Radical ways to solve global problems. Radical solution to men's problems Eating insects


First, what is expected in this case?
- Supposed psychologically move into a qualitatively different state.

Is such a transition always possible?
- Not always.

Is there a prospect for those for whom a psychological transition to a qualitatively different state is practically impossible?
- Eat. This feasible correction of the current condition in order to make interaction with the environment more adequate and, therefore, less pathogenic; make you feel more harmonious; make life more joyful.

The main limiting factor is the plastic reserve of the body in general and the brain, the psyche in particular...

Often a transition to a qualitatively new state is possible only with demotion of the organization, and this may be unacceptable for a person as an individual . And then the person is ready to put up with his acute problems (for example, severe psychosomatic illness) for the sake of preserving high level mental organization.

Another important limiting factor is sensory attachment to the existing structure of the soul. Overall satisfaction comes not only from the satisfaction of individual needs, but also from conformity with oneself in one’s existing structure . Yes, such correspondence is required by the idea of ​​oneself, and the fixing influence of society, and a lot more... - in general, when what is available is either of little value, or indifferent, or disgusting.

Level of consciousness development very strongly determines the possibility of transition to a qualitatively new state. People may in fact simply be incapable of conscious reorganization. Such ability or inability must be assessed in advance. Moreover, if a person is not capable of independent transition, his possibility must be assessed under the influence of either a significant other person or the community. Moreover, an effective connection can be both erotic and social.

Transfiguration, which we are talking about here - this is a qualitative leap. In order for it to happen, it is necessary, firstly, exhaust, fulfill a present state of mind ; Secondly, - form an idea about the next one.

If the available condition lagging behind From the biological stage, that is, stuckness occurs, measures are needed to make it completely unacceptable - neither consciously nor sensually...

If the cash condition is basically corresponds biological stage, measures should be aimed at improving and executing this organization. Improvement involves getting rid of relic stereotypes, suggestions, etc. Development involves the discovery of abilities and needs corresponding to the biological organization...

When overcoming psychological infantilism a new state, adequate to the biological organization, is established first as additional to the existing one, and then, gradually, as the main one, that is, extending to most of the waking state.

Psychological transition associated with age-related biological reorganization , is accomplished either critically (this is painful!), when one system of needs is replaced by another, or the gradual development of a new quality , that is, at first being realized in it only for a small fraction of time, sometimes with someone, and then making it the main one.

There is no need to rush into the age transition. The time allotted by nature must be used for self-improvement and all-round development. But if the deadline has come, even if the final stage was very satisfactory, then there is no need to hesitate.

If the transition to a mental state adequate to the biological organization is practically impossible, then the questions arise of feasible correction of the current state and optimization of a person’s life - from a specialist, and at the expense of the social environment - individuals, communities.

Suddenly Alexey realizes that he has fallen and is lying on something very uncomfortable. This something uncomfortable was Kharkevich’s body.

Alexey also realizes that his right hand is empty. "Walter" at Morozova's.

Did you hurt yourself? - Morozova asks carefully. Alexei sees her quite clearly in the doorway, but it seems to him that another silhouette is darkening behind her, short, very short, like a child’s...

An innocent child’s joke,” says Morozova, obviously meaning that Isa crawled on all fours behind Alexei and knocked him down with a blow to the knees. - The boy thought you wanted to shoot me.

Why on earth? - Alexey rises to his feet.

You never know. But you shot Kharkevich, won’t you argue?

It looks like it.

Fine. Now come with me.

Yeah... - Alexey staggers slightly and goes out into the corridor. - Why are you dragging the boy around with you?

I don’t even know,” says Morozova, patting Isa on the shoulder. - Possibly childhood memories. I told you how much I loved playing with the boys.

And what are you playing with him?

As it turned out, he is only good at playing one game - “protect your master.”

The owner?

I mean the hostess.

What is this, like a dog?

Well why not? I am his owner because I am older, smarter, more experienced. I care about him. I am his mistress not in the sense of owning him as a servant or a dog, I am his mistress in the sense of patronage and guidance. Many people, if not all, have owners. By the way, you also have owners, and I am one of them. Is not it?

So. But Kharkevich was another of my masters, and you...

He's gone now, so what's the point of this conversation?

Besides, another of my masters may order me to shoot you...

You look at things realistically.

