TPU mount. Plastic and silicone phone cases: which is better? Thermoplastic polyurethane and its features

Probably no one today can be surprised by such a phrase as TPU material. What this is, however, not everyone knows. Where is it used? What features does it have? How to distinguish thermoplastic polyurethane from injection molding? Despite the external similarity, their operational parameters and consumer properties are completely different.

TPU material - what is it?

So, more details. TPU material - what is it? What signs does it have? In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish it. First of all, the material has low residual deformation, which allows products made from it to be used as seals. Secondly, TPU can be recycled, saving on raw materials. Thirdly, the material is completely free of catalysts. Fourthly, it has a long service life. In addition, the material is resistant to abrasion, microorganisms and hydrolysis.

In principle, these qualities are also inherent in polyurethanes obtained by traditional methods. However, only TPU can be processed on equipment designed for the production of ordinary plastics - machines, lines and devices called injection molding machines.

When did it all start?

And now a little history. When did TPU material appear? What reasons influenced its occurrence? It all started, according to historians, back in 1865. An unusual announcement was made by a billiard ball company. Ten thousand US dollars were promised to anyone who found a material that could replace ivory. In 1869, John Hiatt decided to use nitrocellulose. He managed to achieve excellent quality and properties, after which he decided to found his own company. From that moment on, the rapid development of injection molding machines and the materials produced with them began. Today, this industry has achieved incredible heights.

TPU production

What is the manufacturing process? TPU material - what is it in production? Let's start with raw materials. The production of TPU requires granules obtained from previously reacted polyurethane components. Of course, initially they had properties that made it possible to synthesize the material. These same granules are poured into the hopper of the injection molding machine. Then they are fed through a screw into the heating zone. After this, the plastic mass can be injected into a mold under pressure (for the manufacture of complex parts) or extruded, that is, squeezed out through a die - a hole of a specific configuration (for the manufacture of simple parts, such as bars, strips, sheets).


In short, the combination of the chemical properties of TPU together with their processing methods allows us to obtain materials with simply excellent physical parameters. One of the main ones, for example, is high heat resistance. For most products made from TPU, the onset of softening temperature is 120-140 degrees Celsius. In this case, the cooled material completely restores all its parameters. While ordinary polyurethanes cannot be restored after such a temperature.

The possibility of recycling the material was also mentioned above. Unusable parts are crushed and sent there.

A significant advantage is high wear resistance. Thus, the product can serve as excellent protection. The material is also resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In general, all these advantages make it possible to obtain magnificent products with remarkable qualities. Cases for Samsung, Nokia and other phones are made from this material, for example. These products are especially popular today. However, no matter what product you choose, you will definitely be satisfied.

I warn you, there will be a lot of pictures, so I decided to split the post into two parts. This one contains my amateurish review of the plastic itself with the results of cynical abuse of it, the second contains the same actions performed with other plastics from different manufacturers.

So - TPU CFF (which stands for TermoPlastUreatan Carbon Fiber Filled), aka thermoplastic polyurethane with carbon fiber, aka FLEX Carbon.

Appearance the rod is dark gray, with a textured surface, in appearance and to the touch it resembles dried out grit (EVPOCHYA). It is somewhat stiff in bending (comparatively - about the same as SBS, a little more flexible), but it is not difficult to tie knots/bows out of it. The rigidity of the rod (it seems to me) is sufficient for use with a Bowden without dancing with a tambourine.

After the extruder, the color changes to black, glossy. It looks like black ABS - it seems to be black, but the reflection on the sides of the thread seems to hide the blackness. Like anthracite, only it shines at the breaks.

The manufacturer recommends using a larger nozzle for printing, and this makes sense - there is a lot of carbon fiber in plastic. No, not like that - A LOT. I was convinced of this twice, disassembling the extruder and cleaning the nozzle - the first time out of ignorance, the second time consciously, in search of criteria for blockage.

Density. Slightly heavier than water. The part floats on the surface due to surface tension; if it is sunk below the surface level, it begins to slowly sink.

Table. In principle, it prints easily, like PLA. I tried it on cold, clean glass and heated the table up to 115 - the adhesion of the first layer was normal. Naturally, the hotter it is, the stronger it holds on, but even when it’s cold, it doesn’t make any attempts to leave the place and go for a walk.

Fun fact: on cold glass, while printing is in progress, the part stands out clearly. The nozzle rose and stopped holding the part on top - the part was removed from the table without any effort, as if it had never stuck to it.

Printing temperature. Two thin-walled cylinders, a wall with two threads.

