Hemlock grass - medicinal properties and contraindications. Hemlock herb - medicinal properties, benefits and harms, recipes for preparing Hemlock decoction, medicinal properties and contraindications, method of use

Hemlock has been known since antiquity. This plant was mentioned in the treatises of Hippocrates. It is considered a weed, and also very poisonous. That is why in ancient Greece hemlock juice was used as poison.

Nowadays, hemlock is not officially suitable for health purposes. This article will discuss whether hemlock grass has medicinal properties.

In contact with


Previously, products made from hemlock were widely used in medicine. Moreover, the following diseases were treated with hemlock:

  • tumors, including cancer;
  • scrofula;
  • heartburn;
  • rheumatism;
  • headache;
  • anemia;
  • insomnia.

Due to medicinal properties hemlock is very unreliable and even controversial, in addition, there are strong contraindications due to frequent poisoning; since 1990 it has ceased to be used as a medicine. That is why hemlock is not recommended for women, men, or children.

Description of hemlock spotted (speckled)

It is very important to find out what hemlock looks like and where it grows. It is important not to confuse it with an ordinary weed, because the grass is quite dangerous for humans.

Where does grass grow?

In our country, one of the four types of hemlock is widespread, the name of which is Conium maculatum. From Latin it is translated as spotted or speckled hemlock. There is a lot of it in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus and western Siberia. Finding a weed doesn't require any effort because it grows under every fence.

It can also be found on the roadside. Typically, the most exceptional soil for hemlock to grow is moist and well-fertilized. So the plant feels good in meadows, forest edges, various pastures and landfills.

This plant is also widespread in Europe and Asia.

What does it look like?

The hemlock grass belongs to the Apiaceae family. The life cycle of this plant is two years. In the first year it is very similar to parsley: it has a bunch of leaves at the very roots. They themselves are large, feathery, pointed in shape. The root is slightly crooked. At this time, the weed can easily be confused with parsley and become poisoned.

Hemlock flower

Generally, neither cows nor other livestock are harmed by eating this plant. In order to receive lethal dose, the animal must absorb about 4 kilograms of weed. And since it does not grow in such quantities in one place, such cases are excluded. As for poultry, in this case you should be wary, because seventy grams of the plant is enough to take the life of unfortunate ducks or chickens.

The weed grows taller in its second year. Can reach two meters in height. It has a tubular branched stem that is hollow inside. There are dark red spots in the lower part. Often, while playing, children pick off hemlock stems and make whistles out of them, which can lead to serious poisoning.

In May, the hemlock plant begins to bloom. The flowers are small, snow-white, and form panicle-shaped inflorescences. This flowering continues until August. If you rub the weed leaves in your hands during this period, you can smell an unpleasant mouse smell.

It is very important to wash your hands with soap after such manipulations. But if you don’t do this, or even touch your lips or eyes with your hands, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Considering some of the medicinal properties of hemlock, folk medicine It is possible to use its leaves in another way: they are applied at night for pain in the spine or joints. Also, the stem of the weed is added to a birch broom, which is used in the bathhouse.

What to do if you are poisoned by a plant?

If poisoning occurs with a plant such as speckled hemlock, in this case the patient must be given first aid.

To ensure that the poison is no longer absorbed from the stomach, you need to start rinsing. The patient should drink about half a liter of water, to which olive or sunflower oil should be added. After this, it is necessary to induce vomiting.

This procedure is contraindicated in young children, as well as patients who are unconscious.

After such manipulations, the patient takes activated carbon in the following proportions: three or four tablets per ten kilograms of body weight. This drug can be replaced with Smecta or Polysorb.

Then it is best to put the patient to bed and cover with a blanket. Windows must be open. Fresh air will make the patient's breathing easier. The patient should also drink as much fluid as possible. It could be, or a decoction of oak bark.

Useful video

The video below will tell you about the medicinal properties of hemlock:


  1. Hemlock is a poisonous plant that grows in pastures and forest edges. By appearance It resembles parsley, so it’s easy to accidentally pick it and get poisoned.
  2. Official medicine does not consider hemlock a medicinal plant.
  3. Judging by the reviews, the tincture of this weed does not produce visible results, but there is a risk of poisoning. That is why it is better not to use it internally, only externally.

In contact with

Spotted hemlock (Conium maculātum) is a herbaceous biennial plant, a species of the genus Hemlock (Conium) of the Apiaceae family. Popularly called:


wild parsley;




dog angelica.


