If the child is born in the year. Eastern horoscope - Rooster: characteristics of those born in the year of the Rooster.

At the very beginning, we will inform you that women planning to give birth to a second, third, and so on child in 2017 will receive maternity capital, as assured by the government in the person of Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Women who have given birth to their second and subsequent children can apply for maternity capital, she said and emphasized that funds for payment are included in the program until 2017 inclusive.

She reassured the mothers by saying literally the following - all Russian mothers who have legal right to receive maternity capital, they will have it both in the coming 2016 and in the following 2017. site/node/3817

If you have a second child born in 2017, then you can safely apply for maternity capital, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation emphasized.

Previously, the program was valid only during 2016, and for 2017 it provided for the payment (to those who gave birth before 2017) of the previously assigned maternity capital.

As Olga Golodets explained, financial resources for the implementation of the maternity capital program for next year included in the draft federal budget, although amendments to Russian legislation providing for an extension for the next year have not yet been adopted and will later be considered by the government, but she is confident that this is a purely technical issue and everything will be resolved positively.

About children of 2017

It is worth mentioning separately about the children who are lucky enough to be born in the coming year, so here it is...

Such a child will grow up active and proactive, he learns everything quickly, is inquisitive and loves to create.

He always needs to be busy with something, he really likes to be in the presence of adults, for the simple reason of his desire to learn more.

By nature, these children have a cheerful disposition, they are good-natured and optimistic, very attached to their parents, from whom they try not to leave a single step.

This baby always has several plans for how to act, what toys to play with, and so on.

He loves order, and if something is not according to him, for example, toys are not in the right places, he will immediately begin to arrange everything in the way and in those places as he considers correct, until, in his opinion, he has established complete order.

He will grow up to be a bright person, always outwardly neat and smart, sociable, eloquent and even too verbose.

He behaves quite straightforwardly, he clearly lacks flexibility, it can also be noted that this person can grow into a powerful and uncompromising person.

He will choose a creative profession for himself that does not involve boring and monotonous work; in principle, he will be able to work anywhere where the scenery often changes, and he will be required to demonstrate and use activity, initiative, quick reaction and ingenuity.

Children born in 2017 Rooster - characteristics

Now we will tell expectant mothers who expect and plan to give birth to a child in 2017, tell us about the basic inclinations and character traits of children, who will be born between January 28, 2017 and February 15, 2018, when this period will be ruled by the Fire Rooster .

The character of the Rooster is bright, domineering, straightforward, demonstrative, sociable and quick-tempered. He loves himself mainly, is stingy with compliments, and you can’t expect frankness from him. The Rooster is elegant, dresses in fashion, and is successful with the opposite sex, although he himself is unstable in relationships. site/node/3817

He likes to brag a little, he is always full of all sorts of things interesting ideas and reasonable offers. But here’s the problem - he simply, simply, does not have time to implement them, due to his restless nature.

Often inside he is a lonely person and can withdraw into himself. I’m ready to take risks, even if it’s scary for him - he just won’t show it. The Rooster is a hard worker, and his willingness to work hard and tirelessly to achieve the goal he has set for himself allows him to achieve success in life and get what he wants.

The Rooster can confidently be called one of the most interesting, extraordinary representatives of the Chinese (Eastern) Horoscope. Bright, elegant, demonstrative, sociable - He always requires increased attention to himself, and, as a rule, receives it in abundance. He loves himself more than anyone, and rarely becomes strongly attached to anyone.

The Rooster is lucky both in life, business, and in love. These people have a sharp mind and special attractiveness. They are practical, confident in themselves and their rightness, and always defend their personal interests. This person is not inclined to change; he prefers conservatism.

Likes to dress well, usually chooses an elegant style, he is always concerned about his appearance how he looks and whether he makes an impression on others with his appearance.

People born in the year of the Rooster are observant and insightful, so do not try to be cunning with this person, he will quickly “see through” your secret plans. Compliments addressed to him, words of admiration, which he needs like no other sign of the eastern horoscope, are important to him.

