We have a choice. We have a choice

Yuri asks
Answered by Viktor Belousov, 03/20/2013

Yuri asks: "You said http://site/answers/r/8/321903. Choice is also a desire. It seems to me that you misunderstand these verses. After all, then, it turns out that those who did not come to God simply did not receive this from Him the gift of wanting to go to Him. And God is to blame for everything, since he did not give such a desire to people, and they will go to hell. And we are just puppets. And if we have a choice, then you are misinterpreting the verses - not all good desires come from God ? Help me to understand."

Peace to you, Yuri

We touch upon an issue about which “many spears have been broken” over the centuries - the presence of free choice in humans. This is not only a question of theology, but also of psychophysiology and psychology - there are very interesting studies on this topic. You can find information through Yandex or Google. Therefore, you can get a concise answer with argumentation, at a minimum, in a small book, where different opinions will be collected.

“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling "

If you look at this text, you can say that a person himself “must work out his own salvation” - through obedience. However, Paul further develops the idea that even when we perform these actions (obedience to God), this is not our human merit, but the result of the influence of the Holy Spirit on us.

To simplify, each person is influenced by the Holy Spirit (and not only He, but also other various “stimuli”), and the person chooses which “stimulus” to respond to from all of them. Could he have made a choice in favor of God - if God had not offered him such an option and had not “stimulated” him? Of course not. Is it possible to respond not only to God's influence, but also to other incentives - yes, because God gave the opportunity to choose. He did not put us in prison, where there are no other options - He gave us freedom, where there are many options.

In a practical application - for example, if everyone around you in society would steal (a strong incentive is personal gain plus social approval), then there is a high probability that you could also do this. You would still have a choice, but the likelihood that you would choose to steal would be quite high.

Now let’s add a few touches to the previous picture - let’s assume that everyone in society also steals, but you come from another country (where they didn’t steal and theft was condemned), you were taught from childhood that stealing is bad, you regularly read the Bible - where theft is called a sin, You are a believer in the Church - where in all services they teach not to steal. Compared to the first case, does the likelihood that you want to steal increase or become more obvious?

Even in such a primitive example, it is clear that a person has a free choice, only it is strongly (but not absolutely) conditioned by external influence - God's, devil's, social, etc.

For this reason, you need to pay attention to surrounding influences and not “walk” where:

Bad communities corrupt good morals.

Is it God's fault that there are bad communities? - So people chose from many possibilities and gathered according to their interests.

Is it God's fault that people go there? - God warned in Scripture, and even my mother said in childhood...

Is it God's fault that people don't want to choose Him? - He made it possible to choose Him, He died for us and rose again, He created the Church, He commanded to preach the Gospel to all people, He maintains that the Bible should be available to any person throughout the centuries. Moreover, God does a lot besides the above, which we consider ordinary and do not notice His kindness. Next, the person himself chooses how he/she will react to God’s action.

The other side of the coin is that there is a social problem that teenagers can use drugs and alcohol, look for “easy money” that leads to prison - who is to blame? Is society exerting its POSITIVE influence? Why do grown people blame the invisible God instead of looking at themselves?

How can we, through our social contribution, help create a positive influence on people - that they want to work, respect their neighbors, serve those in need, not steal, but contribute. This is the challenge for modern Christianity. And thus - through our positive influence God will manifest itself (,)

God's blessings,

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Only those who are not afraid to make choices will grow upward. - George Eliot.

One day I thought: I wonder if I was faced with a choice between betraying a friend or betraying my country, would I have the courage to betray my state? – I. M. Foster.

There is no need to deceive yourself. Talk about a sublime feeling. About tears, snot, romance. Love is simply a choice, not an innate inner flame. – Leo F. Bascaglia

There are no good and bad people. Potentially, we are all capable of both evil and good deeds. And we take one path or another only thanks to our will, our decisions and our desires. - Ayn Rand.

You need to choose a book as carefully as you choose a friend. - Arthur Helps.