The plant is widespread in the Caucasus, North Africa, throughout Europe, Western Siberia, as well as in Central Asia. This plant grows in wastelands, vegetable gardens, ravine slopes and river banks and infests grain crops. Hemlock prefers sunny places and moist, humus soil. Tolerates frosts down to -30 0 C.

Botanical description

Spotted hemlock grows up to 2 m in height. The stem is tubular, hollow inside, branched. Sometimes a mucous coating forms, and brown spots appear in the lower part.

In the first year, a basal rosette of three-pinnate, pointed, broadly triangular leaves develops. They are located on petioles (about 30-60 cm) and are very similar to the foliage of parsley. Further, the leaves are arranged alternately on small petioles and have an oblong-ovate shape. The upper leaves are small, with a narrow sheath, almost sessile. When rubbed, it has an unpleasant aroma, similar to that of a mouse.

Hemlock forms corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, on which numerous umbrellas with flowers are located. The flowers are small, five-dimensional, white. Blooms in summer from June to August.

The fruits are two-seeds, which are divided into two half-fruits (mericarp) 3-3.5 mm long. They are very similar to dill seeds. The seeds are ovoid or round in shape, light brown in color, with wavy protruding ribs, slightly compressed at the edges. The plant produces up to 12 thousand seeds. Fresh seeds germinate poorly, but overwintered ones have very good germination. Fruiting - August-September.

The root system is powerful and taprooted. The root is spindle-shaped, white, and looks like a carrot.

Collection and preparation

The procurement of raw materials begins at the beginning of flowering - in May and the first half of June. The entire herbaceous part of the plant is used. Since omega is poisonous, it is recommended to collect it with gloves or other protective equipment. Hemlock is not dangerous for the respiratory system, but under no circumstances should you try it!

Dry it in the usual way, laying it out on paper under a canopy. It is advisable to protect it from contact with other herbs and place it separately. It must be stored in a well-sealed container away from other medicinal raw materials and products.

Composition and medicinal properties

The chemical composition of the plant consists of:

  • alkaloids;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • fatty oils (glycerides of petroselidinic and petroselinic acids);
  • retinol;
  • caffeic acid;
  • coniine;
  • ascorbic acid.

Spotted hemlock has especially healing properties during the flowering period. Thanks to the large number of alkaloids, the plant is a powerful immunomodulator, antispasmodic, diuretic, sedative, anticonvulsant and cardiac analgesic. Has an antiseptic effect. Used in the fight against tumors, cysts and polyps.

Due to the high poison content, traditional medicine does not recognize the plant as a medicinal plant. But traditional medicine has been using the collection of this herb for centuries in the following cases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • skin cancer;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus);
  • prostatitis;
  • tinnitus;
  • thyroid pathologies;
  • eczema, erysipelas;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • intestinal and gastric colic;
  • bladder polyps;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • gynecological pathology (endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, polyps of the reproductive organs, malignant tumors);
  • mastopathy.


When treating with drugs based on this spotted hemlock, you should refrain from consuming dairy products, fatty and canned foods, and reduce the salt and sugar content. Alcohol must be completely avoided.

  • Young fresh leaves of the plant are used to treat articular rheumatism, gout, and thrombophlebitis. They are wrapped in natural fabric and placed in boiling water for a few seconds. Apply to the affected area 3-4 times during the day.
  • For hypertension, take 2 drops of the alcohol tincture discussed below 4 times a day for 2-3 months.
  • Hemlock is used for hemorrhoids, burns, and skin diseases. It can also be used for various stages of cancer. Mix 100 g of unrefined sunflower oil and 25 g of dried hemlock herb. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Filter the finished composition. Place another 100 g of oil in a container and place it on the fire. Add candle wax in small portions, stirring constantly. When the oil lightens, it should be removed from the heat and cooled. Combine the two butter mixtures and mix thoroughly. This ointment can be left on throughout the day. Keep this product in the head and neck area for no more than 2 hours.

Application in oncological diseases

The poisons contained in the plant, quercetin and coniine, in small quantities, activate the body’s immune cells. He perceives these substances as abnormal, foreign substances and tries to get rid of them. Along with this, it also captures other pathogenic bacteria and diseased cells. Many healers claim that spotted hemlock is effective even at stage 4 of cancer, eliminating and stopping the growth of metastases. But no official confirmation of this statement has been received.

Not all patients have an activated immune response, so do not neglect visiting a specialist and self-medicate.

They fight cancer with the help of tincture.

