Folk remedies for toothache. What to do with severe toothache and how to relieve it at home. The use of medicinal herbs

A toothache often comes as a surprise in the middle of the night, during a picnic, a meeting, or before an important job interview. It is not always possible to visit the dentist right away, but you can get rid of toothache at home, and quite quickly and efficiently.

Why does a tooth hurt

There are a lot of prerequisites for the appearance of pain in the tooth. Conventionally, they are divided into two broad groups: dental and non-dental etiology.

Pathologies of dental etiology Pathologies of non-dental etiology
  • caries;
  • pulpitis - inflammation of the pulp;
  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, in which the dentogingival junction is not affected;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues that surround the root of the tooth;
  • periostitis - a purulent lesion of the alveolar processes of the upper or lower jaw;
  • enamel destruction;
  • surgical interventions: removal, errors in filling teeth.
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • cluster headache;
  • salivary stone disease;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • oncological diseases;
  • atypical pain;
  • pathology of the circulatory system.

The final diagnosis should be made by a dentist, since it is difficult to independently identify the cause of a toothache. If the symptom is not associated with diseases of the oral cavity, the doctor will refer the patient for examination to other specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, oncologist or psychiatrist.

How to get rid of toothache

You can get rid of a toothache at home, for example, with the help of an ordinary painkiller. But this is only a temporary measure, very soon the symptom will appear again and even with greater force.

To forget about an unpleasant manifestation forever, you need to contact a dentist and cure the disease that caused it. But since a tooth can ache at the most inopportune moment, for example, at night, at work or at a party, you need to have funds on hand to temporarily relieve the symptom. Suitable:

  • Painkillers tablets, gels, solutions. Medications will help to drown out a toothache at home quickly and effectively, but before using them, you need to read the instructions, since almost all medicines have contraindications and serious side effects. Some medications are not recommended before a visit to the dentist because they prevent the cause of the pain from being identified.
  • Folk remedies. Contribute to the elimination of the syndrome and are not toxic, but less effective.

Both medicines and painkillers prepared at home will help relieve toothache faster and more efficiently if you follow the following rules:

  • Brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly, even if the tooth hurts even more because of these manipulations. In hard-to-reach interdental spaces, food debris could get stuck, which provoked the onset of the symptom. But even if the reason is not related to poor hygiene, refusal to brush your teeth will lead to the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes and increased pain.
  • Do not chew food on the disturbing side. The mechanical impact on the diseased tooth will aggravate the situation, and food debris can get stuck in carious cavities, which will aggravate the inflammatory process.
  • Do not heat the aching tooth. Blood will begin to flow to it under even greater pressure, which will irritate the nerve fibers and increase pain. For the same reason, you can not lie down.
  • Don't focus on the symptom. It is better to keep yourself busy with work, your favorite hobby, watching an interesting movie.

Medical methods of treatment

Medications help get rid of even severe toothache, but not all types of painkillers can be used at home. Among the allowed ones are ordinary pyrazolones (Analgin), combined non-narcotic analgesics (Ibuklin, Gevadal) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin). As in tablets, and in gels, solutions.

Narcotic analgesics, drugs in the form of injections, as well as any drugs with a large list of contraindications and side effects(Ketorolac, Ketanov) can be used only as directed by a doctor.

Non-narcotic analgesics

These drugs are most often used to get rid of toothache, as they have a good anesthetic effect and are not addictive. Non-narcotic analgesics are presented in pharmacies in various forms of release, their prices vary in a wide range: you can find both a cheap remedy and an expensive one.

The following medicines relieve pain well:

  • Analgin is a cheap, commonly available over-the-counter drug. Works great for pain relief. Contrary to popular belief, it is forbidden to put Analgin's tablet on a sore spot, because it damages tooth enamel. The drug is contraindicated in pathologies of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, during pregnancy and lactation. Incompatible with alcohol.
  • Spazmalgon. Somewhat stronger than Analgin. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 6. The drug is prohibited for problems with the liver, kidneys, pregnant women and children under 16 years of age.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

A special place among all medicines for toothache is occupied by NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since they not only eliminate the symptom, but also significantly reduce the inflammatory process.

You can drink such medicines:

If the house has valocordin or validol, you can apply them. Take a cotton swab, soak it in valocordin or sprinkle it with a crushed validol tablet, apply it to the aching tooth and hold for about 15 minutes.

Folk remedies for getting rid of toothache

Folk remedies will help get rid of toothache at home, but only for a short period of time. When you have a free minute, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Recipe examples:

  • Carnation. Grind the spice into powder, add half a teaspoon of water or clove oil and mix. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore spot, close the jaw. medicinal plant effectively relieves pain in the tooth, easy to use at home, most often used in the presence of carious cavities in the teeth, when fillings fall out.
  • Propolis. Apply a small piece or a pea of ​​propolis to the disturbing place. The product has bactericidal, anesthetic, antimycotic properties.
  • Cinnamon. Mix cinnamon powder or a crushed stick with half a teaspoon of honey, apply to the inflamed area.