- ... and then what should I do with loyalty and patronage?

I have a feeling you won't have this problem. I have a very strong feeling about you. Walk faster.


While Alena Belova is walking along the corridor, while Claw is walking towards her along the same corridor, Duke turns the corner and bumps into the ensign. Duke makes a sharp movement with his hand, and then catches the falling ensign. He looks at his watch and remembers Airapetov’s words recorded on his answering machine: “It will be in about an hour. I arranged everything. The girl will be taken in for questioning, and something will happen along the way. You'll like it".

As far as Duke understands, there are usually no interrogations this early. Well, that's how it usually is. And today is clearly an unusual day.

He approaches the warrant officer's desk and examines the plan of the pre-trial detention center, indicating the fire exits.

Duke has a choice - either to make his way to Alena Belova's cell, or to run to the administrative building, where investigators usually work with prisoners. “The girl will be taken in for interrogation.” Airapetov said so. You shouldn’t have identified yourself on the phone, Airapetov, oh, you shouldn’t have. Regardless of whether you told the truth about the interrogation or lied, you introduced yourself in vain.

But this will be explained to Airapetov later, but for now Duke is hurrying along the empty corridors to the administrative building.

He opens one door, then another, knocks another warrant officer unconscious...

Finally he is in the administrative building. On the second floor. On the fifth floor are the investigators' offices. This floor communicates through a system of passages with the rest of the buildings so that the arrested can be led directly. Duke has only three floors to climb up the stairs.

He steps onto the first flight, and at that moment the sound alarm goes off. Someone somewhere finally came to their senses, caught themselves and pressed the panic button.

Duke shakes his head disapprovingly - yes, during this time, if he were not alone, if he had the tools, if he had the appropriate task, the entire pre-trial detention center could have been demolished to the ground. How unprofessional.

He runs up the stairs, and at this time on the fifth floor, Leonid Prikhodko, aka Kleshnya, appears from one corridor, accompanied by an escort. Alena Belova comes from another corridor, accompanied by a guard.

If they continue their movement, their paths will cross near the stairs.


Whom? - Bondarev asks again.

You. And you.

Bondarev and Marat look at each other. They don't really like such high trust. Bondarev looks around for an “accountant” for advice, but does not find him. Belov hasn't returned yet either, and the whole situation suddenly becomes quite alarming.

Most auction participants look suspiciously at Bondarev and Marat and are clearly not eager to entrust them with the representation of their interests. But the Second is not going to argue with anyone anymore; he invites all named individuals to get into the elevator and go to the meeting room.

Just a minute,” says the eldest of the Chechens. - Why are all four of us going there? We all have the same opinion. Two are enough. Let Lecho go,” he points to the young Chechen who has spoken so much in the last half hour. - And Musa. And Magomed and I will wait for them here.

A little more, and the Second one will also start yelling. As soon as he comes up with another brilliant plan to resolve the situation, some cretin is found who complicates it. What the hell, huh?!

Maybe you can all go together after all? - the Second one insistently suggests. “I don’t want you, those who stay here, to have conflicts with other auction participants.” It seems to me that they are very unhappy with your behavior...

“You have plenty of security here,” the older Chechen says with a smile. -Can't they protect us?

“As you wish,” the Second waves his hand. - If you want, stay here...

He had already thought about it and decided that it was unprincipled - all four would enter the negotiation room at once, or they would enter there in batches. The main thing is that they will not leave there - the Chinese are already in place. No one is allowed to spoil the auctions for the sale of a portable nuclear device that the Firm arranges. Even if this device was once yours. Was? It was, but it disappeared. Whatever fell from the cart was lost. Four on the side, none of yours. As well as other legal precedents to send Chechens to the next world. After all, we were the ones who found the toy you sowed. It was our Lefty who fixed it. And we have the sacred right to make as much money for her as we can.

Another question is that killing four Chechens with great connections and not getting into trouble for it is also a great art.

The best way to avoid trouble is to blame everything on someone else. The Chinese showed the Second two completely peaceful businessmen who had recently begun to cooperate with the Firm. Here you can soak them without consequences. And if you kill them, and then say that it was they who killed the Chechens when they shared the “nuclear suitcase,” then that’s just great.

Bondarev, Marat, Lecho, Musa, Second and two guards enter the elevator. The second one presses the button and the elevator doors close. The cabin begins to rise.