Tincture recipe:

  • Collection medicinal plant occurs immediately in a pre-prepared container containing 0.5 liters of vodka. 1/3 of the liquid is filled with raw materials, if these are leaves and inflorescences. When filled with umbrellas alone, the container is completely filled. The resulting product must be shaken periodically; it is strictly forbidden to open the lid. It should be stored in the refrigerator for about 2-2.5 weeks. Then strain and store in a cool place. dark place.
  • Basal leaves and unripe seeds can be infused with pure medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:2 (leaves + seeds: alcohol). Infuse in a cool dark place or refrigerator for 18-20 days.
  • Treatment with hemlock tincture usually follows the method of V.V. Tishchenko. or "royal". The tincture is diluted in half a glass of water and taken at the same time once a day before meals. The dose increases gradually and corresponds to the day of administration, starting from day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops, and so on up to 40 drops, and then in the opposite direction. They drink 2-3 courses in this way with a possible break of a week. It is recommended to use this scheme 2 times a year.

This method is suitable for treating adenoma in men.

  • Treatment is also carried out using the Nikiforov method. With this method, the solution is used 3 times a day after 6 hours. Start taking it with 5 drops per glass of water. Subsequent times add 1 drop. When the number of drops increases to 30, the dose should be reduced again to 5.

It is important to remember that when undergoing a course of chemotherapy, therapy with spotted hemlock tincture is prohibited!

Application in gynecology

Hemlock is very effective in gynecology.

When a diagnosis of cervical cancer or mastopathy is made, the tincture is taken according to standard scheme after consulting your doctor. For cervical cancer, it is additionally recommended to use a decoction consisting of:

  • tenacious bedstraw – 20 g;
  • boron uterus – 20 g;
  • meadowsweet – 30 g;
  • water mint, strawberry leaves, mistletoe inflorescences, bergenia - 10 g each.

In 360 ml cold water place 22 g of collection. Leave for about 1 hour and place in a water bath. Boil for about 20 minutes. Add 15 ml of cinquefoil tincture to the cooled broth. Take 120 ml simultaneously with hemlock tincture. At the same time, you can douche with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, horse sorrel, and sweet clover.

To restore blood vessels and remove poison, it is necessary to use a decoction of rose hips and pine needles. Add 65 g of rose hips and 130 g of pine needles to 1.6 liters of water. Boil over low heat for 12 minutes and pour into a thermos. Leave overnight and consume the entire volume in small portions per day.

Signs of poisoning

When using medicines based on hemlock spotted, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, it can lead to severe poisoning.

The first signs of poisoning:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • excitation;
  • enlarged pupils;
  • constipation.

If these signs are detected, you should take activated carbon and drink 2 glasses of warm milk with a small amount of potassium permanganate. And call a doctor immediately.

Hemlock is a very interesting, ubiquitous plant that has a controversial reputation. This herb has long been used for medicinal purposes and is widely known for its healing properties. However, it is no secret that hemlock is poisonous and requires precise dosage. Therefore, it must be used very carefully. Let's discuss what hemlock looks like and how it can be treated. We will separately touch on contraindications for use. The material is supplied with photographs of hemlock leaves and fruits, so that even an inexperienced herbalist cannot make a mistake.

Hemlock is a wild herbaceous plant that has a two-year life cycle. In the first year it does not form reproductive organs and does not form a long stem. The above-ground part is represented by a lush rosette of basal leaves. Flowering occurs in the second year, usually in mid-July. Many white shield-shaped inflorescences are formed. The fruits are set no earlier than August. The plant belongs to the umbrella family. Reaches a height of more than 1.5 m, under favorable conditions it can grow taller than human height.

The leaves of the plant are strongly dissected, openwork, reminiscent of carrots. The lower leaf plates can reach a length of up to 50 cm. The fruits are characteristic of Umbelliferae, round or ovoid, slightly laterally compressed, brown, about 3 mm long. The stem is smooth, hollow. Spotted or speckled hemlock is ubiquitous. It is called so because there are characteristic red-brown spots on the stem. Hemlock exudes a peculiar unpleasant odor.

Hemlock has an unpleasant odor

The distribution area of ​​this plant is quite wide. It grows near roads, in landfills, along river banks, on forest edges, wastelands, vegetable gardens, etc. In nature, it is found throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, in the Asian region with a temperate climate, in China, almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, incl. in the Caucasus and Western Siberia.