Choice can say more about a person than anything else. – JK Kathleen Rowling

We can choose what to do. We are free in our choice. But we must remember: the consequences of this choice will no longer depend on us. – Stephen R. Covey

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

I believe that a person's basic choice is between life and death. Every action presupposes this choice. – Erich Fromm

I think that choice is possible for us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. There is no second option. Beware of those who talk about the victim. – Muriel Rukeyser.

In every new step there may be a danger of failure, and this is one of the reasons why people are so afraid of freedom - Erich Fromm

In life, everyone must certainly experience two types of pain: from discipline and from regret. The only difference is that discipline weighs in ounces, while regret weighs in tons. - Jim Rohn.

Each person contributes four things - self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. They give us endless human freedom. The power to choose, to react, to change. – Stephen R. Covey

Life is a series of choices. – Nostradamus

If you limit your choices to only what seems possible and reasonable, you exclude yourself from what you really want, and all that is left out is a compromise. – Robert Fritz.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work in your life. - Confucius.

Excellence is not a special act, but a habit. You are what you continually do. – Shaquille O'Neal.

Choose only one master - Nature. - Rembrandt.

Everything that appeared in your life, both people and events, became real only because you drew them. And it’s up to you what to do with them next. - Richard Bach.

Each mind must make its choice in favor of truth or peace. He cannot choose both. – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Live to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for. Where do you want to go and why do you want to go there. – Kofi Annan.

Life is the sum of all your choices. – Albert Kamus

This is how life works: we make a simple choice - to be happy or to be unhappy, but both require the same effort - Teun Marez

No person chooses evil because it is evil, he only mistakes it for the happiness and goodness that he strives for. – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. – Kahlil Gibran.

Limited choice among rotten apples - William Shakespeare

You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be. – Chuck Palahniuk.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them - Kahlil Gibran

Nothing is more exhausting than indecision, and nothing is more useless. - Bertrand Russell.

Let people firmly decide what they will not do, and they will do freely and energetically what they must do. - Mencius.

Acts of moral choice, being the self-realization of the soul, are inseparable from the personality and represent its part and essence - Ralph Tyler Flewelling

It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. - Jean Nidich.

We must make our own choices and live by them - From the movie “Groundhog Day”

That captive duke, who was given the choice of being drowned in Madeira or in sherry, was unlikely to rejoice in his freedom of choice - Wilhelm Windelband

You can always change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. - Richard Bach.

Guess if you can, and choose if you dare. - Pierre Corneille.

We are often forced to make choices that hurt, but then we are convinced that they were the best and most reasonable. – Arthur Haley “In the Highest Realms”

There is always a choice: to be happy or to be sad. I want to be happy... And I am happy! – From the movie “The Tree”

When you need to make a choice, and you don’t make it, that’s also a choice. – William James

I believe that a person's basic choice is between life and death. Every action presupposes this choice - Erich Fromm

We must make choices that allow us to discover the deepest possibilities of our real selves. – Thomas Merton.

As a result, we independently shape both life and ourselves. This is an endless process until death. And the responsibility for our choice falls entirely on us. – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Blessed is the one who is able not to judge himself in his choices. – Epistle to the Romans

Some decisions leave no way to get everything back. It is imperative to take them. – Franz Kafka

As long as a person strives for happiness, no one can stop him. - Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

I choose my friends for their looks, my acquaintances for their good nature, and my enemies for their intelligence. A man cannot be too careful in choosing his enemies. - Oscar Wilde.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work - Confucius

When you have no choice, mobilize the spirit of courage. - Jewish proverb.

When you have a choice and you don't make it, that is a choice in itself. - William James.

When you have to make a choice and you don't make it, that is also a choice - William James

Even knowing where to go, we will still take the worst path. – Euripides

We all make bad choices sometimes. All that remains for us is to choose more carefully in the future. – From the television series “Smallville”

When I look back on the three or four choices in my life that turned out to be decisive, I find that at the time I made them I had very little understanding of the seriousness of what I was doing, and only later did I discover that the seemingly insignificant trickle on was actually a Rubicon - W. Auden

When choosing the lesser of two evils, do not forget that you chose EVIL. – Abu Shlomo

What is an anarchist? The one who, when choosing, takes responsibility for the choice. – Ursula Le Guin.