Black Malik is watching this closely. He estimates in his mind the approximate lifting capacity of the elevator and its dimensions.

Then he looks at the stand with the “nuclear suitcase”. This is a very interested look.


Morozova led him along some very strange route. First they went down the stairs to the very bottom, that is, to the warehouse level. Morozova whispered about something with one of the guards and ordered Alexei to turn in the opposite direction, that is, upward. Somewhere in the middle of these up-and-down walks, Isa disappeared from Alexei’s sight, but now he was sure that this silent boy did not do anything for nothing.

They went up two or three levels and turned into a corridor.

“When a man with a gun is walking behind me,” Alexey broke the silence, “it seems to me that I’m under arrest.”

That’s why never let a man with a gun get behind you,” Morozova advised.

So am I under arrest?

This is not the police for you. If they don't trust you, they will simply kill you without any arrest.

But since I still haven’t been killed, it turns out that they trust me?..

Honestly, I don't trust anyone. And I need you for one small matter.

Won't it hurt? - Alexey tried to joke.

So far no one has complained.

Alexey wanted to ask: “Were there many people who didn’t complain?”, but then a security guard came out from around the corner and poked him in the stomach with the muzzle of a machine gun. Over the guard's shoulder, Alexey saw other armed people. They stood silently in the corridor and seemed to be waiting for something.

“Keep an eye on him,” Morozova told the guard, and she moved on.

Finally, baby.

This was said by the unusually excited Second. He grabbed Morozova by the shoulders and shook her joyfully, as if Morozova had just won some competition, and he was her coach.

What's happened? - asked Morozova.

Now everything will end,” the Second said vaguely. - They created such a madhouse, you know... And who is that with you?

“It’s a boy,” Morozova said. - Which one you asked for.

What the hell is this, baby? What other boy did I ask for?

The boy who will kill Kharkevich. And on whom everything can then be blamed...

Ahh! So Kharkevich - already?

That's it.

Baby, you make me happy today.

What should I do with my boyfriend?

As agreed.

The second one thought about it. Then he suddenly smiled.

Why be smart? Get the hell out of here!

Where here?

The second pointed to the door of the meeting room.

What's here? - asked Morozova.

Here we solve our problems,” the Second grinned. - Chinese technique.

He pulled back part of the decorative panel on the door, and a “peephole” appeared. Morozova looked inside the meeting room. Four people lay side by side on luxurious sofas.

“Now I’ll bring you some more,” the Second grinned and walked towards the elevator.


Leonid Prikhodko, aka Kleshnya, appears from the corridor connecting the administrative building of the pre-trial detention center with the building for those who have committed serious crimes, accompanied by a guard. Alena Belova comes from another corridor, accompanied by a guard. According to the instructions, one of the guards must stop his prisoner, order him to turn to the wall and let the oncoming escort pass. However, neither the guard Kleshni nor the woman in uniform behind Alena Belova does this.

Alena doesn’t think about it, she just mechanically moves her feet and looks down. But Claw, as soon as Alena came into his field of vision, did not take his eyes off her.

Both prisoner-guard pairs continue moving and approach the stairs that lead down from the fifth floor. Duke is just running up to these stairs. The siren is not on yet.

And here the following happens. The Claw guard slows down and stops at the barred window into the courtyard. The guard looks carefully out the window, as if something very important is happening there.

Almost simultaneously with him, the woman in uniform also stops moving. She looks at wrist watch, begins to turn the winding head and is completely immersed in this activity, not noticing anything else.

Alena, by inertia, takes a couple more steps, and then realizes that something is wrong. Something has changed. She looks up and sees that the prisoner walking towards her is for some reason walking on his own, and the guard is standing near the window. Alena turns around uncertainly and sees that her escort has also fallen behind. Before she realizes what this means, Claw rushes towards her and begins to choke her.

Alena wheezes and raises her hands in defense, but this is of little use. During the weeks she spent in the pre-trial detention center, she lost weight and became weaker, but even if not for these circumstances, it is unlikely that she would have been able to resist strong hands Claws. Her knees buckle and her vision darkens.

At these seconds, Duke steps onto the first steps of the flight of stairs leading from the second floor of the administrative building to the third. Moments later, a sharp siren sound will be heard.