Born in 2017

More about people born in the year of the Rooster

The rooster is a symbol of the luminary, because it sings in the morning, calling on the sun. For the land of the rising sun (Japan) it is the first light. For India, the Rooster is a symbol of solar energy.

Brightness, primacy and individuality are the basic qualities of the Rooster.

All representatives of the Rooster can be divided into two groups:

Sociable (sometimes they talk too much), quick to make decisions, flighty in relationships, easy-going

They have insight and observation, sedate (reasonable), live measuredly

Both the former and the latter have well-developed intuition and are prudent.

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As soon as they start talking, they immediately begin to say what they think and so throughout their lives. They are eloquent, which cannot be taken away from them, but usually these are empty speeches, not supported by anything and based on superficial analysis.

These people can be tactless, and in anger they will never spare someone who stands in their way; their rage is uncontrollable and can be merciless.site/node/3817

The Rooster loves to be the center of attention, because he receives energy from communication, so he has a very hard time enduring those moments when he is not in demand in society or has been “forgotten” about him.

The Rooster is a dreamer and sincerely believes in what he has invented, loves affection and wants to be treated well. He criticizes everyone, but does not accept criticism towards himself. People are drawn to him, because the Rooster knows how to present himself favorably. He values ​​logic and knows how to think logically, so he rarely trusts anyone else’s opinion - he does everything his own way.

Advice to parents whose children will be born in the year of the Rooster - from an early age, involve your child in a children's group, where he will feel comfortable, because once in the center of attention, he will be happy to “sing his song.”

Wise parents are obliged to guide their child, born in 2017 Rooster, in the right direction, and then he will definitely turn out to be a worthy person for whom you will be proud!

Children born in 2017 will be born during the period of primacy. This fighting bird is distinguished by its tenacity and activity, therefore, under its protection, children are born who are characterized by endurance, hard work and incredible determination. From a young age, Rooster children amaze their parents with their diligence and attentiveness. They are quite conservative, so they rarely leave the beaten path. From the first days of life, habits and preferences begin to form, which they will defend to the bitter end, so parents will have to pay increased attention to the educational process.

At school, little Roosters demonstrate an organized and methodical approach to completing tasks. You will be surprised how easy it is for a child to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry. Nothing surprising - Roosters love science, which requires accuracy and systematicity. However, excessive diligence leads to the fact that the Rooster child spends a lot of time studying.

Children born in the year of the Rooster will grow up persistent and sociable

Forecast for children born in 2017

You will certainly rejoice in the fact that you gave birth to an indomitable optimist - your child will never shy away from difficulties and will be ready to try to achieve the goal again and again. Fire Roosters have a penchant for creativity, but too often they cannot decide on their main hobby. Parents need to take a close look at the child and his hobbies in order to gently nudge him by sending him to the appropriate club or studio.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their thriftiness, so you can always count on a little helper in the kitchen or workshop. Parents of the Rooster can be advised not to overprotect the child - they need to feel the moment when they have to let go of the reins, so as not to force the Rooster to defend his right to personal independence.

Even though your child has exceptional willpower, take into account that he is sensitive and acutely sensitive to grievances. Watch for changes in the Rooster child’s mood and find out the cause of anxiety in time to show sympathy and understanding. It is better to clarify all issues in advance than to allow an upset child to hide his emotions.

Our horoscope for 2017 will predict the fate of your baby!

Most likely, the baby Rooster will start bringing friends into the house early - a large number of friends always gather around this charismatic personality. Don't worry that little Rooster may fall under the influence of bad company. He is too picky in his acquaintances and never follows the opinions of others. As for the influence of the zodiac sign on the personality and characteristics of the Rooster child, the following points can be noted.

ARIES, born in the year of the Rooster

Aries born during this period will have a particularly strong character. Such a kid has a sharp mind and knows how to get out of the most hopeless situation. You can be sure that your child will always be completely honest with you, will never hide a prank and will be ready to be punished for his misdeed. A child born in the year of the Rooster will be able to make useful contacts and will be the leader in the team from childhood.