Hemlock can grow almost anywhere where winter temperatures do not drop below -30 C° and there is snow cover so that the biennial plant can successfully overwinter. In areas rich in nutrients, for example, near livestock farms where there is a lot of manure, hemlock grows quite wildly. Prefers a moisture-absorbing, not over-moistened substrate and well-lit areas.

Important! Hemlock has a number of popular names, these are: hemlock, poisonous umbrella, stinkhorn, omega, tar, mace, etc.

Uses of hemlock

Treatment with hemlock has a very ancient history. There is evidence that small doses of drugs based on this plant were first proposed by Hippocrates. Interest in hemlock treatment methods waned and then increased again. Now that there is a rise in herbal medicine in our country, this plant has not been forgotten. Patented medicines based on hemlock have appeared, although they are most widely used in homeopathy.

The most valuable properties of hemlock are in the treatment of tumors, including cancer. A strong plant alkaloid, caniine, found in plant organs, acts as an antigen. It triggers immune reactions that under normal conditions cannot occur in the human body. Special proteins of a protein nature are formed in the blood, which, when disintegrating, inhibit cancer cells.

Hemlock is used to treat various diseases

Several regimens for taking hemlock are popular, among them the most widely used methods are those developed by the following specialists:

  1. Tishchenko V.V. (royal).
  2. Danikov N.I.
  3. Nikoforov Yu.V.

Therapeutic doses of drugs prepared from hemlock leaves, seeds or stems are used to achieve the following medicinal effects:

  • pain relief;
  • wound healing;
  • improving immunity;
  • combating tumors of various etiologies;
  • treatment of chronic infectious disorders;
  • calm;
  • disinfection;
  • improving the functioning of the vascular system;
  • eliminating disruptions in hematopoietic activity.

It is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture; you can use vodka for this purpose. Since plant alkaloids and fatty oils contained in hemlock dissolve better in ethyl alcohol. In addition, the water tincture can only be stored for a few days. While an alcohol-based drug can be stored in the refrigerator for at least 1 year, and often much longer.

Advice. When treating tumors using hemlock, you can prepare a tincture using good homemade moonshine. Because it is believed that microscopic doses of fusel oils help get rid of malignant tumors.

The collection of hemlock raw materials must be treated with extreme caution. Since the plant contains a huge amount of essential oils, its inflorescences have a strong odor. When collecting, headaches and ailments may occur. To avoid such troubles, you need to approach the plants from the leeward side.

Contraindications to the use of hemlock

In no case should we forget that hemlock is a nerve poison. The strongest alkaloids in the plant can cause poisoning if the dose is exceeded.

Hemlock should not be used to treat children

Primary signs of overdose are:

  • irritability;
  • increased blood pressure and heart rate;
  • tremor;
  • nausea;
  • speech disorder;
  • dilated pupils;
  • pale skin.

In case of poisoning, you must immediately go to the hospital. Where qualified care will be provided in a hospital setting. Otherwise, paralysis, convulsions, breathing problems, and loss of skin sensitivity are possible.

Important! Also in Ancient Greece Hemlock was used as an effective medicine. However, at the same time it was also used as a poison for the execution of dangerous criminals.

Often people do not believe in the effectiveness of herbal treatment and treat such drugs as weak. But in the case of hemlock, we must not forget that in its chemical composition contains toxic substances. Contraindications for use:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Elderly age.
  3. Immune system disorders.
  4. General exhaustion.
  5. Postoperative period.
  6. Liver diseases.

Remember that hemlock is poisonous and should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Also, most doctors agree that giving hemlock to children is very dangerous. Here the statement “do no harm” should be adhered to. In addition, you need to understand that in the treatment of cancer it is always necessary to consult a doctor. Since hemlock tincture can sometimes cause unpredictable immune reactions, a specialist should be aware of the use of the drug. Moreover, hemlock may interfere with the effectiveness of chemical or radiation therapy. It is extremely important to consult with your doctor about all medications that the patient intends to take.

Hemlock, like many other poisonous plants, can have a healing effect on human body. By triggering complex processes, accelerating the heart rate, increasing blood pressure, this plant is healing. But it is very important not to forget that this is poison. Collecting, preparing and taking tinctures must be done extremely carefully, in measured doses, without deviating from the chosen treatment regimen.

Speckled hemlock: video

Hemlock is a weed and poisonous plant. In our country it is not considered a pharmacopoeial drug, but in many European countries it is officially recognized as a medicinal drug. Supporters unconventional methods Health professionals have long used plant poison in small concentrations as a life-saving remedy. But official medicine does not give a final conclusion, but does not discount the medicinal properties and contraindications of hemlock. The special status of the plant is evidenced by the fact that in a number of countries scientists are still trying to obtain new antitumor drugs from the juice of the grass.