A woman in uniform calmly winds her watch and does not pay attention to what is happening at the stairs. Guard Claw reacts differently. He was not told what exactly was going to happen. He was asked to turn away and allow Claw to meet an old acquaintance. He was paid only for this. The guard thought that it would be a matter of a few words, hugs, or something like that. But Claw simply kills the girl, and this threatens the guard with such troubles that he would not want to run into.

The guard runs up to Claw, puts his hand under his chin and begins to pull him back. At first it seems that he will succeed, but then Claw abruptly lets go of the girl, she falls, and focuses on the guard. Claw doesn't care how many murders he gets a life sentence for - four, five or six. For girls or cops. Moreover, Claw really doesn’t like being taken away from his work.

He jerks his head back sharply and breaks the guard's face, then hits him in the stomach with his left elbow and sinks his teeth into the hand that was near his throat, biting it to the bone. The guard yells and recoils, tearing the baton from his belt.

Simultaneously, a siren screams at the guard. A woman in uniform looks up from her watch. Alena clings to the railing and stands up, despite the dizziness. The guard steps forward, raising his rubber baton. For Claw, the siren is an unambiguous hint that everything needs to be finished as soon as possible.

Duke lifts his head up - the sounds coming from the fifth floor frighten him.

He climbs a few more steps, and then a body flies from above, almost hitting Duke. It hits the railings, steps and rolls down like a heavy, broken doll.

Duke gets cold.


When Second opens the door to the meeting room, Bondarev says:

Mmm... Looks good.

I hope that here we will be able to solve all our problems,” says the Second and goes into the room, inviting the others to follow him. Two young Chechens, Lecho and Musa, come in. Then Marat comes in.

They look around, sit down on long, luxurious sofas, and the Second, like a hospitable host, says some words, circles around... He creates the impression that he, too, is about to sit down, cross his legs, pour himself some champagne and start talking about business. He doesn't really intend to stay here, he says something like, "Just a minute, I'll be right back," and goes out into the hallway. What is characteristic is that he did not close the door behind himself, which should serve as a symbol of his imminent return. But Bondarev remembers that the meeting room is separated from the corridor by a vestibule with two doors. And he clearly hears the click of the outer door closing. “Oh my God,” Bondarev thinks. “Not gas.”

Bondarev is sure that they are being watched, so he continues to smile, sits down on the sofa, appreciatively strokes the leather covering, and examines the label on the bottle of champagne. Marat sits opposite, he takes a handkerchief from his pocket and begins to smooth it on his knee. Then he looks up at Bondarev and says with his lips:

Just not gas.

The Chechens are talking to each other as if nothing had happened, Bondarev distinguishes individual words, and in these words there is absolutely no understanding of the situation. The Chechens think that they will actually negotiate with them.

Bondarev looks at Marat and nods. If he had time to talk about all sorts of philosophical nonsense, he would say that it is very ironic to find his only allies in the person of Black Malik's boys. Life has a pretty dark sense of humor. And a lot of fiction.

“Guys,” says Marat in Chechen. - Don't look at me, just listen. We were brought to this room to be killed.

The Chechens fall silent for a moment, then, without looking in Marat’s direction, Lecho warily says:

I understand why they want to kill us. What do you have to do with it?

I'll explain it later. Better listen - they locked us here, now they’ll talk to their boss and start. If they release gas or shoot from hidden loopholes, we are finished.

And what do you suggest?

“Drink,” says Marat with a cheerful smile and picks up a bottle of French cognac.

We don’t drink,” says Lecho. - Why is this necessary at all?

There must be poison here,” Marat says quietly, while Bondarev loudly tells the stony-faced Musa an indecent joke. - Or sleeping pills. We will lose consciousness and they will come in to slaughter us like sheep. It will be absolutely safe for them. If we really are unconscious. But you can only pretend to drink. You can only pretend to pass out. And when they come in...

“I’ll tear them to pieces,” says Lecho and smiles with sincere joy.