  • Plantain root. To clear from the earth, to wash, grind. Place the resulting slurry in gauze, attach to the tooth or ear from the side of the lesion. The tool helps to stop a toothache without pills, but the effect lasts no more than three hours.
  • Mint. Prepare a mint tincture: pour two tablespoons of the leaves of the plant into 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes. Rinse the aching tooth up to 5 times a day.
  • A mixture of onions and garlic. A quarter of an onion, two cloves of garlic, a quarter tablespoon of salt, mix until smooth. Use the remedy up to three times a day, applying to the diseased tooth.
With frequent use of the onion-garlic mixture, you can burn the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, tongue.

How to rinse your mouth with a toothache

Rinsing - simplest way to relieve toothache at home, since everyone will find the ingredients necessary to prepare the solution. Here are just a few handy recipes:

  • A solution of soda, salt and iodine. Combine a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of salt and soda, two drops of iodine, a drop of alcohol. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day.
  • Vodka. There is no need to dilute vodka, just take a little alcohol in your mouth and rinse it for a few minutes.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate. The accuracy of the dilution of the solution depends on the intensity of the pain, but the maximum allowable concentration should not be exceeded - 3 crystals of the substance per 200 ml of warm water.
Before use, the potassium permanganate solution is filtered through several layers of gauze, since undissolved crystals can burn the mucous membranes. Do not take the remedy inside, as it can cause stomach ulcers.
  • Decoction of oak bark. Add two tablespoons of chopped bark to boiled water, cook for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, cool. Use 5 times a day.
  • Herbal decoction. St. John's wort, calendula inflorescences, chamomile leaves, oak bark, sage leaves (1 tbsp each) are immersed in boiling water (1 liter) and then simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the drink and rinse your mouth up to 10 times a day, you can take the decoction inside.

Essential oils for toothache

Essential oils have bactericidal, antiseptic properties, so they help to get rid of acute pain in the tooth. It is not difficult to apply them: three drops of essential oil are moistened with a cotton swab, which is placed on a diseased tooth or directly in a carious cavity. It should be remembered that oil can burn the mucous membranes of the cheeks, gums, so you can not keep the cotton wool in your mouth for more than 5 minutes.

Essential oils for toothache relief:

  • Clove.
  • Coriander.
  • From tea tree.
  • Mint.
  • Fir.

You can get rid of acute toothache both with the help of tablets and without them. But it will not dull forever, since none of the methods eliminates the cause of its occurrence. Sooner or later, the tooth will hurt again, and with a vengeance. And the disease, against which the symptom manifested itself, will develop and cause complications. Therefore, you should not delay with a visit to the office of therapeutic dentistry, wait until Monday, in the morning or return from a business trip - and go straight to the doctor.

Reading 43 min. Published on 26.12.2019

Why does toothache occur?

We all understand that pain is a kind of body signal for help. It is no secret that many people, due to their employment or for other reasons, may neglect their health. As long as nothing bothers them, you can work, ignore minor discomfort, and not take any preventive measures. Sadly, this is how the vast majority of people do it. And suddenly there is toothache. What to do? Why did it happen?

Pain occurs due to irritation of the nerves, which are characterized by strong sensitivity. It is worth noting that not only infections cause discomfort. Various mechanical damage to the hard tissues of the tooth also sooner or later provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Another cause of sleepless nights can be pulpitis. This disease differs in that painful sensations arise on their own (regardless of stimuli) due to inflammation of the pulp. As a rule, the pain intensifies at night and affects areas adjacent to the tooth. Immediately I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this case the problem is not solved only by neutralizing discomfort.

Here it is necessary to urgently eliminate the cause. If a person only cares about how to soothe a toothache at home, then he runs the risk of experiencing periodontitis. Simply put, pulpitis cannot be started. Otherwise, microorganisms spread and cause inflammation in all surrounding tissues.

Is it possible for a nerve to die?

In most cases, the pain syndrome is caused by inflammation of the dental nerve. It occurs as a result of infection, the infection spreads in the pulp for the following reasons:

  1. The advanced stage of carious diseases. When a tooth becomes inflamed, insufficient oral hygiene, the spread of bacteria, and the destruction of hard tissues contribute to the rapid penetration of microbes into its interior.
  2. Mechanical damage. As a result of breaking off part of the tooth, the pulp becomes unprotected. For this reason, the infection gets inside.
  3. Poor quality of dental services. With insufficient processing of instruments, poor-quality filling, etc., the infection easily spreads in the pulp.
  4. Gum disease.
  5. Lack or excess of vitamins. Because of this, there are violations of the structure of hard tissues.