The first is the temperature 240, every 5 mm it decreases by 10 degrees. 240-230-220-210-200

There is extrusion, there is no interlayer adhesion below 220 degrees. The printing was interrupted.

What sticks sticks, it doesn’t separate into layers.

Second cylinder. 240-245-250-255-260, also after 5 mm.

At 245, underextrusion begins, increasing as the temperature rises. The reason is trivial - thermal destruction of the binding component with its further “coking”, plus without a binding component, carbon fibers begin to grow. Moral - DON'T OVERHEAT!!!

Nozzle diameter. As I mentioned above, more is recommended. In practice - if you do not overheat the plastic and (to be on the safe side) do not leave it for a long time in a hot hotend (remove it or lower the temperature during long pauses in printing) - the 0.4 nozzle works quite well.

Airflow The same cylinder, height 20 mm, speed changes from 0% at the bottom to 100% at the top, temperature 240. My turbine starts to rotate somewhere around 20-25%

Looks relatively normal. We pull the ends - and...

Retract. In principle, let's say it works, but I wouldn't recommend it - so as not to waste the carbon fiber. But if necessary, then it is possible. The rigidity of the rod allows.

Print speed- tried it at 60, served, sticks. I would recommend 40, for stronger sintering and less overheating of the layer. But more is possible - in the melt the plastic is fluid, a standing nozzle slowly snots like a thin thread, and since the viscosity is low, the “pumping” speed should be enough for high speeds.

Friction coefficient. It glides poorly on metal and glass, incl. and in the wet. By eye - the coefficient is at the rubber level, +/-.

This was the cultural part of the program. Now let's move on to uncultured entertainment: D

It all started with the fact that I tried to use this plastic as a fixing elastic ring, which stretches when put on the cylinder and then fits into a specially trained groove. I don’t think there’s much point in including a photo, it’s not relevant to the case, but everyone has seen the rubber sealing rings on various pipe connections and more. This is not it, but the meaning and appearance are similar.

So, a ring, internal diameter 32 mm, height 3 mm, D-shaped section (from 0.8 at the edges to 1.5 in the middle, the outer side is flat).

I’m printing (according to the printing parameters - below), trying to pull it onto a cylinder with a diameter of 35 with a groove of 32 - and... I just break off epically. I can’t, I don’t have enough strength - it doesn’t stretch! A flexible thin ring that can be tied into a knot more than once - does not want to stretch by 5%??? (yes - 5%, not 10 - half of the ring is already in the groove).

(a ring crumpled and twisted a couple of times with a figure of eight, and the same after letting go)

And then I got stuck - apparently it was due to the fact that recently the comrade Manul did flash on the portal, and the fluids of manipulation seem to be transmitted by air-letter: D

I decided to stretch it or tear it at any cost - whatever happens. And - niasilil. I just didn't have enough arm strength. Doesn't stretch or tear. But this has already become a matter of principle. I stuck a wrench into it as a handle, found a suitable hook, threw it on, hung on my hands and began to slowly tighten my legs... bingo! It broke: D “Everything that one person has done, another can always break” - as the blacksmith from the film “Formula of Love” used to say.

The effort that had to be made to break was honestly impressive. And I began to torment the unfortunate ring further. By the way (it’s practically not visible in the photo, the device has problems with macro photography, everything was filmed through a magnifying glass) - the place of the rupture looks more like a fault than a rupture.

With tensile strength - clearly, strong. With elasticity - too, we cross it out due to its absence.

What about flexibility?

Let's complicate the task - after all, in a thin layer everything bends if you try. Three cubes 10*10*10. Cast, and two empty with walls 1. 2 and 2 mm. (Don’t pay attention to the terrible melted/clumsy corners - it overheated, sir, I didn’t know the optimal parameters yet, it didn’t affect the tests)

The cast cube does not react to compression with fingers, but a feeling of elasticity remains. Like squeezing a car tire.

Pacifiers bend, 2mm is difficult (squeezed as hard as you can), 1.2 is easier

An attempt to cut 1.2 across the layers with a dull stationery knife did not bring any results. It was possible to make a pathetic scratch on the side of the cube, but no more. Scissors - they did it, albeit with some effort.

What about the promised wear resistance and how can this be visually assessed?

The first thing that comes to mind is the bend. strong and multiple.

I bent it several times along the flat side of the profile by 180 degrees - there are no visible changes. Started to bend. 90 degrees one way, 90 the other. One hundred such cycles. When released, there are no visible changes. Visually, the place of the bend can only be detected under a magnifying glass - the edge of the ring is slightly bent, no changes are visible on the outer and inner sides.