Hemlock has been known to mankind since antiquity. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, mentioned it in his treatises. In Greece, during the time of Socrates, the juice of the plant was used as an officially approved poison for execution.

The entire above-ground part of hemlock (stems, leaves, inflorescences and fruits) is saturated with alkaloids. These substances cause severe poisoning in humans. However, in ultra-small doses they have a completely different effect. Alkaloids are able to activate the body’s defenses and set it up for recovery.

The main poison of hemlock is coniine. It is slightly weaker in strength than curare (a deadly poison that the inhabitants of the South American continent used to smear arrowheads). Another part of the active compounds is represented by conhydrin, coniceine, and methylconiine.

Hemlock preparations are used in homeopathy (a value system where medicines are prepared by repeated dilution of active substances, which in high doses cause symptoms similar to the manifestations of the disease, and in low concentrations can reconfigure the body and push it towards recovery). The plant has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

They treat:

  • diseases of the joints and bones, including those associated with metabolic disorders (deforming arthritis, arthrosis, gout);
  • vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis);
  • autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatism).

Traditional medicine attributes hemlock analgesic, hypotensive, anticonvulsant, and immunostimulating properties. The plant helps with epilepsy, dizziness, spastic pain in the stomach and intestines, spasms of cerebral vessels, anemia, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and chronic infections.

Alternative medicine uses hemlock to treat benign tumors, polyps, adenomas, and skin tumors.

The herb stimulates urine flow, helps with painful periods, regulates the female cycle, and relieves painful coughing attacks.

What does the plant help with?

Application in oncological diseases

One of the most important properties of the plant is its ability to infect cancer cells.

Hemlock poisons coniin and quercetin in small quantities stimulate the immune system, setting it up to destroy abnormal, actively growing tumors.

Small doses of poisons are perceived by the body as foreign substances. He seeks to get rid of them, activating all his powers. Along the way, immunity attacks any cells that differ from normal ones, including all kinds of pathogenic bacteria that act externally and internally.

According to adherents of alternative medicine, hemlock inhibits tumor growth at any stage of the disease. It can slow down the spread of metastases and even completely cure cancer.

Everyone's sensitivity to herbal remedies is different. Poisons only push the immune system to fight the disease. Hence the conclusion: the more strength a person has left, the higher the chances of recovery. Since everyone’s health is different, hemlock will help some and not others.

You can find many reviews about the effectiveness of the plant, but the veracity of these statements is difficult to confirm. Official medicine does not advise abandoning traditional therapy in favor of herbal treatment.

The use of hemlock preparations for cancer does not always have a positive effect. Even according to the herbalists themselves, approximately 30% of patients do not develop an immune response. This may be due to immunity to the drug or too weak health.

Proponents of alternative methods believe that natural remedies at a minimum, they have the right to become part of complex therapy, i.e. with the approval of a physician, they can be used in conjunction with conventional medications. To increase the effectiveness of treatment in advanced cases, it is worth periodically changing poisons. After hemlock, you can switch to aconite or celandine, thereby activating additional resources.

In gynecology

Hemlock preparations are used in folk medicine to treat fibroids and cysts of the female genital organs of various locations. Conium maculatum (the Latin name of the plant) is prescribed for cervical erosions, endometrial polyps, benign neoplasms of the mammary glands, failures in menstrual cycle, scanty or painful periods.

To treat the mucous membrane of the cervix and cystic formations of the ovaries, tampons are used, soaked in an infusion of chamomile, sage, calendula with the addition of a few drops of hemlock aqueous extract.

Natural raw materials serve as the basis for medicine Mastopol (against formations in the mammary glands). In 2004, scientists from the laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsAGiP im. V.I. Kulakov conducted a number of studies that confirmed the effectiveness of this drug.

By the end of the first month of treatment, 70% of women receiving Mastopol showed positive dynamics in the form of a decrease in the density and size of formations. After two months of the drug, 60% of patients completely got rid of fibrocystic seals. The remaining 40% showed clear improvements.

From the above it follows that hemlock, together with other homeopathic remedies really has a positive effect on women's health.

How to take hemlock correctly?

Tincture - how to prepare and use

Alcohol most effectively draws out alkaloids, so the tincture is considered the most potent remedy among hemlock preparations. It is used to treat serious diseases.