The pain is often accompanied by other symptoms. It all depends on the reason for its appearance. The temperature may rise or the cheek may swell, etc.

If the nerve has opened, the tooth hurts unbearably, and all means do not work, especially desperate people try to kill the nerve endings. It should be remembered that this is very dangerous, and besides, it is not always possible for the patient himself. Where better to be patient and seek help from a dentist.

You can remove pain and nerve using recipes traditional medicine or with the help of special formulations. The second option, which has been tested by many people, is preferable.

Folk methods

The following recipes are available:

  1. Powder. Put a pinch into the cavity and wait a few hours. The substance is dangerous for the body, so you need to be careful.
  2. Vinegar. Wet a cotton pad with vinegar and put it on the nerve. However, it can not only kill the nerve endings, but also damage the enamel.
  3. Arsenic. Any use of arsenic is dangerous for the body. The nerve is killed with a pea of ​​arsenic, which is placed on the tooth (more in the article: why put arsenic in the tooth?). This is a very dangerous method, since an overdose can cause severe poisoning and death.
  4. Alcohol. The nerve is killed with ethyl or ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in it and put it on the problem area.
  5. Garlic. It should be ground with salt and put into the tooth. The problem is that it literally burns the pulp, provoking the subsequent decomposition of hard tissues.
  6. Zinc. Burn the newspaper with black ink, put the ashes on the tooth for 10 hours.

The first stage is the choice of an effective means. In professional dentistry, special compounds are placed in the tooth that kill the nerve. The most popular are the following:

Then you need to drink an anesthetic and wait an hour. After you need to thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Prepare a sewing needle, which should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. With the blunt side, gently clean the cavity of the tooth and rinse your mouth with an antiseptic. Then, a cotton swab soaked in a mixture of alcohol and water should be placed in the cleaned cavity. You need to apply the pastes according to the instructions, and then be sure to visit the dentist.

The nerve can die on its own. However, this phenomenon is very rare. Often, the death of nerve fibers is accompanied by severe pain, which is difficult to bear.

You should not hope for this, and if there is a suspicion that the process of dying off has begun, you should immediately contact your dentist. The consequences can be dangerous.

The nature of pain

Pain sensations and their intensity depend on the degree of involvement in the pathological process of the components of the tooth (enamel, dentin, pulp, root membrane), surrounding tissues.

Teeth hurt - how to soothe

The most common cause of pain is dental caries. It affects the hard tissues of the tooth, without proper treatment leads to destructive and inflammatory complications. Therefore, you should think not so much about how to quickly remove a toothache at home, but about how soon to make an appointment with a dentist.

Development of caries

  1. Superficial caries destroys the enamel. It may be painless or present hypersensitivity the affected tooth to sweet and sour foods, aching pains to hot, cold food (symptoms disappear on their own when the irritant is removed).
  2. Medium caries descends below the destroyed enamel, reaches the dentin. As a result, a carious cavity is formed. The intensity of pain sensations, their duration increases. Rinsing the mouth, removing food debris from a damaged tooth helps to alleviate the condition.
  3. Deep caries permanently damages the dentin and reaches the border of the pulp. The process is accompanied by aching pain. Rinsing your mouth after eating, removing food debris are some of the effective options for how to soothe a toothache at home.

Dental caries

Launched caries leads to pulpitis - then the tooth pulp already becomes inflamed (it is a bundle of blood vessels and nerves). Pulpitis can be acute (purulent) and chronic.

  1. Acute serous process is accompanied by intense pain of a periodic nature. The pain is aggravated by the action of cold and continues after the removal of the irritant, occurs spontaneously at night. The attack can last from several to 8-10 minutes.
  2. The appearance of purulent exudate and its accumulation in the pulp chamber are accompanied by very strong pain sensations radiating along the branches of the trigeminal nerve (affecting the temporal region, ear, orbit from the side of the pathological process). The duration of the attack is often delayed up to 15 minutes or more. One of the options for soothing a bad tooth at home can be cool water in the mouth.
  3. Chronic pulpitis (fibrous, hypertrophic, gangrenous), as a rule, occurs as a result of a running acute process, and can also occur independently.
  4. Pain in the fibrous form is localized within one tooth, does not occur immediately after the action of the stimulus, but after a while. Particular sensitivity in this pathology is noted for cold food.
  5. The hypertrophic form is accompanied by bleeding during eating. Pain symptoms are absent.
  6. Gangrenous (ulcerative-necrotic) process is manifested by pain within one tooth, which persists for a long time after the elimination of irritating factors, increased sensitivity to hot foods and liquids.