The test place is detected by touch - when bending, it bends easier in this place. If you bend it too much, a slight whitishness finally appears (in the photo above it’s not even visible in my opinion).

I remember someone asking which plastic does NOT turn white when bent - here you go ;)

Next step. Abrasion resistance test. A file, a hundred frictions back and forth with approximately the same force, as I usually work with a file.

Something became visible: D - in reflected light. Side view -

It was possible to grind off half the nozzle diameter in 100 frictions (it was 1.5 mm, now it is 1.3). Well, let's face it, not ABS :)

“And then Ostap got carried away...”, as the classics wrote. And I finally decided to try impact resistance.

To put it smartly, make the cast test cube an ipakt. Preferably without destruction and innocent victims.

Well, in a simple way - put a bullet into him from an air rifle. And so that he would not fly away in the process, ahead of the bullet and his own screech, the subject was clamped in a vise. I had to squeeze it hard, it flattened the cube almost twice (however, it didn’t help, it flew away). The test is not that necessary or useful, and the technique is fundamentally incorrect (it needs to be done differently), but I wanted to: D “When you have a hammer in your hands, everything around you looks like nails”

That little gray thing, bashfully peeking out of the hole, is the edge of the bullet’s skirt. To be honest, I was more than surprised by the result. Why? Because I’ve already seen a similar picture, only with a stuck head and a protruding skirt. At the shooting range. In a mine conveyor belt - if that tells you anything. And from 25 meters, and not point blank. Impressed.

Let me sum it up. Plastic with a unique combination of characteristics. Flexible, but not elastic. Wear-resistant. Tear and impact resistant. Excellent adhesion, both interlayer and first layer.

Due to its flexibility, it is not a universal material, but a very, very niche material for a certain range of tasks. I like it.

In the next part - manipulation according to the above criteria (stretch/tear, fracture, peeling, impact) with PLA, ABS, hips, PET-g, nylon - for visual comparison.

Imagine this situation: you are talking on the phone at a bus stop, then a passer-by accidentally brushes your shoulder, causing your phone to fly onto the asphalt and receive further damage, or even break. Not the best deal? Now imagine that you decide to throw your smartphone along with the keys to your apartment in one pocket, and then you discover new scratches on the “back” and “sides”. Few people will be happy with such “surprises,” so let’s try to protect ourselves from such disastrous outcomes. This article will help you reliably protect your device with the help of special accessories. Let's figure it out: which case is better - silicone or plastic, rubber or plastic?

Choosing the best model - basic criteria and characteristics

Any owner of a modern smartphone often puzzles himself with the question of which case is better - plastic or silicone? Let's try to understand what their differences are, and which case is still better to choose to protect your mobile device.

The case should have a list of useful properties:

  • Protecting your smartphone from mechanical influences;
  • Complete exclusion of contamination;
  • Reliable phone screen protection;
  • Providing easy access to control buttons and connectors;
  • Design.


Both plastic and silicone cases provide excellent protection, as they perfectly absorb and soften shocks, while reliably protecting the display of your mobile device.

What is more resistant to mechanical damage?

  • Plastic is stronger and tougher than silicone. It is not prone to cracks and tolerates temperature effects well. Plastic tolerates paint well and holds it for a long time. Cases made of this material fit perfectly in the hand, practically without increasing the size of the device. The soft coating will prevent the smartphone from sliding inside the case, which will save it from scratches and abrasions.
  • Silicone is a soft and flexible material. Cases made of this material are easy to put on your smartphone and do not scratch the surface. Such covers do not tear, do not fade, and withstand even greater temperature changes compared to plastic. The phone inside will not slide.

Important! If you tried to stick the film on the screen yourself and it didn’t work out very well, use our tips.


The thickness of the cover can be determined based on individual preferences. It is not difficult to find ultra-thin plastic and silicone cases on the market, made in a large number of variations:

  • It’s not difficult to decorate plastic covers with anything.
  • The design and color options for silicone cases are less extensive.

Important! Based on the properties of the material, it can be understood that silicone cases are slightly inferior to plastic ones in strength, durability and design solutions. But still, when choosing, it is better to rely on individual preferences.

Have you decided yet? There's no need to rush. You need to know absolutely all the advantages and disadvantages in order to make the most intelligent choice about which case is better - silicone or plastic.

Silicone cases

They are made of impact-resistant material that absorbs the fall and protects the insides and outer case, the bumper of the smartphone from mechanical damage.