TAURUS, born in the year of the Rooster

Most likely, your baby will early years will be overly self-confident. Get ready for the fact that more than once he may come home with bruises and bumps after another feat. These are strong and energetic children who have predominant leadership qualities. Little Roosters are very kind and caring, but they are characterized by some cunning. You need to carefully monitor your baby in order to wean him from the habit of protecting himself at the expense of others.

GEMINI born in the year of the Rooster

These are the most flighty and fickle of the Roosters. Such children are active and versatile, but often tend to overestimate their capabilities. Take a closer look at your child’s inclinations so that you can direct excess energy in a peaceful direction in a timely manner. As soon as the baby grows up, send him to several sections - sports and creative, since you always need to be active. You will have to look after your child at school - he will often be distracted from his lessons.

CANCER, born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps this is the most controversial Rooster. Such children are vulnerable and touchy - they often cry if they feel powerless. -Roosters constantly doubt the correctness of the decisions made - this does not mean that you should take all responsibility on yourself and deprive the child of independence, but take the time to dispel his doubts. It is difficult for such individuals to change habits - try to traumatize your child less by transferring to a new school or kindergarten. In a comfortable environment, your child will achieve the highest results.

LEO, born in the year of the Rooster

From infancy, the child will try to become the head of the family and subjugate those around him. The Rooster is a born commander, so you will have to make an effort to force him to obey a certain order. You may notice a certain tendency towards pride and arrogance in a child of this sign, but they will be based on real achievements. This Rooster, unlike others, is absolutely free from selfishness - he is generous and noble to the extreme.

VIRGO born in the year of the Rooster

If you have the opportunity to plan the month of birth of a child, plan so that he is born during the period of Virgo's dominance. This combination of signs is one of the most favorable in 2017. will add courage to the indecisive Virgo, and the pragmatic one will reduce the recklessness of the Rooster. Such children are distinguished by hard work, a developed sense of justice and integrity. True, you will have to wean your baby from excessive boasting.

LIBRA born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps such children are not very sensitive to other people's problems. However, they are very skillful diplomats and can smooth out any conflict. These kids are always honest with their parents and know how to present a reasoned position on any issue, so don’t worry and don’t expect cunning from them. IN adolescence You will need to closely monitor the child - Roosters are particularly loving and capable of doing stupid things.

SCORPIO, born in the year of the Rooster

From birth, such children are distinguished by courage and irrepressible energy, so you should not leave the little experimenter without attention and control. Roosters have an inquisitive mind and sharp intellect - you don’t have to worry about their school grades. But your child’s behavior can cause you unpleasant moments parent meeting– these children absolutely do not know how to keep their emotions in check. However, this is only a consequence of the lack of love and affection. Be caring and kind to prevent aggression from appearing in your child's character.

SAGITTARIUS, born in the year of the Rooster

Roosters born during the period of dominance are distinguished by a special gift for convincing other people. These are outspoken children, ready to chat with anyone, so teach your baby to be vigilant when he walks on the street. Sagittarius Roosters are little enthusiasts who love change and new experiences, and in the company of friends they are always bursting with ideas. They rarely finish things, so you need to teach your child to concentrate on one thing at a time.

CAPRICORN, born in the year of the Rooster

These are the only Roosters who are not prone to excessive boasting. Since childhood, they have been distinguished by modesty and ease, so they easily make new acquaintances and quickly win the sympathy of the team. Little Roosters are honest with parents and friends, they are hardworking and diligent, so you can be sure of the quality of your homework. Prepare for the fact that the child will be honest to the extreme, which will sometimes harm himself.

AQUARIUS, born in the year of the Rooster

The 2017 totem will further enhance idealism. The kid will always be immersed in thinking about incredible projects that cannot be brought to life. These are the most cheerful Roosters who are always ready to help others. Your child will be very kind and merciful - sick kittens and abandoned puppies will constantly be brought into the house. The baby’s parents need to closely monitor the child’s social circle - the Rooster-Aquarius is characterized by sacrifice and often becomes a tool in the hands of intriguers.

