3 things cannot be kept at home. What can't you have in the house? List of things and advice from parapsychologists. What items are not recommended to be kept in your home? Wilted or artificial plants

Home is the most important place for every person. It is imbued with the spirit of its owners, the energy of the things with which we fill it. Furniture, dishes, clothes, so many things - without which we cannot organize our life. But there are things that should not be accumulated at home; it is better to take them to the trash if they have served their purpose. What should you not have in your home and why, what signs and superstitions exist in this regard?

You can't keep trash in the house

In every person’s home there are both new beautiful things and old ones that have already served the owner. If you have begun to be haunted by failures, things in the house are not going well, think about maybe it’s worth looking for the reason in old things. Maybe somewhere you forgot to take something to the landfill on time.

  1. Old shabby clothes and shoes. Everyone has a favorite pair of sneakers or favorite jeans, on which, for the tenth time, you mend holes, change fasteners or try to remove a stain. You shouldn't take things so seriously, they have their service life. Take unnecessary items to a second-hand store, where they will find a second life with new owners. And make room in your closet for new things. Old clothes accumulate all the negativity that you encounter on the subway, in the store, on the street. By throwing out old sweaters and hats, you will have a good reason to please yourself with new things, and this is always a great mood.
  2. Waste paper and bottles. Often, especially among older people, you can find a collection of Soviet-era newspapers and magazines and old bottles at home. This is an echo of difficult times when it was difficult to get something in the store. But now no one needs it, and it only collects dust on the mezzanine. If you believe the signs, such garbage in the house attracts poverty and quarrels in the family. Take these items to recycling centers.

Less old things in the house - more fresh air and light, and this the key to health and good mood.

Broken dishes and mirrors

Broken dishes and mirrors were always heard when the conversation was about bad omens that promised failure.

  • Our grandmothers warned about the consequences of admiring in front of a broken mirror. It is believed that mirror takes away all the negative energy from those people who looked at it. And if it is cracked, this energy begins to come out. That is why it is not recommended to look into such a mirror.
  • Broken dishes also was no exception. Not only is a cracked plate dangerous, shards can get into the food unnoticed, but it can also cause discord in the family. Since dishes have always been a symbol of home and family, family dinners at the same table.
  • Damaged, rusty, bent knives throw it away without a second thought. A knife is generally an extremely magical object; various rituals and conspiracies are often performed with its help. But if it is damaged, its blade collects all the negativity. By cutting yourself with such a knife, you can attract this evil energy to yourself.

This is how ordinary kitchen utensils can harm their owners, and a banal desire to comb one’s hair in front of a mirror can cause damage.

Is it possible to have paintings and photographs?

But what else can’t you have in your house, besides glass and garbage? It is not recommended to keep things in the house that depict violence, death, failure and misfortune. other people. Agree that in any case such items will not improve your mood. When, for example, when you come home after a hard day, you sit in a chair and admire a photograph with views of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

  1. Photographs and paintings with subjects that exert negative pressure on the psyche. Of course, everyone wants to decorate the walls of the room creatively, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Do not hang photographs with fallen trees, grinning animals, or war scenes. Subconsciously, this will put pressure on the psyche, spoil the mood, and bring negativity.
  2. Damaged photographs and portraits with your image. According to signs, it is believed that such things carry the meaning of destruction of family and friendship.
  3. Any images of deceased people should be stored separately from others.

It turns out that paintings depicting bad weather, storms and storms can carry negative energy into the house. What then can we say about Malevich’s “Black Square”.

Gifts from enemies, skins, horns, stuffed animals.

There are holidays to which everyone you know is invited, without exception. And it doesn’t matter what feelings you have for your mother-in-law or mother-in-law or other close people.

For example, wedding or anniversary will not be able to do without such important guests; this is required by the rules of etiquette. Of course, all the guests will come with gifts and will say nice words and wishes to you. But congratulations that are not from the heart will not bode well for you. Gifts, of course, must be accepted with a smile and gratitude, because all these are necessary things. But here is it worth using them and storing them at home?, think about it.

You can take them to the dacha and leave them there, you can give them with good thoughts to another person and then they will no longer carry anything bad in themselves. You decide. The main thing is not to forget, in order not to get into an awkward position, do not give them back to the same person who gave them to you.

And if in your circle of friends there are hunters and avid lovers of souvenirs who can present you with their trophy: skins, antlers, stuffed animals or, for example, shells brought from the sea. Don’t rush to use all this in your interior. Think about it These items once belonged to living beings. And absolutely, having killed a deer for its skin and antlers, there is no way to charge such a trophy with positive good energy.

The gift should be simple, functional and belong only to you, and best of all, if it is made with your own hands and from the heart.