Inflammation of the tissues located between the bone tissue of the alveoli and the root of the tooth, on initial stages process is accompanied by limited pain sensations of a continuous nature. There is moderate sensitivity to pressure on the disturbing tooth.

As the pathology develops, the intensity of pain increases - it becomes unbearable, throbbing, twitching. The inflammatory infiltrate spreads to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, nearby lymphatic glands are involved in the process, the general status is disturbed (an increase in temperature is noted, an increase in leukocytes and ESR is recorded in the analyzes).


The process can take from 2-3 days to several weeks. The main thing here is not to self-medicate, not to look for ways to soothe a toothache at home, but immediately go to the doctor.

  • take a horizontal position in bed (blood flow to the head increases, pressure in the tissues of the tooth increases and, accordingly, pain becomes more intense);
  • use warming compresses (contribute to the exacerbation and intensification of inflammation, as well as their spread to healthy tissues);
  • long-term use of painkillers;
  • place an aspirin or analgin tablet on a sore tooth (the analgesic effect of such actions is doubtful, and a burn of enamel and gum mucosa is guaranteed).

The signal for help may be weak. With a carious lesion at its initial stage, pain can sometimes occur. And it is not too painful, but do not relax. It would be better if you consult a doctor immediately, while the disease has not yet become more serious.

Severe toothache occurs when the nerve is already damaged. Whatever the cause (infection or trauma), hard tissue destruction occurs. The exposed pulp reacts very sharply to any irritants. Such pain is also characteristic of a violation of the nervous system. Accordingly, the methods of treatment in these two cases will be radically different. Therefore, only during the examination, the dentist can diagnose the problem and prescribe the correct way to eliminate it.

How to soothe the pain

It is advisable to visit the dentist as soon as possible. Taking advantage folk recipes, of course, you can calm the pain for a while and even try to kill the dental nerve. However, no one can guarantee that the pain will not return again and complications will not arise. At home, if there is pain, it is recommended to carefully monitor oral hygiene (brush teeth, interdental spaces), drink analgesics, use any traditional medicine.

If the nerve is exposed, it is necessary to use strong painkillers. The following are the most popular:

At home, you must carefully prescribe medicines to yourself. It is advisable to consult with experts. Analgesics eliminate only the symptom, with severe pain, qualified treatment is necessary.


Instead of taking serious painkillers or in combination with it, use less radical ways problem solving. Rinses have long and well established themselves as a means of getting rid of toothache. At home, they are very convenient, since they do not require any extra costs, usually all the components are in the kitchen:

Rinses are certainly effective, but you cannot rely solely on them. It is advisable to use them together with painkillers so that the effect is better.

other methods

At home, you can anesthetize a tooth with more non-standard methods. No one can vouch for their effectiveness, so you should be careful when using them:

Many of us put off going to the dentist for various reasons, but the reality is that when a toothache strikes, it's not always easy to get to the dentist right away. What to do in this situation, than to relieve a sharp pain in an adult? Is there a way to quickly deal with the problem at home? We have put together the safest and most effective solutions for how to quickly soothe a severe toothache at home.

The main culprits of toothache

There can be several causes of toothache, the most common experts call:

  • tooth abscess;
  • caries;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • earache;
  • infection in the maxillary sinuses;
  • food caught between the teeth;
  • gum disease;
  • dysfunction of the jaw joint;
  • cracks in the enamel;
  • failed filling.

The pain can be throbbing, shooting, aching, radiating to the head, ear, temples, eyes, responsive to stimuli. Therefore, pay attention to the type of pain you are experiencing: if, for example, there is a sensitivity to cold and hot food, then a simple remedy - fluoridated toothpaste - will help. However, if you experience severe toothache when biting, feel uncomfortable when pressing on the surface of the molar, you may need root canal treatment to save the tooth.

Important! In case of unbearable acute pain, one should not delay contacting a specialist, since delayed treatment can lead to osteomyelitis, purulent abscess, and other serious and very dangerous complications!

How to stop a toothache with folk remedies

To reduce pain in the mouth will help hygienic brushing, because discomfort is sometimes caused by any food caught between the teeth. For these purposes, special dental floss is also used.

What else brings relief and effectively relieves excruciating toothache:

  1. Garlic

Raw garlic contains antimicrobial components that can destroy bacteria such as: staphylococci, protozoa, mycobacteria, salmonella. Mince a clove of garlic and mix with salt. Apply the paste on the aching tooth to better work on the affected area. Hold the mixture for a few minutes, then you can rinse your mouth. According to reviews, it is recommended to do this within a few days. However, if you are allergic to garlic, it is better to refrain from treatment in this way.

Try chewing on a piece of raw onion or putting it on a sore spot to soothe a toothache. As a natural medicine, an infusion of onion peel, which rinse the mouth several times a day.