When the footsteps in the corridor fade away, Kharkevich opens his eyes and tries to breathe deeply, but every breath of air is filled with unbearable pain. Kharkevich somehow pulls off his thin black sweater, which is now torn by bullets. Kharkevich tugs at the fasteners of his bulletproof vest, relieving the pressure on his chest. Then he takes off his bulletproof vest and hastily rips his T-shirt, looking warily at own body, so vulnerable without body armor. Kharkevich does not see the wounds, does not see the torn skin and protruding flesh. He sees a couple of bruises, and they are very painful bruises, but the bullets are lodged in the vest. Kharkevich wipes the sweat from his face and is horrified to see blood on his hand - after all, he is wounded! He gets to his feet and sees blood on the floor. Kharkevich feels himself and, when he touches his neck and the left side of his face, he feels a sticky warmth.

Kharkevich gets scared and loses his balance for a moment. But then he realizes that if he hasn’t died yet, it means that all his wounds are not fatal. Two bullets in the chest and a third that almost tore his throat. Son of a bitch - Kharkevich’s thoughts finally shift from his own unfortunate person to the one who tried to kill him. Son of a bitch. Puppy. Who did you want to kill?! You could say I picked you up on the street! I gave you a chance! I took you to the Firm! I gave you money! I saved you! Kharkevich is overwhelmed by hatred, multiplied by pain, and he begins to confuse Alexei with someone else, but the main thing he remembers absolutely precisely is that he must go and shoot the puppy.

Kharkevich puts on a bulletproof vest, leaves a torn sweater on the floor and, looking threatening, stumbles out into the corridor. Here a second batch of recent memories comes over him.

Belov was not alone - with him was... Morozova. Yes! Kharkevich swears shrilly in the gloomy space of the underground corridor, and his voice takes on an ominous echo. Of course, Belov would not have dared to do this alone. He carried out Morozova's instructions. She is the one behind everything. She conspired - against him. Out of envy. And he uncovered this conspiracy. I don’t know how, but I opened it, and she... Bitch! Rubbish! But... Kharkevich takes his breath away.

But she doesn't know him yet. She doesn't know what he's capable of. She doesn't know who his uncle is. She doesn't know what she's getting into. She is facing death.

Are you the owner of an American car? You are driving along a country highway, 68 miles on a cruise, the radio is playing pleasant music, you are sitting relaxed in your seat and enjoying the trip. Is this a familiar picture? But only during the day. At night, and even in the rain, the speed drops to 40, a close look into the darkness behind the windshield, the radio is turned off, its display makes it difficult to look at the road. Most likely, this is also a familiar picture.

Over the three years of owning a car with HB1 optics, I tried almost everything: I polished the headlights, I changed the lamps, I looked for losses in the wiring... The only thing I did not change the headlights to new original ones (the costs do not correspond to the result) and did not install xenon in the old headlights (I saw it a couple of times; such drivers in hell face centuries of constant castration without anesthesia).

The top picture shows a car with headlights of the European ECE standard, the bottom picture shows the American FMVSS 108. It can be clearly seen that the Euro headlights only shine below line 2, with the exception of the segments for roadside lighting. American ones shine mainly above line 2, that is, into the eyes of oncoming people. This is why European headlights use lamps with higher light output.

For example, a standard H4 light bulb (most cars with combined optics, for example the first generation Smart) has a light output of 1,000 lumens in low beam and 1,650 in high beam. The H1 (separate optics, for example BMW) has 1,550 lumens. We also do not forget that in separate optics both low and high beams work simultaneously, that is, the total luminous flux is 6,200 lumens.

I was lucky to become the owner of a car with HB1 headlight lamps with a light output of 700 lumens for low beam and 1,200 for high beam. This standard was a transition from headlight lamps (the lamp is integral with the headlight and changes with it) to HB3 and higher with a luminous flux of 1,700 lumens. HB1 lamps are used in almost all American cars of the late 80s and early 90s. And it is precisely with them that the judgment is connected that American light sucks.

What to do? Ideally, replace it with similar European optics. If it is not there, then you can install additional headlights. In my case, there was European optics, but its installation required replacing the entire lining and radically changed appearance car for the worse. I didn’t want to install additional optics, since I couldn’t find round headlights with low and high beams in one headlight, I didn’t want to install square ones, and 6 headlights (low-high beams and fog lights) in a row on the bumper are still too much. So I gave up on new headlights and bought a Dremel. Here we go! Unfortunately, there are no photos of the process; I did it in a hurry and didn’t want to write about the process.