Although we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. – Stephen R. Covey

I know who I am and who I can be if I choose to. – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Be careful, don't fight, and remember: if you don't choose to lead, you will always follow others. Find something that scares you and do it. And you can make a difference if you choose to do so. – J. Michael Straczynski

A person is not free to choose - to have or not to have ideals, but he is free to choose between different types of ideals, between the worship of the idol of power and destruction and the worship of reason and love - Erich Fromm

The more difficult thing is not to make a choice, but to accept it for yourself. From the movie “University”

I know who I am and who I can be if I choose - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

We are free if we unite our will with the will of God. We have a choice: His freedom or our bondage - Douglas Harding

We must make choices that allow us to discover the deepest possibilities of our real selves - Thomas Merton

There is no right choice in reality - there is only the choice made and its consequences. – Elchin Safarli “They promised me you”

Choose a subject according to your abilities, think about what your shoulders can throw and what they can carry. - Horace.

You can always change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past - Richard Bach

We may try to avoid making a choice by doing nothing, but it is already a choice. – Gary Collins

Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it - Charles de Gaulle

Remember: a person has no other choice - he must be a person - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

To take your place in life, you need to learn to choose. – From the movie “The Hoax”

Life is just a string of options. – Nostradamus

The most characteristic sign of a great mind is choosing something very important and following it all your life. – Anna Laetitia Barbeau.

The truth is that where you want to be is the wrong place. – Chuck Palahniuk.

I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices and we must accept the consequences of every action, word and thought throughout our lives. – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

Amazing purity of mind appears when there is no choice left. - Henry Kissinger.

If you limit your choices to only what seems possible and reasonable, you exclude yourself from what you really want, and all that is left out is a compromise. – Robert Fritz

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice - George Eliot

Only the choice between unnecessary and insignificant things is permissible. Seneca

It's not about the roads that we choose, but about what inside us makes us choose these roads - O. Henry

Have the strength to choose what you like and not give up. Otherwise it is better to die - Albert Camus

The direction you usually choose is necessary, but other directions that are not so well known to you are also necessary, because they are also parts of you - Arnold Mindell

You are a product of your environment. So, choose the environment that best moves you towards your goal. Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you achieve success or holding you back? – Clement Stone.

Women, as a rule, choose their nightgown much more carefully than their husband - Coco Chanel

From now on, only through conscious choice and targeted policies can humanity survive. – Pope John Paul II.

As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice and we cannot place our responsibility on the shoulders of God or nature. We have to take it ourselves. This is our responsibility. - Arnold Toynbee.

Only our choice can show that we are not limited only by our abilities. – JK Kathleen Rowling.

I don't know when or where, but I definitely made my choice. Even if it scares me, even if it leads to loneliness, I don’t regret it. – Douglas Copeland “Generation X”

Freedom of our own manifestations is formed long before we see the physical world, the world in which we will have to live and create everything that is inherent in our destiny. Any deviations from the path entail certain consequences. And they don't necessarily have to be bad. We must understand that we have a certain project with which we are born. This is the main path we will have to take. But we always have a choice to do or not to do.

A person is born with certain programs that were laid down from the moment of conception. We are a manifestation of the light of creation. And therefore, we have that potential that is eternal. It is our potential and it is called our higher self. And life itself in three-dimensional space is so that we can match our potential and make choices that help our soul develop in its own evolutionary processes, helping to form a space around us filled with light. There are many factors that prevent us from making the right choice and living up to our potential. And these factors are formed from the moment of conception.

Dear Friends! Today, we will talk about how the denial of life occurs. How we fall short of our potential. And how our choice is more prone to constant subconscious defenses that lead to diseases, failures and excess weight.