  • Budgeting. Models made from this material are very popular due to their low price. No one forbids you to buy several different shells and change them at least every day, because this will not hit your pocket so hard.
  • Silicone perfectly protects the device from shock.
  • Big choice. You can find an overlay with almost any image or order a model with your own image.
  • Environmental friendliness. Before production, hundreds of raw materials are tested for toxicity and safety.


  • Sometimes they tend to stretch and deform.
  • Such cases will not protect the screen itself.
  • The tenacity of the material will make it difficult to remove the phone from your pocket.

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Plastic case

Polycarbonate has good resistance to impacts, premature wear and scratches. Cases are often made in a wide variety of shapes, which adds “interest” to the design. Let's consider other properties to understand which case is better - silicone or plastic.


  • Variety of design styles. A huge selection of different cases with interesting designs and brands.
  • Scratches are not a problem for this material. Sharp objects will not damage the back panel and side walls of the phone.
  • Acceptable price. The ratio of quality and price makes such pads a desirable purchase.
  • Exploitation. They are easy to use because they have all the necessary holes and do not interfere with the functionality of the mobile device. Does not require the purchase of expensive care products.


  • Mediocre fall protection. The plastic shell itself can crack if dropped, without protecting your device.
  • Does not provide full screen protection.
  • Makes the phone bulky.

TPU silicone is something new

The abbreviation “TPU” in the name of a silicone model means that this is a case made of thermoplastic polyurethane.

Polyurethane m The material combines the best properties of silicone and plastic:

  • The high strength of the material of the protective cover eliminates the risk of acquiring new abrasions and scratches.
  • TPU cover p indifferent to the sharpest temperature changes and does not fade when exposed to sunlight.
  • Cases made of TPU silicone are resistant to any kind of deformation and can be placed on the device without any problems. This cover can last at least 5 years.
  • The phone will not end badly due to the damping properties of the material ( thermopolyurethane).
  • Does not accumulate dust.

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It is impossible to choose the best option

What is better - a silicone case or a plastic one? It cannot be denied that plastic and silicone cases have their pros and cons, which we discussed above. It is impossible to objectively say that plastic is better than silicone, or vice versa. But to ensure that your gadget has a design that pleases you, even the simplest model can be decorated. Find out,

To choose the right material for your future attraction (water balloon, zorb, roller skate), you need not only prioritize for further operation, but also to know what the differences are between PVC and TPU. Right now we will spend detailed analysis physical and chemical indicators, after which you can easily decide.

Water roller: an example of the use of the materials in question

Zorb: an example of the use of the materials in question

PVC has a chemical structure different from the TPU material - for this reason, a product made of Polyvinyl Chloride first becomes cloudy during use and then turns yellow.

Appearance of a PVC water balloon in the first two seasons of operation

Regardless of where and under what loads you will be engaged in the “inflatable” business, you must remember that to ensure maximum safety you must have a small reserve of unused flotation ability. Therefore, when choosing, try to choose a product that can withstand more than you planned for yourself.

Both raw materials are intended for production:

  • Zorbov (all-season and summer);
  • Water balloons;
  • Inflatable water parks;
  • Ball bumper;
  • Paintball bunkers;
  • Blobov and others.


  1. PVC or polyvinyl chloride ( PVC Polyvinylchloride)
  2. TPU or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU Thermoplastic polyurethane)

It is used to produce, in particular, water attractions that are operated in water with a positive temperature . Among specialists it is known as “summer material”. Although its indicators allow its use at temperatures down to -15ºС, but only in a stationary state. Therefore, this characteristic does not apply to us; we will consider only those values ​​​​that the material will withstand under maximum loads. In practice, at 0 ºС, PVC will begin to harden; if the temperature ºС drops even lower, the material will crack completely. The result of this temperature regime: these attractions can be used from late spring to early autumn.
Difference from TPU: due to its chemical composition, thanks to which the raw material first becomes cloudy and then completely turns yellow. This is a natural and irreversible process that can be observed after 1.5 seasons of operation. The reason for this change is chemical reactions in PVC molecules due to exposure to direct rays of the sun.
This feature makes PVC cheaper than TPU, so some people immediately purchase a higher-quality material, while others, on the contrary, for them this is the only chance to earn first money in order to later buy a more expensive attraction.
Thermopolyurethane is used in the production of all-season attractions and can withstand maximum loads in both temperature conditions. Among themselves, experts from the “inflatable business” call it “all-season material.” The increased strength is explained by the complex chemical composition, so for manufacturing it is necessary to spend a sufficient number of expensive components, which as a result results in the expensive cost of the structure itself.
The high price speaks not only of its reliability all year round, it is also an indicator of maximum ductility and resistance to wear of the surface itself from abrasion. For some, this aspect is a priority: many strive to ensure that the attraction, even after several years, does not change its original appearance.
TPU is considered a universal material when it comes to winter zorbs. The amazing capabilities of the material allow you to conduct business in any weather conditions and on any terrain or water.
To clearly show the differences between one material and another (PVC from TPU), we have developed not only a general but also a comparative characteristic.