The secret of preparation lies in strict adherence to the rules for the preparation of raw materials, strict adherence to recommendations on proportions and holding time. The largest amount of alkaloids is concentrated in a mature plant. Hemlocks need to be collected at the end of flowering and the beginning of fruiting.

Alcohol and plant parts are taken in a ratio of 1:2. Harvested hemlock should not be stored for long. When dried, it loses its beneficial features.

It is best to prepare the tincture directly at the collection site. Prepare a liter jar in advance with 200 ml of alcohol poured into it. Collect two glasses of inflorescences and seeds. Chop them right on the spot with scissors and pour them into a jar of alcohol. Close the lid tightly.

Upon return, the jar should be placed in a cool place. The product should be infused at a temperature of 15-20°C. The optimal holding time is 40 days. But if you need hemlock tincture earlier, you can reduce this period to 21 days.

The jar should be shaken daily without opening. At the end of the period, the medicine should be filtered. Drain into a clean glass container. Pack it tightly, be sure to label it (so that no one at home accidentally drinks it) and put it in the refrigerator.

As a pain reliever during menstruation, intestinal spasms, and renal colic, the tincture is taken up to 5 times a day, two drops per glass, 20-30 minutes before meals. For other types of pain, you can lubricate the skin over the problem area with a cotton pad soaked in tincture.

Treatment of chronic complex diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, benign neoplasms is carried out according to the scheme. On the first day in the morning, an hour before meals, take a drop of the product dissolved in half a glass of water. On the second day, drink two drops and so on until 13.

Starting from the fourteenth day, the drops are dissolved in a larger volume (2/3 cup) of water. Increase the dose daily to 24 drops.

From the 25th day, the product is diluted in a whole glass of water. Adjust the dose to 40 drops. After this, reduce the volume of the medicine in reverse order to 1 drop.

Several courses are alternated without a break for 8 months. Sometimes at some stage the patient may feel signs of deterioration in health: nausea, dizziness. This does not mean that you should refuse treatment. You just need to start reducing the dose from this day on, without bringing it to the maximum.

The optimal treatment option for chronic diseases may be to gradually increase the dose to 15 drops according to the announced dosage regimen. And then take this amount of the product for 4 months. The gentle way helps to avoid side effects.

Radical treatment consists of taking 5 drops of hemlock three times a day at intervals of six hours. The next day, the dose is increased by one drop. In this way, bring to 30 drops. Reduce to 5 in reverse order. Hemlock is dissolved in a small amount of water. Take before meals (20-30 minutes before).

Hemlock oil

The oil is obtained from freshly picked inflorescences. It is necessary to cut off the juicy, fleshy parts of the plant. They are chopped with scissors. Immediately fill a third of the glass jar with them. Pour vegetable oil up to the neck. Place the container in a cool place for three weeks. Shake daily without opening the lid.

The oil is filtered through cheesecloth. Store in a cool, dark place.

It is used externally:

  • in the presence of cysts and fibroids in the chest;
  • for joint pain;
  • to remove discomfort with thrombophlebitis;
  • during treatment of hemorrhoids.

Before applying to the skin, the product is diluted again vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2.

Side effects of the plant

In the right doses, hemlock preparations cause virtually no side effects. The herb slightly increases blood pressure and increases heart contractions.

If there is an excess of medicine, signs of poisoning are observed: nausea, drooling, dizziness, convulsions, loss of skin sensitivity. Starting from the lower extremities, paralysis develops. Choking can cause breathing to stop completely.

If the first signs are present, emergency measures should be taken. Rinse the stomach and drink the antidote - milk, slightly tinted with potassium permanganate.

Poisoning can occur through accidental contact with any parts of the plant, so you only need to collect it while wearing gloves.

Contraindications for use

Hemlock products rarely cause an allergic reaction. But if the patient is particularly susceptible, he should not be treated with herbal preparations.

It is forbidden to give hemlock to children under 18 years of age, nursing and pregnant women. The tincture is contraindicated in overly weakened patients connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, and in patients who have recently undergone surgery.

Hemlock alkaloids are utilized by the liver, so if there are serious disturbances in the functioning of this organ, such a medicine can be harmful.

Treatment with poisons becomes effective if all conditions are met, so it is better to seek help from competent specialists who will select the correct dose and formulate a dosage regimen.

Some medicinal herbs compete with many medicines. Many plants help overcome deadly diseases. One of these natural healers is hemlock, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known to herbalists for many centuries.