  1. Carnation

Cloves contain a substance - eugenol, which is part of painkillers and sedatives, antiseptics. Grind 2 clove seeds and mix with any vegetable oil and then apply the healing mixture on your damaged tooth.

  1. ice cubes

Ice has a calming effect, is used to dull pain due to numbness at the site of the pulsation. It is applied for a couple of minutes to the cheek next to the aching tooth, but first the ice is wrapped in a thin cotton cloth. You can also use the acupressure method, in which an ice cube is placed between the index and thumb fingers for several minutes.

  1. saline solution

Salt helps to reduce toothache, relieve swelling. It is enough to add 1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water, making sure that it is completely dissolved, and then rinse your mouth as needed. Salt rinse can be alternated with soda.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide diluted in water (1:3) is also used as a rinse.

  1. Peppermint

Mint leaves contain anti-inflammatory substances that relieve the pain of intumescence in the affected area. You can simply chew fresh mint for a minute or two, or make an infusion and drink it like tea (only chilled), holding it in your mouth.

  1. Tea tree oil

The drug has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, improves the condition of the gums and teeth. Soak a cotton ball in oil, and then apply it to the aching tooth, or dilute a few drops of the product in warm water and use as a rinse.

  1. Parsley

Chewing parsley several times a day can help you get rid of toothache naturally.

  1. Lemon

Citric acid reduces inflammation and boosts immunity thanks to vitamin C. 1 slice of lemon is enough, which is placed on an aching tooth.

We hope our article will help you find The best decision to relieve toothache. However, it is more for informational purposes and does not replace a professional dental examination in a doctor's office.

Toothache can come unexpectedly. Sharp or pulsating, it delivers severe discomfort. And then the question becomes relevant: how to get rid of pain if there were no painkillers at hand?

Often, toothache is a consequence of refusing the services of a dentist. Most visit a doctor only when the pain becomes unbearable. Ignoring a toothache can lead to deterioration of the teeth and gums.

Causes of pain

Toothache can be caused by increased susceptibility to cold or hot food, food particles between the teeth. In such situations, it is quite easy to get rid of discomfort, just rinse your mouth with warm water or use dental floss. Tooth sensitivity can be reduced by using a special toothpaste.

The most common causes of severe toothache are:

  1. caries;
  2. pulpitis;
  3. periodontitis;
  4. cracks in tooth enamel.

Of course, you can cope with these problems by contacting a dentist for professional help.

But how to get rid of sharp pain before visiting the dental office?


First aid in the fight against toothache can be rinsed with saline or soda solution.

To prepare a saline solution for rinsing, you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 glass of warm water.

The composition is thoroughly mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Rinse your mouth every 10-15 minutes until the effect is achieved.

Soda solution to combat toothache:

  • 1 tablespoon of soda;
  • 1 glass of warm boiled water.

Rinsing is done once an hour until complete relief of pain.

To soothe a sick tooth, you can use decoctions based on medicinal herbs.

Most often it is chamomile or sage.

Preparing a decoction is very simple, just pour one tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water (you can also use filter bags). Leave the solution for an hour, then it can be used. Rinsing with decoction is carried out 3 times a day.

Lotions are also made from the finished broth: a cotton swab must be soaked in the infusion and applied to the aching tooth.

It is also possible to use other medicinal herbs, including thyme, calendula, valerian.

How to overcome pain at home without drugs

In addition to those remedies for pain that have already been discussed above, popular methods are the use of such remedies:

  • Alcohol. Main component alcoholic beverages- alcohol, which is an excellent antiseptic. It is best to rinse your mouth with a drink containing the highest percentage of alcohol in the composition (cognac, vodka). When rinsing, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria occurs, the pain subsides;
  • Salo. For relax pain sensation you can use both fresh and salted lard, after removing excess salt. To soothe the pain, it is enough to hold a piece of fat for 10-25 minutes on the problem area;
  • Garlic. To quench a toothache, a mixture of garlic, salt and black pepper is prepared. The mixture is applied to the damaged area of ​​the tooth for 7-13 minutes, then the pain subsides;
  • Plantain. It is placed in the ear, on the opposite side of the problem tooth. Within an hour the pain is gone;
  • Propolis. A small piece of this substance is placed on the aching tooth. The pain subsides due to the analgesic properties of the product;
  • Carnation. It is necessary to grind the cloves with vegetable oil. The finished mixture is rubbed into the gums, or applied as a lotion using a cotton swab. You can also dissolve clove oil in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.

Alternative Medicine Methods

In addition to using folk methods pain management, which was mentioned above, you can try other ways.

They may seem somewhat unexpected, but they are quite effective:

  • rub your wrists with garlic or tie a piece of garlic with a bandage;
  • massage the ear from the side of the diseased tooth for 7-10 minutes;
  • massage the hand on the opposite side of the problem tooth at the junction of the thumb and forefinger.