Physicochemical characteristics:

  • does not burn;
  • not as abrasion resistant as TPU;
  • less plastic;
  • Over time, the product will first become cloudy and then turn yellow.
    temperature range for work: from -15 to +65ºС.

service life: less than TPU.
Material weight: heavier than TPU.
Product price: cheaper than TPU.
season for work: end of spring – beginning of autumn.


Physicochemical characteristics:

  • resistant to solvents, acids, alkalis;
  • does not burn;
  • not afraid of abrasive wear;
  • more plastic than PVC;
  • the attraction will not change its appearance and will remain as if new throughout all years of operation.

temperature range for work: from -30 to +110 ºС.
service life: much longer than PVC.
Material weight: lighter than PVC.
product price: more expensive than polyvinyl chloride.
season for work: all 12 months.

About the thickness

After the characteristics considered, it is easy to conclude that TPU is a more versatile material that can be used in any temperature, any weather and terrain than PVC. In turn, polyvinyl chloride is a rather limited raw material, intended only for summer attractions. But in addition to these properties, there is one more, also important, playing one of the key roles in the main characteristic features. This thickness is a common parameter that is important for both materials.
For convenient classification, all inflatable attractions can be divided into two groups:

  • structures intended for use on water;
  • structures used on hard surfaces.

The degree of abrasion depends on the surface on which the entertainment will take place. For aquatic zorbs this influence is completely absent, while land-based structures are constantly exposed to it.
It is precisely due to this influence of external factors that the thickness of the material is very important.

  1. 0.7 mm – materials with this thickness can only be used for use on water;
  2. 1.0 mm - PVC and TPU can be of a similar thickness; both materials can be used for the production of structures intended for use on a hard surface, but use on water is also possible.

What choice to make is up to each businessman to decide for himself. No one can forbid you to use PVC with a thickness of 0.7 mm for ground-based attractions, but very soon you will regret it. The savings that may attract you at first glance will result in a short lifespan of your attraction.

Walk outside in -60C? Easily! Boots for the most severe frosts, even now to the North Pole. You have never seen such warm shoes! Everyone knows the saying “keep your feet warm and your head cold.” Indeed, no matter what the weather is like outside, it is very important that your feet remain dry and do not freeze. This is especially true for lovers of winter recreation, fishermen, and hunters who spend a long time in the fresh air. But good winter boots will definitely come in handy both for security guards and in a country cottage. Very light, comfortable and at the same time incredibly warm - walking in such boots is a pleasure! Temperature conditions down to -60C Thermal polyurethane sole protects against punctures and slipping Perforated EVA insole collects excess moisture condensation (the insulation remains dry) 7-layer insulation with PU foam, holofiber and foil. Possibility to install spikes. Individual packaging Men's winter boots WOODLINE POWER EPW-60 (art. 1328/1328Ш) Size Upper circumference cm Upper height cm length/width of the sole of the inner insert cm length/width of the sole of the boot cm Fit to size 41 52 40 30/11 31/12 41 42 52 40 11/30 12/31 42 43 52 40 11/31 12/32 43 44 54 40 31.5/12 32.5/12 44 45 56 41 32/12 33.5/13 45 46 56 41 32, 5/12 34/13 46 Season-winter Gender-male Filling fleece/thermal protective layer/non-woven fabric/porous material/canvas with wool and linen/foil/hydrophobic fibers/mesh for abrasion protection Material-ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), sole : polyurethane (PU) Features - 8-layer liner, polyurethane (PU) sole with the ability to install spikes, perforated EVA insole collects excess moisture condensation (the insulation remains dry) Warranty - 1 month

The height of the boots is 24 cm. blind flap, soft edging Upper: natural chrome hydrophobic leather (crust) and Cordura (black), overshoes (TPU) Lining/insulation: Aria, Thinsulate 3M 200gr Sole: Alpy System (rubber) wear-resistant, deep tread Attention! Removable lugs shown in the photo are purchased separately. Sole attachment method: adhesive TPU overshoes have stiffening ribs in the toe and heel parts Insole: inset Cambrelle and EVA Features of the model: set-in nitro artificial leather insole, can be equipped with lugs, single-layer Sizes: 39-46