Children born in the year of the Rooster 2017: what will they be like? Children born in the year of the Rooster will never go unnoticed. Bright and impulsive by nature, they are ready to share their energy and attract the attention of others. For successful self-determination in life, parents of Rooster children must help them. Otherwise, they can scare everyone away with their activity. Influence of the sign of the Rooster on personality The red Rooster, the symbol of 2017, extends its influence only to those babies who were born after January 28. The closer to the middle of the year the date of birth, the more clearly expressed are the features characteristic of representatives of this sign. The main characteristics that are noted in all those born this year: emotionality; a pronounced tendency to lead; straightforwardness; generosity; mercy; attentiveness and openness; impulsiveness; courage; determination. There is no big difference between the characters of boys and girls. It is more important in what period of the year babies are born. Girls and boys born in the summer are more eager to realize leadership qualities. They are talkative and become the life of the party. Those born in autumn or winter are more likely to be creative. Girls are more likely to become actresses or workers social centers . Boys can study architecture or drawing. Egocentrism is also inherent in them. If you indulge their whims too much in childhood, you may encounter serious problems in the future. Peculiarities of raising Cockerel children The element of Fire makes children explosive and unpredictable. Parents need a lot of patience to instill perseverance in their children of the Year of the Rooster. Their desire to know everything and run somewhere for new experiences quickly tires them. But only adults. The Rooster children themselves can sacrifice their own sleep for the sake of new discoveries. In order for the relationship to develop, it is necessary to carry out the following: kids of 2017 must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted; you need to teach them to calmly accept failures, as well as the fact that they cannot always be the center in any company; praise them for their attentiveness and participation in the process of performing household functions; force them to maintain a daily routine and diet so that they learn self-discipline from an early age; do not give in to any reason; they easily learn to manipulate parents and close relatives. Children born in the year of the fiery Rooster especially need love and attention. The character and temperament of the 2017 Rooster children endows them with incredible tenacity. Wanting to achieve their intended goal, they can sweep away everything in their path. Therefore, others are rightfully afraid. As children grow older, they learn endurance and patience. By temperament, children of the Year of the Rooster are usually sanguine or choleric. Among those who appeared in the autumn-winter period there are more phlegmatic natures. Therefore, they are less hot-tempered and more diligent. Children enjoy doing routine tasks and understanding small details. They are more inclined to contemplate and create things with their own hands. Such children love fun, so where there is none, they are ready to create it themselves. As a result, they make friends easily. They are jealous of the appearance of other babies in the family, which parents should take into account when planning a pregnancy. If children do not feel enough attention, they are capable of self-destruction: becoming depressed; show aggression; do things out of spite; hush up problems. This is easy to fix. It is enough to show the fiery children who appeared in 2017 the Rooster your love. Moreover, in adulthood, they still have this need. They like to surround themselves with bright things and objects. They look for ways to self-realize in clothes. This attracts other extraordinary personalities to them. Talents and future professions Babies born in 2017 quickly begin to understand the power of money. Therefore, any profession related to business and finance brings them success: bankers; accountants; brokers; insurance agents; loan officers; sales managers; entrepreneurs. The gift of oratory and natural leadership often leads children into politics. The ability to lead is also noted in the case of organizing charitable foundations, social and creative projects. There are even more famous Roosters among representatives of the creative industry. Successful artists, musicians, painters come from those born under the influence of the element of Fire. It is only necessary to support these talents from childhood. Otherwise, they will struggle with their inner peace, which will lead to unnecessary energy expenditure. Health of children of the Year of the Rooster All parents worry about the health of their children. Kids of 2017 do not have big problems in this area. Like others, they sometimes suffer from colds. Particularly naughty children may catch acute respiratory infections a little more often because they do not take care of themselves during walks. If conditions are created for withdrawing into oneself, neurological disorders may occur: memory impairment; enuresis; skin itching; nail biting. For active Roosters, the risk of injury increases, because they want to get to everything on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations with them about maintaining their health. During the period of growth, they require more vitamins, since their level of energy expenditure is always high. Successes and difficulties in learning The main problems in teaching children born in 2017 are associated with two opposing reasons: they are ahead of other children in mastering the material, they become bored in lessons; They are not assiduous, so they have a hard time learning what the teacher is trying to teach. They prefer to gain knowledge on their own. It is not easy for a teacher to work with Cockerels. But if you manage to interest them in the process or topic of the lesson, the children will give real pleasure. After all, they have an inquisitive mind and also love to work in a team. A large number of leaders among classmates always leads to a high average score in the class. To develop attention and perseverance at school, parents should do small exercises from the first year of life. Children born in the Year of the Rooster 2017 will delight their mom and dad. Parents can expect vivid impressions from interacting with fiery kids. If they are attentive to the crumbs, they will more than once give them a reason to be proud.