Our highest potential is the primary element of the Divine monad. He is always with us, in the most serious situations, but often we do not hear him, because our mind is engulfed in a temporary illusion, which is expressed in our behavior. Our highest potential is light in manifestation, always ready to come to our defense.

The highest potential is our Teacher, who knows everything about us and about God. Therefore, we, as a manifestation of God on earth, are born to create, and in this we are helped by the innate will, which moves our process into the thick of events that was formed by us in past lives.

Everything would be wonderful if it were not for the fact that subconsciously helps us shape what is born and grows next to our potential. It always interferes in our process when we show our weakness. This subconscious guide is our Ego.

Well, now, let’s use an example to analyze those processes that will clearly help you realize what in many cases is unconscious in us.

Our manifestations are determined by three perinatal birth matrices. The first stage is from conception to nine months of development. The second stage is from the beginning of labor and contractions. And the third, perinatal matrix, is pushing, movement along the birth canal and birth itself.

These three main periods form programs that, after birth, are included in the process of self-development. After all, in essence, we are the highest potential that I spoke about. And the meaning of our life is that through the process of self-knowledge, we realize our highest potential.
But what happens, why in many cases we fail to do this?

The first perinatal matrix carries the beginning of our journey.

Our choice begins with our conception, because it was our soul that chose this particular family, which, by all indicators, will be able to give us everything that is inherent in our potential. After conception, the formation of the physical body occurs in the womb. But this process can be stopped through termination of pregnancy. Or, parents, for a long period of time, cannot decide whether to have an abortion or not. I can tell you that all abortions are programs of fear of death. Imagine how a small, unformed fetus is torn apart under the influence of a vacuum. These programs of fear and horror are acquired by the unborn child, and by those children who will be born in the future in this family. And if, nevertheless, the parents leave the child, then these programs are formed further. They can lead to various pathologies: entanglement of the umbilical cord, premature birth, postmaturity, pelvic birth. The first perinatal matrix forms the child’s attitude towards the world. And if this world in the womb looks threatening, then the child will subconsciously shut down or defend himself. For example, Caesarean children are born without a will. Do you know why? Because they did not go through the three stages of personality formation in the womb. They were in the first PMR in the womb for 9 months. And in such a half-asleep state, they are born without carrying out the struggle that is contained in the last 2 birth matrices. They contain the struggle for life, and in it the will is born. In many cases, the birth of cesarean babies depends on the schedule of the hospital and doctors. The child is born under the influence of anesthesia. But what is the main thing in this process?

Caesarean babies are born without a struggle. Their birth was conditioned by pleasure, where they spent 9 months in a loving Universe. When a child is born, he forms 6 stages of the mind, which he goes through in accordance with space and time, where the family and the entire society work to raise a worthy person.

This is how it happens in life. As a rule, children born by Caesarean subconsciously know that others decide everything for them. And starting from childhood, they fight, subconsciously proving and demonstrating their will, in this way. In this case, parents and society, represented by public organizations, begin to instill their own stereotype of behavior. And taking advantage of their social position, they ridicule and punish children. The question is different. In this case, you need to understand how the child came into this world and then create appropriate conditions for his upbringing. In the case when a child receives punishment for his attempts to show will and independence, he begins to close himself off, and girls begin to form resentments. And, day after day, the child subconsciously tries to distinguish himself and express himself in the way he knows how, but society does not like this, and every day the child withdraws into himself in misunderstanding. The child has a choice that can be revealed through the highest potential if his parents correctly understood this process and worked to develop the child's self-esteem. If this understanding is not there, then the child is closed and hides a lot. He does this so as not to have to listen to the sermon of his parents, educators and teachers once again. Indeed, in this case, parents also manifest subconscious programs with which they go through life. By their reluctance and lack of understanding of their children, they subconsciously want to extol themselves in their parental role, which they failed to do during their lifetime. The child lives, partially closing himself off from misunderstanding, but where he sees his superiority, he does everything to prove his self. Often such children are “chameleons”; at school they are alone, but in the family they are different. And in many cases, what we attribute to Indigo children may look like broken destinies, which were misunderstood at an early age, and who ended up in colonies and prisons. Therefore, it is not the child who is to blame, but the system, parents and society, who did not try to understand the children. What happens next? The child lives and is brought up in these situations, developing resentment and shyness, which of course unconsciously forms deviations at the level of the hypothalamus. And then it affects the hypofunctions of the thyroid gland, pancreas and ovaries. Which subsequently affects diseases and excess weight. All this has a reason for lack of fulfillment, isolation and resentment. Caesarean children are most prone to depression, which on a physical level leads to overeating, and the hypothalamus is responsible for the feeling of fullness and hunger. Therefore, such children feel dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment in life. And they resort to eating, trying to subconsciously satisfy themselves.

