wards of the Moon.

However, Cancers never keep secrets among themselves, telling a friend or girlfriend about all their innermost thoughts. And even if one of the friends decides to hide important details of the next prank, then his friend, thanks to his developed intuition, will instantly find out about everything.

At school, little brats become a real nightmare for teachers. Spend a lot of time educational process they won't, but they will always be among the brilliant students: sometimes teachers suspect that young Cancers can literally read their minds. Some may even consider Luna’s wards to be modern sorcerers, especially since their interest in everything mystical is very great.

Cancers are looking forward to reaching retirement age: now nothing can stop them from seeing the world and getting a lot of new impressions from visiting exotic countries.

This is interesting! Sex with a Cancer man.

In sex

Cancer partners are endowed by nature with simply amazing imagination. During the next love session, they completely abstract from the outside world and see their lover as the most beautiful creature in the world. Cancers treat each other with some humor, but are very sensitive to their partner's needs. During bedtime, they believe that a piece of heaven has descended to the place where they are, forgetting about everyone except their partner. Sex, according to Cancers, should happen this way.

Cancers have only one problem to solve: deciding on the timing of sexual intimacy. They often cannot understand themselves and say when they will be in the mood for lovemaking. As a rule, this difficulty appears over time, in initial stage In a relationship, such a question does not arise for partners.

The “root of evil” comes from the psyche of the Moon’s ward: they are absolutely unable to predict their own mood and explain the reasons why they are happy, sad, upset or doubtful. Guessing when the stars will align in a way favorable for Cancer's sexual intimacy is more difficult than predicting the weather a year in advance. Until the heavenly bodies line up in the desired shape, the intimacy of the partners remains a big question.

In progress

In order to earn money, a Cancer man does not have to work hard, just rely on his intuition and go to the casino. A woman of this sign is quite capable of opening her own business as a detective or telling fortunes to the rich. But Luna’s wards find these activities very boring, and they clearly don’t want problems with taxes.

The desire for creativity is in the water sign's blood, and at the very first meeting they will immediately feel a kinship of souls. They can easily come to an agreement and start doing business together, coming up with a bright name and slogan for their own company.

Rivalry with competitors does not frighten Luna’s wards, but their opponents are very afraid to get involved with their company, preferring to minimize connections and pay off if problems arise. Things will be going smoothly for Cancers from the very first days: very soon the whole flower of society will begin to gather in the restaurant they opened, because culinary skills are in the blood of the water sign.

Cancers are quite capable of studying psychology: they can easily find work in this field after graduation. A whole line of people who want to get advice will line up to them, even if the prices of the lunar specialist are quite high.

There are quite a few Cancers among celebrities. And every year their number increases.

In percentages

85% – this number can indicate the compatibility of two Cancers.

Representatives of the stronger sex are different high level sensitivity, and their emotions literally spill over the edge. However, others are unlikely to be able to see the feelings seething inside. People unfamiliar to the Moon’s ward will most likely consider this man very reserved and stern.

But the water sign wants to receive a sea of ​​affection and tenderness from its soulmate. And his Cancer companion is quite capable of fulfilling this dream. This is why Cancers get along well with each other; their couple fully deserves the title of ideal.

The Cancer woman is particularly homely and is quite capable of pampering her man with the most delicious dishes every day. They also become wonderful mothers, although their severity cannot be taken away from them. The secrecy of Cancers extends only to other people; the spouse will always know all the innermost secrets. The maximum that a water sign is capable of is to hide the details of an event.

Watch the video. Cancer Woman: Who is Her Man?

Psychological compatibility

The union of people born under the same sign always requires special attention. In this case, it is necessary to consider in detail the natal charts of the spouses. The actions of the Moon’s wards are impossible to predict; they are funny and at the same time very capricious.

90% of Cancers like to control everything

Whatever form Cancers take in life, they will always have such a trait as guardianship. At the beginning of a relationship, the warmth of a partner will cause only positive emotions in the water sign. Even ordinary actions like making tea for their spouse cause a storm of feelings in their soul. But often they are caused by a desire, secret even for the Moon’s wards themselves, to keep everything around them under control.