In addition to the Dremel (RUB 3,500), we purchased:

Hella modules 1BL 998 570-001. The modules are completely sealed, the lenses are made of glass. (RUB 5,000 per pair)
- HB3 xenon kit (2,500 - 7,000 rubles. I got it for myself for 5,000)

Metal crown 80 mm (Bosch, 800 rubles)
- carbon-look film Oracal 975, 1 p/m (they don’t sell less, RUB 2,700)
- Wesem 2NO high beam headlights (RUB 2,500). Very decent quality and lighting. Glass glass :) Extra dimension in the headlight. An analogue from Hella would cost 5,000 apiece, and considering that there is nowhere to travel with a long-range one now...
- wires, connectors, small tools (at the right time - invaluable)

Brief description of the work procedure. We remove the headlights. Using a Dremel, we saw off the back of the body and take out the reflector and other offal. We carefully mark the center of the module and three holes for fastenings on the plastic “glass” of the headlight; the diagram should be in the manual for the modules. Checking the markup. We drill the holes with a millimeter drill. Checking the markup. Using a crown saw, we cut out a hole for the module and drill out holes for the mounting bolts. Don't forget about the drainage holes in the lower part of the housing, because our headlight is no longer sealed. We install the module in the headlight and secure it. If we mess up with the markings, we putty the holes and drill new ones (I got it right the first time). We get a draft version of what was planned. But our headlight glass is transparent and through it you can see the fasteners and the inside of the module. And since we cut off part of the headlight housing, so did the dirt from the engine compartment. Glass can be frosted and painted, but I wanted to try a new material for me - vinyl film. First of all, inscriptions and relief elements were removed from the headlight glass with a Dremel. A carbon-look film was chosen because its corrugated surface hides surface defects, and I didn’t want to prepare the glass as carefully as for painting. Please note - film is required for outdoor use. Most of what is sold in auto stores is intended for interior use and “lives” on the street for 6 months versus 5 years for “street” ones. Initially, I focused specifically on Chinese film from auto parts for 800 rubles. per meter, but I had to buy Oracal because of its durability. There was an idea to give the headlights to a vinyl styling studio, I called several organizations near the house, explained for a long time that I was not a fool and I knew that the headlights would not be installed after that (they never understood me). The studios wanted from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles for their work. For two rectangles 150x200! I decided to buy film with this money and experiment myself. It worked the 4th time; if there had been no hole for the lens, it would have been easier. But you need to glue the film just before cutting the hole in order to bend the edges of the film inside it.

We put headlights on the car. I mounted the high beam headlights on the radiator grille; the Explorer's bumper doesn't protrude much forward; it would be difficult to install.

The lenses are halogen, but I installed 4300K ​​xenon in them. They differ from xenon halogen lenses only in the base and price. The curtain and the lens itself are identical. At the same time, the cost of halogen lenses and a set of Korean xenon is 3 times less than xenon lenses with branded ignition units. And the ability to replace lamps with halogen can be useful during technical inspection.

We turn on the headlights. We're freaking out. We understand that we could save money on high beam headlights - they are simply not needed. By the way, with halogen lamps, the headlights also shine well, but because the light is yellow, it seems that the lighting is worse.

Although no, the additional dimensions were definitely not superfluous.

The cut-off line is perfect. Adjusted it at the inspection station. There are no complaints about light distribution. Sometimes it blinds those around you: due to the fact that the headlights are located high, the mirrors of low cars are below the cut-off line. Infinity QX has the same problem :) Comfortable speed on the night highway has risen to 75 miles per hour. Night driving is no longer scary. I highly recommend it to everyone. In winter I will do similar work on Smart. I will definitely post photos of the process.

Earth civilization is currently faced with a huge number of global problems, most of which arose due to the human factor. It is not yet possible to cope with many of them, since all the proposed methods for solving them have turned out to be ineffective. It is for this reason that many reputable institutions and organizations around the world are looking for innovative solutions to global problems. Our review contains the 10 strangest and most incredible decisions that, according to scientists, should save humanity.

1. Adopting a vegetarian lifestyle

Albert Einstein once said: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on Earth more than the evolutionary transition to a vegetarian diet.” According to several studies, Einstein was right. Adopting a vegetarian diet or a vegan lifestyle is one of the best things people can do for their health, and is also the key to solving one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today: climate change.