Parents planning a child in 2017 want to know what children born in the year of the Rooster will be like. The reign of this zodiac sign begins on January 28th. It has long been known that the year of birth influences the fate and development of an individual; of course, other factors should not be excluded, which allows each person to be individual.

2017 is coming. The symbol of this animal is associated with unbridled courage, a quarrelsome and not always simple character, leadership qualities and the need to defend one’s point of view. The Chinese believe that the Rooster symbolizes perseverance and hard work, the desire to achieve one’s goals no matter what. This image is a little contradictory. Despite the thirst for adventure, the Rooster still has conservative inclinations, and it is difficult for him to change his occupation and place of residence. He is optimistic, but at the same time he can be cruel if someone gets in his way.

Young children born in 2017 will have a cantankerous character, developed intelligence, and the ability to see and predict events. They are very diligent, which can sometimes lead to an unreasonable desire to bring everything to a perfect conclusion. Despite his fighting nature, the Rooster can endure for a very long time and “peck” at the most inopportune moment. The nervous system of children born under this sign will have to be protected. A natural love of control over others will make a child a leader in any children's group, but provided that the gift of being first is not blocked by parents with excessive restrictions and guardianship.

Children in the year of the Rooster are future creative individuals

A small child born this year must always be busy with something. He has natural curiosity and ingenuity, a love of knowledge. If you want to know what children born in 2017 will be like, then the stars say that there are many artists, musicians, and painters among them. Natural talents allow them to become architects or engineers, as well as directors, writers or screenwriters. An open vision of the world, the desire to learn and create endows such children with creative abilities.

However, everything is not so simple. Parents should not rely only on a natural gift; it must be developed. The Rooster child has a tendency towards laziness, so from an early age he will have to be taught discipline and order, because what is instilled in childhood will remain with him forever. We remember that it is difficult for a conservative Rooster, endowed with leadership qualities, to change his views and attitudes.

What other abilities will children born in 2017 be endowed with? They are certainly smart and grasp on the fly any knowledge that is available to them. In addition, such children have the ability for analytical and logical thinking, including girls. Working professions are not for them, so training should be directed towards science or art.

In the future, children under the sign of the Rooster will certainly have a career, but this is provided that they can overcome natural laziness and uncompromisingness. The Rooster is a leader, so training programs are suitable for him, where he can show initiative.

How to raise a Rooster child

Parents should prepare in advance and find out what kind of children they will have in 2017. The character of each baby is individual, but the stars largely help us choose the vector of development. A child born this year will surprise his parents. He will be distinguished by his insightful mind, stubbornness and manifestation of “maturity” already in preschool age. He is active and persistent, striving to get what he considers right for himself.

Parents will have to give the child some degree of freedom so that he learns to act independently. Criticism is unacceptable. Children born under the sign of the Rooster may be too sensitive to criticism of their actions. It is necessary to pay attention to successes more often than to failures, otherwise there is a chance to educate low self-esteem. Rough treatment can easily translate courage and perseverance into fears and uncertainty, so the Rooster must be given the opportunity to show leadership from childhood. This does not mean that he should be allowed everything. Parents will have to explain the boundaries of what is permissible and teach the child that sometimes there will be losses that one should not be afraid of, but learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Excessive guardianship is also unacceptable. In this case, the child will either come to terms with this and develop weak character traits, or will begin to vigorously defend his independence, and upbringing will develop into a struggle. Such children do not like the lies that they notice, and may not forgive them for this. Betrayal by loved ones may in the future force them to abandon these people forever. However, the Rooster is a patient person and, with a certain degree of love and trust, can forgive a lot until patience is overflowing.