Following the plans, according to Cancers, is a guarantee of their safety. This consideration is often decisive when deciding to create a union. The relationship between two Cancers is greatly influenced by interaction with their mothers, and it concerns both love and hatred. The partner who was able to get rid of the guardianship of the woman who gave birth to him will become the unconditional leader of this couple, setting the course for the further development of the relationship in all directions.

The wards of the Moon in love are capable of arousing sincere admiration. At the same time, they experience a storm of feelings that can be read on their face; they often blush and shyly cover their eyes with long eyelashes.

Pros of the union of a Cancer woman and a Cancer man

When two Cancers of the opposite sex meet, mutual understanding instantly arises: they are able to agree on any issue relating to both the spiritual sphere and the material plane. They will definitely be able to quickly choose a place to relax and will easily come to a consensus when drawing up a monthly spending plan.

Cancers often find the love of their life in the partner of their sign. They feel most comfortable in the company of their spouse, preferring a cozy evening in the company of their significant other to noisy parties and trips to a restaurant. Very soon, these events will completely disappear from the lives of those who value the peace of the Moon’s charges.

In each other's company, a woman and a man born under the sign of Cancer never get bored. They have a lot of topics for conversation and common interests, most of which concern their own family. The consequence of such an attitude to life is often isolation: Cancers simply have no reason to leave their cozy family nest.

However, the couple should remember: it is necessary to introduce some variety into life, otherwise even an ideal union based on love and trust will eventually turn into a habit.

The role of breadwinner in this family, of course, is assigned to the man, and the woman will gladly become the keeper of the hearth. This is inherent in Cancers by nature itself, and the created family allows them to develop the talents of their partners, the lady acquires true femininity, and her companion becomes brave like a knight from a romance novel. The latter was especially lucky: with a more powerful partner, he could easily turn into a reserved homebody, but in any case he would have to take care of Luna’s ward.

Both spouses dream of children, of which there are usually quite a lot in their family. Cancers make excellent parents. Although they need tenderness and affection no less than their children.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the Cancer woman’s compatibility.

Disadvantages in such a union

Conflict situations arise extremely rarely in a harmonious couple. Mutual understanding and sensitivity to your partner allows you to avoid quarrels that are not uncommon in other family unions. But sometimes a showdown becomes inevitable, because astrology does not determine everything. Big influence Behavior is influenced by life circumstances and the influence of parents. The hardest thing for Cancers is reconciliation; they do not know at all how to approach this issue.

2/3 Cancers are vindictive

Therefore, often a single quarrel can cause the separation of two wards of the Moon. Grievances watermark remembers for a very long time, it is almost impossible to earn his forgiveness.

In a quarrel between two Cancers, concessions from either side are unlikely. They will play the silent game and cherish their own grievances, strengthening the wall that divides them with their own hands. Conflict can even be provoked by events that happened before the lovers met, because each of them perfectly remembers his past.

Often, banal boredom arises between partners. However, the Moon's wards prefer monotony to constant quarrels, disagreements and scandals. It is much easier for them to cope with boredom than to forgive an insult: various hobbies and interests, of which lovers have a great many, will come to the rescue.

What you need to know about the union of two Cancers

Caring and devotion are in the blood of Cancers. But accepting signs of attention is no less pleasant for them than caring for your partner. By giving warmth and surrounding their soulmate with care, the Moon’s wards hope to receive a response no less powerful than their own initial message.

The water sign can also be characterized by a word such as “commitment.” He has a whole list of important things that he must do before the end of his life. Cancers living together are quite capable of combining their lists and thereby further strengthening their relationship.

Sometimes Cancers have problems with emotional sincerity. He often himself does not understand the reasons for his bad mood, and even more so cannot explain the reasons for his mood to his partner.

The most important thing for Cancers is their own home. Each partner tries to make the family nest cozy. For the wards of the Moon, their home is revered as a temple where they can develop spiritually and physically. They prefer to have fun here, eventually refusing to visit noisy places.