The duration of the massage is about 10 minutes.

Get away from the problem

Sometimes it helps to just take your mind off the pain, do something interesting. The pain will simply be forgotten and cease to bother. It can be a favorite hobby, reading a book, watching a series. You can do daily chores or play with children - all this will distract from the problem.

You can relax with exercise like squats. Exercise stress will completely capture the attention and there will simply be no time to think about discomfort.

A good helper in the fight against toothache will be a group of friends. An interesting conversation, jokes and laughter will help you forget about the pain.

All of the above methods only dull the pain for a while, but in no case solve the problem. To get rid of a toothache forever, it is necessary to deal not with the symptoms, but with the cause. Therefore, at the first opportunity, you need to contact a specialist to examine the oral cavity and take the necessary measures.

A timely appeal to a specialist will protect against aggravation of the situation and you will not have to resort to extreme measures - the removal of a diseased tooth.

Reading 14 min. Views 4.8k. Published on 22/05/2017

Toothache occurs as a result of damage to the teeth by various pathological processes (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis), as well as periostitis, limited osteomyelitis, trigeminal neuralgia, periodontal disease, exposure of the necks of the teeth.

Toothache can manifest itself in a single tooth or a group of teeth. Often the pain radiates to the temple, ear, half of the face of the side where the bad tooth is located. Sometimes a bad tooth can provoke neuralgic pain or angina attacks. Dental diseases are often the cause of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Toothache, I'm not afraid of you!

Familiarize yourself with simple, but at the same time very effective advice to save teeth:

  • To keep your teeth healthy, it is important to eat right. In your daily diet rich foods should be present: amino acids (milk, nuts, legumes), complex carbohydrates(grain bread, pasta, potatoes), vitamins A, B, C, E (fruits, vegetables, vegetable oil) and minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, boron (vegetables, fruits, dairy products, nuts, seeds).
  • To prevent damage to the teeth, they should be rinsed after each meal with warm water, brushed 1-2 times a day with a toothpaste or powder.
  • You can not expose your teeth to various traumatic loads: chew hard, brush your teeth with metal objects, etc.
  • To prevent damage to tooth enamel, you should not eat very cold or very hot food; too sour food is harmful, as well as the use of large amounts of sugar.
  • Pregnant women should definitely drink lime water every day (1 tbsp each), if there is no special medicine. Medicines containing iron should be taken in capsules or through a straw, and then rinsed out in the mouth, as they destroy the enamel.
  • At least 2 times a year it is necessary to contact the dentist for preventive examination and treatment of teeth.

By following these simple rules, you will keep your teeth healthy for a long time and simply will not know what a toothache is.

According to dentists, brushing your teeth is a very important process. If you want to avoid toothache, then you should pay more attention to proper brushing of your teeth.

It is important to brush your teeth in front of a mirror - then you can fully control the process.

Australian experts have been able to identify several major habits that can harm the health of our oral cavity.

  1. Do not rinse your mouth immediately after brushing your teeth. The fact is that the fluorine contained in the paste should be well absorbed into the tooth enamel. To do this, rinse your mouth for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Don't brush your teeth too hard. Many people think that this will give the necessary whiteness of the teeth. However, such actions will only worsen the situation. Moreover, to prevent damage to the tooth enamel, choose a brush with soft bristles.
  3. Don't brush your teeth too fast. You need to spend at least 2 minutes on this lesson.
  4. You should not run to the bathroom immediately after eating. Each meal softens tooth enamel and disrupts the acid-base balance. Wait 30 minutes - and then everything will return to normal.
  5. Sometimes we try to do two things at the same time. For example, take a shower and brush your teeth. But experts say it's important to see what you're doing with your full focus on brushing your teeth. Stand in front of the mirror and take only two minutes of your time - then you will definitely not need the addresses of dental clinics in the near future.