Thus, basic qualities children born in the year of the Fire Rooster:

  • creativity;
  • desire for leadership;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • conservatism;
  • love of truth;
  • highly developed intelligence and insight;
  • stubbornness.

Once parents know what children will be born in 2017, they will be able to outline a parenting plan. If you want to raise a happy, creative and successful person, you will have to develop the most vibrant and positive character traits. Don't be surprised if your child seems older than he is. The Rooster is endowed with natural wisdom; his views often surprise people, and some do not understand them at all. Sensitivity, patience, development of leadership qualities and creativity- this is the motto of parents whose children were born this year.

We invite you to watch video about the year of the rooster:

Many mothers, and even loving future fathers expecting a baby, are wondering what the children born in 2018 will be like? This year is ruled by the Yellow Earth Dog. What kind of character will the newborn baby have in the future?

By eastern calendar 12 characters are repeated cyclically. Each of them endows a person born during this period with certain inclinations and character traits. This is like a strategy for self-development, something that a person can achieve by actively self-realizing in society.


Children born in the same year are somewhat similar. Because they get along well with each other. Teachers caught this pattern even without knowing the eastern horoscope, and every year children go to school and study with peers with similar character traits. Often school friendships last a lifetime. What children will be born in 2018?

From January 28, the bright year 2018 comes into force Yellow Dog. And his reign will end no earlier than February 15 next year, 2018. According to the lunar cycle, this is the 10th earthly branch. The cycle is called "Yu". The dog generously gifts those born this year with perseverance. From childhood, children will be hardworking, wanting to finish what they start. These are diligent students. Many people go in for sports because they are physically resilient and persistently pursue their goal, to win.

The child is capable. Will quickly learn new things, grasp them on the fly. From childhood, keep your baby busy with something useful. Buy him a construction set and educational games. Your baby will be good-natured, more often optimistic than pessimistic. From kindergarten on, his toys will be in order. He will want to help you around the house. Don’t give up, because your assistant is growing.

A child born under this sign loves to plan. He mentally thinks through what needs to be done today and what can be implemented tomorrow. If you tell him the folk wisdom that he needs to live to the maximum every day, then he will achieve a lot in life.

The baby will grow up and become economical. He is stubborn in realizing his plans in studies, hobbies or sports. Internally he is emotional, vulnerable. Acts quickly, boldly. In friendship and family relationships loyal. In relation to peers and in the future may show authority.

Many of those born in the year of the Yellow Dog will choose creative professions and successfully realize themselves in them. These are great actors, models, directors. Among them in the future there will be many managers and private entrepreneurs. Leadership qualities are visible in a child’s character from childhood.

Thanks to willpower, the child will achieve his goals and study well at school, then at university. Future scientists are born among them - inventors, architects who create bizarre ensembles of buildings and smart engineers. Musicians born this year have a keen sense of music, they live and breathe it. You can safely send your child to a music school. He will like it there and will enjoy studying.

Babies have a tenacious mind. They learn early to analyze information and make correct conclusions about people’s intentions, using intuition. Praise your child for excellent studies when he does something well. But don't indulge. Let the child know that he needs to tell the truth and be responsible for the decisions he has made, his words and actions.


Let's consider what are the characteristics of children born in 2018, the Year of the Dog? The boy will respect his father all his life and try to be like him. From him he will unwittingly take life values. That’s why it’s so important to be a highly spiritual, honest person.

By looking at the relationship between mother and father, the baby or daughter will learn how to interact with the opposite sex. It is important to show your child that love is not so much what you think, feel and say, but that it is most clearly manifested in your actions. When you need to give up something to get what you want. Family is a school of sincere friendship and mutual love.

The daughter, communicating with her father, learns to understand men. She will not be lost when, as a teenager, she starts dating a boy and he is in a bad mood. The daughter will always feel the moral support coming from her father. Between them there is excellent mutual understanding and active love for the rest of their lives. A daughter or son will never leave their elderly parents without help and moral support.

The character of a child born in 2018?