Season: winter Upper part material: vamp / heel / boots - genuine leather Lining part material: wool fur Bottom part material: two-layer insole on a foam basis, moisture-wicking Sole fastening method: injection molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of products personal protection" Protective properties: without protective toe Type of footwear: boots Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU Color: black Lining/insulation: woolen fur Fastener: lacing Country: Russia

Gender: unisex Season: summer Upper part material: vamp / heel / boots - genuine leather Lining part material: breathable membrane material Bottom part material: two-layer insole on a foam basis, moisture-wicking Sole fastening method: injection molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of personal protective equipment" Protective properties: without protective toe Type of footwear: boots Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU

Men's Season: winter Main color: black Upper part material: vamp / heel / boots - genuine leather Lining part material: woolen fur Sole fastening method: molded Sole: PU-TPU Color: black Fastener: lacing Country: Russia Size chart Cm 22, 5 23 23.5 24.5 25 25.5 26.5 27 27.5 28.5 29 29.5 30.5 31 Russian size (RUS) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 EUR 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 UK 3.5 4 5 6 6.5 7.5 8 9 9.5 10.5 11.5 12 13 13.5 Determining your size Determine your size using the following chart: Place your foot on a blank sheet of paper. Mark the extreme boundaries of the foot. Measure the distance between the furthest points of your foot. Find the appropriate size in the table above.

Genuine high quality leather. Side panels, padded piping and tongue are made from durable, dense fabric with a waterproof coating to enhance the durability of the boot's upper. Metal fittings: nut-shaped blocks, large hooks. Decorative elements: branded flags and replicas, sling loops. Reflective parts for working in poor visibility conditions. The two-layer sole is made of PU/TPU and is resistant to oils, crude oil, other petroleum products, acid and alkali solutions, non-toxic and explosive dust. The sole has a wide temperature range of use from -35° to +120°C. The soft edging delicately clasps the ankle and prevents dirt and dust from penetrating into the shoe. A comfortable last ensures comfort during long-term wear. A metal anti-puncture insole can be supplied upon request. Manufacturer: Avangard Safety Group of Companies Color: black-gray Materials: upper - genuine leather, textile (100% polyester) with PU coating; lining - sneaker 3D mesh; accessories - metal; sole - PU/TPU. Standard: TR TS 019/2011 GOST 12.4.137-2001

Durable and lightweight boots made of genuine leather for hiking, traveling and the city. Upper material – genuine leather (nubuck + velor) (th. 1.8 mm) with water-repellent impregnation. The optimal combination of materials ensures the comfort and lightness of this model. The lining is a practical textile material. Removes excess moisture well and maintains a comfortable temperature. Replaceable molded insole. Highly resistant to wear Durable lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot TPU sole – has increased abrasion resistance and optimal flexibility Multi-directional tread ensures the best traction on the surface The toe part of the boot has a rubber pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking Stainless steel fittings TNV Boden boots combine the lightness and comfort of sneakers with the stability of trekking boots, allowing you to climb to the most amazing corners of the planet. Think about how many interesting people and unusual places you can meet on your travels. Life is too short to sit on the couch. The sole of the boots is made of thermoplastic polyurethane. Its advantages include: high wear resistance and resistance to deformation and mechanical stress, as well as high density, which makes it possible to produce a deep multidirectional tread that provides good adhesion to the surface. The upper material is a combination of such types of genuine leather as velor and Nubuck with water-repellent impregnation. This combination provides good breathability and wear resistance without sacrificing lightness and comfort. The lining is a practical textile material. Breathes, removes excess moisture well and maintains a comfortable temperature in the boot. The replaceable molded anatomical insole is highly resistant to wear and provides good ventilation. The heel secures the foot, and the rubber pad in the toe part of the boot protects the toes from impact and increases the grip area on the rocky terrain. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have “slides” - simulators of complex terrain. Characteristics: Weight -380 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Size range -41-46