Medicinal properties of the plant

– a poisonous plant, it should only be collected with rubber gloves. The maximum healing power of the herb is observed at the moment of flowering; the entire visible part is used for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

In addition to poisonous alkaloids, hemlock contains fatty and essential oils, tannins, ascorbic acid, retinol. The plant helps to awaken the body, all internal organs begin to work actively.

The medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to effectively use hemlock as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant. Preparations containing this herb help strengthen the immune system and help with seizures.

  • benign tumors - mastopathy, ovarian cyst;
  • promotes the resorption of polyps in bladder, stomach and intestines;
  • prevents the growth of the prostate with adenoma;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • for migraine, epilepsy.

Hemlock quickly reduces high blood pressure, effectively copes with tuberculosis, syphilis, and hearing impairment.

The main benefit of hemlock is its healing properties for oncology. The plant has high antitumor activity; beneficial substances act directly on the tumor, destroy cancer cells, and prevent the development of concomitant diseases.

Important! Even the most effective medicinal herbs should only be used in tandem with traditional therapy.

Medicine prescriptions

Various medicinal potions are prepared from hemlock, each of which must be used for specific diseases.

The most effective way is to use a high-quality tincture, which should be prepared from immature hemlock seeds. But this medicine should only be taken under the supervision of a herbalist, since the slightest excess of the dosage will cause severe poisoning. Products based on dry herbs are not as effective, but also less dangerous.

Tincture - how to prepare and what it treats

Helps eliminate prolonged cough, normalizes urination, and is a pain reliever. It is recommended to use it for anemia, frequent attacks, constipation, heartburn, and tinnitus. In case of loss of strength, weakened immunity, exhaustion, this drug is also indispensable.

Recipe for tincture from fresh raw materials

Hemlock must be immediately placed in alcohol, so all its beneficial properties will be preserved. Therefore, you must immediately pour 250 ml of alcohol into a liter jar. This amount will require 2 cups of raw materials chopped with scissors.

  1. After collection, the jar must be well closed, shaken thoroughly, and sent for 3 weeks (preferably 40 days) in a cool place.
  2. In an emergency situation, you can start taking it after three days of infusion.
  3. The container should be shaken several times every day; the lid should absolutely not be opened.
  4. The finished medicine must be carefully filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to take the medicine according to a special regimen. Start treatment with 1 drop, increase the dose by 1 drop daily. The maximum amount is 20–30 drops. Then also gradually reduce the dosage. The tincture should be consumed once a day, after mixing it in 100 ml of water.

Dry herb tincture

Place 40 g of raw material in 400 ml of vodka, keep in a dark room for 3 weeks, shake every other day. Take the strained medicine in the same way as the medicine from fresh hemlock.


The drug is used to treat internal tumors, thyroid goiter, fibroids. The medicine effectively eliminates pain caused by gout, rheumatism, and is effective for dermatological problems.

  1. Pour 270 ml of olive oil into chopped fresh herbs and seeds (27 g).
  2. Leave for 21 days, shake occasionally. Pass the medicine through gauze several times.

Use the product for compresses. Soak a natural thin fabric with ointment and fix it on the problem area for 30 minutes. The procedure should be carried out every day at least twice.

Important! Traditional medicine does not recognize hemlock; some countries have banned this plant due to its high toxicity.

Hemlock against cancer

The Tishchenko method (royal technique) allows you to achieve better results in the fight against cancer, since all proportions are met in the formula. Treatment lasts several months, first it is necessary to restore and cleanse the body.

Hemlock tincture should be taken in the form of a ladder - from 1 drop to 40, then in the opposite direction. The dose should be changed by one drop daily. To obtain noticeable results, a minimum of 2 courses will be required.

Liver cancer

For liver cancer, hemlock can be used at various stages. If the body is very weak, it is better to use water tincture. To do this, you need to dissolve 0.6 g of dry hemlock powder in 350 ml of boiling water. You need to brew the herb in the evening, drink half the medicine in the morning before breakfast. Use the second part immediately before bed. In this case, dinner should be early and light.

Stomach cancer

To treat stomach cancer, it is better to use a tincture of young shoots of hemlock - they do not irritate the intestines as much. This remedy relieves severe pain almost instantly.

The dose of the medicine should be gradually increased to 15 drops. Then you can stop at this amount and take it until the tumor shrinks in size.

Important! For tumors of the adrenal glands and other types of oncology, it is necessary, in addition to hemlock tincture, to take cinquefoil tincture.