In children who have found another form of expression of their self, in anger, irritation and aggression, hyperfunctions are formed in the endocrine system, which may reflect insufficient weight.

Dear friends! Each person is an individual expressed by his own experiences. Therefore, I am describing a certain standard process that exists in life.

Since the hormonal balance is already disrupted, this affects the internal secretion organs. Thus, this snowball of emotional heaps rolls through life, acquiring more and more new forms of denial.

We always have a choice to do or not to do. But this choice depends on the factors that are laid down at conception. And if we cannot express our highest potential through joy, kindness, love, self-realization, then we make a choice in favor of our Ego, thereby expressing through our lower self, fear, resentment, aggression, anger, low self-esteem and other negative forms behavior. Believe me, after a person has made a choice through negative forms of behavior, it will be very difficult for him to free himself from them during his lifetime, because these living three-dimensional forms of behavior are self-organizing thought forms that control our consciousness. And in order to cleanse yourself of them, you need to realize this, connect your will and go through life affirming yourself.

Therefore, all diseases and our problems are a consequence of those programs that were laid down from the moment of conception.

We can talk about this for a long time and there is a lot of information. We must remember that we were born to win!


Dear friends! The “Pearl of the Soul” weight loss method contains steps that will help you clear yourself of birth trauma and clear yourself of emotional blocks. You will be able to cleanse your physical body. Everything I had to put into this method is my experience working with people. After all, the technique itself not only solves the problem of obesity, but also the problems of our health. Having these 10 meditations in your medicine cabinet, you can significantly improve your health.

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I wish you all, Dear Friends, to be healthy and happy!

How to react to what is happening?

Most of our reactions occur automatically.

But if we live more consciously, it turns out that we ourselves can choose our reaction to what is happening. And this realization is tantamount to finding freedom after a long imprisonment.

No matter what happens, we always have a choice

It is our right to choose our reaction. If we act unconsciously, mechanically, then we deprive ourselves of this right. That's why we get offended and experience others.

But this makes no sense! The same resentment destroys a person from the inside. If you don’t consciously take offense, but simply draw conclusions, then you will not only preserve your nerve cells and peace of mind, but also feel like you are in control of the situation.

Many people deliberately provoke us into negativity, troll and bully us. And for them, your negative reaction is a real victory. So why please these energy vampires? They didn't deserve it. Your calmness and composure will discourage them and make them unable to continue.

Of course, we don't always have to fight trolls. In the lives of each of us there are difficult life circumstances that do not depend on other people. But in essence, this does not change anything! We are again faced with a situation that requires our immediate response. And only you decide how to react to it.

Friends, many situations cannot be changed, but you can change your attitude towards these situations.

If the problem is solvable, then there is no need to worry. And if the problem does not have a solution, then there is no point in worrying about it.

Whatever happens, we have a choice. There is always a choice, everywhere. Our whole life consists of irritants (by irritants we mean everything that causes our reaction). So, you can react like the simplest single-celled creature: if there is an irritant, then there will be a standard reaction to it. But we are somewhat smarter than single-celled creatures. Therefore, we can choose the reaction that we consider useful and justified. By changing our attitude to what is happening, we take control of our lives into our own hands! And this, dear friends, changes a lot.

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