Technical trail running shoe Upper breathable AirMesh + thermally bonded microfiber breathable AirMesh + thermally bonded microfiber: outer structure is abrasion-resistant and heat-sealed with rip-stop fabric Mesh lining + sweat-wicking fabric inserts + stretch tongue Air MeshAir Mesh mesh + stretch fabric inserts sweat-wicking fabric + stretchy Air Mesh tongue. Molded EVA inner sole + double EVA stone guard on the forefoot Molded EVA midsole + double EVA stone guard on the forefoot. The sole is a double sole Frixion XT + Impact Brake System. It is possible to attach cleats with a double sole Frixion XT + Impact Brake System. It is possible to attach spikes Area of ​​application Sky running Running in high mountains Size 36-47.5 in 0.5 Pair weight 560 g Color: Yellow / Black Green / Gray Blue / Red Description Technical sneakers designed specifically for mountain running. The sneakers provide maximum support, secure fit and toe freedom. Microfiber reinforcements provide additional protection against wear and tear. The La Sportiva Bushido is a very lightweight running shoe with excellent grip and an aggressive design. These shoes feature a new STB Control design that ensures stability when running on rough terrain. The TPU frame used in the sneakers flows smoothly to the outsole and is connected by the midsole under the arch of the foot. This allows for synergy between the upper and sole of the shoe, and also provides greater stability to the foot. This makes the shoe even lighter because La Sportiva was able to do away with the weighty stabilizer inserts in the central part. The double sole has joints at different levels. The outsole tread has different sized lugs that provide stability in any situation: on soft and wet ground, rocky ledges or traverses. The outsole's outer lug tread provides excellent traction and protects the foot from injury from excessive twisting. Maximum support and a tight fit of the boot to the foot in the middle do not restrict the freedom of the toes. It is possible to attach spikes, which allows you to continue training even in the winter season. Benefits and Features Compression midsole A boot that follows the exact shape of your foot Optimal combination of flexibility and shock absorption, resistance to wear and damage Outsole designed to reduce the impact of walking and running Ergonomic insoles for mountain running Care instructions Clean your sneakers after each use. All external and internal hinges should be thoroughly cleaned and dried to reduce the risk of rust on metal parts. Leave the sneakers to dry outdoors, out of direct sunlight and away from heaters. La Sportiva recommends carefully selecting the size of your sneakers: your foot should fit well in the last. After each use, the sneakers must be cleaned of dirt and dust by rinsing under a gentle stream of water. If necessary, the insole can be removed and the boots themselves can be placed in a cool, dry place for ventilation. It is best to remove the insole after each use and shake out any gravel that may have accidentally gotten inside the shoe and could damage the integrity of the lining. Do not place newspaper or other paper inside the boots as this may slow down the drying of the boots. Never dry your sneakers in the open sun or near heating devices.

Upper material - combined: genuine chrome leather (thickness 1.4-1.6 mm) + high-strength fabric made of textured nylon thread "Cordura"® 1060D without internal PU impregnation, which ensures high breathability of the fabric Lining - Without lining Sole - Made of TPU (thermopolyurethane), which gives it is lightweight and resistant to aggressive environments (oil, gasoline, acids) Sole attachment method - Direct injection: the lower part of the boot is filled with hot polyurethane and molded under pressure, which ensures its strong adhesion to the insole unit. Valve ("Tongue") - deaf, protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, water, dirt), speed lacing Toe cap - Reinforced from thermoplastic material (TM) Back - Hard from TM Boot height -25 cm Dimensions -38-47 Weight (pair 42 rubles) 1.08 kg

Gender: unisex Season: summer Upper part material: vamp / heel / boots - genuine leather Lining part material: breathable membrane material Bottom part material: two-layer insole on a foam basis, moisture-wicking Sole fastening method: injection molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of personal protective equipment" Protective properties: with a protective toe cap 200J Type of footwear: low shoes Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU Color: black Country: Russia

Weight: 20 g Size (WxBxD): 6x12x2 cm Material: Polyester Oxford 600D TPU Fittings: Duraflex ® Small waterproof waterproof case (pouch) for a phone, walkie-talkie, etc. Manufactured using "welded" technology. All seams are sealed The pouch can be attached to a backpack strap using a carabiner or worn on a belt The front surface has a transparent window Attention! Waterproof zipper does not provide 100% protection against moisture penetration