Treatment of toothache folk remedies

To prevent toothache from bothering you, use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Propolis.
    Put a piece of propolis (according to the size of the hollow) in the hollow of the diseased tooth. To soften propolis, you can preheat it, but so that the temperature does not exceed 60 ° C.
  2. Salt solution.
    1-2 tbsp. l. salt dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Rinse the aching tooth vigorously with this solution. After 5 minutes, repeat rinsing until the pain subsides. Repeat rinsing after 1 hour.
  3. Onion swab.
    Toothache will go away if you do the following:
    Finely chop a piece of onion, wrap it in cheesecloth and put it in the right ear if the tooth hurts on the left, and, conversely, if the pain is on the right, put the swab in the left ear.
  4. Tampon with onion juice.
    With dental neuralgia, a cotton swab moistened with onion juice can be put into the "hollow" of the tooth.
  5. Garlic pain relief.
    Successfully used to eliminate pain. To do this, a clove of garlic is cut in half, applied to the pulse point of the hand on the opposite side of the diseased tooth and tightly bandaged. As a rule, the pain subsides.
  6. Fir oil.
    fir essential oil relieves pain if moistened with cotton wool, applied to the aching tooth and held for 10-20 minutes. on one side and then transfer to the other side. After 1.5-2 hours, the procedure can be repeated.
  7. Valerian and sorrel.
    Place valerian or horse sorrel leaves between the aching tooth and cheek. You can just chew these leaves. It quickly soothes the toothache.
  8. Table beet.
    To reduce pain, you can put raw beets on the affected tooth.
  9. Poppy broth.
    Navar on the milk of green heads of sleeping pills poppy to keep in the mouth near the diseased tooth (immature poppy with white seeds).
  10. Plantain root.
    For toothache of a catarrhal and, especially, rheumatic nature, put fresh psyllium root in gauze on the side where the tooth hurts. Keep throughout the day - until the pain stops.
  11. Lard.
    With a toothache, a slice of old lard is cleaned of salt and applied to a sore spot between the cheek and gum. The pain subsides in 15-20 minutes. Throw away the used fat. The patient is relieved of pain for a long time.
  12. Kalanchoe.
    Take one or more leaves of Kalanchoe, knead and apply to the aching tooth with the gum. The compounds contained in the leaf pulp contribute to the rapid cessation of pain.
  13. Clay compresses.
    Help even with severe toothache and inflammation of the gums. To do this, you need to smear the neck, cheek and cheekbone with warm clay for several hours.
  14. propolis solution.
    After extraction of teeth and other operations in the oral cavity, use a 2-5% solution of propolis in 70% alcohol.
  15. Leaves coltsfoot.
    They take fresh leaves of the coltsfoot, knead and apply to a painful tumor on the gum after tooth extraction.
  16. Soap root.
    With severe toothache, it is recommended to chew the root of the soapwort officinalis (soap root, dog grass).
  17. Warming up from the collection.
    Used for toothache with swollen cheeks. Apply pads filled with black elderberry and chamomile flowers. To do this, a mixture of flowers is slightly moistened with boiling water, then strongly heated over a fire in a saucepan and, having filled a bag with them, they are applied to a sore spot and carefully tied.

Pain reliever for toothache

  1. Pain reliever.
    If you have an acute toothache, then you need to put a cotton swab soaked in the composition on the aching tooth. The recipe is as follows: pour 2-3 tbsp. l. chopped herb oregano 10 tbsp. l. pumpkin seed oil, leave for 8 hours, strain and squeeze.
  2. Pain relief mixture.
    Take garlic, onion and salt in equal parts. Prepare a bowl with salt. Clean the hollow from food debris, put the mixture into it and cover with a cotton swab.


  1. Infusion of chicory.
    Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed root of common chicory (petr's batogi) brew 200 ml of acidified boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain.
    Use warm to rinse a diseased tooth with severe pain.
    You can also chew freshly dug chicory root after cleaning it.
  2. Infusion of yarrow.
    1 st. l. chopped yarrow herb brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use as a tooth rinse as a pain reliever.
  3. Melissa infusion.
    8 tsp dry chopped herb melissa officinalis (lemon mint) pour 400 ml hot water, insist 4 hours and strain.
    Rinse your mouth with toothache and inflammation of the gums (periosteum).
  4. Thyme infusion.
    1-2 tbsp. l. chopped herb creeping thyme (thyme) brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Use as a rinse for toothache, gum disease and ulceration of the oral mucosa.
  5. Infusion of rue.
    If you have a severe toothache with swelling and a swollen cheek, then you need to rinse your mouth with the following remedy.
    1 tsp crushed leaves of fragrant rue, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain.
    At the same time drink 100 ml of infusion in the morning and before bedtime.

    Remember! Ruta is a poisonous plant! Contraindicated for pregnant women and children!

  6. Plantain infusion.
    15-20 g of crushed plantain leaves brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and strain. Rinse your mouth with a toothache or instill an infusion into the cavity of a diseased tooth.
    Rub the gums with freshly prepared plantain juice.
  7. Flax infusion.
    2 tsp crushed seeds of fiber flax, brew 200 ml of hot boiled milk and insist, wrapped, 45 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth with warm infusion. You can drink in small sips.
    If there is no milk, you can brew in water.

    Attention! The infusion is contraindicated when taken orally with cholecystitis and hepatitis.

  8. Collection tincture.
    Take in equal proportions the herb of sage officinalis and lemon balm officinalis.
    1 st. l. chopped mixture, brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour in dark place and strain.
    Rinse your mouth every half an hour for 5 minutes.