At first glance, eliminating meat consumption as a means of combating climate change may seem like a ridiculous idea, but a deeper look at the idea reveals a very scientific basis. The National Academy of Sciences reported that “livestock production is one of the most destructive drivers of climate change: it degrades air quality, pollutes waterways, and is the largest land-using industry.”

The UN estimates that livestock farming contributes approximately 18 percent to global climate change. In addition, this industry creates more greenhouse gases than all road, rail, air and sea transport worldwide. to the globe, taken together.

2. Sweating billboards

The Zika virus was first discovered in 1947. Since then, several outbreaks of the disease have occurred in various locations around the world, especially in the Pacific Islands, Africa and Southeast Asia. In early 2016, the virus reappeared, this time spreading strongly in Brazil. Even though the disease is not fatal and most symptoms are quite mild, the Zika virus is still very dangerous.

Pregnant women infected with the disease often give birth to babies with unusually small heads (a condition called microcephaly) or other brain defects. To combat the mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus, two Brazilian marketing firms, NBS and Posterscope, have developed a very strange solution - sweating billboards.

These billboards attract and kill mosquitoes by emitting a solution of lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid smells like sweat (hence the name), and carbon dioxide is a component of human breath. Such billboards attract mosquitoes from a distance of up to 3 km.

3. Giant space umbrella

Building a giant umbrella and then launching it into space may seem like a radical idea, but several respected organizations such as the European Union, the Royal Society, NASA and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change see such a project as a viable solution to global warming.

To return Earth's climate to pre-industrial levels, all that is needed is to block 2-4 percent of the sun's radiation. This is why (in theory, of course) a giant space umbrella could work. However, in real life, creating such a structure and launching it into space is almost impossible.

4. Plastic-eating flour beetles

The United States alone produces 33 million tons of plastic every year. Unfortunately, only 10 percent of it is recycled. As a result, due to such huge production volumes, this non-biodegradable material has become one of the largest causes of global pollution. Fortunately, scientists are close to solving this pressing global problem.

Surprisingly, the answer was found not in modern developments at all, but in microorganisms living in the intestines of a small flour beetle or mealworm. Researchers Jun Yang and Yu Yang from Beihang University, together with Wei-Ming Wu from Stanford University, found that mealworms are able to digest polystyrene foam and other forms of plastic.

In their study, the scientists found that 100 mealworms (mealworm larvae) could consume 34-39 mg of plastic every day. Surprisingly, the researchers also found that the health of mealworms that lived on strict diet made of plastic, no different from those who ate regular food.

5. Artificial plastic trees

Although carbon dioxide makes up only a small portion of the Earth's atmosphere, it has a huge impact on Earth's temperature. Carbon dioxide is odorless and colorless and is what people generate every day when they exhale. This gas is responsible for many problems on our planet, such as increasing acid levels in the oceans, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, climate change, wind and precipitation patterns.

Unlike nitrogen or oxygen, carbon dioxide absorbs heat rays from the Sun, resulting in what is known as global warming. In order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists come up with often bizarre, but scientifically sound ideas. Klaus Lackner from Columbia University has proposed using fake plastic trees to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

According to him, these artificial plants 1000 times more efficient than actual trees in absorbing carbon dioxide. Moreover, one such tree can also absorb one ton of greenhouse gases every day. Lackner estimates that it would take about 100 million plastic trees to completely neutralize the world's total carbon dioxide emissions.

The only problem with his idea is the cost: one artificial, "carbon dioxide-absorbing" tree costs $20,000.

6. Eating insects

Contrary to popular belief, eating insects is not harmful at all. For thousands of years, ancient human ancestors ate insects. Even great civilizations such as Rome and Greece included insects in their diet. In some parts of the world, caterpillars, grasshoppers and worms are considered delicacies or aphrodisiacs.

Experts now suggest that edible insects could potentially solve the problem of world hunger. In 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a report that found that such a solution could minimize food shortages and potential famine in many parts of the world.

At the same time, insect breeding is much less harmful to environment than raising livestock (produces less greenhouse gases and uses less water). In addition, insects feed on waste materials, which will reduce the need for recycling.

7. Human bioengineering

Most solutions to global warming can be divided into two categories: changes in human behavior and changes in the environment. The problem with these solutions is that they are either ineffective or very risky. The ineffectiveness of existing solutions to climate change has led three Oxford University researchers to propose a radical solution: scientists believe human bioengineering is the key to effectively combating global warming.