Houseplants: which ones you can and shouldn’t keep at home

Everyone, especially residents of big cities, lacks clean air in stuffy apartments. We densely fill our window sills with pots of green friends and helpers. Some plants will become our friends, but some of them will bring grief and troubles to the house:

  1. Various types vines attract illness and family quarrels. The exception is grapes.
  2. Pansies and palm trees are not recommended for placement at home.
  3. Fir branches and throw away the trees immediately after the end of the New Year holidays. After all, they always carried a grave theme.
  4. Reed, feather grass attracted to the house serious illnesses and death.
  5. Withered bouquets throw them away and don’t regret it, they have already died and served their purpose.

Having sorted out what you can’t have in your home, you can draw conclusions - the less junk you put in cabinets and shelves, the better the atmosphere in your rooms and kitchen. And this is the key to a happy family.

Video: what should not be kept in the house?

In this video, esotericist and astrologer Olga Kiryushova will tell you what you need to have at home so that you always have money, and what it is absolutely not recommended to have:

Those who surround themselves with the wrong people and objects are catastrophically unlucky. With people it’s immediately clear, but you may not even know about objects, but they also emit certain waves when they come into contact with the outside world, and act like a magnet - they attract a plus in their own opinion and repel with a minus something that does not coincide in their own opinion. vibrations with them.

There are certain signs of what cannot be stored or had in the house, since these things attract poverty. Some of them are direct indicators of a person’s thinking, so it is clear that wealth will never come to this house. For example, you are holding onto a chipped dish. Broken, chipped dishes are a taboo for home storage, because these things attract poverty. You cannot get rid of them, which means, logically, you cannot let something new into your life. For what reason is up to you to figure out.

Empty bottles on the table are bad. After all, an empty bottle is a clear sign of emptiness, the lack of something. The signs relate not only to empty bottles, but also to all empty dishes that have been used and are now sitting idle.

You cannot pass bread to people over the threshold, or let them break it over the threshold, because in this way you can become poor yourself. Also, you cannot transfer money across the threshold, especially you cannot lend money in the evening. As for money, there are several signs, for example, banknotes should always be kept straightened, because if you twist them, they will not move. You cannot pick up small bills and change from the street or take change from someone, because in this way you only attract distress to yourself.

You can’t lend money on the first day of pay, because you’re only setting it up to leave your hands without warming up or multiplying once it arrived. If you consider it a bad sign to give or borrow in a house where someone recently died, you are picking up negative energy, and money is a powerful conductor, a means of achieving a goal, which means the money you took will always be denigrated by this negative information.

Since money is an important component of wealth, having a piggy bank in the house is a positive thing, however, the money in it cannot be counted. Most signs are related to money, so symbols of poverty or various images, hints that money has no place in your home should be removed. Do not bring, even in a joking manner, anything that will not suit you.

Dried, withered, rotten flowers cannot be left in the house - this can lead to the fact that all your profits and plans will wither or rot. It is best in the house, in addition to the signs mentioned above, not to keep things from ill-wishers. If you were given a gift, but it only causes rejection in you, you don’t like it in any way, and it even becomes uncomfortable to be at home, get rid of it as soon as possible, because in this way you are only making your life easier. Act wisely, you shouldn’t remodel all the furniture in the house - just feel what, how and where to put it, what to bring into the house, who to bring, so as not to cause poverty.

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Do not store worn-out clothes and shoes at home that have already served their purpose - this is an accumulator of negative energy.
If the item is dear to you and you are going to wear it again, repair it, wash it and put it in its proper place.
Always evaluate old shoes and clothes based on whether you will still wear them. If you don't, throw it away.

🔴 Dishes with cracks, chips, or defects obtained during operation disrupt the energy of food, making it dangerous to human health. This spoils the energy of the food and simply “poisons” you. Cups and plates break for a reason: this is a sign that not all is well in your home.
No matter how much you like the dishes, if they crack or a piece breaks off, such dishes need to be thrown away. The plate (bowl) symbolizes family. Flaws in the dishes indicate possible problems in the relationship.

🔴 Climbing plants (vines) have a place on the external walls of the house - then they protect the home from the harmful influence of other people's energy. Located indoors, they attract diseases.
If the plant is located outside the house, on the outside, then this is only beneficial - your house is protected. But if such a plant is inside the house, then its growth should be organized in such a way that the climbing stems form a ball in the pot. You can install a wire frame.

🔴 Dried flowers generally carry positive energy.
The only exceptions are feather grass and reeds.
Keeping reeds in the house is dangerous. Dried, they attract misfortune and portend illness and death.
Feather grass will bring similar troubles if you decorate a room with it. It foreshadows widowhood.

At the same time, you can have other dried flowers in the house; most of them process negative radiation, protecting residents from diseases.