Children born in 2018 in the year of the Dog will display the following character traits:

  • endurance;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • hard work.

Already in kindergarten, and then during school years, parents will understand that their child is very capable and gifted. He will play chess very well. Thanks to his analytical mind, he will be able to calculate moves and plan victory in advance.

At school, such children are good at exact sciences. Teachers notice their tendency to make plans for essays, lists of what products to buy. Children willingly draw various tables and understand various diagrams.

Babies born this year are optimists. They are parents' favorites, and family friends treat them well. Among these children there are dreamers who will become poets or musicians in the future. Realization in such creativity requires tension of creative forces. On the other hand, the desire for power, to lead, will force the child in the future to choose a profession in which it will be necessary to command people. A child can become a private entrepreneur or a director at a large factory.

Interesting character of a child born in 2018. Watching your baby, you will notice that he is friends with his peers and they listen to his words. The child knows how to choose suitable friends. He is respected and loved for his sincerity and bright mind. He has a natural gift for having a positive influence on people. He tries to help everyone in need.

You will be surprised to note that already from kindergarten your child will put away the toys himself and arrange them beautifully on the shelves. These children know how to keep secrets. It doesn’t matter who entrusted them with it, it is a matter of honor for them not to reveal a secret to a friend.

Parents, understand that you have a gifted child growing up in your family. There is no need to overprotect him, give him freedom of action. This way you will better prepare him for adult life. Not everyone starts a family right away, and in order to feel not alone, you need to have a core inside and positive childhood memories that will warm you up and put you in a positive mood.

These kids, like little old men, absorb a lot of knowledge from childhood. They want to be taken seriously. They help their parents at home. They try to clean the room themselves and begin to learn how to cook a variety of dishes early. At school, these are teacher assistants who study because it’s interesting.

Often in the future, people born in the year of the Yellow Dog will have 2 or 3 or more children. Don't be afraid, you will have many grandchildren in your old age. The family will continue and multiply. Get ready to play the role of wise grandparents telling fairy tales to kids. These are pleasant chores. In the meantime, your baby is just about to be born or is just a baby and you have to raise him so that he absorbs the best human values ​​and grows up as a worthy member of society.

All people strive for self-realization. What talents and inclinations someone has is noticeable already in childhood. Eastern horoscope reveals the essence of your child. Without knowing who he will become in the future, you are already prepared that he will be a stubborn person who achieves his goal. Children born in 2018 are purposeful by nature and energetic in their life position. In a group of children, they try to be leaders and ringleaders in games.

Now you know what children born in 2018 will be like? As already mentioned, astrologers advise parents not to directly criticize the baby. He feels sensitively and may be offended. Of course, all children are different and take a lot from their parents due to genetics and upbringing. Knowing who your child is according to the eastern horoscope, you will quickly find him mutual language. Such attentive attitude towards the baby and each other will only strengthen the family. It will unite her and help her survive in difficult years.

Everyone is prone to making mistakes. Someone considers such an action a major mistake, but for another person it is just an annoying mistake. Treat your child with understanding. Do not scold him for bad things, but explain, like an adult, that in those circumstances you need to act this way and not otherwise. The result will then be predictable and good. If you treat your own son or daughter kindly and lovingly, you will win his or her heart and the baby will reciprocate your feelings.

Children born in 2018 are optimists and have highly developed intuition. Some people have 3 eyes open from birth and have the gift of making correct predictions. If you notice something like this in your baby, teach him how to use this ability correctly. Tell us that you cannot, together with the forces of darkness, do evil to people. Although, Dog children are naturally kind and do not get angry over trifles.

Babies born this year are a little cocky. They are smart and quickly understand that there is no point in fighting and it is better to be friends with peers than to fight. Even when the baby does not display a psychic gift, he will be intuitively gifted and, thanks to premonitions, will avoid many mistakes and troubles. He will feel whether it is worth maintaining a relationship with this or that person or not? Such intuition will make him a successful entrepreneur in the future. His risk will always be thoughtful and balanced.

If you and your significant other dream of having a child, why not give birth in this strong Year of the Dog? Purposeful and talented. A happy future awaits him. ( 1 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)