In their study, which was published in the Journal of Ethics, Politics and the Environment, the three scientists identified several methods for how people can "change themselves." Firstly, red meat intolerance has been proposed (given that the livestock industry is one of the most big reasons climate change). Also, by doing this, the amount of energy that people consume will be significantly reduced.

Secondly, it was recommended to make people smarter. Several studies have shown that "increased cognitive ability reduces fertility rates." Third, it has been proposed to treat humans with hormones such as oxytocin to make them kinder and more sensitive to the suffering of animals and other people.

8. Mass sterilization of women

By 2030, India will overtake China to become the most populous country in the world. When India became a free country in 1947, its total population was only 345 million, but in 2014 there were more than one billion Indians. This means that in just 67 years there are 900 million more people in this country. In order to control its growing population, the Indian government has introduced vasectomies for male citizens.

However, this was later abandoned as India is a patriarchal society where male sterilization is not socially acceptable. When the vasectomy plan failed, the government remembered women and launched the salpingectomy project. An estimated 37 percent of all married Indian women have undergone sterilization.

In some states, women are paid money for sterilization, in others it is illegal and women are provided with televisions, motorcycles, food, blenders and even cars.

9. Installation of blue lights

Blue may seem like an odd color for street lighting, but some experts believe that by lighting streets and train stations with blue light, two glaring global problems can be solved: street crime and suicide. In 2000, Glasgow, Scotland installed blue street lights throughout the city. To everyone's surprise, after this the number of crimes in those places where blue lights were installed decreased noticeably.

Inspired by these unexpectedly positive results, police in the Japanese city of Nara also installed blue street lights in 2005. As a result, the crime rate mysteriously dropped by 9 percent throughout the prefecture. In addition to street crime, blue lights have also reduced suicide rates. Several railway companies, such as Japan's Keihin Electric Express, have installed blue lighting at train stations, after which people have stopped throwing themselves in front of trains at these stations.

10. Moving the Earth away from the Sun

Several extreme ways to solve the problem of global warming have already been considered, but nothing compares to the radical idea of ​​​​moving the Earth into a further orbit from the Sun. A group of NASA scientists have proposed using comets or asteroids to change the orbit of our planet and place it in a colder and safe place within solar system.

The idea is to guide asteroids or comets near the Earth so that they transfer part of their gravitational energy to our planet. If this plan succeeds, the speed of the Earth's orbit will increase and it will gradually move away from the Sun.

Another global problem for humanity is garbage. will allow you to look at this problem from a different angle.

To be a full-fledged man in modern world It’s not just that stress, unhealthy environmental conditions, smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as some other psychological factors contribute to the emergence of various problems in intimate life. In order to understand what male intimate plastic surgery is, you need to realize that it is not always performed for an aesthetic purpose. In most cases, surgeons help patients get rid of quite serious health problems.

What operations are performed at the Seline clinic?

At the Seline clinic today, specialists provide the following range of services:

  1. Circumcision of the foreskin. This operation is performed not only as a result of religious principles, but also based on medical indications, when without it intimate life impossible;
  2. Installation of prostheses in the ovaries. Recommended for patients with a disease called cryptochristism;
  3. Plastic surgery on the frenulum. Often used for congenital deformities of this organ;
  4. Penile prosthetics. It is used for significant violations of the erectile function of the male genital organ. The operation can be performed different ways, depending on the patient’s health condition and his needs;
  5. Elimination of pathology of curvature of the phallus;
  6. Increase in penis size. The result can reach 4-5 centimeters;
  7. Denervation of the penis. A method that is used to help the patient achieve longer sexual intercourse, that is, to eliminate the symptoms of premature ejaculation;
  8. Removal of hernia and other subcutaneous tumors, as well as seals.

How to properly prepare for surgery?

Most of the above operations are performed under general anesthesia and require a long recovery period, during which the patient is not recommended to lift heavy objects, and in some cases even sit, and should also adhere to sexual rest. Preparation for radical problem solving must also be conscientious. Namely: it is necessary to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks and taking certain medications.

Prices for services

If we talk about the cost of such medical services, it is worth noting that it may vary depending on the severity of the existing problem. So, penis lengthening will cost at least 115,000 rubles, but circumcision of the foreskin will cost 80,000 rubles.