A lightweight, compact waist bag made from high-quality and durable 600D oxford TPU fabric, designed for fishermen who prefer active fishing and travel light. There is room in it for several boxes of bait, documents, a phone and other little things useful for fishing. The waterproof property of the bag guarantees the safety of its contents even in heavy rain Waterproof pocket High-quality Duraflex fittings Light weight - only 200 grams Volume 2 liters You will never forget your fishing gear at home, because this bag can easily fit everything you need. This bag will be an excellent gift for fishermen and those who like to spend time outdoors Certificate No. - EAEU No. RU D-CN.AG02.A.16384 Type of certificate - Declaration of Conformity Ironing - Do not iron Brief description - For active fishing. Number GTD-10702030/241214/0135935/0 Volume, l-2 Bleaching-Do not bleach Gender-Unisex Seasonality-All-season Wash-Only hand up to 40 Country-China Drying-Vertical drying without spinning Brand-Fisherman NOVA TOUR Dry cleaning-Dry cleaning prohibited Pack volume unit, cubic m.-0.0024 Volume, l- Color-Khaki Main base color-Khaki

Description: genuine high-quality leather, double-layer sole made of PU/TPU, resistant to oils, crude oil, other petroleum products, solutions of acids and alkalis, non-toxic and explosive dust, sole has a wide temperature range of use from -35° to +120°C, comfortable the last provides comfort during long-term wear; upon request, it can be equipped with a metal toe cap and a metal anti-puncture insole Manufacturer: Avangard Safety Group of Companies Color: black Materials: upper - genuine leather; sole - PU/TPU Standard: GOST 12.4.137-2001 Size: 36-46 Protective properties: from petroleum oils and heavy fraction products from general pollution from abrasion from crude oil Weight 1 unit. 1.37 Volume 1 unit. 0.012 (m3) Quantity of goods per package: Packaging of 6 pairs Volume of 1 package: 0.075 (m3) Certificates:

The height of the boots is 24 cm. blind flap, soft edging Upper: natural chrome hydrophobic leather (crust) and camouflage Cordura, overshoes (TPU) Lining/insulation: Aria, Thinsulate 3M 200gr Sole: Alpy System (rubber) wear-resistant, deep tread Attention! Removable lugs shown in the photo are purchased separately. Sole attachment method: adhesive TPU overshoes have stiffening ribs in the toe and heel parts Insole: inset Cambrelle and EVA Features of the model: set-in nitro artificial leather insole, can be equipped with an anti-slip system (purchased separately if available in the store, or to order) Sizes: 39- 46

A functional, waterproof waist bag suitable for wading and active fishing enthusiasts. The bag has two large main compartments where all boxes of bait will fit One additional compartment for small items RODHOLDER - a holder for a spinning rod so that your hands are free when changing bait Made from durable and incredibly high-quality 600D oxford TPU fabric with special impregnation, this bag will keep perfect appearance for many years Now all the necessary fishing tackle is at your fingertips: you no longer have to be afraid that you have forgotten hooks and bait at home Certificate No. - EAEU No. RU D-CN.AG02.A.16384 Type of certificate - Declaration of Conformity Ironing - Do not iron Brief description - For active fishing. Number GTD-10702030/241214/0135935/0 Volume, l-10 Bleaching-Do not bleach Gender-Unisex Size, HxWxD, cm-30x30x16 Seasonality-All-season Wash-Hand only up to 40 Country-China Drying-Vertical drying without spinning Brand- Fisherman NOVA TOUR Dry cleaning - Dry cleaning prohibited Packaging volume. unit, cubic m.-0.0072 Volume, l- Color-Khaki Main base color-Khaki

Season: winter Main color: black Upper part material: vamp, heel, boot - genuine leather Lining part material: woolen fur Sole fastening method: molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of personal protective equipment" Protective properties: without protective toe Type of footwear: leather boots Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU Color: black Lining/insulation: woolen fur Country: Russia

Gender: unisex Season: summer Upper part material: vamp / heel / boots - genuine leather Lining part material: breathable membrane material Bottom part material: two-layer insole on a foam basis, moisture-wicking Sole fastening method: injection molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 “On the safety of personal protective equipment” Protective properties: without protective toe Type of footwear: low shoes Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU Color: black Country: Russia

Gender: unisex Season: summer Upper part material: vamp, heel, boot - genuine leather Lining part material: breathable membrane material Bottom part material: two-layer foam-based insole, moisture-wicking Sole fastening method: injection molded Regulatory technical documentation: TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of personal protective equipment" Protective properties: with a protective toe cap 200J Type of footwear: leather boots Series: NEON Sole: PU-TPU

Weight: 340 g Size (WxHxD): 31x19x12 cm Material: Polyester Oxford 600D TPU Convenient waterproof waist bag The main volume is closed with a waterproof zipper with two locks The belt is made of quick-drying mesh and has two pockets Additional internal pocket the front surface contains reflective elements Attention! Waterproof zipper does not provide 100% protection against moisture penetration