Flowers such as pansies should not be grown at home either. They are traditionally planted near graves.

It is appropriate to place coniferous branches in a vase only during the New Year holidays. It is bad luck to keep these branches in your apartment during the rest of the year.

But begonia - a symbol of family well-being - will always help balance the situation.

Never bring a donated palm tree into your home - there will be great grief.



🎾 Flowers in pots always reflect the state of their owners.
If you care about flowers, then their condition will always tell you how comfortable the state of energy is inside the house. Sitting near fresh flowers, looking at and even touching them, you get a charge of vigor and calm.
If you are upset or sad, sit near a flower and look at it. After some time you will become more comfortable.
You can mentally talk to flowers and then the flowers will try to help you solve your problems using their own methods. Growing flowers in the house is always good.
Tanned skins in the home (shop, office...) contribute to successful trade, increase capital, and also protect property. Only the skins need care and attention.

🎾 Dried flowers, placed in a vase and creating a unique bouquet, promote well-being, wealth, health and comfort. They neutralize negative energy.
True, in Russia today there is a completely erroneous opinion that dried flowers cannot be stored in the house.
Flowers and herbs hung in bunches in a certain place or in utility rooms further improve the energy of the house. Remember, before in every village house, bunches of herbs were suspended from the ceiling or tucked behind the ceiling.
Herbs and flowers stored in the house and naturally drying, they release health energy, which protects the house during periods of epidemics.

🎾 Animal figurines (not grotesque ones) protect the house from misfortunes, and also store monetary wealth.
Dogs, bears, tigers, dragons protect you.
Figures of soldiers, warriors, and nesting dolls, repeating each other and placed in a row, are an excellent cleanser. Elephants, following each other and decreasing in size from larger to smaller, are a universal cleaner. It is no coincidence that elephants used to stand on shelves in many homes.

🎾 Pillows are a talisman of marital love.
If the pillows are tapestry, with an embroidered pattern, bright, they protect against separation from your loved one and focus attention on your partner.
If there are flowers on the pillows, this is a talisman of health;
if images of people, animals - protect from dangers; if the image is of landscapes, buildings - this helps to be successful in your endeavors.

🎾 Mirror

The mirror has long had a reputation as a magical attribute. According to legend, breaking it means experiencing misfortune for seven years. But this terrible consequence can be avoided if, after breaking a mirror, you perform the following ritual: throw salt over your shoulder, turn counterclockwise three times, and then set fire to the fragments of the mirror. Fire-darkened fragments should be stored for a year and then buried. Then you will have only one bad year instead of seven.
Still, mirrors are believed to bring good luck. The more of them in the house, the better. A mirror is necessary in the hallway: it absorbs negative energy that the owners or guests can bring into the house. It is not for nothing that there is a sign: if you return halfway for a forgotten thing, be sure to look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.
If you are in a bad mood, stand in front of the mirror and look closely into your eyes. Your mood will improve. It is recommended to hang a mirror next to the table in the living room or kitchen - it will attract prosperity and wealth into the house.
Never hang a mirror in such a position that it “cuts off” the head of someone in the household. In this case, he will suffer from headaches. But you shouldn’t hang it too high.

🎾 Carpets

The floors in the rooms are usually covered with carpets. The energy properties of a carpet largely depend on its shape.
Round rugs symbolize peace and spirituality. They are best placed on the floor in the bedroom, living room, dining room, where a calm atmosphere should reign.
Square and rectangular carpets and rugs are associated with the material, intellectual and technological spheres. They are suitable for classrooms, offices, libraries, hallways and staircases. Oval carpets have universal energy and therefore will be appropriate everywhere.
If your finances are bad, place a piece of dried moss or seaweed. It attracts money. Under no circumstances should you turn the rug over if you accidentally placed it inside out. Walking on a carpet that is upside down is fortunate.
You cannot place a carpet on an unwashed floor - all the negative energy accumulated in the room will settle under it.
Before vacuuming carpets, scatter fragrant herbs and sprinkle salt on them. This also neutralizes negative energy.

🎾 From the point of view of bioenergy, the objects in the kitchen have very important properties. But don’t forget that the main thing here is still the food!

The stove is associated with the element of fire; The Chinese believe that it must certainly face the southeast and, as a sacred object, it must be kept clean.
According to legend, you should not cry, swear, kiss or sing near the stove.
You cannot cut onions, either on the stove itself or near it.

An equally important attribute of kitchen magic is the dining table. It symbolizes the home altar, so you need to place it in such a way that the energy flowing around the foundation of the house flows around it, that is, parallel to the wall. You cannot sit on the table, put money or keys on it - this can bring misfortune.