Decoctions for toothache

  1. A decoction of sage.
    Brew the herb of sage officinalis and rinse your mouth with a warm decoction, trying to keep the decoction near the diseased tooth for a longer time. Spit out the cooled broth and collect a new warm one. Do such procedures 3-4 times for half an hour.
  2. Turnip decoction.

    If you have a toothache, turnip decoction will help well.

    Take 2 tbsp. l. chopped turnip root, brew 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. and strain. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction.

  3. Decoction of eryngium.
    10 g of crushed herb eryngium flat-leaved pour 200 ml of hot water, boil under a lid in a water bath. 15 minutes, chill 45 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth with inflammatory processes and toothache.
  4. Decoction of hyssop.
    Take 30 g of hyssop officinalis herb, pour 240 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes, add a few drops of vinegar. Use for poultices and mouthwash.
  5. Calamus decoction.
    Rhizomes of ordinary 30 g chop and pour 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. cover, leave for 2 hours and strain. Rinse your teeth.
  6. Decoction of calamus vodka.
    10 g of powder from the dry calamus rhizome pour 500 ml of vodka, shake, close tightly and tie the cork with twine. Cover the bottle with dough and bake in a standing position, like bread. It turns out a vodka decoction of calamus, a glass of which is taken into the mouth and kept on the aching tooth.
  7. Nut decoction.
    1 st. l. crushed amniotic fluid walnut pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute, leave for 30 minutes. and strain. Rinse your teeth.
  8. Collection decoction.
    A decoction of sage leaves and oak bark sweeten with honey to taste and apply warm as a rinse with flux. The components are taken in equal parts by weight.

Alcohol tinctures

  1. Chicory tincture.
    1 st. l. crushed chicory root pour 150 ml of vodka or 45% alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 7 days.

    If caries is clearly visible - put a cotton wool with tincture in the "hollow"; if the tooth just hurts (it is not clear why) - put a cotton swab with tincture on the tooth.

    Even pulpitis pain passes very quickly. If the gums are inflamed, it breaks all the teeth - 1 tsp is taken. chicory tincture per 100 ml of water - rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

  2. Aconite tincture.
    Fill a half-liter jar halfway with fresh aconite grass (wolf root, wrestler). Then pour vodka to the brim, leave for 30 days in a dark place and then strain into a dark glass bottle.
    Start with 1 drop per 100 ml of water and increase by 1 drop every day, gradually increasing to 40 drops per 150 ml of water.
    Do not swallow water immediately, but hold it in your mouth for 3 minutes, then swallow it, brush your teeth before using the tincture.

    Remember! The plant is poisonous! Overdose can cause nausea, vomiting, numbness of the lips, tongue, limbs, blurred vision, dizziness.

  3. Ginseng tincture.
    In the case of acute toothache, moisten a cotton swab in tincture and cover the aching tooth with it. After 7-10 min. the pain will stop.
    You can carry out preventive treatment of the oral cavity with tincture of ginseng. To do this, take 1 tsp. tincture and keep near the gums for 10-15 minutes. Do this procedure once a day for 2 weeks.
    Tincture can be prepared at home: take ginseng root and pour vodka, leave for 25-30 days.
  4. Calamus tincture.
    Pour 20 g of crushed calamus rhizome with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, leave for 8 days in a warm place, shaking often, strain.
    Apply the tincture to the aching tooth on a cotton swab.
  5. Birch tincture.
    Pour 25 g of crushed birch buds with 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 8 days, strain. For toothache, apply a cotton swab with tincture to the aching tooth.
  6. Valerian tincture.
    For toothache, it is useful to take, as a sedative, 20 drops of valerian root tincture officinalis 2-3 times a day.
  7. Cornflower tincture.
    1 st. l. dry crushed flowers of blue cornflower (voloshka) pour 100 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place and strain. Use for lotions and rinses.
  8. Sophora tincture.
    50 g of crushed fruits or flowers of Japanese Sophora pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for 4 weeks and strain. Use for lotions for toothache.
  9. Tinctures of propolis and calamus.
    When a tooth hurts, take 1 tbsp. l. calamus tincture and 1 tsp. propolis tincture (20 g of propolis per 500 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days). Keep each tincture in your mouth for 1-3 minutes. Then spit it out. The course of treatment is a month (Tincture of calamus - see above).

Juices for toothache

  1. Plantain juice.
    In case of toothache, juice from fresh plantain leaves is moistened with cotton wool or a piece of bandage and applied to a sore tooth or sore spot on the gum.
  2. Collection juice.
    They take a mixture of thyme herb (thyme) and large plantain 1: 1 and pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for toothache.
  3. Iris juice.
    Juice from fresh rhizomes of iris (common name "cockerel") is used to soothe toothache.

10 ways to quickly get rid of a toothache, video