Hemlock prevents metastases from appearing, the tumor does not increase in size, but does not completely resolve. Sabelnik makes the membrane of tumor cells permeable, antibodies easily penetrate the tumor and destroy it.

When taking tinctures together, it is necessary to take hemlock tincture 4 times a day. Start taking one drop for each dose, gradually increasing the number of drops to 5. You need to drink the medicine at this dosage until complete recovery.

After two hours, you should take 5 ml of cinquefoil tincture. If the body responds well, you can increase the dose to 12 ml.

The Tishchenko method helps men with adenoma.

Important! Hemlock preparations should not be taken during chemotherapy.

Hemlock is very effective for women, helping to overcome many diseases. In gynecology, preparations based on this plant are used internally and externally.

Uterine cancer

For this disease, you need to drink the tincture according to the standard regimen three times a day. Additionally, you need to take a special decoction.

  • hogweed uterus – 20 g;
  • tenacious bedstraw – 20 g;
  • meadowsweet – 30 g;
  • bergenia, mistletoe inflorescences, water mint, strawberry leaves - 10 g each.

Place 22 g of the mixture in a porcelain container and add 360 ml of cool water. After 50 minutes, send the mixture to a water bath and hold for a quarter of an hour. When the solution has cooled, add 15 ml of cinquefoil tincture. Take 120 ml together with hemlock tincture.

For compresses and douching, you can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sweet clover, and horse sorrel. The decoction is prepared from 15 g of raw materials and 230 ml of boiling water, cool, and filter before use.

Helps women with fibroids, various forms of mastopathy, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.


To treat the disease on early stage It is enough to take the tincture according to the standard regimen.

For a malignant form of mastopathy, the maximum amount of medicine can be increased to 40 drops, then gradually reduce the dose to the initial amount. Without a break, you need to start the course again.

Up to 13 drops, 100 ml of water will be enough. 13-26 drops – 150 ml, then the amount of water should be increased to 200 ml.


Prepare a herbal decoction of blackhead, wintergreen, and uterus. For 60 ml of decoction you will need 6 drops of hemlock tincture. The procedure should be carried out after waking up and before going to bed.

Therapy should be supplemented with a decoction of oregano to restore the blood formula. Add 35 g of dry herb to 550 ml of water, let the mixture boil, pour into a thermos, and leave overnight. Drink 70 ml with 5 g of honey three times a day.

To remove poison and restore blood vessels, you need to drink a decoction of pine needles and rose hips.

  1. Mix 130 g of pine needles and 65 g of rose hips.
  2. Pour in 1.6 liters of water.
  3. Keep on low heat for 12 minutes.
  4. Leave in a thermos overnight.

The entire infusion should be drunk in small portions per day.

Important! Hemlock tincture is an excellent remedy for infertility.

When else does a plant help?

For hypertension, you need to take 2 drops of alcohol tincture four times a day. Duration of therapy is 2-3 months.

For skin diseases, burns, hemorrhoids, and non-healing wounds, you can use ointment. This remedy also helps stages I and II.

  1. Mix 100 g of unrefined oil with 25 g of dry hemlock.
  2. Shake, put in the refrigerator for 14 days. Strain thoroughly.
  3. Take another 100 ml of oil and place on low heat. Add candle wax in small pieces and stir constantly.
  4. When the mass lightens, remove it from the heat and cool. Mix both ingredients and stir.

The ointment can be left on all day. The exception is the neck and head - in these areas the product should not be kept for more than two hours.

Fresh hemlock leaves help cure gout, thrombophlebitis, and articular rheumatism. The sheet should be wrapped in a thin natural cloth, immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, and applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day.


The main danger of hemlock is its toxicity. In case of poisoning, severe salivation begins, dizziness, nausea, a person has difficulty speaking and swallowing, and the skin turns pale. Without timely medical care possible paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

As first aid, the patient needs to drink 3 packs activated carbon, magnesium sulfate, camphor or caffeine. Hemlock is contraindicated for children, pregnant women, hypotensive patients, and people with kidney problems.

Hemlock is a powerful weapon against cancer. Traditional medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of this plant. But many doctors and herbalists recommend including hemlock tincture in a set of measures when fighting various tumors. The main condition is to follow the dosage and always remember that this herb is poisonous.

On forest edges, meadows, near roads and houses, in vegetable gardens, a person can notice a culture that is quite tall, has white flowers collected in umbrellas, leaves resembling...