🎾 Various technical devices have long become a part of our lives, and most of them have settled in the kitchen. But we often forget that machines also have a “soul”.
Due to the possibility of dynamic impact, man-made devices are at a much higher energy information level than ordinary things.
Therefore, technology acquires some features inherent in a living being rather than an inanimate object.
A typical situation is that the device does not work if it is not handled politely. While the owner curses him with the last words: “Oh, you, so and so, so and so!” – the fault cannot be eliminated. And it’s worth talking to him kindly: “What are you doing, dear? Come on, my dear!” – the machine corrects itself.

Is it possible to store shoes at home that you would hate to throw away and can’t wear? What about birthday gifts you didn’t like? the site gives a list of things that it is advisable to remove from the house as soon as possible.

Breathe deeply!

The first rule that residents of cities who live in small apartments need to remember: there should be few things in the apartment. “Things” means everything: furniture, carpets, toys, dishes, clothes, bed linen, etc. After all, every thing is an accumulator of dust. The most common dust, which, if a person is predisposed to allergies, can become the “last straw” on the way to this very difficult to treat disease. You can, of course, devote your life to endlessly wiping, airing, and knocking out all these objects. But doesn't your life deserve better dedication?

And now - more about what needs to be thrown away first and the reasons for this.

What should not be stored in the house

Soft toys should not be kept indoors without any compelling reason (throwing away your child’s favorite teddy bear is still too much). It is in soft toys that relatively harmless household dust (let us emphasize - relatively safe!) likes to settle. And it is in soft toys that they settle:

Therefore, soft toys, if they are not connected to your heart with strong threads of love, cannot be kept in the house. If you can’t throw them away, then wash them as often as possible.

Gifts you don't like. In relation to everything that causes negative feelings in the soul, the rule should apply: there is no place for this in my life. Without any offense towards the person who came with an unnecessary gift, on the contrary - with gratitude for your efforts, give this thing to someone. After all, negative feelings are like microdoses of poison. Do you need it?

Paintings depicting ferocious animals, storms with a shipwreck, ferocious masks brought from vacation in the “jungle where there are many wild monkeys” - everything that has even a shadow of fear on or in itself must be eliminated from life. Fear is an emotion of enormous power, with the help of which you can control a person, suppresses his will, ability to think soberly, etc. It is unlikely that you will become numb with horror when you look at an African mask, but the subtle fluids of this feeling still touch your soul and weaken the protective forces of your aura.

Stuffed animals, skins of killed animals, seashells, dried starfish - all of this is dead, everything is fraught with the energy of death, everything needs your energy. Isn't there a better use for your potential in life?

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Old shoes and things

We move on to house slippers and old clothes. Under no circumstances should you keep worn, torn slippers at home, which accumulate negative energy, but it is better to replace them, for example, with beach slippers, which are more durable. You should also not store old clothes, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. All these things can attract problems, poor health and negative thoughts. Don't be afraid to let go of the old to make room for new moments.

Climbing plants and flowers with thorns

Climbing flowers have no place in your apartment, because they can attract illness and misfortune. It is also not recommended to keep feather grass in the house, otherwise you may become widowed early. If you are suddenly given a palm tree, do not rush to bring it into the house. This plant can attract discord and grief. Therefore, it is better to admire palm trees somewhere else.

As for thorny plants (cacti, roses, rose hips), then, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they can block positive energy and do not contribute in any way to creating a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

Coniferous branches

Almost the same applies to coniferous branches. They are appropriate only during the New Year holidays, and the rest of the time keeping them in the apartment is a bad omen. You can invite trouble and misfortune. Therefore, if you are used to keeping a Christmas tree at home until it all falls off, then this year we strongly recommend getting rid of it as soon as possible.

Broken dishes and broken equipment

If your favorite set, inherited from your grandmother, is broken or cracked, throw it away without hesitation! And there is no need to try to revive a cute cup that you were once given as a gift - you will only make the situation worse. After all, plates are a symbol of a strong family, so you need to make sure that they look perfect. Like all other dishes.

The same goes for broken equipment. You shouldn't keep electronics in your home that are broken and that you hope to fix someday. Maybe. Bioenergy specialists call electronics energy portals and claim that negativity passes through the equipment, but remains inside while the device is working. But as soon as the electronics fail, all the negativity begins to accumulate in your home.

Broken mirrors

It would seem that everyone has long known that a broken mirror is unlucky. Which, according to folk signs, will last about 7 years and does not bode well. Bioenergetics experts claim that broken mirrors (and glass) not only attract troubles, but also distort positive energy, turning it into dark energy.

Empty bottles and waste paper

Paper and glass attract negativity, accumulate dust and clutter the space. That's why it's so important to get rid of old newspapers and magazines, as well as throw away empty bottles, which, believe me, you have no use for.